LS News June Issue

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LS News June Issue

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The Ecoclub is one of the many committees that the Acadé-mie les Estacades holds. This committee’s goal is to make a difference and to have an impact on the way students see the world and its environ-ment. The Ecoclub members meet every Monday at noon in the objective of brainstorming about activities that could have an impact on the students and that could be a lot of fun as well. This year, one of the club’s biggest target was to recruit new members for one good reason; more than half of this year’ members are either gra-duating or moving to another school. If the committee does not recruit members for year 2010-2011, this could be the end of the Ecoclub. The initiator

of this committee is none other than Marie-Pier Pruneau. This student is a model student. Always ready to give a hand, to share ideas and to give all the energy she has. The Eco-club could never have had a better president than her. Ma-rie-Pier would be the first to be deceived if her committee should shut down. That’s why they need you Académie les Estacades students to go and see how an Ecoclub meeting goes. You could be surprised about the variety of pertinent subjects they go through. Most of those subjects concern you and you can make a diffe-rence.

On Thursday April 22nd, one of the Ecoclub’s biggest project


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took place. This project was all about introducing the Ecoclub to the school and to have an impact on the way students see the environment. To orga-nize this special day, the club members brainstormed many ideas throughout the last month or so. After the brains-torming, they had to make a plan so their dreams could come true. They called people like Écomarché, Club 2/3, and many more people that had interests for the cause. Attrac-tive prizes for students were bought so that those who made an effort on learning about the Ecoclub and the envi-ronment could win something. Énergie 102,3 came to give us a hand with the animation and help us draw prizes. Each and every single Ecoclub member helped to make the papier-mâché earth. Every day of the week, at noon, the members would gather to make it look like it looks now. The purpose

of making this papier-mâché earth was so that it would catch the students’ eyes and that they could participate on the making of the earth as if it would be the real earth. As they stamped their thumb on the continents, it was as if they could make the earth green, that each gesture, even the least counts. The Ecoclub members want the students of Académie les Estacades to know that just by coming to an Ecoclub meeting every Mon-day at noon at class 2150, and by giving your ideas, you can make a difference. I would like to thank every Ecoclub member. Denis Fortin, Karine Champoux, Marie-Pier Pru-neau, Alain Laroche, Kevin La-bert-Paillé, Ève-Dimitra Zotos, Nicol-Anne Zotos and Olivier.

Ève-Dimitra Zotos


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Two weeks ago, I received a nice letter from the Office of the Lieutenant Governor. When I first saw the letter, I was sur-prised. What could the Lieute-nant Governor want from me? I opened the envelope and began to read the text. On a nice sheet of paper, the Coat of Arms of Quebec was printed in gold and the entire sheet looked very of-ficial. When I finished reading the content of the letter, I was so happy! I would be decorated by His Honour the honorable Pierre Duchesne, lieutenant Governor of Quebec. He would present to me face to face the Lieutenant Governor’s Youth Medal. I received it on April 25th 2010 with pride.

This medal honors those who have demonstrated self-sacri-fice and the ability to surpass themselves through tangible commitment within their scho-ol or community, as said on the official website of His Honour. This kind of medal could be gi-ven only once in a lifetime! But, let’s talk about the medal’s his-tory. The medal has been given by Lieutenant Governors since 1884. This is the oldest honora-ry distinction given in the pro-vince of Quebec.

On April 25th, I arrived at Col-lège Shawinigan to receive my decoration. When I entered, we were welcomed by Aide-de-camps. These men are volunteer military officers who work for


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the Lieutenant Governor when he is on duty. I presented my in-vitation card to the guy in front of me, a nice person wearing a classy tuxedo with the Coat of Arms on it. I was escorted by a military officer dressed in uni-form and wearing a sword and white gloves. The other reci-pients and I waited to get the information about the protocol and the decorum for the cere-mony. Everyone was stressed about it!

Our little group was escorted by the officers to the audito-rium and we were seated in front of the stage. Our names were written on the reserved places. The master of ceremo-nies introduced the arrival of the recipients. A nice quartet of musicians was playing music as we entered. After a while, the master of ceremonies asked us to stand up for the arrival of Their Honours. The officers sa-luted the Lieutenant Governor

as the military world would and the ceremony officially began. They named us in order to ob-tain our medals. Before they named me, I was not very ner-vous, but when my turn arrived, I really began to feel stressed. What a opportunity to be hel-ped by the aides-de-camps un-til we reached the hand of the Lieutenant Governor. He said a word to each of us to encourage us to continue to get involved in our community.

The ceremony finished and I managed to obtain a picture of Their Honours with me. The principal saw me and congra-tulated me and after we left the place.

Marc-André Rivard


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Earth Day in CanadaEarth Day Canada (EDC), a national environmental charity founded in 1990, pro-vides Canadians with the practical knowledge and tools they need to lessen their impact on the environment. In 2004, it was recognized as the top environmental education organization in North America, for its innovative year-round programs and educational resources, by the Washington-based North American Associa-tion for Environmental Education, the world's largest association of environmental educators. In 2008, it was chosen as Canada’s “Outstanding Non-profit Organiza-tion” by the Canadian Network for Environmental Education and Communication. EDC regularly partners with thousands of organizations in all parts of Canada. EDC hosts a suite of six environmental programs: Ecokids, EcoMentors, EcoAction Teams, Community Environment Fund, Hometown Heroes and the Toyota Earth Day Scholarship Program.

