Bishop’s Message Editorial Photo Gallery Family Through The Eyes of A Layman 1 - 5 6 - 7 8 - 10 11 ELCM Outreach Ministries ELCM Events / News Updates ELCM Diakonia Ministries Two-fold Diocesan Objective ‘09-’20 12 13 - 15 15 16 In the gospel of Mark 3: 19- 33, the evangelist reported that “Jesus entered a house.” He was ministering to the people. He and his disciples were hungry when this decision was made. As Jesus was proceeding to reach this house in Galilee, the news of his ministry was causing a great stir. Mary, his mother, and his brothers had left home to “seize him” like a story in an old Tamil movie. Jesus arrived but the house was empty and the crowd had not left him. As he was cautioning the people about blaspheming against the Holy Spirit, Mary and her other sons arrived and could not enter the house. So they stood outside and sent word to him. Someone told Jesus, “Your mother and your brothers are outside asking for you.” Jesus replied, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” Looking around at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” Mark did not tell us if Jesus or the apostles had a meal that day, but I am sure Mary would have found a way to feed them with some food on that day. Jesus had a family. God our Father ensured that he had a moving and caring earthly father and mother and siblings to grow up with. ey were the reason that we think Jesus had a healthy childhood, learnt carpentry, learnt the Scriptures, listened to the entire story that was passed around the community and learnt various other responsibilities. Most importantly, it was the family which nurtured him. ough they did not understand who he was, they were not a stumbling block that needed to be dealt with. His family felt fear of harm to Jesus, as the above text tells us, but eventually they understood, in a painful way I think, and followed him. I often ask myself what it could have been like for Jesus to be part of a family. Surely Mary, Joseph and their children loved him. I think they knew how society can sometimes be cruel and that was why when they heard of the commotion that was caused in Galilee because of Jesus’ teaching, the whole family quickly went after him in order to save him. But Jesus responded in a way that is often inexplicable! A Calling of God As the year progresses, my thoughts are increasingly drawn to the nature of our own families, the way we make decisions and a need to reassert a biblical and sensible approach to families. ere is always a rumble in the diocese over positions, over resources and over recognitions and so forth. Sometimes, feelings are hurt and, sometimes, we feel irreconcilable. ese are part of life and, particularly, Church life and we should be better than that. Nevertheless, as long as they do not consume the better part of our Church life, it is alright! It is in our human character to quarrel and fight over small Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia Internal Circulation August 2012 10 th Edition

Lutheran Herald - 10th Edition

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Lutheran Herald - 10th Edition

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Bishop’s MessageEditorialPhoto GalleryFamily Through The Eyes of A Layman

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ELCM Outreach MinistriesELCM Events / News UpdatesELCM Diakonia MinistriesTwo-fold Diocesan Objective ‘09-’20

1213 - 15 1516

FamilyIn the gospel of Mark 3: 19-33, the evangelist reported that “Jesus entered a house.” He was ministering to the people. He and his disciples were hungry when this decision was made. As Jesus was proceeding to reach this house in

Galilee, the news of his ministry was causing a great stir. Mary, his

mother, and his brothers had left home to “seize him” like a story in an old Tamil movie. Jesus arrived but the house was empty and the crowd had not left him. As he was cautioning the people about blaspheming against the Holy Spirit, Mary and her other sons arrived and could not enter the house. So they stood outside and sent word to him. Someone told Jesus, “Your mother and your brothers are outside asking for you.” Jesus replied, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” Looking around at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” Mark did not tell us if Jesus or the apostles had a meal that day, but I am sure Mary would have found a way to feed them with some food on that day.

Jesus had a family. God our Father ensured that he had a moving and caring earthly father and mother and siblings to grow up with. They were the reason that we

think Jesus had a healthy childhood, learnt carpentry, learnt the Scriptures, listened to the entire story that was passed around the community and learnt various other responsibilities. Most importantly, it was the family which nurtured him. Though they did not understand who he was, they were not a stumbling block that needed to be dealt with. His family felt fear of harm to Jesus, as the above text tells us, but eventually they understood, in a painful way I think, and followed him. I often ask myself what it could have been like for Jesus to be part of a family. Surely Mary, Joseph and their children loved him. I think they knew how society can sometimes be cruel and that was why when they heard of the commotion that was caused in Galilee because of Jesus’ teaching, the whole family quickly went after him in order to save him. But Jesus responded in a way that is often inexplicable! A Calling of GodAs the year progresses, my thoughts are increasingly drawn to the nature of our own families, the way we make decisions and a need to reassert a biblical and sensible approach to families. There is always a rumble in the diocese over positions, over resources and over recognitions and so forth. Sometimes, feelings are hurt and, sometimes, we feel irreconcilable. These are part of life and, particularly, Church life and we should be better than that. Nevertheless, as long as they do not consume the better part of our Church life, it is alright! It is in our human character to quarrel and fight over small

August 2012 10th Edition Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia Internal Circulation August 2012 10th Edition

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matters. Today, I invite you to think over and struggle with a bigger issue- “family.” Family is a permanent human community that one enters by birth, marriage or adoption. In the Bible, the first community on earth was the family (i.e. Adam & Eve-the simplest & smallest family unit) predating the Church or the nation. Family is not a human invention but a divine creation. Family is not a matter of convenience or human choice. It is a matter of vocation and the calling of God. So we are invited to find God at the centre of family life, in all of its dynamics and complexities.

The idea of “family” comprising a father and mother with their children, as the basic unit of society has a long history. To sustain this sort of “family” we need a society that is stable and materially progressive, and that has all the modern-day amenities, stable income and a balanced demography. Today in Malaysia, it is normative to think of a “family” in this way. If we think more deeply, however, we see that it is not really the case. Though the Bible is full of families, we see that it uses the term “household.” In fact, the Old Testament seems to avoid the term “family” which reflects the nature of the basic unit of society.

In the past, where life was more insecured, orphans were more frequent. They were absorbed into the homes of any “family” of relatives or friends and became a “household” because the resources of the man would be shared with the orphans or widows. Diseases were often the cause of this but war made this worse. Whether mothers die earlier or not, generally men are lost more frequently because they can be recruited into the armies or the first to be killed in a raid or they have gone off to trade and have died in distant places. It is now easier to see why the patriarchs of the Bible always had very large households. They were shepherding and trading, and their “households” were almost a tribe consisting of their “own family” that included servants, slaves, concubines, wives (if any) and the children of all these people and their children.

A Blessing to be a FatherTo be the head of a household is a blessing! To be able to care for someone who is not your own and share all that you have with him or her is a blessing. To be able to work faithfully with a wife is a blessing. To be

able to walk with God is a blessing. Yet, it is not easy to overcome barriers to accommodate other people’s children. Sometimes, our own cultural complexities designate other people as alien or unclean. Our women sometimes have trouble dealing with children that are not their own because they have this strong maternal bond with children they give birth to and which they have difficulty forging with other children. In such cases, even the feelings of young children are poisoned. Sharing of family resources is also a problem, especially when it comes to inheritance. And if God is not at the heart of the family, feelings are hurt. An opportunity for blessing is turned into waste. We know that when a father fails in his duty, the consequences are felt even after two generations, but we often fail to see that when we bless someone, the blessings are felt even after two generations! When we bless an orphan, we also bring blessings upon our own family.

Modern WorldLast month, we heard news from Darfur in southern Sudan that the refugee camps were entirely inhabited by children – all the adults had died! United Nations workers merely pair them off to families who are willing to take them in. Is not Malaysia like that too? In this generation, we have numerous orphanages run by NGOs, churches and, most importantly, government bodies. I believe that the total number housed in the “homes,” “rumah yatim” and “orphanages” is easily more than a million. I use the word “housed” because the children in these homes are fatherless. The Scripture (Authorised Version) uses the word “fatherless” 43 times, while the word “orphan” is used just once. The truth is this: orphanages provide everything the children need for their physical well-being but the children grow up in an environment that is not invested in their future but only their current well-being. This is not a criticism of our orphanages. They are fulfilling an essential task in society and the efforts of the care-givers there are to be commended for their selfless sacrifices. However, orphanages should not be a normal part of society as otherwise they will always remain a symptom of our dysfunctional condition as a society.

