Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa. . . Sta ndard Form For Members of the Le9 1s l at u re Name of 2. Harriaqe (s) date place 3. Significant events for example: A. Bus ineaa uh A ;a k /; 17:12 B. Civic responsibilities ________________________________ __ C . Prof u a ion tllfi. ' p / 4. Church membership ________ -fl. f' /, 5. Sessions served 54 5/ 5 !feAr1.-:J (), '"' .h.t!,, If!/ ]_ lft{r I 4 6. Public Offices A. Local ________________________________________________ _ B. State ________________________________________________ _ . C. National ____________________________________________ __ 9. Kames of (/

Lynch, Mae A - legis.iowa.gov fileSource: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines,

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. .

Standard Form For Members of the Le9 1s l at ure

Name of

2. Harriaqe (s) date place

3. Significant events for example:

A. Bus ineaa uh rJ~t&L A ;a k /; ,~.;I 17:12

B. Civic responsibilities ________________________________ __

C . Prof u a ion tllfi. ' • p / .tiw~M

4. Church membership ________ ~~~~~~~~~-&~~~· --------------------------fl. f' /,

5. Sessions served 54 5/5 !feAr1.-:J (), '"' .h.t!,, If!/]_ lft{r I 4

6 . Public Offices

A. Local ________________________________________________ _

B. State ________________________________________________ _

. C. National ____________________________________________ __

9. Kames of parents-L~~~~--~~:_·1~-Z~Gt~-~&~'·LI~~~~~a~.~~~ --------------------(/

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

lO.Education ______________ __

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

n o u1c;es Lo g Fo r Loglslat l o n E11 L1.ies


lion flppllcable 1\pplJ.cable lll [ or 111 C1 L i o 11 o b L" i 11 e <I

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-t· ~-h"'-1 . 2- ----------------· -- ·- -----....

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' ------- - ------------·-·--- . -------

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---·-··---··--·-····-·- ·--- - ------ --·---- ----·--------·--- - -- -- ·······-- ·- -- - - ·-··

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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. .......... .., ..... n V.i. ~••"' ... v .. ,._. ..... ""<;O ~.&.'-'•

Loren Oleson, chainnan, D. A. Mitchell, Dr. W. F. Brinkman~ El­don Ander~n, A. C. Cimnichaef, C. E. Calligan, Geo. Cushing, Rob­~ Conrad, A·. J. Drobney, and Bob Lorge.

Mrs. Mae A~ Lynch, . tocal Attorney:·.

Died on June·3

ed; Graiit Dealers'-Offi.

cia.l To S~ ·

. The annual· meet.ing of the Far­mers Cooperative company' will be held . next Wednesday evening, June 17, ·in the. 4iH ·Club building in Poeahontas. An announcement of the a.pnual event appears else-

_.,.., lCISUIIlr JJlt'CUIIIf

to begin .a~:OO p. m

Fufierallod . :I

For A. J~ Set 0 0 ;

_-Former R where in this issue of the Record- - i

Democrat. ~ Funeral services· I The busineSS meet.ing itself Will tJ;tiS ·(TJ:'Ursday) m0~ begin at 8:00 o'clock although en- o clock m SS. Peter! terta:in~ent by· the Pocahontas Old.) Churc~ fo_r Anthon~ Fiddlers will begin at 7 :3(}. whQ died m Des Mou

Principal speaker of the evening Rev. Fr. Jerome Koe: will be Mr. Albert Koolhof of Web- brate the requiem M~ ster City, a directo.r of the. Iowa I ibe in ~alvary cematel Grain Dealers association,.-:Mr. ·ers Wlll be: Henry B Koolh.of, assOCiated' in the ·grain •Hudek, _ Wesley Sto business for a number of years, Eral, Vmce S~ner anc ·will present both an interesting -~n. . . • l and informative talk for the mem- "Tony'' as - he wa hers. known, was bont on'

Also appearing on the pro·gram Pocahontas Mar . . 21, , will be the Nissen brothers, na- of Catherine Bartosh. tiona]ly famous . television and Sedlacek, He attendc 8creen t.rtunpolin act, lind Burns schools and grew to 1

and White, !a.ined musical comedy where he sp~nt his er. team. . Burns a master of wit will the exception of the 1t act as maste; of ceremonies f;r the In 1946 when . his he1

. Mrs. Mae A. Lyiich, a practicing evening. · · · 'Went to Bishop Dn attorney here since -1932,-died June At the regular business rneetilig, Des Moines to reside. 3, at 11 p.m. in the home of ~~r the annual statement showing the a ·patient in Me!Cy He sister, Mrs. Kathryn Mabon m earnings of .the cooperative dur- Moines abou.t three n Minneapolis, Minn. Mrs. Lynch had ing the year will be· presen~e4 by he 'Was moved, to a 1

been ill f~ the past 31h ·years, Manager Eldon Anderson. Divi-· there. . _ ·- however her death came ·sud~~ly dend checks for~1949 and current A number of yean

aa the reS'Illt of a heart condition. .i.ntereet dividend checks for pat- -in the automobile and nnerac.nt~DJ we~. held .. hei-e Sat:: rona will be. distributed. . . . , .... ,.~, .. ineaa 'here. From '·19U

