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M CS 7/ Km - The Library of Congressrs5.loc.gov/master/gdc/scdser01/200401/books_on_film_project/loc06/...the family record of david rittenbouse including his sisters esther, anne

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    firrHiAs rittenhqlM












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    CHILDREN OF No. 38. VOL. I.

    DAVID RITTENHOUSE*, of Matthias3, of Nicholas 2,ofWilliam1".


    Indiridutl Family Gra. No. No.'

    5 4200 1 Elizabeth Rittenkouse,b. about 1767; m. Jonathan Dickinson Sergeant, Esq., of Philadelphia, at the close of the year 1788 ;itwas his second marriage.

    Mr.Jonathan Dickinson Sergeant was an eminent lawyer in Philadelphia, and for some time Attorney General of Pennsylvania ;he was one of the fivepersons delegated on the 20th of February, 1776, by the convention of New Jersey (where he then resided) to represent that colony inCongress. His colleagues were the late Governor Livingstone and John de Hart, Richard Smith and John Cooper, Esquires. Mr.Sergeant died with the yellow fever, in Philadelphia, on the Bth of October, 1793. He left a son and two daughters by this marriage. He was the first Attorney General of Pennsylvania.

    Instead of leaving the city during the time of the yellow fever, 1793, he remained in the city,and was a leader of those who devoted their time and money to the establishing ofhospitals for the relief of the sick. No doubt many lives were saved through his action, although he became* a prey to the disease and died while engaged in the good cause. Their children were Esther, David and Frances.

  • 6 DAVID RITTENHOUSE. Indlridaal Family

    Gen." No. No.

    5 4201 2 Esther Rittenhouse, b. about 1770 ;m. Nicholas Baker Waters, M. DMDM of Philadelphia, in 1790, a young physician of re

    / spectable talents and amiable disposition ; he died of a pulmonary disease in August, 1794, at a very early age, leaving one son, who died young, on September 4, 18 13, aged 22 years, named David Rittenhouse Waters.

    David Rittenhouse named his second jdaughter Esther, in compliment to his sister, Mrs. Thomas Barton. Ina letter to the Rev. Thomas Barton, written on the occasion of the birth of this younger child,he says :"Tomeit is a matter of indifference, but to my Eleanor it was a great disappointment, to have a girl, having promised herself a boy ; and it had long since been resolved that this child, if a son, should be called Thomas, after yourself." The oldest daughter was named Elizabeth, after his own mother.

    5 4202 3 There was one daughter by the second marriage, but she died quite young.

    \ \

    CHILDREN OF No. 4200.

    ELIZABETHRITTENHOLfSEs (Sergeant), ofDavid*, ofMatthias of Nicholas 2,of William1.3, 6 4203 1 Esther Rittenhouse Sergeant, b. October 16,

    1789; d. June 4, 1870; m. Dr. William P. C. Barton, of the U. S. Navy,in 18 14; children, Elizabeth 1,Emma 4, Julia8,Adelines, Harriet, William,Emma, William, Mary, Lavinia, Clara, Selina, William; one died in infancy.

    6 4204 2 David Rittenhouse Sergeant, b. July 1, 1791 ; d. August 8, 1872 ; unmarried.



    7 IndiTttual' Funllr

    Got. %>. No. 6 4205 3 Frances Rittenhouse Sergeant, b. November

    17, 1793 ;. d. November 3,1847 ;m. John Cole Lowber ;children, Elizabeth, Alice, William, Henry, Frances.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4203.

    ESTHER RITTENHOUSE SERGEANT6 (Barton), of Elizabeth Rittenhouse 5 (Sergeant), ofDavid4,ofMatthias 3, of Nicholas 2,of William?. 7 4206 1 Elisabeth Sergeant Barton, b. April28, 1815 ;

    d. August 23, 1895 ;m. Samuel Abbot, of Boston, April28, 1840; he was born October 10, 1807; d. October 4, 1873; children, Caroline, Elizabeth, George M., Elizabeth, Lewis, Charles, Fanny.

    7 4207 2 Emma Barton, b. 1816; d. aged 5 years.

    7 4208 3 Julia Barton, b.'-iBi7; d. June 26, 1884; m. Dr. J. Dickinson Miller,U.S.Navy.

    Dr.Miller was of distinguished ancestry. His grandfather, Rev. John. Miller, a Presbyterian pastor, of Dover, Del., came from Boston, Mass. The latter's mother was a great-granddaughter of John Alden, one of the heroes of the Mayflower, and associated in New England history with the romantic story of Captain Miles Standish. On the maternal side Dr. Miller was no less distinguishedly connected. His mother was the daughter of Jonathan Dickinson Sergeant (if so, must be by second marriage), a member of the Continental Congress, and his-great-grandmother was a daughter ofJonathan Dickinson, the first President of Princeton College,


    Gen. IndiTidnal

    No. Family


    7 4209 4 Adeline Barton, b. June 5, 1818; m. Thomas Howard Paschal, deceased.


    7 4210 5 Harriet Butler Barton, d. young.

    7 42 11 6 WilliamBarton, d. young.

    7 4212 7 Emma Barton, b. June 3, 1822 ;m. the Hon. Frederick Carroll Brewster, March 25, 1850; she d. September 4, 1882.


    Ex-Judge of the Court of Common Pleas, ex-Attorney-General of Pennsylvania, and one of the leaders of the Philadelphia bar, was born in Philadelphia, in the old city proper, May 15, 1825.

    In very early boyhood Judge Brewster was sent to the old Friends' Select School, at Fourth and Arch streets. There he was carefully trained and rapidly fitted out for college. He entered the University ofPennsylvania, then located in the old Ninth street buildings, while Rev. .Dr. Ludlow, the father of the late Judge Ludlow, was provost. The young student displayed wonderful industry and aptness for learning whatever was taught him, until in 184 1, when, just about sixteen years of age, he graduated with all the honors of the institution, making apublic address at the commencement. William Henry Rawle and Hon. Horatio Gates Jones were college mates with him. Judge Brewster has always maintained an active relationship with the friends of the University, and he has often given evidence of the interest he feels in the permanent reputation and future welfare of his Alma Mater. He was for several years president of the Society of the Alumni,and on several occasions he has been called upon to deliver addresses to the students and patrons of the University of Pennsylvania, in West


    Philadelphia, and he was the orator at the laying of the corner-stone of the new edifice.

    In testimony of the esteem entertained for himby the University, he was, some years ago, honored with the degree of Doctor of Laws. Shortly after his graduation he entered the office ofhis father, where he enjoyed rare advantages for the study of the law. In1844 he was admitted to practice, and speedily gained an extensive and lucrative patronage. This success was principally achieved in the civil courts, but itis by his conduct of famous criminal trials in which he has participated that his distinguished reputation as one of the famous lawyers of his day was first won. jFor his success in" several famous criminal cases, see The Saturday Review and Republic" of May 9, 1891.

    In 1862 he was chosen to the official position of City Solicitor. Three years later he was re-elected to the same office. He did not, however, finish his second term, in consequence of being chosen, in October, 1866, a Judge of the Common Pleas Court of Philadelphia. His term ofoffice was for ten years, but, on October 23, 1869, he was tendered the Attorney-Generalship of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, by Governor Geary. He accepted this office, retaining ituntil the close of. the Governor's term of office. He then returned to the practice of his profession, in which he still continues. Although all his life a very busy man, he has found time tocollate and write several valuable legal works.

    Judge Brewster was married, in1850, to Emma, daughter of the late W. P. C.Barton, M.D.fa grandson ofRev. Thomas Barton and Esther Rittenhouse, sister of David Rittenhouse, the celebrated astronomer), at one time senior Surgeon of the United States Navy. Of his sons, two, Frederick C. and Francis* E., are prominent members of the Philadelphia bar.



    IndMduil No.


    Family No.

    8 William Barton, d. young.

    7 4214 , 9 MaryBarton, d. unm., in 1856. 7 4215 10 Lavinia Barton.



    Indiridaal Family Gen. No. No.

    7 4216 . II Clara Barton. 7 4217 12 Selina Barton, b.about 1830. 7 4218 13 William AlfredBarton, d. young.

    7 4219 14 One, whose name Idid not get, died in infancy.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4205.

    FRANCES RITTENHOUSE SERGEANT6 (Lowber), of Elizabeth Rittenhouse s (Sergeant), of David4,of Matthias 3,ofNicholas 2,of William1. 7 4220 1 Elizabeth Lowber, b ;d. unm.

    7 422 1 2 Alice Lowber, b. ;d. unm.

    7 4222 3 William Lowber, b. ; deceased m. Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Ingersoll; had one child, who died young; no issue living.

    7 4223 4 Henry Sergeant Lowber, m. Charlotte Bleecker Lansdale, daughter of Dr. Lansdale. He is an attorney-at-law and resides in Germantown, Philadelphia ;no issue.

    7 4224 5 Frances Lowber, d. unm.


    Esther Rittenhouse Sergeant 6 (Barton), of Elizabeth Rittenhouse Sergeant 5,of David4,of Matthias 3;of Nicholas 2,ofWilliam1.



    IndMdual Family Gen. No. No.

    8 4225 1 Caroline Secomb Abbot, b. June 11, 1841 ; d. December 7, 1864.

    8 4226 2 Elizabeth Sergeant Abbot, b. September 29, 1843; d. January 16, 1849.

    8 4227 3 George Maurice Abbot, b. August 14, 1846, in Philadelphia; m. October 14, 1876, t0 Fannie Watson, daughter of James A. Farnum ;Mr.Abbot is treasurer of the Philadelphia Library; resides at Germantown ;have one child,Elsie.

    8 4228 4 Lewis Abbot, b. April. 27, 1850; d. October 24, 185 1.

    8 4229 5 Charles Abbot, b. January n, 185.3; d. February 4, 1853.

    8 4230 6 Fannie Donelson Abbot,h. January 25, 1856; resides at Germantown.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4208. . JULIA BARTON? (Miller), of Esther Rittenhouse

    Sergeant 6 (Barton), of Elizabeth Rittenhouse s (Sergeant), of David4,ofMatthias of Nicholas 2,ofWilliam1.3, 8 4231 1 Julia Rittenhouse Miller, d. unm., aged 21


    8 4232 2 Edward Rittenhouse Miller, m. Gertrude Roberts, of Wayne Junction, Germantown;res. near Gorgas lane, called Miller's stock farm (White Oak) ; no issue.

    8 4233 3 Dickinson Miller,d.in infancy.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4212.

    EMMA BARTON? (F. C. Brewster), of Esther Rittenhouse Sergeant 6(Wm. P. C. Barton), of Elizabeth Rittenhouse 5 (Sergeant), of David4,ofMatthias ofNicholas 8,3,

    1of William. Gen.

    Individual Mo.

    family No.

    8 4234 1 Frederick Carroll Brewster, Jr., b. January 4, 1851; m. November 21, 1881, to Sophia Grace, daughter of Senator Wm. J. Almon, M.D., of Halifax, Nova Scotia ; children, Emma Barton, Frederick Carroll, Sergeant Barton, William J. Almon, Clarance Barton, Elizabeth L. Almon.

    8 4235 2 Francis Enoch Brewster, b. March 17, 1852. 8 4236 3 William Barton Brewster, b. May 23, 1854;

    m. November 14, 1878, Caroline Elizabeth, daughter of James E. Caldwell; one child, Geraldine.

    8 4237 4 Samuel Barton Brewster, b. April 1, 1856; d. September 4, 1882.

    8 4237 5 David Sergeant Brewster, b. July 28, 1858; d. August 18, 1864.

    8 4238 6 Emma Barton Brewster, b. September 24, 1861; m. March 22, 1887, to Alfred Guillou, son of Rene Guillou; children, Alfred, Victor and Rene.

    8 4239 7 Esther Sergeant Brewster, b. December 1, 1863.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4227.

