Lunar Love Chapter 1

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  • 8/6/2019 Lunar Love Chapter 1


    Chapter 1

    I sat in my car, unmoving, with my eyes closed, bracing myself for what would probably be the

    worst day ever: the first day of the eleventh grade. I was totally unprepared for this, emotionally mostly

    thought. This had been the most troubling summer of my life. True, I had finally gotten all of my Soul

    Seer abilities but with that, came tragedy after tragedy.

    First off... my mother had died. I couldn't even deal with the memory of that gory day. Just

    thinking about her made me want to cry my guts out. The tears were threatening to flood the barrier

    that I had put up but I held them in. I couldn't cry here. I didn't want anybody else's pity. Plus, I couldn't

    let the tears wash off the makeup that I had so meticulously applied. Don't get the wrong idea though. I

    wasn't one of those materialistic girls who applied an inch thick layer of make up on their faces so that

    guys would notice them. Actually, I almost never wore make up. It felt wrong on my face... like I was

    trying to cover myself up or something, but this was a special situation.

    I opened my eyes and sat forward, looking into the rearview mirror of the car. Using my

    fingertips, I gently prodded at the spot near my eye where the bruise was. I winced as jolts of pain went

    through the right side of my face. I had covered it up pretty well but if anyone looked too closely at me,

    they would see the faint outline of a fresh bruise. As I stared at the bruise in the mirror, the memory of

    the night that I had gotten it played out vividly in my mind.


    I crept through the front door of my house quietly, praying that my dad wasn't home yet.

    "Jayden!" he yelled from the living room. Well that hope went down the drain pretty fast.

    "Yes Dad?" I asked from the door, slipping off my black ballet flats. Again, I prayed that he wassober enough to actually be reasonable.

    He walked out of the living room and leaned on the wall. In his hand was an almost empty bottle

    of vodka. "Jayden, May I ask what you were doing out so late when you should have been cooking dinner

    for me?" he slurred with a lazy smile on his face. Every night, I made dinner for him. It was always the

    same thing: almost completely raw beef, and a glass of red wine. It had started the day after my mom

    died a couple of weeks ago. I didn't know what had gotten into my dad but I didn't have the heart to say

    no. Ever since then, he had been getting more and more violent, beating me more occasionally. There

    were also more subtle changes. His skin was getting paler and his eyes had started to get red. Strangest

    of all, his aura, the color that surrounds people depending on their mood, had been getting lighter andlighter, slowly fading away.[1]

    "Err... I was-" I paused. Somehow my dad had gotten from the living room all the way to the

    front door where I was standing, without me even noticing.

    I avoided his eyes. I did not want to see what scary things were going on inside of his soul. Even

    though I wasn't looking at his face, I could feel his murderous glare on me, burning me and freezing me

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    to my core all at the same time. I tried to see his aura but I couldn't find it. I furrowed my brow and

    concentrated harder on the air around my dad. Nothing. Maybe it was from all the alcohol? But usually

    when people drank, their auras only faded; never before had they completely disappeared. "Dad, are you

    feeling OK?"

    "Of course, Jayden," he said with the lazy grin back on his face, "But I would feel much better ifyou would make me my dinner," he continued, his lazy grin still on his face, but with a hardened edge to


    "Um, Dad, could you maybe, possibly make your own dinner tonight?" I asked fearfully.

    It was silent for a couple of moments and I risked a peek into his eyes. I had to see what was

    going on with him. Maybe a devil from the Overworld was playing a joke on me and had somehow taken

    over my father? I stared hard into his eyes and started to feel that floating sensation that always came

    with seeing people's souls. Right when I thought I was on the edge of his soul, I was forcefully pushed

    back out. I stood in front of him, dazed and stunned, wondering how in the world he did that. He couldn't

    know about me... could he?

    His face was contorted with rage and I could see his muscles shaking. The bottle in his hand

    shattered from the force of his grip and I cringed away. "How dare you?" he screamed into my face.

    "Dad, I-" I couldn't even finish my sentence before he had knocked me into the wall. The impact

    knocked me off of my feet and I landed in a crumpled heap on the ground. The breath was knocked out

    of me and I wheezed and coughed, trying to get my breath back. Tears were welling up in my eyes. "Dad!

    I'm sorry!"

