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Lu a on Sublime Text

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Lu a on Sublime Text

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  • 6/8/2014

    Running Lua on Sublime Text A step-by-step guide to execute Lua

    code on Sublime Text

    Stephen Leitnick

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    June 8, 2014

    First things first, Sublime Text does not have a Run or Execute command built

    into it. Instead, it has a Build command, which is set aside to build code.

    However, a Build system can easily be used to execute Lua code as well, simply by

    executing the code against a Lua binary.

    1. Ensure you have Sublime Text installed. In this example, I am using Sublime Text 3

    Beta. Pick it up here: http://www.sublimetext.com/

    2. Download the Lua Binaries

    a. Get the download at: http://luabinaries.sourceforge.net/download.html

    b. Download the ZIP file

    c. Extract ZIP to your desired path, such as C:\Dev

    d. You should now have a directory such as C:\Dev\LuaBinaries

    3. Open Sublime Text and navigate to Tools > Build System and click on New Build System...

    NOTE: Sublime Text might come with a Lua build system already listed, but it does not do

    anything, so creating a new build system is still necessary.

    4. A tab will pop up titled untitled.sublime-build. Delete anything present and

    add the following code:


    working_dir: C:\\Dev\\LuaBinaries,

    cmd: [lua52, $file]


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    June 8, 2014

    The code should appear as follows, given the working_dir value is set to the

    directory that contains the Lua binary files that you have extracted onto your


    5. Save the build system (File > Save or CTRL+S)

    a. When you attempt to save, it should open up the directory in which it needs

    to save

    b. Save as Lua.sublime-build

    6. Set the current Build System to Lua:

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    June 8, 2014

    7. Test it out

    a. Create a new File (File > New File or CTRL+N)

    b. Save the file as HelloWorld.lua

    c. Write a print statement, such as print(Hello world!)

    d. Execute code: Press F7 or CTRL+B

    e. See the result in the output window (Press ESC to hide the output window)

    NOTE: Anytime you want to execute standard Lua code, repeat steps 6 and 7.