    GEORGE MAURICE ABBOT8,of Elizabeth Sergeant Barton 7(Abbot), of Esther Rittenhouse Sergeant 6 (Barton), of Elizabeth Rittenhouse Sergeant 3,of David 4, ofMatthias of Nicholas 2,of William1.3,

    IndiYlduml Family Ota. No. No.

    9 4240 1 Elsie.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4234.

    FREDERICK CARROLL BREWSTER, JR8., of Emma Barton 7 (F. C. Brewster), of Esther Rittenhouse Sergeant 6(Wm. P. C. Barton), of Elizabeth Rittenhouse s (Sergeant), of David 4, of Matthias of Nicholas 2,of Wil3, liam1. 9 4244 1 Emma Barton Brewster.

    9 4245 2 Frederick Carroll Brewster, 3d.

    9 4246 3 Sergeant Barton Brewster.

    9 4247 4 William J. Almon Brewster.

    9 4248 5 Clarance Barton Brewster.

    9 4249 6 Elizabeth L.Almon Brewster.


    ton7 (F. C. Brewster), of Esther Rittenhouse Sergeant 6 (Wm. P. C. Barton), of Elizabeth Rittenhouse s (Sergeant), of David 4, ofMatthias ofNicholas 2,of William.13, 9 4249 1 Geraldine Brewster.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4238. EMMA BARTON BREWSTER 8 (Guillou), of Emma

    Barton 7(F. C.Brewster), ofEsther Rittenhouse Sergeant 6 (Wm. P. C. Barton), of Elizabeth Rittenhouse s (Sergeant), ofDavid 4, ofMatthias ofNicholas 8,ofWilliam1.3,

    IndlridnM Family Gen. No. No.

    9 4250 1 Alfred Victor Guillou. 9 4251 2 Rine Guillou.

    CHILDREN OF No. 40. VOL. I.

    ELEANOR RITTENHOUSE* (Evans), of Matthias*, of Nicholas 2,of William1. 5 4252 1 Benjamin Evans. In middle age he mar

    ried the daughter of John Brown, of Chester county, Pa. This proved to be a happy union. He inherited a valuable farm from Mr.Brown and raised a family of four intelligent daughters ; he died about 1837.

    Daniel Evans, the husband of Eleanor Rittenhouse (No. 40, page 214, Vol.I, History of Rittenhouse Family), died suddenly, he having quitted the harvest field somewhat indisposed ; retired to bed, and in a few minutes afterwards was found dead; he died about 1790.

    5 4253 2 Matthias Evans, located in Pittsburg, was a successful builder ; he died a few years prior to his brother, David, about 1834; unmarried.

    5 4254 3 David Evans, m. Elizabeth Carson, of Philadelphia ;at an early age he migrated to Pittsburg, Pa., which was then rising from an old frontier fort into a commer

  • DAVID RITTENHOUSE. 15 Indiridual Family

    Gen. No. No.

    6 4254 3 cial city. By a prudent course he became wealthy. One daughter and three' sons survive him, David, Benjamin, Joseph and Mary; he died about 1836.

    5 4255 4 Hannah Evans, m. Dr. William Smith, of Trappe, Montgomery county, Pa.; no issue.

    In this family Eleanor Evans spent the latter part of her life,and died about 1809. She was the mother of Hannah Evans. InFebruary, 18 16, Mrs. Smith was taken down with typhus pleurisy; Miss Armstrong was called on to watch over the sick-bed. Ina few days the doctor was prostrated, and next Miss Armstrong, all three dying within a space of two weeks.

    5 4256 5 Elizabeth Evans, b. 1767; d. June 14, 1802, aged 35 years; m. Joseph Armstrong ; had five sons and one daughter, three of whom died before the death ofthe mother (in 1802); the last born died in 1804, aged about three years.

    In 1816 Eleanor, the only daughter, died, aged 22 years, leaving only one son, A.E. Armstrong, from whose manuscriptIhave the above information. This A.E.Armstrong married a Miss Baker, daughter of John Baker, of Lower Providence, Montgomery county, Pa., whose wife was a Miss Roberts, of Welsh extraction.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4254.

    DAVID EVANSS,of Eleanor Rittenhouse* (Evans), ofMatthias 3, of Nicholas 2,of William1. 6 4257 1 Elisabeth Evans, unm.

    6 4258 2 Ellen Evans, d. aged 18 or 19 years.


    IndlTidul Family

    G*n. No. No.

    6 4259 3 Mary Evans, b. December 16, 1794, at Norristown, Pa.; m. John B. Bayard; he had a son, David E. Bayard, residing at East Liberty, near Pittsburg, Pa., and is a near relative to Senator Bayard, of Delaware.

    6 4260 4 Anne Evans, m. Marcus Wilson, of Wheeling, Va. ;had the firstpaper millin Virginia.

    6 4261 5 Susan Evans, d. single, 20 or 21 years of age.

    6 4262 6 Hannah Smith Evans, m., first, Dr. John Gladden, second, Rev. William Eaton.

    CHILDREN OF No. 39. VOL. I.

    ANNIERITTENHOUSE*, ofMatthias 3, ofNicholas 2, of William1.

    Annie Rittenhouse, sister of David Rittenhouse, died in 1762, aged 26 years. She was married to George Shoemaker, and had one son, Jacob, who was killed inbattle in 178 1, in South Carolina; had advanced to the rank of lieutenant. Memoirs on David Rittenhouse, p. 143.

    CHILDREN OF No. 41. VOL. I.

    ESTHER RITTENHOUSE* (Barton, Rev. Thomas), of Matthias*, of Nicholas 2,ofWilliam1. 5 4261 1 William Barton, m. Elizabeth Rhea.

    He was the oldest son of Rev. Thomas Barton, and was a man of solid ability and great energy ofcharacter. InSep


    tember, 1775, at the suggestion of his father, he left America for England, bearing with him letters of recommendation from Bishop Peters and other persons. While in Europe he laid the foundation of his education, and otherwise advanced his literary interests, for which he had a peculiar fondness. He left England in 1778 and returned to America, by way of Holland and the West Indies, and landed at Baltimore January 8, 1779. On his passage from the West Indies to the Continent he assisted inmaking prize of a British privateer, which was brought to Baltimore. Immediately upon landing he took the oath of fidelity and allegiance to the United States Government. Upon his arrival at Lancaster he received a letter from David Rittenhouse, dated January 24," 1779, in which he says : Imost sincerely congratulate you on your safe arrival, and ,impatiently expect the pleasure of seeing you here. Ireceived yours from Baltimore ten days after the date, and immediately wrote to your father, supposing him to be stillin New York; though we cannot be certain as to that matter." He was shortly afterwards admitted to the Lancaster bar, and also chosen an officer of the militia of the borough of Lancaster. His advocacy of the cause of the struggling colonies was warm and enthusiastic. On the 18th of August, 1789, he was nominated by President Washington, one of the Judges ofthe Western Territory,and the Senate ratified the nomination. He was afterwards (withbut two exceptions) unanimously recommended by the Lancaster bar for the appointment to the President Judgeship of the District, composed of the counties of Lancaster, Chester, York and Dauphin. In 1779 ne was an ardent Republican and staunch advocate of the election of Thomas McKean for Governor of Pennsylvania. Being a finished scholar and a fine writer, he was, during that campaign, the one generally selected to draft the Democratic addresses, then a leading feature of political parties. He was, in 1800, appointed Prothonotary of Lancaster county, and this office, together with the commission ofClerk of the Orphans' Court, which he obtained in 1803, he held up to 1809, when he was succeeded by John Pass


    more. He afterwards removed to Philadelphia, and was chosen secretary of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia. He obtained from the University of Pennsylvania the honoraiy titleofMaster of Arts. He is the author ofa dissertation on the Freedom of Navigation and Maritime Commerce, and also of a biography of the philosopher, David Rittenhouse.

    He has also written a work on the abolition of trial by jury, wherein he vigorously and ably opposed the proposition. On the fly-leaf is written : "ToR. P. Barton. From his Brother, the Author."

    The work is in the possession of Randolph Barton, who is a grandson of R. P. Barton, and is an attorney-at law at Baltimore, Md.

    Individual Fmilj Gen. No. No.

    5 4262 2 Esther Barton, b. April 17, 17^6; m. March 3, 1774, to Paul Zantzinger, of Lancaster, by Rev. Dr.Smith ; he was a merchant in the borough of Lancaster, Pa. ; he went to camp at Elizabeth, New Jersey.

    Mr.Bryan writes, March 15, 1779, that Zantzinger has a design of getting liberty topass into New York. For this purpose he willhold forth his desire to visit his father-in law, Rev. Thomas Barton, now in that city.

    Itis probable that he was accompanied by William Barton, who lately returned from England, and was a son of Rev. Thomas Barton.

    John Paul Zantzinger, of Lancaster, was a merchant and an honorable, high-minded gentleman. They had sixteen children, and resided at Lancaster, Pa.; he was born 1744, and died June 23, 1817, aged 73 years.

    5* 4263 3 Benjamin Smith Barton, b. February 10, 1766; m. Mary Pennington, b. March 17, 177 1;he was the son of Rev. Thomas Barton and Esther Rittenhouse.



    Soon after the death of his parents he moved to the family of a brother in Philadelphia, in 1782, where he spent several years in the study of literature, the sciences, and medicine; in 1776 he went to Great Britain and prosecuted his medical studies at Edinburgh and London. He afterwards visited Gottingen, and there obtained the degree of Doctor of Medicine. On returning to Philadelphia, in 1789, he established himself as a physician in the city, and his superior talents and education soon procured him competent employment. He was that year appointed Professor ofNatural Historyand Botany in the College ofPhiladelphia, and continued in that office on the incorporation of the college withlihe University, in 1791. He was appointed Professor of Materia Medica on the resignation of Dr.Griffith; and on the death of Dr. Rush, succeeded him in the department of the Theory and Practice ofMedicine. He died December 19, 1816."

    In 1803 he published Elements of Botany, or Outlines of the Natural History of Vegetables, &c." Dr. Barton has the honor ofbeing the first American who gave tohis country an elementary work on botany."

    He also published Collections for an Essay Towards a Materia Medica of the United States."

    " In 1805 Dr. Barton commenced the publication of the Medical and Physical Journal."

    Individual Funlljr

    Gen. No. No.

    5 4264 4 Matthias Barton, b. 1762; d. January v, 1809 ;m. Esther Cox, daughter of Tench Cox ;had no issue.

    He was a son of Rev. Thomas Barton. He was admitted to the bar in 1778, and was elected, from Lancaster county, to the Legislature in the years 1793, 1794 and 1795. In 1796 he was elected to the Senate of Pennsylvania, and re-elected in 1800. He was a man of superior culture and possessed a great fondness for natural history. He was a gentlem in, very amiable in his manners, of unspotted, private virtue, and whose charms in society endeared him to all with whom he


    came in contact. He was a useful citizen,and ranked among the ablest men ofPennsylvania. He died January v, 1809, in the 47th yeaf ofhis age.


    Individual No.


    Family No.

    5 David Rittenhouse Barton, m. Catharine Graeff, in 1793 ; his children were, Esther R., Edmund, George Washington and John Graeff.

    5 4266 6 Thomas Barton, m. a Lancaster lady ;had three children, Hettie, George, Julianna.

    5 4-67 7 Julianna Susanna Barton, m. John . Moore White (Major), of New Jersey ;had one child.

    Judge White was the son ofMajor White, a merchant of Philadelphia, and a Revolutionary officer, whose mother was the daughter of Alexander Moore, of Bridgeton, N. J. His parents dying while he was an infant, he was reared by his grandparents, from whom he inherited a large estate in Bridgeton, N. J. He subsequently moved to Woodbury, N. J., in 1808, where, he practiced law, and was appointed Attorney General of the state, in 1833, an


  • \


    " Iam tied here for the whole of this week, if not next,

    which, under all circumstances, is to me (as friends say) a great cross. Ihad much rather be with you at Newark or elsewhere. May that Iwill some day when you are more engaged than myself ask me to run of with, once for a day or so, and see friend. Ithink there is no probability that Ican go away from here this week, and Iam in court every day from 10 to Io'clock, and then from 3 to candlelight. Iam dear sir, with much respect,

    Your friend, etc., John Moore White.

