LIVING Practical Lifestyle Articles DETOX your home MONEY, Tell It Where To Go! ISSUE 7, 2016 + Market Update properties for sale and rent at luton.com.au AUTUMN! Footy Season Preview INTERIOR Property Styling Do’s & Dont’s Pets Cats, Dogs, Rabbits & Birds! RECIPE Limoncello Tira-mess-u

Luton Living - Issue 7 - 2016

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Practical lifestyle articles brought to you by Luton Weston.

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DETOXyour home

MONEY,Tell It Where To Go!

ISSUE 7, 2016

+ Market Updateproperties for sale and rent at luton.com.au

AUTUMN!Footy Season Preview

INTERIORProperty Styling Do’s & Dont’s

PetsCats, Dogs, Rabbits & Birds!

RECIPELimoncello Tira-mess-u



While the weather may be set to cool this Autumn, it appears that the market isn’t ready to do so. Thus far 2016 has seen properties selling soon after they have been listed for sale, whether it be by Auction or Private Treaty. Open homes have had a significant boost in attendances compared to this time last year and registrations at Auctions have been consistently high leading to some results going well beyond expectations. The rental market has also bounced back after a reasonably long period of sluggish activity with rents rising and high numbers of applications on most advertised properties. If you’re thinking of selling, don’t be put off by thinking that you have to wait until Spring. Real Estate is very much a case of supply vs. demand and with properties being hotly contested across all price brackets, now might be the perfect time to take advantage of these prime conditions. After completing our office renovations ahead of schedule, we were excited to move back into our brand new office mid-November last year, and have our team back together. We all enjoyed a break over Christmas and we are well and truly back into the swing of things and looking forward to a huge 2016!

- Tim Burke & Justine Burke







LIVINGWhat’s Inside

Property Styling Do’s & Dont’s.. pg. 4 In the world of real estate, it is crucial to consider the presentation of your home right at the start of the selling process.

Detox Your Home .................... pg. 6There are many harmful chemicals in most household cleaning products. Why not harness the power of nature to create a pure and fresh living environment without harsh and potentially toxic chemicals.

Tell Your Money Where To Go ... pg. 8 “How do you manage your finances?”, is probably the most common question I receive from clients. Unfortunately, most clients do not like my answer, “I have a budget and track my spending”.

Football Preview .................... pg. 10 It is footy season so get the low-down on the three biggest teams in Canberra; The Canberra Raiders, the ACT Brumbies and the GWS Giants.

Cats, Dogs, Rabbits & Birds! .... pg. 11 All the information you need to help keep your pets healthy and happy for this time of year.

A Private Sanctuary ............... pg. 15 Rarely does such a well-maintained, executive residence become available in a highly convenient location. A landmark offering that has to be seen to be fully appreciated.



kitchen cabinets. The plus side is you can start decluttering or packing away the items not frequently in use and get a head start on packing for your move.


Be objective and start to depersonalise your home. The buyer wants to be able to see themselves living in the house and may feel like they are intruding if they are confronted with a multitude of family photos or

In the world of real estate, it is crucial to consider the presentation of your home right at the start of

the selling process. Your potential buyers are already out house hunting and yours is just one home in a long list of open homes being seen that weekend.


Take the time to clean, clean, clean and then clean again. I know it sounds

like I am being a broken record but nothing makes a home look fresher and more welcoming than a clean house. This means inside and outside.


Don’t forget to clean inside the cupboards too. Your buyer will most likely want to open and shut all the cupboards in the house. Clean out and clear the linen, laundry and bedroom wardrobes and clean the inside of the



personal collections. It can be hard to be objective in your own home, so ask for advice from your agent, a property stylist or family and friends.


Don’t worry about leaving one or two family photos on display. Showing a few family snaps will not scare the buyers away, but rather show that the house has a bit of heart and soul.


Do think about how your home smells. Most pet owners are unaware of the smell an inside animal (cat or dog) leaves around a home. But to a potential buyer the smell can be unpleasant and off putting. Ask a friend (who does not have pets) to be brutally honest; does your house smell?Other smells to be aware of are smoking and cooking smells.


