M AY 19 TH, 2015 C ALIFORNIA C OASTAL C OMMISSION S LIDE 1 Incident Immediate Impacts Response and Recovery Next Steps

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R EFUGIO O IL S PILL – M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 3 I NCIDENT L OCATION Approximately 25 miles west of Santa Barbara

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M AY 19 TH, 2015 C ALIFORNIA C OASTAL C OMMISSION S LIDE 1 Incident Immediate Impacts Response and Recovery Next Steps R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 2 I NCIDENT S UMMARY On 19 May 2015 at 1243, a Hazardous Materials Spill Report was submitted to the Governors Office of Emergency Services. The report indicated a 24-inch pipeline rupture had occurred near Refugio State Beach in Santa Barbara County, CA. The responsible party (Plains All American Pipeline) has estimated the total crude oil release at 105,000 gallons. An estimated 21,000 gallons reached the ocean. Initial reports indicated a 3.5 NM visible sheen along the beach and reaching yards into the water. R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 3 I NCIDENT L OCATION Approximately 25 miles west of Santa Barbara C ALIFORNIA C OASTAL C OMMISSION S LIDE 4 R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 5 Photo Courtesy of NOAA R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 6 O CEAN I MPACTS R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 7 F ISHERIES C LOSURE R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 8 B EACH I MPACTS Photo Courtesy of CDFW-OSPR R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 9 Photo Courtesy of CDFW-OSPR R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 10 Photo Courtesy of NOAA R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 11 Oiled Cobbles R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 12 W ILDLIFE I MPACT S NAPSHOT *As of June 8, More detailed information about affected wildlife is available atDateJune 4June 5June 6June 7June 8 Wildlife - cumulative totals Birds recovered - live58 60 Birds recovered - dead Total Birds Mammals affected - live Mammals dead Total mammals affected R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 13 S OUTH B AY T ARBALLS A separate Incident Command Post was established in the South Bay of Los Angeles and Orange Counties to respond to tar ball sightings in that area. Samples have been collected and will be fingerprinted to determine if there is any correlation to the Refugio Beach incident. R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 14 O NSHORE IMPACTS R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 15 R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 16 R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 17 R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 18 O FFSHORE R ESPONSE AND R ECOVERY R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 19 Photo Courtesy of CDFW-OSPR R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 20 B EACH R ESPONSE AND R ECOVERY R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 21 R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 22 O ILED W ILDLIFE C ARE N ETWORK R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 23 V OLUNTEERS Photos Courtesy of CDFW-OSPR R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 24 O NSHORE R ESPONSE AND R ECOVERY Photo Courtesy of noozhawk R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 25 Contaminated Soil Removal (Estimated dimensions: 250 x 10-50 x 2) R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 26 Photo Courtesy of CDFW-OSPR R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 27 N EXT S TEPS The Unified Command suspended booming and skimming vessels due to improving conditions on the water. No oil has been found in the ocean recovery area since June 3. 3 vessels will remain on the water to monitor for oil and will do so until the cleanup is finished. As on-water activity decreases, shoreside teams continue to work to ensure as much oil as possible can be recovered from the impacted beach areas. R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 28 S HORELINE C LEANUP A SSESSMENT T EAMS R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 29 C LEANUP G OALS Coastal cliffs have no more than 10 percent oil stain or coat over the entire survey area. Gravel, including cobblestones, has less than 10 percent coverage over the entire survey area. The survey area contains one percent or less of tar balls, tar patties, or tar mats on sandy beaches. No oil found two feet below the surface of gravel and sand. Boulders, bedrock, seawall, pier structures and rip-rap, stone or material used to reinforce shores or banks, have no more than 10 percent oil over the entire survey area, and produce a sheen R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 30credit: Bruce Reitherman/Santa Barbara County. R EFUGIO O IL S PILL M AY 19 TH, 2015S LIDE 31 T HE E ND Jonathan Bishop California Coastal Commission Oil Spill Program Coordinator