    Individual FamilyGn. No. No.'

    5 4268 8 Richard Peters Barton, d. January, 1821 ;m. Martha Walker, daughter of Dr.Walker," of Kingston," the name of the family mansion, in Dinwiddie county, Virginia.

    He acquired property and moved to the Valley of Virginia, and settled about six miles south of Winchester, Virginia. He died January 10, 1821, the owner of a beautiful estate in that lovely country, to which he was probably attracted by its resemblance to Lancaster county, Pa. His sons were, Richard, Robert and David Walker.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4261. WILLIAM BARTONs, ofEsther Rittenhouse* (Bar

    ton), of Matthias of Nicholas 2,of William1. (See 4203.)3, 6 4269 1 John Rhea Barton, M. D., d. January 1,

    1871 ; m. Miss Annie Frazer, and byher had two children ;she died;he married a second time, to Susan Ridgway, a daughter of Jacob Ridgway, and widow of Dr.Rotch, ofNew Bedford. He was born at Lancaster, Pa.

    He was a leading physician of Philadelphia, and graduated with distinction at the University of Pennsylvania, soon


    attaining a position as surgeon, and excelled in the treatment of difficultcases. His treatment of compound fractures of the leg by bran dressing is still followed in our large hospitals. His name has been associated with a peculiar fracture of the radius, involving the wrist joint, and with an ingenious bandage for dressing a broken jaw. He (lied at his residence, on South Broad street, Philadelphia, on January I, 1871.

    Individual Family Gen. No. No.

    6 4270 2 William P. C.Barton,b. November 17, 1786; d February 29, 1856; m. Esther Rittenhouse Sergeant ; d June 4, 1870. (See 4203.)

    Itis a well known fact that William P. C. Barton and each member ofhis class at Princeton took the name of some celebrated man. William P. C. Barton took that ofCount Crillon. His cousin, John Rhea Smith (John R. C. Smith), took the name of Clarendon. They retained the initials of their college names to the end oftheir lives.

    William P. C. Barton was born in Philadelphia, Novem ber 17, 1786, and graduated from Princeton College in 1805, and commenced the practice of medicine under the direction ofhis uncle, Dr. Benjamin Smith Barton, and graduated from the University of Pennsylvania in 1808. The subject ofhis" graduation thesis was Nitrous Oxide Gas." Itwas deemed worthy*,of publication, and was for many years a standard treatise upon that subject.

    Dr. WilliamP. C. Barton practiced medicine in Philadelphia, and was surgeon at the Pennsylvania Hospital. Upon the recommendation of the celebrated Dr.Benjamin Rush and Dr.Physick, was appointed surgeon in the navy. He organized the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery U. S. Navy, and was appointed by the Secretary ofthe Navy the first Chief of the Bureau. He was Professor ofBotany in the University of Pennsylvania, and Professor Materia Medica and Botany in

    Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia. He was stationed


    several times at the navy yard at Philadelphia, and at other stations on shore ;he also had a great deal of sea duty. He became Fellow of the College of Physicians of Philadelphia ; a member of the American Philosophical Society ;President of the Linnean Society ; and honorary member and surgeon of the First Troop, Philadelphia City Cavalry.

    As early as 1818 Dr. William P. C. Barton endeavored to obtain a charter for a new medical college. This movement was opposed by the friends of the University of Pennsylvania, and the efforts of Dr. William P. C. Barton and his friends proved unsuccessful. Seven years later Dr.McClellan

    established the Jefferson Medical College, and Dr. William P. C. Barton was Professor of it for three years. Dr. William P. C. Barton married Esther, daughter ofJonathan Dickinson Sergeant, a member of the Philadelphia bar, and granddaughter of the celebrated David Rittenhouse. She died June 4, 1870.

    Inan address before the Alumni Association of the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, at its firstanniversary, March 11, 1871, by S. D.Gross, M D., ]LL.D., Professor of Surgery in the College, and President of the Association, Dr. Gross thus speaks of Dr. William P. C. Barton : "He was in all respects a remarkable man ; highly educated, learned inhis profession, a graceful lecturer, an able writer, and one ofthe most accomplished botanists in America. He abounded in flashes of wit, and a vein of irony and sarcasm was perceptible in almost everything he did and said. He

    had a passionate love for music and played with consummate abilityupon the flute and violin. Many of his acts were marked by the eccentricities of genius. His style of lecturing was conversational, plain, simple and didactic, without any attempt at oratory; and' his success as a teacher was all that could have been desired. In his appearance he was a model of neatness and elegance.


    Indiridtul Family Gen. No. Mo.

    6 4271 3 Thomas Barton, d. 18 18, unm.

    6 4272 4 Charles Barton, d. young.

    6 4273 5 Hettie Ann Barton, unm.

    6 4274 6 Mary Rhea Barton, unm.

    6 4275 7 Elizabeth Sophia Barton, unm.

    6 4276 8 Susanna Julianma Barton, m. Dr. Samuel Clement Hopkins, of New Jersey.

    6 4277 9 Nancy Barton d. young.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4262. ESTHER BARTONS (Zantzinger), of Esther Ritten

    house* (Barton), ofMatthias 3,ofNicholas 2,ofWilliam1. 6 '4278 1 Esther Maria Zantzinger;b. at Lancaster,

    December 9, 1774, at 10 o'clock in the morning; d. August 15, 1775; baptized

    Rev. Mr.Helmuth.

    6 4279 2 Thomas Barton Zantzinger, b. January 5, 1776, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon j was baptized byRev. Mr.Helmuth ; m. Miss Sheaf.

    6 4280 3 Mary Zantzinger, b. March 15, 1777, between 1 and 2 o'clock in the morning ; baptized by Rev. Mr.Helmuth ; d. June 27, 1821.

    She was married to Rev. Thomas Picton, of Gloucester county, New Jersey, November 18, 1802, by Rev. Mr.Edwards, of Salem, New Jersey. She left one daughter, Mary Barton Picton, born August 16, 1806, who married Mr. Edwin Stevens, ofHoboken, New Jersey.

  • DAVID RITTENHOUSE. 25 Indliidaal Family

    Qen, Mo. No,

    6 4281 4 Sarah Barton Zantsinger, b. March 9, 1778, between 3 and 4 o'clock in the afternoon j was baptized by Rev. Mr.Barton.

    She married General Franklin Davenport, of Woodbury, New Jersey, who was considered Woodbury's / first lawyer, Gloucester county's most noted citizen, and one of the most distinguished men in New Jersey. He served in the Revolutionary War, and particularly distinguished himself at Fort Mifflin. He had an extensive law practice, and was made first Surrogate Of New Jersey, by General Livingston, in 1785, and was United States Senator from New Jersey, in 1798 and 1799. He served as Colonel of the New Jersey Troops in the Whiskey Insurrection of 1794, and was also a" member of the famous Fox Hunting Club" established prior to the Revolution. General Davenport lived to an advanced age, and died about 1820. 6 4282 5 Esther Sophia Zantzinger, b.Msy 15, 1779,

    at (5 o'clock in the morning; was baptized by Rev. Mr.Schultz ; d. young.

    6 4283 6 Julianna Elizabeth Zantzinger % h. August 26, 178 1, between 6 and 7 o'clock in the afternoon ; baptized by Rev. Mr.Muhlenberg ;m.Colonel Robert G. Johnson, of Salem, New Jersey, November 17, 1813,byRev. Nathaniel Todd, ofWoodbury, N. J.; d., at Salem, August 13, 1854, and is buried by the side of her husband, in St. John's church-yard ;she left no children.

    Colonel Robert Gibbon Johnson was a prominent citizen ofSalem, New Jersey, where his ancestors had been the first settlers. He graduated at Princeton College in 1790, but was frustrated in his cherished plan of studying law by the death ofhis father, and turned his attention to the care of his large landed estate. He was a man of great integrity of character,


    and when only 23 years ofage, was appointed one of the paymasters of the New Jersey Brigade in the Whiskey Insurrection of 1794. He was made Colonel ofthe militia cavalry in 1804, by Governor Williamson. Colonel Johnson possessed great culture, refinement and literary tastes, and drew around him the religious and literary minds of New Jersey, such as Bishop Crocs, Dr. Staughton, Rev. Drs. Miller,Janeway, Ely, and Murray, of the Presbyterian Church ;Chief Justice Kirkpatrick, Hon. Samuel Southard and others, who were his chosen friends and partakers of the hospitality of his handsome home. He was the principal founder of the First Presbyterian Church in his native town, the site ofthe church and grave-yard being his gift, a portion of his ancestral acres. He was one of the gentleman most instrumental in organizing the New Jersey Historical Society, in.Trenton, in 1842, and was its first Vice President, and contributed many rare and original documents. He was, also an historian, being the" author of a History of Salem, New Jersey," a standard work. Colonel Johnson lived to a ripe old age and died Sep' * tember, 1849, n n s 80th year.

    Mrs. Johnson was a lady of sterling character and fine appearance, and a kind and loving mother to her husband's children, who reverence her memory.

    Individual Family(Jen. No. No,

    6 4284 7 Harriet Ann Zantzinger t h. January 5, 1783, at 2 o'clock in the afternoon ; baptized by Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg; d. July 17, 1783.

    6 4285 8 Harriet Rennette Zantzinger, b. August 17, 1784, at 4 o'clock inthe afternoon ;baptized by Rev. Mr. Muhlenberg ; d. at Salem, N.J., 1856.

    6 4286 9 William Paul Zantzinger, b. January 30, 1786, between 7 and 8 o'clock in the evening ;baptized by Rev. Mr.Hutchins.

  • DAVID RITTENHOUSE. 27 Individual Family

    Gen. No. No.

    6 4287 10 Caroline Amelia Zanizi7iger, b. October 18, 1787, at 10.15 o'clock at night; baptized by Rev. Mr.Hutchins.

    6 4288 11 Henry Richard Zantzinger, b. August 24, 1789, at 1145 o'clock at night; baptized

    Rev. Mr.Muhlenberg. 6 4289 12 Henry David Zantzinger. b.March 24, 1791,

    at 6 o'clock inthe morning ;baptized by Rev. Mr.Muhlenberg.

    6 4290 "13 Richard Augustus Zantzinger, b. October 24, 1792, at 6 o'clock in the morning; baptized by Rev. Mr.Muhlenberg ;was a Major in the U. S. Army.

    6 4291 14 John Paul Zantzinger;b. March 21, 1794, between 10 and 11o'clock in the morning; baptized by Rev. Mr.Muhlenberg ; was Captain in the U. S. Navy; m. Susan R. Hipkins, daughter of John and Eliza Hipkins, of Norfolk, Virginia, March 10, 1821; they had children.

    6 4292 15 Caroline Amelia Zantzinger, b. August 30, 1795 ;d. the following month; baptized by Rev. Mr.Muhlenberg.

    6 4293 16 Caroline Catharine Zantzinger, b. July 15, 1799, at 6 o'clock in the evening; baptized by Rev. Mr.Hutchins ; m.Harry Gilbert, of the army, July 11, 1822, by Rev. Mr.Freeman, ofNew Jersey.

    The above family of sixteen children has been reported to me in the above form by Mrs. Hubbell, of Walnut street, Philadelphia, who has the original records in her possession, and is inserted thus by their request.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4263. BENJAMIN SMITH BARTONs, of Esther Ritten

    house 4 (Barton), of Matthias 3,of Nicholas 9,ofWilliam1. Gen.


    IndlTidnil No.


    Family No.

