.. , : L;r .. . . +22?-=y fi?-G’z TECHHI CAL NOTES ...—. -- ,+’+” .,- .-- —-— — -.—— -. ADVISORY COliMITTEE X’(X?AERONAUTICS No. 449 I WIND-TUNI??EL RESFMRCH COMPARING LATERAL COXTECL -. DEVICES, PARTICULARLY AT,HIGH +M?GLES OF ATTACK By Ii’redX. Weick and Carl J. Wenziwer Langley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory . ..F I?ashington February, 1933 ‘\,> \ . .. ..—. .- . ..— ..—-. -. 1 . --—L -u : -.= .-= .-* ----- \ “-- - .. .---- ----- .- ... . ..... . ,. . -k ..+, J ,L

L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

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Page 1: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

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: L;r .. . .

+22?-=y fi?-G’z ‘


...—. -- ,+’+”.,- .--—-——-.——-.


No. 449




By Ii’redX. Weick and Carl J. WenziwerLangley Memorial Aeronautical Laboratory

. ..F

I?ashingtonFebruary, 1933


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Page 2: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons











By Fred E. l?eick and Carl J. Wenzizuger


This report is the ninth oh a series of systematictests in which various lateral control &evices are com-pared, with particular reference to their effectivenessat htgh angles of attack. The present tests were madewith ordinary flap-type ailerons on two wirigs with dif-ferent amounts of taper, one medium and the other extreme~On each wing both medium-sized tapered ailerons and shortwide tapered ailerons were tested and, in addition, on thewing with the extreme taper, medium and short wide aile-rons having a constant chord were tested.

The tests, which were made in the N.A.C.A. 7 by 10foot wind tunnel, showed the effect of the different planforms on the general performance and lateral stabilitycharacteristics of the wings, as well as the effect of thedifferent aileron shapes on the lateral controllability.It was found that the rolling control given %y the aile-rons on the wing with medium taper was about the same be-low the stall as that for corresponding ailerons on rec-tangular wings, but above the stall the rolling controlwas somewhat lower than on rectangular wings and well be-low an assumea satisfactory value. At angles of attackbelow the stall the yawing moments caused by the aileronswere somewhat lower on the wing with medium tapen th~ OQa rectangular wing, but just-above the stall the adverseyawing moments were greater. The ailerons on the wingwith extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingland hinge moments than corresponding ailerons on rectangu-lar wi~gs or on the wtng.with mediu’m taper, but just abovethe stall the rolli~g momen~

Jfell off almost completely

and adverse yawing moments o great magq~tude occurred.

Page 3: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

.. . -1...—1.: :. .:i ;-..:-—

.-— . ..—

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2 . ..- 2?.A. C,A, Technical Note No, 449


,A series of_systematic wind-tunnel investigations,one of ‘~~ich is covered by this report, is being made bythe National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics in orderto compare various lateral control devices. The variousdevices are given the same routine tests to show theirrelat~.ve merits in regard to lateral controllability andtheir effa~t on the lateral L+lability and on airplane per-___formarlce. ‘They are being tested first on rectangularClark Y wings of aspect ratio 6, and then on wings withdiffer6ni plan forms and also wings with such varfatt.onsas washout and sweepback, which affect lateral stability.

%~rt I of this series (reference 1) dealt with threedifferent sizes of ordinary ailerons on rectangular wla.gs.One o~-~hese ailerons was of medium size taken from theaverage, of a nurnher of conventional airpl~nes, onL3 wasextrem~y short aud wfde~ and the other was extremely longand narrow, All the ailerons were proportioned to giveapproximately equal .co.ntrollability at angles of attackbelow the ““stallwith equal up-and-down defloctlon. Theresults were anal”~zqd=ji.,~>.ow the relative iaerits of thethree ~~~es-of--;ilerons when set in the above manner andalso w13en set with two diffgrentlaz noyements, and withupward @QT~6nt o“nly. The narrow-chord .ailerons werefound to be definit~ly inferior to the medium and wideones ill regard to rolli-ng rnOMqqtq=at_tlM3&@gh_. aagles of_ .—--attack, - = ““: ~ -.... ------. ---- -

Paris+II. agQIIII frefererice 1) deal with other formsof ailerons apd lateral control devices on rectangularwings. Part V~~I .cvy~~s.tests of medium and wide conven-tional al .eroti~.oq wings with rounded tips, and the pree-

$ant repo:’...a=e.~l~w~tb .conventional ailerons on taperedwings. . ~~d.~l.wingsmwith medium and..extreme taper wereused, the first. having the center-chord length five-thirdsthat oi we tip choril, and the. second having the center-chord length five “times” that of the tip chord- Since nar-row-chord a.ile.ronsh~.d”.given very low rolling moments athigh an~i,es of a-t”t-ackon a rectangular wing, the taperedwings were tested with medium chord. and wide chord aile-rons onlyO —. ,..Jl-~+.’