Don’t try to mask the smell with incense, or harsh plug in fragrances. Not only can these smells be over powering to a potential buyer but they can create an air of suspicion (what are the owners trying to hide?). Owners should open windows and use odour removing sprays at least 24 hours before each open house.


Create an open, welcoming and styled interior that will appeal to a large portion of buyers. You can do this by decluttering, repositioning furniture and adding decorator items, such as art and cushions. If required, consider hiring furniture or using a property stylist.


Don’t try to over stage a property (we have all seen them). Don’t fill the bath with water and rose petals, don’t bake cookies in the oven and the most common over staging faux pas - don’t set the table for a dinner party. Buyers are savvy and know all the ‘tricks of the trade’ as soon as they feel like they are being advertised to, they become suspicious and no longer feel comfortable in your home.


Start thinking about your home from a marketing perspective. How will buyers view the home?

How will the home look in a marketing photo? What are the best selling points of the property? What can we do to attract the most amount of buyers? These are all questions that the agent is starting to address and prepare for. Once you think about the house in terms of marketing, rather than living, it changes your perspective and you can start to become objective as you prepare the property for sale.


Don’t get offended when your agent or stylists ask you to change or remove an item in the house. Their job is to be objective and consider the views of the potential buyers. When we ask you to remove a piece of furniture or decorative item, it is not because we don’t like it, it is because we are trying to help you achieve the best possible price for your home.


Time to finish the dreaded ‘To Do list’. We all have them and we have been adding to them for years. Get the tap fixed, patch the crack in the walls, fix the slow leak in the bathroom, repaint the walls, and change the broken light globes…… You know what is on the list, now it is time to get it done.


Don’t presume the potential buyers are not going to see the crack in the ceiling. Once a buyer is ready to make an offer, they will be looking at all the small faults in your home and use them to negotiate the price down. If you take the time to fix all the small things at the beginning of the sale process, it will save you time and money at the end.

by Nicole Heins, DirectorImpressions Property Styling

0405 420 [email protected]



water. Then add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of biodegradable dishwashing liquid and 3 tablespoons of vinegar. The detergent will help cut through grease while the vinegar will leave a streak free shine.

Cream Cleanser

Place 1/2 cup of bicarbonate of soda and enough biodegradable dishwashing liquid to make a paste with the consistency of icing. Once

There are many harmful chemicals in most household cleaning products. Why not

harness the power of nature to create a pure and fresh living environment without harsh and potentially toxic chemicals.

Keep the following natural and organic ingredients in your home to make a clean sweep of those household chores:

• bicarbonate of soda• washing soda• vinegar• tea tree oil• essential oils of lemon, lavender

and clove biodegradable• dishwashing liquid, such as

Miessence Biodegradable Dishwashing Concentrate

Window and Glass Cleaner

Fill a spray bottle with 2 cups of



clean, wipe the surface over with a damp cloth. This mixture is ideal for cleaning stove stops, sinks and bathrooms.

Bathroom Mould

Fill spray bottle with vinegar and add 1-2 capfuls of Tea Tree Oil. Vinegar is effective against most bathroom mould as is the highly effective antiseptic, antimicrobial, Tea Tree Oil. In order to keep bathroom mould under control spray areas regularly. Follow up with regular applications of Miessence BioPure Probiotic Household Cleaning Concentrate to conquer the problem for good.

Natural Carpet Cleaner

Mix bicarbonate of soda, cornflour and a few drops of your favourite essential oil. Sprinkle on carpets. Leave overnight and vacuum in the morning.

Natural Floor Cleaner

Mix vinegar and lemon juice in hot water and mop floors as usual.

What’s lurking in your cupboard?

Pesticides and disinfectants may contain ingredients such as alkylphenol ethoxylates (APEs). APEs are synthetic surfactants found in detergents, cleaning products, pesticides, lubricants, hair dyes and other hair care products, and even spermicides. Many APEs have been shown to mimic oestrogen and are strongly suspected of causing endocrine disruption and as such are often referred to as endocrine disruptors. An endocrine disruptor is a synthetic chemical that when absorbed into the body either mimics or blocks hormones and disrupts the body’s normal functions. This disruption can happen through altering normal hormone levels, halting or stimulating the production of hormones, or changing the way hormones travel through the body, thus affecting the functions that these

hormones control.