Jade Lévesquesource: Wikipedia.org

Earth Day is a day designed to inspire awareness and appreciation for the Earth's environment. It was founded by U.S. Senator Gaylord Nelson as an environmental teach-in held on April 22, 1970 and is celebrated in more than 175 countries every year. Earth Day is celebrated in spring in the Northern Hemisphere and autumn in the Southern Hemisphere. Many communities celebrate Earth Week, an entire week of activities focused on environmental issues. While the first Earth Day was focused entirely on the United States, an organization launched by Denis Hayes—the original national coordinator in 1970—took it international in 1990 and orga-nized events in 141 nations. Earth Day is now observed each year on April 22 in virtually every country on Earth. Earth Day is now coordinated globally by the Earth Day Network. World Environment Day, celebrated on June 5 in a different nation every year, is the principal United Nations environmental observance


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The movie The Last Song is the best for the moment. And the reason isn’t too complex. First, during the entire movie we can see a style of love that is rare to find. No matter what happens to Romie (Miley Cyrus) and Will (Liam Hemsworth) they try to stay together. But if you think at that, the book was ins-pired by Miley so that kind of love can exist. So if that exist I am sure that a majority of girl would like to live that kind of love story, but I am sure that me yes. Also, I like that the story has a lesson. That lesson is that, whatever happens sometimes you need to stop to be vindictive and to pass at other thing. Because sometimes some bad things can happen and you won’t have a lot of time to really appreciate the person. Also I like the way that the movie finishes it proves that you can always find a reason for what happened before and live with that.

Rachel Lefebvre


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The end of the year is coming soon. This is very cool because that means 2 things. First, there was the trip at the end of May and the second it’s the end of the school year. So, if we talk about the trip. The module 4 had a beautiful trip to Boston.

The first day, after the hours of bus, they went to see Salem witch Dungeon Museum. Also, they visited the prudential Plaza and Tower Skywalk.

The second day, they did the Boston Duck Tour, quincy market, New England Aquarium, Dick’s Last Resort and The Blue Man Group. The blue man group is a group which the band is all painted in blue but their clothes are in black and they wear caps. The band plays rock music that a lot of people are entertained by their song and humour.

The third day, they saw the freedom trail, Harvard university and Harvard square. At the end of the day some of them went to see the Red Sox at Fenway Park. It’s a team which plays in Boston, they started in 1901. The team said that they are the best revalue of all the time. They won in 2007, the title of the best of the major league. Since, this time they didn’t win another title. Boston Red Sox passed the first round easily but the second one was more difficult. But they hope to have a better series this year.

The last day, they visited Six Flags amusement park at New England before coming back. The six flags is the 4th most popular park.

I hope you enjoyed your trip to Boston.

Rachel Lefebvre


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Empire State BuildingBefore finishing the World Trade Center’s North Tower in 1972, The Empire State Building was the tallest building in the world for over forty years. The Empire State Building was the subject of $ 120 million renovations. The Empire State Building was attended by 3400 workers, immigrants from Europe, with hundreds of Mohawk iron workers, many from the Kahnawake reservation near Montreal. The construction of the Empire State Building was originally a competition in New York to be elected the tallest building in the world. More than 21,000 people work in this building every day. The Empire State Building was the first building to have more than 100 floors. It has 6,500 windows and 73 elevators.

Central ParkWith twenty-five million visitors each year. Central Park is the park’s most visited in the United States. The real estate value of Central Park was estimated by the property apprai-sal firm Miller Samuel to $ 528,783,552,000 in December 2005.It is 4 km long between 59th Street (Central Park) and 110th Street ( Central Park North).

Times SquareTimes Square is a major intersection in Manhattan, a borough of New York City, at the junction of Broadway and Seventh Avenue and stretching from West 42nd to West 47th Streets. Times Square is a popular attraction for tourists with its many flashing signs.

Amélie Singcaster


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Did you know?

Did you know every minute 20 tons of garbage are dumped in Quebec?

Did you know that aluminum can be recycled infi-nitely and it will never lose its property?

Did you know that glass bottles take more than 1 000 years to decompose, a plastic bottle takes 400 years and a gum takes 10 years?

Did you know that around 1.5 billion people don’t have drinking water in the world?

Did you know, in 2004, we used around 26 000 000 000 000 liters of bottled water in North Ame-rica?

Rachel Lefebvre


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JokesBilly and John were given a toboggan for their birthday. After they had been out playing in the snow, Billy was in tears.“Now, John,” said his father, “I told you to let Billy use the toboggan half the time.” “And I did,” said Billy; “I had it going down, and he had it going up.”

You see, Doctor, “I’m always dizzy for half an hour after I get up in the morning,” said Carla.“Well, try getting up half an hour later,” said the doctor.

Years ago someone in California hollered “Gold,” and people drove from all directions. That’s the way they still drive in California.

It was a disastrous year for the farmers. The snow fell and fell until the government relief agency had to step in and lend a hand. “It must have been terrible,” said the govern-ment man to a farmer. “All that snow.” “Could have been worse,” calmly answered the farmer. “My neighbor had more snow than me.” “How’s that?” asked the govern-ment man. “More land,” replied the farmer.

Rachel Lefebvre


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CommentsI love the part of did you know?? There were a lot of things that I didn’t know… You did a very good magazine.

I really liked the mag! All the text is really good! Continue your good job!

You made a good job!!! The best article I think it’s the one of Washington! It’s showed things that we are going to do at the end of May, and it looked pretty fun :)

The March magazine is so good!! :) I didn’t know about Tris-tan & Isolde movie and with the summary that you wrote it look good! The choice of movie is nice (Dear John) I went to see it and it’s a so good movie!! So… you did a very good job!!! =D

Good job guys, I like the article about the fashion show and the fact that you put the boutiques and our names. Also, the articles with the “Did you know” are very interesting. Keep doing.

Wow! Good job LS team! I really liked to read about the unu-sual things that are interested to know! I also found the joke really good! You have a fan!