.=;2 y::> ,:- .:.-=.... ..-...=”;-:--m..-*-- .- ..— —-. —.“ ..--—---—,;-- --w--- ----- -=— -----..“ . ..- -“:---...-_... .-.::__..---,-—.-~- ---- “ u

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N.A. C.A. Technical Note No. 449



Wind tunnel .- The N.A.C.A, 7.by 10 foot wind tunnel,which is %eing used throughout the entire investigation,has an open jet and a single closed return pas~~. “-Thetunnel, together with the regular balance and associatedapparatus, is described in detail in reference 2-

._.Models.- The tests were made with flap-type ailerons

on two wings, one wing having a 5:3 taper an~ the other a5:1. Both wing models were constructed of laminated ma-hogany? with spans of 60 inches, aspect ratios of 6, andClark Y airfoil sections along the entire span. The wingshad equal taper of the leading and trailing edges, and themaximum ordinates of all sections were in a horizontalplane on the upper surface. On each wing both nedium-sized tapered ailerons and short wide tapered aileronswere tested and, in addition, on the wing .with 5:1 taper,medium and short wide ailerons having a constant chordwere tested. Inasmuch as previous tests (reference 1) hadshown that the moments caused by %oth right and left aile-rons could he found separately and added together to gl+ethe total effect of both with a satisfactory accuracy, thepresent tests were made with the right aileron only. Eachwing model was equipped with a removable tip portion asshown in Figures 1 and 2, and a different model of thisportion of the wing was made for each of the ailerons.

The tapered ailerons were,tapered with the wings, thechord of the medium-sized ones (A, figs. 1 and 2) at anylongitudinal section being 25 per cent of the wing chordat the same section, and the c’herd.of the short. wide obes(B, figs. 1 and 2) being 40 per cent of the wing chord atany section. The ailerons with constant chord (C and. D,fig. 2) had the same ,chord dimension-, as the average chordof the” tapered ailerons on the wing with. 5:1 taper. Theseconstant chord ailerons on the tapered wing werg of thenature of skewed ailerons on rectangular wings~ The aile-ron spans were all selected to ~ive aFp”roxinat61y the samerolling control at angles of attack %elow the stall a-s themedium ailerons on a rectangular wing, (Part 1, reference1.)

Page 5: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

:,<-,. g -“=”~

N.A. C.A. Technical Note No. 449


!Phe tests were conducted in accordance wt$h the stand-ard procedure, and at the dynamic pressure and ReynoldsNumber employed througho~t the.e.ntir.e ge.ries of investi-gatio]is””on lateral control. (Reference 1.) The dynamicpressure was 16.37 pounds per square foot, correspondingto an air speea of 80 miles par hour at standard density,and the Reynolds Number was 609,000, based on the averagechord,i

—-. ---_.— . ..—- .-,-.-. . ..-

TA3LX I..- . . .


. .........-...... . ..-.- Angles Measured about Aileron Axis

Averag6 differential (No. 1) Extreme differential (No. 2)—.Upw-ard Downward Upward Downward

iiispla.cement displacement displacement displacement* —.Degrt$as ‘-”-““”Degrees Degrees De~ie9s -

,.0 Q .0 0

10 8.5 10 720 . . . 1.3 20 1230 15 30 1435 _ 15 .... .+9-— .11,5

“k.-.=?!__..:-. ..-: 7- -.-k.


Tbe regular force tests were.~ad~., at 0° yaw, wtth asufficient number of angles of attack to determine themaximum lift coefficient, the minimum drag coefficient,and the drag coefficient at OL = 0.70, which Is used toSive a rate-Of-Climb [email protected].~Qll--BaCuualle.of the large ef-fect of yaw on the lateral stabi-lity, tests were made notonly at O yaw, but also with an angle of yaw of 20°,which represents the conditi-tnm in a fairly severe side-Slipa ““l?ree-autorotation tests were made to determine theangle of .a~t-ac.k..abovewhich autorotation was self-start-ing With ailerons neutral. Forced-rotatfon tests werealso mad~ in which the rolling moment while rolling wasmeasured at the rotational velocity corresponding tog

= {).06, the highest rate lik81y to %~ obtained in --

gusty air, and at angles of yaw of both 0° and &20°.