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Why is this so?The answer probably lies somewhere here: The Bible talks about “household” rather than “family” because we need to meet the physical needs of children, namely, food, shelter, clothing, safety and security. This is something which orphanages do. The head of the biblical household also provides two more things that orphanages cannot do: moral authority and spiritual guidance. Orphanages try to give some spiritual guidance but even the little often comes under attack from certain quarters because they want the children to grow up and make a decision for themselves. While this idea is completely irresponsible, orphanages cannot possibly replace the father as the moral authority in the life of a child. A good father will teach his children what moral authority is all about while a bad father will teach his children what moral authority should not be… but the child, nevertheless, will come to learn what true moral authority is. A father is part of a child’s spirit until the father dies. So the “fatherless” in the Bible refers to children with no moral and spiritual guidance. To become part of a household (not an orphanage) is to adopt the patriarch as one’s father.

This also, in a way, reflects our own families where we are reluctant to take an orphan into our homes. The law is always afraid that the fatherless will be exploited, abused or neglected. It is afraid that the child may be emotionally distressed by the favouritism we show to our own children against the others. We often hear that the orphans are really the problem of someone else’s irresponsibility and so stigmatise the child. Adult survivors of foster homes tell of their keen awareness of such dynamics and it is only when they have children of their own do they realise their own judgments as compared to those of their foster parents. For these and possibly other reasons, we prefer to contain such potential heartaches in orphanages. Are orphanages a solution or should we develop a different sensibility towards abandoned and underprivileged children in our society?

Towards a Different SensibilityELCM is largely a Church which has somewhat a higher tolerance of the poor and a greater understanding of the problems of poverty. Poverty exerts a force that tends to create deviation in the traditional methods of family formation. This dysfunctional condition has caused disadvantages to the women and children as, on the

one hand, it perpetuates poverty while, on the other, it marginalises them away from the social norms of the Church and society. Our historical and the Indian demographic factors contribute to its complexity. The end result is that we have growing numbers of single-mothers and applicants to orphanages. The ELCM ministers to orphans and other neglected and underprivileged children through Rumah Hope in Petaling Jaya, Rumah Chrestus in Cheras, our contact ministry in Trinity Home at Old Klang Road,

Petaling Jaya and also through our special “adoption work” carried out by the ELCM Women’s Care and Counselling Centre in Port Klang. These children are those who have been denied a fair chance to a decent family life! It is heartwarming to know that these children are blessed through the families of the ELCM and other well-wishers. Is your family involved in this blessed ministry to the orphans and other neglected and underprivileged children?

ELCM is moving our care-giving ministry (“social ministry” is really

not the correct term) in this direction. I urge you to think of how blessed you are for being able to keep your family under your moral authority and loving embrace. I also urge you to think of all the people who will go to bed not knowing what it means to be part of a family – their stomachs will be filled but their spirits will have holes. A new sensibility calls us not to be moralistic or judgmental. Our pastoral and spiritual sense should strive to correct deviations from the norm in families and we should not be punishing the people. A shepherd loses his sheep because the sheep is a foolish animal – its nature is to get lost. A silver coin is lost because the owner is careless – one cannot possibly complain that the coin ran away, can we? We need to actively do something for them to reflect the love that our Lord has shown us as an example. So long as it is not someone who willfully turns away from the love of the father or mother, we must deal with the problem of family formation among the poor and underprivileged with firmness and compassion. I commit these thoughts to you to reflect and prepare your hearts for the changes that are about to come to our community. May your families be blessed as you serve the Lord and mankind.

Rt Rev Dr Solomon RajahBishopEvangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia18th July 2012

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Nguhaupd; nra;jp

tpNtfkhd topfspy; FLk;gq;fis mZFtjpd; mtrpaj;ij kW cWjpg;gLj;Jjy; Mfpatw;wpy; vdJ rpe;jid ,Uf;fpwJ. ekJ jpUr;rigapy;> gjtpfs; tsq;fs;> ghuhl;Lfs; Mfpatw;iwf;Fwpj;J vg;NghJNk KDKDg;G ,Uf;fpd;wJ. ,jdhy; rpy rkaq;fspy; czu;Tfs; fhag;gLj;jg;gLfpd;wd. rpy rakq;fspy; ehk; ,ij ,dp rupnra;a KbahJ vd epidf;fpNwhk;. ,it ahTk; ,e;j tho;f;ifapd;> Fwpg;ghf jpUr;rig tho;fifapd;> xU gFjpNa. ehk; ,ijtplrpwe;jtu;fshf ,Ug;gJ mtrpak;jhd; ,Ue;jNghjpYk; ,it jpUr;rig tho;f;ifapd; rpwe;j gFjpia cl;nfhs;stpl;lhy; guthapy;iy. rpwpa tp~aj;jpw;nfy;yhk; NghuhLtJ ekJ jd;ikahFk;. ,d;W “FLk;gk;” vd;Dk; kw;nwhU ngupa gpur;ridia gw;wp rpe;jpj;Jg; NghuhLk;gb ehd; cq;fis miof;fpNwd;.

FLk;gk; vd;gJ> gpwg;G> jpUkzk; my;yJ jj;njLg;G %yk; tuf;$ba xU epue;jukhd kdpj r%fk;. Ntjhfkj;jpd;gb G+kpapd; Kjy; FLk;gk; Mjhk; Vths; vd;gtu;fspd; kpf vspjhd rpwpa FLk;g gpupthFk;. ,J jpUr;rig my;yJ xU Njrk; cUthFk; Kd;Ng ,Ue;jJ. FLk;gk; xU kdpj fz;Lg;gpbg;G my;y> ,J xH nja;tPf gilg;G. FLk;gk; flTspd; nray;. FLk;g tho;f;ifapd; rpf;fy;fspYk; mjd; ,af;fj;jpYk;> flTis ikakhf itf;f miof;fg;gl;bUf;fpNwhk;. xU jha; je;ij mtu;fspd; gps;isfs; mlq;fpa xU FLk;gNk xU r%fj;jpd; mbg;gilahf ,Uf;fpwJ vd;w fUj;J xU ePz;l tuyhw;iw nfhz;Ls;sJ. ,t;tpjkhd FLk;gj;ij epiy epWj;Jtjw;F> epiyahd tUkhdk;> etPd fhy trjpfs;> rPuhd kf;fs; njhif Mfpatw;iwf; nfhz;l Xu; epiyahd tsKs;s r%fk; Njit. ,d;W kNyrpahtpy; xU FLk;gk; ,t;tpjj;jpy; ,Uf;fpwJ vd;W rhjhudkhf ehk; epidf;fyhk;. Mdhy; ,ijf; Fwpj;J ehk; rpwpJ Mokhf rpe;jpj;jhy; mJ mt;tsT Rygkhdjy;y vd;W Gyg;gLk;. Ntjhfk fhyj;jpy; mNef FLk;gq;fs; ,Ue;jNghjpYk; ehk; ghu;g;gJ> Ntjhfkk; mtw;iw “tPl;lhu;”; vd;W Fwpg;gpLfpwJ. r%fj;jpd; mbg;gil xUikghl;il gpujpgypf;Fk; tifapNyNa “FLk;gk;” vd;Dk; thu;j;ijia gioa Vw;ghL jtpu;f;fpwJ.

mf;fhy tho;f;if ghJfhg;gw;w epiyapy; ,Ue;jjpdhy; mdhijfs; mjpfkhf ,Ue;jdu;. mg;gbg;gl;ltu;fs;> trjpAs;s cwtpdu; my;yJ ez;gu; FLk;gj;Jld; ,izf;fg;gl;L xNu tPl;lhuhfp> me;j tPl;bd; trjpfspd; gq;fhspfshdhu;fs;. ngUk;ghYk; Neha;fs; mNefiu mdhijfshf;fpdJ. mNjhL Aj;jk; ,e;epiyia NkYk; Nkhrkilar; nra;jJ. jha;khu;fs; Kd;du; ,we;jtpLthu;fNsh ,y;iyNah> nghJthf Mz;fs;> Aj;jj;jpNyh> xUjhf;fFjypdhNyh> tu;j;jfj;jpd; epkpj;jk; nry;Yk; Jhu ,lj;jpNyh ,we;JtpLk; #o;epiy mjpfkhf ,Ue;jJ. ,jdhNyNa Ntjhfkj;jpy; Fwpg;gplg;gLk; Nfhj;jpug; gpjhf;fs; kpfg; ngupa FLk;gj;ijf;nfhz;bUe;jdu;.

