MARS CROSS The T A dialogue Between Science and Fact in Light Written by Paul Hallelujah Biologist and Theologue [email protected] Images used without permission all apologies. Assistance in redaction required 1. Introduction 1. Biblical promises 1. Morning Star (Rev. 2:28) 2. New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2) 3. New Heaven/New Earth (Rev 21:1)

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A dialogue Between Science and Fact in Light Written by

Paul Hallelujah Biologist and Theologue [email protected]

Images used without permission all apologies. Assistance in redaction required

1. Introduction

1. Biblical promises 1. Morning Star (Rev. 2:28)

2. New Jerusalem (Rev 21:2)

3. New Heaven/New Earth (Rev 21:1)

4. Old Earth consumed by fire (2 Pet 3:10)

2. Scientific progress 1. Geocentricism to Heliocentrism

2. Rule of progressive knowledge

3. Merging mental boxes

4. Is flat earth related to screen time?

3. Outline for Book – A New Template 2. Biblical Foundations

1. Reliability of Scripture 1. Prophecy

1. OT safeguarded by Jewish tradition which denies NT 2. Micah 5:7 – Birthplace of Messiah

3. Psalm 22 – crucifixion in detail 4. Isaiah 53 – suffering servant

2. Historians 1. Josephus 2. Tacitus 3. Pliny the Younger

3. Internal Witness

1. Reality of God in You

4. Witness of the Church 1. Basics affirmed 2. Good works of church as testimony 3. Saints & Martyrs – Apostles & Early church

2. Sons of God/Chariots from the Sky (Gen. 6:1-22)

1. Aliens like Us in Spaceships

2. Marriage to Daughters of Men

3. Genetic Compatibility

1. Implicit continuity across eons – a plan versus stochastic processes (random) 4. Made in the Image of God

3. Noah`s Ark & Story of Journey 1. Historically reliable

1. Mt. Ararat 2. Common theme across cultures

2. Extend to heavens – New Jerusalem

1. Measure of a man – 2200 square kms

2. Correspondence to popular culture – Star Trek/Wars 1. Beam me up Scotty

2. Borg Cube 3. Common origin story (Directed Panspermia Star Trek)

4. Death Star 5. Colonization of Space

4. Instances of Supernatural Encounters 1. Ezekiels's Vision

1. Throne of God riding on Lightning – Ez. 1 2. Wheel in a Wheel – Gyroscopic tech? - Ezekiel 1:16

2. Elijah and Power from Above 1. Fire from the Sky – 1 Kings 18:38/2 Kings 1:10 2. Chariot from Sky - 2 Kings 2:11

3. Ascension of Christ – Acts 1:9 5. Jesus and Nicodemus

1. Earthly Things & Heavenly Things – John 3:12-13 2. Hamlet to Horatio “More things in heaven and earth...” - 1:5:167-8

6. “Seal of Revelations” 1. Application to book not canon

1. Canon itself subject to whim of history 1. Councils, Constantine, politics 2. Lost/noncanonical texts

1. Enoch 2. Jasher

2. Scientific knowledge not found in Bible exceeds this seal 1. We drive cars, fly in planes, microwave food every day 2. Good science and faith can mix – need wisdom, revelation

1. Prayer key – James 1:5 2. Proverbs 25:2 – God hides a matter, kings search it out

7. Invitation to Examine Science and Scripture As One Text 1. General and Specific Revelation 2. Men of Science had Faith

1. Dedications of Classic Texts 2. Kepler 3. Newton 4. Einstein

3. Post-Darwinian considerations 1. Change is evident 2. Design is coherent 3. Stochastic processes unnecessary and unlikely and unprovable

3. Astronomy 1. Large Scale View

1. Time and Our Place in it 1. Humans and the Clock of Earth History – seconds to midnight 2. Pre-earth and post-earth realities – mapping greater schemata

2. The anthill and the flood 1. Escaping the fallacy of self-importance 2. Outgrowing dreams of magical permanence

2. Stellar Dynamics

1. Novae, Supernovae, Flare Events

1. Processes not properly understood due to scale of time limitations 2. End events like novae may be preceded by large flares 3. Flares may periodically erupt engulfing near planets

