I ::C----U!E COST OF "'RUTH. h ne dn y bough The h and o.ke f om day 0 A DAIRY FARM m BWeB of AL n D CENTRE PtlllLISHED BY THE AlIERICAlf SABBATH TRACT SOCI&TY THE SEVENTH DAY IS THE S<l.BBATH OF THE LORD THY GOD" VOLUME XXX} NO 32 II glow ng rccordlit could not Bave Roma cay and Roman na v f om desttu t on Her gl ) h s long B nce passed away anJ on be seven h II. and all along tilll V .. Sacra a degraded pe.s .. try groans under the heel of" w eked h rarehy B t why has destruct on thuB for [owed n the wake of emp res? Why d d the great Babylon faU to the man Beek ng oecas on to find fault w th God to escape h s pee ng eye who has ever been skept ca of God by natu e and Bought by some t ck of egerdema n to make nature cry out aga Dst ts Author to make se e ce (wh ch s only na t e found out and put n r ght order) war pan revelat on The a ts of pa nt ng scu pture poet y song orato y a ch tectu e pour tI e the lap of reI g on ouch of 8e cnce the h uden th of eo th 0 and Bea leap fo th and w th Herculean arm. help ft op fallen man and move on the car of progress Rei g on gIn II y 8e no more forever? Is there notl g that ca Bave the eostl eat p oduct OllS of art and arms 1 e [oft est a h evements of human gcn us and learn ng? IB there no I ght to !lum ne the Boul as t stands 1'<> sed on the br k of God and man net on the p a 0 of const t ted tl DgS ]\Ian could see .11 of God he needed to se througl tl e th ng,s he h:;d made , e tbrough nature But wI en he s nned aga nst the God stanq ng gl t before h m bl ndne.8 came over h n aDd more than tl at when God came to 11m a Dong the trees and flowers of Eden aDd called h m Adam Adam h. gn Ity B<lul sl rnnk back to b de tBelf from God among the trees and beh nd the roc}. and BO Jt has ever been It s only the un devout man and holds out her a ns to rece ve them for eve y every g ft of s nce s ngB a neW soog of p aBe to God Wo n e formed by tbe burn ng pen of proph eoy that the song of tho sa ts as they stand w th "olden ha pB on the burn ng sea of g ass w II be Great and marvelous a 0 thy wo ks Lo d God A[m ghty Su e y f the t e wo ks of God a c a fi tJ me fo the songB of auge sand edeemed men they canna be nnwo tby of the study of nen seek ng redemp t on I Bn ppose th redee med soul w 1I go on fore er study g the rna elous works of God and w h o e t e globe and m ss ona eB of the C 088 fo low t as on w ngs or w nd to unfold ts great tr ths a the nat ons Suppose the e had been no s hola. n the world to nn lock the myster s of he dead [an guag.s n wi ch the B ble was at fi st wr tten and translate t nto man n all Germany could read t who I ad Dot mastered the a d dead I at n language L ber had mOB teTed tbat langaage In h B early stud es at scboo[ Although be could not tl eD nncha n the B hIe from tbe table of the cell be ou[d un eha n t from the dead language n wh ch t was locked up and he d d and made a beaut ful tranBlat on of t nto h s mother German tongue and scattered t through all Ger many France and Sw zer[aud and thus sowed the seedB of the Refor mat on But for th s knowledge of Lat n he could Dever bave done b s , AUGUST 5 ta[ and rna a[ are dependelit npon I e ph) s cal aod soffer WIth t A I these oom b ned nfluences have caused us to feel tbat t f cndsh p w th tbe sweetest ira g ance bbedd ng tBelf npon the drs e t places of [fe cheenng and en courag ng many a weary traveler OB th same path her ntl ence I v ng long after she has passed away On the other hanoi the common bus ness of 1 fe b ngs man D COD t ct w tl> h. fellow workmen and 8 npp ng to I Bten to the can versa t a of another group of men he not 00 y go ns a I tie e sure but a r laxat on from the pressure of care It 8 not unusua when" man meets anotber on the street for tbem to stop and greet each other w th the top es of the day compare notes aD the var ous pubhc nterests wh ch occupy the r