je;ijaha; ,Ug;gJ Xu; MrPu;thjk;FLk;gj; jiytuha; ,Ug;gJ xu; MrPu;thjkhFk;. jq;fSf;F nrhe;jky;yhj xUtiu guhkupj;J jq;fsplKs;s vy;yhtw;iwAk; mtUld; gfpu;e;Jnfhs;s epr;rak; xUtu; MrPu;tjpf;fg;gl;ltuhf ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. cz;ikAld; jd; kidtpAld; ciog;gJ Xu; MrPu;thjNk. flTSld; elg;gJk; MrPu;thjNk. ,Ue;jNghjpYk kw;wtu;fspd; gps;isfis guhkupg;gjpYs;s rthy;fis re;jpg;gJ Rygkhdjy;y. rpy Ntisfspy; ekJ fyhr;rhuk; kw;wtu;fspd; gps;isfis


mayu; my;yJ Jha;ikaw;wtu;fs; vd fUjr;nrha;fpwJ. ekJ jha;khu;fSk; jq;fs; nrhe;j gps;isfsplk; fhl;Lk; ghrj;ij kw;wtHfspd; gps;isfsplk; fhl;l rpukg;gLfpwhu;fs;. ,e;j #o;epiyapy; rpW gps;isfspd; czu;TfSk; tp~khf Mf;fg;gLfpwJ. jq;fs; FLk;g nrhj;Jf;fis


gupRj;j kh;f;F 3:20:33y;> “,NaR xU tPl;bw;Fs; gpuNtrpj;jhu;” vd;W me;j RtpNr~fu;; Fwpg;gpLfpwhu;. ,NaR kf;fs; kj;jpapy; Copak; nra;J nfhz;bUf;Fk;NghJ> mtUk; mtuJ rP~u;fSk; grpaha; ,Ue;jdu;. me;j rkaj;jpNyNa ,e;j jPu;khdk; vLf;fg;gl;lJ. mtH fypNyahtpYs;s me;j tPl;Lf;F NghFk; rkaj;jpy;> ,NaRtpd; Copak; mg;gpuNjrj;jpy; mjpf gug;gug;ig Vw;gLj;jpaij Nfs;tpgl;l mtu; rNfhjuHfSk; mtuJ jhahuhfpa kupahSk; jq;fs; tPl;bypUe;J Gwg;gl;L mtiu gpbj;Jf;nfhz;LNghf te;Jnfhz;bUe;jdu;. ,NaR me;j tPl;il mile;jNghJ mJ fhypahf ,Ue;jJ. mtiu gpd;njhlu;e;J te;j kf;fs; $l;lk; mq;Nf te;J $baJ. mtu; Jha MtpahdtUf;F vjpuhf NgRtijf; Fwpj;J Nghjpf;Fk; rkaj;jpy; kupahSk; mtuJ rNfhjuu;fSk; mq;F te;J Nru;e;jdu;. Mdhy; kf;fs; $l;lk; mjpfkha; ,Ue;jjpdhy; mtu;fs; me;j tPl;bw;Fs; gpuNtrpf;f Kbatpy;iy. MfNt mtu;fs; ntspNa epd;Wnfhz;L mtiu tur; nrhy;yp Ms; mDg;gpdhu;fs;. “ck; jhAk; rNfhjuHfSk; ntspNa epd;Wnfhz;L ck;ik NjLfpwhu;fs;” vd;W mtuplk; mwptpf;fg;gl;lJ. mg;NghJ ,NaR “vd; jhAk; vd; rNfhjuu;fSk; ahu;?” vd;WNfl;L> jk;ikr; #o;e;J mku;e;jpUf;fpwtu;fis Rw;wpYk; ghu;j;J> “,Njh! vd; jhAk; vd; rNfhjuu;fSk; ,tu;fNs. flTspd; jpUTsj;ij epiwNtw;WgtNu vd; rNfhjuUk;> rNfhjupAk; jhAk; Mtu;” vd;whu;. ,NRTk; mtu; rP\u;fSk; md;W rhg;gpl;lhu;fsh vd;gij khu;f;F nrhy;ytpy;iy. Mdhy; epr;rakhf> kupahs; md;W mtu;fSf;F cztspf;f xU topiaf; fz;bUf;f Ntz;Lk; vd ehd; ek;GfpNwd;.

,NaRTf;F xU FLk;gk; ,Ue;jJ. mtUf;F mf;fiwAs;s jhAk; jfg;gDk;> cld; gpwg;GfSk; mikAk;gb gpjhthfpa flTs; cWjpgLj;jpdhu;. MfNt ,NaR xU MNuhf;fpakhd Foe;ijg; gUtj;ijg; ngw;wpUe;J> jr;R NtiyiaAk;> Ntj Ehy;fisAk; fw;W> jkJ r%f tof;fpypUe;j vy;yh fijfisAk; Nfl;L> jd; nghWg;GfisAk; ed;whf njupe;J nfhz;lhu; vd;W ehk; epidf;f KbfpwJ. kpf Kf;fpakhf mtuJ FLk;gNk mtiu Ngzptsu;j;jJ. mtu; ahu; vd;gij mtu;fs; Gupe;Jnfhs;shky; ,Ue;jhYk;> mtu;fs; mtUf;F vt;tpjj;jpYk; xU jilahf ,Uf;ftpy;iy. NkNy Fwpg;gpl;l NtjgFjpapypUe;J ,NaRtpd; FLk;gj;jpdu;> mtUf;F jPq;F NeupLNkh vd;W mr;rkile;jpUe;jdu; vd;gij ehk; Gupe;Jnfhs;fpNwhk;. Mdhy; gpd;du;> xU Ntjidahd Kiwapy;> mtu; ahu; vd;gij mtHfs; Gupe;Jnfhz;L mtiu gpd; gw;wpdu;.

Xu; FLk;gj;jpy; xU gFjpahf ,Uf;fpwJ ,NaRTf;F vg;gb ,Ue;jpUf;Fk; vd ehd; mbf;fb rpe;jpg;gJz;L. epr;rakhf> kupahSk; NahNrg;Gk;> mtu;fspd; gps;isfSk; mtiu Nerpj;jpUf;f Ntz;Lk;. rpy rkaq;fspy; jq;fs; r%fj;jpdu; nfh^ukhdtHfsha; ,Uf;f KbAk; vd;gij mtu;fs; njupe;jpUe;jdu; vd ehd; epidf;fpNwd;. MfNt> ,NaRtpd; Nghjid fypNyahtpy; gugug;ig Vw;gLj;jpaJ vd;W Nfs;tpg;gl;L mtuJ Flk;gj;jpdu; ahtUk; cldbahf mtu; ,Ue;j ,lj;Jf;F nrd;W mtiu fhg;ghw;w Kad;wdu;. Mdhy; ,NaRtpd; gjpy; Mr;rupakhdjhf ,Ue;jJ.

