m. apollonio MICE Beamline summary

M. apollonio MICE Beamline summary. - Beamline parallel session (June 1 st ): - envisaged goals (Alain) - assess readiness of the line magnet status (Ken)

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m. apollonio

MICE Beamlinesummary

- Beamline parallel session (June 1st):

- envisaged goals (Alain)- assess readiness of the line magnet status (Ken)- new target (Jason) - optics (MA)- diffuser (John)

- (,P) matrix readiness

2June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 2

STEPI: - setup optics for rate, then rate for every set-up needed for the (,P) matrix- establish optimal momentum setting. - understand purity. - optimize beam rate to beam loss.

STEP II: - commission tracker in beam- practice diffuser- precise emittance measurement- then all points of the (,P) matrix.

In the process-- establish alignment and possible need for correctors etc.-- commission MICE DAQ, C&M, TOF2 & Lumi monitor

(from A. Blondel)

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

3June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 3

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

0. soak test1. commission target2. commission DKSol – operate at 500 mV beam loss. Begin with BL @ D1=D23. Q1-3 + DKSol optimisation: maximise GVA1/TOF0 rate for P(TOF0)=350 MeV/c

(record ISIS BLM + Lumi Mon) 4. e+ beam for calibrations P=100 MeV/c: use magic tables5. re-establish a beam with P=200 MeV/c align beam6. TOF0 calibrations done commission (350 MeV/c pion/200 MeV/c muon) beam.

Optimize on DKS excitation. Scan P(muon)7. Develop 200 MeV/c muon beam with “6 mm emittance” beam setup. Evaluate

beam parameters and emittance of muon beam at TOF1 with TOF0 and TOF1 (*)8. Complete generation of beams for momentum-emittance matrix

Work Plan

(*) evaluation of emittance in MICE requires STEPII

4June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 4

conventional magnets (to do list)- Q1-2-3:

- re-connect vacuum box / re-establish water flow / test

- D1- re-positioning / piping connection / electrical re-connection

- D2- in position: needs fine positioning / pipe re-connection / electric re-connection / pressure reducing valves fitting

- Q4-5-6- water and power connections / fit pressure reducing valves

- Q7-8-9- ready to go

DK Solenoid- IT WORKS ! (M. Courthold, 2009 a.d.) [ (Archimedes, circa 250 b.c.)]- tested at 5T (870 A) for an hour- max I = 1000 A- needs long run (24 hrs) at 5T- goal: being ready by end of August/beginning of September (tight!)

(from K. Longl)

• Conventional magnet system:– D2, Q6—Q9 will be re-established before the shutdown– Q1—Q3, D1 will be re-established during the shutdown

• Decay solenoid:– Schedule to complete magnet testing and final

acceptance running of Linde frig planned in detail– Plan includes preparation of documentation

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

5June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 5

NEW TARGET production

- impressive progress- still a lot to do- end of July to have assemblies ready- then tests- end of August readiness still very achievable BUT tight !

(from J. Tarrant)

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

6June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 6

some mechanical changes to cope with: - air pressure / flow - weight

control ! air-motor overruns need tests / understanding

ASPIRATIONAL SCHEDULE to have diffuser tested in Oxford:2 / 3 months (hols excluded) if NO nasty surprises

(from J. Cobb)

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

Run on distance Vs length of input air pipe















0 5 10 15 20

Length of input air pipe in m





in m


7June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 7


D2 Q4




Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

[fingers crossed]

8June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 8

“detectors come and go, please just let me know“

Muon BeamLine: G4BL simulation – Q1.DS + ------------ CALC_EMI ------------- + T= 0.196 mm rad x = 4.77 cm Y = 4.55 cm T = 38397 mm T = -7.105 RADIUS = 86.73 mm x= 0.2448 mm rad x = 32146 mm x= 9.68 x= 0.074 mm rad y= 0.1568 mm rad y = 45755 mm y= -32.9 y= 0.047 mm rad