These ingredients are fat-soluble, making them difficult to eliminate from the body once ingested.

• Formaldehyde is a known carcinogen, which can be found in household cleaners and disinfectants.

• Organochlorines are carcinogens and endocrine disruptors and can be found in pesticides, detergents, de-greasers and bleaches.

• Styrene is a naturally occurring substance derived from the styrax tree. Styrene is most commonly used in the manufacture of numerous plastics including plastic food wrap, insulated cups, carpet backing and PVC piping. Styrene is also found in floor waxes and polishes and metal cleaners. Styrene is a known carcinogen as well as an endocrine disruptor. Exposure may affect the central nervous system, liver and reproductive system.

• Phthalates are most commonly used in the manufacture of plastics. They are endocrine disruptors and suspected carcinogens. Phthalates are known to cause hormonal abnormalities, thyroid disorders, birth defects and reproductive problems.

So what else can you do to help detox your home?

Invest in microfibre cloths for chemical free dusting and cleaningReplace chlorine bleach with hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide breaks down to oxygen and water.Bicarbonate of Soda is an excellent cleaner, while borax is ideal for removing particularly stubborn stains.Sweep and dust regularly to reduce the amount of dust and allergens.Vinegar and lemon juice are excellent cleaners and disinfectants. Mop hard surfaces regularly – particularly those in the kitchen and bathrooms.Clean and deodorise carpets naturally with bicarbonate of soda.

Enjoy your new chemical free home.

Proudly brought to you by Tamzara Organics.

Michelle Tulley, owner of Tamzara Organics, is an independent Miessence representative who has a passion for all things organic.

Miessence products are free of toxic chemicals, cruelty free & made in Australia. They are Pure, Potent and Fresh Certified Organics, which are designed for your health, home and body.

Michelle Tulley ~ Tamzara OrganicsSenior Associate - Independent Miessence RepresentativeMiessence Cert.OrganicAustUnrivalled purity, potency and freshness

Mobile: +61 447 722 200Phone/Fax: +61 2 61563116Email: [email protected] Website: www.tamzaraorganics.miessence.comFacebook: www.facebook.com/tamzaraorganicsTwitter: https://twitter.com/TamzaraOrganics



Will this work overnight?

No of course not, just like anything worthwhile in your life it will take time, but believe me when I say there is no better feeling than knowing you have budgeted for and have money set aside for any bills that may arrive.

Getting started

I have listed a few steps below to start you on your way. Remember the budget is not a static document, you should always be reviewing and adapting as required. If you find it is too restrictive then give yourself some more spending money, if it doesn’t challenge you, set some more savings goals and targets.

Step 1 – Time to get realistic

Start by reviewing your transaction history or writing down expenses as they arise. What we want to achieve with this

“How do you manage your finances?”, is probably the most common question I receive from clients when discussing money. Unfortunately, most clients do not

like my answer, “I have a budget and track my spending”. Managing your personal finances can be quite confronting, it is something that affects every one of us however it is not taught to us at school and rarely taught to us by our parents. This may be why my clients shy away from the topic of budgets, however I believe it is the greatest tool available to anyone wanting to create wealth.

“A budget is telling your money where to go instead of wondering where it went”

Below I outline a method to get you started on your budgeting journey, it is a very simple method that I have devised which has received a lot of positive feedback.




step is to have an extensive list of all your expenses and their cost to you (either on a weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly or annual basis).

Step 2 – Convert all your expenses to your pay cycle

The next step is to convert your expenses from step 1 into the same time-frame as your pay cycle. For example if you are paid on a fortnightly basis you need to calculate how much each of the expenses from step 1 cost you per fortnight (i.e. divide monthly expenses by 2 or quarterly expenses by 6 or times weekly expenses by 2)

Step 3 – The moment of truth

Are your expenses per pay cycle more than what you earn? If so it is time to review the expenses list and see where you can cut back. If not then you can have a think about what you want to do with the difference, maybe another investment property? Perhaps more spending money?