~~:::::;~:1&til,~'lilo):DIItr ... at~8!!0.io•eJctk in Reporta of :preaident Wei StoU:- tirenient in 1946 he • Sacred Heart . Church. Rev. Fr lil and Secretaey Carl Barth wiU tendent of the light s Henry B. Karho!f wa8 .celebrant of be give·n; Election of three direc- .pa~ent in Pocahorit the requiem Mass. Intennent ·Was to.rs to the cooperative's board will member of SS. Pete in Calvary, cemetery. Pall bearers (Cont.i.Nled on page 6) church where he sen

' were: D. A. Mitchell, Lawrence years as a trustee. H Flaherty, A. R. Mackovets, Jay J. CCC Will Sell time member of th( ~f.~· Francis Kelty and ·R. R. ':I,,w-Grade Corn . ~~us and the Cs


Mae A. Fritz was born in Ashton, to Courity Feeders . Mr. ~edlacek nevei Iowa, Sept. 19, 1883, ti}e daughter . . . ls survlved by one ht of Helen and Peter Fritz. She was Any government com showmg of this place and thre reared in that Vicinity and follow: e.igna Of going OUt Of Condition in two nephe'Wa 1 ing her graduation from Iowa the CCC bins located in Pocahorl- · 1

State Teachers College at· Cedar tas _ county 'Will be . .. offered local . . -l FalLs, ·she came to Pocahontas feeders at the market price, it. has ·p I ·. . where she served as principal of been announced by Henry Loota, a me· the junjor high school. In Septem- chairman o! theceounty PMA com- · 1·.1 ber 1912 she 'Was united in mar- niit,tee. . · ·

·riage .with the la~e .Thomas F. Grain which lllAY be sold in this Lynch, a local attorney; Following manner will be grade's 4, 6 and his death in . March 1928, she "sample." Most government com·

· studied. law at the University of stored in this county. tests No. 3 ·Iown and was admitted to the bnr or better ibut the top layer in a in 1932. She was elected state rep- numbe.r of bins .grades lower, ac­resentative from Pocahontas coun- cording to Chairman Loots. ty in Nov •. 1942 and served two , Disposal of. the low-grade com tenns. She was · the only woman will serve the dual purpose of pro-

( Continued on page 7) viding ·.a ·limited local supply . at ' market prices and· slightly inc.reas-cl•tizeOS.·. 0 Asked ·. ing available bin space for 1962

!ami-stored corn delivered in ·set-. H I M eo· tlement of price auppo·rt loans. to e p eet • Fa~ers interested in buying. this corn, may contact the County PMA

l1t. lit •. "~t,''. f Is lite-elect(

of CountY, .. ...

. R.R. !'~ob" CeJka. :was re-elected presideJI ahontaa ·County ·.Ru.r&l operative nasoclation 1 tar reorganization . n TuMc'!ev P.VP,;n,.. ,..,..,..,

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

1~~~~.~-of th~ \\·e-st; 'a~d-_the Sequoia tensi~n _h~me eco~omist. J mer Anell~ -K~-ii;;.-- -1:-h;y --~;e--a ~ .forest; San Francisco,· Calif., Los ; to Y•rgmw. . Hardmg, county ex- ' young SOil and plan to make their ! Angeles, where they called on Ken- : E!leene wtll precede the rest of! home in Laurens: . . . ·, neth Forlx:s, im uncle of Darylo the group to Ames as she has to : Johnson, :'tilt! visited the · worlds' : ~e ?n t~e c.ampus Tuesda>: for pre- I • Bonds-most unique dairy. On the return · hn:martes m the slate offt~er en~- ' · . . tri" the visited Hoover Dam, Lake p:ugn. The other 16 g1rls wtll l- <s;ontmue~ !ron: page ~)

1 l\1 ~ .1 tyh G .. d C Al'-·q·- : leave_ Pocahontas Wednesday and


an H bond whtch wtll pay mcome


e,tc • e !.Ill anyon, uu ' • . A "I S d to . ch . th "od If ::-: .M d \\ .. h'W K ·, remam m me:; unt1 ntur ny. · you ea · SIX mon . per1 . uerque, • · · an · IC

1 a, an, · · Convention is a state-wide Rally you hold the bond to maturity the ,

Four From County Day for 4-H ~iris. At · that time l interest rate is 3.%,

In I.S.T.C. Class they elect their state officers and • "If you want to lay · it · ha,•e talks and cer<'moni<'s similar I away - buy an · E bond and it ! to a .local Rnllv Day ce)l'brntioll. ·will accumulate interest · equal to ;