    1 Thomas Pennant Barton, m.Cora Liof New York, in April,1833; the only surviving child.

    vingston, she was

    6 4295 2 Hettie Barton.


    tenhouse 4 (Barton), ofMatthias 3, of Nicholas 2,of William1. 6 4296 1 Esther R. Barton, b. 1795 ;d. 1866, unm. 6 4297 2 Edmund Barton, b. 1797; d. 1853, unm.

    6 4298 3 George Washington Barton, b. 1810; d. 1851;m. Catharine Clemson Barton.

    6 4299 4 John Graeff Barton, m. Maria Musser; they had three children, Edward R., Anna G.and Edith Barton.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4266. THOMAS BARTONs, of Esther Rittenhouse 4 (Bar

    ton), Matthias 3,ofNicholas 2,of William1. -6 4300 1 Hettie Barton, unm.

    6 4301 2 George Barton, m. Miss Davis, and his descendants are livingin South Carolina.

    -.6 4302 3 Julianna Barton, unm.



    Rittenhouse* (Barton), ofMatthias of Nicholas*, of Wil3, liam1.

    Individual FamilyQea So. No.

    6 4303 1 Estlter White, d., aged 16 years ; was a precocious girl; died many years prior to her parents.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4268.

    RICHARD PETERS BARTON*, of Esther Rittenhouse*, (Barton), ofMatthias 3, ofNicholas 2,of William1. 6 4304 1 Richard W. Barton, m. Alcinda Gibson ;she

    d.; he tn. again, to Carolina Marks, April 30, 1833; he d. i860; resided at Springdale, Frederick county, Virginia; P. 0., Newton; by oca, lawyer, farmer and member of Congress.

    6 4305 2 Dr.Robert Rittenhouse Barton, b. 1792 ;m. Magdalena H.Harvey, 1824; she died; he m., second time, to Sarah McClellan, in 1854; resided inRockbridge county, Virginia;was a surgeon in U. S. Navy, a physician and planter; d. January 21, 1858.

    6 4306 3 David Walker Barton, b. 1800; d. July 7, 1863; lawyer; m. Fannie L. Jones, in 1827 ;children, Charles, David, William, Robert, Randolph and Billing.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4269. JOHN RHEA BARTON6, of Williams, of Esther

    Rittenhouse 4 (Barton), ofMatthias of Nicholas 2,of Wil3, liam1.

    IndlvMnal Pa-nllj Gen. No. No.'

    7 4307 1 Francis Barton, m. Emily Chase, of Boston ; one daughter, Emily.

    7 4308 2 Ellen Barton, d. young.

    7 4309 3 Persifor Frazer Barton d. young.y 7 4310 4 Alice C. Barton, m. Edward S. Willing;

    res., South Broad street, Philadelphia.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4270. WILLIAM P. C. BARTON6,M.D., of Williams, of

    Esther Rittenhouse 4 (Barton), of Matthias of Nicholas 2,3, of William1. 7 43 n 1 Elizabeth Sergeant Barton, b. April28, 18151 5 ;-d. August 23, 18*85 J m Samuel Abbot,

    of Boston, April 28, 1840; he was b. October 10, 1807; d. October 4, 1873..

    7 4312 2 Emma Barton, b. 18 16; d. aged five years.

    7 43 13 3 Julia Barton, b. 1817; d. June 26, 1884 ;m. Dr. J. Dickinson Miller,Medical Director U. S. Navy.

    7 4314 4 Adeline Barton, b. June 5, 181 8; died Oct. 30, 1876; m. T. Howard Paschal, deed.

    7 43 15 5 Harriet Butler Barton, d. young.

    7 4316 6 William Barton, d. young. 7 4317 7 Emma Barton, b. June 3, 1822; m. Hon

    Frederick Carroll Brewster, March 25, 1850; she d. September 4, 1882; see. No. 617.





    Individual No.

    4318 43*9

    Funlly No.



    William Barton, d. young.

    -^"^Barton, d., unm., in 1856. 7

    7 '



    10 Lavifiia Barton, unm.; d. Oct. 9, 1895. 11 Clara Barton, d. March, 1893, unm.

    7 4322 12 Selina Barton, b. about 1830; unm.

    7 4323 13 William Alfred Barton, d. young.

    7 4324 14 One whose name we have not ;d. young.


    liam5,of Esther Rittenhouse 4 (Barton), of Matthias of3, Nicholas 3,ofWilliam1. 7 4325 1 Rebecca Hopkins, m. Judge Thomas P. Car

    penter, of New Jersey ; children, Susan M.,Anna Stratton, Thomas P. and James Hopkins.

    7 4326 2 Elizabeth Hopkins, d. unm.

    7 4327 3 James Hopkins, m. Mary Cox; children, William Barton and James R.

    7 4328 4 MaryHopkins, m. Robert Ritche ;children, Robert, Samuel, Arthur,Edward, Susan, James, Mary B.

    7 4329 5 Clementina Beulah Hopkins, d. unm.


    ton5 (Zantzinger), ofEsther Rittenhouse 4,(Barton), ofMatthias 3,ofNicholas 2,ofWilliam1.

  • 32 DAVID RITTENHOUSE. IndlTidaal Fmlly

    Gen. No. No.

    7 4330 1 William S. Zantzinger ;children, William, George Barton and Cornelia.

    7 4331 2 Thomas Barton Zantzinger, d. single.

    7 4332 3 Benjamin Zantzinger, unm.

    7 4333 4 Henry Zantzinger ;unm.

    7 4334 5 Mary Zantzinger, unm.

    7 4335 6 .Cornelia Zantzinger, unm.

    7 4336 7 George Zantzinger, m. Caroline Helmuth j children, Alfred, George, Ernest.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4280. MARY ZANTZINGER6 (Picton), of Esther Bartons

    (Zantzinger), ofEsther Rittenhouse 4 (Barton), ofMatthias 3, ofNicholas 2,of William1. 7 4337 1 Mary Barton Picton, b. August 16, 1806;

    m. Edwin A. Stevens, of Hoboken, N.J.; he died ;left one child, Mary.

    7 4338 2 Dr.John Picton.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4291.

    JOHN PAUL ZANTZINGER6, of Esther Bartons (Zantzinger), of Esther Rittenhouse 4, (Barton), of Matthias 3,of Nicholas 2,of William1. 7 4339 1 Franklin Davenport Zantzinger, m. Augusta

    Layall, of Norfolk, Virginia; she was a sister to Admiral Farragut's second wife.


    6n. Individnt

    No. Family


    7 4340 2 Alexina Virginia Zantzinger, m. George Washington Harrison, U. S. Navy, deceased; she is yet living(1896), resides inWashington, D.C.;no issue ;she has a painting of her grandmother, Hetty Barton, from which we haye the^photagraph for this work.

    sL /T^m '


    tenhouse Barton s, of Esther Ritnenhouse 4 (Barton), of

    Matthias 3,of Nicholas 2,of William1.

    7 4341 1 Catharine Clemsen Barton, m. Thomas H.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4299.

    JOHN GRAEFF BARTON6,of David Rittenhouse Barton s,of Esther Rittenhouse 4 (Barton), ofMatthias 3, of Nicholas 2,of William1. 7 4342 1 Edward R. Barton.

    7 4343 2 Anna G. Barton.

    7 4344 3 Edith Barton.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4304. RICHARD W.BARTON6,ofRichard Peters Barton s,

    of Esther Rittenhouse 4 (Barton), of Matthias of Nicho3, las 3,of William1.

    First marriage :

    7 4372 1 Julia Grammon Barton, b. 1824; m. Moses Myers, who died December 2, 1883 ;left four children :




    Individual No.


    FunilT No.

    1 Barton Myers.

    8 4374 2 Louisa Myers.

    8 4375 3 Georgia Myers.

    8 4376 4 William B.Myers.

    7 4377 2 Richard T.Barton; d., leaving two children. Second marriage :


    8 4378 1 Joseph M.Barton, b. March 26, 1835, still living; m. Mary Neill, February 17, 1857; has four children living.

    8 4379 2 Samuel M.Barton, b. May 9, 1859; Ph. D.f University of Virginia; professor of mathematics and astronomy.

    8 4380 3 Lewis M.Barton, b. December 15, iB6O. Cary M.Barton, b. October 18, 1862.

    Frederick M.Barton, b. May 17, 18641 7 438i 3 Caroline M.Barton, b. October 29, 1836;

    m. Dr.Robert F.Baldwin, who died 1879, leaving six children :

    8 4382 1 Cary Baldwin, m. Hugh C. Preston. 8 4383 2 Kate Baldwin, m. Barton Myers. 8 4384 3 A. Steward Baldwin. 8 4385 4 Robert F. Baldwin. 8 4386 5 William B. Baldwin. 8 4387 6 John M.Baldwin.

    7 4388 4 William Barton, b. October 2, 1841 ; d., 1874; served four years in the Confedate army.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4305.

    DR. ROBERT RITTENHOUSE BARTON6,of Richakd Peters Bartons,of Esther Rittenhouse 4 (Barton), of Matthias of Nicholas 2,ofWilliam1.3,

    Individual Family Gen. So. No.

    7 4389 I Virginia H.Barton, b. January 16, 1835; m. Dr.J. Randolph Page in 1862;- d. 1864;left one daughter

    8 4390 1 Virginia Barton Page.

    7 4391 2 Martha Walker Barton, b. November 5, 1836; rri. George B.Thompson, 1874; has three children :

    8 439 2 1 George B. Thompson.

    8 4393 2 Barton Thompson.

    8 4394 3 William Thompson.

    7 4395 3 Robert Barton, b. May, 1841 ; m. Lucy T. Cloyd, November 25, 1875 ;res., Pulaski county, Virginia; occ, farmer ; has six children :

    8 439 6 1 David C. Barton, b. April 11, 1877. 8 4397 2 Robert H.Barton, b. September 5, 1878. 8 439 3 Randal McG.Bar ton, b. January 27, 1881. 8 4399 4 Elizabeth J. Barton, b. November 23,


    8 4400 5 William 5.Barton, b. July 9, 1885. 8 4401 6 Edward T. Barton, b. March 20, 1891.

    Children by Dr. Robert Rittenhouse Barton's second wife:

    7 4402 1 Edmonia Bat ton, b.March 8, 1855 ;m.Mr. Hume.


  • 36 DAVID RITTENHOUSE. Indlridnal Funlly

    Gen. No. No.

    7 4403 2 David Rittenhouse Barton, b. December, 1857.

    Dr. Robert Rittenhouse' Barton served as surgeon in the United States Navy during the war of 1812, and was presented by Congress with two medals, one silver and one bronze, for distinguished services therein.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4306. DAVID WALKER BARTON6,of Richard Peters

    Barton s,of Esther Rittenhouse 4 (Barton), of Matthias 3,of Nicholas 2,of William1. 7 4345 1 Charles Marshall Barton, was killed in the

    late war with the South.

    7 4346 2 David Rittenhouse Barton, was killed in the late war with the South.

    7 4347 3 William Strother Barton, was wounded in the war with the South, and lost a leg in battle, and subsequently died.

    7 4348 4 Robert T. Barton, of Winchester, Va., b. November 24, 1842 ;m. Kate K.Knight, February 19, 1868; she died; he m., second time, Gertrude W. Baker, June 10, 1890; served in Southern war, and escaped unhurt; had one son, Robert T.Barton, Jr.

    7 4349 5 Randolph Barton, was wounded seven times in battle during the Southern war; he is by profession a lawyer, and has a lucrative business at Baltimore.

    7 4350 6 Dr.Balling W. Barton, served in the late war between the states and escaped unhurt ;he is a noted botanist.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4307.

    FRANCIS BARTON', of John Rhea 6,of William*,of Esther Rittenhouse* (Barton), ofMatthias 3,of Nicholas*, ofWilliam1.

    Individual Family Gen. No. No.

    8 4351 1 Emily Barton, m. Grey Pendleton.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4310. ALICE BARTON* (Edward S. Willing), of John

    Rhea 6,of Williams, of Esther Rittenhouse 4 (Barton), of Matthias 3,of Nicholas 3,ofWilliam1. 8 '4352 1 Susan Barton Willing.