Step 4 – Categorise

The next step is to categorise your expenses in to “fixed expenses”, “spending money” and “savings”.

Fixed expenses are bills that will come no matter what you do, for example your mortgage repayment.

Spending money – these are your variable costs like take away and entertainment.

Savings – these are your one off big expenses like holidays or investment purchases.

At the end of this step you might end up with something like the table shown.

Step 5 – Organise & Track

Now that you have all of your expenses categorised you need a method to help track your expenditure. Where I see a lot of clients go wrong is keeping all their money in the one account, this means they have no idea of what the money is set aside for.

One simple method is to set up 3 bank accounts, one for your fixed bills (no card access), one for your spending money (with card access) and one for your savings account (no card access).

Each pay you receive you will need to transfer your money to your new accounts. So using the above example you would transfer $2,593 to the bills accounts, $360 to the spending account and $700 to the savings account.

Any bills that arrive will be paid out of the bills account whereas general day to day spending will occur from the spending account. This gives you real time feedback with your spending - if your spending account is running low then you may rethink that extravagant dinner.

Why use this budgeting technique?This system may not be the most technologically advanced budgeting system, however it is simple which means you will be more likely to stick to it. It forces you to put aside money for your expenditure in advance (no more bill shock!) and gives you instant feedback on your spending. It is a great starting point and will help you create more wealth over time.

Good luck and happy budgeting! If you require any assistance with your financial or taxation affairs please contact our friendly team at Vivid Chartered Accountants.

Thomas BoydPartner: Vivid Chartered Accountants 02 6171 [email protected]

LIVING ISSUE 7, 201610

One of the first things that struck me when I returned to Canberra after living overseas for almost

three years was the natural beauty of the city and its surrounds.

Driving down the parkway from the airport and looking at the mountains surrounding Canberra I had to stop myself asking if those mountains have always been there. Silly I know, but the time away had shown me just how much I’d taken for granted living in the “Bush Capital”.

Canberra is surrounded by natural treasures and the best way to experience these is hiking. I’ve recently started working my way up to the goal of walking the entire 145km of Canberra’s Centenary Trail. Not all at once mind you, the Trail is divided into sections and you can join or leave the trail in many locations. My training walks are unfortunately hampered by the great coffee stops around the lake, so progress has been slow.

Don’t worry all the fresh air hasn’t gone to my head and I’m still aware Autumn also means the start of footy season!!!

The Raiders looks set to continue their upward trajectory with some big off-season signings in Aiden

Sezer and English international Elliot Whitehead. Ricky Stewart has continued his no nonsense approach to coaching and people management. His strength of character is exactly what the club has needed for a long time. 2016 is an important season for the club and Ricky. On-field results will be crucial this year as the “building period” has come to an end. Anything less than finals this year will be considered a failure and will test the patience of the lime green faithful.

The Brumbies have remained as stable as ever but 2016 will be the swansong for Captain Stephen Moore and is looking very likely to be international superstar David Pocock’s last season in Brumbies colours. Both Moore and Pocock have been fantastic ambassadors for the Brumbies and Canberra and both will be putting in 100% to make sure their time at the club finishes on a high note.

GWS will no doubt continue their climb up the AFL ladder and the addition of Geelong star Steve Johnson will be a huge boost for the clubs young roster. Johnson brings a lot of experience and although being in the twilight of his career Stevie J still has the skills to bring the crowds in. I can’t wait to see him run around Manuka oval in 2016.


AUTUMN 2016by Nathan Minerds, DirectorPLAY Magazine0452 220 [email protected]

11LIVING ISSUE 7, 2016

LIVING ISSUE 7, 201612

Kidney Disease – Cats and Dogs

Over their lifetime, 1 in 3 cats and 1 in 10 dogs could develop chronic kidney disease (CKD) - a leading cause of death, particularly in cats. The new SDMA test is a revolutionary new kidney function test that will enable vets to diagnose chronic kidney disease in cats and dogs months or even years earlier than traditional methods! They will be able to intervene earlier and more effectively manage kidney disease.