Page 6: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

N.A. C.A, Technical Note No. 449 5

Aileron movement s.- From tests with the single aile-rons deflected. upward and downward vari-ous amounts, datawere obtained from which the results were computed forfour aileron movements: the equal up-and-down, averagedifferential, extreme differential, and upsonly movements.These movements were the same as those used in Part I.(Referenoe 1.) The relative up-and-down displacementswith the two differential movements are given in Table Iand the assumed liukages to obtain all of the movementsin Figure 3. The deflection of the ailerons was measuredin a plane perpendicular to the hinge axis, and is slight-ly greater than the projeoted angle of deflection in alongitudinal plane.

Accura~.- The accuracy of the results presented inthis report is the same as that obtained in Part I. Itis considered satisfactory at all angles of attaok exceptin the burbled region between 20° and 25° when the rollingand yawing moments are relatively unreliable due to thecritical, and often unsymmetrical, condition of the ln.zr-bled air flow around the wing.


Coefficients.- The force-test results are given inthe form of a%solute coefficients of lift and drag and ofthe rolling and yawing moments: .


where S is the tctal wing area, b is the wing span,and q is the dynamic pressure. The coefficients areobtained directly from the balance and refer to the wind(or tuanel) axes. ‘In special cases in the discussionwhere the moments are used wit-n reference to body axes,the coefficients are not primed. Thus the sytibols for the

___ -.

Page 7: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

—.6 N.A,C.A. ”Technical ‘No”tq ~g; 449

-=—. -------- . . . . . --- -rolling and yawing moment coefficients about body axes are

The results as givbg =6 not correct~d for~~na~a~a~~”effe~” ‘ “- .~0-

●_.–.. ... *----- ... .

rlhe *;8u~ts of thg-f~rced-rot~t ion tests are gtven~..also about the wind axes, by a coefficient representingthe rolling moment due to rolling::-_:. .S-- _ .,-_ -=- _ .- :r--. —

.,. .:.. L*

“CA _ ., ,...-..._._...==.T.=.=.. ; y. . --- .—


where “~ is the rolling rnome;t-measured while the wing isrolling, and the other factors have the usual significance,This coefficient may be used aS a measure ~ the degree oflateral stability or instability of a wing under variousrolling co.ndit”~on-s-.Ig.~he present case, it is used toindicate the characteristics of a wing when. $138 subjOct-.—.. -.—.-ed to ‘ti’r~l”lingveloc”$-ty”equal to the maximum likely to beencountered i-n controlled’flight ip Very” gusty ai?. Thisrolling velocity may be Expressed in terms of the wingspan as



pfb =0.05


where ..7 is the air speed at the center section of thewing, and pi is the angular velocity in roll about thewind axis- -. .*++ @ ..-&i<<?&:e ~~~ *= ~..- ~-:~—

Tab3.es.- The results of the tests ~re given in Tables11 to XVm Table II gives val=es of CL, CD, CZ1, ~~d Cnt

for all aileron deflections (one ai-l,,rop~nly) at O yawfor the wing with 5:3 taper, aid medium a~leron. Table 111contains similar data for the same wing and aileron combi-nation, %ut with -20° yaw. T?~&eS IV and V are ~imilar to11 and 111, but conttiih the data for the short wide aile-rons on the same wings Table VI contains the results ofthe rotation tests for the s-e wing, Similarlyl Table@VII to X%% give ihe results for the wing with 5:1 taper.

-.,... , ,-.-- - - - - ., J _____ _: .= i. . . . .—-. . . . . .. --- —. .- _—— .-.

.. =.-: :.

___ . ..-.=-.-- - —. .-..— —. .. —-- . .. —--- --- —-— -. —-- “- .— -- —

-. .-.. . . . , “- **= ?:5! ~. ~i. q=y:>~. :;.+ ‘“ ““ ‘“ <


Page 8: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

K.A. C,A, Technical’ Note No. .149 9


For a comparison of the different lateral control ar-rangements, the results of the tests are discusse~ ,in termsof criterions, which are explained in detail in Part I andbriefly in the following ~aragraphs. By use of these cri-terions a comparison of the effect of the different con~roldevices on the general performance, the lateral control-lability, and t’he lateral stability may be mtade. The valuesof the criterions summarizing the results of the presenttests are given in Table XVI, and the values for the stand-ard and the short, wide ailerons of Part I (rectangularwings) are included for comparison.

General Performance

(Ailerons Neutral)

WIVgg area required. for desired landing speed.- The..—————-value of the maximum lift coefficient is used as a criter-

.—— .—

ion of the wing area required for the desired landing speed,or conversely for the landing speed obtained with a givenwinG area. The value of the maximum lift coefficient wasnearly the same for the tapered win~s as for- the rectangu-lar, but the wing with 5:3.taper had a very slightly highervalue than the rectangular wing, aad the wing with 5:1 ta-per had a very slightly higher Value than that with 5:3 ta-per.