    8 4353 2 John Rhea Barton Willing. 8 4354 3 Edward Shippen Willing, d., aged 4 years.

    8 4355 4 Ava Lowle Willing, m. John Jacob Astor, of New York, son of William Astor, lately deceased ;have one child,William.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4325.

    REBECCA HOPKINS* (Carpenter), of Susanna Julianna Barton6 (Hopkins), of Williams,of Esther Rittenhouse* (Barton), of Matthias of Nicholas 2,of Wiixiam1.3, 8 4356 1 Susan M. Carpenter.

    8 4357 2 Anna Stratton Carpenter, deceased.

    8 4358 3 Thomas P. Carpenter, Jr., deceased. 8 4359 4 James Hopkins Carpenter.



    CHILDREN OF No. 4327.

    ? JAMES HOPKINS', of Susanna Julianna Barton 6 (Hopkins), of Williams, of Esther Rittenhouse* (Barton), ofMatthias ofNicholas 2,of William1.3,

    IndlTidtud Family Gen. No. No.

    8 4360 1 William Barton Hopkins y M. D.


    Rittenhouse 4 (Barton)> of Matthias 3, of Nicholas 3, ot William1.

    Individual Family Gen No. No.

    8 4369 1 William S. Zantzinger..

    8 4370 2 George Barton Zanizinger.

    8 4371 3 Cornelia Zantzinger.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4336. GEORGE ZANTZINGER', of Thomas Barton Zant

    zinger^, ofEsther Barton3 (Zantzinger), ofEsther Rittenhouse 4 (Barton), ofMatthias 3, ofNicholas 8,of William1. 8 4372 1 AlfredZantzinger, m. Sarah C.Clark.

    8 4373 2 George Zantzinger ;d. unmarried.

    8 4374 3 Earnest Ztintzinger, m. Hitty Pepper, a widow, and daughter of George M. Wharton.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4337.

    MARY BARTON PICTON? (Stevens), of Mary Zantzinger 6 (Picton), of Esther Barton s (Zantzinger), of Esther Rittenhouse 4 (iarton), of Matthias of Nicholas 2, 013, William1. 8 4375 1 Mary Stevens, m. Hon. Muscoe Garnett

    Russel, of Virginia, who died ; she married, a second time, to Col. Edward Pdrk Custis Lewis, ofVirginia.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4339.

    FRANKLINDAVENPORT ZANTZINGER?, of Captain John Paul6,of Esther Barton s (Zantzinger), ofEsther Rittenhouse* (Barton), ofMatthias 3,of Nicholas 3,ofWilliam1.

    Individual Family Gen. No. Mo.

    8 4376 1 FranfrsLayall Zantzinger.

    8 4377 2 Carmilla Layall Zantzinger, m. Lieutenant

    L.Wilson, ofVirginia,of the U.S. Army.

    8 4378 3 Atway Berryman Zantzinger. 8 4379 4 Virginius Zantzinger.

    8 4380 5 Susan Alexina Zantzinger. 18 438 1 6 John Zantzinger.

  • 9


    CHILDREN OF No. 42. VOL. I.

    BENJAMINRITTENHOUSEf, ofMatthias3, ofNicholas 8,of William1.

    IndWidul Family Ckn. Ho. No.'

    5 4380 1 David Rittenhouse, b. August 25, 1776; m., April 8, 1801, in St. James' Protestant Episcopal Church, Perkiomen, now Evansburg, Montgomery county, Sarah Hughes, daughter ofIsaac Hughes ;had

    six children.

    Perm Archives. Evansburg is inLower Providence town" ship, Montgomery county, Pa., but their charter says Perki

    omen." Itis very near the line ofthe latter. Here Benjamin, the father of David, is buried. Author.

    5 4381 2 John Bull Rittenhouse, b. before 1783; d. after 1813 ;m.Miss Beverly, ofVirginia; they both died young at Philadelphia ;

    .he was United States Consul inHolland ; they had one child, John.

    5 43#2~i 3 Benjamin Franklin Rittenhouse, b. May 10, 1784; d., September 2, 1804, unm.; he

    / was a midshipman in the navy, and was / on board the fleet sent to the siege of

    Tripoli. He died on board the U.S. ship Constellation, of yellow fever, and was

  • 42 BENJAMIN RITTENHOUSE. Indlrldual Family

    Gen. No. No.

    5 4382 3 buried at sea, aged 19 years. He died on the voyage to Algiers; appointed midshipman January 2, 1804.

    5 4383 4 Mary Rittenhouse, b. September 2, 1779, in Worcester, Montgomery county, Pa. ;d. February 17, 1867; m. Michael Nourse,

    June 21, 1800; he was b. September 1, 1778, at Piedmont, near Charlestown, West Virginia;had fifteen children ;she was the daughter of Benjamin Rittenhouse (1740-1825) and Elizabeth Bull Rittenhouse, first wife of Benjamin; Michael Nourse was a descendant of a long line of English country gentlemen, and the youngest of twenty-one brothers and sisters.

    5 4384 5 Elizabeth Rittenhouse, b. August 28, 1788; d. young.

    5 4385 6 William Rittenhouse, b. October 23, 1794; it appears he must have died young.

    5 4386 7 Emily Rittenhouse, b. August 28, 1805 ; d. June 20, 1885; m. Charles Colladay, b. March, 1802; d. 1863-; res., Philadelphia.

    The two last named children are by the second marriage, with Frances Wade, daughter ofColonel Francis Wade, married January 22, 1793.

    The family ofSarah Hughes, who married David Rittenhouse, son of Benjamin :*

    Matthias Holstein, b. December 2, 1717 (called Matthias the third); m. Margaret Hulings, in 1744; children:

    ?From the Holstein Family History.


    i. Samuel Holstein,b. January it, 1745; m. Rachel Moore.

    2. Hannah Holstein, b. December 15, 1748; m. Isaac Hughes, son of John and Sarah Hughes.

    3. Rebecca Holstein, b. 1747 ;m. Jesse Roberts. 4. Rachel Holstein, b. 1753 ;m. Lindsay Coates.

    No. 2. Hannah Holstein, m. Isaac Hughes ;children : 1. Sarah Hughes, b. July 29, 1770; d. in infancy. 2. John Hughes, b. March 28, 1772; m. Hannah Bar


    3. Rachel Hughes, b. April 18,1774; m. William Lu-kens Potts.

    4. Ruth Hughes, b. April 23, 1776; m. David Jones. 5. Sarah Hughes (second), b. February 22, 1778; m.

    David Rittenhouse, son of Benjamin Rittenhouse and Elizabeth Bull,a daughter ofColonel John Bull,of the Revolutionary army, on April 8, 1801, by Rev. Slater Clay. This David Rittenhouse was a nephew of David Rittenhouse, the great astronomer ;resided near Fairview village, Pa.

    6. Hannah Hughes, b. November 28, 1780; m. Francis Wade, son of Colonel Francis Wade, of the and Sarah Nelson Wade, ofFairview village, Pa.

    The following letter is inserted here on account of its valuable information:

    Minneapolis, April 8, 1891. Miss Anna M.Rittenhouse and sisters, Rittenhouse and Wis

    sahickon avenues, Germantown, Pa. : Dear Cousins Although impatient to answer your cor

    ,dial and valued letter of March Bth, circumstances have prevented me, until now. Within that interval our family have in turn suffered from the gripp ; am desirous to give you


    some data concerning our branch of the clan, that you might place itproperly in the tree you are cultivating. Iwrote to aunt Hannah, of Sunbury, for information. Her autograph reply came a few days ago, and Iexpected then to send you on this the day we celebrate, but, alas, Ihave to mutter with many another the best laid plans of mine Iwilltry to geteven withyou. Thispedigree business always knocked me out in a very few rounds, and ifIget through intelligibly Iwillbe both surprised and pleased.

    My wife, Martha Louise Rittenhouse, with her brother, Charles Edwin, and sister, Mary Frances, were the children of Rev. John Hughes Rittenhouse and Jane S. Simonton. Mr.R.s father was David, called after his uncle David, whose birthday you celebrate. Aunt Hannah Jordan, widow of the late Judge Jordan, of Sunbury, was sister to Rev. John Hughes Rittenhouse, above. Philosopher David's brother, Benjamin, was their grandfather, and, of course, their father, David's father, Benjamin, married Elizabeth Bull,who died early in life, leaving four children, viz.: David, who married Sarah Hughes ;John (second son), married Miss Beverly, of Virginia, both died young, leaving one son, John Beverly Rittenhouse, who was purser in the U. S. Navy many years ; died inPhiladelphia, and, like some others of the clan, never married.

    The third son, Benjamin Franklin Rittenhouse, was a midshipman in the navy, and on board the fleet sent to the siege of Tripoli died and was buried at sea, aged 19 years. The fourth child was a daughter, and married Michael Nourse, who was the youngest of twenty-one children (auntie did not say whether this fact ga^e rise to the name or vice versa), and who was chief clerk in the Register's office at Washington, under his brother, Joseph Nourse, who was the eldest of the twenty-one, and Register of the Treasury, until" .General Jackson came into office, with to the victor belongs the spoils." Mr.Joseph Nourse received his appointment from General Washington. This Michael Nourse, who married Mary, grandfather's only sister, Maryby name, and who


    was the mother of twelve children, raising seven sons and three daughters. Benjamin's (brother of David)* (through whom our clan descended) wife's father was Colonel John Bull. His family consisted of one son and five daughters. Auntie* says these people have a most interesting and romantic history. The second daughter, Anna,married General Smith, of Virginia; third daughter married Joseph Nourse, men

    tioned above, Register ofTreaury her name, Maria ; fourth, Rebecca, who married Captain John Boyd; fifth,Sarah, who had three husbands a daughter of this one, my wife and I had the pleasure of seeing, and at auntie's. They owned all the land on which Northumberland was built. ButIhave about finished -my tale. Perhaps, worried you. Auntie expresses her opinion in favor of Rittenhouse Square for the statue, but she says : "Ifit depends on a wordy legislature, you, Iand all others willbe old and gray-haired before you see it."

    Joshua Williams. Minneapolis, Minnesota.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4381. JOHN BULLRITTENHOUSEs, of Benjamin*, ofMat

    thias 3,of Nicholas 2,of William1. Indlridual . Family

    No. No.

    6 4387 1 John Beverly Rittenhouse, d., in Philadelphia, January 22, 1874; was purser in U. S Navy;he never married.

    He was born in the District of Columbia, and had the following appointments : Appointed from Alabama, July 21, 1840; attached to Brig Oregon, survey of Tampa Bay, &c, iB4Or-43. Sloop Levant, Pacific squadron, 1844-47. Navy yard at Pensacola, 1848-50. Sloop Albany, home squadron, 185 1-52. Steam frigate San Jacinto, Mediterranean squadron,

    ?Auntie was Hannah Rittenhouse, residing at Sunbury, Pa., and who married Judge Alexander Jordan ;had no issue.


    1852-53. Receiving ship Boston, 1854-56. Steam frigate Susquehanna, Mediterranean squadron, 1856-58. Navy yard, Boston, 1859-60. Special duty, 1861. Inspector, navy yard, Philadelphia, 1862-64. Fleet paymaster, Pacific squadron, 1864-66. Inspector of provisions, Boston, 1867-69.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4383. MARY RITTENHOUSEs. (Nourse), of Benjamin*, of

    of Matthias 3, of Nicholas 2,of William*. IndividualIndividual KwnlljKwnllj

    Oeu.Oeu. No.No. No.No.

    66 43884388 II Elizabeth Rittefihouse Nourse, b. January 5,Elizabeth Rittefihouse Nourse, b. January 5,1802; d. January 30, 1802.1802; d. January 30, 1802.

