THE AFMCiS XC.VS HOCklXO BREACH OF ETIQL'LTTE. Lot C.areatUa'a KspUcafMr. Marcs. The Ac crrived t New York at 10 odock Fr.-la- Ta.e Breach aT Ctwactic. Tli Liverpool correspondent of the New York paper wr.tea: " A.meri. nutter or, ritiei-- niauneia have AfaLa oeen ia everybody' mou; b. The excit inc c&ue M n'retemps that happened at the Queen's levee. Diveatrd 01 l'e outrttfrpousfiicjeiiiMus ol the British presic ths facta arc imile ih:-- t'nat hir. Dallas, accompaaied by a fri-u- , went '.o the Qieeu". lree; the friend'n cotuot not i i ac- cordance wub the reioUlions, and both cenilenicn, Mr. Dallas and hu friend, returned to tbe embassy In Raiiey utreet. Oat ot t Li trifliufc incident, the London Times CTDCocted a story at sariauce with troth in ererj particular, and made it tbe occasion of an outpour- ing of Tclfar abase of America and Americaus jren-erl- l. A is a toil when the Times gives the key Bote, the iiiiaor prees took np the cry, and for at lesvst two days, lix. Dallas labored nnderthe impu- tation of httriajr pat studied affront upon tbe Qaeto. Ol' course, an inKnenae deal of patriotic Wfaih was unnecessarily wasted on his head. What Ike Tines The LonJon Timet of the SSih ult. iav: We are requested to state that the American to whom admission was refused to her Ma-j- j'. LtTee on Wednesday last is a Professor in the military Academy at West Point, and that he wore oa th&t occasion his ofSrial coetome, a b'ue drcsscoat with buttons of the Eairneer Corpg, blue pastaloons, whi'e waistcoat, black stock, and a com do J bat. It was objected on the part of the mater of the that in this attire, wearing a black stock wub no sword and no dress hat, be could not pass the Q leen. The objec ion was made in a manner exceedingly kind and courteous, but tbe rule was express, and there was no di retion to relax it. lathu position, Mr. Dallas, who was about to pre- sent two other gentlemen in company with the Pro- fessor referred to, after bavin jr times urped the oEcial character of the dress objected, feelino; pained at the position in which his countryman was placed, tni'jng entire st ra iters, and in a place to which be was entirely unaccustomed, offered to home wkh him, in which sapfWiin h com- - paniors Joined. Under tbee circumstance, the American Minister left the Palace with the gentle men whom he was about to pr sent. Lars' CltmdH't Dispatch. Uader date of June 26 Lord Clarendon writes to Mr. Dallas: Hr Mije-siy'- Govcimient ire pratif.ed at learn intr that tbe ansarances couUi nta in my note to yon o' tbe 30th of April, that no isteution exi-te- d on the part of her cov n.nieut to violate the laws, cmproniie'the neutrality, or dierefard the sovereignty of the United fct ales, have beer accepted by the lent, and that all cause of difference with res peel to the question of ealuttment has ceased to exist between the govern- ment of Great Britain and of the United Sta'.es. It is with much regret, however, that ber Majes- ty's rovertmeut have learned that the President has been ttaablc to alter the view which he had ta- ken of tbe conduct of ber Majesty's Minister at V.'ahi xton, and of ber Majesty's consn;s at New Yo-f- c, PciUielphia, and Cincinnati, in regard to the transactions which have been uader discu-io- be- tween the two governments. If her Majesty's Government had been convinced, like the Government of the United States, that her yaj?ty's officers bsd, in defiance of their instruc- tion, violated tbe laws of ti e Uuited Sta'es, her 2isjeav's Government would, both out of deference to toe United Stages, and from daer.pard to the fttrhorl'v of the British Crown, have removed tboe Ssers fx nn the post which they held. If the Government of a for. ica conotrv were and withnnt&ny apparent belief that it h td pood rr nnd for dolnf so. to break off it dip- lomatic relations with ti e Minuter accrecited to it ty ber Msj. sty, ber MKj-st- confidential anfwerab t f jr mintaiLir.e tbe honor and dijnity f the crown. could not hesi'ste as to alvi-ing- " her ljesty equally to break off diplomatic iater-cou-- wim the minLsterof trnch povernn.eats to her court. but in the prveent case her Mnt-4y- gov.n,ment are bound to accept the formal SLd repeated decla-ratlo- of the President of h' belief that these off- icers of her Majesty hsve violated the law of the Union, and are, on that account, unacceptable or- gans of communication with the government and acToorlU'-- of tbe United Butes; aud her Majesty's government cannot deny to the government of the United fctates a right fumilar to that which, in a parallel case, they would claim for them Ives the light, namely, of forming their own judgment as to the bearing of the laws of the Union upon transac- tions which have taken place within the Union. I have, herefore, the honor to inform yon that, however deeply her Majesty's covernmont regret a proceeding on the patt of the President of the Uni- ted Sta'es which cannot bat be considered as of an unfriendly character, they have not deemed it their duty oo that account to advise her Majesty to com- mand me to suspend my diplomatic intercourse with yoo; and I have to assure yon that the high personal enwm which is felt for ya by all tbe numbers of btr Majesty 's government will reader it nr.,t agree- able to myaelf to have the honor of entering into cunmanic it Ion wi: h yoa npon all matters c onected with tbe mu'nal relations of oar two countries. Yoa will be certain of meeting on the pa- -t of her Msjesty's government, tbe most friendly fe. lings to- ward the Cniud Siate. and the most "anxious de- sire ao Xt atrance all questions of different, as to recoucile tie jat rights and real interes s of the two coun'ries with the maintenance of tl.ose ami- cable relations, the preservation of which U of such great importance to both. I am, kc, Signed CLARES DOV. The Ceatral America a QaesUon. Lord Clarendon also writes to Mr. j 'alias &s fallows on the Central American question: Mr. Marcy is correct when he states t1. A. Great Britain Urt m claim to any possessioa or territory en tbe Mosquito cos.t, and her Majesty's govern- ment consider now, as they bave always c nsidered that the future condition of tbe Mosquito Indiana, for wtiich ber government are I onnd in honor to provide, might be assured by direct nego-ti- a ions. It is not contended, nor never has been '' intended tts,t the Briti h Government, canswtently. with the stfpuUtiocs of the treaty of 1850, could, in be name of tbe Uueqiito IndisnA, "take with military force, and hold ban Jam del Nicaragua or any o l. r point la Central America;" and her Majesty"? Govern- ment agree wi h Mr. Marcy, that such a 'proceeding would beirreconciieable with the indepen loce and neutrality of the lttbmos, and would i nder the treaty nugatory to tbe United States; but no such pretension has ever been advanced, a:l no such proceed n r has ben ccntemplated. With respect to the ' istrict of Belis?, her Ma- jesty's government consider that the onh question to be de'ermioed as recards Central Ainerica, is that of the boundary between that count rv and tbe British possessions; and In the settlement of that qaestion no insurmountable difficulty need be With repect to Euatan and the ofner Bay Islands, these, at different periods, have been held by Great Britain as well as by Spain; and, having been again occupied by British settlers, formal pos- session was takes of Ruatan in 1839, by Great Bri- tain, which baa since been uninterruptedly main- tained. Tbe population increased fast, and magis- trates were, trom time to time, appointed by the aperiatendant of Beliae, until 1852, when these Islands received a regular form of colonial aole'y for the purpose of their better internal administration; but Great Britain did not thereby acquire any territorial rights that she did not pre- viously posaetm. Tbe rovernment of the United States, however, matntrl i that, even supposing tbe Clayton-Bu- i ver treaty were only prospective in its operation, these islands were no part of the British dominions earlier thaa 1852. If the differences between tbe two governments oa ibb subject cannot be arranged bv direct necoti atioa, there seems no reason wnytbey might not wna tbe matter or a reference to a third power. Ber Majesty's Government have learned with sat isfacUon that yoa are instructed to enter into com tnuocation with me in reepect to Central America, in order to ascertain, in the first place, whether ex isticg differences cannot be promptly terminated br direct negotiation, and if they cannot be so settled, then to discos the condition of arbitration on those points of difference as to which this method of set tiement may be requisite or applicable. This is the course which ber Majesty's government has throughout been willing to adopt: and I have accordingly the honor to inform you that I am pre- - pareo to enter into tne proposed communication, and I trust our conferences will be cond acted in that spirit of cordiality and frankness which, as Mr. jaarcy justly observes, is uictateu by tbe true inter, est of Great Britain and the United State. I am, 4c, (Signed,) CLAREXDOX. riflemen Pcnoni PoUoned Oue Dead and Several In a Critical Condition A most lamentable and singular affair occurred in this city this week. On Wednesday evening last a party of friends were invited to take tea wit b the family of Mr. James Steele, and all enjoyed them selves, ana returned to their homes in good latth Daring the night, every one of the party, including Mr Steele s tamilv. were taken violently 111, and sent for their respective family physicians. Since their first attack, they bare all undergone tbe most Intense saffering, and give positive evidence of caving poisoned. As yet, tbe nature of tbe poison, nor tbe manner in which It was taken, baa not Men ascertained Tbe foil twine is a list of tbe unfortunate sufferers: Mr. James Steele, wife and two children. Mr. Tbos Huston, wife and two childien. Mr. Jos. Walker and child. Mr. W Bradley and child. Miss Julia Morgan. Mn. Webb. Mrs. Theophilus Jones. Tbe roun est daughter f Mr. Steele died on Thursday night. A post mortem examination of tbe body was made yesterday evening, but it was too late to ascertain the result before our paper went to presa. A majority of the sufferers are till in a eery critical condition. Jttnnr Sun U.) VttUor, 2th. 5tI4ofd mc MoanoHs. We learn from gen tiemen who came down opon the propeller Globe that the Mormon nest upon Beaver Islands U likely te be broken up. Tbe long course of which culminated ia the shooting of Stranr, has so roused tbe people in the neighborhood, snfferors bv the performances of tbe Mormon, that they have taken such measa-e- s as will result in tbe total di-- pal ion of the outlaw gang. Tbe two men wbo committed tbe assault npon Strang were taken to Mackinaw, where tbe people ret used to bear any charges against them, and ther were there'ore to go at large. Strang has been removed to point on tbe main una, but cannot live iocs;. His wounds are said to be in a shoe line state, caused by negU-c-t and improper forgery. Tbe patting fanatics bave been chief y removed from tbe inland and scattered alone the shores or Lake Michigan while tbe premises lately occupied by them bave been searched and found to contain stolen goods in abundant variety and astonh ins: amount. Oxen, nor a. boats, fiahitg tackle, barrels in fact., all oris of property which was within their reach has teen s'olea by them and secreted npon tbe islands. We trust that tbe mlserkble thieves will leave the country and either become decent citizens or join lie bana ol eainta In tbe bait Lake settlement where they must one dsy be proceeded against with force and anna, aa oUnoxiona vermin. BvfftU Sxfrut, July V. r r f r - . m luto,k DISPERSAL OFTHE IDOLIIIOX KWSAS LEGISLVTIRE. Tull and Authentic i'articulirs. The Pro-Slave- ry Meu Cavt-i- u. (CuricpuDdcnc of ttic St. Louis RcpubUcai Leavc.xwoktu Co., K. T., July 7, '66 Editor cf the Republican Dear Sir: Many, if not all of your readers, are anxious to know what took place at Topeka on the 4th iuet., ana as 1 wa 1 take the Ubeity o! commuuicauag the facts as thev occurred. By a resolution of the 4logus ct its session in Mircblas1.it was detenu utd that Hist body should at Topeka, n the Fourth of July, 1Sj6, for the purpepe of enacting laws for ttie "Mate of Kansas. As this was nothing- more or less than aa attempt toestublis i a government over tLii Tenitor3", in place of tbat created by Cou-gre- s, and as this was to be done by means of a se cret military organisation, it could be considered in no other light ihau as treasonable, and, ef course, the necessary authority wta enjoined npon the mili tary and civil officers here to prevent a niceiinj of mat Dooy. lo tau eua, acting uovernor Woodson, Marshal Donal.lw n, and Col. Sumner, wkh about eight companies of first cvalry, and Uuited States Attorney Isaacs, were encamped near Topeka on the 3d iust. The Abolitioaists were in convention bio for a diiyortwo previous, and military companies, with drum and fife, were parading the streets. Tlits military turn ont wag under the pretext of a cele- bration of the Fourth, and on this account it was deemed inexpedient to inteifere with them, not- - wuustacuing it was an organization "ouuide of the law." In t he af.ernoon a deputation catne down to camp, for the purpose of learuii g what conrse would be tnken in case the "Legislature:" should meet. Tese persons did not represent themselves as authorized to represent their friends, ltit thpre can be no doubt that they were. The object of this committee was also to find out how far they would be permitted to go, and whether the inembers srould be arrested, or n the military would take them in band. There was no disposition on the part of the officers to disguise or mince matters, and they were told that it was determined not to permit a meeting of their "Legislature." They wauiea to Know it they would be permitted to meet. call the roll, aud then adjourn to another Any, with tne view ol keeping up their OTganizntwn. The opinion of tbe officers wa unaui.nous that they could not nif et for any purpose whatever, a 1 that to prevent tr.era Trom keeping np their organization was the main object of the autlm i;ies. When the deputation found tbey could make no terms of the kind they suggested it as their opinion that, if the toionel aud acting Governor would seua up a proclamation avowing their purpose, no attempt would be made to organize. As this was a matter of great public concern, and probably pregnant with important results, proclamations were sent up early the next morning, declaring in the most emphatic terms tbe intention of the Government to prevent an organization. It is evident that the object of the dcpuU.t ioi was to learn the utmost point their friends v. ould be permitted to go. so that tlicy could make as much for "buncome" as possible, without endangering their precious persons from a charge of treason or criminal prosecutions. Tbe question of resistance was tiiscnssed.and from the speeches made ia th" Convention one would I ave felt certain that a col- lision would be imvitable; but at the appointed time (12 M.) Col. Sumner, wi:h his command, and Marshal Donalson. went up to the "State House. " Two or three companies of armed Abol:ti;;ij'.s wer? formed in front of the bouse, under te pretext of a banner presentation, when there can be but little doubt that had the U. S. Marshal gone cp to arrest them with only a few men, then these companies could have prevented him from doing so, and the " Legislature " could have met and adjourned over to another day, there by per-p- ;ating their organization. This circumstance will Recount for the necessity of the pre-en- of Col. Sumner's command, which was formed upon the ground occupied by the abolition troops, who left in qui :k time. Col. Sumner then entered the State House, fol owed by a large number of the members, a crowd or citizens, abolition troops, la- dies, Ac, amidst shouts, yells and confusion. The roll having be. n called h bee. me known tl at a ma jorityof the' Legislature"answered to th ircatr-cs- , some or tbem declined answering at all. 1 his dote tne toionel told them in a manner that clearly meant that he would da what he said that they must disperse or bj arrested; and the Marshal in a like maimer told them the same ; npon this in- formation they all left the balL Col. b. then requested those persons claiming to constitute tbe Senate to meet him in their chamber. wmcniuey ma, an otner persons but the Marshal having been excluded; and wren there, told them that they would not be permitted to organize, to which they seemed reluctantly to The Marshal then told them that in the discharge of hi duties he should requiie a pledge cf honor that they would not meet, orgsnize, or attempt, then, or at any futnre time, (under their present orga?ization,) to pass any act ot a legislative character. To this proposition they were not well disposed to apnt, aud gave as a reason thst they "could not pledge themselves for abject members)" to which the Mar- shal replied that a quorum of the members were present, according to their own statement, and that ifeachof them did not rive a pledge of homr to this demand, he would arrest every one of them, before they should leave tbe room; they then but de-- ir d to orgmize informally with tbe view of taking a vote of adjournment, but the Marshal told them that they could not organize formally or in- - iormauy, mm mat, wnn otber tilings, w as what he eame thereto prevent all of which was concurred in by Col. S. The Marshal then nut the Question of adjournment, on the condition aforesaid, to the bo gus members, and the vote was unanimous in tbe affirmative. Thus terminated oi;e of the most trea sonable bodies that ever assembled in this or any othercountry. TLis is the degrading rt suit of the vicuna vi me aiu ootid v. ana ine "Jiee state movement. Before closing, I would ai!d that after tbe Procla mations of the President, Gov. Shannon, ai d acting Gov. Woodson were read bv the Marshal in the morning, tbe Abolitionists gave three cheers for Gov. Robinson, and three groans each for Gov. Shannon and President Pierce. I will he re men- tion a fact going to show how lw and degraded these creatures are. Notwithstanding they gronn-e- d the President in the morning, still, they in the evening, passed a resolution in their convention to memorialize him on various subjects. tverytning is quiet bere. I think, and wanv ad mit, that the Free State movement will full through, unless Congress should admit the present bogus Constitution. In the foregoing a simule statement of facts is made, without a regard for any other purpose than lo give true information on the sub'ect. KAW. 'Honor to Whom Honor Is Due. To the Editors of the Dayton (O.) Journal: It is with very great reluctance that I nrnear be fore tiie public, but a sense of that duty which I owe to the profession of which I bave teen a mem- ber foi nearly thirty-tw- o years compels me te claim i.jrtne navy ana msnne corps, and frtbentvy and marine cos;s alone, the entire credit, if ar.y is due, lor the conquest of California, saving and excepting the personal services of the late Gen. Kearny and his handful of officers and men, numbering in all not more man a aozen persons, all that was left of the gallant band that met with a fate so disastrous at "San Pasqual;" the particulars of that affair are fres-- in ibe memory ot mai;v of our citiaeiis, lrom the f ct, that in this blooeiust action of the war, there fell one of the most gallant and accomplished e.fficers of the army, Captain A. R. Johnston, of dragoons, a native of Plqua, Ohio, and the son or our venerable and distinguished fel- low citizens, Col. John Johnston. I again reteat. that with this exception, all credit for the conquest w tamoruia u uue vo me navy ana marine corps. It is well known that the late war with Mexico afforded but little opportunity of distinction to the navy and it is hard if the little distinction it did gain is to be wrested from them to make capital for an aspirant to the Presidency. I al'ude to the fact that tbe f.icnds of Fremont are claiming for uiui iu.ic ui mr lime fcioijr KCIJltVeU Dy that conquest. I am prepared to prove that so far from his being entitled to any credit for his partici- pation in the conquest of California, that bis hav- ing failed to heartily and efficiently with Commodoie Stockton, so far from assisting in the conquest, embarrassed him (Stockton) in his ope rations ana rtnaerea ine victory less complete than it would have been had we received from Fremont that assistance we had a right to expect mounted, armed and equipped as be was. 1 am further pre pared to prove that in every engagement and every luuicui viic cueui; men iouk piace in laiiiornia, Fremont was invariably too late to take r.art: and to mm up all, I asnert tbat euring the whole of his service in California, he never was in hearing dis- tance of the enemy's guns. The cause of his inef- ficiency I will not here disenss. 11 is otber claims to tbe dietinguished honor which it is intended to confer npon him, I know no- thing of, and care nothing about. Ism no polit- ician I am neither for Fillmore or Buel anan, for raocsion orwrnt; Mnitn, and certainly not for Fremont, knowing him as I do. Since I have stepped so far out of my proper sphere, as to ap pear before the public iu the character of a news paper paragraph wnter. I hope to be exensed tar telling who I am, and how I came in possession of tnis in rrmuiion, ana a great deal moienpon the same auujeci vei uuioia. 