Speed ran=- The ratio C~max/CDmin is a convenient

fignre Of merit for comparison of the relative speed raageobtained with variou”s wings. Yhe value of the speed-rangeratio was slightly greater for the wing With 5:3 taper thanfor the rectan~ular wing; and was still greater for ‘thewiag with 5:1 taper. It was about the same for the wingwith 5:1 taper as. for the straia-ht wing with long roundedtips tested in Part VIII. (Reference 1. )

Rate of climb.- In order to establish a suitable .cri-.— ———.terion for the effect of the wing and the lateral control.de~ices on the rate Qf climb of.an airplane, the perfor-mance curves of a number of types and sizes of airplaneswere calculated, and the relation of the maximun- rate ofclimb to the lift and drag curves was studied. This in-

Page 9: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons




8 N,A,C,A, Technical Note No. 449

vestigation sh~wed that $he L/D at .CLI. =.0.’70 gave a con--.sistently reliable figure of merit for this yurpose. Thenuuer:ical value of this criterion was slightly lower forthe w:Ln~ with. e.xtreme.,~aper than for the wings with either5:3 tap~~”dr ~~dtangular form.

.-. .-. . . t: --..=-. ,. i -----~-.: +;.-’..-:.

. . . :.

Lateral Controllability.,, ,...U .... . ..

“-.(Maximum Assumed Aileron ‘Deflect ~on> -.‘-” = “... + . ,-. “- . --= -- ‘1 -. r. .:..,. ,.:... .---- ., ..-:.. -—-. . .: ~:,- . .. .

:?ol.lingcriterion.“=”‘- T“he-ro~l ~n~-cr&EFIon’”upofi which.———— —the control effectiveness of each of the aileron arrange-ments is judged is a figure of merit which is designed tobe proportional to the init~al acceleration of the wing tipthat ;~ollows instantaneous defle~tioi ii? the alleions from


neutral~ regardless of the air speed or the plan form ofthe wing. Expressed”~n &56~fIci6n~ form, this rolling cri-terion is






--~ ~b2,...

.. -.””-- .:” m’ .“ J____.- .- ~~ CL Ix


where ‘“61 ii th~ coeffi~~erit’o? ~ol~i~&-m6fi&nk- ~u8””-to”~keailerons F“ith respect to the body axes (which axis for thewing alone is taken aa the midspan chord line], and Iis the area m’bfi~atof i,ne,rtiaof the wing a%out the mi%spanchord l~ne. “Z”m5yG”-d~aiIed explanation of the derivation0$ R3 and the assumptions up”on.which ii is based fs–~lvenin Part I, ref”eretice 1.

.--.... ..... ,. —. <.,.... .

‘The”gurne=lc~l vaTue of thiti criterion that is assuned——


to re:~i-es~nt *a%isfaStory contrdl conditions f= appr5x3-mate”l;~”0.075, the value given by the st~ard ordinaryaileron~ with the assume?t rgaxigum deflect3.on iif~Z5° at anangle-—o”y ati-ack ti~l~o. (See Part I, refeie;cti 1.)


Thel cornpari;ori. —.— .-—-

of “Ike-c~lker~~%~ Fo.r-tha,.various iilIe-rons and move”ment”s .fs given i“nT?a%le XVT for .fourorepre-sentative-angles of attack: UO, 10°, 20°, and 30 . !fhe 0°angle- represents the high-speed attitudes; a = 10° repre-sents the highest angle of attack in which entirely sat~s-factory control with ordinary ailerons is obtained; a = 20°is th&’c6iid-ition of greatest lateral instability and isprobatily about the gieatest obtainable angle of attack in a

.— ... .—._,

;F.- —

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Page 10: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

H. A. C.A. Tech-iiical Note No. 449 9

steady glide with most present-day airplanes; an’d finally,a= 300 is given only for a comparison with controls forpossible future types of airplanes. - - “-’‘-:

.. ..At ~= 0° all the ailerons give values of RC greatly

in excess of that considered necessar~, the values for t>ewing with the 5:1 taper tieing about one-third hisiler thanthose for the wings with the 5:3 taper or recianmlar forms.— .

