ΛΥΚΕΙΟ ΒΕΡΓΙΝΑΣ – ΛΑΡΝΑΚΑ ΣΧΟΛΙΚΗ ΧΡΟΝΙΑ 2018- 2019 ΓΡΑΠΤΕΣ ΕΞΕΤΑΣΕΙΣ ΜΕΤΑΤΑΞΗΣ ΜΑΙΟΥ 2019 ΜΑΘΗΜΑ:ΑΓΓΛΙΚΑ A ΄ ΛΥΚΕΙΟΥ ΚΑΤΕΥΘΥΝΣΗΣ Ημερομηνία: 10/05/2019 Ώρα: 7:30 Διάρκεια: 2,5ώρες Ονοματεπώνυμο: ____________________________ Τμήμα: ____ Αρ: __ ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ: Να γράφετε μόνο με μπλε ή μαύρη πένα. Δεν επιτρέπεται η χρήση διορθωτικού υλικού. Το γραπτό αποτελείται από11 σελίδες. 1 ΒΑΘΜΟΣ: _____________ ΟΛΟΓΡΑΦΩΣ: __________ ΥΠΟΓΡΑΦΗ:___________

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Ημερομηνία: 10/05/2019 Ώρα: 7:30

Διάρκεια: 2,5ώρες

Ονοματεπώνυμο: ____________________________ Τμήμα: ____ Αρ: __

ΟΔΗΓΙΕΣ: Να γράφετε μόνο με μπλε ή μαύρη πένα.

Δεν επιτρέπεται η χρήση διορθωτικού υλικού.

Το γραπτό αποτελείται από11 σελίδες.


ΒΑΘΜΟΣ: _____________

ΟΛΟΓΡΑΦΩΣ: __________


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LISTENING ONE (1) (10 Marks)

Exercise A: Listen to the text about “New Year ’s Day in Japan” and circle the correct answer.

1. Nowadays, everyone in Japan celebrates their birthday on New Year's Day.

a. True

b. False

2. Many people in Japan go to a beach and watch the sun rise on New Year's Day.

a. True

b. False

3. Where do people go to buy an omikuji?

a. To the beach

b. To a store

c. To a temple

d. To a mall

4. What does the “kuromame in osechi” mean?

a. A wish for good luck

b. A wish for health

c. A wish for money

d. A wish for happiness

5. The most expensive osechi set costs about 233,000 yen.

a. True

b. False


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LISTENING TWO (2) (10 Marks)

Listen to the text about a stuntman and fill in the gaps. Use ONLY one word.

A stuntman who specializes in climbing skyscrapers was

banned from 1. ……………………….. any building in the UK.

Alain Robert, 56, received a 20-week suspended 2.

……………………… sentence on Friday for scrambling up

London's 201-metre Heron Tower. Mr Robert, dubbed "the

French Spiderman," also got a $7,000 fine for disruption and 3. ……………………… a "large

scale"emergency response. Hundreds of people stopped to watch him climb the building and

called the emergency 4. ……………………. . Robert climbed the London tower using only his bare

hands.He never uses ropes or other safety 5. …………………… .

In court, the judge told the climber: "You are...an accomplished climber, but there is 6.

……….......the danger that your actions could be imitated by those 7. ………………..……proficient,

with potentially fatal consequences." Another 8. ………………..…… called the climb a publicity

stunt. He pointed out that Robert was sponsored to climb the building because he was wearing

a 9. ……………………..…with the logo of a company on it. Robert was prepared for his arrest.

When police arrested Robert on Thursday, he 10. …………….………..handed officers his passport

and the telephone number of his lawyer.



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Reading A: Read the texts and do the exercise that follows. (16 Marks)

Missing Surfer Found Alive on Desert Island

Rescue teams have taken a young woman to hospital to recover after she was found on a small desert island with only her surfboard. Cassie Walsh, 27, disappeared yesterday when the sea carried her and her board away from the shore to the resort in the Kiribati Islands where she and her family were staying. She was rescued this morning after a search; and a rescue helicopter which was flying over the island spotted an SOS sign which had been made from branches.

