THE LEADERSHIP AUTOBIOGRAPHY PUAF692 Professor: Dr. Marc A. Farmer Luke Dinh UID: 111982936

Luke Autobiography

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Professor: Dr. Marc A. Farmer

Luke Dinh

UID: 111982936


When I was young, I used to believe that good leaders are born with leadership potentials, such as my venerable Uncle Ho - Vietnamese leader Ho Chi Minh, Napoleon Bonaparte and Theodore Roosevelt. Leaders have their certain intrinsic personalities, characters, and styles that others have not. Therefore, I strongly believed that one person deserves to be a leader rather than another one. Now, I recognize that they are not made or born. To become good leaders, we have to steel ourselves through a never-ending process of self-study, education, training, and experience.

My name is Luke Dinh. I was born in February 1982 to a poor with four siblings in Gia Lai province. My dad is a manager of an important department in a famous local bank and my mom shares the economic burden of our family by selling fruit in a market. Although my family is poor, my house is always overwhelmed with the smile. My family gets by as best as we can.

1. Lessons from My ChildhoodDuring my life, my parents are those who influence me most, especially by giving me some ideas on leadership. They give me assurance, guidance, and inspiration.

My dad is a manager; therefore, he has a lot experience in leadership and management. I learned from him that a leader should be a pioneer a lightning rod and have a sense of responsibility. Since I was a child, my dad always worked hard to support my family. Everyone often says that he is a very particular person and likes to work in details until perfection. Following example of my dad, I try to be a responsible person at home and in my office as well. In fact, since I was 6 years old, my parents encouraged me to do everything by myself and took up various tasks at home such as helping my mom prepare meals, taking care of my younger sister, washing my clothes, etc.

Another significant lesson that I learned from my dad was to be calm and maintain self-respect. For this, he has taught me through his actions and spoken words. One of the most significant experiences was the following story.

One day, in an early morning, while all members of my family were sleeping, we heard a banging on the door. We all woke up, and my dad ran to open the door and found Mrs. Ca - our neighbor. She asked to search our house because her stuff was stolen. We all lost our temper, except my parents. His constant effort in bring her to her senses was failed. He said, You have all right to search our house and waved everybody aside. Immediately, she rummaged every corner of our house. About nearly 15 minutes later, she went out of our house without words. Although this event happened over 15 years ago, memories of that morning are still engraved in my mind. Until now, when I have more life experiences, I have recognized that a good leader should be calm and self-respect in any situation.

My mom also influences how I think, act, and deal with life. She inspires me to overcome obstacles. Although she is an illiterate, she always teaches me how to be a good person, how to communicate with other people, and how to confront difficult issues. I learned from her patience, carefulness and fondness for learning. When I was in the third grade, for example, I attempted to do a math test perfectly, but I got a bad mark. I was very disappointed with myself. My mom came and inspired me to try again. She said, Failure is the mother of success. You should be patient, and figure out what mistakes you had made. I realized my problem - inadequate basic knowledge. From that time, with the encouragement of my mom and special help from my teacher, not only I got back the basic knowledge but also became good at math. One year later, I won a third prize in Math Contest for Gifted Students in Gia Lai Province. After that, I won some prizes in National Math Contest. Now, as an assistant at High Command of Mobile Police, I recognize how useful they are. With my experience, I strongly believe that patience, carefulness and fondness for learning are three characters that leaders should have.

Thanks to my parents lessons, I grow more mature. I realized failure is unavoidable on the way to success. Sir. Winston Churchill used to say, Success is the ability to go from failure to failure without losing your enthusiasm. An effective leader should know how, when he makes decisions to get better results. If he faced a failure, he should accept that as fact, experience failure and make things right. 2. Lessons from Student Life

Because of my endeavor and learning spirit, my teachers and my friends loved and thought highly of me. Consequently, I was voted as a monitor from fourth grade through seventh grade and under my management, everything was in order. However, in eighth grade, everything changed and became out of my hands. Some classmates not only opposed my assignments but also induced others to oppose. Every time, I needed classmates opinions to solve a problem, they did not say anything. I suggested the ways to solve. They sat still and kept quiet. I persuaded to find the consensus of all classmates; however, it did not work. I threatened that I would suggest my teacher to discipline them. They were not afraid of it. I was very embarrassed. Why did they change rapidly? What were my mistakes?