At a= 100 the ailerons on the wing with 5:3 taper,as well as those on the rectangular wings, gave values ofRc r~asonably close to the assumed satisfactory value, titthe ailerons. on the wing with the 5:1 taper all Gave valuessubstantially higher - ,otithe aver-age about one-tliird high-er . Thus , all tke ailerons on the wing -with 5:1 taper hadspans too great, altti.ough they ~ere proportioned, to givethe sar,e rollin~ ctitr.o~ as khe m6dium aIS.eron5 6FF%he ret-tangular wing at angles of attack below the stnll. ‘Tlaiscondition favors~.the ~ile%hns”oti the wIfig-wZth e%trerne ‘*a-per in the comparisons “of Table XVI, %ut inaSmEc~ as theseailerons , even with their large size, giye very poor c5-trol moments at high angles of attack, the com~ar~son- =iitivesthe purpose of the present -investigation reasonably well.

. ,___ _x —. -- - ,..:

At a= ~o o the ailerons on the wing with 5:3 tapergave definitely lower values of RC tha~ the correspondingailerons on rectan~ular wingsl arid the values for t’he a.~e-rons on the wing with 5:1 taper were. ii most cas&9-s0 Yotias to make these.ailerons useless for lateral c5iitrol”. The

short wide ailerons with %oth “the.extreme differential a-ridthe up-only movements gave the kiGhe6t value~!. those forthe taFere&. ailerons with constant percentage chord- %e~n~higher than those for the strai@t ailerons having coti-


stant absolute chord, but the highest was o—nly 5%oui-6U-@6rcent of the assumed satisfactory value. ~~o~e of the a~le-rons gave noments of useful magnitude wi$K the mor6’con~Zh-tional equal u~-and-down and ordinary-di:ferenf$al move-ment s. These tests indicate that ailerons on tapered wingsgive excellent rollitig-E6ntrol moments at angles of-attackbelow the stall, ‘but that these @brnents”decreasi+ V- ~-i~ly as the stalling a~gle is exceeded so that-the controlabove t-he stall is very poor. — — -==..=.——.::; .—

-. — —

At a= 300 the ailerons on the tapered wings gavehigher values of RC than those on” the rectangular winG~l


but for, the wing with” 5:1 taper this fact means I.ittle, forthe values were very low and in some cas~s n=~atite for the.


Page 11: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons




10 ~.~-,-C,’A;Technical Not,e,No: 449‘,”.—-

~ng~;~~~”~f;:atta”c~”:bkt’w;bn that for the stall and 30°..“ . . ..-..-.. ~—. ... J -.. . ...------—.-’-----

3J&iteral control with sidesliP.-.—.————. If a wing i’syawed ap-‘~s set u.p that..tendB to raise“’pre,~iablv, .a rolling mO_ment

th-e.forwarti tip. The magnitude of this rolling moment isalways greater at very” high-angles ?f,.att.ack”than the avail-

. ablez).oiling momeit due to ordinary ,ailerons. The hlghostangle of attack at which the aileron. can halqncethe rolling.rnoment due to7200 yaw is tabulated for all the arr~ngementstes,ted;As @ criterion of control wit,h,.,sideslip.. As pre-vi~u:sly.menti.oned, 20° yaw represents the. conditions in afa.irly-sev.er~ ,sidesl,ip. The rolling c.ont.rolagainst theeffeot of.2?f)”sideslip for any of the ~tlerons on the ta-

‘.pered w-ine+ was from” 1° to 3° lower. than for the” COir*4”spondtnq a’il.er.o.ns on ‘re’ct’an~ula.r..ti.i,ng.sq-’ .“


-=., ,. : .= ..= -.4..:- . —— -.—.-. ..... >. ---- -.-.” ... .Yarning moment due’ to aileroas.- ~“h.edesirable yawtng---— --—-. ——= ..———

.-mom”ent due to ailerofi~ depends to some “,extent”upon the typeof airplene that ts being considered. It is obvious that ayawing moment tending to retard the hig~.w~n~ when ”~he air-plane’ is banked is never desirable. ~or lii~hly maneuverable.military or acroba$ic machines, complete independence of thecontrols as they effect turning moments about the variousbody a,ies.i..sproba%ly a desirable feature. On the’ otherhand, aft high angles of attack a yawing moment of the proper

... magnitude. fending to ‘retard the I.,owwing would, under cer-tain circumstances, be an appreciable a,id to sa”fe flying for

,,, large ~:ransport. airplanes or formac~ines to be op”e”ratedbyrel,ati’~ely.inexperienced pilots. Tne yawing moments causedby the~ilercms,on the wing with 5:.3taperrere,s lightly$malle:: below’ the stall than those for the correspotidingailerons”.on rectangular wings, but just shove the stall atan an~~.e .Of attack of 20° the a dv.erse yk-wing mOm6fitt3 tieregreatezi. than for the’ correspondinga ilero”ns on rectangular