attent aD spend Dg a qua ter half 0 even a whole hour and th s repeatedly a d noth ug 8 thought of t I do not w sh to find any fault w th th s cUBtom for t s a redeem Dg one aDd the world would be tbe better f tloere were 11 0 e of t Our organ sm B Bucb that the normal UBe of our faoultIes w tl n co ta n I m ts and followed by adequate rest promoteB growth deve ops Btrength aDd the r capab [ t es But beyond tl ese hm ts we cannot go w thout OJ nry Every mot on even tbe least whether of thought or act on B a wastIng process UB ng up the [ fe for eB tbe waBte be ng commeD Burate to the strength and rap d ty of tbe mo on Tb s creates a de mand for reparat aD requ nng food and rest aDd under the requ Bte cond t onB nature not merely re TI:JUm:-$1I 60 A YEAB, IN ADV AliOE. NO 1592 How much more how mneh ; I eonld have worked bad I niBted If I am spared how d ffe;enb y WI [ I do I w I come here I every Snmmer and I ve lIustnous eump[e s found n thp I fe of our much loved and deeply lamented Pres dent KenyoD We trel,ever rem nded n our da ly ngs .f how much we 0" e to hE Ifor tbe educat onal prosp. ty w eb we pOBseBB and for wh ch be noonsc o11.ly perhapB yet un do.Wtedly gave h sl fe go ng down to J comp.rat vely early grave Adm ti ng that I e accomp shed veryl !I\uch mo e n tbe years before h s Bodily energ es became exbauBt ed tih"n he eould bave done n the saDld tl'llla had he not a ertaxed begs a eap e we caD t to a up of strong tea or coff". and pe haps Borne h ng stronger s [[ samet mes to mlol t e p ead ng for es to fur ber act OD "heu n ght tho I v nely appo nted me for rest and seep comes we are Iiot ready to ay by ou garments of to aod g ve nat e her r ght but work on and on :los long as we can then re lucta tly ret e too wea ed fQr m med ate 8 eep and when t does come t s restless and unrefresh ug M"l'Y parents sec ng the ev [s re su[tling from leav ng eh Id en ent re y unoc up ed go to the oppos te el:: reme and keep be ra ever busy tl nk ng to preserve them from tcmptat on But of teD even when not break ng away from pa ental contr,,[ tlte Bt es, angu d feel ng c eat ng a c av ng fo a st mu[us to reI eve t tbey resort to the exc e ments of d nk and faU D the ve y Bnare sougbt to be avo ded It s f eq cntly asked why t B that per Bon, who were observably nte[ gent n the r youtb and have m presaed the r acqua ntance w th the dea that they were pecu arty fitt.ed to stamp the r cllaracter pon soc e ty and accomp sb rt uch for them selves :;lId tbe world ha e on reacb ng matur ty d sappo nted .11 theBe expectst ons aDd settled down nto tbe moat commonplace p.op[e wh e theu pl"ymates who were tl augl t t. be but moderately en dawed to whose name lazy was pre fixed and of whom noth ng was ex pee ted b t to p od a n tbe Deaten track have r se to em nence slld power and come to be recogn zed aB among tbe foremoBt n the race of I fe Is t not that n the r earl er years when body lind m nd nee lea all the extra v tal ty for growtb the former n response to these prompt ng. have used up tbeBe resources by overmuch to wI [e the others hav ng hoarded tbem we e ready w th unabated s rength to figbt boldly and energet cally [ fe s battles aDd conquer them? As n result of th shurr ed aoxlOus I v DISCIPLINE. d 1lEOOM1!ENDATIONB. A gentleman once ad, ert sed for a boy to ass st b m nbs ofli e and nearly fifty app[ cd f"r tbe pace Out of the whole nnmher be n a short t me chose one and sent the IF IT IS TnUE -An nfidel .a d There s one tJ g that mars nlJ the pleasures of my I fe Indeed I rep[ cd h s fr eDd what s that? He anBwered I am sf a d tl e 13 hIe "true If I co d know fo. certa n tl at deat! 8 an eternal s[e p I should be bapl y t My JOY would h. complete I But here IS tl e thorn t'bat st ngs me th S IS tl e sword that p rceB my soli! If the B ble s true I am lost forever The be t ph [osophy-a contented m nd.