The new IDEXX SDMA test is now included in all annual wellness blood tests, pre-anaesthetic blood testing and full body function profiles in sick animals at Inner South Veterinary Centre. If you would like more information on this new test, or any other type of blood tests then don’t hesitate to call us on 02 6295 0770.

Friendly Dog Collars and Leads

Have you ever seen a gorgeous dog at the park but were unsure whether it was safe to say hello? Is your dog a loving companion to your family but doesn’t do so well with strangers?

‘Friendly Dog Collars’ are an excellent solution to these problems! Using a colour-coded system, with bold embroidered text, it is easy to communicate to others whether your dog is ‘Friendly’ (green), ‘Nervous’ (yellow), or requires ‘Caution’ (red).

These leads and collars are a very useful adjunct to all the valuable behavioural work being done by Dr Isabelle Resch at Inner South Veterinary Centre.


cats, dogs, rabbits & birds!

13LIVING ISSUE 7, 2016

Heartworm disease in Dogs

Yes! Heartworm is the most dangerous of all the worms as it can be fatal.

Mosquitoes spread heartworm and wherever there are mosquitoes, there is the risk of heartworm.

Getting your pet started on the right heartworm medication can be confusing, especially with so many choices on the market. To make things more confusing, most of the intestinal ‘all wormer’ medications do not prevent heartworm infection.

Your veterinarian will advise for the most suitable prevention for your pet and make sure your pet is protected. You can see a short video about heartworm prevalence in Australia here.

Red Alert for Rabbits

Calicivirus is well known to all bunny owners.In 2015 a second strain of Calicivirus, known as RHDV-2, was detected in a wild rabbits in the ACT, and further cases have been identified causing death in pet rabbits in Canberra. Read more in this December article in The Canberra Times, or the press release from the RSPCA ACT.

As it stands there is no RHDV-2 vaccination but the existing vaccination should provide some protection. So, if your rabbit was vaccinated more than six months ago – get them boosted! Although this may only provide partial

protection, it won’t hurt and it’s the best that can be done for our bunnies until a new vaccination is developed. Book in today!

Read more on the blog Protect our bunnies!

*Cheap toys bring bird blues!

According to an article in the January 2016 edition of “The Veterinarian”, vets are concerned about a rise in the number of pet birds that are getting sick from ingesting lead, zinc and other heavy metals found in cheap toys and cages.The birds find the lead in the sweet, shiny objects, which are often covered in metallic paint. Poisoned birds at first appear lethargic and then lose their appetite, and may have diarrhoea or vomiting.

The take home message is: don’t buy bird toys from two-dollar shops, buy good quality stainless steel, plastic or biodegradable toys that can be chewed up.

Inner South Veterinary Centre47 Jerrabomberra AveNarrabundahACT [email protected] us on Facebook

LIVING ISSUE 7, 201614

In a bowl, whisk cream, crème fraiche, icing sugar and vanilla until soft peaks form.

In a separate bowl, gently combine berries, zest and mint.

Dip biscuits in the cooled syrup, one at a time, for about four seconds. In individual serving glasses, layer one biscuit, cream mixture, and berry mixture. Repeat two more times. Finish with fresh mint.

By Ben Harrison, executive chef and owner of home plate—a personal chef service providing fine dining dinner parties in the comfort and privacy of your own home. For more information, visit www.homeplatedining.com.au or call 0402 507 291.

Serves 6


• 2 lemons• ½ cup caster sugar• 1 cup water • ½ cup limoncello• 18 savoiardi biscuits (lady finger biscuits)• 200mL thickened cream• 125g crème fraiche• ½ cup icing sugar• 1 vanilla bean pod, scraped (or 1 tsp vanilla bean paste)• 1 punnet each strawberries (quartered), raspberries,

blackberries• ½ bunch mint, chopped


Zest and juice lemons. Set aside the zest.

Pour lemon juice, limoncello, caster sugar and water into a medium saucepan. Bring to the boil, stirring to dissolve, and cook for five minutes, evaporating the alcohol. Let syrup cool.