..- wf.ngs. In fact, for al% “the aileron deflections excbp”t theup-only, the adverse” yawing moments above the stall weregresber than could be “ov’ercome,by an ay.8T@ge rudder... -.-—-.- ... ... J :.>..- ---- . .:”.~ =.— ,=.....=.—

Ou “the wing with 5:1- taper at ati angle of,attack of 0°- the ailerons produced smaller values of ih~ yawing momentcoefficient than the ailerons on either the rectangular or5:3 ta~ered wings, and they produ”ced no adverse yarin~ mo-ments of serious magnitude. At ~ = 100 no adverse’ yawingmoments of appreciable magnitud..e were produced by any oftheailerons on the.wing with 5:1 taper, reGardle~s of theform of movement, “:Jti5tialove.$he stall, at a = 20°, how-ever , all the ailerons mith..all..of ~h~’~~.~qfint~..tib”ept theup-only gave enormous adverse yawing mom”ents, the vhlues,=

.—.-.- -“.


- . . ,. . . .


. ~. ...s.-.L ---

—----_.. ...—.- .-

..= .= -.






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N.A. C.A. Techn3cal .Note No. 449 11

being from three to four times those produced by an avera~erudder.

Lateral Stability

(Ailerons Neutral)

A.%le of attack abgve which~ytorota~on is self=—.. ——.starting.- This criterion is a measure of the range of an-—gles of attack above which autorotation will ster~ from aninitial condition of practically zero rate of rotation.The limiting angle of attack was 3° lower for both of thetapered wings than for the rectangular wingp. ,“

Stability asainst rollinz caused by——- rusts.- Testflights have shown that in severe gusts a rolling veloc~ty

such that :? = 0.05 may be obtained. Consequently, ~he

rolling moment of a wing due to rolling at t-nis value of

~ gives & measure of-its stability characteristic}=~~:-

rouGh air. “In the present case, the” angle at which thisrolling moment becomes zero is used as A ~OrG-BevBre 5Yi-terion than the previously mentioned angle. at which aut-oro-tation is self-starting, to indicate the- ~ractical upperliinit of the, useful angle-of-attack ran~e. With 0° yaw theangle of attack for initial instability is aiso 30 lowerfor either of the tapered wings than for the rectangular.The actual value of the limiting angle is 14°, wh”ich it isinteresting to note is 2 0 below the angle of attack formaximum lift. With 20° yaw the ,limiting angle for the wingwith 5:3 taper was.about the same as that for the rectan-gular winGs, but for the wing with 5:1 tayer the limiting .angle was 3° higher, and had the same value as for 0° yaw~

The above criterion shows the critical range beloywhich stability is such that any rollin~ is darped out, aadabove which instability exists. The criterion, maximum CA,indicates the degree -of this inst.a”oil.ity. With 0° yaw bothof the tapered rings had maximum valu%s of” ~A ‘“~tch comewithin the range found, for various rectangular wings tested.The range of these values is fairly wide because they de-pead in a very critical manner on the exact dimensions ofthe airfoil, and are affected by variations which are wellWithin the ordinary limits of accuracy of construction for


wing models.

Page 13: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

12’” N,A, C.A., Technical Note No.. 449

.. The maximum autorotational moment w~th 29* Yaw is ofimportance only in the condition in which the airplane isskidded. atid the forward wing tip is rolled upward or therear tip downward by a gust. With 20° yaw the value forthe wing with 5:3 taper was a.bent the same as those for therecta:riiular wings, but with the wing having the 5:1 taperthis autorotational moment had only one-half the value ofthose for the other wings.

,..”.i ,:. .-,-s..,...-..- ~: --- -“~-----+.-..+*Q ~ .=.+,,.+.~.--.. :;.. . . , ..- - .,:- :. . .- -.

.-control ~orce+e%?ir?d . ... “ ,.. ,=. ,------ ,-:. .:. ...... . ---- --------

[?he hfnge rntiments of the ailerons on the !apered wingswere not measured in this investigation but were computedfrom I;he results pf previous tests on hinge momenta. Usingdata i?rom”refer>nce 3 as a basis, the effect of wing taperon the hinge moments of the required shapes of ailerons wasdetermined, assuming that the hinge moments vari~d as thosquaro of the aileron chord and directly as the aileronspan. The hinge moments of the ailerons on rectangularwin~s, reported in Part I, referenco 1, were computed fromreferende 4, since those tests were made On similar wingsunder -similar test conditions. !Che actual hinge moments ofthe ailer’ons on the prese~t tapered wings were calculatedusing the moments of the ailerQns o“n the rectangule.r wfngrdas a standard, and the effects of taper as determined bythe above method.