1 went to Calilarnia in 1C46, with Commodore Stockton, and was at tbat time a lieutenant of more than eleven yeats' standing, and during his opera- tions there, I was for sometime bis and quartermaster of tbe forces. I was present and as sisted with my own hands m hoisting our flag at "Santa Barbara," at "San Pedro." and at -- Puebla los Angelos," and I was at this latter nlace the omcer in rana to commodore btocktou, when first ieutenant and brevet Capt. Fremont arrivid there with his 'Hundred' just about thirty-s-i- x bcurs to late to take part in the route of General Castro, whom we the sailors and marines on joot had driven before ns for twj days, until his forces scat- tered, and he, together with tbe civil governor, 'Pio Pico," and principal officers fled to Mexico, and was never heard of afterwards during the war. I am compelled in this manne r to utterly annihi- late that beautiful story which appears in the Jour- nal of yesterday, entitled, "Fremont, or tbe r'e of the one hund-ed- ." copied from the Xew York Post, which story I pronounce to be utterly and en- tirely false, unless the interview with General Val lejj, as described, took place, and of that I never heard before; but all the adventure and gallsxtry attributed to Fremont in the story I know to be untrue. I hope it will not be considered indelicate in me to make an apt.eal to the people of Ohio, and es- pecially to tbe people cf Southern Ohio, where I am best known, claiming their protection from a party of men, wnoare endi-- voring to make political capital for their e for the Piesiilenry r,ut of deeds performed by my companions and myself, and in which he took a veiy unimportant part. I ground my claim to yonr protection upon my having the ac- cidental distinction of being the first native of Ohio that ever entered the naval service of the United States, aod the fir t that ever reached the rack of Commander; and I trust tbat tbat State pride which yon have a right to indulge in, will ex md itself to your sons who have left 3our r aceful Lotrleis and embarked in the military and naval service of their country. JAMES FIXDLAT SCFIENTK, Commsnder U. 8. Navy Mo Camels roa Texas. The United States hip Surprise, is to be sent again soon for an add! tional stock of camels to thrse brought in by her on ber last trip, and 1st dea in lexss for tbe United States Government uses. It has been found that the expirment succeeds admirably, and that for the transfer of tbe United Mates stores across the pli cas of Texas the camel is perfectly fitted. Thns far only thirty-fiv- e have been brought. It if intended bow w bring fin j more. " .. mm copbibr a J5Y TELEGRAPH. JLtitcv from Cali fornia rV ARRIVAL OF TIIE STEAMSHIP GEORGE LAW- - Ksw Yobk. Julv U Tho fit P A mull III ( 1 ine Law, from Aspia wall July 5, arrived this morning unplug uioruia mans to ine xutft or June, SI 7 O.OtH), and 400 passengers. Jije pnncl ia coistirnees are Drexel fc Co 942o,Ow); m. Hoge, 8143.000; Metropolian Bank-e-l ,0,000; Wills, Fargo & Co., S'282,000: G II Wines A Co .S170.0CO. The George Law connected at ti tAihn,, ::. the steamer Sonora, whkh brought down $1,333,000 The Sonora spoke on the 25tb, the steamer John n. iiepiienn, nound uo. cw 1 orK ra W and passengers of the 20th left Panama on the 1st ia the Golden Ago. The Nicaragua ste.imer, Mtrra Nevada, left Sun Fran e isco on the 20th, with 400 passengers and 123,000 .u ic. oue i)K :wu recruits and 70 tons of pro visions for Gen. Walker. The Bioop of war Decatur, arrived at Ran Fran cisco on the 2Gth. The only news of interest from San Francisco relate to the doings of the Vigilance committee, wbo still are in session. Their fnrrea tousisi . oi 40uu luiautry, 500 CHvalry, 5 companies -- ...nr. j, uu.i w pieces oi ordinance. Tbese iroops are constantly unlled in their aever;:l armn. nes in aiacrent quarters of the city, and occ siou aiy u vpv. Tin tne strceu tor recrimenta dr . ine tieorge Law brings ranama dates to the 6th lnsl. The Government of Bogota had got throueh with the evidence touching tiie Panama riots and had come to the conclusion that the authorities of Pan ama were guilty, rabrega. governor of Panama. was to be suspend, d, and would be sent to Bogota, Gen. ool refused to ioan the Governor arms and ammunition on ths ground that be was not an thorised to act iu the premises, except upon an or der from the President. The committ e have thrown on breastworks of sand bags in front of tneir ou wings anu guarded ail the approaches with cannon. Brass field pieces are mounted on the roots ol the adjacent buildings, ready for instant acviou uuy auu i.igui. Several additional criminals have been convicted befo-- e the revolutionary tribunal ol billot-ho- x stuffing and banished from the State anil L en sent to sea on toreign-bonn- ships. The following have oeen arresiea ana are awaiung trial: Thomas B. Cunniugham, one of the murderers of I A. of New Orleans; Thos. Mallory, highway- man; Bill Lewis, ballot-bo- x stuffer; Robert Lipsey and Philander Brace, murderers. All the arrests have been made ar.d chiefly without violence. The Vigilance Com- mittee's police number some thousand men, armed w itli revolvers. An immense mass meeting was held in San Fran- cisco on the 16ihby tbe friends of the Committee, and speeches were made by Hon. Baillie Peyton, Hon. Wm. Duer, and others, fully endorsing the ac- tion of the Committee. The Committee have issued an addre?3 to the public, and have also publ shed the constitution of their organization. Terrence Kelly, one of the men ordered to leave, had refused, and bad been taken into cus- tody. TV re is but little news from the Isthmus iu addi- tion to that telegraphed from New Orleans. Ti e; e was a rumor from Costa Rica that Presi- dent Mora would be shot by the insurgents. The tw o thousand troops which bad led Guate- mala to invade Nicaragua had be n prevented from crossing the territory of San Salvador, the latter Mate being opposed to tne invasion. It is repor.ed that Gen. Walker intended soon to attack Costa Rica. Ilia headquarters arc now at t irgia cay. Gen. Sherman bed resigned his comn.Usion oa Major General of tbe State troops of California, in cousequence of tbe refusal of Gen. Wool to famish them with arms and ammunition. Gov. Johnson was highly incensed at the action of Gen. Wool. The State milit'a are encamped near S.tn Fran cisco, and are said to number but a few hundred. tint liiiie fear of a collision is entertaired. J he t lunese camp was burned on the 8th of Jnni loss S 100,000. Arrival of the Steamer Orizaba. New York. July 15 The steamer Orizaba arri ved last evening wilh over 400 passengers and S85,- - eiuei in specie. Tbe Orizaba connected with the Siena Nevada. which was detained at San Fraacisco until the 21st in order to receive on board persons banished by the Violence Committee. Eleven persons were shipped during the night rrior to the sailing, under Ibe Uncle Sam from Panama arrived at San Francisco on the night of the 20th. Lwia Belcher, an old resident of Jlnnterrv. was shot by some person nnknown, and died the cay tne steamer sailed. The market at San Fran cisco, on the 2 th, was moderately active, the lead ing staples being in fair request. Flour declined sightly. Ihs election for President of Nicaracua tva3 held on the 24th. The official returns are not complete. On the 28th, the latest dates received, there was no doubt of his election bv an overwhelming ma jority supposed to mean Walker. The army had been strengthened by reinforcements snd now num bers l.soo, including two artillery companies and u r neiu pieces. Kivis, accompanied by the Secretary of Stair. Secietary of War, and Minister ef Public e rcdit, fled to Leon and Chinandega aud took an opposing El Nicaraugense attributes the movement to a fear of the external enemies of the State and the appioaching election. Gen. Walker issued a decree appointing Don Ferere provisional President until after the election, declaring all the acts of Rivas after his elesertion void, and cautioning the citizens to refuse obe- dience to them, as all such would be considered as traltri to the country. Rivas and his cabinet were at Leon. At the 1 itest dales all the American troops had left that piace. Kivas is charged with having invited the enemies of the country to invade Nicaragua. Additional by the Xiagara. Halifax, July 15. A much better feeling nre vails respecting the chances of an amicable settle ment or the existing difficulties between the Uniied States and Great Britain, and the good effects of this feeling are manifest both in finance and trade. London papers say that negotiations between Eng- land and the United States for the settlemt nt of existi jg difficulties were resumed cn Monday, the 30th of June, nnder circumstances jusiiijing the belief that tbey are already in train towards an amicable adjustment. It is believed that Parliament will be prorogued on the 21st of July. Mr. Baillie, in the House of Commons, asked Lord Palmerston whether Mr. Dallas bad full power to settle the Central American dispute, or whether he bad any other powers than those of hk nrpde-- cesfior, Mr. Buchanan. Lord Palmerston replied that it was understood that Mr. Dallas had full powers, but Mr. Buchanan had no powers whatever to enter on that subject. The Bank of England made no further reduction of the rate of interest at the meeting of director? on Thursdsv. The weather continues magnificent for harvest- - ing, but, owing to the short supply of w heat, hold ers are cannons and still demand previous rates. There is an increasing demand for American se curities, and the upward tendency of English and t rencn innas continues. A bill has been introduced in Parliament per- mitting distillation from rice. Fkawck. The new customs tariff has been postponed until tbe next session of the Legislature, which will take place during the present niontb. The Emperor was at Plombier. A meeting will take place in July at Mounheim between the Emperors of France and Austria, and several German princes will assist. The crops in France as well as in Great Critain were good. Ia Prussia, Austria, and Spain, there will be average crops, but in Portugal the prospects are bad. SrAitc . The riots in Spain were over. A squad- ron of 8 ships were announced to be ready to sail from Havana to Mexico. DtNMAtE. Renewed troubles are apprehended in Scblessing-Holstei- Eweoen ano NoawAT. The formal aOhesion of Sweden and Norway to tbe maratitne regulations established by the Congress at Paris his been pub- lished. Gkeeck. The conference in relation to the af- fairs of Greece will be held in London in July. The Count ol Flanders is named aa successor to Ding Otho. There ia nothing new from the Crimea. Additional Commercial by Niagara. Halifax, July 11. Rinhardson, K pence k Co. quote red wheat at 610 d; white s .u. Western lanal flour 3ui3; Philadel- phia 33 6d'B4 d; Baltimore llt 6d; Ohio 3'S36s W hue corn quoted at MiiOt; yellow and mixed 28s Gd3 29s. Richardson k Co., McHesry and other, qoute b ef wuh a limited busmen, fort a tr tie lower, with alimilL'd buMOks; Western prune mess for retail, 7.5s b:ivn rm md market active at previous latea; rhuic qualities a irtnreu fioa Is; sale at 54 a 65s Lard held at n advance of 2s S I; quotations til 6dSt67s; sales of white at auction have been i idi n si, a i n.n.dnM mH niir.. irrejubr. Tallow firm, with an upward tenilenev; sales of nu American il s bucats. Iron Market. London, July 7. Iron market dull: bar iron onnteil in Wales et .1 Mt: rails quoted at . Scolch dic iron in niaseow oo.- - LONDON MONEY MARKET. I.CNDOS, July 4. The money market is unchar ged. Consols lor money are quoted at 9J',a3i?. American stocks are Uisher. U.S. stocks, bond, 1868, quoted at IOtaiH3; Perm bound 755 80, XT- (' (5aS; Va. 6'f liari; 111. Central 7's 8la81; Pitts-bur- r, C's 65467. Penn. Central 8891. The emoiint ef bullion in the Bank of England had in crea?;J t55.(K0. Ratifiratian Meetlaics. ITTSbcro, Jnly 16. Enthusiastic iatification meetings were held last nijrht by the friends or Fre- mont and Dayton, In Pittsburg, and Fremont and Johnston in Allegheny. Quite a rivaly existed between the two secf ions aa to which should be the largest. A considerable number attended both rival meeting. Gen. Wm. Robinson presided over the Pittsburg meeting, assisted by 20 vice presidents. Addresses were made by Wilson of Mass., John A. Wills of Cal., Gov. Ford of Ohio, and others. Resolutions approving the nominations of asd Paj ton, and the platform, passed unani- mously. At the Allegheny meeting Dr. Wm. Woods pre- sided, assisted by 15 vice presidents. Tbe meeting was addressed by Gov. Ford of Ohio, Wilson of Mass., Williamson, and Hun'ingdon. Geo. Law did not attend as announced. By invi- tation, W. F. Johnston appeared on the stand and made a speech expressing thanks. He said if he could by ny means surrender the trust reposed in him by the American party he would willingly do so. Strong American resolutions were passed, op- posing civil and ecclesiastic slavery, whether do- mestic or foreign. The preamble says the Americana showed everv disposition to meet tbe Republicans on terms of equality, but being repulsed now ratify the nomi nations of Fremont and Johnston. Gen. Wilson of Mass., hat expressed to several bis intention to support Johnston, in preference to avstun. ' cnEAP paper for the man of business, BY TELEGRAPH. VSPOHTEO FOK T il: l.OUnvCt... E. JLatcr from Uni'Ojtt ARRIVAL OF TliL SIEAME1: SlSS CANADIA N . Qcsbec, July 15. The steamship Canadian ar- rived from Liverpool i;h dates to July 2. The Cun:rd steamer Xi ignri arrived at Livcipool June 29. The harvest ia France promU s splendidly, all fears of scarcity having been dissipoted. It U reported that a conference f the Ibiee pro- tecting pow.rs will beheld ia London sooa to settle the ufiair3 of Greece. Mr. Moore had moved iu the House of Commons that the conduct of the Govemmeut on the enlist- ment question had not entitled them to the appro- bation of the House. D bate hid commtuced on the motion. Tna Attorney General dereadtd the Government. The attorney-genera- l defended the Government. He said tiie despatches from the United Su:e were not such a might have been expected from a nation anxious to preserve friecdiy relates with England. air a. r said tat the loitisti agent La i equally violated the laws of the Uuited States and the laws of nations. Mr. It iilie declared that Eniland wa dishonored by their attempts to sedece the citizens of the U. S. from their allegiance. bir J. w aNh said th OovcMEienf. bv not di- - mLainjr Mr. Dallas, had confessed that" they had done vrroiig. Mr. Mclnor Gibson said th.it flip V.utI rr Claren. don's conduct was insultinp towards the U. S.. and that that Government aad the American people should understand that the British pcoi 1c uid no; support the Minister therein. Mr. Wadstane contended that the most blameable feature w.s the concealment observed toward the American Government. fr which, the Earl of Clarendon and Mr. Cramptoa weie equally to blame. Other members spoke in a similar strain. Sir Geo. Gray and Mr. PiiiUimore. solicitor- - general, and many ethers, defended the Govern mem. The debate was continued for two dr. when the House divided, and the Government was gustaiued by a majority of 194- t rance. the ouly subject of interest mae pro- - test of the Princess of Orleans. Foreign Commercial. trra steamik Canadian. Liverpool Juir t. Cotton advanced to K: sales f .r the i.ant ti.rce data Were 3i.f fit) b:ile, lnciu.ine to eiDOittm A Cia hi. nt tn -i unior ibu i a:es. !H irKel lirm. Manchester mtrkets firm, with an noward tendency. euther very lavoiabie lor ag ncuilurai purpo-ti- . V eailst'ifl? rlui i, with a JecUmnj ttuaoncr. Whet i chnd id. Flour is lower. C'nrn declined 1. ana Pork du'T. Jl?con firm. Cnnso s for account 9! The political news is unimportant. The h .rvest ID Prance r nnomillv r.rnni'ii.., n, u t jnd ne the durante bi the inoniliit.iin " Whfat Sales of KnUtl.ern rtrl . HA Sth.n v. hue lis. Flour Western ranal 3?s2 33, PlliJadelphia tls Cdu35t Corn Sa'es all kinds averass SCs 6d. Port a; auct;on 57. Lard firm and very scarce: umall ?ale at Wsnrcimmon. Hosin unch iued with m deiate business. XIXIVTII COGR ESS-FIR- ST SS.lO. ?ion1ay' Proceedings. Washington. Julv 14. P. M. Senate .Th Senate considered and passed several private bills. The bill am ndatory of the act to promote effi- ciency in the navy was taken np. a uesuuorj rjLscussion was tad on sundry amend ments. At 4 o'clock an unsuccessful motion was made to adjourn. Mr. foombs obtained the floor, siying, as the Sen ate was a xious to (ILjCUSS the oueati. n now. he would now proceed to give his views at large. Mr. Hunt . r Will the senator vield to a motion to adjourn. Mr. Toombs No, sir: the Senate iust refneed ia adjourn, and I intend to speak on tbe subject, and wnen the Senators get tired of bearing me toey can go home;how ver, the reporters will keep their seats, for my speech is intendt d for my country as much aa for the Sennte. Af.er I have spoken three or four boars the Senator from Virginia can make his motion to adjourn if he choose. Mr. roomos iiroceeded to cive a history of the rise and progress of the navy, going bac'i to the foundation of the Government. Very lew Senators in their seats, and much conversation In and.ble tones. The chair several times called the Sturde to or der, when Mr. Toombs said, talktogdoes not distuib me in the least. I am gl id to bear that the Sena- tors are discussing tbe subject. It ouht to be dis- cussed on the floor, behind the lar and aU over the conntrv. Laughter.! At a quarter past 5 o'clock. 3lfr. Crltteu.len ch ained tne floor, by leave of Mr. Toombs, and moved that the Senate adjourn. Ag.eeJ to by two majority. Hocsb. M'. Clinfftnan asked tfeii ihe relation of the Senate, fixing a day for the adjournment of ongrefs, oe considered. Mr. Dunn said he should ofcicct till the Kansas qntion was settled. Mr. Houston r ix your own day. Mr. Letc er preferred that the Hoase shon!d ?o on with the trial of oue of its members. Mr. Clmcrmau moved to susnend tha rules for the purpose of taking up tha resolution. Lost; yeas 10, naysfjl s b in? nqnireu. Mr. Campbell, of Ohio,! thuthhe further con sideration of the report of the committee oa the Sumaer miz'.tbe postponed till We laesd.iv. for the reason that the mHjoiity of ihe emmittee bave h'd developed to them some facta nflVcting one of the parties implicated, and they di sire to consider the propriety of offering an tmeulaient to tne penuing resolution. To this objection was made. Mr. Meat'haw moveathe previous question, which was agreed to. Mr. Edmunsn, by general consent, made a re port affecting himiel''. Mr. Jvlmundsou exculpated himself from tuo im proper conduct which the House proposed to cen- sure him. Mr. CamDbcll. of Ohio, defended the renoitof the committee. 'Ihe House voted on English's substi! ui?.tlial t! e House declared its risap probation of the assault and deems this a fit occasion to express disappro- bation of language in debate personally oll'tnslve to individual members of CoDgress or Sta'es of the Union. Disagreed to 35 against 174. The House then voted on ihe substitO-i- of miaor- - ity committee, for the resolutions of tie majority, namely: lbattbe House has no jurisdiction over tha as- - siult committed by M.-- . Brooks on Mr. Sumner, and hercloie ce m it proper to express any opinion on the subject. Rejected Teas CG; nays 145. The vote whs taken on the first resolution of the majority of the committee: Tbat Pnsron S.Broo.va be and he is forthwith expelled from this Hou e as a representative from Souih Carolina, which lesulttd yeas 121 nays 95. 1 lie Speaker The Hoi3e has mused to agree to the resolution, there not being a two thirds vote sb required by the Consiituti n thereon. Mr. brooks, after the opposition. sroke in de fence, and concluded by infoiming the House that he had resigned bis seat. The next resolution cori ng up declaring disapprobation for the conduct of Messrs. Edmondson and Ktitt in reeard to the assault. Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, and others called for a di vision of the question. the Speaker decided that the resolution could not be divided for reasons stattd. Mr. Jones, of Tenn.. moved the resolution be tabled disagree d to veas 86: nays 111. Pending the resolution the House adjourned. luesdny s Proceedings' Washington-- , July 15. Senate. The Senate occupied the morning in the consideration of seve- ral unimportant bills. The House bill, appropriating 850.000 for the construction of a roaJ from Fort Ridgeiy, M inne-sot- a Territory, to the south pass of'the Koekv Mountains, Jitbraska Territory, was passed. air. loomDs resumed ms remarks ou the bill mendatory of the act to promote efficiency in the navv. He condemned, in the stronsest terms, the notion of the Navy board. Adjourned. House. The House resumed th consideration of the resolution oi the Committee on the Sumner assault, expressive of disTDrobation of the conduct of Messrs. Edmondson and Ktitt in connection therc- - wi n. The House made efforts to have the Tote taken on the case of each separately. In conseqaence of this failure, the resolution was rejected TOaaa nst i. On motion of Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, the vote was reconsidered, when he offered a for the resolution so as to enable the Douse to pass sentence on EJmoudson and Keitt separately. He saia it Mr. Keitt wished to be heard, he saould not insist on the previous question. Mr. Willson nppealed unsuccessfully to Mr. Camp- bell to withdraw the motion, wishing to occupy several minutes in the discussion of a new aspect of the question. Mr. Campbell replied that if he should vield the floor to the gentleman fiom Virginia, be must ne- cessarily give way to others. The s.ijcct had been discussed in all its aspects. Tbe substitute did not change the principle of the original propo- sition. Much time has already been consumed, the session is far advanced, cd tbe tnsimss of the House not transacted. Therefore Le insisted on the previous quest on. Mr. Letcher wish d to say In the new aspect of the case , n effort was thus "made to cn off debate. Mr. Dunn colled attention to the wording of the snusimue. ine uouse 13 called npon to declare its disapprobation of the said act ct Messrs. Edmonson and Keiit, he wanted to know to what the words said act had refe ence. The ?Dei.ker reolied. it was explained in the preamble, which was yet to be acted upon. By r quest, the pieamhle from the report of the committee was read, setting forth the acts connected with the assault, ami con- cluding wih the assertion, that, it, appeals f nm the investigation that Mssr!. Ktitt and Ed mondson, sometime previous to theassanlt.were in- formed of the purpose of Mr. Btooks to commit violence on Mr. Sumner, for woitis rsid ia dubuie, end took no measures to discourage or prevent the same, but, on the contrary, anticipating the as- sault, were presen on moae thaa one to witness it. Under the operation of the previous qnestiou the resolution ensuring Mr. Keitt was adopted yeas IOC, nays 00. That censnting Mr. Edmondson was uy cud yeas 60, navs 136.' Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, iiioveJ an ameQilment lo the preamble to make t fuith- r appear that Mr. Keitt atttmpted to prevent au officer of tie Senate and others from in'erfeili g to prevent the con- tinuance of the blows on Mr. Sumner. Mr. Dunn excepted to this am m'.ment. TLepre-ambl- e presented Mr. Keitt as a witness, and uothin? more, and on this ground the resolution was predi- cated. Mr. Campbell, to remove Mr. Dunn' nl (ieetlona. moved an amendment to the preamble, simply bv striking out Edmondson's ntme and lettirg Ktltt's tana. Preamble adopted 104 against 63. Mr. Keitt said heshould askto House to hear him on 9ome matters. He shou'd endeavor to not violate ra'liamentary propriety. He ftlt quite sure ne wouia not. Adjourned. ArrivM ef a Frlaa'e. JJiw Yore, July 15. The frigate Potomac, bear- ing lh flags of Commodore Pauldlnir. hes arrived from Ksy Wost. which nlaca she latt on tha 7th I VS. - COMMERCIALS, OFFICE TH ' I Ol IsVlU.KrCCRIF.lt, Wednesday EfiMfo. July 16. TLeiehatnt beea nvica ti mat ion in the mvk-- t this vreeV.bul iacca:eq ience of the Ight mppHes BrtalstuUs, Grain Orccer:es, Tctti-c- nn I Produce renera ly have e?n well utained. Later freirnn wi was recs.rcj yes iToay noi.nsr a slisat tecune m BreailstuCs. wh;c x lo-- giher with the fact that the wheat liarves! hash ca a root 038 will hive tha tendetscy to somewhat depress p toes. Tin receipts of Tcbiceocuatintte fureon- - s tiering-th- etQiculties of irrigation, anl it wUl be seen that better prices hare been obtained raanufactar.aa; f rai'.cs than were tver b fore receded ia this market Pr.ViSons continue to be well sustained. Ihe crops of Hay, Potatoe-am- i Onions hare been partial la; lures, and prices are greatly enhanced, w.th no shipments cf Pota- toes South this season. The reoeiDtsanii sale of Oan ns fur hlpiueutj nptothe present date has not exceeded JOil barrels agaiLst 27,000 at the penud the pietrior.s season. The r;Ter has been l.iliinjslowly a tiie wt ek.with every prospect of haTirj extreme lot aer all the season. The weather con'inues clear ami excessively warm, tiiousha good dashiarraia lell early in the week. During the past two days the warmta has been unusual, the thermometer ranginrfrom SO to 95 nearly all the t run. BAGGI.NO AND ROPE Market ctiTe. witj sales of Ti pieces in lots at I7.18c, together with, 420 coils R pe at f ajr sales of IM pes Ea?tluj at HalUc; M pieces at 1 cts; 214 pes at 17 cts 156 pieces hope at 9 small sales of choice machino at C Sales of 2tO puces Baling at lt,al7c; 150 piece at 17al8c; lHO pes at 171(; 100 pes at llc; tales tiflJ o- at 13c. Sale. of I3S ooils michine Rope at lofce. Ths receipts Hats been 1.814 piece?, and 61 coils, with shipments of 1.C13 pieces, end 41 ciile, a stock on hand amounting to J.71S p. tees, am! 2J73 coils, exclusive of tha stocks i: factories. BitAN, MEAL AND SHIP STVs F. We Quote saiall sales of bran at $7$ 10 per ton, with sales of shiostnff aad orts at $uaSlS toirai e, and $ 1 at retail. Co'nireal has very mate ria'Iy aJTincerl, o win? to the scare. t, with s .let by tie quantity at 61i70c, and small lots at 75c. BATTISO Sc jc, with saleaat Ilal2Kc. CAlfDLES V.'e quote Star Candles at Hi 25c, with the usual discount to the tra le; sales of bard Hew ne and pressed Candies at 12at2 1 Jc. COAL Sales of Piitsbtir? Coal firm at 20 tts, retail; Peach Orchard at lSaCfir.as the stock is small. COTTON AND COTTON YARNS.-Sto- ciu light, and we quote Cotton, ordinary to low mid.lling at S t9j cents, anJoo l midalin; Al ibama at I0al04a. The stock of Yarns is iis'ut.and price" are Sales of No. i. 6 and 700at9al0c; and lie per ozeam imailio'.i. CHEESE We qnotessales of good Western Chtrse FLOCR AND GRAIN Sales early fin the week f250 bb'i Flurat ?6 Oil; small tale of new Flour at St 25; retail ras at SS 50. Sales of 300 bushels Oats at 40 cts. Sales of 200 bushels new Wheat at $1 19. Falcs since of 325 bblsFiour at 5 73i$6; 101 bolt new at $8 2). 1,100 tu new Wheat at $1 10; lOObu-hel- s old at 1. Kales of 250 bushels Com at 45c. Sales of lOObusheis Oai? at 40 cts to dealor. Sales of Rte at. iZc CROJERIKS Sales of33..b..gi Rio Coffee at lllall3c. Saks of 74 lihds N. O. fair Sugar at 9 fully fair ' 3;c, 7 rime 10c; cio ce 10 90 bb t e2nd at 12 j 13 Sales of 25 barrels plantation Molasses at i?i$3 cents. Sa'es of 29 hhd.i X. O. Sugar at 10 e s; 13 hh Js Jo at 0c; 10J tt'lareSntd at 12)al3c. Sales of 10 bb.s Plantation Mo lasses al53c; 22 Sugarhouse at J5c. Sasof25 hh.'.s N. O. Sugar at 9HVr; U ohdsat 10c, ( hjsdo at 10 40 bbls double refined at 13c. Sales if lit bbls Plan tation Mo;!i'i at 53c. Sales of Rice in tiercts at 4a-- . FEATHERS 'c quote from thecountryat VUjc; good shippioglcts 47c. GINSENG Wequote scarce at 2Si3Cc. SHEETINGS Sales of Canaelton Sheetiac at 8c. other braads 8a8!ic. GCNNY BAGS Nominal atl2aiic. HAY We quote Hay at tloa$!7 in lots from tne whirf; retail tiles made at $li lrom s'nre. HEMP Holders f.rm, aad w quote st S15Ga$160 j.erten. IRON, NAILS, AND LEAD We quote by theocantityasfolk-vs- : Stone-co- bariron 3a3i.c; charcoa barirou lic; all other t'.ecriptionsnt ths asaal rates. Nails SI 23 S3 50 forlOd.and corresponding rates for other slies Ines see $35 for No. 1; $33a$34 f3r No. 2. Ws qajte Brownsport Pi; Iron at the same rates on u monthK. Sales of Slit Rirer Irou, Belmont Furncce at $34j3 rr ton; Pig LeaJ firm at 7a7c. Har Lead 'H''H et-i- Saks of shot at (2982253$ J, TALLOV.'. Sales of Rendered at 534IOo; salcsof Rosgh at s. GLASS. We quote city brands at $3 7Ja$4 ia small lots. for S by 10; and $4 25a 73 for 10 ty Ii aad largr sizes at a proportionate atlTsnce. Infir.or country brands sell at lets rates. NAVAL STORES. Oaknm we quote at JilOc. Tar tl 00i575 PbhJ. R:1n2 00J33 00. PitchHiO Tlr- - pentme 42S50 cents f gall n. OILS. ules from mill at $1 for Linseed; ar.J from store at 41 10. fa'os of Ca.nr Oil at (1 75 L.rtOiI dull t 6)c Sperm Oil Si 3522 Ot; Tanner's Oiln,.'5, $- -t and $28 per bbl. Sales of wliite lead at S3 25 $2 10 per ke?. Putty 4ac. SEEDS We quote flaxseed at SI W ail 65per Lash. Sales OfOroaard Gras Seed at S2a2 50. Clorer Seed Is quiet at $7 75aS 00. Herd's Grass $2; Timothy at S3 25 per bmhel. S'.ripred btua grass- do at 90a $1 00; cleaned do do at SI 50. extra nt $2. H ID KS Sa.es of city Flint at Uc; city Cured Dry.f al and Flint ot 13o ro inu ;uota.ioa: City Oak T inned Sole Lenther 25 t'.i y Cured liry tall lli'los cms cny tret.u cenis iwnti ac ailded lorcomaiisMons nri Flint i. Missouri Fiiut.ch u e se.ecte l ..is "n Mixed Country Huina at ljwerCj'ires according to oua.ti LEATHER We auof Role" .c!tytnnrd,at ? to 30 cent Country do, at 2 to is cents JEAN1? AND LINSEYS SuialUlsat3&actor Jsan and 26 33cfor Lin'oys.icr nsrro r.r. LUMBER The lileria us i '! hveejiabhshtdthe f jllowlutt rnten ne Laijl:r.rie&j u f M Dj, i Tt'.r jo du. Do. 31 rato . j(i .1.. Ciiinmri tiird ... ,'u. THirdrute iioct.a; ... . . in ,n fitcoti't rate do '. ;o ,, No. ll'iiie Sh.ir.gles 4 do PROVISIONS AND LARD The market lias stiffened somewn.t, w2iu limited si'esoi mess Pork at $11 43, aod 31S fir retnl luts. Siles of 10J casks Bacon shoulders at p. n. t.; 25 s do at ?i?, packed; 110 casks bacon libbed sides at p B.t;S3iO!bs c juntry bacon from wagou-- ; shoal detsS ribbed sides 91c; clear sides S cts htnis S sates of country Lard from wajoLS ia bb s at 10c; f r prime; 1 4 tea c infessed at 11 cts 2, ?00ics rbbed sitirs, back boc- - out, at lOe, lo isc; ICO bbl mess Pjrkat $19 50; 60 casks clear s des at 10 packed 2,300 pes bu k shoulders at eo, lose. Sales of 25 casks ribs bed sides at 10 packed; e'ear side bald at II cen't Country meat advanced; sales from wagon t.f 59 0 Its rlear ies f.t OalOH?:; ribbed s.d s 9a9 h mi 9 1 2a 9 forcrira: Mulders 6 Laid torn wajotis tn bbli at lOaiC'xf; m kezsat lOHallc, accordintocooerage. FFCIT Sales of ptuae Lemons at $9 00a5 50; Lser Ra;sins at St 25; sa of Sm.nia Figs at 1315c; salts o dried Fruit at St CO for Apples, and SI 75 per bushel for Peacues. TOB ACCO Sil at warehouses Thursday of 65 hiids. Tiz: 2 hhd nt $3 51 35 75; 13 at 00 J7 00; IS a 7 03at 00; 20 at 8 C359 OS; 10 tugheails at 9 0599 93; 3 fine leaf at maun ac'cringSlO 35. $10 43, $10 5). Sales at the warehouses Friday of Mhlids, eix: 91ihd at S5 OOag CO; 16 at S (57 CO; 1C at 7 03a8 00; 9 at t OoaJI 9 t 9 05a $9 95; 1 h'ld fine anufactttring leaf at $10 10. Sales at warehouses Saturday of 76 hbds, as follows: thir een. boysbeads at $5 C0r.6 CO; 13 at 6 05 7 00; 12 at T C5s9 SO 24 at t 05 il 0): 12 at $3 C5a$9 95. Sales of Jlihds fine man oi&crurms leaf atSlO, 10 30. Sales at warehouses Monday of 71 hh Is, viz: 4h!.dat $3fOi$6; 13at6 05ai7; 13 at 7 05a S3; 10 at 9 05aS9; IS at at 9 05a9 95; 10 at HO, 10 30, II 00, 19 '5. 10 2J, 10 75, !1 10, 1! in, $19, 24 10; 13 lihds Virsima old at thefo lswirg prices: $7 CO. 9 05. 53. 19 00, 11 50, 6 03, 24 50, 11 10, t 93, 9 70. 10 73, 6 90, 10 93. 10 73. Sales st war.ho'tse T teday of 89 hhjj, tii: 10 hhJ.t-i- S3 00s$6; C2 at 6 CJa7 00; 19 st $7 ; 20 st t 03a9 C4; 11 at 9 Un S9 95; 3 hhds fine manrfucturing leat at f 10 03, $10 33 $10 35, 10 55snd 14 . WHISKY Prices tend nnward.w th sa'es of 229 bbla raw early in the week at Jg with sales urce at 30a30 the highest figure, we have known for a long time. SALT Kanawha advanced; JOObb'sat 4 c. retail sales at 48'. VEGETABLES No Potatoes ia tho market for ship merit. Sales of 300 bbla Onions at $3 50a2 0. WOOL. We quote at 21a23o f ir rrease w wi!, and 32a 31c for common in grease 15aI8c, F P. EIGHTS Firm to New Orleans at 50c forfnrouth and (Ce for way lets, by the hindrd pound. Flour per bbl 75o80 cents. Pork per bbl $1 25; Whisky per bbl $1 50; Tobwo, per hnghead S7a$S. Shipments lisht and no stock offering. To Wheeling and Putsburg, 25a30 cts to pound freights. I.nUlsil.L.K CATTLE 1IAKK17. WEDNESDAY. JnlyK ISi Market very dull, with n demand for shipment, aad modem's demand forrutchers. with receipts nnj sales at ths stock yards of less thin 200 bead beere The of hogs have beea rathsrheary. Bnt fow cattle are cowselhnr for orsr S cents, gross. We anet the follow- ing ranseof prices tobutcl.ers at the stockjards: CaTtik Oood at Bullocks and cows, choice and extra JVi3t-S- c gross, equal to 66 J rts nett . Fair at 3 cut gross; and roush at Ia2 cross. Hoos Ws quote slop fed at ill an.' choice corn- - fed at 4f cents. SHErtr AH8 Lambs Prices ranae from $131 to $3 50; ts to quality, with light receipts. Lairbs $1 752 75 per head LOCISVILLE FAMILY MARKET. WEDSISOAY.Ju'y IS. Veetab'es, including Green Corn, Toma'oes, e., are pretty abundant, but fruits of all kinds.seaice. Cora 13a 20cper Jozen. Choice tible butter at J0a35c per lb; fairbu ter20a:5c. Fresh beet issellingat 9aI0c fo' choice cuts and 6a,"ctt for all others; dressed hogs C:t7cU per lb. New potatoes are quite scarce at $2 50s S3 00 per bush- - Drcssel tnrki s none. Chickens $2 OOaf) 00 er dozen. Ducks $3 OOaf 4 50 per dozen. Fegi 10al5e THE MONEY MARKET No ytrint on In the nnney market, which continue eiy,with l.mited sales of stocks at $113a$119 for Kea tucky ba ks, Laad warrants are dull at f 5a.93. firm , and ws quote EXCHANGE. Bu .Of. Sllinr. New York .parSM prem K prrn Othnr Entern States H prem )4 prera 'incmr,ati H dn r.ar joats X dis M pre m hnlie 1 dis M dis "Jew tlrlenns pureS i prem Chatlestou I ds par ADDITIONAL SALi:s. WIDSESDAY, July 13, 1856. Flour dull at $3 75n9 00 in lots. Grocene firm at quota tions. ProTisi. ns qniet, with islet rf 3 9ri plain and bgired hams at lOUMc. F'es of 110 s shoulders at packed. Saleiofcl-a- - ,.' r.t int.e. Sales of 34 hhds Tcbiceo at watehr.-.p.- f. rwf' from $3 'o $3 93 for common to firm's; it tl a : fir mannforta rum leaf. Telesraph Markets. CmciasATi. Ttily 16 M. Flour $1 25. Whiskv 3lc. Cheese .'p. Baccn shoulders 9)c; suits UHc. BALTIMORF, July ili. P, M. l. Wheat is in good demand, Cnr- -. is brisk at 6W6SC f r white and : lor yellow. Nw OltLtA.xs, Ju y ii, t. M. Cotton Sa'os 900 bales y it bout alteration in pri ces. Sales of Whisky at 31c. Bagging 17Xe. New Y01K. July 15. P. M. Cot'on fina-ja- l4 1.0P0 bales Orleans middling at 11; upland c'o at HH. Ccffee qu ale 200 bags Rio. Sugar firm sales 800 hhds Or euns. MoIases quiet. Linseed oil firm sales 300 gallons at E2c. Lard oil quiet. Common aud modern grades ef flour hare sgvn declined rally 10c per but , with only moderate Holders of com n. on grades a eq .its nxi ns to realize sa'es 12,000 bbls at $2 40 f.r State, $636 10 for Wea'srn, and market closing ) with moOf rate business doing. Rye Hoar attady st $1 lyUi 37. Southern flur only in moderate supply and heary, without any important thanes ia prce sas 1.JC9 bbl at $6 " a7 25 fr common to rood saperfine, and $7 39 38 75 for fancy eitra. Transactions in wheat only to a mMleratscTtsnt.and pricesf rlows grides rather easier; sales : j,000b isheis at $. J01 17 for whits Canadian, 33 for good snd trims red Souteern. Rytisiarequsst for export at fall prices sales 8, bushels at 86 for prims Vorthsrn. Cora is less ctis muket shads easier eelei. ns m ER. AND TI PAW mm. 15,01.9 bi.'ili a. 56lc mixed fffuni, r rniic'Iye'.iri. Oa s stiii'T I.Til5; f : lit :.J r. ern. Perk unc'iaDgtl a i iemanu mi'i ate-! 1.'J tbls at i a' $17 f2 fc- - .I.s: t.-- ft r. b't.r tiemand tut s : ' f7 'J'Ui ii rco.ia:rj tr.m.", 50"dl0 f r d sness aas 9ii; '.r r;ac!ri.: Ef Uinw q let. Pr,m tiesi i ctj ' tnj r.r(3 Ij.i,, 'i'. Cut meats .tc ilir at 9c for ! u:Je,s tun! Cctttr s&Vs S' O luls a'. l:'iu:. ni.i priin helJ Cit.Ij at "h-- r c:os at l?Vr. Butter lir! J l 11218c. Clieic stf id at 53!:. CncmaII Jul; 16. P. , Flour duliat Si ijrfceip'sb'ht. Croc?r.- - ticiarg d tad dewand liraitd. Waukjfl mkt3!c. Che'1fC3c Bacon 9He. ide firm at llc. few York Steci .Market. IiW Y.isx, 3u".y to, P. M. Stoi ki liim Car.toa 23j, Cleveland ana L' !'lo 7T Chicago and R. Inland 9j, Cafi'utr 'a...l Z,'t, E.is 3itrhigaifouthern57H,N Y. Central 'j5J, The Ureal F. utkiua Renirdy. PRO BOXO PUBLICO. JJ-'-Eve- iy rnor slict-'- haro al'-- i't th honi; liEndv in Citso ofarrWt nt? He - 'rtn." Bedding's Rassia Salve. Itli aCc3tcn rsrrcl r.f t'lii-t- j rears K'u:idin.-- and Ii eom5icn1e br rbvsicia:T3. I' i a ar and Fffti.rnrj t.ir Enr'n:--, Piles, L'oi'., C'rn., Chilb!aiD-- , and Old Sore cf every Wad; f.,r Fever bores, Ulcers, Itch. ScsM Head, Nc'l Hash, Banina, Sore Xinple?, ( rfonimeaded lij" caries), Whitlow, RslejVostf rs, F'.ea Bite?, Spii-- Silas . Froicn Limbs, Sslt Ilhenrc, cr.rvr, Soro aid Cracked Lip.aorf- Xcse, Wai ts aui Vv"ounti, it Is a moit valuable rented? and cure, nfcfch cxa be testified to b thonani4 who bave ne t it la tho city of aal viciaitr for tiie Inst tiity yeeni. In 110 Instance will tL: "Salv? df an icj'y, r in terfere t it h a chyiici.tn's r revrrintionn. It is ma-'- freTi the purest fiora'a recipr brought from Passia rf article? rowin in th.'t conn'ry and the proprietor have h'tteis rorn .'1 c;a.sM,", clergymni, physichr.s, sa crptairiii, nurses, and others who hare nsed it tbeir.seive an 1 n ,,orr.tneri J it to others. Biddiux's Knia S te!? pi r ia la; tin doxcs, S'ampea on tr. cover wit a a ;:ctuiet- a nor?e ana a aiiaoiea sti.'.rr, wuicn pict ue 19 ! enirrsred on the wrepp--- . I'rice, '25 hd a Box KEDDIXGr & CO.,Prrr iet.-- t Ii. A. Robit, jon A Co , Bvi!, Ta'bott i. Co.. Lnn lsviJle; scrihner& l)evol,enr Am Rr.v. a 1 dcoLiwly Hollowaj's Ointiacnt aad Pills Areh:?hiy reoamended fjrths cure of Ir75:r!as. They act in urii"on upn the ys".om, and pa i.'yin; the b'ood.a d fa.l to care anrt-nli- , h verr pertte the cane m&y be. Sold at the mtnufac'ories.No 90 Vaidia Lasc.N. Yj") and No 941 Strand, London; and byall druji stsat lis SJrt . i1 t Br pot or box iHw1 .tlARHIFD, Brthe Rev. W. W. Ererts. June 16, h. lir. II. sy Kll to MifiSAt(H Laveuli.sU of tnis e.ty. Br the Jntr 3d. JosHCA MCLIM tii S Geobgk, bita of Lou v--i le. By the sam. jut rh. Major William J as Hand aiss SAXtU U lOHT.DOia Ot LOUlSY.le. Bvthe swns. on tbs 10th of Ju'. NtfTAt P.tir, Esq of sprmttfielil, IlLnu, to ;iUs Ltzzis Woca, of Lou.i Tills. On 16 h . br the Ver. .T. V. t"obr. ?t the rei eence of the bride's father, Gi3. W. PiTs.1 t . Eliza A awors, an i tnis cry. DIFD. On Frida.'.the 11th int.. PaCI.!si J".. ;n."sa tftur of William I and Eiumi 5. 1.U10 nmjai.iitj J moti hs aod 27 ila-- j, Ytrd..y nt'tt n? atJI- - ov'ock, fer ah garmg ill oess, Yi lLA.lA.tt als,iu ihscua 7sji ot fi.s Oa the 13 h i st.. in Chicago, Johy M. Koaas t., forme- - u ot L.ouuYiiis,Sfe2 years. CBaltimore and EardstOTra papers piex-- e rt j j. D3. JOII BULL'S COMPOUND FLUID EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA COI INF? ail the mtu.cinat Yirtniscf "cr.soca, Yel. LoWB0C3,DABELt0S,and pure Ho9L;Ba S.iR iA?a!L- la, and is ths mos: po er.t BLOOD PCPIFIFR in ths known world. Tot the curs of Scrf'tila. :'.ientnaiiizn. Gout. Dropry, and i ll C nr. a c E.seases, .1 h:u no eqaa' CyPi;ce rnc ilo'.lar per quart bo'l'.e. DR. JOHN BULL'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY AND ICELAND MOSS, A.iUt r va'.ti .h:e i ;;. lie?.".. T'r.: wttwoa th c- re nt..-.tt- iM-cr- oi'tlje WILD CHSJRRY H iR'i liiod lo which are tiie essential projc t:rscfsom R. and B.ir-- s never before tised or kno-v- in med.cine. It al ies,ei itself namecLtely to ths Lnf,;t seat of all ConMiiaptiYS Diseases.) snd is allowed to be t'r.f most safe and certain cure for Conkimptioa ever know i - his orany othr rountry. Pr es Oue dollar ;er qua't bottle. DR. JOHN BULl7s"KING OF PAIN I the G 'tAND ATasier of ah aou Fairs, in whatever f irm tbey ir aTOms It was tha mot remedy ned daring the rnre of thai awful scourge, the ASlriC CHOLERA,-- nJ was nce.r kr.cwn to fail :n enr n when used in tiros. CT P.ics 23 cents per bo'.tle: 50 cent aim g kettles. DR. JOHN BULL'S VEGETABLE TONIC PILLS, A certain care fr FETES AVD AOO'E.ani alldieases arising lrom a torpid s'a' sf Ihs L Yer .2 j J'ious "sTsrs. Rsm ttsnt Fsror. Dumb Ague, kc. rrrncs one dollar psr box. Ths a'lore ralnable preparations are sold by Dmrg.s's and Merchants in every town and Tillage in t'i Viitai Stats. Principal off fj Fifth sirert, Loui'vt'le. K'., and cor ner of asj iu and Ann s'rns, erv York telj d'.ToStwU C. C. OIEI. w. O. AJ.tlADFg CREEa i ALEXIN DEI!, J GENERAL AUCTIONEERS, aiu n'.u.t;i5iu. .iiLi'.tu.iAis. LOVISVJLlt, SITV T. TE i'.l sell at oiirsfre No 513 Vark.t trsst, be. 99 tweea Sreoa nl Th rd. sates of Keai i:t.ta, Ni er&s-- , Horses, C: ttl.-- , Dr7 Uiocei.ks. Faij,ng eu.ii.. iu Km mM r.pr j.n n.- - to I - Auctf Husines", a jue oa the lowest teims ami r rotptlr and faithful j. (jSR member No. 5!8 Market rtrfet. Jsales in the cotintrra't nledt . C. f. OHKK.N k M. O. ALZX tNDCR. Jyl8dlnit'3 Auctioneers. FLETCHER & BENNETT, DEALERS IN WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, SLVERWARE ANO PLATED GOODS, NO. 151 MAIN STRUCT. BET. FOLRTH AD FIFTH. LOCISVILLE. K.Y.. (Establish to is:8.) PARTI"'Tt. All attention iaid to rieani'i?, repairing Cbr..n.meUr. Daplei. Lo . er. aad W.itcue. Im bemg a Tery imports branch of for business, the nrtpost care mil beiiveiitoit byiAII-upan- d eperincrd woikmen. F L r.lCH E R C NNETT. mr3trifcwtyt 4.".: Mam t..bet. Foortj m.j rh. TRFMflMIOCS SACRiriCP! BEST BARGAINS OF fHr. SEASON! GSEAT MAHKIN'Q DOWN SALT". OF DSESS MLS, Fl.NCY COODS, IWUi, AD ESBR0IDE1.IES. C Dl'KKEE, HEATH CO. HAVING en arged their iter.aiTe .tors, with a iargi increas ng I ,ir 6aiu. tut com.ag f ni, sre detenu. lie toe oseou' tlteir :t.uz i d Summer stock of Fancy Uoods, inords to ma :e ro.i lur tueir - a I fl These goods will be clused out wanout resard to rot. Rich Cress Si'ks. or r.nally worth $30, now lor $15. Its io do d. do do $.i, i $;a Spring Si.ki, on?inal it worth SI 5prva." J, now 75c. Uo do, do do (110 do' d", do :H. Uo do, oo do 75c d do. d 5'c. by El. gan Par sene R.)h-s- , original y i.'O, now $15, Io do do. d.t 112. ii.. 7 Hon ton and Prussia Lace CaDss.oriEini.'.".- worrh f 1J0. sol'J f ir S3 Printed Hareges, worth $10 md ii, now soli! f.,rjj ta ee $1 a pn'oru. Pn,n 5rtc. nrT s.i':d f r 3'ic Min'ilus of all sty ti il c !..;, worfi f...ra $16 to $40, wi.i no'dic so d tro n $r5 'o it ip cr . : amy otaer Iu soods m the ?rtprtinr.. l)L'ftlk.Kt, HKATiI 1 '"., in; feu;-)- ! street. iy9 H"V i. I'7t Mirti.t - n Jrrnn. LOCUST GU0E SCHOOL, FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, W'ILL coaiaie. re ; Anm; ,1 t.?i n oa MONDAY, 11 h nndr t -. :..n ll:.Tug giyen scue-a- ! a n aiTi'r. tuhe pit ions of t e Sciiool a wing t re r. he ho-- con' naed ot alt ntmu to rtiajn thur cciiftner.re In w aid r. Wt i I willing to semi t!inr c.;rea to is Sch. oi ro Mr. Wm B. Clut. n Col. Wm tl Oirii.n,Mr I .c t'Tere t. aad ihe putrousoi the SCit'Ot. I'orirr tn nat w 8chiM; ia siii Te! n t'.e nrr. Kod. tl.re nt and a ha f from LotsisYilis ma o'eaeao and hea.tbs r ne.ghbor tood. TC3M : Primary Detartroent, irci 'it.g T. AribmetiC, fc . njunt L- in atfrnce.. $11 38 ILgner brandies, including Ma iiema'..cs kO'l ancient and m d'u 13 it Ti Board per quarter, ( cr buys on J.) i..Tar.. b y ia ad- - ennce 37 3 Persons at a distance desiricg to n er n vi ".adi'ress 'ylldaow3wfc10 B K.N". Si. HARNEY, Box 11 .) Bia CEDAR HILL FE3IALE IXSTI I TTE. 'pHIRD ths first of S "ember. 