    66 43894389 22 John Rittenhouse Nourse, b. September 1,John Rittenhouse Nourse, b. September 1,1803; d. April 7, 1871; m. Elizabeth1803; d. April 7, 1871; m. ElizabethSkinner, daughter of Dr. Skinner, JuneSkinner, daughter of Dr. Skinner, June13, 1826, at Washington; she was born13, 1826, at Washington; she was bornOctober 24, 1803, at North Coventry,October 24, 1803, at North Coventry,Connecticut; d September 6, 1829; heConnecticut; d September 6, 1829; hem. again, Lucretia Colt Skinner, Novemm. again, Lucretia Colt Skinner, Novem-ber 17, 1830, at Washington, D. C.;sheber 17, 1830, at Washington, D. C.;shewas b. March 18, 1807; d. January 25,was b.March 18, 1807; d. January 25,1872 ;both weredaughters of Rev. Icha1872 ;both weredaughters of Rev. Icha-bod Lordbod Skinner.Lord Skinner.

    66 43904390 33 James Rittenhouse Nourse, b. April 30, 1805 ;James Rittenhouse Nourse, b. April 30, 1805;d. July 5, 1854; he was a clergyman,d. July 5, 1854; he was a clergyman,and m. Sarah North Harvey, October 1,and m. Sarah North Harvey, October 1,1829, of Germantown, Pa.; b. May 18,1829, of Germantown, Pa.; b. May 18,1810; d. February 15, 1871, at Perry-1810; d. February 15, 1871, at Perry-ville,now Milroy,Pa. ; she was a daughville,now Milroy,Pa. ; she was a daugh-ter of Samuel and Sarah North Harvey.ter of Samuel and Sarah North Harvey.

    66 439 l439 l 44 Benjamin Franklin Nourse, b. April 15,Benjamin Franklin Nourse, b. April 15,1807; d. May 19, 1836; he was surgeon1807; d. May 19, 1836; he was surgeonin the U. S. Navy in 1836 ;m. Josephinein the U. S. Navy in 1836 ;m. Josephine

  • 47 Individual

    Gen. No.

    6 4391

    6 4392

    6 4393

    6 4394

    6 4395

    6 4396



    4 Stansbury, January 3, 1832; she was b. December 10, 1813 ;hed. at Key West, Florida; in 1825 Jefferson College, Pa., conferred on him the degree of B. A., and in iB29the Medical Society of Washington, now Columbia University, conferred the degree ofM.D.

    5 Mary Philips Nourse, b. April12, 1809; d. November 16, 1844, single; buried at Washington, D. C.

    6 Sarah Harriet Nourse, b. January 20, 181 1 ;-d. June 10, 1839; m George W. Stetlineus, in 1833, at Washington, D. C.; had one child, George William.

    7 William Nourse, b. October 23, 1812; d. March 2, 1892, at Washington, D.C.; m. Isabella Lucretia Bond, .September 15, 1840, at Abington, Hartford county, Md.; he had a position in the War Department; had six children.

    8 AnnJosepha Nourse, b. October 21, 1814, at Washington; d. June 17, 1885, at Tvs tin, Los Angeles county, California ;m., October 4, 1837, Dr. Charles Augustus Hassler; b. February 2; 1810, at Schenectady, New York;he was drowned, November 27, 1846, near Fisher's Island, Long Island Sound ; he was a surgeon in the U. S. Navy.

    9 Charles Howard Nourse, b. December 1, 1816; d. July 12, 1876, at Georgetown, D. C.;m. Maria Robertson, October 14, 1841, near Rockville, Montgomery county, Md.; d. November 11, 1847, at

  • 48 BENJAMIN RITTENHOUSE. Individual FamilyGen. No. Mo.

    6 4396 9 Rockville, Md.; m., second, March. 5, 1849, Elizabeth Jane Henderson, widow ofJ. P. C. Peters; b. 1811 ;d. April 20, 1877, at Washington, D.C.

    6 4397 10 Joseph Everett Nourse, b. April17, 1819; d. October 8, 1889; was a professor in the U.S. Navy; m. Sarah Wright, December 23, 1841, at Georgetown, D. C.;she was b. August 21, 182 1; d. December 23, 1841.

    6 4398 11 DavidBoyd Nourse, b. October 29, 1820 ;d. October 15, 1821, near .Washington, D. C.

    6 4399 12 Henry Michael Nourse, b. September 25, 1824; d. October 16, 1868; was an attorney-at-law at Lafayette, Indiana ;m. Cora Stansbury, September, 1846, at .Washington/ D. C.; she d. in 1880, in New York.

    6 4400 13 Three children died unnamed in infancy; time ofbirth not known.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4386. EMILYRITTENHOUSEs (Colladay), of Benjamin*, of

    Matthias of Nicholas 2,of William1.3, 6 4401 1 Frances Wade Colladay \ b. January 31,

    1827 ; m. George B. Keen ; had seven children.

    6 4402 2 Charles Robert Colladay, b. January 15, 1829; d. June, 183 1.

    6 4403 3 Hannah Colladay, b. June 3, 1831 ;m. F.B. Rianhard; he d. September 30, 1859.

  • BENJAMIN RITTENHOUSE. 49 Individual Family

    (Ho. No. No.

    6 4404 4 William Rittenhouse Colladay, b. January 21, 1834; d. November 29, 1877; m. Elizabeth Wiltberger, October 1, 1863; she d. November 29, 1877.

    6 4405 . 5 Charles Henry Colladay, b. August 6, 1836; d. September, 1849.

    6 4406 6 Mary B. Colladay, b. March, 1844; d. September, 1847.

    6 4407 7 Samuel Rittenhouse Colladay. b. March 6, , 1842; m. Sallie B. Harrison, October,

    \ 1870; residence, St. Louis, Missouri;N \

    \ was a Lieutenant in the army.

    ' CHILDREN OF No! 4380.

    DAVIDRITTENHOUSEs, ofBenjamin*, ofMatthias, ofNicholas 2,ofWilliam1. 6 4408 1 Hannah Hughes Rittenhouse, b. about 1802;

    m. Alexander Jordan, Judge of the Eighth Judicial District of Pennsylvania, October 13,1858; resided in Sunbury, Pa.; the marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. William Simonton, Presbyterian ; Judge Jordan d. in Sun-bury, October 5, 1878; she is known by many of the family as Aunt Hannah, and is yet living(1895); no issue.

    6 4409 2 Benjamin Franklin Rittenhouse, b. August 7,1805; d. 1883; m. Isabel Laurie, in 1829, daughter of Dr. James and Elizabeth Scott Laurie, both natives of Scotland;res., in Washington ; Mrs. Isabel Laurie Rittenhouse d. February, 1833,



    50 2 and he m., second, Henrietta Warring, daughter of James Davidson and Mary nee Higinbothom; marriage ceremony performed by Rev. Mr.Hawley, Episcopal, of Washington, D. C.

    6 4410 3 Mary Elizabeth Rittenhouse, d. 1890; m. Abraham Brower Shuman, son ofJacob and Barbara (Brower) Shuman, of Maryland, November 1, 1837, by Rev. William R. Smith, Presbyterian ; Mr. Shuman d.in the City ofDavid, in the Province of Chiriqui, New Granada, April 10, 185 1; Mrs. Shuman d., in Sunbury, March 20, 1890.

    6 4411 4 Emily Josepha Rittenhouse, m. Rev. David Hull, son of v William flull and Susan Marr, his wife, of Milton,Pa., by Rev. John B.Patterson.

    6 4412 5 Charles Edwin Rittenhouse, d. about iBBOj. m. Sarah M., daughter of Samuel and Lydia (Newbold) Whitall,ofGeorgtown, October, 1840, by Rev. Mr. Hoff, Episcopal; children, Fannie, Louisa, Mary, Samuel, Emily and Charles.

    6 4413 6 Rev. John Hughes Rittenhouse \ d.December, 1853 ;he was a Presbyterian clergyman, and m. Jane L.Simonton, daughter of Hon. William L. Simonton, M.D., and Martha Snodgrass Simonton, by Rev. Dr. DeWitt, of Harrisburg, Pa., September, 1847.

    There were ten in all, four died young.



    vid5,ofBenjamin*, ofMatthias 3,ofNicholas 3,ofWilliam1. Children of first marriage :

    Individual Funilj Gen. No. No.'

    7 4414 1 Elizabeth Scott Rittenhouse, d. July, 1892; m. William Henry Fitzhugh, son of Rev. R. R. and Eliza M. Gurley, by Rev. Dr. Eckard (formerly missionary to India), January 30, 1854; the father, Rev. R. R. Gurley, was born in Connecticut, the mother, Eliza, in Portland, Maine, and were married in Portland ; Mr.W. H. F. Gurley d. July 7, 1866; b. 1830; by profession, lawyer ; had five sorts and four daughters.

    The followingfuneral notice was. copied from the papers : Gurley. On.Monday morning, July 25, 1892, Elizabeth

    S. Gurley, widow of W. H.F. Gurley, and daughter of the late B. F. Rittenhouse. Funeral services Wednesday, 5 o'clock p. m., at Oak HillChapel. Kindlyomit flowers. Res. r West Washington, D. C.

    7 4415 2 S. Emily Rittenhouse, unm. ; res., 1607 2&th street, Georgetown, D. C.

    7 4416 3 Isabel Laurie Rittenhouse, m. Joseph Harvey Nourse, son of James and Sar h Harvey Nourse, March, 1853, by Dr. Laurie, grandfather of Isabel, who died a month later, having preached in the city of Washington fifty years; Mrs. Isabel Laurie Rittenhouse d.inFebruary, 1883.

    Children ofBenjamin by second marriage :

    7 4417. 4 Mary Davidson Rittenhouse, m. A. Miller Woods, of Pennsylvania, son of Rev. Dr.




    IndMdaal No.



    4 James Woods, of Lewisburg, and Miss Witherspoon (who was the daughter of Dr. Witherspoon, of Princeton, of the eminent family of that name, one of whom signed the Declaration of Independence). The marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Woods.

    7 44i8 5 Henrietta Waring Rittenhouse, m. Captain Thomas Wilson (U. S. A.), he was a Lieutenant-Colonel and A. C. G. S., Brevet Brigadier-General U. S. A; he was a graduate of West Point, Georgetown, D. C.;the marriage ceremony was performed by Rev. Dr. Bocock (Presbyterian), May 6, 1858.

    7 4419 6 Benjamin Franklin Rittenhouse^ Brevet MajorU.S. Army,m. Elizabeth Shapter, of Brooklyn, New York, by Rev. William Langford, March 4, ;resides in Washington, D. C.; during the late war was First Lieutenant in the Fifth Regiment, United States Artillery,and was wounded by a sharpshooter, infront of Petersburg, Virginia, June 19, 1864, and retired from service on account of the severe wound.

    7 4420 7 David Rittenhouse, m.Mary Tilghman Earle, May 24, 1887; she d.in 1889; he is Receiving Teller in Riggs & Company's Bank, Washington, D. C.

    7 442i 8 Clementina Crawford Rittenhouse, m. Richard S. T. Cissel, of New York,by Rev. A.A.E. Taylor (Presbyterian), in May, 1868.


    Individual Family Gen. No. No.

    7 4422 9 James Delozier Rittenhouse, m. Dolores Casillas ;res., Arizona ; had two children, livingin 1887, named Zen Delozier Rittenhouse.

    7 4423 10 Helen Mutray Rittenhouse, unm.

    7 4424 11 James HallRittenhouse, civil engineer and-chemist in Scranton, Pa. ; m.Ida Cole, daughter of Rev. Leonard Cole, and granddaughter of Nancy Morse, of the old Morse family, April 10, 1878; five children.

    Her death notice from the paper reads thus :

    Rittenhouse. On Thursday, April 20, 1893, at Scran

    ton, Pa., Ida Cole, wife of James H.Rittenhouse.

    7 4425 12 Charles Edwin Rittenhouse, m. Helen Good, in 1880, at Washington, D.C.J two children.


    7 4426 13 John D.Rittenhouse, d. in infancy.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4410.