As a monitor, I had used many methods to solve the problem, but they were without result. Therefore, I asked my dad for his leadership expertise. Based on his advice, I realized that I had not understood their feelings, thoughts and desires. They were adults with high self-respect and independent thoughts. During a week, I have found a suitable opportunity to talk directly with them. At last, we gathered at a football ground to confide everything together. We started to figure out about our thoughts and feelings. Luckily, everything came back to normal order. With this experience, I strongly believe that good leaders should understand their followers feelings, thoughts and desires. Establishing and maintaining relationships with the followers is one of the most leadership skills.There was another profound experience where I learned a great deal about making right decision when I was at a high school. During that time, I had to live far away from my family. Trung, my classmate and I rent a room at an inn. In a strange atmosphere, without the protection of families, it is difficult to avoid the temptation. One year after beginning of high school, Trung became a drug addict. He used to ask me to try, but I refused. Although he tried to convince me by telling me that he was fine, I saw he writhed in bed with pain. He started facing financial problems and everything he had was sold. I was tormented by seeing his situation. I tried to seek a good way to drag him out of this situation. How could I do when I was 17 years old? I had to decide immediately. I decided to talk about him with his mom, even if he was angry with me. I felt relief after talking to his mom and our friends about his situation. We encouraged him to undergo detoxification to start a new life. I thought I had made a righteous decision. After two years under detoxification, he became better and continued his unfinished studies. I learned a lot from this experience not to be attracted by temptation and be steady and decisive. I also think that leadership is about making right decision in right time.

When I was in twelfth grade, I thought of going for the information technology field for my college. However, I was not able to pursue this path. I chose to become a police officer; therefore, I decided to learn the major in crime investigation at Peoples Police University of Vietnam.From the beginning of the course, I was assigned to manage a squad. It was easier to manage a class with 40 members than manage a quad with 12 members. Being a squad leader was a much more challenging task because no members knew each other prior to the course. Everyone had a difference in thinking and characteristics. I had many difficulties at the beginning. However, with previous experience as a monitor, I solved difficult issues gradually. We bound up with together by sharing our experiences, feelings, and thoughts.

Since then, my philosophy of leadership has changed dramatically. I recognized many things about leadership. I figured out an appropriate answer for what are the differences between management and leadership. This question has appeared in my mind, since I was a teenager. I used to think although my dad has certain leadership qualities, why he is only a manager, not a leader. When I asked my dad about them, he said, Leaders are born and not made. Famous leaders have certain intrinsic traits or qualities that others have not. That why a person becomes the leader in an organization rather than another. One can be a leader, but another only can be a manager.

Furthermore, the difference between management and leadership is simple. Management is a career. Leadership is a mobilization. One of the most significant leadership quotes is the statement Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things. of Peter F. Drucker - a writer, management consultant, and self-described as a social ecologist.

3. Experiences from Working

After graduating from the Peoples Police University in 2006, I have been working at the High Command of Mobile Police. Because of my outstanding work performance, I was voted for a secretary of Communist Youth Union of my department. As a secretary, I always was mainly responsible for organizing extracurricular activities, volunteer campaigns. This position gave me the opportunity to communicate with many people from across the nation, thereby enhancing my knowledge, leadership perspective, and management skills.

The most significant leadership experiences that I had were during June 2008 at a poor Phong Phu commune. Because it was the first time, I leaded about 40 members to do many important tasks. At the beginning, I gathered all my cabinet members and decided to do something new at this commune. After analyzing the collected information, I decided to establish a literacy class. However, there were many opposing opinions and An - Deputy Secretary was one of them. When I asked him about his ideas, I was very surprised at his response aggressively. It was the worst time. I asked him to have a private conversation. I said, An, you are the good person who I always respect; however, I was very sad with your speech. I continued, It is difficult to accept your action. I hope you change your behavior. All members like you and do not lose your good image in their eyes." In this event, I believed that I acted appropriately towards a team member by controlling my own emotions and helping him keep his image.

Another problem occurred during this mission on how to divide members in different teams, such as a team for building road, a team for information management, a team for teaching, etc. We had only three weeks to accomplish all things. To overcome these challenges, I first assessed the specific skills of each volunteer in order to assign them to appropriate teams. Then I gathered all members in meeting-hall to deploy our plan and classify each members skills. After conducting this research, I found the consensus of all members to form the teams. I learned from here how important it is to get good participation from others to move forward in a mission.

Fortunately, everything occurred smoothly and all our teams worked effectively, especially the team of teachers. When the course began, every member of the teaching team worked so well. The first day of course attracted over 20 children, and second day attracted more than 30 children. We persuaded parents to let their children to go to our course. I realized that all children and their parents were very pleased with our four classes.