1851 I. Price f r H"ard, la'tiOT iu tne ord.narr hrincues, fuel, 1 ghts. towel, au.l was .ing incnitleil, Itfl p r we, a. M o deductio made for absence, f xrep'. t.r't its.l illnes. Mukic on Piano or Qmtn', $Jj for 1) rr- n t. rre icb. Lti , and Cmb'oide.- - , ext a rntrjn Spec.al attention will begTentotb'iraea' ha dcomt'ort, is Aell as their opt mrtilanl intl ecttml aov mcemenr. B Fr rat ciUra and.es the undersigned, Browasboro Pot Office, o.dham c nitty, K'r. h K. CLvjH K, Pn.tnpal. Fr Cckth Smith Jam "SC. A. lak j jyllt!3w4 k d SHELBY COLLEGE, b Shelbryllle, Keatackr. a T1HE ensuing fesion of tbis loMi'ut on w il omnieaes X otitis ftrsi .Mondjv m cjtembr TIKM 1 he teneral coT for Cuar.l. Tui'trm, g r uel, aad In hta i $15 lot tne seisiou I 10 m t:bs; in spec a cestbis c tarije wiii b sn.idir.-- as tu co- lor m lo t he of he pnrties corjet-- d or Comma. licatKus to the nai'erp gte-- illl- prom-.tt- y ded to W vi V. l I.FK, jy !!'. A ag:3wl President of b ' by Col.:e. h Opening of the Clue Lick Springs of TRUEMAN & HUGHES, PfiOPBIt-TOHS- . THEiE Oontle nen h its jnst comu e' la 1 iinioii'i ot ers .f tan .Mineral Sonncs, STi.l will n it f c the rrctitmi if rmrnrs on lb iva J it oi June. Tuis rery extens r K. tel aod A. bmliliQCS ce. upv a bflr.'tt.f'ii s tua;; i nnlrte 1. of ihe Lic&i g river, in Nw ho'a county. Kr., tw.i'"v u.i , Pari. K"Q'urkv, n on ih C .viii'".oo nl I. iutr-o- and tenty lour rnt e fro n viavv, o.i tiie Ohi r.ver. Ttir. Hre exrellent marad ,4111,2-- r 1,11, imi dm r.Kmr cotKlO'S le.iv SJrt't p. are every itay f s ti.e S.,r;n?. This weil-no- n W'a e in P;ac-t- i Ciie ira-- ;'or pftrtor and a nat.le p op t es M' it tvntrr. it ,ic irni f.il an.1 ho ter s tmtiou, and fr lis rvtiai: Crue. and w Us. Tin Hotel Liree. aud eon'r v 1.1 .trir. eye to eoaal..rt aud conreuirace. it immv. tai'i. ui ba comes and proueaaiie, .is tins around ( an ri .i!nt state 01 cul'ivaton nnd fail ol b auuful mi.ir tre .) its A siperio "il c.i..Tn entba'h. its It'tt an! c. mm lot stibles, kc , all trn.l to mak- - 8 tie L'rki lac r.io' ile iht-fu- l, li attractive sal n n q.t in tas Wn. Ihe proprietors hxvj sutirely rej. ta'. l las Hotel an ! rrnunds. Ihs lurntture is isw and g ed. aud tb.vean a pro te, from tlieir long eTpeneoc. m ct.nag to th. test snd - mfort of the pub tc, tnat ths honsc shall b vt ksiit la a s y.8 inferior to a- - Hois! in 'he Wst. w i iv u e mg ta JyiOdsvwim JOHS ;;"CHe, FRA.RLI. IMRAMi: tOJin.M OF LOUISVILLE, KY. CJw'O.T.cseo.ner of Mun and Bui hit streets. eeond S"orv V iwconb'i Bui'dmg. sn'ratc c l a i. THIS Comp4UT eontiuues t make lqr.ro aga.iul p.nls of nav ganoa on j.i'is gir.n. boat, aa tti.ir t'arzoes alo asa rst Los by Fire o V,l ai 8temboits, building and in port, and House and Coa. tn'. JA.MS TKABLE, Pre deal. AcaA:r IIiti. Scretar DIRECTosj xVilliaraOsv. T'naa Oarv.n. James C. Breel. Jota Vf Aikleisa, James S. Lithgo-T- , Willisnj hrhs 1 lawr,ii, . v M, JCiTcrsou ('ountj Farm Or Sales ac acs:fs OF JLf l Ld-o- S COo.MY LA.D I Oli 3ALS I 0?f si' for n e mt F.sH .f, 'tri ,j s Wit.rs fcs t r" i x a.: : :ii J. i'j. a k r I. i ii - ir ct. .i I. i. i i.j , w.a ID- - 2!( a .1 .ni.u. t i ;i n I ci - ika, ni r O i ,r is Md oiie-'- - n,i a ue k n u 8 7, 0 tone sp o.n cr t and ; .r r , Tne sa ns :s ill toou repbr,an . a!f .'mh C(.aTa.ei.t t dtvt-ao- 1: i ii t., irtd WTtrfti r srss 1:1 t e 7. ng aip ...,i w ia i I ' n? : ' ' b t a ui.s yers.ins tu Ku.cUi a F- - u j ; J 4 . wii. tj oa nJ rxm,ue j 'i an, a . ' !,19 IO:i HAHROI.D. V.ESTLU.V FARM J0UR.1L. TiJPUIlED EVERY ATmnAT KKOM THi: Fanners' Z3schanffe. a ' C03!ra MAIN' e. SE 9E.1. CHFSlT J VS. P. HULL. Jfc CO., r.JoraieTm. ;:.tia(T Stat Bo ;r Aw. rtTrai, i KA.vicrjRr i ) HEHm, A w'aij.i ! ii '3 a rep-- AjMa'ta-al- . M'tere r. i : K'n.a- - mi b"e- 1. . sy. c.- - ne. - ,ai ,u uj as.i :o ;ae t- !i oeTe.r.j a. d .,Cs.a of m.w into rests, and is ni'iea iieedal - eo .m,. a e e ! imi; l, r jml cr t r tn roe'..,uge m i eomaau e was of las ?t.v.s A :.eu .a 'ai So ie.i tl ern tore. tjo!e, B. ta Rordf li re- -t , laa! w rcoommena to tiie l.o..i of a i Hi fr.a d of r .1: i e .: KlT-- toawciii.il t.. ester Friti Jsara tl. "f itea t y?g?.-- t oer, T ll. d by M Js. I'. Ii ill Co ; ad iha- - aai4 piprw.ii o re aiil mt t ,, rL.na L , A,r,. sai'.ura' et,fc.i; w li not rie5 w .ri.a touaoief-6c- m su; oort oihr'tiian ...;d a rs n A Co;.- -. A:;o-t- , W. C.LYI.E.SSC sc The Jo'.r al i;;i it i n w propose I tj in ac- - rdaneewiiu tus rrqa rinaeits of u. KcatvK-k- a at A iica tuia r,r,w, bt as emi rtb; its SC"J an i a any 1 OA' tl.- - td s Hi. h i i or..- - tit La ;i.: Ui P njn.to a hi.j.e to eni't 'he he titien: nnj u tsthif or tn onio u ii. f.imo s ci; o. i i 5i mm 'i ta alien pt.'.b..cal."n - h. aoii of fore n coi.mne. lae pmr w.Ii pin is e.t er w..l '' i. teen t'.,w q i1 .,..,i H sn lir a.ti h a. 9. It wm to n two ru uatrs ! Mti.nr raa ter Mining taree haad el and tv- - n meii, for wh ch mt ha c- ior 6.udr;w.u ,i attas coi of pripinn tuem. to us "iKr g two Vol ss n tnin . ... w. tw wr ,r.ru ,ui.,aat inQ.ia'Si.wd Are- - itwuj.M i lertrr-it- a I or o ;g JjJ r. As ths papr n isu tiie MrcH-it-,- sod Faroe's '."'" " ;a ir i o, i.grti,, a, i. ,rni ,. w il (. ai!.l n fara'SB t.ie and f ai est isrr:s !a TliX.l Ons Cop.", per annum .taw Ten Copies, to o ie a d'es ... 1$ CO I'fy.bis inrinab y m a.aa wit hL.MilKi SliiOCL CF EDICI.E, i;v. ss.satliaess.on f the r aico! of Vd:- - win eoiumei es on .arst jioz 'ay ia Mosro- - . ro"'.t-- io r won" s .us it4 mtaary Ib'.mgii th. m. n h. m.ii br me i"e i.t ths and ticawsjiat t;. Haei,u;. by P.ot FACCLTY. B. w Dad.ss, Erv?ntus Pn eso- - o;" Asitmy and Sur. Job a Ka d.n, M. D., ObslorKs and iasassa of wo and c' Thar.es W Wneht . u . im n.i Toxico't ry. Hnry B.i'litr. i. i, r i iolcg nj fv 1 ,.. jy. Ihs ..lores E I., i aory aud Praot.es si jiej.. T. O K.chirlion, .1 i Pri.-.- c ? es aad Piac'.ics of uri-i- '. N. B. "I. D .,: L.i:sr.a d.c 4 and Taeopea- - tr. ohi S. 3n i, II. D., APinF Ji I B iia, .. jr o- - Anoaa The fe- -j tor th sir re e m to $1 ij - ri taovuon fee to be pid .ac8 011 y. 35 aeetiag t cast vrnutia .on i s MM ,v,trr..iu !.i- - ty. a obt it yon.1 bjsr ni by ipD.f ii tli .1 in.t v ..."oi ee,-- n trts ,onti ot Grssa aaU F.ft i :. J ) f r HADrf. iyl d:fcweowtoctlst De of ills Faca.iy. or.EOORT fc SIACP.T. Maaia?rr the Xemnr ky Slate Lotteries actisjiis roa mi wjji sm i.0 JctT llit iloadev . it Capital ... tu.ooo ...T.ciie 4 30 .Mosday.. i ll t C?ilal ii!.$a7.'oii'..". ...X.cke t K Tne. lav Capit1 1.000.' 7 ...licet- - la y $1 ii (g Tuesdar 'a y li. Ctpifl "."...'sco.lod"; ...Tick $s WeJaasav.. .. ,'a'r Capital ....$10,006.".' .. Tirl- -t j$ v liiesd:ty. ClT'il ... iii i.oiHt . Ticket JJ1 $t tl Cv.Mi '".'.M.boo. July H. '.".'.". ...T.c'ei $ 90 Taarsjav Capita'. V.V.I 12b'.ooo.'.V ...Txket $. s. Fr t'ar Cp."l '.V.'ib'.-'roti'"."- . ...Tirk-- i. "j y $i il. 85 noay ... . Jn - jy Capital. '.'. 1 7. 50O.'. ...T.ckts$ so ; urday Ja's it. Capital .V.'.'j'CVoo'.'VV ,.k.CZ"i $1 Saturday .. ... Ju v CVM'fl . ... 87.500. ".ckets $ CO CT" We woni; call he attention of the ooblie to 'he no wbxh for br.ii.ancy w .ivie w:a shsmes of. caEGOHYkMArHYirsth. !mauLrrfiaSem !t i.oi:er:e. f Vor r.cire:ornnrlofT .lr. .l.!:es 'ha maTtareTs. Ail correoorii.'eoce Vrct.y e.ut iat,i. h Pnuteo Dn""?t ill be ma l ta al'o s'aiax or Jera riPosiie ore-n- d oa al aufv ro o:nrs: alsooa all lr'viii ent n.-- at I. rtV.ler frr? tha eon-t- trf rtrt """'I litt.iKIHY MACR7. 11 lkw Maaageis KeatuciT Sut Loi.erv LAW SCHOOL CF IWIYERSITI Oa" L0UI3TILLE 'l"tt. .n.i a ta. a A tnea.-- )lo:.!nr O t iber aa.leo i".rii-aa- moat ha HON. IIFN3Y P'HTLT:. L. L. D . Prnror o: ion.l Law. Fai ty ana Commsro-a- l !!OT. J VilF." PSYO ro.f Dt of 'hi H..".-- r aJ it 0.' f jw, iaeloJaj t.'.f Co nmoa La v ff r. HO.f. WILLIA'I F. BULLO Pr.f tae Lnt of T?h! Proper r ,f xhm Pru- - if .i lat.ui ia r ei.iir.ga u A.V or,c. lie Muten's r arraacel .111 '. t..i. .nir, scrnr.t.a to tr.e.r iiruac. oc a, tjci a n ,4. qu.red uvery 1 to s:u a n a a trxt . k. aad la-- ruc.ion i g... . n as i' -- vri I11H1..S! nn, r'l t .. a ard a e. m rue 1' irv t'rooi ibe Pro "scr j'.'.-- ti fo ta. it. K tea P o i.tre-'- ta.cn ii tsslscta.- - .0 a two .ia. s ail , asoa" fur J. ui. Ine studi n in ti La I'enjftaicn! f the Cai-:si- are em i.eo ij teau, w inoat ra i 1. .' . iec nr. ia ' a. no,c vi 4t;?irime,n oa iiaii"r; :1 ,iiLit,.m Tt Mata'e.a u 710111 . th sI : a ce.ica lo ursots Lw in a h Co irt, ot s Nta. Alarg L:b'a-- n s osea prvKim eJ, la sriich additions are sanua.lv at vie. AU conim iniiru.or. j n tie r pst'nen Vi'JV tj. r.i t rii asS'Io PlRrLF. eUdlawi h. A.oaiv.l.a, Ky. Trr.ii' seep. Oflfk pennd rt.n: whr. Saaia-- r .!. i'rt d ti.r;i t ion E . Uu vr:a".l puns: ior sa.s 'h3tVa and re ., o JllltCS. WI.NGATS k CO. J 1j d3ia for 2 2 FAR.ll TOll SILL. 4 tut. Cm .11... n.i. . - ......j .v- - tJiank i ti.o oaio r ner ia k't ucy, k. o"aa Ha b.d. n A,anui:i, s oaer. j x 9 ..n &ccoi,h dt b( ierus. 1: 1 .my ioortn m.'.e' iVis Li.ni-v.- i eoniistiag 01" 1JX, r:rn b..f.c.ui .s 1. a weil euit.v- - Ud.tin .moro..l. wi.a .i bu.lu i', lc. sic. Far tsriaa iiiJ fail rart,i?nir arnn re nn th. r.mra. J M JU t w t. Or.J ". OKIKUV, Jyl dla vitiwi orLr il irkot lad tii ttrt.ca. THE SECRET CITY. GREAT SILG OF TOW.N LOTS. T- r.3.30. et! KstaaaaJ MtanjaClar ag Cn- - auv av.xi ti tr aai aid riug 3) ta. w,.l Xr for sue. to tne ai i.4t b.Jer. 4 n j.r J.ar.li lUis for baa aw parj oe. machitis a..p.. r ... no. ,U .141 l.U.a M41411 9 J iU4M4M4 lM A Hi n.ity of Pn'Mki. and St a' of I.l.ao s aztmBeiTt oa rtivbiJAY, Ji.y lia, :3Ja. aad c.-Ja..,- g fiajt d. tit The Lnd ow d br this Codd-b- a il.r ln.linnL.h!. Itiee.a.d proposed to Ov o.f.i.i for Is. a.- - e.a itm ! ocatloa lu. Oa4 mv, s.x ui si.iim s idclio. w.ta tie Jillsibl. 11 a I. ti nml ttaoi. xniLt fr m .,wr. t in. h g st stage of waier, and x ia eua I as Dclow an QOslrucl uiis Sr,i4i uii, naiiiir Irum m or itroa.i.t in sa nu.s.". Has 111 4..UJ.11 m. imkI.o fo. ta H4T, est t.r..r .1 an U uurn Latporiuai is sow in a.r.ct c .uii' o":ou, tuur times caiir. wit., in gret li nio si. ca rai Kai.r- lu.ru .1 mi.rs iOuvs tsrmiuus. ani aaov. an uin ..1 .m w... nieai. 01 a Drancu railroad tae. ni.Us iou2. tLe ropi ty ft 11 M.ocatioii; n ,e i.' rrj. EauU, imt par fCtn nvo u 1 j saa.. s e c.i d .1 y ov.r 1.1m ioda. lae vanl .geou a.11 a.a lo. .: 01 u La.s Piacs, its A- buny at a 1 t ori .ad .t 11, t 11. 0 4r by iiv.r. poial il oni a. :ie grea .roii-.g pL.O: :a. .ar..i.a ber 01 lailroad- - passing and ;roiiu.;u is h'unjh ib.s g.sat tPiilcvol ta l.si 0.1, au luiSiv-CL- a aad er aeicu o'.acr al litis ureal e .a ui.11 cn-- . 0 il l:... adu.t.oa to the a.lv mtairs 01 tar,, a. v.rl sxtsuos! tacilltie. wij uf M,,i'r riv r. Mar a. t.rsof mors 1.11.1 a. rt :i'iui,: runi.iw d.m 1 s roiot.ilra.ning iua iiTis.'auie ao ss 01 tas mot irt . amis uf lao k WJTii w .rij. id aoanog all t t.ir a nl protiucts py mean of tb aiu aud ..1, .. pp nraiala 10 cu I ! Jiex.t o. aa l tasoe tor . it t 1 'obe. Alverv ia.;it.tr lor 4. at .u , .r,4.i m rt rine t.wn in tos wor d itmiue at: aL uad: nna. o.i irr..., c, ,;..n. au.i ti.i.b-- r. uraur el iy any utaw ctioa .itueno a 'ia t.oni.t.tr or vur.-l- r. r 4 1 1.. bad 11 the greatest .b iuanc w t i UbiLteirnjisd oaaas. enm uun.c tlo,. wiia anr ai.l aii tKi.nis. .sal son, wieraoy tile man tuac lured a. t.tle oaa ad 4 n.4 1,1 It.lo'it de a . Intae mdsl cf one of the m t iertil r.ot. ml th. . 1,1. ihs g t ou t f.jr t aturin 11.1 .a t.i.r r st of .Sonse a nil ok.w letoer sji,a, Cal:l". So. a other pr.lac s 01 th. aoii r ot .t cmac r aaai. ers become tne great ent',,t ia Wiii. In point ol heait.a. 1 ing aiir i aa l drr ir ad miaami and meh.'.e vnporn. w, a c 9'. braioc bra-- s ue nv-r- s in sosime- - a.:J a 01 .d. rs.i.ai cl aat in fr w.nter, frt fro extremes ai any seao. lonatmi, ra w.th ny ot ii p. ere at oa ta Wiut.n, O 10. hii 1. J r.t 1.1 b autv of iie. 01 01 11 rz ,.d. d ista ap tbr L.o and UOTa tlis i ts Brr. w. i t... i.nto r 4nu. . .1 he.vaylimhe.cd lant m i" vj c. am t at uasao tval. at.d in.t ths i.rea. An .i.tr-- t i f tra I a .r- - ie ix pi ice ) ab..sad.U ia ni tuo rM"..S4tea for irge anil populous rity 1 o tne asecaaa c. the' me e'ltnt. th - - .or.l m.. ..J he aaaaol w.v.rn,.toif.r u , tao Drec:.J- - n lac t rat b ghway of th fade aad eommerc ! In s 1 njon. it eaaaot 1.4 to maori a.ai.aaat . os rt aad pruS". ta S.l tvuo mav casi lb. or tot m au. ptnlst. aaod.o i,tiotol. the "sbe'toa Xnnmn " lnl.. 1. ration since ti.s irr. a .f May lust, u..r los char il B. She ton. Isteof L.xit-lo- Ky , wo ca a si rea.iv earned tb lidii oi bvinj laeb.-- i aote. inu:h.r. Illinois. A wsk r newso .er. th." .s'maai r .nn... ,., " been :a.'ii4hel tune, and ua aurcaiy reavae 11 s J.i one Tsara-r-- . tais lth d.iv of J.o. . ri. r d r . lo..ii;f ir.il4(, .lii.iul XAmr 4 .11 .41 mi; t ly it ha sooi-- t l.3 1 s?k tao ur. a'ti-r- i tur..n h..ttb loa,ae iDital ol ovr il.MM. in .1.1 l.n ku bt 1' ax id mroaie, m l aad abov is 1 lisihlliv, 0 mors'Saa $ajvi.t0.a n.nn.lauis. ru.rctkd pot. hotel. It. It is to aim of the Board of Ti rsc t Oaks FsIrOas- - a a poice where 1.0 mat aft., ear t si.j ua a.4 ti y. aud as f.r ka ii ihm i.. 10 urou r rtrk of - .t sim ea.:a:rcej larenour e A Aa. i"..w of ivv ck to e. four stori- - s h e. Por poe; lotlge 00m ii .ibrar in a .u ' ju :o s'or.s oxos St ITth drop n, xr. , nanso,r .f scl o aro are hei ug op r i.c'i.-j- as au IB faii tit'. ..f orrrt : f r att a.t f iuir means .. ttjn'.r. i asilis. oi.e e.aud or o.r bop r ia cour St'e.'tiOo.ard o" 1. .g tBOTts ii sar.y aJ Cvoi.ien svcr.o' n 1'irt. r. Srno and e urcae. j.ri! ml juo: e W)aares, hae bea sToiy t.ri.ded fi.r: su.l ia im t'tanAraieai M t plans of the Aiat:i a aa - h eca had ail t in ' inoii .'r-'.- -, .o". a.. lo iiiivjiinnti nii ueT'9 sspo-ae- . I upon m. i..ia .1 1.1. ;ara .. ia fMt front by ITS .entd en: lot rta - ,,T ot ,VB . t front, - y ,1 w v. -- r 4 .ach. w tiaos of sa a ka-- T ..Is.errlavor ib:.. so a to cm. unia lb i.ata . Th. a- tim"ror thea-ov.- ,. u i.ig i.tnitil l.aat uor.o w.ii ga d.4.piatd t f n s cr it.E e-fjnrh cash ra ml; ta. la.i e it tar )uil aoaaai a itr n -r COiit o.t u.,.' . J ' r- - flu purchase.. oot.i l u ch .a avrarran'. J .tj a j..a ta md aa-- t ii.l vnn uf Boivs.- aiu.y Ay airci.ss.rof 1..U .rri.ti r b 4 jt t atn any ioi pnrchas-i- s antial ! :m- - naia t .. saar tier th st al no. v St.",1V?',niS :."' sti" '. w 6re. , mun .VAe,,.. j i. m ,u. B lw, hom 4asof aie nea PTena-e- r sw.a rflr-- J Ltrt .s.n 1 id - raa' tV. ti'iu .paa ia.r.01 ; or. 5a.it upon it in Ti.nr.r d within eietitr.n ."I'll f tb ta I'.y f sm s, bsa cb Pure baser ,h,n k resassd from siltersst wi'.h 11 e m. - chaa noa.v tliereior. Vorfurtbrrinto-mttion- , snap, p'ans, kc.arj'TtJ th at Mosnd f'tr. Paiaki eoon-v- . r to h Company's Braacb OlEe. . it M rat I ami st.est.C10. Oinaxtl. By or.'r ot th Voard of D H HAlXXR.PrssldeaU 3. iwot,Secr'ax. nTyllTa'oi, ' " S' M" Pxak li .. rV J 'To. to. Ky N rsw1:a.a Moxind W"' w rorktii. I exins'oa, K.;Jao.T- - Pai.iki ctHtat-- ' ' f. .h.rt-l- : Dartsl Ater. IHJyKtiJawi te. a. iarutowa, a.y.; w. m ' Ky. TALlMBLi: REAL USUI C FliU SALE A-- Hit iir'"i.oi..- - r . 1tJ oj n.o. jrv i a. lit aojo a.ai 1 tl'itil,'&.l.' u f.Ttat ier. k.m t in 1 e .i lv us 5J 0 ii le i .. f o 'A 0 s 1 it eg . .nr.r on aij ,i.j ii i '.I aere are 1 TLers iwt i t'ue I b.- J iee m ji T. . T .! a bM Sl. O A. :rn; T' r .e ii.au servaut's r am. aeaio.atn iti-i- i fcge'L w,;a c h Oi. HI).9EI .44 . - !', w- st ho tarn. " 11 Aaj wxfja i J. c ag a r ' i w. . .an i, u.: nn,,.. and o t sues lk ims.c.r'.'i h - ' ' d ot liis a a.a iti.saii. ii,- - are tw, ,atu.f M.iai lu lor tie r.iue.g w.r i am v s. Ta tts k b lag a i 1m1 ti. r .. pli i: a. lre o d.t us wiou ai jio..e sa.s. vat rs serr- -, SATURDAY. .EPTEia:a 17.134. A Ljrgs ,o- - of OoOJ ftiMiri'-lt- f ftrui rt sentnou.- - ili?.oit oa:-su- ua i e:h r i t na ac"?e cr ocd li.d. JwisBi'MrrmUiuT,. s. at Kjoi .c Rosi - T.Mr" " "t" H ' "J '" 8" f:, w lfe 1, rd...'af it , ..' , ',,' ;' pas i . ru- - ,.!(, ., d aa mi.. t, . v. v' r f ..oi w.tsr. "s i'rsT' i I IJAC 10rKYABL4D wi., hss. di5.--t i.rwt i is ao,T t asd 'ai. i TrilOAT, TH2 2SXU OT AXGXtT. UiflL It .d.- - .4,...4jw a.,,c. ? s..o,c ai VJ,y s it of ,.aJT BRICK HaCSES AND tOT. st- hot . " af.ioa A, iTi..J. r j , ,., i i t d is a i ,i L Cocoa . ! , .1 r ,, trt ,4 01 tr.. L 44 1, T. L " V4 A BLACKSViHQ s:io?. On Mr S'SaJ-j-- s Joa... la.L .t f,'..". s L ii,. ,,. "anH V aad arr,..i ,.,o,. - .1. ' . A'i.it la-- 9 Jfi. li. - aa l lLihl. La-- "a Wj'" ' U. 4.irtl S .r. fos-"o- af Ta terra of s..,, ...r .l b. pro-r- sn" . ,d l.OOO ACRES I..O-- FOIZ SALE. i' - "A',11" ta" rs:Ji. r v. r bo'tom. a. f.r, .7. - raauts con.,.; 0f two - m. luVsl t"a ""'T" vsir.s ooin,u-ic..n- . J" o ... .4 ... of i r,..rit fro, ,for., ,'a tj- - CAlom y ,.,vi 01 a M a ., C ? I k Va - " leoavevwro 1... ,,tm .. u . - V Add-a- s to t'.aq.r; V, .i,a;T. XJ, jaaaju aw. f . k a, ay. .au ;qm oi FAR..!1.S HOTEL. soctn iue or mkp.xex street. aid n.w H. iB h.or.'v.r avoi?.? on. aod a ,aar.r ,a.r- -, wffZftZS fo-- t , rveaot. lis Hoas irPf'oll.s TToai 'sreaerW tu aj forPsr- - i.r. t.ul at . lorlgns. By.Jdiawrf Ja. M wALLfKt. PHCENIX FOUNDRY, Ttl tl., btL Mm tnd CtnL OrriCE OUTH SIDB MA I a STREZT. JlLfTa AM9 TI1T3. ryf. ir. oa ai w.;s,. a gent, m naw, s,,, l n. vs j" Cari-sg- .,m.a Cm 5, raWsV., Car 11. tins , AU S? au.a, il j. DoA , 4M S:j?a&. a. way on ia. d I10TCHKI9J' REACTION WAXES YUMH f 0r,t iv f., A urg. t nf s for M.'.l Car,n a Lat;rg ., at ta Brt c. " aDl3d3k-- a - a- -i I. im LOBs Llg. Zt J0B3I F. Gaia j99 Kw J. F. GUNKLE tt CO., CoEahsloa Sertiants k ?:cin:t Pealtrt 435 3l4f ket Mrau kft. THIrtl au4 FelUlll. "hOLMSiVXLLE. KY. H,,.. u ?' ""J for "1 ,,r" tint B FAKR'S AGUE TOXIC;" QUININE SUBSTITUTE . a ai sresjT a stjtcaa, r PEVEH AND AGUE, 0? ISrEBJHTIE.Yr feiei:. 4 TH Propr r aa J in s 11 sabl , a CJ ti la. a ,: t p,i.us.. 11, a. sa. t. a7 aid iavr.a.oi. aj,r-n- pat r.i.; ",." T . ..a ,o4u.i a; last it is i . ... '..en ..i m.r-- a ko-- rg 1 .j ri40n. ii.i IrTTLE CX4.T COR.1UM) COa J i"-- 0 ti 't 4U4..1 4l.,Ctr. il in... w,. a . toj 11 h,a.ta..i,:t .irg o. s s.,r la .rw.-oi- su two p. a.. , oi ij.m v,.-',- ,ZTtli bop,., , .4 .tl roi ,1 o,.-o- . 4 ,s. , , , JJ m; .aoa i.J-.t.- ,'. d y nt !,w aaj :b mi 0 t a -r . a. in..! a!a .a "i'VT". llu4';a.. ihea be o ,ai. 1 , farai- - s 1: 1 a,. . ., 1 1. - v, i a u.iy r .coin aa.au . as ua. t) m! N a r.- - 4 c 4 383Ui:a strs4t,bet. iOvo I n h.Ij JU diiwj Ld.STU4 Mt. Great Western Empariaa. f. .MTtl.it, GOLLn Jlanaiactiirar md Who!ea.9 ni Kaii DatgJitt La all k.inus of LIGHTNINQ RODS OK UPril08 QT ALITT. Also Sealer la Pateai BLi.t, (HmiIaIu nn , . AV3aig. ovi drta ..." (iTIlX ill ir't S R. BIGGS & CO., MAStrrOTBtt o LIOHTM 0 Honaj OfthbgAauH aaala-- t aty 11,1, aaJ rtt AL5U, U1AJI F3U.WDERS A TO TI.TISHK. Ali il intiiae rsrso .! i.njis) f BXAS3 wca;L Tim tra t.btw Mi!aaaMtrk ap'.sdawim .V0.4 1. Wa:T FOc lTht TRCIT. ri.YjlsfS.iTf. O.- -.J . rt h, Kuj4. aa. laar- f ti. -- Peun e .. oa I. 1 .i...," f oxtfe- - of " " ' '" "d.c4 r --ol uiee, eg 1.4. '"' L il, B.rm.'.r. k4eatak.apb ir-- i Kj vwilc-Mi- . rn'' )"- M- fc'on.r yr-- ' i.i:.nait, .bio ia witt a aa.v a.. f. .a auien- - y .oo.fc.i al KhtMf e ai.waa. a.. .so.-,a- . :."V wua ni t a - at - - v. ' ."-(- ? i.lB oJviwa,, iou.lat- - oflU ' f a. ,. . hi, to tbir lagenios. onoeasi'i'. e.-'- sii sarta 4 of tr, l .iHim o a. t'T - (ia M Jr. -- Ti'ilACH.. Lltia. K D h f. T , OM : o; TT- - 3i Hs,o"C:is, u4 MU Oe" THi X; 0I. Hsv.ne en... or.nl ti. u ol ." of Par. 4. f a aar ons a on C .nria. b. id oo4. 1 Sf'isr n.r It will lov li4d of .vsrv l!"- - S kal ol J , O, r.eTsi oat e.l y oo a a.t h .. Tgaoapri vi ia n M s at :c a ua ituvi iudki 'tHlA la' id. . c . 4 ... an t thftn hy t..r h inri rung I , 1 'm tj tio of bir svoiororn. a. Ai I i.tt.r :y at a: a rw'"t- - meat ean... -r sTsmp to pr pay t oosn 'at., a ara- (tom a nl t njv,... rQ.ii.ui.f ta, r 1. 1 . .m ? A. M to TP vf. D . H. K. It OT "avTTi Vo XI W.. Fm-t- i sUt. i!.l 1. O a o,1 Jl ', 'o 'wi. .w y r. J f ftraa USHERS. TY 0FL0CISV1LLC. MEDICAL, DEPAUTMENT. THi. t.a ia mt al .(u.. 4,1 L.sta ia a ". wi.l cv r on tQ ftrti 1 una., .. ii.4t.aa4terai.nat oa lb isst o4 T. 1. h f low at a .1: M ry M.i-- r. M P .r"i.cg ' OV itri t Sic M Lur.st r l P , H O , PM.awr 01 Pao,, aa P.Th .t0g ! Aa'ty l.wi r. it. Pr, i.uor of Ta.cry sail f ot i. ic.ne Bsar.ra a k t H. D., Profsssor f Dt.jir anil H.ire .1 An.: J. L.w. c Si., ta. i. 0 , hro.Msnt of Medavl Caea-i- rand Talic.ugT. B Tr "rio,i!i D" 'rof Matat M d ca I a. Jo.h. H P'.ii.t. il. O . IT.rfr of la-- e 8 4s.. a.tr' ox .4 a aconiA 1h f. 'or a.! uti .a t.i3. t,,c IMO( li (SU. a a il.strghir I . - aa u .Zm 'Z. tr;a :oand U rrytr soTikf. $1. (Va, hTm .i P k'ic. rit.a '. -L , " C "'1'':"- - tXZ i"" r" .a A pr--l a of lreSOT. 4, out add.,.,, A. -, dar r, iU 'ZiU'J' KS?r" i."JT ''kTif''"B, ra ,, ,v,. ., .1,. Loj4- - ?J?r '.v",W", P'' ' ""! .0" .dw,,,,,, e'lTt' KV ,, " ind ,,'r' "a T i . . m.... rm r i. a .t s twiwti.,,,,,,,,,, ,1 'V f .1 w" -- r -f i, ?''. fan b. gl a v. . Ia"?w R. PLME.f n.n.BftKfjsK SMITH'S Improved Lightning KocLj IWliCLD 3tfa:'v af . in b. pohts wl-m- t sa t d!t v ui (.. ,;m.VO ti T ox. ta j.H.olLVE PLATf D At.i:u 'ITT a. rui4 sir. io.n rt ir no a.e. s mom ss. .r ii! Of" Hr .a a ir f.nor sae al. A t rt. i Kia.t. .it m. t rraat to a. if aoor ai r. a.!. P- - stay nTn sl'. ei'!g rrt .' Arnrv s - OOO i , 5,, 444VO4UO W.la44) W9r'4- - ssf. ca. I w.ii - evi - rtvta .v. i4rMs bo i.l r.t ti er.ail t.ctvsiion. t t t',. . I ii 13 :aaac"..?t ua - tt.-- sa ,aofitnrv. rl- - I IX T . M .au ...-.,- . Icl.a4tr.et. a r I r.1. spy Ikwtm I m Kf i COUNTY. KY. .,., boo-ri-- h t. "imiH,,,-,,,,,- ! r .. 4 a.,. mm p , fa-- t ' i tVnra; towa Ismpk.. It sia b. f ir bour.fr , I on ' r i.t tan.,, w. - ..a n rsctaaa. taai4 rifasU, in sil .ki'ii,,v Fsrte-asaa- d tr sre, esqi oj W.fc, Oit . .g, ,4 . iaiia..... i. br'r w Th " , C 454.1.. yt Him tep a of C -- rt f ." jl r!. TVEE .0TICE T11 r save- - ' rt 0 th- - 'a- - sa I Wt M rai.ut'f a Tiws tv. v.r 'sl PU. ,,j too- S' wa s w,,i aa p s.ir. ,a v. .g w ' t'or-n- i i.d ' fa 01 h ia aM art.',) tpot ra b go, aad at ta. .w.a p ;y4wtf Jii. aUTTI CO,