    MARYELIZABETH RITTENHOUSE6 (Shuman), of David5,of Benjamin of Matthias of Nicholas 2,of Wil4, 3, liam1.

    7 4427 1 David R. Shuman, unm.

    7 4428 2 Sarah Shuman, d. in infancy.

    7 4429 3 Helen M.Shuman, d. February 14, 1866.

    7 4430 4 Emily Anna Shuman, unm.

    7 443 1 5 Mary Rittenhouse Shuman t unm.

    7 4432 6 Charles F. Shuman. d. May 20, 1859.


    CHILDREN OF No. 441 1.

    EMILY JOSEPHA RITTENHOUSE 6 (Hull), of David5,ofBenjamin 4, ofMatthias 3, ofNicholas 3,of William1.

    Individual Family Gen. No. No.

    7 4433 1 William R. Hull,m. Jerusha Willard,by Rev. Dr. Hull; one child, J. Frampto'n Hull.

    7 4434 2 Joseph Hull,m. Elizabeth Mahafife, by Rev, Dr. Hull;no issue.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4412.

    CHARLES EDWIN RITTENHOUSE 6,ofDavid?, of Benjamin ofMatthias of Nicholas 2,of William1. 7 4435 1 Fannie Rittenhouse, m. Thomas Hyde, of

    Riggs & Company, bankers, October, 1864. by Rev. Dr.C. Butler, Episcopa lian; two children, Thomas and Emily.

    4, 3,

    7 4436 2 Sarah Louisa Rittenhouse, unm.

    7 4437 3 Mary W. RitUnhouse, m. Leonard Gunnel, October, 1868, by Rev. Pelham Williams, of Boston, Episcopalian ; Mr. L. Gunnel d. February 18, 1872; have one child, Leonard Gunnel.

    7 4438 4 Samuel Whitall Rittenhouse, m. Caroline, daughter of Professor H.Lockwood, of the navy, September, 1874, by Rev. Alexander Shiras.

    7 4439 5 Charles Edwin Rittenhouse, d. in his fourteenth year.

    7 4440 6 Anna Rittenhouse, d. in infancy.

    7 4441 7 Emily Rittenhouse, unm.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4435.

    FANNIE RITTENHOUSE? (Hyde), of Charles E.6, ot Davids,of Benjamins,ofMatthias 3,of Nicholas 3,of William1.

    Indlridaal Family Gen. No. No.

    8 4442 I Thomas Hyde. m. Nellie Augur.

    8 4443 2 Emily Rowland Hyde, m. Barry Buckley; one child, Barry, Jr.


    E.6,of Davids,of Benjamin 4,of Matthias 3,of Nicholas 2,of William1. 8 4444 1 Carolyn Rittenkouse.

    8 4445 2 Mary W. Rittenhouse.

    8 4446 3 Henry Rittenhouse.

    8 4447 4 Charles Edwin Rittenhouse.

    8 4448 5 Paul Rittenhouse.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4424.

    JAMES HALLRITTENHOUSE', ofBenjamin FranklinR.6,of David5,ofBenjamin ofMatthias ofNicholas 2,4, 3, ofWilliam1.

    $ 4449 1 Lucia Morse Rittenhouse ,b. May 3, 1879.

    8 4450 2 Ralph Davidson Rittenhouse, b. January 14,


    8 4451 3 Leonard Cole Rittenhouse, b. October 31, 1884.



    Individual No.


    Family Xo,

    4 Howard 1886.

    Rittenhouse, b and d. January 4,

    8 4453 5 KarlDavid Rittenhouse, of Scranton, Pa.

    b. March 2, 1888;


    Benjamin Franklin R.6, of Davids, of Bejamin 4, of Matthias 3,of Nicholas 2,William1. 8 4454 1 Isabel Nourse, b. November 11, 1855, at


    8 4455 2 EmilyNourse, b. June 12, 1859, at Bayfield, Wis.

    8 4456 3 Edward E. Nourse, b. December 24, 1863, Presbyterian minister at Hartford, Conn.

    8 4457 4 Harvey Nourse, b. February 20, 1870. 8 4458 5 Laurie Nourse, b. January 18, 1872. 8 4459 6 Louise Nourse, b. December 25, 1873. 8 4460 7 Bessie Nourse, b. June 10, 1876. 8 4461 4 Four died in infancy.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4417.

    MARY DAVIDSON RITTENHOUSE^ (Woods), of Benjamin Franklin R.6,of Davids,of Benjamin of Mat4, thias 3,of Nicholas 2,ofWilliam1. 8 4462 1 Henrietta R. Woods. 8 4463 2 James S. Woods.



    Individual No.


    Family No.'

    , 3 Franklin R. Woods.

    8 4465 4 Two died in infancy.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4419.

    BENJAMIN FRANKLINRITTENHOUSE? (Major), of Benjamin Franklin R.6,*ofDavids,of Benjamin*, of Matthias3, of Nicholas 2,of William1. 8 4466 1 B.Franklin Rittenhouse ;June 26, 1869. 8 4467 2 Elizabeth C. Rittenhotise ;May 7, 1877. 8 4468 3 B.Norris Rittenhouse ;August 15, 1879. 8 4469 4 One died in infancy.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4413.

    REV. JOHN HUGHES RITTENHOUSE6,of Davids, ofBenjamin 4, ofMatthias 3, of Nicholas 2,of William1. 7 4470 1 Martha Louise Rittenhouse, b. September 8,

    1848; m. Joshua Williams, June 13, 1871; he was b. April 3, 1843; hardware merchant, Minneapolis, Minnesota ; their children are :Alice,Louise, Charles and Rachel.

    7 4471 2 Charles Edwin Rittenhouse, h. April3, 1850; m. Grace Hubbell, December 24, 1883; she was b. July 11, i860; Charles E. Rittenhouse is President of the Peoples Bank, corner Seventh and Jackson streets , St. Paul, Minn.;their children are John and Catharine.


    Individual No.

    Family No.

    7 4472 3 Mary Frances Rittenhouse, b. October 10, 1853; m. David Dale Lambie, May 4, 1875 ; resides at Great Falls, Montana ; business, real estate ; he was b. June 4, 1845 ;their children are :Arthur, Helen, Ethel.

    From C. E. Rittenhouse, of St. Paul, Minn


    ,house 5 (Nourse), of Benjamin 4, of Matthias of Nicholas 23, ofWilliam1. 7 4473 1 Mary Frances Nourse, b. July 14, 1827, at

    Washington, D.C.; m. Matthew Smyth, September 24, 1855 ;he was b. in North Ireland; d. August 11, 1859, at Centre-ville,Iowa; he was a Presbyterian clergyman ; she m. again, to Adam Clarke Mc-Caffrey; he d. December 31, 1862, at Murfreesboro, Tennessee (battle) ; occ, farmer; she resides at Washington, D. C, and is a Clerk in the Treasury Department since 1862; no issue by first marriage.

    7 4474 2 John Frederick Nourse, b. August 20, 1829, at Washington, D. C.; d.July 18, 1830, at above place.

    7 4475 3 Elizabeth Hannah Nourse, b. November 23, 183 1;d. January 14, 1833.

    7 4476 4 Annajosepha Nourse, h.February 28, 1834; m. Richard Henry Hall, February 15, 1872, at Washington, D. C.; he was b. March 31, 1834, at Baltimore; traveling agent ;res., Washington, D.C.;no issue.


    IndlTiduH No.


    7 4477 5 Hannah Elizabeth Nourse, b. September 5, 1836, at Washington, D.C.; d. August 15, 1845, near Frostburg, Maryland.

    7 4478 6 Helen Lucretia Nourse, b. December 5, 1838 ; m. William Thompson, June 2, 1859, at Washington, D. C; no issue; he was born June 14, 1833, at Montreal, Canada; oca, plumber; now Vice President of the Metropolitan Bank, Washington, D. C.;resides at Sligo, Maryland.

    7 4479 7 Sarah LordNourse, b. August 31, 1841;m. Electus Abijah Pratt, September 18, 1866, at Washington, D. C;he was born September 1, 1836, at Oak Hill,Green county, New York; lawyer and real estate agent, at Minneapolis, Minnesota.

    7 4480 8 Ada Caroline Nourse, b. April 27, 1844, at Hillside, Alleghany county, Md.; d. August 9, iB6O, at Washington, D. C.

    7 4481 9 Edward Michael Nourse, b. January 6, 1847, at Hillside, Alleghany county, Md.;m. Julia Moore, December 13, 1872, who was born August 11, 1847, at Washington, D. C; he died December 6, 1886, at Washington ;real estate agent.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4390.

    JAMES RITTENHOUSE NOURSE6,of Mary Rittenhouses (Nourse), of Benjamin of Matthias of Nicholas 3,4, 3, of William1. 7 4482 1 Joseph Harvey Nourse, b. July 7, 1830, at

    Washington, D.C.;d. June 22, 1891, at

  • 60 BENJAMIN RITTENHOUSE. Indlridual Family

    Gen. No. No.

    7 44^2 1 Bayfield, Wisconsin; m. Isabel Laurie Rittenhouse, on March 15, 1853; she was born January 17, 1833, at Washington, D. C; she was the daughter of Benjamin Franklin Rittenhouse, and is a second cousin to her husband; res.; Bayfield, Wisconsin ;merchant.

    7 4483 2 Elizabeth Rooker Nourse tb. June 8, 1832, at Milroy,Mifflincounty, Pa. ;m, November 3, 1853, John Wilson Nairn, at Washington, D. C.; residing at Washington ; oca, druggist; she died October 7, 1861, at Washington; he married a second and third time.

    7 4484 3 Mary Anna Nourse, b. December 25, 1833, at Milroy,Mifflin county, Pa. ; d. September 5, 1844.

    7 4485 4 Margaret Baxter Maclay Nourse, b. December 11, 1835, Milroy, Mifflinat county, Pa.; d. December 6, 1862, at Bayfield, Wisconsin ; m. Robert Mayne Patterson, on May 30, 1861 ; he was born July 17, 1832, at Philadelphia, Pa.; no issue by first and second marriage. He was editor of "The Presbyterian Journal," author, and Presbyterian clergyman ; the degree of D. D, was conferred by Princeton College, and LL.D. by Lafayette College. [See Appleton's Cyclopedia ofAmerican Biography.]

    7 4486 5 Sarah Harriett Nourse, b. October 23, 1837 ; m. John P. Taylor, May 19, 1863 ; b. June 6, 1827, near Reedsville, Mifflin county, Pa.; she died December 25,

  • BENJAMIN RITTENHOUSE. 61 Individual Family

    Gen. No. No.

    7 4486 5 1870, at Milroy,Pa.; he married a second time ;no issue.

    7 4487 6 James Michael Nourse tb. May 14, 1840, at Milroy,Mifflincounty, Pa. ;he is a Presbyterian clergyman, resides at Manassas, Va.; married Sarah Frances Blackman, b. February 3, 1844, at Port Republic, New Jersey; married May 18, 1865, at same place; she was a daughter of David S. (b. 1815; d. 1884) and Abigail Holmes Doughty (b. 1821 ;m.1841; d. 185 1) Blackman.

    7 4488 7 Eva Maria Nourse, b. November .28, 1841 ; d. December 26, 1864; m. James P. Birchfield, M. D., March 11, 1863, at Milroy, Mifflin county, Pa., U. S. V, res., Clearfield, Pa.

    7 4489 8 John Thomas Nourse, b. February 24, 1845, at Milroy,Mifflincounty, Pa. ; m. Elea nor Maclay Pomeroy, on June 7, 1871, at Academia, Juniata county, Pa.; a daughter of Joseph and Ann Crawford Pomeroy, in 1890 post-master at_ Santa Ana, Orange county, California ;lawyer.

    7 4490 9 Mary Rittenhouse Nourse, b. September 29, 1847; d. July 18, 1864, at Milroy,Mif flincounty, Pa.