    He didn't seem to hear me. He had a strange look in his eyes, like he was fighting something

    inside of him. His expressions kept switching from hunger, to pain, to hunger, and then back to pain, but

    his eyes never left my face. He was really scaring me now. My dad had beaten me before, but this

    'switching personalities' thing never happened. I tried to crawl away from him but only got a few feet

    away before his foot came up and kicked me in the gut. He then picked me up and threw me against the

    wall but this time he held me up. His hand came up to slap me, but hesitation flickered in his eyes. I

    thought that maybe he had come to his senses or something but the hesitation was quickly replaced with

    the hungry expression again. Before I knew what had happened, he had slapped me square in the cheek

    and was continuing to throw punches at every part of my body. One punch hit me in the jaw and I could

    taste the blood flowing into my mouth.

    It felt like he had been beating me for hours, but I knew it could have only been seconds. My

    head was swimming and I was starting to lose consciousness. My head kept lolling to the side but Dad

    kept snapping it back up, "Since you made me miss dinner, you're going to have to repay me with

    something," he whispered into my ear in a husky voice, sending shivers down my spine. I tried to form a

    coherent response in my pain clouded mind but only a small moan escaped my lips. He chuckled and said,

    "That is so s*xy."

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    He pushed me up against the wall and hitched my legs up, spreading them open wide.

    Somewhere in my head, alarm bells were going off, telling me to do anything to get out of this situation

    but I was too weak from the beating and could barely hold my head upright. Suddenly he started

    grinding against me and trailing kisses up and down my neck. I gasped and feebly tried to push him off of

    me but he caught my hands and pinned them over my head, all the while still grinding painfully against

    me. Somehow he managed to get my pants off and I was only left in my lacy black underwear. He gasped

    and unzipped his own pants, grinding harder against me. My underwear came off and soon his boxers

    were off too. His tip was getting closer and closer to my center. I could feel how hard he was, how close

    he was, and I started to cry. Bloody tears streaked my face and dripped onto the floor. I couldn't believe

    that my own father, the man who gave me life, was going to rape me.

    His mouth was still trailing down my neck and came to rest in the spot where my neck and

    shoulder met. He was kissing me slowly there, moaning every couple of seconds, and suddenly his teeth

    bit into my neck. I screamed at the top of my lungs. The cloud that was hanging over my brain had finally

    cleared and screaming was the first thing that popped into my mind. My screaming seemed to snap my

    dad out of some haze that he had been in because he immediately dropped me and backed away. Hekept running his hands through his hair and was mumbling something to himself. He was pacing rapidly

    back and forth in front of me but seemed to have forgotten that I was still sitting on the ground,

    cowering in fear.

    His head snapped to me and I involuntarily flinched. I was expecting a murderous glare or at

    least some crazy glint in his eyes but instead, there was a concerned and apologetic pleading look on his

    face. He reached out to me and said, "Jayden. I'm so sorry. I wish I could tell you why... but I can't. I just

    can't." He touched my arm but I immediately cringed into the wall. I wished it would just suck me up and

    take me out of here, far away from my so- called father.

    "Stay. Away. From. Me," I said steadily with no hesitation whatsoever in my voice.

    "But Jayden, I'm your fa-" he started to say father but I cut him off.

    I gathered my underwear and pants in my arms and made my way to the stairs. "No. You aren't

    my father. My father would never do this to me," I said coldly. I used his real name instead of calling him

    Dad. I felt like if I even said the word 'dad' to him that I would have to rip my tongue out or something.

    He got a faraway look in his eyes, like he hadn't even heard me. "I have to go," he said quietly.

    I didn't say anything. I felt like if I said anything I might really start bawling.

    He walked towards the door and slowly opened it. He turned to me and said "Someday, I hope

    you'll know why, and someday, I hope you'll be able to forgive me." With that, he walked out of the door,

    and out of my life.


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    Unknowingly, I had started crying again. I mentally slapped myself out of it. I pushed away the

    sad memories of the summer and told myself to toughen up. The makeup had gotten messed up so I

    hastily reapplied it. It didn't look as convincing as the first time but it would have to do because just at

    that moment, the bell to advisory sounded and all of the students that had been lagging behind

    immediately began sprinting into the building.

    Great. The first day of school and I'm already late. How much better can this day get?