Four l'ocahontas county students One dcle~al<' i~ attending from . Hi 1 one third of your investment, if · were i1mong the gra~untes nt Jo\Va . of the Pocnhonta .. c; clubs plu~ the ! held. to. maturity, Interest com ... II State Tea~hers college, Ce~ar : county 4-H pr<'!<ident. . ' pounds at 3.% semi- annually. Falls, last Saturday. · All. rccetv- Those at fend in~ and the cluhs ! "Security --it is tho best - i ed El~mentary . Tea~h"•.·s diplomas. they represC'nt arC': ·:\larl<'ft<' Aden.; a first _mortgage on America. It ' They wcluucd: :Marg~ret. Ann An- llelh·ille B<'llcs;_ J anie<' nurg"hardt, , comes fu-st on pay day. I derson, daughter of Mr. and ~~It-s. · Powhatan Squaws; Sniulra Ferf;'\1- l "June 20th is the deadline ·w . . W. Anderson of ~ocahontas; , son; Swan Lake Everre:ulr; Mnri- : for your bond_ purchase if it is to I .Mary Lou Cook of Laurens, Kar- J\'n Hammer, Dnn•r Doers: Elfrie- count .on the county quota. Please. lene Sue Eppelspeim~r of H~lfe iioefing, Lnk<' Lassies; Re~ina _1\rt:- ! step into your bank today or 00- 'j

and ~!arlene Joann S1efken of 1 al- -·Gowan - Cednrettes; Ir<'nc · Mehl, t fore Juno. 20th anti buy that extrn mer. · . , Grant 'Gii.c;tcners: Marilyn Miller, : bond for yourself." · . 1'

Also receiving Elemenl:u:r. Teach- Lizard Loy.al Lassies : ~lary ~lill <'r, ,. · Co . ..Chm. Savings Bond Div. ers diplomLl.B at the exercises were Lincolnettes; Carol Peterson, Col- · . Co. Chm. Sa\'jngs Bond Div. 1

Cecilia Schuller of 1\lnllard and fax Crickets; Carol Peterson, Sher-Arlepe Peai:son, Dolores . Grosch man Senoritas; Jeanne Saycy, D: • Storm-and Elvera GustnfsOJ'!, ·all of Albert '[ T Livch· Lassies· Joan Svuba, 1 (Co t' d

• . • . !' • • • • , n mue from page 1) C1ty. , Clovet~ers; Patty Swecker, Up N I the house was moved from its 'l

dl• ., CumnHns.: and Janet Shel~ren of foundation. July 1st Dea Ine the Garfteld , Gleaners. Havelock Damage

uor Homestead Ta' X : . . The roof of the Quaker . Oats , . . :~ 'f.' • • . . · • · l. Lynch- . company elevator at Hnvelocj( was · Military Ex_emptions: . (Cbritinued !rom page 1) torn off in Sunday's storm~ The 1 . · -=-- . ; ever elected from Pocahont?s coun: elevator's lumber · shed was 8.\5o

. :· ' .. Notices in ~s issue o_f the ~- i ty to serve in the Iowa lcgJslatur~. unco~ered. , The school's bus barn I __ ·_ ---~ ord-Democrat._by __ C_oun~y_ ~-uditor _She was a ·member of the _Phoemx lost lts en<ls. Porches \Yc.re torn j

Marie .PaVik and County ~essor I Club and sa~red Hea:t·Soctety ~d I f~m may houses~n:-Hnvelock,l .. , · Duncan C. Grant call attentiOn .to .took an ncbve pa.rt .m commumty \\Ymdows were blown out and a

· the !act that July 1st is the dead- : affairs. · · numbcl'-of trees uprooted. · ·- 1 line for filing for H?mestead and 1 Surviving. nrc t'W<;> sisters, Mrs. The Ridotto Ballroom a mile Military tax exemptions. . 1l\Iabon ·of ~1mneapohs and .1\lrs. W. cast of Havelock was badly dam-

Homestead exemptions are nor- 1 F. Fitzgerald of Belmond, n ni~ce, aged. . Its' north end was blown mally filed. with the· assessor at I Mrs: Constance Douglas of. Mmn- out and part of the south end and the time of making annual assess- eapolis and n nephe,v, Richard roo!. One of the small houses ad­menta. l.f · no ·applic~tion .was I Shearer who holds a government. · jacent to the dance hall was up­made at that time, Grant has an- position ln A~ai:a, Turkey. I ended and pushed against the wall liourieed that.propertY owners may Those from a d.i8tnnce attending o! the puilding. ·

:M _. 1

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.·.· f '

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-eall at his office in the courthouse the last rites Wf;re: Mrs. Margie Buildings on the Reamer Aden here and make such application! Ledford, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Lynch G. A. Hollenbeck, Arthur Johnso~

· Military tax exemptions need .be arid 1\Ir. nnd 'Mrs. Emmett Lynch Clarence Hauswirth and WilUam · filed only once ·with the auditot:'s of Barnum; Mrs. Kathryn Mabon, Boysentarms were demolished. At -office. Veterans . who served be- Mrs. Douglas and family of Minn- the Harold Shimon farm a section fore- Sept. 2, 1945,' an'd who have eaJ)olia, . Minn.; Mrs. W: F. Fltz- "of 'the wall ?f a maehine shed came I

"DOt previOully filed an appUeation gerald, Ethel· Bnme.s and Marvu.s to rest .on top of the back porch -~ :may' do 10 ·at the audito!'• office.. Tide~k of Belmond: of the. house. At the Mann fann, •••II'


Q. ,· .