luto,k mm ns m - University of Kentuckynyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7w0v89hh5q/data/0324.pdf · Dead and Several In a Critical Condition A most lamentable and singular affair occurred in thiscity

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Lot C.areatUa'a KspUcafMr. Marcs.

The Ac crrived t New York at 10 odockFr.-la-

Ta.e Breach aT Ctwactic.Tli Liverpool correspondent of the New York

paper wr.tea:" A.meri. nutter or, ritiei-- niauneia have

AfaLa oeen ia everybody' mou; b. The excit inc c&ueM n'retemps that happened at the Queen's

levee. Diveatrd 01 l'e outrttfrpousfiicjeiiiMus olthe British presic ths facta arc imile ih:-- t'nathir. Dallas, accompaaied by a fri-u- , went '.o theQieeu". lree; the friend'n cotuot not i i ac-

cordance wub the reioUlions, and both cenilenicn,Mr. Dallas and hu friend, returned to tbe embassyIn Raiiey utreet.

Oat ot t Li trifliufc incident, the London TimesCTDCocted a story at sariauce with troth in ererjparticular, and made it tbe occasion of an outpour-ing of Tclfar abase of America and Americaus jren-erl- l.

A is a toil when the Times gives the keyBote, the iiiiaor prees took np the cry, and for atlesvst two days, lix. Dallas labored nnderthe impu-

tation of httriajr pat studied affront upon tbeQaeto. Ol' course, an inKnenae deal of patrioticWfaih was unnecessarily wasted on his head.

What Ike TinesThe LonJon Timet of the SSih ult. iav:We are requested to state that the American

to whom admission was refused to her Ma-j-

j'. LtTee on Wednesday last is a Professor inthe military Academy at West Point, and that hewore oa th&t occasion his ofSrial coetome, a b'uedrcsscoat with buttons of the Eairneer Corpg, bluepastaloons, whi'e waistcoat, black stock, and acom do J bat.

It was objected on the part of the mater of thethat in this attire, wearing a black stock

wub no sword and no dress hat, be could not passthe Q leen. The objec ion was made in a mannerexceedingly kind and courteous, but tbe rule wasexpress, and there was no di retion to relax it.

lathu position, Mr. Dallas, who was about to pre-sent two other gentlemen in company with the Pro-fessor referred to, after bavin jr times urpedthe oEcial character of the dress objected, feelino;pained at the position in which his countryman wasplaced, tni'jng entire st ra iters, and in a place towhich be was entirely unaccustomed, offered to

home wkh him, in which sapfWiin h com- -

paniors Joined. Under tbee circumstance, theAmerican Minister left the Palace with the gentlemen whom he was about to pr sent.

Lars' CltmdH't Dispatch.Uader date of June 26 Lord Clarendon writes

to Mr. Dallas:Hr Mije-siy'- Govcimient ire pratif.ed at learn

intr that tbe ansarances couUi nta in my note to yono' tbe 30th of April, that no isteution exi-te- d onthe part of her cov n.nieut to violate thelaws, cmproniie'the neutrality, or dierefard thesovereignty of the United fct ales, have beer

accepted by the lent, and that allcause of difference with res peel to the question ofealuttment has ceased to exist between the govern-ment of Great Britain and of the United Sta'.es.

It is with much regret, however, that ber Majes-ty's rovertmeut have learned that the Presidenthas been ttaablc to alter the view which he had ta-ken of tbe conduct of ber Majesty's Minister atV.'ahi xton, and of ber Majesty's consn;s at NewYo-f- c, PciUielphia, and Cincinnati, in regard to thetransactions which have been uader discu-io- be-tween the two governments.

If her Majesty's Government had been convinced,like the Government of the United States, that heryaj?ty's officers bsd, in defiance of their instruc-tion, violated tbe laws of ti e Uuited Sta'es, her2isjeav's Government would, both out of deferenceto toe United Stages, and from daer.pard to thefttrhorl'v of the British Crown, have removed tboe

Ssers fx nn the post which they held.If the Government of a for. ica conotrv were

and withnnt&ny apparent belief that ith td pood rr nnd for dolnf so. to break off it dip-lomatic relations with ti e Minuter accrecited to itty ber Msj. sty, ber MKj-st- confidentialanfwerab t fjr mintaiLir.e tbe honor and dijnity

f the crown. could not hesi'ste as to alvi-ing- " herljesty equally to break off diplomatic iater-cou--

wim the minLsterof trnch povernn.eatsto her court.

but in the prveent case her Mnt-4y- gov.n,mentare bound to accept the formal SLd repeated decla-ratlo-

of the President of h' belief that these off-icers of her Majesty hsve violated the law of theUnion, and are, on that account, unacceptable or-gans of communication with the government andacToorlU'-- of tbe United Butes; aud her Majesty'sgovernment cannot deny to the government of theUnited fctates a right fumilar to that which, in aparallel case, they would claim for them Ives thelight, namely, of forming their own judgment as tothe bearing of the laws of the Union upon transac-tions which have taken place within the Union.

I have, herefore, the honor to inform yon that,however deeply her Majesty's covernmont regret aproceeding on the patt of the President of the Uni-ted Sta'es which cannot bat be considered as of anunfriendly character, they have not deemed it theirduty oo that account to advise her Majesty to com-mand me to suspend my diplomatic intercourse withyoo; and I have to assure yon that the high personalenwm which is felt for y a by all tbe numbers ofbtr Majesty 's government will reader it nr.,t agree-able to myaelf to have the honor of entering intocunmanic it Ion wi: h yoa npon all matters c onectedwith tbe mu'nal relations of oar two countries.

Yoa will be certain of meeting on the pa- -t of herMsjesty's government, tbe most friendly fe. lings to-ward the Cniud Siate. and the most "anxious de-sire ao Xt atrance all questions of different, as torecoucile tie jat rights and real interes s of thetwo coun'ries with the maintenance of tl.ose ami-cable relations, the preservation of which U of suchgreat importance to both. I am, kc,


The Ceatral America a QaesUon.Lord Clarendon also writes to Mr. j 'alias &s

fallows on the Central American question:Mr. Marcy is correct when he states t1. A. Great

Britain Urt m claim to any possessioa or territoryen tbe Mosquito cos.t, and her Majesty's govern-ment consider now, as they bave always c nsideredthat the future condition of tbe Mosquito Indiana,for wtiich ber government are I onnd inhonor to provide, might be assured by direct nego-ti- a

ions.It is not contended, nor never has been '' intended

tts,t the Briti h Government, canswtently. with thestfpuUtiocs of the treaty of 1850, could, in be nameof tbe Uueqiito IndisnA, "take with military force,and hold ban Jam del Nicaragua or any o l. r pointla Central America;" and her Majesty"? Govern-ment agree wi h Mr. Marcy, that such a 'proceedingwould beirreconciieable with the indepen loce andneutrality of the lttbmos, and would i nder thetreaty nugatory to tbe United States; but no suchpretension has ever been advanced, a:l no suchproceed n r has ben ccntemplated.

With respect to the ' istrict of Belis?, her Ma-jesty's government consider that the onh questionto be de'ermioed as recards Central Ainerica, isthat of the boundary between that count rv and tbeBritish possessions; and In the settlement of thatqaestion no insurmountable difficulty need be

With repect to Euatan and the ofner BayIslands, these, at different periods, have been heldby Great Britain as well as by Spain; and, havingbeen again occupied by British settlers, formal pos-session was takes of Ruatan in 1839, by Great Bri-tain, which baa since been uninterruptedly main-tained. Tbe population increased fast, and magis-trates were, trom time to time, appointed by theaperiatendant of Beliae, until 1852, when these

Islands received a regular form of colonialaole'y for the purpose of their better internal

administration; but Great Britain did not therebyacquire any territorial rights that she did not pre-viously posaetm.

Tbe rovernment of the United States, however,matntrl i that, even supposing tbe Clayton-Bu- i vertreaty were only prospective in its operation, theseislands were no part of the British dominions earlierthaa 1852.

If the differences between tbe two governmentsoa ibb subject cannot be arranged bv direct necotiatioa, there seems no reason wnytbey might notwna tbe matter or a reference to a third power.

Ber Majesty's Government have learned with satisfacUon that yoa are instructed to enter into comtnuocation with me in reepect to Central America,in order to ascertain, in the first place, whether existicg differences cannot be promptly terminated brdirect negotiation, and if they cannot be so settled,then to discos the condition of arbitration on thosepoints of difference as to which this method of settiement may be requisite or applicable.

This is the course which ber Majesty's governmenthas throughout been willing to adopt: and I haveaccordingly the honor to inform you that I am pre- -pareo to enter into tne proposed communication,and I trust our conferences will be cond acted inthat spirit of cordiality and frankness which, as Mr.jaarcy justly observes, is uictateu by tbe true inter,est of Great Britain and the United State.

I am, 4c,(Signed,) CLAREXDOX.

riflemen Pcnoni PoUoned OueDead and Several In a CriticalConditionA most lamentable and singular affair occurred

in this city this week. On Wednesday evening lasta party of friends were invited to take tea wit b thefamily of Mr. James Steele, and all enjoyed themselves, ana returned to their homes in good latthDaring the night, every one of the party, includingMr Steele s tamilv. were taken violently 111, andsent for their respective family physicians. Sincetheir first attack, they bare all undergone tbemost Intense saffering, and give positive evidenceof caving poisoned.

As yet, tbe nature of tbe poison, nor tbe mannerin which It was taken, baa not Men ascertainedTbe foil twine is a list of tbe unfortunate sufferers:

Mr. James Steele, wife and two children.Mr. Tbos Huston, wife and two childien.Mr. Jos. Walker and child.Mr. W Bradley and child.Miss Julia Morgan.Mn. Webb.Mrs. Theophilus Jones.Tbe roun est daughter f Mr. Steele died on

Thursday night. A post mortem examination oftbe body was made yesterday evening, but it wastoo late to ascertain the result before our paperwent to presa. A majority of the sufferers aretill in a eery critical condition. Jttnnr SunU.) VttUor, 2th.

5tI4ofd mc MoanoHs. We learn from gentiemen who came down opon the propeller Globethat the Mormon nest upon Beaver Islands U likelyte be broken up. Tbe long course ofwhich culminated ia the shooting of Stranr, has soroused tbe people in the neighborhood, snfferors bvthe performances of tbe Mormon, that they havetaken such measa-e- s as will result in tbe total di--

pal ion of the outlaw gang. Tbe two men wbocommitted tbe assault npon Strang were taken toMackinaw, where tbe people ret used to bear anycharges against them, and ther were there'ore

to go at large. Strang has been removed topoint on tbe main una, but cannot live iocs;.

His wounds are said to be in a shoe line state, causedby negU-c-t and improper forgery. Tbe pattingfanatics bave been chief y removed from tbe inlandand scattered alone the shores or Lake Michiganwhile tbe premises lately occupied by them bavebeen searched and found to contain stolen goods inabundant variety and astonh ins: amount. Oxen,nor a. boats, fiahitg tackle, barrels in fact., alloris of property which was within their reach has

teen s'olea by them and secreted npon tbe islands.We trust that tbe mlserkble thieves will leave thecountry and either become decent citizens or joinlie bana ol eainta In tbe bait Lake settlementwhere they must one dsy be proceeded against withforce and anna, aa oUnoxiona vermin. BvfftUSxfrut, July V.

r r f r - .m luto,kDISPERSAL OFTHE


Tull and Authentic i'articulirs.

The Pro-Slave- ry Meu Cavt-i- u.

(CuricpuDdcnc of ttic St. Louis RcpubUcaiLeavc.xwoktu Co., K. T., July 7, '66

Editor cf the RepublicanDear Sir: Many, if not all of your readers, are

anxious to know what took place at Topeka on the4th iuet., ana as 1 wa 1 take theUbeity o! commuuicauag the facts as thev occurred.

By a resolution of the 4logus ct itssession in Mircblas1.it was detenu utd that Histbody should at Topeka, n the Fourthof July, 1Sj6, for the purpepe of enacting laws forttie "Mate of Kansas. As this was nothing- moreor less than aa attempt toestublis i a governmentover tLii Tenitor3", in place of tbat created by Cou-gre- s,

and as this was to be done by means of a secret military organisation, it could be considered inno other light ihau as treasonable, and, ef course,the necessary authority wta enjoined npon the military and civil officers here to prevent a niceiinj ofmat Dooy. lo tau eua, acting uovernor Woodson,Marshal Donal.lw n, and Col. Sumner, wkh abouteight companies of first cvalry, and Uuited StatesAttorney Isaacs, were encamped near Topeka on the3d iust.

The Abolitioaists were in convention bio for adiiyortwo previous, and military companies, withdrum and fife, were parading the streets. Tlitsmilitary turn ont wag under the pretext of a cele-bration of the Fourth, and on this account it wasdeemed inexpedient to inteifere with them, not- -wuustacuing it was an organization "ouuide ofthe law." In t he af.ernoon a deputation catne downto camp, for the purpose of learuii g what conrsewould be tnken in case the "Legislature:" shouldmeet. Tese persons did not represent themselvesas authorized to represent their friends, ltit thprecan be no doubt that they were. The object of thiscommittee was also to find out how far they wouldbe permitted to go, and whether the inemberssrould be arrested, or n the military would takethem in band. There was no disposition on thepart of the officers to disguise or mince matters,and they were told that it was determined notto permit a meeting of their "Legislature." Theywauiea to Know it they would be permitted to meet.call the roll, aud then adjourn to another Any, withtne view ol keeping up their OTganizntwn. Theopinion of tbe officers wa unaui.nous that theycould not nif et for any purpose whatever, a 1 thatto prevent tr.era Trom keeping np their organizationwas the main object of the autlm i;ies. When thedeputation found tbey could make no terms of thekind they suggested it as their opinion that, if thetoionel aud acting Governor would seua up aproclamation avowing their purpose, no attemptwould be made to organize. As this was a matterof great public concern, and probably pregnantwith important results, proclamations were sent upearly the next morning, declaring in the mostemphatic terms tbe intention of the Government toprevent an organization.

It is evident that the object of the dcpuU.t ioi wasto learn the utmost point their friends v. ould bepermitted to go. so that tlicy could make as muchfor "buncome" as possible, without endangeringtheir precious persons from a charge of treason orcriminal prosecutions. Tbe question of resistancewas tiiscnssed.and from the speeches made ia th"Convention one would I ave felt certain that a col-lision would be imvitable; but at the appointedtime (12 M.) Col. Sumner, wi:h his command, andMarshal Donalson. went up to the "State House. "Two or three companies of armed Abol:ti;;ij'.swer? formed in front of the bouse, under tepretext of a banner presentation, when therecan be but little doubt that had the U. S. Marshalgone cp to arrest them with only a few men, thenthese companies could have prevented him fromdoing so, and the " Legislature " could have metand adjourned over to another day, there by per-p-

;ating their organization. This circumstancewill Recount for the necessity of the pre-en- ofCol. Sumner's command, which was formed uponthe ground occupied by the abolition troops, wholeft in qui :k time. Col. Sumner then enteredthe State House, fol owed by a large number of themembers, a crowd or citizens, abolition troops, la-

dies, Ac, amidst shouts, yells and confusion. Theroll having be. n called h bee. me known tl at a ma

jorityof the' Legislature"answered to th ircatr-cs- ,

some or tbem declined answering at all. 1 his dotetne toionel told them in a manner that clearlymeant that he would da what he said that theymust disperse or bj arrested; and the Marshal ina like maimer told them the same ; npon this in-

formation they all left the balLCol. b. then requested those persons claiming to

constitute tbe Senate to meet him in their chamber.wmcniuey ma, an otner persons but the Marshalhaving been excluded; and wren there, told themthat they would not be permitted to organize, towhich they seemed reluctantly to TheMarshal then told them that in the discharge of hiduties he should requiie a pledge cf honor that theywould not meet, orgsnize, or attempt, then, or atany futnre time, (under their present orga?ization,)to pass any act ot a legislative character. To thisproposition they were not well disposed to apnt,aud gave as a reason thst they "could not pledgethemselves for abject members)" to which the Mar-shal replied that a quorum of the members werepresent, according to their own statement, and thatifeachof them did not rive a pledge of homr to thisdemand, he would arrest every one of them, beforethey should leave tbe room; they thenbut de-- ir d to orgmize informally with tbe view oftaking a vote of adjournment, but the Marshal toldthem that they could not organize formally or in- -iormauy, mm mat, wnn otber tilings, w as what heeame thereto prevent all of which was concurredin by Col. S. The Marshal then nut the Question ofadjournment, on the condition aforesaid, to the bogus members, and the vote was unanimous in tbeaffirmative. Thus terminated oi;e of the most treasonable bodies that ever assembled in this or anyothercountry. TLis is the degrading rt suit of thevicuna vi me aiu ootid v. ana ine "Jiee statemovement.

Before closing, I would ai!d that after tbe Proclamations of the President, Gov. Shannon, ai d actingGov. Woodson were read bv the Marshal in themorning, tbe Abolitionists gave three cheers forGov. Robinson, and three groans each for Gov.Shannon and President Pierce. I will he re men-tion a fact going to show how lw and degradedthese creatures are. Notwithstanding they gronn-e- d

the President in the morning, still, they in theevening, passed a resolution in their convention tomemorialize him on various subjects.

tverytning is quiet bere. I think, and wanv admit, that the Free State movement will full through,unless Congress should admit the present bogusConstitution.

In the foregoing a simule statement of facts ismade, without a regard for any other purpose thanlo give true information on the sub'ect. KAW.

'Honor to Whom Honor Is Due.To the Editors of the Dayton (O.) Journal:

It is with very great reluctance that I nrnear before tiie public, but a sense of that duty which Iowe to the profession of which I bave teen a mem-ber foi nearly thirty-tw- o years compels me te claimi.jrtne navy ana msnne corps, and frtbentvy andmarine cos;s alone, the entire credit, if ar.y is due,lor the conquest of California, saving and exceptingthe personal services of the late Gen. Kearny andhis handful of officers and men, numbering in allnot more man a aozen persons, all that was leftof the gallant band that met with a fate sodisastrous at "San Pasqual;" the particulars ofthat affair are fres-- in ibe memory ot mai;v of ourcitiaeiis, lrom the f ct, that in this blooeiust actionof the war, there fell one of the most gallant andaccomplished e.fficers of the army, Captain A. R.Johnston, of dragoons, a native of Plqua, Ohio,and the son or our venerable and distinguished fel-low citizens, Col. John Johnston. I again reteat.that with this exception, all credit for the conquestw tamoruia u uue vo me navy ana marine corps.

It is well known that the late war with Mexicoafforded but little opportunity of distinction to thenavy and it is hard if the little distinction it didgain is to be wrested from them to make capitalfor an aspirant to the Presidency. I al'ude to thefact that tbe f.icnds of Fremont are claiming foruiui iu.ic ui mr lime fcioijr KCIJltVeU Dythat conquest. I am prepared to prove that so farfrom his being entitled to any credit for his partici-pation in the conquest of California, that bis hav-ing failed to heartily and efficiently withCommodoie Stockton, so far from assisting in theconquest, embarrassed him (Stockton) in his operations ana rtnaerea ine victory less complete thanit would have been had we received from Fremontthat assistance we had a right to expect mounted,armed and equipped as be was. 1 am further prepared to prove that in every engagement and everyluuicui viic cueui; men iouk piace in laiiiornia,Fremont was invariably too late to take r.art: andto mm up all, I asnert tbat euring the whole of hisservice in California, he never was in hearing dis-tance of the enemy's guns. The cause of his inef-ficiency I will not here disenss.

11 is otber claims to tbe dietinguished honor whichit is intended to confer npon him, I know no-thing of, and care nothing about. Ism no polit-ician I am neither for Fillmore or Buel anan, forraocsion orwrnt; Mnitn, and certainly not forFremont, knowing him as I do. Since I havestepped so far out of my proper sphere, as to appear before the public iu the character of a newspaper paragraph wnter. I hope to be exensed tartelling who I am, and how I came in possession oftnis in rrmuiion, ana a great deal moienpon thesame auujeci vei uuioia.

1 went to Calilarnia in 1C46, with CommodoreStockton, and was at tbat time a lieutenant of morethan eleven yeats' standing, and during his opera-tions there, I was for sometime bis andquartermaster of tbe forces. I was present and assisted with my own hands m hoisting our flag at"Santa Barbara," at "San Pedro." and at -- Pueblalos Angelos," and I was at this latter nlace theomcer in rana to commodore btocktou, when firstieutenant and brevet Capt. Fremont arrivid there

with his 'Hundred' just about thirty-s-i- x bcurs tolate to take part in the route of General Castro,whom we the sailors and marines on joot haddriven before ns for twj days, until his forces scat-tered, and he, together with tbe civil governor,'Pio Pico," and principal officers fled to Mexico,

and was never heard of afterwards during thewar.

I am compelled in this manne r to utterly annihi-late that beautiful story which appears in the Jour-nal of yesterday, entitled, "Fremont, or tbe r'e ofthe one hund-ed- ." copied from the Xew YorkPost, which story I pronounce to be utterly and en-

tirely false, unless the interview with General Vallejj, as described, took place, and of that I neverheard before; but all the adventure and gallsxtryattributed to Fremont in the story I know to beuntrue.

I hope it will not be considered indelicate in meto make an apt.eal to the people of Ohio, and es-pecially to tbe people cf Southern Ohio, where Iam best known, claiming their protection from aparty of men, wnoare endi-- voring to make politicalcapital for their e for the Piesiilenry r,ut ofdeeds performed by my companions and myself, andin which he took a veiy unimportant part. I groundmy claim to yonr protection upon my having the ac-

cidental distinction of being the first native of Ohiothat ever entered the naval service of the UnitedStates, aod the fir t that ever reached the rack ofCommander; and I trust tbat tbat State pride whichyon have a right to indulge in, will ex md itself toyour sons who have left 3our r aceful Lotrleis andembarked in the military and naval service of theircountry.


Mo Camels roa Texas. The United Stateship Surprise, is to be sent again soon for an add!

tional stock of camels to thrse brought in by heron ber last trip, and 1st dea in lexss for tbe UnitedStates Government uses. It has been found thatthe expirment succeeds admirably, and that for thetransfer of tbe United Mates stores across the plicas of Texas the camel is perfectly fitted. Thns faronly thirty-fiv- e have been brought. It if intendedbow w bring fin j more.

"..mm copbibr a

J5Y TELEGRAPH.JLtitcv from California



Ksw Yobk. Julv U Tho fit P A mull III ( 1 ineLaw, from Aspia wall July 5, arrived this morningunplug uioruia mans to ine xutft or June, SI7 O.OtH), and 400 passengers.

Jije pnncl ia coistirnees are Drexel fc Co942o,Ow); m. Hoge, 8143.000; Metropolian Bank-e-l

,0,000; Wills, Fargo & Co., S'282,000: G IIWines A Co .S170.0CO.The George Law connected at ti tAihn,, ::.

the steamer Sonora, whkh brought down $1,333,000

The Sonora spoke on the 25tb, the steamer Johnn. iiepiienn, nound uo.cw 1 orK ra W and passengers of the 20th

left Panama on the 1st ia the Golden Ago. TheNicaragua ste.imer, Mtrra Nevada, left Sun Frane isco on the 20th, with 400 passengers and 123,000.u ic. oue i)K :wu recruits and 70 tons of provisions for Gen. Walker.

The Bioop of war Decatur, arrived at Ran Francisco on the 2Gth. The only news of interest fromSan Francisco relate to the doings of the Vigilancecommittee, wbo still are in session. Their fnrreatousisi

.oi 40uu luiautry, 500 CHvalry, 5 companies

-- ...nr. j, uu.i w pieces oi ordinance. Tbeseiroops are constantly unlled in their aever;:l armn.nes in aiacrent quarters of the city, and occ siouaiy u vpv. Tin tne strceu tor recrimenta dr .

ine tieorge Law brings ranama dates to the 6thlnsl.

The Government of Bogota had got throueh withthe evidence touching tiie Panama riots and hadcome to the conclusion that the authorities of Panama were guilty, rabrega. governor of Panama.was to be suspend, d, and would be sent to Bogota,

Gen. ool refused to ioan the Governor armsand ammunition on ths ground that be was not anthorised to act iu the premises, except upon an order from the President. The committ e havethrown on breastworks of sand bags in front oftneir ou wings anu guarded ail the approacheswith cannon. Brass field pieces are mounted onthe roots ol the adjacent buildings, ready for instantacviou uuy auu i.igui.

Several additional criminals have been convictedbefo-- e the revolutionary tribunal ol billot-ho- x

stuffing and banished from the State anil L en sentto sea on toreign-bonn- ships. The following haveoeen arresiea ana are awaiung trial: Thomas B.Cunniugham, one of the murderers of I A.

of New Orleans; Thos. Mallory, highway-man; Bill Lewis, ballot-bo- x stuffer; Robert Lipseyand Philander Brace, murderers.

All the arrests have been madear.d chiefly without violence. The Vigilance Com-mittee's police number some thousand men, armedw itli revolvers.

An immense mass meeting was held in San Fran-cisco on the 16ihby tbe friends of the Committee,and speeches were made by Hon. Baillie Peyton,Hon. Wm. Duer, and others, fully endorsing the ac-

tion of the Committee.The Committee have issued an addre?3 to the

public, and have also publ shed the constitution oftheir organization.

Terrence Kelly, one of the men ordered toleave, had refused, and bad been taken into cus-tody.

TV re is but little news from the Isthmus iu addi-tion to that telegraphed from New Orleans.

Ti e; e was a rumor from Costa Rica that Presi-dent Mora would be shot by the insurgents.

The tw o thousand troops which bad led Guate-mala to invade Nicaragua had be n prevented fromcrossing the territory of San Salvador, the latterMate being opposed to tne invasion.

It is repor.ed that Gen. Walker intended soon toattack Costa Rica. Ilia headquarters arc now att irgia cay.

Gen. Sherman bed resigned his comn.Usion oaMajor General of tbe State troops of California, incousequence of tbe refusal of Gen. Wool to famishthem with arms and ammunition.

Gov. Johnson was highly incensed at the action ofGen. Wool.

The State milit'a are encamped near S.tn Francisco, and are said to number but a few hundred.tint liiiie fear of a collision is entertaired.

J he t lunese camp was burned on the 8th of Jnniloss S 100,000.