-- .-..-- -=..’:;+:-,~.:“- -J.-coefficient r~mrsmting the-force requ$red Qn the

Coiltrcl “stick was then computed in accordance with the fol-lowing formula:

. .. -.~=.-— ,...-“~ ‘al’= FXIZ=””-”–- ‘“” “’——— .-——-q)( c X Sx CL

where “’Y is the control forcer equized.” and - 1 representsthe. le~gth. of the control lever. Similarly to the rollingcriterion, the CL in the denominator gives the value ofthe: co”6fficient the proper relation regardless of the anGleof at-ta~k or air speed, steady flight being assumed. Al-though t~e tegt~ d.escrtbed in reference 3 ye~e made at arelatively “low Reynol”ds Number, the control forces as com-puted Rr-e believed to be accurate within about 10 per cent.Values of the coefficient are given in Table XVI at 0° and10° angle of attack for.the assumed maximurn,q~t~eron deflec-tions, the top of the control stick being giveri the samemaximum travel in all cases,








Page 14: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons


N.A.C!.A. Technical Note No. 449 13

It will be noted that the control forces for aileronson the wings tapered 5:3 are reduced. by about 32 per centof the values for corresponding ailero~ls on rectangularwings , The control forces for the tapered-chord aileronson wings tapered 5:1 are reduced by shout 57 per cent andthe forces for the constant-chord ailerons are reduced byshout 65 per cent of t-he values for the corresponding aile-rons on rectangular wings.


1. The general performance of the tapered wings wassliGhtly better than for the rectangular in regard-to speed -range, but was slight>y poorer In regard to climb, the ef-fects being greater for the w“ing having 5:Z taper than forthat with 5:3 taper.

2. The rolling control given by the ailerons On the

wing with 5:3 taper was about the same below the stall asthat for corresponding ailerons on rectangular wings, butabove the stall it was somewhat lower than for the rectan- ““--gular wings, and aleo well below the assuued satisfactoryvalue. At the angles of attack below the stall, the yawingmoments caused %y the ailerons were somewhat lower thanwith the rectangular wings, but just above the stall theadverse yawing moments were greater.

3. The” ailerons on the wins with 5:1 taper gave betterlateral control at angles of attack below the stall ~a re-gard to “rolling, yawing, and hinge moments than the corre-sponding ailerons on rectangular wings or on the wing with5:3 taper, hut just above the stall the rolling moments felloff almost completely and adverse yawing moments of great

magnitude occurred.

4. The autorotational tendencies of both tapered w~nGswere about the same magnitude as those of ttie rectangularwin~s, hut started at an an~le of.attack about 3 lower thanfor the rectangular wings and about 2° below that for wxi-mum lift coefficient.

Langley Kernorial Aeronautical LaboratorylNational Advisory Committee for Aeronautics,


Langley Tield, Vs., Noveuber 16, 1932.



— —----

Page 15: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

{/ . .. .. . a,

— .-.>—.-


14 NsAc C.A, Technical I?ote No. 449

“ RmRENcEs:.. .: ~; .:...=.-3.=:.-:3 ..:”.i:”l””i..... --..- ,. .._. ~.: . .. ....-

1. 17:Lnd-~unrie~~esea~ch Comparing Late”~”a~ Control Devfce~,?arf{cula~ly at High Angles of Attack... —:.- .>, -.: --, - .. .::-.,>-,-,. .L-”# ● - ? *;. .- -. -..=”. -A. - .— ,.---..

!:-”1. Ordin~ry Ailerons on Rectangular Wing8.T,R. NO. 419, N,A,C.A, , 1932, by Fred E.

WeiC~ wad Carl J, l’fenzinger.

11. Slotted Jiileron6 and Friee Ai.lerons~. T.R,No. 422,. N,A,C,A,., 1932, by Fred E. Weick”and Richard w. Noyes.

-~-=:i *4 +=.r.:.SZ”s +61:11. ~rdinary Ai~erons ~igged up 10° when Neutral,

,.’. IoR* N~, 423, N.A. C.A;, 1932, 3X Fred X.ws~ck-arid Carl J.-tienz~nger.

IV. Floating-Tip Ailerons on Rectangular flings.T.~. ~~0. 4~~~ H,A,C.A, , 1932, ~y~red-~o

“ -W&iCk ati~ ?IiGmas 1. I%rris. ---- -.—+-.. ...... .. ......v. Spoi18rS and i~ierons on-Rec~an~~lar Tings.;- T.Ro NO. 439, N,A,C,A., 1932, by Fred Ee

.. fieick and Joseph A-Shortal. ““ -. T,-.r- .. . ... . ... ..... - *-,- ----

VI. S%-eweciA“~16rons on Rectangular Y?ings. T,R.NO. 444, N,A,C.A, , 1932, by )?red E, Weic]:and Thomas A. Harris.

- .! J-:- =. “a.”.’=--- =- --— -.> - --.’= - ~. --— .— .,.—-—- —-




. .