[~ltbblttll ~trnrdtr I · [~ltbblttll ~trnrdtr I ::C----U!E COST OF "'RUTH. h ne dn y bough The h and o.ke f om day 0 A DAIRY FARM m BWeB of AL n D CENTRE PtlllLISHED BY THE AlIERICAlf

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Page 1: [~ltbblttll ~trnrdtr I · [~ltbblttll ~trnrdtr I ::C----U!E COST OF "'RUTH. h ne dn y bough The h and o.ke f om day 0 A DAIRY FARM m BWeB of AL n D CENTRE PtlllLISHED BY THE AlIERICAlf

[~ltbblttll ~trnrdtr I ::C----U!E COST OF "'RUTH.

h ne dn y bough The h

and o.ke f om day 0


m BWeB of




II glow ng rccordlit could not Bave Roma cay and Roman na v f om desttu t on Her gl ) h s long B nce passed away anJ on be seven h II. and all along tilll V .. Sacra a degraded pe.s .. try groans under the heel of" w eked h rarehy

B t why has destruct on thuB for [owed n the wake of emp res? Why d d the great Babylon faU to

the man Beek ng oecas on to find fault w th God to escape h s pee ng eye who has ever been skept ca

of God by natu e and Bought by some t ck of egerdema n to make nature cry out aga Dst ts Author to make se e ce (wh ch s only na t e found out and put n r ght order) war pan revelat on

The a ts of pa nt ng scu pture poet y song orato y

a ch tectu e pour tI e the lap of reI g on ouch of 8e cnce the h uden th n~B

of eo th 0 and Bea leap fo th and w th Herculean arm. help

ft op fallen man and move on the car of progress Rei g on gIn II y

8e no more forever? Is there notl g that ca Bave the eostl eat p oduct OllS of art and arms 1 e [oft est a h evements of human gcn us and learn ng? IB there no I ght to !lum ne the Boul as t stands 1'<> sed on the br k of

God and man net on the p a 0 of const t ted tl DgS ]\Ian could see .11 of God he needed to se througl tl e th ng,s he h:;d made , e tbrough nature But wI en he s nned aga nst the God stanq ng gl t before h m bl ndne.8 came over h n aDd more than tl at when God came to 11m a Dong the trees and flowers of Eden aDd called h m Adam Adam h. gn Ity B<lul sl rnnk back to b de tBelf from God among the trees and beh nd the roc}. and BO Jt has ever been It s only the un devout man and

holds out her a ns to rece ve them a~d for eve y every g ft of s nce s ngB a neW soog of p aBe to God Wo n e formed by tbe burn ng pen of proph eoy that the song of tho sa ts as they stand w th "olden ha pB on the burn ng sea of g ass w II be Great and marvelous a 0 thy wo ks Lo d God A[m ghty Su e y f the t e wo ks of God a c a fi tJ me fo the songB of auge sand edeemed men they canna be nnwo tby of the study of nen seek ng redemp t on I Bn ppose th redee med soul w 1I go on fore er study g the rna elous works of God and w h

o e t e globe and m ss ona eB of the C 088 fo low t as on w ngs or w nd to unfold ts great tr ths a the nat ons Suppose the e had been no s hola. n the world to nn lock the myster s of he dead [an guag.s n wi ch the B ble was at fi st wr tten and translate t nto

man n all Germany could read t who I ad Dot mastered the a d dead I at n language L ber had mOB teTed tbat langaage In h B early stud es at scboo[ Although be could not tl eD nncha n the B hIe from tbe table of the cell be ou[d un eha n t from the dead language n wh ch t was locked up and he d d and made a beaut ful tranBlat on of t nto h s mother German tongue

and scattered t through all Ger many France and Sw zer[aud and thus sowed the seedB of the Refor mat on But for th s knowledge of Lat n he could Dever bave done b s

• ,


ta[ and rna a[ are dependelit npon I e ph) s cal aod soffer WIth t

A I these oom b ned nfluences have caused us to feel tbat t

f cndsh p w th tbe sweetest ira g ance bbedd ng tBelf npon the drs e t places of [fe cheenng and en courag ng many a weary traveler OB

th same path her ntl ence I v ng long after she has passed away On the other hanoi the common bus ness of 1 fe b ngs man D COD

t ct w tl> h. fellow workmen and

8 npp ng to I Bten to the can versa t a of another group of men he not 00 y go ns a I tie e sure but a r laxat on from the pressure of care It 8 not unusua when" man meets anotber on the street for tbem to

stop and greet each other w th the top es of the day compare notes aD the var ous pubhc nterests wh ch occupy the r attent aD spend Dg a qua ter half 0 even a whole hour and th s repeatedly a d noth ug 8

thought of t I do not w sh to find any fault w th th s cUBtom for t s a redeem Dg one aDd the world would be tbe better f tloere were 11 0 e of t Our organ sm B Bucb that the normal UBe of our faoultIes w tl n co ta n I m ts and followed by adequate rest promoteB growth deve ops Btrength aDd the r capab [ t es But beyond tl ese hm ts we cannot go w thout OJ nry Every mot on even tbe

least whether of thought or act on B a wastIng process UB ng up the

[ fe for eB tbe waBte be ng commeD Burate to the strength and rap d ty of tbe mo on Tb s creates a de mand for reparat aD requ nng food and rest aDd under the requ B te cond t onB nature not merely re

TI:JUm:-$1I 60 A YEAB, IN ADV AliOE.