Arrival of the Steamer Orizaba.New York. July 15 The steamer Orizaba arri

ved last evening wilh over 400 passengers and S85,- -eiuei in specie.

Tbe Orizaba connected with the Siena Nevada.which was detained at San Fraacisco until the 21stin order to receive on board persons banished bythe Violence Committee. Eleven persons wereshipped during the night rrior to the sailing, under

Ibe Uncle Sam from Panama arrived at SanFrancisco on the night of the 20th.

Lwia Belcher, an old resident of Jlnnterrv.was shot by some person nnknown, and died thecay tne steamer sailed. The market at San Francisco, on the 2 th, was moderately active, the leading staples being in fair request. Flour declinedsightly.

Ihs election for President of Nicaracua tva3 heldon the 24th. The official returns are not complete.On the 28th, the latest dates received, there wasno doubt of his election bv an overwhelming majority supposed to mean Walker. The army hadbeen strengthened by reinforcements snd now numbers l.soo, including two artillery companies andu r neiu pieces.

Kivis, accompanied by the Secretary of Stair.Secietary of War, and Minister ef Public e rcdit,fled to Leon and Chinandega aud took an opposing

El Nicaraugense attributes the movement to afear of the external enemies of the State and theappioaching election.

Gen. Walker issued a decree appointing DonFerere provisional President until after the election,declaring all the acts of Rivas after his elesertionvoid, and cautioning the citizens to refuse obe-dience to them, as all such would be considered astraltri to the country.

Rivas and his cabinet were at Leon. At the1 itest dales all the American troops had left thatpiace.

Kivas is charged with having invited the enemiesof the country to invade Nicaragua.

Additional by the Xiagara.Halifax, July 15. A much better feeling nre

vails respecting the chances of an amicable settlement or the existing difficulties between the UniiedStates and Great Britain, and the good effects ofthis feeling are manifest both in finance and trade.London papers say that negotiations between Eng-land and the United States for the settlemt nt ofexisti jg difficulties were resumed cn Monday, the30th of June, nnder circumstances jusiiijing thebelief that tbey are already in train towards anamicable adjustment.

It is believed that Parliament will be proroguedon the 21st of July.

Mr. Baillie, in the House of Commons, askedLord Palmerston whether Mr. Dallas bad full powerto settle the Central American dispute, or whetherhe bad any other powers than those of hk nrpde--cesfior, Mr. Buchanan.

Lord Palmerston replied that it was understoodthat Mr. Dallas had full powers, but Mr. Buchananhad no powers whatever to enter on that subject.

The Bank of England made no further reductionof the rate of interest at the meeting of director?on Thursdsv.

The weather continues magnificent for harvest- -ing, but, owing to the short supply of w heat, holders are cannons and still demand previous rates.

There is an increasing demand for American securities, and the upward tendency of English andt rencn innas continues.

A bill has been introduced in Parliament per-mitting distillation from rice.

Fkawck. The new customs tariff has beenpostponed until tbe next session of the Legislature,which will take place during the present niontb.

The Emperor was at Plombier.A meeting will take place in July at Mounheim

between the Emperors of France and Austria, andseveral German princes will assist.

The crops in France as well as in Great Critainwere good. Ia Prussia, Austria, and Spain, therewill be average crops, but in Portugal the prospectsare bad.

SrAitc . The riots in Spain were over. A squad-ron of 8 ships were announced to be ready to sailfrom Havana to Mexico.

DtNMAtE. Renewed troubles are apprehendedin Scblessing-Holstei-

Eweoen ano NoawAT. The formal aOhesion ofSweden and Norway to tbe maratitne regulationsestablished by the Congress at Paris his been pub-lished.

Gkeeck. The conference in relation to the af-

fairs of Greece will be held in London in July. TheCount ol Flanders is named aa successor to DingOtho.

There ia nothing new from the Crimea.

Additional Commercial by Niagara.Halifax, July 11.

Rinhardson, K pence k Co. quote red wheat at 610d; white s .u. Western lanal flour 3ui3; Philadel-

phia 33 6d'B4 d; Baltimore llt 6d; Ohio 3'S36sW hue corn quoted at MiiOt; yellow and mixed 28s Gd329s.

Richardson k Co., McHesry and other, qoute b efwuh a limited busmen, fort a tr tie lower, with

alimilL'd buMOks; Western prune mess for retail, 7.5sb:ivn rm m d market active at previous latea; rhuicqualities a irtnreu fioa Is; sale at 54 a 65s Lard held at nadvance of 2s S I; quotations til 6dSt67s; sales of white atauction have been i idi n si, a i n.n.dnM mH niir..irrejubr. Tallow firm, with an upward tenilenev; sales ofnu American il s bucats.

Iron Market.London, July 7.

Iron market dull: bar iron onnteil in Wales et .1 Mt:rails quoted at . Scolch dic iron in niaseow oo.- -


I.CNDOS, July 4.

The money market is unchar ged. Consols lor money arequoted at 9J',a3i?. American stocks are Uisher. U.S.stocks, bond, 1868, quoted at IOtaiH3; Perm bound 755 80,XT- (' (5aS; Va. 6'f liari; 111. Central 7's 8la81; Pitts-bur- r,

C's 65467. Penn. Central 8891.The emoiint ef bullion in the Bank of England had in

crea?;J t55.(K0.

Ratifiratian Meetlaics.ITTSbcro, Jnly 16. Enthusiastic iatification

meetings were held last nijrht by the friends or Fre-mont and Dayton, In Pittsburg, and Fremont andJohnston in Allegheny.

Quite a rivaly existed between the two secf ionsaa to which should be the largest. A considerablenumber attended both rival meeting.

Gen. Wm. Robinson presided over the Pittsburgmeeting, assisted by 20 vice presidents.

Addresses were made by Wilson of Mass., JohnA. Wills of Cal., Gov. Ford of Ohio, and others.

Resolutions approving the nominations ofasd Paj ton, and the platform, passed unani-

mously.At the Allegheny meeting Dr. Wm. Woods pre-

sided, assisted by 15 vice presidents.Tbe meeting was addressed by Gov. Ford of Ohio,

Wilson of Mass., Williamson, and Hun'ingdon.Geo. Law did not attend as announced. By invi-tation, W. F. Johnston appeared on the stand andmade a speech expressing thanks. He said if hecould by ny means surrender the trust reposed inhim by the American party he would willingly doso. Strong American resolutions were passed, op-posing civil and ecclesiastic slavery, whether do-

mestic or foreign.The preamble says the Americana showed everv

disposition to meet tbe Republicans on terms ofequality, but being repulsed now ratify the nominations of Fremont and Johnston.

Gen. Wilson of Mass., hat expressed to severalbis intention to support Johnston, in preference toavstun.


cnEAP paper for the man of business,BY TELEGRAPH.

VSPOHTEO FOK T il: l.OUnvCt... E.

JLatcr from Uni'OjttARRIVAL OF TliL SIEAME1:


Qcsbec, July 15. The steamship Canadian ar-rived from Liverpool i;h dates to July 2.

The Cun:rd steamer Xi ignri arrived at LivcipoolJune 29.

The harvest ia France promU s splendidly, allfears of scarcity having been dissipoted.

It U reported that a conference f the Ibiee pro-tecting pow.rs will beheld ia London sooa to settlethe ufiair3 of Greece.

Mr. Moore had moved iu the House of Commonsthat the conduct of the Govemmeut on the enlist-ment question had not entitled them to the appro-bation of the House. D bate hid commtuced onthe motion. Tna Attorney General dereadtd theGovernment.

The attorney-genera- l defended the Government.He said tiie despatches from the United Su:e werenot such a might have been expected from a nationanxious to preserve friecdiy relates with England.

air a. r said tat the loitisti agent La i

equally violated the laws of the Uuited States andthe laws of nations.

Mr. It iilie declared that Eniland wa dishonoredby their attempts to sedece the citizens of the U. S.from their allegiance.

bir J. w aNh said th OovcMEienf. bv not di- -

mLainjr Mr. Dallas, had confessed that" they haddone vrroiig.

Mr. Mclnor Gibson said th.it flip V.utI rr Claren.don's conduct was insultinp towards the U. S.. andthat that Government aad the American peopleshould understand that the British pcoi 1c uid no;support the Minister therein.

Mr. Wadstane contended that the most blameablefeature w.s the concealment observed toward theAmerican Government. fr which, the Earl ofClarendon and Mr. Cramptoa weie equally toblame.

Other members spoke in a similar strain.Sir Geo. Gray and Mr. PiiiUimore. solicitor- -

general, and many ethers, defended the Governmem.

The debate was continued for two dr. when theHouse divided, and the Government was gustaiuedby a majority of 194-

t rance. the ouly subject of interest mae pro- -test of the Princess of Orleans.

Foreign Commercial.trra steamik Canadian.

Liverpool Juir t.Cotton advanced to K: sales f .r the i.ant ti.rce data

Were 3i.f fit) b:ile, lnciu.ine to eiDOittm A Cia hi. nt tn-i unior ibu i a:es. !H irKel lirm.Manchester mtrkets firm, with an noward tendency.

euther very lavoiabie lor ag ncuilurai purpo-ti- .V eailst'ifl? rlui i, with a JecUmnj ttuaoncr.Whet i chnd id.Flour is lower.C'nrn declined 1.

ana Pork du'T. Jl?con firm.Cnnso s for account 9!The political news is unimportant.The h .rvest ID Prance r nnomillv r.rnni'ii.., n, u

t jnd ne the durante bi the inoniliit.iin "Whfat Sales of KnUtl.ern rtrl . HA Sth.nv. hue lis.Flour Western ranal 3?s2 33, PlliJadelphia tls Cdu35t

Corn Sa'es all kinds averass SCs 6d.Port a; auct;on 57.Lard firm and very scarce: umall ?ale at Wsnrcimmon.Hosin unch iued with m deiate business.

XIXIVTII COGR ESS-FIR- ST SS.lO.?ion1ay' Proceedings.

Washington. Julv 14. P. M. Senate .ThSenate considered and passed several private bills.

The bill am ndatory of the act to promote effi-ciency in the navy was taken np.

a uesuuorj rjLscussion was tad on sundry amendments.

At 4 o'clock an unsuccessful motion was madeto adjourn.

Mr. foombs obtained the floor, siying, as the Senate was a xious to (ILjCUSS the oueati. n now. hewould now proceed to give his views at large.

Mr. Hunt . r Will the senator vield to a motionto adjourn.

Mr. Toombs No, sir: the Senate iust refneed iaadjourn, and I intend to speak on tbe subject, andwnen the Senators get tired of bearing me toeycan go home;how ver, the reporters will keep theirseats, for my speech is intendt d for my country asmuch aa for the Sennte. Af.er I have spoken threeor four boars the Senator from Virginia can makehis motion to adjourn if he choose.

Mr. roomos iiroceeded to cive a history of therise and progress of the navy, going bac'i to thefoundation of the Government. Very lew Senatorsin their seats, and much conversation In and.bletones.

The chair several times called the Sturde to order, when Mr. Toombs said, talktogdoes not distuibme in the least. I am gl id to bear that the Sena-tors are discussing tbe subject. It ouht to be dis-cussed on the floor, behind the lar and aU over theconntrv. Laughter.!

At a quarter past 5 o'clock. 3lfr. Crltteu.len chained tne floor, by leave of Mr. Toombs, and moved

that the Senate adjourn.Ag.eeJ to by two majority.Hocsb. M'. Clinfftnan asked tfeii ihe relation

of the Senate, fixing a day for the adjournment ofongrefs, oe considered.Mr. Dunn said he should ofcicct till the Kansas

qntion was settled.Mr. Houston r ix your own day.Mr. Letc er preferred that the Hoase shon!d ?o

on with the trial of oue of its members.Mr. Clmcrmau moved to susnend tha rules for the

purpose of taking up tha resolution. Lost; yeas10, naysfjl s b in? nqnireu.Mr. Campbell, of Ohio,! thuthhe further con

sideration of the report of the committee oa theSumaer miz'.tbe postponed till We laesd.iv.for the reason that the mHjoiity of ihe emmitteebave h'd developed to them some facta nflVctingone of the parties implicated, and they di sire toconsider the propriety of offering an tmeulaient totne penuing resolution.

To this objection was made.Mr. Meat'haw moveathe previous question, which

was agreed to.Mr. Edmunsn, by general consent, made a re

port affecting himiel''.Mr. Jvlmundsou exculpated himself from tuo im

proper conduct which the House proposed to cen-sure him.

Mr. CamDbcll. of Ohio, defended the renoitofthe committee.

'Ihe House voted on English's substi! ui?.tlial t! eHouse declared its risap probation of the assaultand deems this a fit occasion to express disappro-bation of language in debate personally oll'tnslve toindividual members of CoDgress or Sta'es of theUnion.

Disagreed to 35 against 174.The House then voted on ihe substitO-i- of miaor- -

ity committee, for the resolutions of tie majority,namely:

lbattbe House has no jurisdiction over tha as- -siult committed by M.--. Brooks on Mr. Sumner, andhercloie ce m it proper to express any opinion on

the subject.Rejected Teas CG; nays 145.The vote whs taken on the first resolution of the

majority of the committee: Tbat Pnsron S.Broo.vabe and he is forthwith expelled from this Hou e as arepresentative from Souih Carolina, which lesulttdyeas 121 nays 95.

1 lie Speaker The Hoi3e has mused to agreeto the resolution, there not being a two thirds votesb required by the Consiituti n thereon.

Mr. brooks, after the opposition. sroke in defence, and concluded by infoiming the House thathe had resigned bis seat. The next resolution coring up declaring disapprobation for the conduct of

Messrs. Edmondson and Ktitt in reeard to theassault.

Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, and others called for a division of the question.

the Speaker decided that the resolution could notbe divided for reasons stattd. Mr. Jones, of Tenn..moved the resolution be tabled disagree d to veas86: nays 111. Pending the resolution the Houseadjourned.

luesdny s Proceedings'Washington--, July 15. Senate. The Senate

occupied the morning in the consideration of seve-ral unimportant bills.

The House bill, appropriating 850.000 for theconstruction of a roaJ from Fort Ridgeiy, M inne-sot- a

Territory, to the south pass of'the KoekvMountains, Jitbraska Territory, was passed.

air. loomDs resumed ms remarks ou the billmendatory of the act to promote efficiency in the

navv.He condemned, in the stronsest terms, the notion

of the Navy board.Adjourned.House. The House resumed th consideration of

the resolution oi the Committee on the Sumnerassault, expressive of disTDrobation of the conductof Messrs. Edmondson and Ktitt in connection therc- -wi n.

The House made efforts to have the Tote taken onthe case of each separately. In conseqaence ofthis failure, the resolution was rejected TOaaa nsti.On motion of Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, the votewas reconsidered, when he offered a forthe resolution so as to enable the Douse to passsentence on EJmoudson and Keitt separately. Hesaia it Mr. Keitt wished to be heard, he saould notinsist on the previous question.

Mr. Willson nppealed unsuccessfully to Mr. Camp-bell to withdraw the motion, wishing to occupyseveral minutes in the discussion of a new aspect ofthe question.

Mr. Campbell replied that if he should vield thefloor to the gentleman fiom Virginia, be must ne-cessarily give way to others. The s.ijcct hadbeen discussed in all its aspects. Tbe substitutedid not change the principle of the original propo-sition. Much time has already been consumed, thesession is far advanced, cd tbe tnsimss of theHouse not transacted. Therefore Le insisted onthe previous quest on.

Mr. Letcher wish d to say In the new aspect ofthe case , n effort was thus "made to cn off debate.Mr. Dunn colled attention to the wording of thesnusimue. ine uouse 13 called npon to declare itsdisapprobation of the said act ct Messrs. Edmonsonand Keiit, he wanted to know to what the words

said act had refe ence. The ?Dei.ker reolied. itwas explained in the preamble, which was yet tobe acted upon. By r quest, the pieamhle fromthe report of the committee was read, setting forththe acts connected with the assault, ami con-cluding wih the assertion, that, it, appeals f nmthe investigation that Mssr!. Ktitt and Edmondson, sometime previous to theassanlt.were in-

formed of the purpose of Mr. Btooks to commitviolence on Mr. Sumner, for woitis rsid ia dubuie,end took no measures to discourage or prevent thesame, but, on the contrary, anticipating the as-

sault, were presen on moae thaa one towitness it. Under the operation of the previousqnestiou the resolution ensuring Mr. Keitt wasadopted yeas IOC, nays 00. That censnting Mr.Edmondson was uy cud yeas 60, navs 136.'

Mr. Campbell, of Ohio, iiioveJ an ameQilment lothe preamble to make t fuith- r appear that Mr.Keitt atttmpted to prevent au officer of tie Senateand others from in'erfeili g to prevent the con-tinuance of the blows on Mr. Sumner.

Mr. Dunn excepted to this am m'.ment. TLepre-ambl- e

presented Mr. Keitt as a witness, and uothin?more, and on this ground the resolution was predi-cated.

Mr. Campbell, to remove Mr. Dunn' nl (ieetlona.moved an amendment to the preamble, simply bvstriking out Edmondson's ntme and lettirg Ktltt'stana.Preamble adopted 104 against 63.Mr. Keitt said heshould askto House

to hear him on 9ome matters. He shou'd endeavorto not violate ra'liamentary propriety. He ftltquite sure ne wouia not.


ArrivM ef a Frlaa'e.JJiw Yore, July 15. The frigate Potomac, bear-

ing lh flags of Commodore Pauldlnir. hes arrivedfrom Ksy Wost. which nlaca she latt on tha 7th




Wednesday EfiMfo. July 16.

TLeiehatnt beea nvica ti mat ion in the mvk-- t thisvreeV.bul iacca:eq ience of the Ight mppHes BrtalstuUs,Grain Orccer:es, Tctti-c- nn I Produce renera ly havee?n well utained. Later freirnn wi was recs.rcj yes

iToay noi.nsr a slisat tecune m BreailstuCs. wh;c x lo--giher with the fact that the wheat liarves!hash ca a root 038 will hive tha tendetscy to somewhatdepress p toes. Tin receipts of Tcbiceocuatintte fureon- -s tiering-th- etQiculties of irrigation, anl it wUl be seenthat better prices hare been obtained raanufactar.aa;f rai'.cs than were tver b fore receded ia this marketPr.ViSons continue to be well sustained. Ihe crops ofHay, Potatoe-am- i Onions hare been partial la; lures, andprices are greatly enhanced, w.th no shipments cf Pota-toes South this season. The reoeiDtsanii sale of Oan nsfur hlpiueutj nptothe present date has not exceededJOil barrels agaiLst 27,000 at the penud thepietrior.s season.

The r;Ter has been l.iliinjslowly a tiie wt ek.with everyprospect of haTirj extreme lot aer all the season. Theweather con'inues clear ami excessively warm, tiioushagood dashiarraia lell early in the week. During the pasttwo days the warmta has been unusual, the thermometerranginrfrom SO to 95 nearly all the t run.

BAGGI.NO AND ROPE Market ctiTe. witj sales ofTi pieces in lots at I7.18c, together with, 420 coils R pe atf ajr sales of IM pes Ea?tluj at HalUc; Mpieces at 1 cts; 214 pes at 17 cts 156 pieces hopeat 9 small sales of choice machino at C

Sales of 2tO puces Baling at lt,al7c; 150 piece at 17al8c;lHO pes at 171(; 100 pes at llc; tales tiflJ o- at 13c. Sale.of I3S ooils michine Rope at lofce. Ths receipts Hats been1.814 piece?, and 61 coils, with shipments of 1.C13 pieces,end 41 ciile, a stock on hand amounting to J.71Sp. tees, am! 2J73 coils, exclusive of tha stocks i: factories.

BitAN, MEAL AND SHIP STVs F. We Quote saiallsales of bran at $7$ 10 per ton, with sales of shiostnff aad

orts at $uaSlS toirai e, and $ 1 at retail. Co'nirealhas very mate ria'Iy aJTincerl, owin? to the scare. t, withs .let by tie quantity at 61i70c, and small lots at 75c.

BATTISO Sc jc, with saleaat Ilal2Kc.CAlfDLES V.'e quote Star Candles at Hi 25c, with the

usual discount to the tra le; sales of bard Hew ne andpressed Candies at 12at2 1 Jc.

COAL Sales of Piitsbtir? Coal firm at 20 tts, retail;Peach Orchard at lSaCfir.as the stock is small.

COTTON AND COTTON YARNS.-Sto- ciu light, andwe quote Cotton, ordinary to low mid.lling at S t9j cents,anJoo l midalin; Al ibama at I0al04a. The stock of Yarnsis iis'ut.and price" are Sales of No. i. 6 and700at9al0c; and lie per ozeam imailio'.i.

CHEESE We qnotessales of good Western Chtrse

FLOCR AND GRAIN Sales early fin the week f250bb'i Flurat ?6 Oil; small tale of new Flour at St 25;retail ras at SS 50. Sales of 300 bushels Oats at 40 cts.Sales of 200 bushels new Wheat at $1 19. Falcs since of325 bblsFiour at 5 73i$6; 101 bolt new at $8 2). 1,100 tunew Wheat at $1 10; lOObu-hel- s old at 1. Kales of 250

bushels Com at 45c. Sales of lOObusheis Oai? at 40 ctsto dealor. Sales of Rte at. iZcCROJERIKS Sales of33..b..gi Rio Coffee at lllall3c.

Saks of 74 lihds N. O. fair Sugar at 9 fully fair ' 3;c,7 rime 10c; cio ce 10 90 bb t e2nd at 12 j 13

Sales of 25 barrels plantation Molasses at i?i$3 cents.Sa'es of 29 hhd.i X. O. Sugar at 10 e s; 13 hh Js Jo at 0c;10J tt'lareSntd at 12)al3c. Sales of 10 bb.s Plantation Molasses al53c; 22 Sugarhouse at J5c. Sasof25hh.'.s N. O. Sugar at 9HVr; U ohdsat 10c, ( hjsdo at10 40 bbls double refined at 13c. Sales if lit bbls Plantation Mo;!i'i at 53c. Sales of Rice in tiercts at 4a-- .

FEATHERS 'c quote from thecountryat VUjc; goodshippioglcts 47c.

GINSENG Wequote scarce at 2Si3Cc.SHEETINGS Sales of Canaelton Sheetiac at 8c.

other braads 8a8!ic.GCNNY BAGS Nominal atl2aiic.HAY We quote Hay at tloa$!7 in lots from tne whirf;

retail tiles made at $li lrom s'nre.HEMP Holders f.rm, aad w quote st

S15Ga$160 j.erten.IRON, NAILS, AND LEAD We quote by

theocantityasfolk-vs- : Stone-co- bariron 3a3i.c; charcoabarirou lic; all other t'.ecriptionsnt ths asaal rates. NailsSI 23 S3 50 forlOd.and corresponding rates for other sliesInes see $35 for No. 1; $33a$34 f3r No. 2. Wsqajte Brownsport Pi; Iron at the same rates on umonthK. Sales of Slit Rirer Irou, Belmont Furncce at$34j3 rr ton; Pig LeaJ firm at 7a7c. Har Lead'H''H et-i- Saks of shot at (2982253$ J,

TALLOV.'. Sales of Rendered at 534IOo; salcsof Rosghat s.

GLASS. We quote city brands at $3 7Ja$4 ia small lots.for S by 10; and $4 25a 73 for 10 ty Ii aad largr sizes ata proportionate atlTsnce. Infir.or country brands sell atlets rates.

NAVAL STORES. Oaknm we quote at JilOc. Tartl 00i575 PbhJ. R:1n2 00J33 00. PitchHiO Tlr- -pentme 42S50 cents f gall n.

OILS. ules from mill at $1 for Linseed; ar.J fromstore at 41 10. fa'os of Ca.nr Oil at (1 75 L.rtOiIdull t 6)c Sperm Oil Si 3522 Ot; Tanner's Oiln,.'5,$- -t and $28 per bbl. Sales of wliite lead at S3 25

$2 10 per ke?. Putty 4ac.SEEDS We quote flaxseed at SI W ail 65per Lash. Sales

OfOroaard Gras Seed at S2a2 50. Clorer Seed Is quietat $7 75aS 00. Herd's Grass $2; Timothy at S3 25 perbmhel. S'.ripred btua grass- do at 90a $1 00; cleaned dodo at SI 50. extra nt $2.

H ID KS Sa.es of city Flint at Uc; city Cured Dry.f aland Flint ot 13o ro inu ;uota.ioa:City Oak T inned Sole Lenther 25t'.i y Cured liry tall lli'los cmscny tret.u cenis

iwnti ac ailded lorcomaiisMonsnri Flint i.

Missouri Fiiut.ch u e se.ecte l ..is "nMixed Country Huina at ljwerCj'ires according to oua.ti

LEATHER We auofRole" .c!tytnnrd,at ? to 30 centCountry do, at 2 to is cents

JEAN1? AND LINSEYS SuialUlsat3&actor Jsanand 26 33cfor Lin'oys.icr nsrro r.r.

LUMBER The lileria us i '! hveejiabhshtdthef jllowlutt rnten

ne Laijl:r.rie&j u f MDj, i Tt'.r jo du.Do. 31 rato . j(i .1..

Ciiinmri tiird ... ,'u.THirdrute iioct.a; ... . . in ,nfitcoti't rate do '. ;o , ,No. ll'iiie Sh.ir.gles 4 do

PROVISIONS AND LARD The market lias stiffenedsomewn.t, w2iu limited si'esoi mess Pork at $11 43, aod31S fir retnl luts. Siles of 10J casks Bacon shoulders atp. n. t.; 25 s do at ?i?, packed; 110 casks bacon libbedsides at p B.t;S3iO!bs c juntry bacon from wagou-- ; shoaldetsS ribbed sides 91c; clear sides S ctshtnis S sates of country Lard from wajoLS ia bb sat 10c; f r prime; 1 4 tea c infessed at 11 cts2, ?00ics rbbed sitirs, back boc- - out, at lOe, lo isc; ICO bblmess Pjrkat $19 50; 60 casks clear s des at 10 packed2,300 pes bu k shoulders at eo, lose. Sales of 25 casks ribsbed sides at 10 packed; e'ear side bald at II cen'tCountry meat advanced; sales from wagon t.f 5 9 0 Itsrlear ies f.t OalOH?:; ribbed s.d s 9a9 h mi 9 1 2a9 forcrira: Mulders 6 Laid torn wajotis tn bbliat lOaiC'xf; m kezsat lOHallc, accordintocooerage.