Xu; tpj;jpahrkhd czu;Tehl;fs; fle;J nry;y nry;y> ekJ nrhe;j FLk;gq;fspy; ekJ jPu;khdq;fis vLf;Fk; Kiwfs;> Ntjhfk mbg;gilapy;

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gfpHtjpYk; gpur;rid ,Uf;fpwJ. flTs; xU FLk;gj;jpd; kj;jpapy; ,y;iynad;why;> czu;TfSk; fhag;gLfpwJ. MrPu;thjk; ngwf;$ba xU tha;g;G tPzhf;fg;gLfpwJ. xU jfg;gd; jd;flikapypUe;J jtwpdhy; mjd; tpisTfis ,uz;L jiyKiwtiuapYk;;$l czu KbAk; vd ekf;Fj; njupAk;. Mdhy; ehk; xUtiu MrPu;tjpj;jhy; ehk; me;j MrPu;thjj;jpd; xU gFjpia ,g;NghNj ngw;Wf;nfhs;tJld;> mjd; tpisTfis ,uz;L jiyKiwf;Fg; gpd;dUk; czuKbAk; vd;gij ehk; Gupe;J nfhs;tjpy;iy. ehk; xU mdhijia MrPu;tjpj;jhy;> ekJ nrhe;j FLk;gq;fSf;Fk; me;j MrPu;thjj;ij ehk; nfhz;LtUfpNwhk;.

etPd cyfk;fle;j khjk;> #lhdpy; lhu;G+u; vd;w ,lj;jpy; cs;s mfjpfspd; Kfhkpy; gps;isfs; kl;Lk;jhd; ,Ue;du; Vnddpy; midj;J ngupatu;fSk; ,we;Jtpl;ldH> vd;w nra;jpia Nfl;Nlhk;. If;fpa ehLfspd; Copau;fs;> mq;Fs;s FLk;jpdH jq;fs; FLk;gj;Jld; ve;;j gps;isia Nru;j;Jf;nfhs;s tpUk;GfpwhHfNsh me;j gps;isia mtu;fsplk; xg;gilg;ghu;fs;. kNyrpahTk; ,t;tpjk; ,Uf;fpwjy;yth? ,e;j re;jjpapy; Vuhskhd mdhij ,y;yq;fs;> jpUr;rig> murhq;fk;> murhq;f rhu;gw;wtH> Nghd;w gy epUtdq;fshy; elj;jg;gLfpd;wd. ,e;j ,lq;fspy; ,Uf;Fk; gps;isfspd; vz;zpf;if gj;J yl;rj;Jf;Fk; mjpfkha; ,Uf;Fk; vd ehd; epidf;fpNwd;. ,e;j mdhij ,y;yq;fs; gps;isfspd; eyDf;F mtrpakhd vy;yh ruPu NjitfisAk; G+u;j;jp nra;fpwJ. Mdhy; mit ,f;fhyj;jpy; Njitg;gLk; #o;epiyia mtu;fSf;F nfhLf;ftpy;iy. ,ij me;j ,y;yq;fis Fiw $Wk; tifapy; ehd; nrhy;ytpy;iy> Vnddpy; me;j ,y;yq;fis elj;Jfpwtu;fs; gy rpwkq;fis ghuhky;> ekJ r%fj;Jf;F Njitg;gLk; xU Kf;fpa Ntiyia nra;J tUfpd;wdu;. mtu;fspd; jd;dykw;w gzpia ehk; cz;ikapy; ghuhl;l Ntz;Lk;. Mdhy; mdhij ,y;yq;fs; rhjhudkhf ekJ r%fj;jpd; epue;jukhd Xu; mikg;ghf ,Uj;jy; $lhJ. Vnddpy; ,J vg;NghJNk ekJ r%fj;jpd; nraypoe;j epiyapd; xU mwpFwpahf ,Uf;Fk;.

Vd; mg;gb?mjw;Fs;s gjpy; gpd; tUgtw;wpy; mlq;fp ,Uf;fyhk;. Ntj Gj;jfk; “FLk;gk;” vd;w thHj;ijia my;y “tPl;lhu;” vd;w thHj;ijia gad;gLj;JfpwJ. tPl;by; gps;isfs; ,Ue;jhy; ehk; mtHfspd; czT> ,Ug;gplk;> cil ghJfhg;G Mfpa Njitfis G+u;j;jpnra;a Ntz;Lk;. mdhij ,y;yq;fSk; ,tw;iw nra;fpd;wd. Mdhy; Ntjhfk tPl;L jiytu;fs;> mdhij ,y;yq;fs; nra;a Kbahj kw;Wk; ,e;j ,uz;L fhupaq;fis nra;jdu;: mwnewp mjpfhuj;ij gad;gLj;jy;> Md;kPf topfhl;Ljy; nfhLj;jy;. rpy mdhij ,y;yq;fs; nfhQ;rk; Md;kPf topfhl;liy nfhLf;f Kaw;rpf;fpd;wd> Mdhy; rpyH ,ij vjpu;j;J> gps;isfs; tsu;e;jgpd; jhq;fNs nrhe;jkhf me;j Kbit vLf;f Ntz;Lk; vd $Wfpd;wdu;. ,e;j Nahrid KOikahf nghWg;gw;wjhf ,Ug;gpDk;> mdhij ,y;yq;fs; xU jfg;gdpd; ,lj;jpypUe;J> mwnewp mjpfhuj;ijg; gad;gLj;j Kbahj epiyapy; ,Uf;fpwJ. xU ey;y jfg;gd; xU ey;y mwnewp mjpfhuk; vg;gb ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk; vd;gij Nghjpg;ghd;. xU nfl;l jfg;gd; mwnewp vg;gb ,Uf;ff; $lhJ vd;gij Nghjpg;ghd;. jdf;F Nghjpf;fg;gl;ljpypUe;Nj xU gps;is mwnewp vd;d vd;gij mwpe;Jnfhs;Sk;. xU jfg;gd; mtd; ,wf;Fk; tiuf;Fk; jd; gps;isapd; Md;kPf topfhl;bahf ,Ug;ghd;;. MfNt Ntjhfkk; “jfg;gdw;wtd;” vdf;Fwpg;gpLk;NghJ mJ mwnewp> Md;kPf topfhl;Ljy; ,y;yhj gps;isfis Fwpg;gjhf ,Uf;fpwJ. xU “tPl;lhuhf” (mdhij ,y;ykhf my;y) ,Ug;gJ me;j tPl;bd; jiytiu jq;fs; jfg;gdhf Vw;Wf;nfhz;L mtdJ Mjpf;fj;jpd; fPo; ,Ug;gij ntspg;gLj;JfpwJ.

NkYk; ,J xU topapy; ehk; ekJ tPLfspy; xU mdhijia Vw;Wf;nfhs;s jaq;Fk; epiyia gpujpgypf;fpwJ. rl;lk; vg;NghJNk je;ijaw;wtu;fs;; Vkhw;wg;gLthHfs;> jtuhf gad;gLj;jg;gLthu;fs; my;yJ Gwf;fzpf;fg;gLthu;fs; vd;W gag;gLfpwJ. ekJ nrhe;j gps;isfSf;F fhl;Lk; rhjfk; mdhij gps;isfspd; kdepiyia ghjpf;f$Lk; vd mtu;fs; epidf;fpwhu;fs;. mdhij gps;isfs;

cz;ikapy; kw;nwhUtupd; nghWg;gw;w epiyapdhy; Vw;gl;l gpur;rid vd;gjpdhy; me;jg; gps;isfis ,fo;r;rpf;Fwpatu;fshf;FfpNwhk;. mdhij ,y;yj;jpy; tsu;e;J te;jtu;fs; ,g;gbg;gl;l epiy mdhij ,y;yq;fspy; ,Ug;gij ekf;F nrhy;YfpwhHfs;. ,t;tpj rpe;jidfspdhy; rpyH> mdhij ,y;yj;jpy; ,Ug;gtHfs; mq;NfNa ,Ug;gJ ey;yJ vd epidf;fpd;wdH. mdhij ,y;yq;fs; ekJ epiyapd; gpur;ridia jPu;;Fkh> my;yJ ekJ r%fj;jpYs;s trjpaw;w> iftplg;gl;l gps;isfSf;fhf tpj;jpahrg;gl;l czu;it ehk; cUthf;f Ntz;Lkh?