Now in hospital, after her twenty-one hour adventure, Walsh told reporters how she had spent several hours at sea, holding on to her surfing board and struggling with the waves. At one point, she thought help was close when she saw a fishing boat, but with the strong winds causing the waves to reach incredible heights, the crew failed to spot her. Eventually, Walsh washed up on an unfamiliar beach just before dark. “I used the last of my strength to make that SOS sign, then I fell asleep right there on the sand,” she said. “The helicopter arrived while I was sleeping. I’m just so lucky they found me.”

Driver Survives In Snow for Two Weeks

A thirty-five-year-old man was discovered this morning trapped in a car under a thick layer of snow. Park ranger Giles Summers spotted part of the car which was sticking out of the snow. “We hadn’t been up there since the last snowstorm, so, to be honest, when we realized there was a car under there, we expected the worst. We couldn’t believe our eyes when we dug it out and saw someone inside waving at us.”

Dennis Jones, from Fresno, California, was driving through the area when he made the wrong turn and got lost. As he drove higher into the Sierrra mountain range, the weather got worse and the engine finally cut out. He was left high up in the mountains with no phone signal and no way of calling for help. As the snow kept falling fast, Jones decided to stay inside the car for protection, and he soon realized that the car was buried under the snow.

The decision probably saved his life. “staying in the car was one of the best things he could have done,” said Summers. ‘Walking around an unknown area in low temperatures is definitely a bad idea.’ Jones survived on melted snow and snacks he had with him. He burnt matches to heat the air inside the car, which was kept warm by the layers of snow around it.

Portal to English 4 MM PublicationsB1(2019)


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Exercise 1: Read the articles and write T for True, F for False or NM for Not Mentioned. (8x2=16 Marks)

1. Walsh will have to remain in hospital for a few days.

2. Walsh’s family was having holidays at a different place.

3. The people in the boat didn’t notice Walsh because of the bad weather.

4. Walsh made an SOS sign when he saw a helicopter flying above the island.

5. The park ranger who found the car thought the driver was dead.

6. Jones didn’t have a phone signal because of the bad weather.

7. Jones used matches to build a fire inside the car.

8. Both Walsh and Jones took action that helped save their lives.


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PASSAGE B: Read the text and do the questions that follow. (19 Marks)

Children are as fit as endurance athletes

Have you ever wondered why children always seem to have bags of energy and never run out

of steam? Researchers have discovered that children have the stamina and levels of recovery of

endurance athletes. In fact, scientists say children's muscles recover from "high-intensity

exercise" a lot quicker than athletes. A study looked at the performance levels of children when

they were cycling, and compared their fitness to that of athletes. Researcher Dr Sebastien Ratel

said: "We found the children used more of their aerobic metabolism and were therefore less

tired during the high-intensity physical activities. They also recovered very quickly - even faster

than the well-trained adult endurance athletes."

The researchers hope that their findings will help scientists better understand how the human

body changes with age. It could lead to advances in the fight against diabetes and other

diseases. Dr Ratel said the research was particularly important as more children were becoming

less active. He warned: "With the rise in diseases related to physical inactivity, it is helpful to

understand the physiological changes with growth that might contribute to the risk of disease."

He added that children should maintain their fitness as they grow up and play as much as they

could so they remain healthy as adults. He said: "Children seem to have the ability to play and

play and play, long after adults have become tired."