NO 1592

How much more how mneh ; ~eUer I eonld have worked bad I niBted If I am spared how d ffe;enb y WI [ I do I w I come here I every Snmmer and I ve Ano~ber lIustnous eump[e s found n thp I fe of our much loved and

deeply lamented Pres dent KenyoD We trel,ever rem nded n our da ly snrr~unl:l ngs .f how much we 0" e to hE Ifor tbe educat onal prosp. ty w eb we pOBseBB and for wh ch be noonsc o11.ly perhapB yet un do.Wtedly gave h sl fe go ng down to J comp.rat vely early grave Adm ti ng that I e accomp shed veryl !I\uch mo e n tbe years before h s Bodily energ es became exbauBt ed tih"n he eould bave done n the saDld tl'llla had he not a ertaxed

begs a eap e we caD t to a up of strong tea or coff". and pe haps Borne h ng stronger s [[ samet mes to mlol t e p ead ng for es to fur ber act OD "heu n ght tho I v nely appo nted ~ me for rest and seep comes we are Iiot ready to ay by ou garments of to aod

g ve nat e her r ght but work on and on :los long as we can then re lucta tly ret e too wea ed fQr m med ate 8 eep and when t does come t s restless and unrefresh ug M"l'Y parents sec ng the ev [s re su[tling from leav ng eh Id en ent re y unoc up ed go to the oppos te

el:: reme and keep be ra ever busy tl nk ng to preserve them from tcmptat on But of teD even when not break ng away from pa ental contr,,[ tlte Bt es, angu d feel ng c eat ng a c av ng fo a st mu[us to reI eve t tbey resort to the exc e ments of d nk and faU D the ve y Bnare sougbt to be avo ded It s f eq cntly asked why t B that per Bon, who were observably nte[ gent n the r youtb and have m presaed the r acqua ntance w th the dea that they were pecu arty fitt.ed

to stamp the r cllaracter pon soc e ty and accomp sb rt uch for them selves :;lId tbe world ha e on reacb ng matur ty d sappo nted .11 theBe

expectst ons aDd settled down nto tbe moat commonplace p.op[e wh e theu pl"ymates who were tl augl t t. be but moderately en dawed to whose name lazy was pre fixed and of whom noth ng was ex pee ted b t to p od a n tbe Deaten track have r se to em nence slld power and come to be recogn zed aB among tbe foremoBt n the race of I fe Is t not that n the r earl er years when body lind m nd nee lea all the extra v tal ty for growtb the former n response to these prompt ng. have used up tbeBe resources by overmuch to wI [e the others hav ng hoarded tbem we e ready w th unabated s rength to figbt boldly and energet cally [ fe s battles aDd conquer them? As n result of th shurr ed aoxlOus I v



1lEOOM1!ENDATIONB. A gentleman once ad, ert sed for

a boy to ass st b m nbs ofli e and nearly fifty app[ cd f"r tbe pace Out of the whole nnmher be n a short t me chose one and sent the

IF IT IS TnUE -An nfidel .a d There s one tJ g that mars nlJ

the pleasures of my I fe Indeed I rep[ cd h s fr eDd

what s that? He anBwered I am sf a d tl e

13 hIe "true If I co d know fo. certa n tl at deat! 8 an eternal s[e p I should be bapl y t My JOY would h. complete I But here IS tl e thorn t'bat st ngs me th S IS tl e sword that p rceB my soli! If the B ble s true I am lost forever

The be t ph [osophy-a contented m nd.

Page 2: [~ltbblttll ~trnrdtr I · [~ltbblttll ~trnrdtr I ::C----U!E COST OF "'RUTH. h ne dn y bough The h and o.ke f om day 0 A DAIRY FARM m BWeB of AL n D CENTRE PtlllLISHED BY THE AlIERICAlf

man ward the he,u t shou d not be 1 wIth equal ful ness act to" ard God and toward men We do not mean

hearts of men are any roo e dece t fnl now than formerly ve do not as sert but that to an alarm ng extent men at the present t me act n dlBregard of the cia ms of God B

beyond d spnte :N or do men any more regard the r gh • of th r fel lows than they do the cia ms of the r Maker We asl! all WJ.at 8 ae sp.rzt ofthUl age? But f th s q nes tl~n takes too w de a terr tor al sweep to secure a de fin te answer let It he confined to our own coun try Let your reflee ons take the last ten or twelve years or so but let them he emphas zed w h tbe to,rlav To us f anyth ng s lear It IS that self aud not Go 1 re g s Let us part cuI", ze a I ttle In the trosts comm tted to men n th e conductIng of State alfa ra wi t startl ng developments of g gaot c d Bllonest es appear Racb depart ment seems n the hands of one r ng or m,ue and these are conducting ItS bus ne •• not In the nterest of the State bnt In the r own Interest W,th the sellisl ness of Satan tt ey deVIse the r plans aod WIth Ii • cnn DIng d" they exec te tl em But thIS same sp r t seems to have taken possess on of a most every lepart ment of the bos ness afr. ra of soc etv Banks break and hus ness firms collapse eaus ng consterns on 811 around and when tl e nuses are ascerta ned It s found that Cash er PreSIdent Agent or some one else has bees dIshonestly tamper ng WIth funds or cred t of tl e concern but often WIth tho consol ng state ment tbat up to th s t me he had sustamed a good reputat on