Xu; tpj;jpahrkhd rpe;jidkNyrpa RtpNr~ Yj;jud; jpUr;rig ngUk;ghYk; XusT Viofisf;Fwpj;J mjpf rfpg;Gj;jd;ikAs;s tWikapd; rpf;fy;fis Gupe;J nfhz;Ls;s xU jpUr;rigahf ,Uf;fpwJ. tWikahdJ ghuk;gupa Kiwapy; FLk;gk; cUthf;fk; nra;ag;gLk; Kiwia tpl;L tpyfr;nra;fpwJ. ,e;j ,af;f NfhshUfs; tpNr~khf ngz;fisAk;> gps;isfisAk;> xU gf;fj;jpy; tWikapy; njhlHe;J ,Uf;f nra;Jk;> kWgf;fj;jpy; jpUr;rigapYk;> r%fj;jpYk; rhjhudkhf ,Uf;fNtz;ba epiyapypUe;J xJf;fp itj;Jk;> ghjpj;jpUf;fpwJ. ekJ tuyhw;W kw;Wk; ,e;jpa Gs;spay; tpsf;fq;fs; ,e;j epiyia mjpf rpf;fyhdjhf;fpapUf;fpwJ. ,jd; tpisthf jdpj;jha;fspd; mjpfupg;igAk;> mdhij ,y;yq;fSf;fhd tpz;zg;gj;jpd; mjpfupg;igAk; ehk; ghu;f;fpNwhk;. kNyrpa RtpNr~ Yj;jud; jpUr;rig> “&kh N`hg;” “&kh fpwp];j];” %yKk;> “bupdpl;b N`hk;” Copa njhlu;gpd; %yKk;> Nghu;l; fps;shdpy; cs;s kNyrpa RtpNr~ Yj;jud; jpUr;rigapd; ngz;fs; guhkupg;G MNyhrid ikaj;jpd; tpNr~ jj;njLg;G Ntiy %yKk; Gwf;fzpf;fg;gl;l mdhij gps;isfspd; kj;jpapy; Copak; nra;fpwJ. ,g;gps;isfs; xU ey;y FLk;g tho;f;ifia ngw;Wf;nfhs;s Kbahjtu;fs;. ,e;j gps;isfs; ekJ jpUr;rigf; FLk;gq;fs; kw;Wk; gy ed;nfhilahsHfs;; %yk; MrPu;thjk; ngw;wpUg;gJ ekf;F kd jpUg;jpiaf; nfhLf;fpwJ. cq;fs; FLk;gk; ,e;j Copaj;jpd; %yk; ,e;j MrPu;thjj;jpy; gq;Fnfhz;bUf;fpwjh?

kNyrpa RtpNr~ Yj;jud; jpUr;rigahdJ ,e;j ghJfhg;G nfhLf;Fk; gzpia (“r%f Nrit” vd;w nrhy; cz;ikapy; nghUj;jkhdjy;y) njhlUk;. cq;fs; FLk;gj;jpy; mwnewp mjpfhuj;ijAk;> Ner mizg;igAk; itj;jpUj;jy; vt;tsT MrPu;tjpf;fg;gl;lJ vd;gij rpe;jpf;Fk;gb ehd; cq;fis Cf;Ftpf;fpNwd;. mNjrkaj;jpy;> Xu; FLk;gj;jpd; xU gFjpahf ,Ug;gnjd;why; vd;d vd;gij mwpahj epiyapy; gLf;iff;F NghFk; midtiuAk; Fwpj;J rpe;jpf;Fk;gbahfTk; ehd; cq;fis Cf;Ftpf;fpNwd;. xH Gjpa czu;T (rpe;jid) ehk; xOf;fk; kl;Lk; rhu;e;j eguhf my;yJ Fw;wk; fhZk; eguhf ,Uf;f ek;ik

miof;ftpy;iy. ekJ NghjfUf;Fupa Md;kPf czu;T ek;ik ruhrup FLk;gq;fs; ,Uf;f Ntz;ba epiyapypUe;J tpyFfpwij jpUj;j Nghuhlr; nra;Ak;. Mdhy; kf;fis ehk; jz;bf;f $lhJ. xU Nka;g;gd; Xu; Ml;il ,of;fpwhd; Vnddpy; ML xU Gj;jpaw;w tpyq;F. mjd; jd;ikiaNa ,oe;JNghtJjhd;. Xu; nts;sp ehzak; fhzhkw;NghdJ Vnddpy; mjd; nrhe;jfhuu; ftdf;Fiwthf ,Ue;jjpdhy;. mJ jhdhfNt Xbtpl;lJ vd $wKbAkh?

ekJ Mz;ltu; ekf;F fhl;b elf;fr; nrhd;d me;j md;gpd; topia ntspg;gLj;Jk; nray;fis ehk; mtu;fSf;fhf nra;a Ntz;Lk;. xUtu; jd; ,\;lg;gb jdJ jha; jfg;gdpd; md;ig Vw;fhkypUe;jhyd;wp> ehk; Vo;ikapYk;> tUikapYKs;stu;fisf; nfhz;L FLk;gj;ij mikf;Fk; fhupaj;ij cWjpAlDk; gzpTlDk; ifahs Ntz;Lk;. ekJ r%fj;jpy; tutpUf;Fk; khw;wq;fis Vw;Wf;nfhs;s cq;fs; ,jaq;fis jahu; nra;Ak;gb> ,tw;iw Fwpj;J ePq;fs; rpe;jid nra;a> cq;fs; Kd; ,tw;iw itf;fpNwd;. ePq;fs; flTSf;Fk; kdpjUf;Fk; Nrit nra;Ak;NghJ cq;fs; FLk;gq;fSk; MrPtjpf;fg;gl;ljhfl;Lk;.

khkiwjpU mwptH rhyNkhd; uh[NguhaHkNyrpa RtpNr~ Yj;jud; jpUr;rig16 [_iy 2012


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Editor-in-ChiefRt. Rev. Dr. Solomon Rajah

Bishop, ELCM

EditorRev. Albert P. Abishegam

Assistant EditorRev. Steven Lawrence

MembersRev. Paul K.

Rev. Ebenezer Irai AmirthamRev. Moses Muthusamy

Cand. Eliezer Peter


Bishop’s MessageEditorialPhoto GalleryIn Memory of Bishop Bertil EnvallELCM Outreach Ministries

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ELCM Events / News UpdatesELCM Events / News UpdatesELCM Diakonia MinistriesLate Bishop Bertil Envall -A Vote of Thanks from Family

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FamilyIn the gospel of Mark 3: 19-33, the evangelist reported that “Jesus entered a house.” He was ministering to the people. He and his disciples were hungry when this decision was made. As Jesus was proceeding to reach this house in

Galilee, the news of his ministry was causing a great stir. Mary, his

mother, and his brothers had left home to “seize him” like a story in an old Tamil movie. Jesus arrived but the house was empty and the crowd had not left him. As he was cautioning the people about blaspheming against the Holy Spirit, Mary and her other sons arrived and could not enter the house. So they stood outside and sent word to him. Someone told Jesus, “Your mother and your brothers are outside asking for you.” Jesus replied, “Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?” Looking around at those who sat around him, he said, “Here are my mother and my brothers! Whoever does the will of God is my brother and sister and mother.” Mark did not tell us if Jesus or the apostles had a meal that day, but I am sure Mary would have found a way to feed them with some food on that day.

Jesus had a family. God our Father ensured that he had a moving and caring earthly father and mother and siblings to grow up with. They were the reason that we

think Jesus had a healthy childhood, learnt carpentry, learnt the Scriptures, listened to the entire story that was passed around the community and learnt various other responsibilities. Most importantly, it was the family which nurtured him. Though they did not understand who he was, they were not a stumbling block that needed to be dealt with. His family felt fear of harm to Jesus, as the above text tells us, but eventually they understood, in a painful way I think, and followed him. I often ask myself what it could have been like for Jesus to be part of a family. Surely Mary, Joseph and their children loved him. I think they knew how society can sometimes be cruel and that was why when they heard of the commotion that was caused in Galilee because of Jesus’ teaching, the whole family quickly went after him in order to save him. But Jesus responded in a way that is often inexplicable! A Calling of GodAs the year progresses, my thoughts are increasingly drawn to the nature of our own families, the way we make decisions and a need to reassert a biblical and sensible approach to families. There is always a rumble in the diocese over positions, over resources and over recognitions and so forth. Sometimes, feelings are hurt and, sometimes, we feel irreconcilable. These are part of life and, particularly, Church life and we should be better than that. Nevertheless, as long as they do not consume the better part of our Church life, it is alright! It is in our human character to quarrel and fight over small

August 2012 10th Edition Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia Internal Circulation August 2012 10th Edition

The first institution ordained by God was the family. Its well-being is essential if the country, community and Church are to be healthy. According to some sociologists, the death of the family is at hand. Hence, the Lutheran Herald, recognising its significance and importance, has picked the family as its theme for this August 2012 issue. Scripturally, fathers are to be the leaders of the household and it is ultimately their responsibility to ensure that the family functions in a proper manner. The Bible gives clear and concise instructions regarding the family. The Herald urges all our readers to ponder on and remember the following facts regarding the family:

1. The Providential Establishment of the Family

God prescribed the family when He perceived Adam’s loneliness (Genesis 2:20). God planned the family to meet the social, spiritual, psychological and emotional needs of men, women and children. God provided the family as a teaching, training and tending agency. The family unit will not disappear for it is prescribed, provided, planned and preserved by our Sovereign God. All the needs of human beings are met in the family.