FFCIT Sales of ptuae Lemons at $9 00a5 50; LserRa;sins at St 25; sa of Sm.nia Figs at 1315c; salts odried Fruit at St CO for Apples, and SI 75 per bushel forPeacues.

TOB ACCO Sil at warehouses Thursday of 65 hiids.Tiz: 2 hhd nt $3 51 35 75; 13 at 00 J7 00; IS a 7 03at 00;20 at 8 C359 OS; 10 tugheails at 9 0599 93; 3 fineleaf at maun ac'cringSlO 35. $10 43, $10 5). Sales at thewarehouses Friday of Mhlids, eix: 91ihd at S5 OOag CO;16 at S (57 CO; 1C at 7 03a8 00; 9 at t OoaJI 9 t 9 05a$9 95; 1 h'ld fine anufactttring leaf at $10 10. Sales atwarehouses Saturday of 76 hbds, as follows: thir een.boysbeads at $5 C0r.6 CO; 13 at 6 05 7 00; 12 at T C5s9 SO

24 at t 05 il 0): 12 at $3 C5a$9 95. Sales of Jlihds fine manoi&crurms leaf atSlO, 10 30. Sales at warehouses Mondayof 71 hh Is, viz: 4h!.dat $3fOi$6; 13at6 05ai7; 13 at 7 05aS3; 10 at 9 05aS9; IS at at 9 05a9 95; 10 at HO, 10 30, II 00,19 '5. 10 2J, 10 75, !1 10, 1! in, $19, 24 10; 13 lihds Virsimaold at thefo lswirg prices: $7 CO. 9 05. 53. 19 00, 11 50,

6 03, 24 50, 11 10, t 93, 9 70. 10 73, 6 90, 10 93. 10 73. Sales stwar.ho'tse T teday of 89 hhjj, tii: 10 hhJ.t-i- S3 00s$6;C2 at 6 CJa7 00; 19 st $7 ; 20 st t 03a9 C4; 11 at 9 UnS9 95; 3 hhds fine manrfucturing leat at f 10 03, $10 33$10 35, 10 55snd 14 .

WHISKY Prices tend nnward.w th sa'es of 229 bblaraw early in the week at Jg with sales urce at30a30 the highest figure, we have known for a longtime.

SALT Kanawha advanced; JOObb'sat 4 c. retail salesat 48'.

VEGETABLES No Potatoes ia tho market for shipmerit. Sales of 300 bbla Onions at $3 50a2 0.

WOOL. We quote at 21a23o f ir rrease w wi!, and 32a31c for common in grease 15aI8c,

F P. EIGHTS Firm to New Orleans at 50c forfnrouthand (Ce for way lets, by the hindrd pound. Flour perbbl 75o80 cents. Pork per bbl $1 25; Whisky per bbl $1 50;Tobwo, per hnghead S7a$S. Shipments lisht and nostock offering. To Wheeling and Putsburg, 25a30 cts topound freights.


Market very dull, with n demand for shipment, aadmodem's demand forrutchers. with receipts nnj sales atths stock yards of less thin 200 bead beere The

of hogs have beea rathsrheary. Bnt fow cattle arecowselhnr for orsr S cents, gross. We anet the follow-ing ranseof prices tobutcl.ers at the stockjards:

CaTtik Oood at Bullocks and cows, choice and extraJVi3t-S- c gross, equal to 66 J rts nett . Fair at 3 cutgross; and roush at Ia2 cross.

Hoos Ws quote slop fed at ill an.' choice corn- -fed at 4f cents.

SHErtr AH8 Lambs Prices ranae from $131 to $3 50; tsto quality, with light receipts. Lairbs $1 752 75 per head


Veetab'es, including Green Corn, Toma'oes, e., arepretty abundant, but fruits of all kinds.seaice. Cora 13a

20cper Jozen. Choice tible butter at J0a35c per lb; fairbuter20a:5c. Fresh beet issellingat 9aI0c fo' choice cutsand 6a,"ctt for all others; dressed hogs C:t7cU per lb.New potatoes are quite scarce at $2 50s S3 00 per bush- -

Drcssel tnrki s none. Chickens $2 OOaf) 00

er dozen. Ducks $3 OOaf 4 50 per dozen. Fegi 10al5e

THE MONEY MARKETNo ytrint on In the nnney market, which continue

eiy,with l.mited sales of stocks at $113a$119 for Keatucky ba ks, Laad warrants are dull at f 5a.93.

firm , and ws quoteEXCHANGE.

Bu .Of. Sllinr.New York .parSM prem K prrnOthnr Entern States H prem )4 prera'incmr,ati H dn r.ar

joats X dis M pre mhnlie 1 dis M dis

"Jew tlrlenns pureS i premChatlestou I d s par


Flour dull at $3 75n9 00 in lots. Grocene firm at quotations. ProTisi. ns qniet, with islet rf 3 9ri plain andbgired hams at lOUMc. F'es of 110 s shoulders at

packed. Saleiofcl-a- - ,.' r.t int.e. Sales of 34hhds Tcbiceo at watehr.-.p.- f. rwf' from $3 'o$3 93 for common to firm's; it tl a : fir mannfortarum leaf.

Telesraph Markets.

CmciasATi. Ttily 16 M.Flour $1 25. Whiskv 3lc. Cheese .'p. Baccn

shoulders 9)c; suits UHc.BALTIMORF, July ili. P, M.

l. Wheat is in good demand, Cnr- -. is briskat 6W6SC f r white and : lor yellow.

Nw OltLtA.xs, Ju y ii, t. M.Cotton Sa'os 900 bales y it bout alteration in pri

ces. Sales of Whisky at 31c. Bagging 17Xe.

New Y01K. July 15. P. M.Cot'on fina-ja- l4 1.0P0 bales Orleans middling at 11;

upland c'o at HH. Ccffee qu ale 200 bags Rio. Sugarfirm sales 800 hhds Or euns. MoIases quiet. Linseedoil firm sales 300 gallons at E2c. Lard oil quiet. Commonaud modern grades ef flour hare sgvn declined rally 10cper but , with only moderate Holders of com n. ongrades a e q .its nxi ns to realize sa'es 12,000 bbls at $2

40 f.r State, $636 10 for Wea'srn, and market closing) with moOf rate business doing. Rye Hoar attady st

$1 lyUi 37. Southern flur only in moderate supply andheary, without any important thanes ia prce sas 1.JC9bbl at $6 " a7 25 fr common to rood saperfine, and $7 3938 75 for fancy eitra. Transactions in wheat only to amMleratscTtsnt.and pricesf rlows grides rather easier;sales : j,000b isheis at $. J01 17 for whits Canadian,

33 for good snd trims red Souteern. Rytisiarequsstfor export at fall prices sales 8, bushels at 86 for primsVorthsrn. Cora is less ctis muket shads easier eelei.

ns m ER. AND TI PAW mm.15,01.9 bi.'ili a. 56lc mixed fffuni, rrniic'Iye'.iri. Oa s stiii'T I.Til5; f : lit :.J r.ern. Perk unc'iaDgtl a i iemanu mi'i ate-! 1.'Jtbls at i a' $17 f2 fc- - .I.s: t.-- ft r.

b't.r tiemand tut s : ' f7 'J'Ui ii rco.ia:rj tr.m.",50"dl0 f r d sness aas 9ii; '.r r;ac!ri.: Ef Uinwq let. Pr,m tiesi i ctj ' tnj r.r(3 Ij.i,, 'i'. Cutmeats .tc ilir at 9c for ! u:Je,s tun! Cctttr s&Vs S'

O luls a'. l:'iu:. ni.i priin helJ Cit.Ij at "h-- r c:os atl?Vr. Butter lir! J l 11218c. Clieic stf id at 53!:.

CncmaII Jul; 16. P. ,

Flour duliat Si ijrfceip'sb'ht. Croc?r.- - ticiargd tad dewand liraitd. Waukjfl mkt3!c. Che'1fC3c

Bacon 9He. ide firm at llc.few York Steci .Market.

IiW Y.isx, 3u".y to, P. M.Stoi ki liim Car.toa 23j, Cleveland ana L' !'lo 7T

Chicago and R. Inland 9j, Cafi'utr 'a...l Z,'t, E.is3itrhigaifouthern57H,N Y. Central 'j5J,

The Ureal F. utkiua Renirdy.PRO BOXO PUBLICO.

JJ-'-Eve-iy rnor slict-'- haro al'-- i't th

honi; liEndv in Citso ofarrWt nt? He - 'rtn."Bedding's Rassia Salve.

Itli aCc3tcn rsrrcl r.f t'lii-t- j rears K'u:idin.--and Ii eom5icn1e br rbvsicia:T3. I' i a arand Fffti.rnrj t.ir Enr'n:--, Piles, L'oi'., C'rn.,

Chilb!aiD-- , and Old Sore cf every Wad; f.,rFever bores, Ulcers, Itch. ScsM Head, Nc'l Hash,Banina, Sore Xinple?, ( rfonimeaded lij" caries),Whitlow, RslejVostf rs, F'.ea Bite?, Spii-- Silas .Froicn Limbs, Sslt Ilhenrc, cr.rvr, Soro aidCracked Lip.aorf- Xcse, Wai ts aui Vv"ounti,it Is a moit valuable rented? and cure, nfcfch cxabe testified to b thonani4 who bave ne t it la thocity of aal viciaitr for tiie Inst tiity yeeni.In 110 Instance will tL: "Salv? df an icj'y, r interfere t it h a chyiici.tn's r revrrintionn. It is ma-'-

freTi the purest fiora'a recipr broughtfrom Passia rf article? rowin in th.'t conn'ryand the proprietor have h'tteis rorn .'1 c;a.sM,",clergymni, physichr.s, sa crptairiii, nurses, andothers who hare nsed it tbeir.seive an 1 n ,,orr.tneri Jit to others. Biddiux's Knia S te!? pi r ia la;

tin doxcs, S'ampea on tr. cover wit a a ;:ctuiet-a nor?e ana a aiiaoiea sti.'.rr, wuicn pict ue 19 !

enirrsred on the wrepp--- . I'rice, '25 hd a BoxKEDDIXGr & CO.,Prrr iet.-- t

Ii. A. Robit, jon A Co , Bvi!, Ta'bott i. Co.. LnnlsviJle; scrihner& l)evol,enr Am Rr.v.

a 1 dcoLiwly

Hollowaj's Ointiacnt aad PillsAreh:?hiy reoamended fjrths cure of Ir75:r!as. Theyact in urii"on upn the ys".om, and pa i.'yin; theb'ood.a d fa.l to care anrt-nli- , h verrpertte the cane m&y be.

Sold at the mtnufac'ories.No 90 Vaidia Lasc.N. Yj")and No 941 Strand, London; and byall druji stsat lisSJrt . i1 t Br pot or box iHw1

.tlARHIFD,Brthe Rev. W. W. Ererts. June 16, h. lir. II. sy Kll

to MifiSAt(H Laveuli.sU of tnis e.ty.

Br the Jntr 3d. JosHCA MCLIM tii SGeobgk, bita of Lou v--i le.

By the sam. jut rh. Major William J as Hand aissSAXtU U lOHT.DOia Ot LOUlSY.le.

Bvthe swns. on tbs 10th of Ju'. NtfTAt P.tir, Esqof sprmttfielil, IlLnu, to ;iUs Ltzzis Woca, of Lou.iTills.

On 16 h . br the Ver. .T. V. t"obr. ?t the reieence of the bride's father, Gi3. W. PiTs.1 t . Eliza Aawors, an i tnis cry.

DIFD.On Frida.'.the 11th int.. PaCI.!si J".. ;n."sa tftur

of William I and Eiumi 5. 1.U10 nmjai.iitj J moti hsaod 27 ila-- j,

Ytrd..y nt'tt n? atJI- - ov'ock, fer a h garmg illoess, Yi lLA.lA.tt als,iu ihscua 7sji ot fi.s

Oa the 13 h i st.. in Chicago, Johy M. Koaas t., forme- -u ot L.ouuYiiis,Sfe2 years.

CBaltimore and EardstOTra papers piex-- e rt j j.


SARSAPARILLACOI INF? ail the mtu.cinat Yirtniscf "cr.soca, Yel.LoWB0C3,DABELt0S,and pure Ho9L;Ba S.iR iA?a!L-la, and is ths mos: po er.t BLOOD PCPIFIFR in thsknown world. Tot the curs of Scrf'tila. :'.ientnaiiizn.Gout. Dropry, and i ll C nr. a c E.seases, .1 h:u no eqaa'

CyPi;ce rnc ilo'.lar per quart bo'l'.e.


A.iUt r va'.ti .h:e i ;;. lie?.".. T'r.: wttwoa thc- re nt..-.tt- iM-cr- oi'tlje WILD CHSJRRYH iR'i liiod lo which are tiie essential projc t:rscfsomR . and B.ir-- s never before tised or kno-v- in med.cine.It al ies,ei itself namecLtely to ths Lnf,;t seat of allConMiiaptiYS Diseases.) snd is allowed to be t'r.f most safeand certain cure for Conkimptioa ever know i - his oranyothr rountry.

Pr es Oue dollar ;er qua't bottle.

DR. JOHN BULl7s"KING OF PAINI the G 'tAND ATasier of ah aou Fairs, in whateverf irm tbey ir aTOms It was tha mot remedyned daring the rnre of thai awful scourge, theASlriC CHOLERA,-- nJ was nce.r kr.cwn to fail :nenr n when used in tiros.

CT P.ics 23 cents per bo'.tle: 50 cent aim g kettles.


A certain care fr FETES AVD AOO'E.ani alldieasesarising lrom a torpid s'a' sf Ihs L Yer .2 j J'ious"sTsrs. Rsm ttsnt Fsror. Dumb Ague, kc.rrrncs one dollar psr box.

Ths a'lore ralnable preparations are sold by Dmrg.s'sand Merchants in every town and Tillage in t'i ViitaiStats.

Principal off fj Fifth sirert, Loui'vt'le. K'., and corner of asj iu and Ann s'rns, erv York

telj d'.ToStwU

C. C. OIEI. w. O. AJ.tlADFg


GENERAL AUCTIONEERS,aiu n'.u.t;i5iu. .iiLi'.tu.iAis.

LOVISVJLlt, SITV T.TE i'.l sell at oiirsfre No 513 Vark.t trsst, be.

9 9 tweea Sreoa nl Th rd. sates of Keai i:t.ta, Nier&s-- , Horses, C: ttl.-- , Dr7 Uiocei.ks. Faij,ng

eu.ii.. iu Km mM r.pr j.n n.-- to I - AuctfHusines", a jue oa the lowest teims ami r rotptlr andfaithful j.

(jSR member No. 5!8 Market rtrfet.Jsales in the cotintrra't nledt .

C. f. OHKK.N k M. O. ALZX tNDCR.Jyl8dlnit'3 Auctioneers.






AD FIFTH. LOCISVILLE. K.Y..(Establish to is:8.)

PARTI"'Tt. All attention iaid to rieani'i?, repairingCbr..n.meUr. Daplei. Lo . er. aad

W.itcue. Im bemg a Tery imports branch offor business, the nrtpost care mil beiiveiitoit byiAII-upan- deperincrd woikmen.

F L r.lCH E R C NNETT.mr3trifcwtyt 4.".: Mam t..bet. Foortj m.j rh.




Dl'KKEE, HEATH CO.HAVING en arged their iter.aiTe .tors, with a

iargi increas ng I ,ir 6aiu. tut com.agf ni, sre detenu. lie toe oseou' tlteir :t.uz i d Summerstock of Fancy Uoods, inords to ma :e ro.i lur tueir - a I flThese goods will be clused out wanout resard torot.

Rich Cress Si'ks. or r.nally worth $30, now lor $15. Itsio do d. do do $.i, i $;aSpring Si.ki, on?inal it worth SI 5prva." J, now 75c.

Uo do, do do (110 do' d", do :H.Uo do, oo do 75c d do. d 5'c. byEl. gan Par sene R.)h-s- , original y i.'O, now $15,Io do do. d.t 112. ii.. 7

Hon ton and Prussia Lace CaDss.oriEini.'.".- worrh f 1J0.sol'J f ir S3

Printed Hareges, worth $10 md ii, now soli! f.,rjj ta ee$1 a pn'oru.

Pn,n 5rtc. nrT s.i':d f r 3'icMin'ilus of all sty ti il c !..;, worfi f...ra $16 to $40,

wi.i no'dic so d tro n $r5 'o it ip cr . : amy otaer Iusoods m the ?rtprtinr..l)L'ftlk.Kt, HKATiI 1 '"., in; feu;-)- ! street.

iy9 H"V i. I'7t Mirti.t - n Jrrnn.LOCUST GU0E SCHOOL,

FOR BOYS AND GIRLS,W'ILL coaiaie. re ; Anm; ,1 t.?i n oa MONDAY,11 h nndr t -. :..nll:.Tug giyen scue-a- ! a n aiTi'r. tuhe pit ions

of t e Sciiool a wing t re r. he ho-- con' naed otalt ntmu to rtiajn thur cciiftner.re In w aid r. Wt i Iwilling to semi t!inr c.;rea to is Sch. oi ro Mr. WmB. Clut. n Col. Wm tl Oirii.n,Mr I .c t'Tere t. aadihe putrousoi the SCit'Ot. I'orirr tn nat w

8chiM; ia siii Te! n t'.e nrr. Kod. tl.re ntand a ha f from LotsisYilis m a o'eaeao and hea.tbs rne.ghbor tood.TC3M :

Primary Detartroent, irci 'it.g T.

AribmetiC, fc . njunt L- in atfrnce.. $11 38ILgner brandies, including Ma iiema'..cs kO'l

ancient and m d'u 13 it TiBoard per quarter, ( cr buys on J.) i..Tar.. b y ia ad--

ennce 37 3Persons at a distance desiricg to n er n vi ".adi'ress'ylldaow3wfc10 B K.N". Si. HARNEY, Box 11 .)


'pHIRD ths first of S "ember. 1851I. Price f r H"ard, la'tiOT iu tne ord.narr hrincues,

fuel, 1 ghts. towel, au.l was .ing incnitleil, Itfl p r we, a.M o deductio made for absence, f xrep'. t.r't its.l illnes.Mukic on Piano or Qmtn', $Jj for 1) rr- n t. rre icb.Lti , and Cmb'oide.- - , ext a rntrjn Spec.al attentionwill begTentotb'iraea' ha dcomt'ort, is Aell as their optmrtilanl intl ecttml aov mcemenr. B

Fr rat ciUra and.es the undersigned,Browasboro Pot Office, o.dham c nitty, K'r. hK. CLvjH K, Pn.tnpal.

Fr Cckth SmithJam "SC. A. lak j jyllt!3w4


SHELBY COLLEGE, bShelbryllle, Keatackr. aT1HE ensuing fesion of tbis loMi'ut on w il omnieaesX otitis ftrsi .Mondjv m cjtembr

TIKM 1 he teneral coT for Cuar.l. Tui'trm, g

r uel, aad In hta i $15 lot tne seisiou I 10 m t:bs;in spec a cestbis c tarije wiii b sn.idir.-- as tu co-lor m lo t he of he pnrties corjet-- d or

Comma. licatKus to the nai'erp gte-- illl- prom-.tt- y

ded to W vi V. l I.FK,jy !!'. A ag:3wl President of b ' by Col.:e.


Opening of the Clue Lick Springsof


THEiE Oontle nen h its jnst comu e' l a 1 iinioii'iot ers .f tan .MineralSonncs, STi.l will n it f c the rrctitmi if rmrnrs onlb iva J it oi June. Tuis rery extens r K. tel aod A.bmliliQCS ce. upv a bflr.'tt.f'ii s tua;; i nnlrte 1. of iheLic&i g river, in Nw ho'a county. Kr., tw.i'"v u.i ,Pari. K"Q'urkv, n on ih C .viii'".oo n l I. iutr-o-

and tenty lour rnt e fro n viavv, o.i tiie Ohir.ver. Ttir. Hre exrellent marad ,4111,2-- r 1,11, imi dmr.Kmr cotKlO'S le.iv SJrt't p. are every itay f s ti.e S.,r;n?.This weil-no- n W'a e in P;ac-t-i Ciie ira-- ;'orpftrtor and a nat.le p op t es M' it tvntrr. it ,ic irnif.il an.1 ho ter s tmtiou, and fr lis rvtiai: Crue. andw Us. Tin Hotel Liree. aud eon'r v 1.1 .trir.eye to eoaal..rt aud conreuirace. it immv. tai'i. uiba comes and proueaaiie, .is tins around ( an ri .i!ntstate 01 cul'ivaton nnd fail ol b auuful mi.ir tre .) its A

siperio "il c.i..Tn entba'h. its It'tt an! c. mm lotstibles, kc , all trn.l to mak- - 8 tie L'rki lac r.io' ile iht-fu- l, li

attractive sal n n q.t in tas Wn.Ihe proprietors hxvj sutirely rej. ta'. l las Hotel an !

rrnunds. Ihs lurntture is isw and g ed. aud tb.vean apro te, from tlieir long eTpeneoc. m ct.nag to th.test snd - mfort of the pub tc, tnat ths honsc shall b vtksiit la a s y.8 inferior to a- - Hois! in 'he Wst.w i iv u e m g ta

JyiOdsvwim JOHS ;;"CHe,


CJw'O.T.cseo.ner of Mun and Bui hit streets. eeondS"orv V iwconb'i Bui'dmg. sn'ratc c l a i.

THIS Comp4UT eontiuues t make lqr.ro aga.iulp.nls of nav ganoa on j.i'is gir.n. boat, aatti.ir t'arzoes alo asa rst Los by Fire o V,l ai8temboits, building and in port, and House and Coa.tn'. JA.MS TKABLE, Pre deal.

AcaA:r IIiti. ScretarDIRECTosj

xVilliaraOsv. T'naa Oarv.n.James C. Breel. Jota Vf Aikleisa,James S. Lithgo-T- , Willisnj hrhs1 lawr,ii, .

v M,

JCiTcrsou ('ountj Farm Or Salesac acs:fs

OF JLf l Ld-o- S COo.MY LA.D I Oli 3ALSI 0?f si' for n e mt F.sH .f, 'tri ,j s Wit.rs

fcs t r" i x a.: : :iiJ. i'j. a k r I. i ii - irct. .i I. i. i i.j , w.a

ID- - 2!( a .1 .ni.u. t i ;i n I ci -

ika, ni r O i ,r is Mdoiie-'- - n,i a ue k n u 8 7, 0tone spo.n cr t and ; .r r , Tne sa ns

:s ill toou repbr,an . a!f .'mh C(.aTa.ei.tt dtvt-ao- 1: i ii t., irtd WTtrftir srss 1:1 t e 7. ng aip ...,i w ia i

I ' n? : ' ' b t a ui.syers.ins tu Ku.cUi a F- - u j ; J 4 . wii. tj oanJ rxm,ue j 'i an, a .'!,19 IO:i HAHROI.D.


KKOM THi:Fanners' Z3schanffe.a 'C03!ra MAIN' e. SE

9E.1. CHFSlT

J VS. P. HULL. Jfc CO.,r.JoraieTm.

;:.tia(T Stat Bo ;r Aw. rtTrai,i KA.vicrjRr i )HEHm, A w'aij.i ! ii '3 a rep--

AjMa'ta-al- . M'tere r. i: K'n.a- - mi b"e- 1. .sy. c.-- ne. - ,ai , u uj

as.i :o ;ae t- !i oeTe.r.j a. d .,Cs.a of m.winto rests, and is ni'iea iieedal - eo .m,. a e e !imi; l, r jml cr t r tn roe'..,ugem i eomaau e was of las ?t.v.s A :.eu .a 'ai So ie.itl ern tore.tjo!e, B. ta Rordf li re- -t , laa! w rcoommenato tiie l.o..i of a i Hi fr.a d of r .1: i e .: KlT--

toawciii.il t.. ester FritiJsara tl. "f itea ty?g?.-- t oer, T ll.d by M Js. I'. Ii ill Co ; ad iha- - aai4piprw.ii o re aiil mt t ,, rL.na L , A,r,.sai'.ura' et,fc.i; w li not rie5 w .ri.a touaoief-6c- msu; oort oihr'tiian ...;d a rs n

A Co;.- -. A:;o-t- ,

W. C.LYI.E.SSC scThe Jo'.r al i;;i it i n w propose I tj in ac- -rdaneewiiu tus rrqa rinaeits of u. KcatvK-k- a at A

iica tuia r,r,w, bt as emi rtb; its SC"Jan i a any 1 OA' tl.--td s Hi. h i i or..-- tit La ;i.: Ui P njn.to ahi.j.e to eni't 'he he titien: nnj u tsthif or tn oniou ii. f.imo s ci; o. i i 5i mm 'i ta alienpt.'.b..cal."n - h. aoii of fore n coi.mne.lae pmr w.Ii pin is e.t er w..l'' i. teen t'.,w q i1 .,..,i H sn lir a.tih a. 9. It wm to n two ru uatrs ! Mti.nr raa terMining taree haad el and tv- - n meii, for wh chmt ha c- ior 6.udr;w.u ,i attas coi ofpripinn tuem. to us "iKr g two Vol ss n tnin. ... w. tw wr ,r.ru ,ui.,aat inQ.ia'Si.wd Are--

itwuj.M i lertrr-it- a I or o ;g JjJ r.As ths papr n isu tiie MrcH-it-,- sod Faroe's'."'" " ;a ir i o, i.grti,, a, i. ,rni ,.w il (. ai!.l n fara'SB t.ie and f ai est isrr:s !a

TliX.lOns Cop.", per annum .tawTen Copies, to o ie a d'es ... 1$ CO

I'fy.bis inrinab y m a.aawit

hL.MilKi SliiOCL CF EDICI.E,i;v.

ss.satliaess.on f the r aico! of Vd:- -win eoiumei es on .arst jioz 'ay ia Mosro- -

. ro"'.t-- io r won" s .us it4 mtaaryIb'.mgii th. m. n h. m.ii br me i"e i.tths and ticawsjiat t;. Haei,u;. by P.ot

FACCLTY.B. w Dad.ss, Erv?ntus Pn eso- - o;" Asitmy and Sur.

Job a Ka d.n, M. D., ObslorKs and iasassa of woand c'

Thar.es W Wneht . u . im n.i Toxico't ry.Hnry B.i'litr. i. i, r i iolcg nj fv 1 ,.. jy.Ihs ..lores E I., i aory aud Praot.es si jiej..T. O K.chirlion, .1 i Pri.-.-c ? es aad Piac'.ics of

uri-i- '.