FrqID these po nts of observat on 88 from ove hang ng promontor es we may look over the e,er str g ghng maR.es below and we shall Bee that n their g ddy wh rl ea h s loek ng to promote h s own selfish ends and often these are of the most degrading and seosual charac ter ThIS state of tbIDgs also t nges almost every departmet of (lur so elal and IDd v doal I fe Even our youtb do not fear God but are to au alarmIng extent profane and D

temperate Let the reader ask h m self what proportIOn of the people

T IE Metli 0 l at Recorder of July 24 h says the Seventh day Bapt sts p opose form ng a church settleme t n order to gather uto one colony

the r scattered members n tb s conntry

We have no enterpr 6e If It Were practICable wonld be of great benefit botb 80

feel ng the needs of assoClat on have nv ted others to JO n them and thus

secure Its benefits

One of the most mf or ant cases e or dec ded ID the Just ce Court of Newport was tned th s morn ng be fore J ndges Topham and Ward The fa tA as brought out by tbe ev dence are as follows :Mr l\Ia comber s an ack owledged ::;ahba tar an On Sonday morn ng last h s store waf> open at 0 45 w th a hundle of bananas bung 0 t de a so hams three barrels placed out s de w th a plank made a sort of Clmnter on wh ch was exposed a quant ty of fresh vegetables Offi cer S eele paa ng at th s t me asked defendaut what t me he n tended to close He repliea 9 o clock to n ght Th s was mme d ately reported to C tv :Marshal S mmons who sent back word that f he d d not oloae he n ust shut tl e

store for h m No attent 00 WIlS g ven to those nstruct ons and the C ty Marshal forthw th had a war rant Issued def~ndant arrested (who gave ba I) the store closed and the case tr ed as stated For the de fense the Hon W P Sheffield ap penred and 0 h s address took except on to tbe word ng of the com pIa nt, wh cb d d not aver that the defendant was not a Sabbatar an aud that It d d not stato spec fi cally that the place of bus ness was w th n the c ty of Newport The real defense however was that the store WBS not open for the sale of goods and merchand ze The COBn sel compl" ned that h s ol ent was made an example of aga ust Sundav trad ng when scores of rumsellor. were allowed to deal ou rum and dm:nnaWlD ou Sunday w thout 10

Page 3: [~ltbblttll ~trnrdtr I · [~ltbblttll ~trnrdtr I ::C----U!E COST OF "'RUTH. h ne dn y bough The h and o.ke f om day 0 A DAIRY FARM m BWeB of AL n D CENTRE PtlllLISHED BY THE AlIERICAlf


n the church above has not been revealed but what we have to do he e s eas Iy known Follow out Solomon s strnct ODS Wh tso ever thy I and findeth to do do t w h all thy m ght

G R WllEllLER. S LE> N J


a good share of the extra expense of a c ty locot on would be bo ne by those already there The exper me t w 11 settle tl e moote 1 q es too of br ng g the Sabbath before the m nds of lead ng th nkers and actors JAMES BAILEY

A letter from nro Ordway g es the nformat a that the B b

hool referred a 0 the forego ng r port s 0 operat on It s to be hoped t at It w II be a mean. of n h good to those sbar ng t .A fr eud 0 Cb cago who 8 fu Iy able to do t offers to board w thout charge an agent one half of the t me f the Tract Board w!l send one

J Do C


oeeas on A prayer m ct ng pre ceded and a co ferenee fo lowed each sermon The pTa-yers were fervent the e ho a.t ODS warm and full of tbe love of J eIlUS

PARLIAMENTARY EXCITEMIDrT 10 the B t oh !Iouse of Com

mons July 22d M l'J 3 ael an nouDced that tile ~overnme thad abaodoned the Merchauts Sh p p ng b I for th s se s on He ex pressed the hope that the seas on woold be closed ot\.the loth or 12t1

Th 8 doc. on on wh eh au appeal I as been taken f 8usta ned w II effectually thwart the porposes of the Leg .Iature ~ tbe apDo otment of the CommLS810n 88 persons

LA.TER. Ex Pres dent J ohnaon

half past two 0 clock July 31st He des red that h s WInd ng eheet be the flag of b s country The news was rece ved w th great demonstrat ons of sorrow n all parts of the conn try Pres

dent Grant flS ed an execut ve or der that the Execut ve Mans on and the several d~pa tmen!. of tho Gov e nment at Wasb ngtoD be draped n mourn ng unt I the close of tbe

day des gnated for h 8 funeral a~d that a 1 publ c bus ne •• be ;suspend eel on that day A so tbat the War aod Navy Depart nents canse su t .bl honors to be pa d on the occa

on to the memo yof the lIustr 0 s dead -Senator J ohilscm was the last of the ex I res dents

e were ob 3.