2. The Practical Essentials for the Family

For a family to be what God intended, both husband and wife must be believers. When children come into the home, everything within the parents’ power should be done to both live and teach the Christian faith to their children.

Scripture tells us that there should be:

• Clear Oneness (Genesis 2:24a)

There must be an obvious unity between the husband and wife. Children must see this oneness evidence in their parents.

• Coming Away (Genesis 2:24b)

Spouses must come away from their mother and father and cleave to one another.

• Communications

Happy families communicate with each other - husband with wife, parents with children and children with children.

• Commitment (1Peter 3)

We must be committed to live out our proper role within the family structure that God has


Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia21, Jalan Sultan Abdul Samad, Brickfields50470 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.Tel: 03-2274 1033 / 03-2274 0204 Fax: 03-2274 1750Email: [email protected]: www.elcm.com.my

The Lutheran Herald welcomes articles, including news on deaths, weddings, baptisms, confirmations and any other congregational activities. Please email your contributions to [email protected]

All contributions are subject to editing as and when deemed necessary by the Editorial Committee. Please visit our website as above for further information on the ELCM.

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The Lutheran Herald is the official publication of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia (ELCM). For further information, please contact the ELCM as follows:

ordained. The husband is the leader of the family. Each must be content in his or her place or there will be household war.

3. The Potential Enemies of the Family

• Immorality (Colossians 3:5)

A loose and licentious lifestyle before marriage is an enemy in marriage. Reading the wrong books and magazines, watching profane TV programmes, plays or movies contribute to destroying the family unit.

• Ignorance (Ephesians 5-6; 1 Peter 3)

Ignoring the pattern for marriage set forth in the Scriptures contributes to many broken and unhappy homes. When the scriptural pattern for the family is followed, there is happiness and, when ignored, there is chaos and confusion.

• Infidelity (Malachi 2:15-16)

Marriage is a solemn, sacred and special covenant between a man and a woman. Unfaithfulness on the part of married persons to their partners undermines a happy family.

• Impatience (1 Peter 3:1-7; Ephesians 6:4)

Peter gives wonderful guidance to believing wives and husbands to be patient with their unbelieving spouses, while Paul tells parents not to exasperate their children; we must discipline children out of love and not impatience.

• Interference (Genesis 2:24)

Interference by in-laws almost guarantees an unhappy life. When a young couple marries and establishes their own family unit, a good rule for parents to follow is not to interfere or to advise unless asked. Marriages are not made for or in heaven. Marriages are designed to function on earth. Family life is designed for human beings, not angels. The Herald encourages all fathers and mothers in particular, to rise to the challenge of leading your families by submitting to your heavenly Father and asking him for help and guidance.

May God abundantly bless all families on the earth.




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FLk;gj;jpw;F rpy cz;ikfs;



“FLk;gk;”; flTs; epakpj;j Kjy; epWtdkhFk;. ehL> r%fk; kw;Wk; Myak;> MNuhf;fpakha; ,Uf;f FLk;gj;jpd; eyd; ,d;wpaikahjjha; ,Uf;fpwJ. rpy r%ftpay; epGzu;fspd; fUj;Jf;fspd; gb FLk;gj;jpd; kuzk; rkPgkha; ,Uf;fpwJ. vdNt Yj;;jud; JhJtd;> FLk;gj;jpd; Kf;fpaj;Jtj;ij fz;lwpe;J mij ,e;j 2012k; Mz;L Mf];l; ,jopd; fUnghUshf Nju;e;njLj;Js;sJ. Ntjhfkj;jpd;gb je;ijNa XU tPl;bd; jiytuha; ,Uf;fpwhH. MfNt xU FLk;gk; rupahd Kiwapy; nray;gLtij cUjpg;gLj;JtJ mtUilag; nghWg;ghFk;. Ntjhfkk; FLk;gj;ij gw;wpa RUf;fkhd njspthd mwpTiwfis toq;FfpwJ.; FLk;gj;ij gw;wpa gpd;tUk; cz;ikfis epidtpy; itj;J Mo;e;J rpe;jpf;f> Yj;jud; JhJtd; thrfHfis typAWj;JfpwJ.

1. FLk;gj;jp;d; nja;thjPdkhd mikg;G

flTs; Mjhkpd; jdpikia czu;e;J FLk;gj;ij cUthf;fpdhH (Mjpahfkk; 2:20). Mz;fs;> ngz;fs;> gps;isfs; Mfpa ahtupd; r%f> Md;kPf> kNdhjj;Jt kw;Wk; czu;TG+u;tkhd Njitfis re;jpf;Fk;> fhf;Fk; mikg;ghf ,Uf;Fk;gb flTs; FLk;gj;ij toq;fpdhH. FLk;gk; kiwe;J NghfhJ Vnddpy; mJ ekJ rf;utHj;jpahfpa flTshy; jpl;lkplg;gl;L ehl;lg;gl;L ghJfhf;fg;gLfpwJ.; kdpjdpd; vy;yh NjitfSk; FLk;gj;jpy; re;jpf;fg;gLfpd;wd.

2. fpup];Jt FLk;gj;jpd; eilKiw mj;jpahtrpaq;fs;

xU FLk;gk; flTspd; Nehf;fg;gb ,Uf;fNtz;Lkhapd;> fztd; kw;Wk; kidtp ,UtUk; fpwp];jtu;fsha; ,Uf;f Ntz;Lk;. Foe;ijfs; tPl;by; te;jJk; ngw;NwhHfs; jq;fs; rf;jpapYs;s vy;yhtw;iwAk; gad;gLj;jp jq;fs; gps;isfs; fpwp];jt tpRthrj;ij njupe;J nfhs;sTk; mjd;gb thoTk; mtHfSf;F fw;gpf;f Ntz;Lk;.

fPo; fz;lthU Ntjk; nrhy;YfpwJ.

l njspthd Xw;Wik (Mjpahfkk; 2:24 m)

fztd; kidtpapdpilNa xU ntspg;gilahd xw;Wik ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;. gps;isfs; ngw;Nwhu;fspd; ,e;j xw;Wikapd; Mjhuq;fis mtHfs; tho;f;ifapy; ghu;f;f Ntz;Lk;.

l jdpNa tho;jy; (Mjpahfkk; 2:24 M)

fztd; kidtpahdtu;fs;> jq;fsJ ngw;Nwhiu tpl;L jdpNa nrd;W thoNtz;Lk;.

l njhlH;G

kfpo;r;rpahd FLk;gq;fspy; xUtUf; nfhUthu; ey;y njhlHG nfhs;tu;. fztd; kidtpahdtu;fs; kj;jpapYk;> ngw;Nwhu; gps;isfs; kj;jpapNyAk;> gps;isfs; gps;isfSf;fpilNaAk; cWjpahd njhlH;G ,Uf;Fk;.

l xg;Gf;nfhLj;jy; ( 1 NgJU 3)

flTs; jpl;lkpl;l> ekJ FLk;g fl;likg;gpd;gb rupahd FLk;g epiyia ghJfhf;f jq;ffSf;F xg;Gf;nfhLf;fg;gl;l Ntiyia ruptu nra;a Ntz;Lk;. fztu; FLk;gj;jpd; jiytu;. xt;nthUtUk; jq;fsJ epiyapNyNa ,Uj;jy; Ntz;Lk;> ,y;iyNay; FLk;g rz;il cz;lhFk;.