1. Consistent with scripture 2. Can monitor nearby stars for evidence – new projects

2. Shifting Green Zone

1. Goldilocks Zone Narrative

1. We think ourselves lucky 2. May involve greater narrative which spans orbitals

3. Orbitals may Shift 1. Hot Jupiters contra Kant & Nebular Hypothesis

2. Atomic Decay Theory of Planetary Formation

1. Alpha & Beta Particles/Gamma Rays Emissions 2. Gas Giants & Rocky worlds/Analogous Radiation

3. Scan stars for new wobble accompanied by burst of energy

3. Analogy to Migration of Bees from one tree to another 4. Mars Cross

1. Schiaparelli & Lowell – Canals on Mars

1. Idea of Civilization on other nearby worlds 2. Ridicule & Revisiting

2. Promise of Morning Star: Revelations 2:28 - Traditional views v. New 1. Spiritual

1. Jesus Himself as Morning Star 2. Satan as Morning Star

2. Venus 1. Astronomers expecting Doric columns and angels on harps 2. “Hell planet”

1. Lead-melting temperatures at surface 2. Runaway greenhouse narrative - “almost earth”

3. Process to fulfill promise 1. 1967 Russian probe – Venera 4

2. Seeding theory 1. Water bears, fungi, bacteria on hull of probe

2. Clouds 50 km above surface sport earthlike temp and pressure NASA pursuing this

3. Seasons in clouds apparent – green and purple in alternation 4. Archival imaging study req'd to see if seasons preceded seeding

3. Pulling down carbon (fixing C) 1. Reduction of greenhouse gases 2. Water and oxygen and byproducts of bioengines

4. Long Eonic time – new Genesis 1. Tidal locking

2. Day length in Genesis possible if earth was tidally locked pre-Luna 3. Venus tidally locked without a moon

1. May be implicit in process of terraforming. Outgassing CO2 as food for spore

2. Pre-archeaen stage needs light/dark differential? 5. Moon to be added later – New Jerusalem?

1. Watchers on Moon?

2. 1969 Buzz Aldrin statements 3. Mountains on Mars – Uniform Dimensions, Angles

1. Olympus Mons – Foot

1. “Tallest mountain in solar system” 2. Pavonis Mons – Head 3. Ascraeus Mons – Arm 4. Arsia Mons – Arm

4. Valles Marineris – Pointer 1. Monuments of Man – Christ Statue on Sugarloaf Mountain, Rio de Janeiro 2. Testament of More Advanced Civilization

1. How to Raise Mountains? 2. Nikola Tesla's unfinished works

5. Crux Commissa - the T v Constantine's mis+handling Contra just war, put away your sword, if my kingdom were of this world

The T - actually 5. New physics

1. Expanding earth Expanding Earth - YouTube

1. Pangea v 2. Smaller past radius - more fit to remaining continental edges 3. Punctuated equilibria 4. Rotating core heats out gasses

2. Shelled atomic nuclei - collapse gravity with time modulator

1. Inner hot core aka protonic matter

2. Outer cool shells - nucleonic matter 3. Orbitals of microplanetoids-electronic matter

1. Variable e mass 2. Satellite potential

3. Ellipses revisited

Complexities of variable mass and moonlets may allow leaving off complex orbital shapes at p and d and higher orbitals. These may correspond to alpha sized electrons with their own satellites. These variables may seem to resolve as quantum theory suggests but the revised model rings true on fine scaling.

4. Towards grand unified theory 1. Time particles and waves 2. Mass less calculi 3. Allowance for creative potential - quurk 4. Abandon finite mass energy sums - why instantiate all known mass and energy

at start then never more? 5. Mass increases with time in Einstein. View of old stars at large distance not

accounting yet for mass increase. This solves missing mass problems

Hold t constant

6. Time parses as scale 7. All forces attract and are derived from growing intrinsically growing life

energy denovo ex nihilo ad infinitum 5. Source of new energy - motion by adherence to base pattern

1. Switch to view of base material as living 2. Spinning out