amp tate j aod the tbat tJ 0 "ound w

---..... ---SPA" D spatches from Spa n

seem at p esent to nd rate favorable res Its to the !l.lfons sts but how Ion" beio c the t de w II ago n turn cao on V be determ ned b1' watch ng and wa t ng The repo B DOW

a e that tl e Co I sts n Cataloo"

on acconnt of a d sagreement w th the operat ves

Th rty one m lis are closed at Dundee Scotland and 12000 per soos are out of employment Both employers and operat ves have held meet ogs and reso ved not to y eld If the Oldham .tr kes ,bonld extend \0 aUth. m U. n that d stnct, 30 000 persons WIll be ont of employ ment

The go,"e oment has purchased at New Orlean. the steamer Planter she w II be properly armed manned and sent to Rio Grande, to prevent the Mel: cans from cross ng

Too Muen W ATER.-A spec al to oto TexM and ruon og off the ..,.t­the C nc I)nat Ga •• tte from Terre tie Hante I.J\l of Jnly 28th says The proof thus far obt. ned One of the heav •• t ra n ,torms aga n.t the three men In cU8tody In

year, has I een faU ng hero Boslen on su.p c on of havIng and yesterday Travel on UV-UU)", robbed th. W nthrop Bank, seeme s mpeded or-suspeuded owmg to to md cate strongly that the nght

the wash ng out of cnlverta and los8 men hne been secured of br dgea The Wabash nver 1~ The French Nat on.1 As.embly out of to bank. and bas probal>lM ha, voted an approyna! on of $18 destroyed I 500 000 bushel. of cbril 000 000 franca for suppleme!.\\.3ry o the bottoms Wheat buyers oay war expeoses wh ch naturally eug

the vheat crop s nearly ru ned geats tho qoe.t on of the 1ea80n for



Ad spatch from Berne Sw tzerland dated J Diy ?9th Bays Twenty two h ndred wo kmen employed on tbe St Gothard tunnel struckowork to day and became noters. They gathered on the northern entranoe of the tunnel aod b ocl ed t The Sw a govern nent seut a body of troops to tl e .pot who d1l3persed the oters k II og four of them aod wound no e ght 0 be B The men finally reoumed w<;>rk

The Secretary 88 ed a call for

he edempt 00 of $14 987 200 of five twen y bonds of 1862 of wh ch $138305,0 are conpon bonds and :;< 6 fl,O are reg .tered bonds The. nc ud. all the bonds .soeU under

the act of Feb ary 2 th 186 not beretofo c c& led for redampt on

~u h acUon

Three oounterfe tors were a,,·e.l:ed at St Paul ]\1 no on the n ght July 31st and a large amollnt connterf. t b U. and cOllnterfe toro tool. were oecured

A cyclone pa •• ed tbrougb Har veysburg Founta n Co Ind on tbe n ,!;bt of July 25t do ng mnch damage to trees and u Id ng. F,ve women were k lied

The Pope has earned the Electoral Colloges of Bs.'V"ana S8 aga D9t tl e Emperor the cho.en 'Pembsts Btaod ng 79 Ultramont~ne4 to 76 L ber

alB dcunt Dzembeek, h s mother and

a chamberma d have been arrested D ~reslan charged WIth eoosp racy

to ",",sass nate the Crown Pr nce of Russ a

In France one fourth of tbe boys and two til rds of the g rIa-alto getl cr nearly one half the Juven Ie populat on-are be ng t Btructed by the nnn,

The truste.. of W osleya8 Un vcrs ty at]l[ ddletown Conn have unan mously elected Cyrus D Foss D D of New Yo k, pres dent

rne proap9cts for an enormous cranb/!l ry crop at present are the beB tb.t have been known for many

the well

There s a grow ng \formon colo nv w b a week y newspaper at Clark.burg We t V rg n a

Abont one hund ad tons of rock ecently fe I frolll underneath

Amcncan Falls at N agara

In Willing N Y July i!Oth 1871 of consumptloD )UnY i!TKPHENS wife .f Ebenezer IItephens in the 69th yoar ot he. age Her fll'!t hlUlbsnd ! name! W&8 Jack san aud [libe WH ca. Jed mostly by tbfl!ll name as .he did Dot JIve with Sleph ••• She had no relatives living She eXJ pressed 8. hl!lpe in Chr at J X

In Willu,g N Y July 22<1 1e7~ 0

eoD~es on of he Intlge LoRENZO Me Kni>my in the 28 h y... or hi. &jf6 He Ica:r6S A WIle 0111,. as he burled hill onI" ch Id but ton weekI prel' DUll to h B d~llthj He W8.! rea gnea to exchAnge lrorlda

