29.03.2019 Latest Magento Extension Updates - February 2019 | Amasty https://amasty.com/blog/magento-extensions-updates/ 2/21 Hello to Amasty blog readers! As usual, we are pleased to share the latest news about the enhancements we’ve made to your extensions. This month, we’ve tried to bring our modules closer to your marketing goals and implemented analytics for the data-driven approach. Shipping Areas, AMP blog pages, excluding images from the Lazy Load processing and even more new options are waiting for you inside. Read on to nd them all.

M A G E N T O 2 · 2019-03-29 · M a g e n t o 2 A u t o ma t i c R e l a t e d P r o d u ct s 2 .2 .1 M a g e n t o 2 A dv a n ce d S e a r ch 1 .1 2 .1 M a g e n t o 2 A ba n do

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Page 1: M A G E N T O 2 · 2019-03-29 · M a g e n t o 2 A u t o ma t i c R e l a t e d P r o d u ct s 2 .2 .1 M a g e n t o 2 A dv a n ce d S e a r ch 1 .1 2 .1 M a g e n t o 2 A ba n do

29.03.2019 Latest Magento Extension Updates - February 2019 | Amasty

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Hello to Amasty blog readers!

As usual, we are pleased to share the latest news about the enhancementswe’ve made to your extensions.

This month, we’ve tried to bring our modules closer to your marketing goalsand implemented analytics for the data-driven approach. Shipping Areas, AMPblog pages, excluding images from the Lazy Load processing and even morenew options are waiting for you inside.

Read on to �nd them all.

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Article summary [hide]

Magento 2

Magento 2 Automatic Related Products 2.2.1

Magento 2 Advanced Search 1.12.1

Magento 2 Abandoned Cart Email 1.7.0

Magento 2 Elastic Search 1.4.0

Magento 2 GDPR 1.4.8

Magento 2 One Step Checkout 2.3.1

Magento 2 Advanced MSI 1.1.0

Magento 2 Advanced Product Reviews 1.5.0

Magento 2 Blog Pro 1.5.0

Magento 2 FAQ and Product Questions 2.4.0

Magento 2 Reward Points 1.10.0

Magento 2 Shipping Restrictions 2.4.1

Magento 2 Shipping Rules 2.4.1

Magento 2 Advanced Permissions 1.4.5

Magento 2 Google Page Speed Optimizer 1.0.5

Magento 2 Mass Product Actions 1.1.6

Magento 2 Multi Warehouse Inventory 1.5.3

Magento 2 Product Parts Finder 1.10.1

Magento 2 SEO Toolkit 1.13.3

Magento 2 Generate and Import Coupons 1.1.9

Magento 2 Extended Product Grid with Editor 1.5.6

Magento 2 Customer Attributes 2.1.30

Magento 2 Cross Linking 1.0.9

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Magento 1

Advanced Permissions 1.2.8

Admin Actions Log 1.6.18

GDPR 1.5.6

Mass Product Actions 1.7.3

One Step Checkout 3.2.8

Product Manager Toolkit 1.10.3

Order Attributes 3.6.7

Shipping Restrictions 1.3.0

Shipping Rules 1.5.0

Minor improvements

Magento 2

Magento 1

How to get the updates?


NEW: Now the extension allows admin users to create Bundle Pack rules ando�er customers a discount on the group of products purchased as a bundle.

NEW: You can monitor rule performance statistics – Views, Clicks, CTR, Orders

and Revenue.

NEW: We added a slider option to the related products block.

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NEW: Also, we added an option that allows you to preview a product listright in the backend based on the selected conditions:

A number of minor improvements were made.


NEW: We introduced a new search autocomplete pop-up design.

NEW: Now admin users can see the report on the search volume based onusers’ recent activity with a new Analytics Dashboard. Also, admin is able tokeep track of the most popular search terms in your store:

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We also improved the Popular and Recent search results in the autocompletepop-up, as well as the compatibility with Magento Commerce and AmastyElastic Search extension.

A number of minor improvements were made.


NEW: We added several new options, now you can add (a) cross-sellproducts, (b) upsell products, (c) cross-related products, and (d) wish-listproducts to abandoned cart email templates.

NEW: Now you can see the status of (up to) 5 recently launched cron jobs.

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Also, to improve the usability we added clarifying hints and comments tocertain �elds in the backend.

Besides, we improved session regeneration.


NEW: We introduced a new search autocomplete pop-up design:

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NEW: Also we added the Analytics Dashboard to provide admin users withthe report on the search volume based on users’ recent activity. Besides,admin users now can track the most popular search terms in the store.

We enhanced the Popular and Recent search results in the autocompletepop-up.

We improved the compatibility with Magento Commerce.

A number of minor improvements were made.


NEW: Now you can create a link to the Privacy Policy via the ‘Amasty Privacy

Policy’ widget.

NEW: Also, we have added AJAX to the allowing / disallowing cookies. So, nopage reload will happen after the action with cookies.


NEW: We added a new option that allows your users to set a password andregister a new account while placing an order.

NEW: Besides, now you can automatically log in your customers after theycreate an account at the checkout.

We improved the checkout �elds management. Now, the width of the �eldscan’t exceed 100%.

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Also, we renamed the auto-login setting.


NEW: We added a new feature for selecting warehouses during the ordercreation step. Now shipping costs can be calculated depending on thewarehouse address.


NEW: We added an option that allows you to set the review reminder triggerbased on order status:

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Also, now you can edit ‘I recommend this product’ and ‘Veri�ed Buyer’ rightfrom the backend.

We made a number of minor design improvements, as well as enhanced thecompatibility with Magento 2.3.0.


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NEW: Now the extension can automatically create AMP (Accelerated MobilePage) for Blog Category and Post pages. Pages powered by AMP loadimmediately with content.

We added basic compatibility with Magento Page Builder.

We rewrote the Blog existing grids and forms in the backend using MagentoUI components.


NEW: We added a new report for FAQ search queries from users.

We improved the extension API and introduced minor visual changes forextension settings in the admin panel.


NEW: We added a new option that allows you to highlight reward points onthe frontend. Now your customers can see the bene�ts they’ll get beforepurchasing.


NEW: We added a new feature – Shipping Areas. Now you can create yourcustom Shipping Areas to get more Geo �exibility when con�guring shippingrestrictions:

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We enhanced the UI components in the rules grid.

We removed the noti�cation after applying Coupon Code on the Checkoutpage.


NEW: We added a new feature – Shipping Areas. Now you can create yourcustom Shipping Areas to get more Geo �exibility when con�guring shippingrestrictions.

We enhanced the UI components in the rules grid.