3. rhj;jpakhd FLk;g vjpupfs;

l fw;gpd;ik (nfhNyhNrau; 3:5)

jpUkzj;jpw;FKd;dpUe;j xU jsu;thd-mlq;fhj tho;f;if KiwNa jpkzj;jpw;Fgpd; vjpupahFk;. jtwhd Gj;jfq;fs; kw;Wk; ,jo;fs; gbj;jy;> Mghr jpiuglq;fs; my;yJ ehlfq;fs; FLk;gj;ij mopf;Fk;.

l mwpahik (VNgrpau; 5-6> 1 NgJU 3)

Ntjhfkj;jpy; fhzg;gLk; jpUkz Kiwia Gwf;fzpf;Fk;NghJ gy FLk;gq;fs; Kwpe;J Jf;fj;ij cz;lhf;FfpwJ. Ntjhfkj;jpy; fhzg;gLk; jpUkz Kiwia gpd;gw;wpdhy; kfpo;r;rp cz;L. mij Gwf;fzpf;Fk;NghJ fyf;fKk; Fog;gKk; tUk;.

l ek;gpf;if JNuhfk; (kyhf;fp 2:15-16)

jpUkzkhdJ xU Mz; xU ngz; ,Utu;fs; kj;jpapyhd gagf;jpahd> Gdpjkhd> kw;Wk; rpwg;ghd XH cld;gbf;if. jpUkzkhdtu;fs; kj;jpapNy cz;lhFk; Neu;ikaw;w nray; FLk;gj;jpy; kfpo;r;rpia Fiwf;fpwJ.

l nghWik ,d;ik (1 NgJU 3:1-7> vNgrpau; 6:4)

NgJU> tpRthrk; ,y;yhj to;f;ifj; Jidahsuplk; tpRthrKs;s fztDk; kidtpAk; filgpbf;f Ntz;ba nghWikia> mw;Gjkhd Kiwapy; MNyhridahf $Wfpwhu;. gTy; mg;Ngh];jyu;> ngw;Nwhu;fs; jq;fs; gps;isfSf;F vupr;rYhl;lhky;> nghWikNahLk; md;NghLk; xOq;F Kiwfis elj;jNtz;Lk; vd;fpwhu;.

l FUf;fPl;L tpisT (Mjpahfkk; 2:24)

GFe;j tPl;bduhy; tUk; FUf;fP;Lfs; kfpo;r;rpaw;w tho;it cWjpg;gLj;Jk;. Rakhf GJ FLk;gj;ij Muk;gpf;Fk; jk;gjpau;Sf;F> ngw;Nwhu;fs;> GJ jk;gjpau; cjtp Nfl;;lhy; xopa> FUf;fPl;L mNyhridfs; nfhLf;f $lhJ.

guNyhfj;jpy; jpUkzq;fs; cUthf;fg;gLtjpy;iy. jpUkzk; G+kpapy; nray;gl tbtikf;fg;gl;ljhFk;. FLk;g tho;f;if kdpju;fSf;fhfj;jhd; tbtikf; fg;gl;Ls;sJ> Njt Jhju;fSf;F my;;y. vy;yh je;ijau;fSk; jq;fs; FLk;gq;fis topelj;Jk; rthiy Vw;Wf;nfhz;L jq;fis guNyhf je;ijf;F xg;Gf;nfhLj;J> mtuJ cjtpiaAk;; xj;jhiriaAk; ehLk;gb Yj;jud; JhJtd mtHfis Cf;Ftpf;fpwJ.

flTs; vy;yh FLk;gq;fisAk; ngUkstpy; MrPu;tjpg;ghuhf.



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31.12.2011 – Rev. Paul Raj together with choir members of Our Saviour Lutheran Congregation, Johor Bahru

06.04.2012 – Bishop together with Pastors and lay leaders after conducting Good Friday Service at Bethany Lutheran Congregation, Teluk Intan

06.04.2012 – Bishop together with Bethesda Lutheran Congregation youths after Easter Service in Teluk Intan

08.04.2012 – Bishop Joseph Jebamani of Singapore was guest speaker at the Passion Song Evening hosted by Bethesda Lutheran Congregation, Teluk Intan

08.04.2012 – Rev. K. Jegadas together with Bukit Mertajam Lutheran Congregation members after their Easter service, Bukit Mertajam

08.04.2012 Rev. Caleb Santhosam and baptised members & confirmands of Good Shepherd Lutheran Congregation, PJ together with their godparents and sponsors after Easter service, PJ

17.04.2012 – Bishop Dr. Solomon Rajah being briefed by Rev. Dr. Andrew Samraj during his visit to ELCM Mission Centre in Chinna Kalrayan Hills, Tamil Nadu

21.04.2012 – Southern District Pastors and DYC leaders together with participants of Southern District BGR / Youth Leadership Training Programme, Labis


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16.06.2012 – Father’s Day was celebrated on a grand scale at Zion Cathedral, Lutheran Congregation, KL

29.04.2012 - 13 Good Hope Lutheran Congregation, confimands together with Bishop and Rev. Albert Vijay Joseph on their confirmation day , PJ

13.05.2012 – Mother’s Day was celebrated on a grand scale at Batu Gajah Lutheran Outreach, Batu Gajah

13.05.2012 – Mothers of Holy Trinity Lutheran Congregation, Teluk Intan celebrating Mother’s Day in the church premises

15.06.2012 – Zion Cathedral youths enjoying themselves during their BBQ Nite at Zion Cathedral compound, KL

03.06.2012 – Bishop together with Rev. K Jegadas and 4 confirmands after Confirmation service at Bukit Mertajam Lutheran Congregation

17.06.2012 – Part of “Hands Across Brickfields” team from Zion Lutheran Congregation who provide free food and clothing for the needy in Brickfields

17.06.2012 - Cand. A.E. Thomas with fathers of Meru Lutheran Congregation during their Father’s Day celebrations, Meru


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8 – 23.06.2012 – Rev. K. Thambiraj, Rev. Samuel Anbunathan and Rev. Albert Abishegam during the Luther Study Tour in Germany

22.07.2012 - Bishop and Rev. W. Babyington together with the confirmands during Bethany Lutheran Congregation Confirmation Service, Simpang Ampat, Teluk Intan

15.07.2012 – Bishop and Rev. Albert Abishegam together with 6 confirmands during Zion Redeemer Lutheran Congregation Confirmation Service at Zion Cathedral, KL

09.07.2012 - Junior Work (JW) pioneer, Deacon S. Jerker, was felicitated by Diocesan JW committee members at a meeting in Diocesan Conference Room, Brickfields, KL

21.07.2012 - Junior Work and Sunday School children of Holy Trinity Lutheran Congregation, Teluk Intan together with 2 visitors

31.03.2012 – Youths of Meru Lutheran Congregation during their outing to Bagan Lalang, Sepang

27 – 29.07.2012 - Cand. Eliezer and Cheras Lutheran Congregation members after their Family Camp at Harvest Haven, Gopeng, Perak

29.07.2012 - Rev. Michael John, Rev. & Mrs. G.V. Sreetharan and Shamira Yashini with Evangelist Sadhu Chellappa after Divine Worship Service at Victory Lutheran Congregation, Penang

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I thank the Bishop and the Lutheran Herald Editorial Committee for this honour of sharing my views on this institution called family with readers of the Herald.

The invitation came with a question: ”How do you view the concept of family in today’s context? And I have no hesitation in saying that the family unit is very important in this modern-day era simply because it is God’s idea and it is God who established the family for mankind’s well-being. I also strongly believe that if the family unit collapses, then not only society, but the nation itself will collapse too.

Yes, the family is the foundation of our society, Church and nation. Unfortunately, many families today are breaking down and everyone is equally concerned about this. Many families are rocked and shocked by the many changes that are taking place.

Changes in new technology, information overload and shifting values are threatening the stability and foundations of our families. While the world tries to redefine and redirect families in these shaky and uncertain times, I believe that the Church and the Christian community can help to stabilise, strengthen and save families by reaching out to them. Our Christian message should be to resolve the problems rather than reproduce them in generations to come.

Our God wishes to know you as families and he will bless you as families. The importance of the family unit is mentioned in the Bible. Today, the Church is duty-bound to encourage its members to serve God as families. The Church should take a firm stand just like Joshua did when he said, “But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.” With proper teaching on family values and when members worship the Lord as families, the Church will be set to grow by leaps and bounds.

I conclude by reiterating the significance and importance of the family unit in the eyes of God himself and urge all my fellow Christians to do everything possible to ensure that the foundations of our families are firmly established in Jesus Christ.