By investigating specific skills of each volunteer and found the consensus among members, I established a literacy class successfully. During this time, I tried to ensure that members were closer and closer, and each member had an opportunity to prove his skills. I believe that this event is the most valuable one in my leadership experience since so many challenges took place, and all responsibility was on my shoulders. I believed that the success of this mission is due to my maturity in handling disagreements, controlling my own emotions and concentrate on the overall picture and goal of the mission at all time. I am now looking forward to leading future missions and challenges.

Moreover, during my career, I found different models, both good and bad, of leadership at my workplace. I had a boss, who taught me the value of training staffs well and assigning suitable work to officers to create opportunities for them to prove their abilities. I learned that I worked best under a boss who allowed me to make my own decisions. I used to communicate reluctantly with a superior who did not take initiative nor like to solve problems on his own. I also felt sorry for some superiors who do not believe and assign work to his subordinates and always did everything by himself. I did not feel comfortable to work under dishonest bosses who contended with their subordinates for merits.

4. My Awareness of Leadership

With knowledge and experience I had, I agree with the statement, Leaders aren't made or born. Leadership is a choice - a belief in oneself and commitment to everything that is good and noble within you. Everyone can be a leader if he/she wants to. Leadership is not limited in organization. If you are a parent, you are definitely a leader of your family. When you are a member of a group in which other members trust you and place all their expectation on your shoulder to mobilize them to achieve their goals, at that time, you are a leader, too. We can be a leader, at least in leading ourselves. Leadership stays inside each of us. However, at the starting line of training and practice, some people may be better than others. I think that whether you are a leader or not is not important but how effective you are in inspiring and motivating other people is the most important.

First, I strongly believe that leadership is the process that a person influences others to achieve its goals. Leaders and their followers can mutually influence each other. There are two types of leadership. (1) Leaders with authority are those who use their own authority to lead a group of people to achieve their goals are leaders. In this situation, they use power stem from their authority to force a person to accomplish a certain act. They may also be authoritarians. Leaders with authority easily raise conflicts and arguments among members; therefore, it is difficult to gain the direction, protection and order. (2) Leaders without authority "push us to clarify our values, face hard realities, and seize new possibilities, however frightening they may be." Gandhi, Nelson Mandela, Martin Luther King Jr. and Margaret Sanger are famous examples of that type of leadership. Each of them gained considerable informal authority, which followers placed in their shoulder to solve difficult social problems.To be a leader is difficult but to be an effective one is more difficult. Effective leaders have to have certain characters, knowledge, and leadership skills, as well as clear visions to mobilize other people to tackle complex issues in order to get the goals. Knowledge effective leaders should have ranges widely from human nature, group behavior to professional ability. To achieve more knowledge, they should gather more information, study the knowledge acquired and experiment and be trained continually. Characters include decisiveness, self-confidence, and objectivity. Leadership skill includes but not limited to effective communication, great listener, and organizational ability.Second, management is the process of getting activities completed efficiently with and through other people; or the process of setting and achieving goals through the execution of five basic management functions: planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling; that utilize human, financial, and material resources. Managers and their subordinates mutually monitor and depend on each other because they have weaknesses. The dependence is limited to their tasks and organization. In short, as I stated in the beginning, my philosophy of leadership changed belong to each period. Until now, I have an insight of leadership. Leadership is the process to influence and guide the behavior of individuals or groups towards the goals of the organization. Leaders are not born or made. To become a leader, we have to be under a continual process of learning, training and collecting experiences. A leader should be calm, assiduous, and honest. Certainly, a leader should have specific leadership skills, such as the public speaking ability, listening skill, and collecting and assessing information.

I also realize that my leadership strengths are sense of responsibility, communication skills, and organizational ability. My weaknesses are inclination to be impatient, arrogant, and shortage of resolution. I strongly believe that after earning the Master Degree in Justice Leadership, I learn how to analyze problems through a multidimensional perspective. I aim to accumulate knowledge and wisdom from literature as well as practical experiences to overcome my weaknesses in the future to become a better leader.

Jago, A. G. (1982). Leadership: Perspectives in Theory And Research. Management Science, 28(3), 315-336

Drucker, Peter F., Reflections of a Social Ecologist, Society, May/June 1992

HYPERLINK "http://www.kossoff.com/" Leslie L. Kossoff, From Manager to Leader, HYPERLINK "http://management.about.com/od/leadership/a/FromMgr2Ldr05.htm" http://management.about.com/od/leadership/a/FromMgr2Ldr05.htm

Ronald A. Heifetz, Leadership without Easy Answers