J "


Pot! Pe&rla


11800 /18 00 I

Ordln&ry 111$ 111/ Low to good mlddlmgo 1~ llii

• PW1JR ANlI lIl&A.L. Floll1' ,uperfine 4 to ~ "

Btete extra G ~ ~ 10 fMCY '80 (!6 U

W .. tem ehlpplDg 5 M (;6 211 cho '" 6 20 @JlI GO

Bt Louis extrae 6 ; @Il ~ MinD com to _ 6 (JlI ~ Boa herneho eetobeat

extra 6 00 @II 25 Rye Flour Western [4 ~ ~ lI:S

State IUld Pe.. G ... @II 25 Corn Meo.! J ..... y 4 fill @l 411

WeRle:...". 4 r (I( 45

Wheot No ~ Spring 1 311@1 M Win er rod W".u,rn @I 38

Amber ~1 46 Whito We.tern 1 48 @IIM

BaleT l(6@1~ Bar ey Malt 1 S~ @I 50 Oate W •• tern Mixed Dew tlO @I 61

Whit:. n.w j 65 @ 87 Rye @ g~ Corn Wostern mix ne... 81! Y

yeliow 'W III whlt. @ III

5h pp og New ret:ill

cover Ry. straw long

6bort oat


emIDBIBe. L ve GeeBe Fea.thera Cider Vmegar 1l giillon Honey New Box S rnp Ta ow


63 (!) 70 80 0;1 11 55 ~ 60 80 @! 00 tlO @ '0 ~O (I 110

30 20 Ii

GO @ 811 2() @ Ii 150 39

I tlO (jill I~ Si@ 6t

Saxony Fleece 60. 71 48 IA to 48 Ill' 55 41. !8l

Fn 1 b ood Menno tand!bood Common Jl' eeee Comb ng Fleece No I Pu led 87 (I 001

8O@ M 411 @ 51 Sup

Renew of he New Yo k markets for bm:­e chee e e c for the week end la,

J u y 24 h 87 teporled f tJ!tj- REC01\­DER by DaVld W Lems & Co Prodace Comm sa on Mer hanta No 85 and 87 Broad s re. N.w York Marking pIBt.e8 furn abed when desued

BUTTER -Race P B for the week wer. 17 732 pack Ezpo B SOB pMk &m. ([lncy Be ectioDB OraDge county paUa.( are pedd DS' off at 82 cen 8 a.nd cho ee c~a.m; flf].es 8. e Bold a stLme pnce a eo ~eb ma.ke sweet 8ta. e bllt er !ells &.t. 28 0 10 cente and Bome arnvaJe 01 W.l.b luW by ee car hat n&.ve been kept ba.ck !.J1d ba a e not .. de. rab. at 25 27@2B c~n ! Da rymen h oug». the State are mOJl,t y ho dmg for 30 cente for the beet da es There have been B. few aales at

Some of bo bea~ receil't! of

CHEESE Re e ptA for the week were 88148 bO'.B Exports 10 826 boxes. Cab e 4s Go d 112 The e was ~g 8~ po d~maDd all be we6~ at a 81 ~ nd van e n p Ba The market IPI weU c ea ed aDd firm tlo he close W tll1note St>. 0 Factory fancy 11t@ 11

good to 6,. 10 @lilt fiue 10 ® 11

i @I 9 2' @ ~

BEANS are 0 @ 10 ~ .. ts per bushel Cho co mano"" 1i! baoh 69 11>. 2 45 ~ ~ 53

Med urna jjjbush 180(j200 1_ DR "CD ApPLBS are steMY balance the NewYokS.e .leed 8@!

qUllrlers 7 @ 8 DAVID W LEWI8 & Co

8!i & 8 Bond St oor Bontb Willill!ll NEwYORX

Marktt II"" p"'odu 0 fauhju1l11 <U fflll1'kd rat , and promptly f.,- oaM.

For 2.J ycars near our preaen' loca.U"1I and tor he .. t 15 lea a engaged Ill. 'he 8a eof


FOR SALE-THE SUBSCnm -1 ER offe B fo !Ie. e h 9 lot a AllrNi

C~Dt 8 N Y 0;1 wh ch &r& & house aDd barn nea. y new porden 1m t trees gape nnes &c FlOI' a.D.l one de! l'J.nr t" a va 1 hernesl ve:! of he ednca ontLl advaA ages of A fred Un verI!! t,. th 8, ill a des r




CLERKsOmCE No ce • herlby rtvsn that th6 nRIIl ..