Peter Khar Ah SoonDiocesan Secretary

Family Through The Eyes Of A Layman

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Kulai Lutheran Outreach, KulaiThe Kulai Lutheran Outreach launched its Youth Fellowship programme on the 13th of May, 2012. The youths in Kulai get together every Sunday before the divine worship service for their youth activities. It must also be added that the youths contribute significantly to the success of the Sunday worship services at Kulai Lutheran Outreach.

ELCM New Outreach Ministries


Our Condolences... Mrs. Mary J. Immanuel - Mrs. Mary J. Immanuel was born on 10.10.1954 and called Home by the Lord on 24.06.2012. Mary was the third of the ten children of Mr. & Mrs. D.S. Immanuel, a Chief clerk in RIM Estate, Jasin, Melaka. In 1974, Mary joined the Deaconess School at the Church workers Training Centre (CTC) in the Zion Cathedral compound, Brickfields. She obtained her Diploma in Associate Theology (Th. A) from the Australian College of Theology, Adelaide. She was ordained as a Deaconess in the ELCM, then known as the

ELCMS, in 1977 and served fulltime at Bethany Home and Church of Victory, Penang. At, Anson Road, Penang, she worked among the Chinese youths. At Island Glades, Penang, she did congregational work and extensive outreach ministry among the Indian women and children in the slum areas. In 1979, Mary represented the ELCM at the CCA Women’s Conference in Manila, Philippines. She married Rev. Peter Sekar in 1981 and the couple were blessed with three children, namely Deborah Shamini, Michael Devanesan and Matthew Devaprasad. We thank God for her faithful services to the ELCM and express our sincere condolences to Rev. Peter Sekar, children and other family members.

Rasah Lutheran Outreach, SerembanThe Rasah Lutheran Outreach which commenced operations on the 8th of January 2012 under the oversight of Rev. Steven Lawrence celebrated Father’s Day on 17th June 2012 after the Divine Worship Service.

Batu Gajah Lutheran Outreach, Batu Gajah The Batu Gajah Lutheran Outreach under the able leadership of Rev. Samuel Pakianathan is, by the grace of God, growing in all areas including new souls for Christ, larger attendances at Sunday Divine Worship Services and other auxilliary activities.

Parit Raja Lutheran Outreach, Batu PahatThe Parit Raja Lutheran Outreach, a ministry of the Kluang Lutheran Congregation, kick-started its Junior Work programme by organising a camp in Taman Panchor Jaya, Parit Raja, Batu Pahat for its Juniors on 30th June 2012. 23 Juniors and leaders participated in this camp.

Mr. Lionel Jeffrey – Mr. Lionel Jeffrey of Rumah Kanak-Kanak Triniti was called Home by our Lord Jesus Christ on 27.07.2012 at the age of 23. We express our heartfelt condolences to his family and friends, particularly those at Rumah Kanak-Kanak Triniti.

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ELCM Events / News Updates


The Bethesda Lutheran Congregation organised a one-day Women’s Lenten Meeting at the church premises on 31st March 2012. A total of 55 women from the churches in the Teluk Intan area participated in the event.

The Fund-Raising Dinner organised by Cheras Lutheran Congregation on 28th April 2012 at the Universiti Putra Malaysia Banquet Hall, was attended about 500 people. The Bishop was the guest-of-honour at the event.

The Bishop dedicated the new building of the Labis Lutheran Congregation to the glory of God on 26th May 2012.

The Zion Cathedral English Service attained full congregation status on 6th May 2012 during an AGM which saw the election of leaders of the new congregation. The new congregation is now known as Zion Redeemer Lutheran Congregation.

A one-day liturgical training programme was held for Pastors and Church Workers on 2nd June 2012 at the Diocesan Seminar Room. The training was conducted by Rev. Albert Vijay Joseph and Mrs. Banu Ratna.

Evangelists Samuel Kanagaraj and Barnabas Natarajah were commissioned as Candidates to the Holy Ministry by the Bishop at Puchong Lutheran Congregation on 13th May 2012. Bro. Arasilankumaran Maruthamuthu was commissioned as an Evangelist at the same ceremony.

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The Puchong Utama Lutheran Outreach, an outreach of Zion Cathedral Congregation, became a full congregation on 13th May 2012 during an AGM presided by Bishop at the church premises. The new congregation is now known as Puchong Lutheran Congregation.

The Lutheran Herald congratulates Datin Renuka Das on her appointment as an Adviser to the LWF Council. Datin Renuka attended the LWF Council Meeting held in Bogota, Columbia from 15th to 20th June 2012.

The 2nd Diocesan Golden Circle Fellowship for the year 2012, participated by about 45 members, was held on July 21st 2012 at Good Hope Lutheran Congregation, PJ. The highlight of the programme was an interesting talk given by Rev. Caesar Wellington, a retired Methodist Pastor.

The Lutheran Herald congratulates Evangelist T. Vijiyan on the conferment of the Ahli Mangku Perak (AMP) award on 10th July 2012 by the Sultan of Perak in conjunction with his Highness’ 84th birthday celebrations.

Rev. Leif Dahlin, former Pastor of Good Hope Lutheran Congregation from Church of Sweden, and family participated in the Good Hope Lutheran Congregation Divine Worship Service on 15th July 2012.

The ELCM Diocesan Pastors’ / Church Workers’ Seminar was held from 10th – 12th July 2012 at the Good Shepherd Catholic Seminary, Melaka. The guest speaker for the seminar themed “Mission & Evangelism in the Local Church” was Rev. Dr. Wilfred John. Issues pertaining to evangelism, discipleship, development & justice and peace were discussed.

ELCM Events / News Updates

The 49th Diocesan Assembly will be held at the Aston Hotel, Putra Nilai, Nilai, Negeri Sembilan from 14th – 15th September 2012.

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• Hands Across BrickfieldsThe Zion Lutheran Congregation carries out the “Hands Across Brickfields” ministry every Sunday from 10.30am – 12.00pm where food boxes and old clothes are distributed to the poor and needy in the Brickfields area.

ELCM Diakonia Ministries


you are moved to contribute towards this worthy cause and if you need further information on the centre, please do not hesitate to contact the following members of the Management Committee:

Rev. Paul Mei Alagan (Administrator) at 016-2124521Rev. Albert P. Abishegam (Counsellor) at 013-3413251Mr. Mervin Raj (Member) at 016-2276671Mr. Gabrial John Abraham (Member) at 013-3338821

ELCM Events / News Updates

The dedication service of the Havil School, which is based in the Zion Cathedral compound, was held on 28th July, 2012. Bishop, Rt. Rev. Dr. Solomon Rajah gave a Word of Blessing at the service. Rev. Steven Lawrence also participated in this event.

The Diocesan Women’s Convention was held at the MBS Recreation & Training Centre, Rawang from 27th – 29th July 2012. The guest speaker for this conference themed “Christian Women: Beautiful for Christ” was Mrs. Lila Chelliah from the Tamil Methodist Church.

• ELCM Rehabilitation & Counselling Centre for Drug & Alcohol Dependants (RCC)The ELCM Rehabilitation & Counselling Centre for Drug & Alcohol Dependants (RCC) located at No: 16, Jalan Putra Perdana 8/10, Taman Putra Perdana, 47100 Puchong, Selangor has commenced operations under the auspices of Rt. Rev. Dr. Solomon Rajah, Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Malaysia. The Zion Redeemer Lutheran Congregation has now been tasked with the responsibility of supporting and managing this centre. The ELCM Rehabilitation & Counselling Centre for Drug & Alcohol Dependants (RCC) is dedicated to helping drug and alcohol dependants by providing the necessary rehabilitation and counselling services to overcome their addictions. If

• ELCM Deaconess TrainingAn intensive Deaconess Training conducted by Deaconess Grace Rao from LCMS, USA was held in Good Hope Lutheran Congregation from 12th – 15th July 2012. The training themed “Spirituality of the

• Rumah Luther Ria (RLR)Rumah Luther Ria, Port Dickson, a home for children with Down Syndrome, autism, epilepsy, global development delay and intellectual disability as well as slow learners will be organising a RM 100.00 per ticket Raffle Draw to raise funds for the home. Rumah Luther Ria hopes to raise RM 50,000.00 through this project. For further information, please contact Mrs. Nanda Kumari Muthu, the new Assistant Administrator, at 012-7339983.

Deaconess” was attended by 9 trainees from the various ELCM congregations.

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