N. B. "I. D .,: L.i:sr.a d.c 4 and Taeopea- -tr.ohi S. 3n i, II. D., APinFJi I B iia, .. jr o- - AnoaaThe fe- -j tor th sir re e m to $1 ij -ri taovuon fee to be pid .ac8 011 y. 35 aeetiag t cast

vrnutia .on i sMM ,v,trr..iu !.i- - ty. a obt it yon.1 bjsr

ni by ipD.f ii tli .1 in.t v ..."oi ee,-- n trts ,ontiot Grssa aaU F.ft i :.

J ) f r HADrf.iyl d:fcweowtoctlst De of ills Faca.iy.

or.EOORT fc SIACP.T.Maaia?rr the Xemnr ky Slate Lotteriesactisjiis roa mi wjji sm i.0 JctT llitiloadev .

itCapital ... tu.ooo ...T.ciie 4 30.Mosday.. i ll tC?ilal ii!.$a7.'oii'..". ...X.cke t KTne. lavCapit1 1.000.' 7 ...licet- -

la y$1ii

(gTuesdar 'a y li.Ctpifl "."...'sco.lod"; ...Tick $sWeJaasav.. .. ,'a'rCapital ....$10,006.".' .. Tirl- -t j$v liiesd:ty.

ClT'il ... iii i.oiHt . TicketJJ1

$t tlCv.Mi '".'.M.boo. July H.

'.".'.". ...T.c'ei $ 90TaarsjavCapita'. V.V.I 12b'.ooo.'.V ...Txket $.

s.Fr t'ar

Cp."l '.V.'ib'.-'roti'"."- . ...Tirk-- i."j y


85noay ... . Jn - jyCapital. '.'. 1 7. 50O.'. ...T.ckts$ so; urday Ja's it.Capital .V.'.'j'CVoo'.'VV ,.k.CZ"i $1Saturday .. ... Ju v

CVM'fl . ... 87.500. ".ckets $ CO

CT" We woni; call he attention of the ooblie to 'he nowbxh for br.ii.ancy w .ivie w:a shsmes of.

caEGOHYkMArHYirsth. !mauLrrfiaSem!t i.oi:er:e.f Vor r.cire:ornnrlofT .lr. .l.!:es 'ha maTtareTs.Ail correoorii.'eoce Vrct.y e.ut iat,i. h PnuteoDn""?t ill be ma l ta al'o s'aiax or JerariPosiie ore-n- d oa al aufv ro o:nrs: alsooa alllr'viii ent n.-- at I.

rtV.ler frr? tha eon-t- trf rtrt"""'I litt.iKIHY MACR7.

11 lkw Maaageis KeatuciT Sut Loi.erv


'l"tt. .n.i a ta. aA tnea.-- )lo:.!nr O t iber aa.leo i".rii-aa- moat ha

HON. IIFN3Y P'HTLT:. L. L. D .Prnror o: ion.l Law. Fai ty ana Commsro-a- l

!!OT. J VilF." PSYOro.f Dt of 'hi H..".-- r aJ it 0.' f jw, iaeloJajt.'.f Co nmoa La v ff r.

HO.f. WILLIA'I F. BULLOPr.f tae Lnt of T?h! Proper r ,f xhm Pru- -

if .i lat.ui ia r ei.iir.ga u A.V or,c.lie Muten's r arraacel .111 '. t..i..nir, scrnr.t.a to tr.e.r iiruac. oc a, tjci a n ,4.

qu.red uvery 1 to s:u a n a a trxt . k. aad la--ruc.ion i g... . n as i' -- vri I11H1..S! nn, r'l t .. a

ard a e. m rue 1' irv t'rooi ibe Pro "scr j'.'.-- ti fo ta.it. K tea P o i.tre-'- ta.cn ii tsslscta.- -

.0 a two .ia. s ail , asoa" fur J. ui.Ine studi n in ti La I'enjftaicn! f the Cai-:si-

are em i.eo ij teau, w inoat ra i 1. .' . iec nr. ia ' a.no,c vi 4t;?irime,n oa iiaii"r; :1 ,iiLit,.m Tt

Mata'e.a u710111 . th s I : a ce.ica lo ursotsLw in a h Co irt, ot s Nta.Alarg L:b'a-- n s osea prvKim eJ, la sriich additionsare sanua.lv at vie.

AU conim iniiru.or. j n tie r pst'nen Vi'JV tj.r.i t rii asS'Io PlRrLF.eUdlawi h. A.oaiv.l.a, Ky.

Trr.ii' seep.Oflfk pennd rt.n: whr. Saaia-- r .!.i'rt d ti.r;i t ion E . Uu vr:a".l puns:ior sa.s 'h3tVa and re ., o

JllltCS. WI.NGATS k CO.J 1j d3ia for 2 2

FAR.ll TOll SILL.4 tut. Cm .11... n.i. . - ......j .v- -

tJiank i ti.o oaio r ner ia k't ucy, k. o"aa Hab.d. n A,anui:i, s oaer. j x 9 ..n &ccoi,h dt b(

ierus. 1: 1 .my ioortn m.'.e' iVis Li.ni-v.- ieoniistiag 01" 1JX, r:rn b..f.c.ui .s 1. a weil euit.v- -Ud.tin .moro..l. wi.a .i bu.lu i',lc. sic.

Far tsriaa iiiJ fail rart,i?nir arnn re nn th. r.mra.J M JU t w t.

Or.J ". OKIKUV,Jyl dla vitiwi orLr il irkot lad tii ttrt.ca.

THE SECRET CITY.GREAT SILG OF TOW.N LOTS.T- r.3.30. et! KstaaaaJ MtanjaClar ag Cn--

auv av.xi ti tr aai aid riug 3) ta. w,.lXr for sue. to tne ai i.4t b.Jer. 4 n j.r J.ar.lilUis for baa aw parj oe. machitis a..p.. r ... no.

,U .141 l.U.a M41411 9 J iU4M4M4 lM A Hi

n.ity of Pn'Mki. and St a' of I.l.ao s aztmBeiTt oartivbiJAY, Ji.y lia, :3Ja. aad c.-Ja..,- g fiajt d. tit

The Lnd ow d br this Codd-b- a il.r ln.linnL.h!.Itiee.a.d proposed to Ov o.f.i.i for Is. a.-- e.a itm !ocatloa lu. Oa4 mv, s.x ui si.iim s idclio. w.tatie Jillsibl. 11 a I. ti nml ttaoi. xniLt fr m .,wr.

t in. h g st stage of waier, and x ia eua I asDclow an QOslrucl uiis Sr,i4i uii, naiiiir Irum m

or itroa.i.t in sa nu.s.". Has 111 4..UJ.11 m.imkI.o fo. ta H4T, est t.r..r .1 an U uurn

Latporiuai is sow in a.r.ct c .uii' o":ou, tuur times caiir.wit., in gret li nio si. ca rai Kai.r- lu.ru .1 mi.rs iOuvs

tsrmiuus. ani aaov. an uin ..1 .m w...nieai. 01 a Drancu railroad tae. ni.Us iou2. tLe ropi ty

ft 11 M.ocatioii; n ,e i.' rrj. EauU, imt parfCtn nvo u 1 j saa.. s e c.i d .1 y ov.r 1.1m ioda.lae vanl .geou a.11 a.a lo. .: 01 u La.s Piacs, its A-

buny at a 1 t ori .ad .t 11, t 11. 0 4r by iiv.r.poial il oni a. :ie grea .roii-.g pL.O: :a. .ar..i.aber 01 lailroad- - passing and ;roiiu.;u is h'unjh ib.sg.sat tPiilcvol ta l.si 0.1, au luiSiv-CL- a aad eraeicu o'.acr al litis ureal e .a ui.11 cn-- . 0 il l:...

adu.t.oa to the a.lv mtairs 01 tar,, a. v.rl sxtsuos!tacilltie. wij uf M,,i'r riv r. Mar a.

t.rsof mors 1.11.1 a. rt :i'iui,: runi.iw d.m1 s roiot.ilra.ning iua iiTis.'auie ao ss 01 tas mot irt .

amis uf lao k WJTii w .rij. id aoanog all t t.ir a nlprotiucts py mean of tb aiu aud ..1, .. pp nraiala10 cu I ! Jiex.t o. aa l tasoe tor . it t 1 'obe.

Alverv ia.;it.tr lor 4. at .u , .r,4.i m rtrine t.wn in tos wor d itmiue at: aL uad: nna. o.iirr..., c, ,;..n. au.i ti.i.b-- r. uraur el iy any utaw

ctioa .itueno a 'ia t.oni.t.tr or vur.-l- r. r 4 1 1..bad 11 the greatest .b iuanc w t i UbiLteirnjisd oaaas.

enm uun.c tlo,. wiia anr ai.l aii tKi.nis. .salson, wieraoy tile man tuac lured a. t.tle oaa ad 4 n.4 1,1It.lo'it de a .

Intae mdsl cf one of the m t iertil r.ot. ml th.. 1,1. ihs g t ou t f.jr t aturin 11.1 .a t.i.r rst of .Sonse a nil ok.w letoer sji,a, Cal:l". So. aother pr.lac s 01 th. aoii r ot .t cmac r aaai.ers become tne great ent',,t ia Wiii.

In point ol heait.a. 1 ing aiir i aa l drr ir admiaami and meh.'.e vnporn. w, a c 9'. braioc bra-- s

ue nv-r- s in sosime- - a.:J a 01 .d. rs.i.ai cl aat in frw.nter, frt fro extremes ai any seao. lonatmi, raw.th ny ot ii p. ere at oa ta Wiut.n, O 10. hii 1.

J r.t 1.1 b autv of iie. 01 01 11 rz ,.d. d ista ap tbrL.o and UOTa tlis i ts Brr. w. i t... i.nto r 4nu. . .1

he.vaylimhe.cd lant m i" vj c. am t at uasaotval. at.d in.t ths i.rea. An .i.tr-- t i f tra I a .r- -

ie ix pi ice ) ab..sad.U ia ni tuo rM"..S4tea forirge anil populous rity1 o tne asecaaa c. the' me e'ltnt. th - - .or.l m.. ..Jhe aaaaol w.v.rn,.toif.r u , tao Drec:.J- -n lac t rat b ghway of th fade aad eommerc ! In s

1 njon. it eaaaot 1.4 to maori a.ai.aaat . osrt aad pruS". ta S.l tvuo mav casi lb. or tot m au.

ptnlst.aaod.o i,tiotol. the "sbe'toa Xnnmn " lnl.. 1.

ration since ti.s irr. a .f May lust, u..r los char ilB. She ton. Isteof L.xit-lo- Ky , wo ca a sirea.iv earned tb lidii oi bvinj laeb.-- i aote. inu:h.r.Illinois. A wsk r newso .er. th." .s'maai r .nn... ,., "been :a.'ii4hel tune, and ua aurcaiy reavae 11 s

J.i one Tsara-r-- . tais lth d.iv of J.o. . ri. r d r. lo..ii;f ir.il4(, .lii.iul XAmr 4 .11 .41 mi; t

ly it ha sooi-- t l.3 1 s?k tao ur. a'ti-r- i tur..n h..ttbloa,ae iDital ol ovr il.MM. in .1.1 l.n kubt 1' ax id mroaie, m l aad abov is

1 lisihlliv, 0 mors'Saa $ajvi.t0.a n.nn.lauis. ru.rctkdpot. hotel. It.It is to aim of the Board of Ti rsc t Oaks FsIrOas- -a a poice where 1.0 mat aft., ear t si.j ua a.4 tiy. aud as f.r ka ii ihm i.. 10 urou r rtrk of -.t sim ea.:a:rcej larenour e A Aa. i"..w of ivvck to e. four stori- - s h e.

Porpoe; lotlge 00m ii .ibrar in a .u ' ju :o s'or.s oxos StITth drop n, xr. , nanso,r .f scl oaro are hei ug op r i.c'i.-j- a s au IB faii

tit'. ..f orrrt : f r att a.t f iuir means ..ttjn'.r. i asilis. oi.e e.aud or o.r bop r ia cour

St'e.'tiOo.ard o" 1. .g tBOTts ii sar.y aJ Cvoi.iensvcr.o' n 1'irt. r.Srno and e urcae. j.ri! ml juo: e W)aares, haebea sToiy t.ri.ded fi.r: su.l ia im t'tanAraieai M t

plans of the Aiat:i a aa - h eca had ailt in ' inoii .'r-'.- -, .o". a.. loiiiivjiinnti nii ueT'9 sspo-ae- .

I upon m. i..ia .1 1.1. ;ara .. ia fMtfront by ITS .entd en: lot rta - ,,T ot ,VB .t front, - y ,1 w v. -- r 4

.ach. wtiaos of sa a ka-- T

..Is.errlavor ib:.. so a to cm. unia lb i.ata .

Th. a- tim"ror thea-ov.- ,.

u i.ig i.tnitil l.aat uor.o w.ii ga d.4.piatd tf n scr it.E e-fjnrh cash raml; ta. la.i e it tar )uil aoaaai aitr n -r COiit o.t u.,.' . J 'r- - flu purchase.. oot.i l

u ch .a avrarran'. J .tj a j..a ta md aa-- tii.l vnn uf Boivs.- aiu.y Ay airci.ss.rof1..U .rri.ti r b 4 jt t atn any ioipnrchas-i- s antial ! :m- - naia t .. saartier th st al no. vSt.",1V?',niS :."' sti" '. w 6re.,mun .VAe,,.. j i. m ,u. B lw, hom4asof aie nea PTena-e- r sw.a rflr-- JLtrt .s.n 1 id -

raa' tV.ti'iu .paa ia.r.01 ; or. 5a.it upon it in Ti.nr.r dwithin eietitr.n ."I'll f tb ta I'.y f sm s, bsa cbPure baser ,h,n k resassd from siltersst wi'.h 11 e m. -chaa noa.v tliereior.

Vorfurtbrrinto-mttion- , snap, p'ans, kc.arj'TtJ that Mosnd f'tr. Paiaki eoon-v- . r to h

Company's Braacb OlEe. . it M rat Iami st.est.C10.Oinaxtl.

By or.'r ot th Voard of DH HAlXXR.PrssldeaU

3. iwot,Secr'ax.nTyllTa'oi, ' " S' M" Pxak

li .. rV J 'To. to. Ky N rsw1:a.a MoxindW"' w rorktii. I exins'oa, K.;Jao.T- -

Pai.iki ctHtat-- ' ' f..h.rt-l- : Dartsl Ater.


a.iarutowa, a.y.; w. m ' Ky.

TALlMBLi: REAL USUI C FliU SALEA-- Hit iir'"i.oi..- - r . 1tJ oj n.o. jrv

i a. lit

aojo a.ai 1 tl'itil,'&.l.' u f.Ttatier. k.m t in 1 e .i

lv us 5J 0 ii le i .. f o'A 0 s 1 it eg . .nr.r on aij ,i.jii i '.Iaere are 1

TLers iwt i t'ue I b.- J ieem ji T. . T .! abM Sl. O A. :rn; T' r .e ii.auservaut's r am. aeaio.atn iti-i- i fcge'L w,;a ch Oi. HI).9EI .44 . - !', w- stho tarn. " 11 Aaj wxfja i J. c

ag a r ' i w. . .an i, u.: nn,,..and o t sues lk ims.c.r'.'i h -' ' d ot liis a a.aiti.saii. ii,- - are tw, ,atu.f M.iai lulor tie r.iue.g w.r i am v s. Ta tts kb lag a i 1m1 ti. r .. pli i: a.lre o d.t us wiou ai jio..e sa.s. vat rsserr- -,

SATURDAY. .EPTEia:a 17.134.A Ljrgs ,o- - of OoOJ ftiMiri'-lt- f ftrui rtsentnou.- - ili?.oit oa:-su- ua i e:h r i t

na ac"?e cr ocd li.d.JwisBi'MrrmUiuT,. s. at Kjoi .c Rosi -T.Mr" " "t" H ' "J '"8" f:, wlfe 1, rd...'af it , ..' , ',,' ;'pas i . ru- - ,.!(, ., d aa mi.. t, .v. v' r f ..oi w.tsr.

"s i'rsT' iI IJAC 10rKYABL4D

wi., hss. di5.--t i.rwt i is ao,T t asd 'ai. iTrilOAT, TH2 2SXU OT AXGXtT. UiflLIt .d.- - .4,...4jw

a.,,c. ? s..o,c ai VJ,y s it of ,.aJTBRICK HaCSES AND tOT.

st- hot . "af.ioa A, iTi..J. r j , ,.,

i i t d is a i ,i L Cocoa . ! , .1 r ,,

trt ,4 01 tr.. L 44 1, T. L "V4A BLACKSViHQ s:io?.OnMr

S'SaJ-j-- sJoa... la.L .t f,'..". s L ii,. ,,.

"anH Vaad arr,..i ,.,o,. - .1. ' .

A'i.itla-- 9

Jfi. li.- aa l lLihl. La-- "a Wj'" '

U. 4.irtl S .r.fos-"o- af

Ta terra of s..,, ...r .l b. pro-r- sn" . ,d

l.OOO ACRES I..O-- FOIZ SALE.i' - "A',11" ta" rs:Ji. r v. r bo'tom. a. f.r, .7. -

raauts con.,.; 0f two - m. luVsl t"a ""'T"vsir.s ooin,u-ic..n- . J"o ....4 ... of i r,..rit fro, ,for., ,'a

tj- - CAlom y ,.,vi 01 a M a ., C ? I k Va -"leoavevwro 1... ,,tm .. u . - V

Add-a- s to t'.aq.r; V, .i,a;T. XJ,jaaaju aw. f . k a, ay. .au ;qm oi

FAR..!1.S HOTEL.soctn iue or mkp.xex street.

aid n.w H. iB h.or.'v.r avoi?.?on. aod a ,aar.r ,a.r- -, wffZftZSfo-- t , rveaot. lis Hoas

irPf'oll.s TToai 'sreaerW tu aj forPsr- -i.r. t.ul at .lorlgns. By.Jdiawrf Ja. M wALLfKt.

PHCENIX FOUNDRY,Ttl tl., btL Mm tnd CtnL

OrriCE OUTH SIDB MA I a STREZT.JlLfTa AM9 TI1T3.ryf. ir. oa ai w.;s,. a gent, m naw, s,,,

l n. vs j"Cari-sg- .,m.a Cm 5, raWsV.,Car 11. tins , AU S? au.a, il j. DoA,4MS:j?a&. a. way on ia. d

I10TCHKI9J' REACTION WAXES YUMHf 0r,t iv f.,A urg. t nf s for M.'.l Car,n aLat;rg ., at ta Brt c. "

aDl3d3k-- a- a--i I. imLOBs Llg. Zt

J0B3I F. Gaia j99 KwJ. F. GUNKLE tt CO.,CoEahsloa Sertiants k ?:cin:t Pealtrt

435 3l4f ket Mrau kft. THIrtl au4 FelUlll."hOLMSiVXLLE. KY.H,,.. u ?'""J for "1 ,,r" tint B


QUININE SUBSTITUTE .a ai sresjT a stjtcaa, r



TH Propr r aa J in s 1 1 sabl , a CJ ti la.a ,: t p,i.us.. 11, a. sa. t. a7aid iavr.a.oi. aj,r-n- pat r.i.; ",." T. ..a ,o4u.i a; last it is i . ...'..en ..i m.r-- a ko-- rg 1 .j ri40n. ii.i


J i"-- 0 ti 't 4U4..1 4l.,Ctr. ilin... w,. a . toj11 h,a.ta..i,:t .irg o. s s.,r la.rw.-oi- su two p. a.. , oi ij.m v,.-',- ,ZTtlibop,., , .4 .tl roi ,1 o,.-o- . 4 ,s. , , , JJm; .aoa i.J-.t.- ,'. d y nt !,waaj :b mi 0 t a -r . a. in..! a!a .a"i'VT". llu4';a.. ihea be o ,ai. 1 , farai- -

s 1: 1 a,. . ., 1 1. - v, i au.iy r .coin aa.au . as ua. t) m!N a r.- - 4 c 4

383Ui:a strs4t,bet. iOvo I n h.IjJU diiwj Ld.STU4 Mt.

Great Western Empariaa.f. .MTtl.it, GOLLn

Jlanaiactiirar md Who!ea.9 ni Kaii DatgJittLa all k.inus of

LIGHTNINQ RODSOK UPril08 QT ALITT.Also Sealer la Pateai BLi.t,(HmiIaIu nn , .

AV3aig. ovi drta ..." (iTIlX ill ir't S

R. BIGGS & CO.,MAStrrOTBtt o

LIOHTM 0 HonajOfthbgAauH aaala-- t aty 11,1, aaJ rttAL5U,U1AJI F3U.WDERS A TO TI.TISHK.Ali il intiiae rsrso .! i.njis) f

BXAS3 wca;LTim tra t.btw Mi!aaaMtrk


.V0.4 1. Wa:T FOc lThtTRCIT. ri.YjlsfS.iTf.

O.- -.J . rt h, Kuj4. aa.laar- f ti. -- Peun e ..oa I. 1 .i...," f oxtfe- - of" " ' ' " "d.c4 r

--ol uiee, eg 1.4.'"' L il, B.rm.'.r.k4eatak.apb ir--iKj vwilc-Mi-.rn'' )"- M- fc'on.r yr--

' i.i:.nait, .bio iawitt a aa.v a.. f. .aauien- - y .oo.fc.i al KhtMfe ai.waa. a.. .so.-,a- .

:."V wua ni t a - at - - v.' ."-(- ? i.lB oJviwa,, iou.lat- -

oflU ' f a. ,. .hi, to tbir lagenios. onoeasi'i'. e.-'- siisarta 4 of tr, l .iHim o a. t'T - (ia M Jr.-- Ti'ilACH.. Lltia. K D h f. T , OM : o; TT--3i Hs,o"C:is, u4 MU Oe" THi X; 0I.Hsv.ne en... or.nl ti. u ol ." of Par. 4.

f a aar ons a on C .nria. b. id oo4. 1 Sf'isrn.r It will lov li4d of .vsrv l!"- - S kal ol J , O,r.eTsi oat e.l y oo a a.t h ..

Tgaoapri vi ia n M s at :c a ua ituviiudki 'tHlA la' id. . c . 4 ...an t thftn hy t..r h inri rung I , 1 'm tjtio of bir svoiororn. a.Ai I i.tt.r :y at a: a rw'"t- - meat ean...

-r sTsmp to pr pay t oosn 'at., a ara- (tom a

nl t njv,... rQ.ii.ui.f ta, r 1. 1 ..m ? A. M to TP vf. D . H. K. It OT "avTTi

Vo XI W.. Fm-t- i sUt. i!.l 1. O ao,1 Jl ', 'o 'wi. .w y r. J f ftraa


THi. t.a ia mt al .(u.. 4,1 L.sta ia a ".wi.l cv r on tQ ftrti 1 una., ..ii.4t.aa4terai.nat oa lb isst o4 T. 1.h f low at a .1:

M ry M.i-- r. M P .r"i.cg ' OV itri t Sic MLur.st r l P , H O , PM.awr 01 Pao,,aa P.Th .t0g ! Aa'tyl.wi r. it. Pr, i.uor of Ta.cry sail fot i. ic.neBsar.ra a k t H. D., Profsssor f Dt.jiranil H.ire .1 An.:J. L.w. c Si., ta. i. 0 , hro.Msnt of Medavl Caea-i-rand Talic.ugT.

B Tr "rio,i!i D" 'rof MatatM d ca I a.Jo.h. H P'.ii.t. il. O . IT.rfr of la-- e

8 4s.. a.tr' ox .4 a aconiA1 h f. 'or a.! uti .a t.i3. t,,c IMO(

li (SU. a a il.strghir I . - aa u .Zm 'Z.tr;a :oand U rrytr soTikf. $1. (Va, hTm.i P k'ic. rit.a '. -L ," C "'1'':"- - tXZi"" r" .aA pr- -l a of lreSOT. 4,

out add.,.,, A. -, dar r, iU 'ZiU'J' KS?r"

i."JT ''kTif''"B, ra ,, ,v,. ., .1,. Loj4--?J?r '.v",W", P'' ' ""! .0" .dw,,,,,,e'lTt' KV,, " ind ,,'r'"a T i . .m.... rm r i. a .ts twiwti.,,,,,,,,,, ,1 'V

f .1 w" -- r -f i,?''. fan b. gl a v. .Ia"?w R. PLME.f n.n.BftKfjsK

SMITH'SImproved Lightning KocLjIWliCLD 3tfa:'v af . in b. pohts wl-m- t sat d!t v ui (.. ,;m.VO ti T ox.ta j.H.olLVE PLATf D At.i:u 'ITTa. rui4 sir. io.n rt ir no a.e. s momss. .r ii! Of" Hr .a a ir f.nor sae al. A t rt. iKia.t. .it m. t rraat to a. if aoor ai r. a.!.

P- - stay nTn sl'. ei'!g rrt .' Arnrv s- OOO i , 5,, 444VO4UO W.la44) W9r'4- -ssf. ca.I w.ii - evi - rtvta .v. i4rMsbo i.l r.t ti er.ail t.ctvsiion. t t t',. .I ii 13 :aaac"..?t ua - tt.-- sa ,aofitnrv.

rl- - I IX T . M .au ...-.,- .Icl.a4tr.et. a r I r.1.spy Ikwtm I m Kf

i COUNTY. KY..,.,boo-ri-- h t. "imiH,,,-,,,,,- ! r.. 4 a.,. m m p , fa-- t

' i tVnra; towa Ismpk.. It sia b. f irbour.fr , I on ' r i.t tan.,, w. - ..a nrsctaaa. taai4 rifasU, in sil .ki'ii,,vFsrte-asaa- d tr sre, esqi oj W.fc, Oit. .g, ,4 . iaiia..... i.

br'r w Th " , C 454.1..yt Him tep a of C -- rt f ."

jl r!.TVEE .0TICE

T11 r save- - ' rt 0 th- - 'a- - sa I WtM rai.ut'f a Tiws tv. v.r 'sl PU.

,,j too- S ' wa s w,,i aa p s.ir.,a v. .g w ' t'or-n- i i.d ' fa 01 h ia aM art.',)tpot ra b go, aad at ta. .w.a p

;y4wtf Jii. aUTTI CO,