Luxurious Residential Project in Noida

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  • 8/12/2019 Luxurious Residential Project in Noida


    ACE Golf Shire The Luxurious Residential Project In Noida Expressway

    ith so !any the!ed "ased luxurious residential projects co!in# in the real estate !ar$et% ACE GroupIndia one of the leadin# "uilders in Noida is de&elopin# #olf the!ed luxurious residential project%na!ed ACE Golf Shire in Sector '()% Noida Expressway*

    ACE Golf Shire is the luxurious residential project in Noida Expressway% offerin# ultra luxury li&in# ina serene en&iron!ent* The !ajor +SP of this project is its #olf course the!ed concept% which isperched around the project* The lush #reen surroundin#s of the #olf course% with a perfect "lend ofstyle% !odern desi#ns and luxurious facilities% will pa!per and reju&enate you* This project offerse&erythin# that we expect fro! a housin# project% that fulfill all the necessary needs of the residents forluxury li&in#*

    This luxurious residential projectis located at excellent location , of Noida Expressway% that holds#ood &alue "ecause of the location "enefits as it is &ery near to the $ey locations li$e schools% colle#es%restaurants% hospitals% !alls% shoppin# co!plexes% etc* The location ad&anta#e is that it is easilyconnected to -N- .lyway% -elhi% Gha/ia"ad% N0123% etc* It can also help the people in co!!utin#easily to e&en far away located places% as it pro&ides easy connecti&ity to &arious !ajor destinationthrou#h hi#hways% proposed !etro station% underpasses and -N- Expressway% in lesser ti!e*

    The "eautiful landscape and #reenery !a$es this project treasured and e&eryone #ets o&erwhel!ed "ythe location and the 4uality of the project* The project is characteri/ed "y its special architecturaldesi#ns% offerin# 2506% 7 506 and 78Study are a&aila"le in &arious si/es ran#in# fro! ''9( s4* ft to2)9( s4* ft*% with dedicated spacious and luxurious li&in# caterin# to all co!forts you desired* Specialcare has "een ta$en care to desi#n the apart!ents% where "eauty of nature and a!enities e!er#es as thewishful desire of any ho!e "uyers* The finest construction% offers well inte#rated ho!es with #olfcourse% which creates one of $ind luxurious residences*

    Residents of ACE Golf Shire enjoy access to &arious co!!unity la&ish features and capti&atin#a!enities such as a clu" house% swi!!in# pool : $id;s pool area% !ultipurpose : "an4uet hall% yo#a :aero"ics roo!% depart!ental store% spa center% salon% tennis court% "ad!inton court% "illiards : ta"letennis roo!% s$atin# rin$% jo##in# : cyclin# trail% children;s play area% jo##in# trac$s% spa center% #y!and