Cooking with home plate

Limoncello Tira-mess-u

15LIVING ISSUE 7, 2016

1 Sheaffe Street, HolderAuction on site 10am, Saturday 5 MarchEER: 1

A private sanctuary set amongst spectacular gardens

Rarely does such a well-maintained, executive residence become available in a highly convenient location. The contemporary design of 1 Sheaffe Street can be appreciated from the street but it is only once you are inside that you can understand the amazing design and styling this home offers.

Positioned on a generous 1072m2 block, the home has beautiful surroundings with the garden designed by the award-winning Harris Hobbs Landscape Architects in 2001 and then lovingly constructed over an 8 year period. There is extensive space for entertaining on both the upper and lower levels of the garden, and with the variety of plantings throughout, the outlook is both diverse and stunning each month of the year. Five cascading ponds have an ornamental water feature up the top and with an impressive lighting of the waterfall into the pond on the lower garden level create a wonderful ambience and give the space a tranquillity not often found in the suburbs.

With all the makings of an executive home, there is also the everyday functionality that would suit a mature family, and the

segregation of the living areas and bedrooms provides versatile spaces throughout. The generous lounge room is a welcoming space where both formal and casual occasions can be enjoyed, with the added appeal of high ceilings and large windows framing the lovely outlook. The immaculate and updated kitchen provides ample storage and cooking space with quality appliances and finishes throughout, and the family and dining areas are connected forming an open-plan space ideal for modern living.

The four bedrooms are each a good size, two of them with built-in wardrobes, and both the bathroom and ensuite have renovated and boast thermostatic shower mixers, marble vanities and floor-to-ceiling marble tiles.

Having been lovingly renovated and improved over the years, this amazing home also features a large games room, quality window treatments, double glazed windows, bi-fold doors from the dining room out to the entertaining area with shade sail, a deck off the family room, a vegetable garden and a single garage (previously a double that could be reinstated) with workshop space and a cellar.

A landmark offering that has to be seen to be fully appreciated.


A private sanctuary set amongst spectacular gardens

LIVING ISSUE 7, 201616

A spoonful of passion for food and a dash of experience in gifts and rewards are the winning ingredients for the Good Food Gift Card recipe. And you could win one and receive an awesome Foodie experience!

Good Food are always out there in the evolving dining scene looking for the next top restaurant or secret local to bring to you the most delicious gift yet.

Will you use your prize to dine at Aubergine, Courgette, eightysix, Fig Tree Restaurant, Olive at Mawson, Pod Food, Pulp Kitchen European Brasserie, Tempodora, The boat House by the Lake or Waters Edge? Oh the choices!

But first, get to spotting the differences. First person to email all 7 differences, between the pictures on the next page, to [email protected] will win a $50 Good Food voucher.




LIVING ISSUE 7, 201618


A lover of all creatures great and small, I am proud to be a volunteer at RSPCA and to have the opportunity to be involved in fundraising and awareness for the shelter.

As a Director of Luton Properties Weston Creek, we have been fortunate to work with RSPCA ACT at several of their events and my team have been generous with their time and money supporting RSPCA ACT. They are one of our favourite local organisations!

As an Ambassador for the 2016 “In the Dog House” fundraising event, I hope to be able to raise awareness about the animals that call the RSPCA shelter home, and how important it is more them to find their ‘forever homes’.

The goals of the event are to:

1. Raise much needed funds to assist in running our services for the Canberra community such as veterinary treatment for animals in care, re-homing abandoned animals and animal welfare enforcement, legal proceedings and seizures of animals who have been treated poorly.

2. Raise awareness of the conditions that face unwanted, abandoned and seized animals by putting people like you in their shoes. The purpose of this is to try and reduce the time that animals need to spend at our shelter which can be a distressing experience.

You can help support the cause and my efforts here


19LIVING ISSUE 7, 2016

TIM BURKEDirector, Licensed Agent and Auctioneer0411 878 [email protected]

JUSTINE BURKEDirector and Licensed Agent

0411 481 [email protected]

27-31 Brierly StreetWESTON ACT 2611

P 02 6287 1600 / F 02 6287 1611www.luton.com.au / [email protected]