From https://breakingnewsenglish.com/1804/180426-endurance-athletes.html


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Exercise 1. Choose the best answer a, b, c or d. (5x2=10 Marks)

1) What did the article say children have bags of?

a) bananas

b) energy

c) shopping

d) school books

2) What recovers more quickly in children than in adults?

a) cuts

b) a broken heart

c) muscles

d) baldness

3) What did children use more of than adults?

a) anabolic membrane

b) aerobic metabolism

c) aero-bikes

d) acrobatic mats

4) What disease could the research help the fight of?

a) diabetes

b) cancer

c) influenza

d) malaria

5) What changes is it helpful to understand?

a) pterodactyl changes

b) psychological changes

c) physiological changes

d) pyrotechnical changes


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Exercise 2. Answer the following questions. (2X2=4 Marks)

1. What did Dr Sebastien Ratel find in his study about the performance levels of children,

compared to adults, when cycling? Give two (2) details

a) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


2. What should children do to remain healthy as adults? Give two (2) details

a) ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

b) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

Exercise 3. Choose a, b, c, or d to fill in the gaps. (5X1=5 Marks)

The Great North Run

The Great North Run is one of the UK’s most popular (1)……………… events. It is the (2)

……………….. and best- known half marathon in the world. The first Great North Run was held in

1981, to help (3) …………………… money for charities and other worthy causes. Around fifty

thousand (4) …………………… sign up to take part in it every September. Most sporting people

who enter the race are (5) ……………… if they just manage to finish it, but for some professional

athletes the competition is a serious business and they are out to win.

1. a. athletes’ b. sporting c. acting d. competitive

2. a. highest b. funniest c. biggest d. richest

3. a. lift b. improve c. raise d. rise

4. a. competitors b. contests c. opponent d. gamers

5. a. interested b. pleased c. anxious d. worried


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PASSAGE C: Read the text and write a summary on the negative consequences of pollution on human health. (10 Marks)

Write between 70-80 words. Use your own words as far possible.

Pollution is the world’s biggest killer

Pollution is the world's biggest killer 23rd October, 2017 a study has found that pollution is now the world's biggest killer. One in six deaths worldwide is because of pollution. This is 16 per cent of all global deaths. Most of these deaths were from non-infectious diseases caused by pollution. These include heart disease, lung cancer and stroke. The study was published in the medical journal 'The Lancet'. Researchers said most pollution-related deaths occurred in poorer countries. About 92 per cent of these deaths were in low-income nations, especially countries where there is a lot of economic development, such as India and China. Bangladesh and Somalia were the worst affected countries. Brunei and Sweden had the lowest numbers of pollution-related deaths.

Study co-author Karti Sandilya said: "Pollution, poverty, poor health, and social injustice are deeply intertwined." He added: "Pollution threatens fundamental human rights, such as the right to life, health, wellbeing, and safe work." He said air pollution was the biggest killer. Air pollution led to 6.5 million premature deaths. The second biggest killer was water pollution, which caused 1.8 million deaths. The next largest killer was pollution in the workplace, which was linked to 800,000 worldwide deaths. Scientist Dr Penny Woods said: "Air pollution is reaching crisis point." She said the people who pollution hit the hardest are those with breathing and lung problems, children and the elderly.




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Writing Task 1 (15 Marks)

Write an e-mail to a friend telling him/her about a crazy

competition you participated in. (Write 80 -100 words)

You should include:

The name, place and date of the competition

Who participated, what were the rules/ regulations

The results, prizes, etc.























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Writing Task 2 (20 Marks)

Write a short article to be published in the school magazine

about some ways that make people happy and healthy .

(Write 120-140 words)

You should include a title for your article

TITLE: ______________________________________________________________________________



















Η Διευθύντρια

Χριστούλα Συρίμη



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Writing Task 2 (20 Marks)

Write a short article to be published in the school magazine

about some ways that make people happy and healthy .

(Write 120-140 words)

You should include a title for your article

TITLE: ______________________________________________________________________________



















Oι Eισηγήτριες

Ανδρούλα ΠουλλίδουΜαρίνα Στρεγγέλ

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Λουκία Κκουσιή

Η Διευθύντρια

Χριστούλα Συρίμη



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