    7 449 1 10 Ann Caroline Nourse, b. June 9, 1854, at Washington, D. C.; m. Isaiah George Marks, October 26, 1880; he was born October 26, 1850, at Milroy,Pa; insurance agent and justice of the peace ; resides now at Santa Ana, Orange county, California.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4391

    BENJAMIN FRANKLIN NOURSE 6,of Mary Rittenhouse 5 (Nourse), of Benjamin 4', of Matthias 3^ of Nicholas 2, of William1. Gen.

    Individual No.

    Family No.

    7 4492 1 Emma Josepka Nourse, b. November 15, 1832, at Cannonsburg, Pa. ; m. Come lius Stribling, on December 7, 185.2, at Washington; she died January 17, 1862, at Georgetown, D. X.; he was born March 27, 183-1, at Norfolk, Va. ; died December 15, 1875, at Baltimore, Md.

    7 4493 2 Susan Stansbury Nourse, b. November 13, 1834, at Springfield, Clark county, Ohio; m. Jacob Watkins Winans, on July 27, 1853, at Washington, D. C.; he was born February 7, 1824, at Elizabeth, New Jersey; died July 20, 1855, at Washington, D. C. ; he was a Presbyterian clergyman.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4393.

    SARAH HARRIET NOURSE 6 (Stetlineus), of Mary RiTJhNHousES (Nourse), of Benjamin 4, ofMatthias ofNich3, olas 2,of William1. 7 4494 I George WilliamStetlineus, b. April 30, 1834;

    m. Mary Sarah Ford, who d. April 8, 1872, in Illinois.

    There was a large family of the Stetlineus, but have not been able to trace them. Mrs. Lyle,at Lexington, Kentucky, also made every effort to find them but failed.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4394.

    WILLIAMNOURSE 6,Mary Rittenhouses (Nourse), 1ofBenjamin 4, ofMatthias 3,of Nicholas 2,of William.

    Individual Family Qon. No.

    7 4495 1 Emily Josepha Nourse, b. July 2, 1841, at Washington, D. C.; m. Alexander Somerville Stewart, on September 4, i860; d. July 3, 1865, in Nueces county, Texas ; ranch and stock owner ;he was born 1839; she married a second time, to William Augustus Meloy, on December 16, 1868, at Washington, D. C; he was born August 26, 1832, at Chenango Forks, New York; in 1864 the degree of A. B. was conferred by Yale, and A. M.in 1857; lawyer; admitted to the bar of the Supreme Court of the United States in 1862; member of Maryland House of Delegates, 1889-91.

    7 4496 2 WilliamBondNourse, b. December 11,1843, in Washington, D. C.;farmer, near Suit-land, Prince George county, Maryland ; m. Rosa Hazelhurst Raymond, on September 21, 1875, near Abington, Maryland; she was born June, 1853, near Abington, Maryland, daughter of Samuel Wilson and Mary Allen Raymond ; no issue, but had an adopted daughter named Ray, born May, 1885.

    7 4497 3 Edward FellNourse, b. November 11, 1847, in Washington, L). C.; d. August 12, 1848, in Montgomery county, Maryland.


    Gen. Individual

    No. Family


    7 4498 4 Anna Isabella Nourse, b. November 2, 1852, at Washington, D.C.; m. Samuel Henry Meloy, October 11, 1870, at Washington ; he was b. September 8, 1840, m New York ; farmer ; resides near Forestville, Prince George county, Maryland, since 1889.

    7 4499 5 Mary Wilson Nourse, b. March 22, 1858, at Washington, D. C.; m. Thomas Bowie Brooks, of Bladensburg, Maryland, December 23, 1879; he was a wholesale notions and dry goods merchant in Baltimore, Maryland.

    7 4500 6 Alice Stanley Nourse, b. January 28, 1860, at Washington, D. C.; d. August 28, iB6O.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4395.

    ANN JOSEPHA NOURSE6 (Hassler), of Mary Rittf.nhouse 5 (Nourse), of Benjamin 4, of Matthias*, of Nicholas2,of William1.

    7 4501 I Charles William Hassler, b. July 16,1838, at Washington, D. C.; d. February 19, 1888, at East Winsted, Litchfieldcounty, Connecticut; in 1859 the degree of A. B. was conferred on him,and in 1875 A. M., in the Columbia College; LL.8., in 1876, Columbia University, New York; assistant paymaster U. S. Navy, 18611862; paymaster, 1862. 1870; lawyer and broker after 1876; inNew York city, 18701888; m., Clara Brace Smith,

  • BENJAMIN RLTTENHOUSE. 65 Individual Family

    Gen. No. No.

    7 4501 1 May 17, 1866, at Brooklyn, New York, she was b. July 9, 1841.

    7 4502 2 Mary Caroline Hassler, b. June 16, 1840, at Washington, D. C.; m. Simon Newcomb, August 4, 1863, at Washington, D. C.; he was b. March 12, 1835, at Wallace, Nova Scotia ;he is a Professor of Mathematics U. S. Navy since 1861, also Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy in John Hopkins University, 1884 to 1894; resides at Washington, D.C. [See cyclopaedias.]

    7 4503 3 Anneta or Anita Rosalia Hassler, b. May 13, 1842, at Washington, D. C.; d. December 17, 186 1, at Washington, D. C.

    ; 4504 4 Ferdinand Augustus Hassler, b. March 6, 1844, at Portsmouth, Virginia, or at Naval Hospital, opposite Norfolk, Virginia; physician in Philadelphia, 1866 to 1875, now resident at Santa Ana, Orange county, California ; landlord, owns houses in Santa Ana [see Biography in Johnson's Encyclopaedia] ;m. AnnieKate Burnett,May 14, 1868, atPhiladelphia, where she was born, May 27, 1846 ; she d.November 9, 1878, at Philadelphia, daughter of Eli Seal (d. December 28, 1868) and Hannah Kennedy Mustin Burnett ;had one daughter, d. in infancy ; he m., second time, Elizabeth Emily Hall, June 27, 1882, at Santa Ana, California ;she was b. January 28, 1865, at Batavia, Illinois, daughter of Orren Buell (b. February 27, 1828) and Emily Maria Potter (m. January 26,


    Gen. Individual

    No. Fmllj


    7 4504 4 1858) Hall; have four children, Charles, Arthur, Ferdinand and Adelbert.


    house s (Nourse), of Benjamin*, of Matthias 3,of Nicholas 3, ofWilliam1.

    7 4505 1 Charles Howard Nourse, b. July 26, 1844, at Washington, D. C.; is a physician at Darnestown, Montgomery county, Md.; m. Alice Darby, June 15, 1871; at Darnestown, Maryland; she was born October 15, 1845.

    7 4506 2 Harriet Robertson Nourse, b. September 22 1846, at Rockville, Maryland ; d. July 14, 1847.

    7 4507 3 Mary Rittenhouse Nourse, b. July 6, 1852, at Montevideo, Montgomery county, Maryland; m. Otho Magruder Mun-caster, October 20, 1869, at Culpeper Court House, Virginia; he was b. October 12, 1843, at Baltimore, Maryland;

    . physician at Washington, D. C. 7 4508 4 Lucy Holcombe Nourse, b. August 18, 1854,

    at Montevideo, Maryland ; d. April24, 1857, a*Leesburg, Virginia.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4397.

    JOSEPH EVERETT NOURSE 6,of Mary Rittenhouse 5 (Nourse), of Benjamin of Matthias 3,of Nicholas 3,4, ofWilliam1. Ctai.

    IndMdnsl Kp.

    Family No.

    7 4509 IMary Alice Nourse, b. October 20, 1842, at Washington, D. C.; d. April 20, 1856, at Annapolis, Maryland.

    7 4510 2 Annie Wright Nourse \ b. June 2, 1845, at Washington, D. C; d. March 13, 1870, at Georgetown, D. C.;m. Richard Des-pard Dodge, July 19, 1866; he was b. September 6, 1839, at New York; engineer U. S. Navy from 1862 to 1868; Treasurer of Home Benefit Association, New York ; residence, Brooklyn ;their children are Frank and Richard.

    7 4511 3 Sarah Hassler Nourse, b. March 2, 1847, at Washington, D.C.; m. Cornelius Stille Ramsburg, September 13, 1871 ;she d., November 7, 1887, at Georgetown, D. C.:he was b. August 2,1839, at Georgetown; stockbroker; resides at Georgetown, D.C.

    7 4512 4 Mary Rittenhouse Nourse, b. March 28, 1849, at Washington; d. December 17, 1849, at Washington.

    7 4513 5 Maria Josepha Nourse, b. September 22, 1853, at Annapolis, Maryland; d. April 5, 1854.

    7 45H 6 Charles Joseph Nourse, b. December 15, 1854, at Annapolis, Maryland ; d. July 23, 1880, at Hartmansville, Mineral county, West Virginia; assistant sur




    Individual No.


    Family Ko.

    6 geon U. S. Navy; in 1876 the degree ot M.D. was conferred on himin Columbia University; m. Emily Louise Homans, June 26, 1879, at Brooklyn, New York; she was b. October 4,1856, at Cincinnati, Ohio ; she is clerk in the Treasury Department; residing at Georgetown, D. C.;no issue.

    7 4515 7 Emma Jane Nourse, b. May 24, 1856, at Annapolis, Maryland ; unm.

    7 4516 8 Frank Nourse, b. July 29, 1858, at Annapolis, Maryland; d. October 7, 1863, at Newport, Rhode Island.

    7 4517 9 Henry Dumont Nourse, b. January 30, 1863, at Newport, Rhode Island ; d. September 15, 1890, at Darnestown, Maryland; physician at Georgetown, D.C.;the degree of M.D. was conferred on him at Columbia University, Washington, D. C.; m. Sarah Agnes Peter, August 24, 1889, at Darnestown, Maryland; had one child, Henry.

    CHILDREN OF No. 4399.

    MICHAEL HENRY NOURSE6, of Mary Rittenhouse 5 (Nourse), ofBenjamin ofMatthias 3, of Nicholas 8,of4, William1. 7 4518 1 Henry Stansbury Nourse, b. August 3, 1847,

    at Marshall, Saline county, Missouri; engineer; librarian Harlem Library, New York ; he writes his name Norse, m. Victoria Monroe, April 25, 187 1, at


    Indiridul' No.

    Family No.

    7 45i8 1 Pompton, New Jersey ; she was b. June 6, 1846; their children are, John, Susan and Orlanda.

    7 4519 2 Laura Hagner Nourse, b. 1849, at Washington, D.C; d. August 1885 ;she was drowned in the Ohio river, near Louisville,Kentucky.

    7 4520 3 John Nourse, b. at Washington, infancy.

    D.C.; d. in

    7 4521 4 Benjamin Franklin Nourse, b. March 27, 1853, at Washington, D. C.; resides at New Orleans ; m. Harriet De Bow, on May 3, 187 1, at Cincinati, Ohio; she was born August 25, 1854; their children were Anna, William and Mabel.

    7 4522 5 Emma Nourse, d., aged 10 months.

    7 45 23 6 Cora Nourse, b. 1867, at Lafayette, Indiana; d. June, 1881, at New York, about 18 month, after the death of her mother ; aged 14 years.

    7 4*24 7 Anna Nourse, b. June, 1866, at Lafayette, Indiana ; m. John B. Mendenhall, on November, 1884, at Baltimore. Maryland; he was born January, 1866; telegraph operator at Cape Charles, Virginia.

    The above Nourse genealogy is from Anita Newcomb McGee, M.D., at Washington, D.C, who writes thus :

    Washington, D. C, October 29, 1892. Mr. Cassel This information Ihave from Mrs. Lyle,of

    160 Walnut avenue, Lexington, Kentucky, lacking dates. Otherwise we have been unable to obtain complete informa-* tion. As for example, the Stetlinius branch, which ithas not been possible to trace. Anita Newcomb McGee, M.D.


    CHILDREN OF No. 4401.