ot twenty tour pereon. will b. pub ely drawn at the office of the Clerk of • d coun I OD la nrdor Ibe 2181 d&l oj An gust. 1875 at, 10 0 dock A M to serve .. Grand Jurors nt the next County Counand Coun 01 Se .. ona to be hold ot tho Conn House in th.~ llse-e of Belmont lif T on Monday Ih. 8 bJd&y ot September A. II 1R 5 A so he na.mee of thirt]"-tIix 'Per Bans will in 1 ke manu 'be drawa 10 serve R8 Peti Jurore at the 1& d Court

G Ten ander my hand lhi. ~9th day of Jaly A D 1876

W H H RUI!BELL O""ntll oz..-k

FOR LESSON L&.I.VES EASTERN MARYLAND -26 A W Coon ~oot • 30 000 ACroB FlDe etook gr&ln and !l-uil ============== fa ma Bend for ca.t&~OKU6 f 86 to W)(

MABllffiD S RIDGELY Donton Maryland


AG E N T S W.Ii N TED for tbe heM ehe'r, •• t and f .. teol

•• 1 ng Bibl •• vor publ shed BeDd fbr our e:.tra. terme to Agenta NATIONAL PUBLISHING CO Plill&ll.lphia Pa

~10 TO $500 IN WADI BTREEToften I.&IIB to lorta ••

'72 .page book ent tIed Men And 141 oms of W 8.11 Street explalnlng eve~ h D~ BeDt r .e JOHN llICKLIN8 a.

CO .. ,Bankers aDd Brokers '72 Broe.dway N.W'York


Of one h ndred and 8 .. ty two m lIB at Oldham England belong ng to the Employers Assoa atlOn one hun dred aOli fiftY-IllX havB oeased work

At AU ed Cent. N Y Aug 2d li75 h1rs BETSEY <1nEE..~ wldowof 181. ah W Gret"D of Independence in the 7g b yea. of he age Funorsl at 1-be Saveu h day Bap st Chu b Independence on W.d nesdny Aug 4 h e. ~ 0 cock P M

In W llg N Y Jun. 24th 1875 or d ph hena 1S E only cbild of Lorenzo a.nd Cc C La McKinney ~d 4 ;years anu 9 xnonlh. J ~




For sule by Drugg.te gen.rally. ana JOHN F HENRY CURRAN .. co N Y olBeale .Agento.

Page 4: [~ltbblttll ~trnrdtr I · [~ltbblttll ~trnrdtr I ::C----U!E COST OF "'RUTH. h ne dn y bough The h and o.ke f om day 0 A DAIRY FARM m BWeB of AL n D CENTRE PtlllLISHED BY THE AlIERICAlf




Roup II! Fo '" .s -The Poultry lVurld recommends the followLDg treat ne t for fowl. hay ng symp tomB of roup If any of the fowlB breatbe bart! §nap the rhea ls or ruu at the nOBtr Is g ve a teaspoon [ul of CAstor 0 I If tl eu nostnl. are stoPI ed up and they make A wh 8tl ng so nd or open the r months to hreathe make a strong sud. of cas Ie soap and Inkewarm water and w th a small sponge wash out the mouth and throat clean out the nostr Is then g ve the 0 I






With quootlons 1<'>..~~J~bQath School scholars In their .lndy prepared by the SABBATH SCHOOL BoARD appomted by the G&!I1ORAL CoNI'KRKNCK and pu bl .hed at the






Composed of Roots Ba ko and Herbs­

the great blood pn ifierof the day-restor

are a blessing removing tho mfirm t .s

of age strength.n ng and stimnlat ng the

body and elieermg the mInd. Mothers

and rnA dens w 11 find the Quat r B ttera

8. sale and reI ab e remedy n all cases of

Ch ldren Buffenog f om Budden

or severe attackB of llneas peenlo.:r to early lite often find ready reI ef by tal< ng

one bottle of Quake B t 8rs No ODO caD

remain long unwell (If curable) after al<


At the r G e.t Medical Depot








A 6ne assortment or






For Ne vons and General Deb 1 ty P e mature Decay Ove Indlllgenc~ n

the Use of Op um or AJcoho c D oks Toba.cco e e.






a pnces wh ch can TilE CORDIAL BALl{ OF SYHlCU I




And be New S:J e LADD PATENT




The subflcnber offers 10 sale hIB wen known farm ly ng ahon w dway between the En. Railway and All ed Centre

It contains 125 acres of land under good improvement 18 well watered has good and


N. havmg fitted np hlB factory n


Ii m I •• north of the AI! ed depot of he Ene R&lIway w th Dew and improved machinery s p epa:red to Card Woo and Dre85 or Manule. U 8 ('10th fo customers m & Workmanl" Manner and on Rea eona.ble Terms and hopes to receive the patrona.ge of an apprec at ng publ e Wo 11: •• nt by R. I Road or Express w II receive prompt and persona.l attention

Po.1 Office address ALFRED N Y






Boslon Mass