P=444.71 MeV/c Z=Q1DS

X’ vs X Y’ vs Y

Y vs X




envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

9June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 9

Muon BeamLine: G4BL simulation – TOF0

Y vs X P/P<10%


+ ------------ CALC_EMI ------------- + N= 2.91 mm rad X = 4.51 cm Y = 7.02 cm = 2875 mm = 0.129 RADIUS = 91.4828342 mm x= 3.49 mm rad x= 1400.4 mm x= 0.489 eX=1.47 mm rad y= 2.43 mm rad y= 4867.7 mm y= -0.392 eY=1.02 mm rad

X’ vs X

Y’ vs Y

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

10June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 10

P=250 MeV/c Z=TOF0

+ ------------ CALC_EMI ------------- + N= 2.47 mm rad X = 5.9 cm Y = 4.37 cm T = 2334 mm T = 0.86 RADIUS = 75.9 mm x= 2.60 x= 2872 mm x= 1.598 y= 2.35 y= 1727 mm y= 0.039

P=223 MeV/c Z=TOF1

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

Y vs X P/P<10%


X’ vs X

Y’ vs Y

Muon BeamLine: G4BL simulation – TOF1

11June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 11

+ ------------ CALC_EMI ------------- + = 3.41 mm rad X = 4.35 cm Y = 4.88 cm T = 1250 mm T = -0.0017 RADIUS = 65.3 mm x= 3.76 mm rad x= 1004 mm x= 0.367 y= 3.10 mm rad y= 1534 mm y= -0.450

P=214 MeV/c Z=Diffuser

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

Y vs X P/P<10%


X’ vs X

Y’ vs Y

Muon BeamLine: G4BL simulation – Diffuser

12June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 12

Optics: are we ready? (shutdown 17 Aug/1 Sept) 2Sept – 25 Oct

- On Sept 2nd we don’t need a beam matched to … something - We can use optics for =6 mm rad / P=214 MeV/c [STEPII] - Rescale it to other momenta to cover STEPI

- later (>october) we need a properly matched beam for all the config. of STEPII [trk-solenoid + diffuser] matrix completion

- more work needed to tune DS-BL (Q4-9) to match MICE optics

- we may want to test solenoid at B+/-B to increase rate

3 6 10




envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

13June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 13

are we ready?


(a) well defined problemknow in solenoidknow at US-diffuser-line tuned (=6,10 mm rad, P=214 MeV/c)

as case (a) but beam diverges due to absenceof solenoidSUGGESTION:use case (a) tuning


Q7 Q8 Q9

Q7 Q8 Q9


envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

14June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 14




DK solenoidQ2 Q3



Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9

1) beamline momentum tuning

P=444 MeV/c

fix D1 fix D2

2) beamline quadrupole tuning

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

15June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 15




DK solenoidQ2 Q3



Q5 Q6 Q7 Q8 Q9

INPUT: beamline US section >>>>>>>>>

GA procedure- Define 6-genes genotypes: Q4-5-6-7-8-9 currents- Express it as a phenotype: the Twiss parameters at some Z’s- Evaluate phenotype’s fitness- Mate genotypes and produce new individuals- Choose the best & repeat for several cycles


i i











OUTPUT: Twiss parameters@ diffuser US face (+TOF1)

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

16June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 16

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions

=78 cm

=132 cm =0.4


June 2nd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 17June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 17

- The successful commissioning of the beamline is a combination of hardware and optics optimisation

- Assume target is working - Assess magnet readiness

- 5T to cover up to high P(MAX=240 MeV/c)- Ongoing work to complete STEPII matrix- Redefining p energy (350 @ TOF0 instead of 420) to cover all the cases- Optics for STEPI == STEPII- Detector readiness

- assume TOF0,1 + GVA1 + Ckova,b + FLMons in place and alive

- Preliminary Plan for September / October BL characterization worked out

envisaged goals magnet readiness target diffuser optics conclusions


18June 3rd 2009 MICE CM24 - RAL 18