. .


-.. . .

—-.. .— ----..: .“-

1933, %y Y;ed E. 17eick and Carl J. Wenzingera=. ..=.., -: —=.. T- —. ...”.-. .- .-= +.-” :—..: .—=— - = -,. . ---

VIII, Straight and Skewed Ailerons on Wings withRounded Tips. T.N, KO. dm~7Jh.c,k,, 1933,





by l?red E.- Weick and Josepk A. SZiortal..-...- -= .-..=--==---=- ;=.+=.+-+—.—: ~_T .*----..= -- —...+ ...=.=.... .... ..+..- -

Harris, Thomas A.: The 7 by 10 Foot %~ua Tunael of the..National Advisory Commit-t~fw Aeronautics. T.R.--No. ‘412, N,A:c,ii, , 1931.

Hoot, H, I.: The Xffect o*Airfoil !flluicknessand- PlanForm of Lateral Control. T-R, 170. 169, N,A,C..\. ,1923.

~onish, B: H.;- ~~fect--of Yariati.on Of ~.~o-r~da~d sp”anof Ailerons on Hinge Moments at. Several Angles Of


Pitch. T.R. ~~0, 370, N,A,C,A., 1930,●

✎ ✎✎�

✎✌ ✍✎✌✍ ✎✍✎✍

Page 16: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

., ._,___X. A.O. A. Twhuioal lobe X0. U9 Tables a & 3

TA3U 11

0LA3XTmIff AP3PZD5.:S7


~TE T= %%”M3D1w AILZROI 0= UWOE 03LT)

,“ R.1. - WJ,003 TOloaitr = 60 mu.h. Yaw - 00d. -?s -@ 141&l@l I@ lW 140 1* 160 1P l~o * aw a@ Z& 4W w 8006A Allmon lookedand Mu*r@l

o O& O:yxfcloS& oJ:: O:S: x!: 1.349 .a 1.a76 .aao1.193 1.068 .Oaao.‘?410.753 0.748 O.m 0.5K.laa .136 .153 .178 .1s7 .aa7 .369 .aas .460 .56a .Se%1.01s

Rlghk tileron up

0.018 0.017$; ;::

-.001 0.005 .ca3-.001 -:%.Oal

+& -:xJo;-:g:

01 ~o .Wo. 4X!. _g’?:g .036—

-.ooa -.006 -ma0.033 —

.003O.ow Mm: -::::O:mo: o.&4 Su: .012

-.m - -.00? -.008g: g: .Ou .046 --

-.o11.019 ‘“-:mo:._ .oaa.017

$: ge :E- — ~-.o11 -.0!.1

.045-— .04a-—-.015

.005 -.ooa - -.004.034 .018 .017 .Ola .oas .019

-.CX36$ 40:

-.006 -.ooa -.006 -.W6,06s . .055


-::;.Oao .oa4

$: %$:%% “

-.006 -ma -.o14


J& -g.04a .03a ,.oa7 .ola .013 .015

$; 6$ .oa4-.m4 -.006.oa4

-:~sla-me? -.00s -.007 -ma

.Ola .CQ5.033

n .Coz , -.001.ola .010 .Ola

-:%% ,-.ms -.D05 -.005 -.007 -o~

5A@t ailelwn down .)

-.010 -.010 -.ooa.W1

-.008 -.cmi -ma 0.001 -.001 -.003 -ml.003

-.5M.ma .00s .00s .001

-;%.CxY1 .coa .ooa

-.m -.003 -.m,.001._

- -.016.004

-.01s -J20z .mz

.ooa-.004 -.005 -.c@l


-:%.002 .005

-:% -:%! -.ooa

--.o19-— -.ol?-.036.

.caa .006-:00: +%J Jig

-.oal -.017.003


“-.oaa-— -:%.00s

-~~a- -:%% -:%1

-.oas -:%.005 .W

-.017 -:o~; -as -.ooa .ms -.ooa -.om -.001.00s. .003._

“-.036—.ODa-:~a .Ws .004 .005 .ms

-;% -.005

-.004 -.ooa

. -.08a -.03s -.033 -.oia -.no4 :%1 .005X& .0$:

.007 .O11-.ma

.O11._ .O1o._ .ola ,.ooa .007 .Ooa--.03W— -:031-~


.058 .Ols.Oo1 -.004 -.W1

-.040 -:j3J –.O11 .O11 .011

.O1.1.ms -:mtm .ml.011 .O11



-r 40 # 00 30

,.. .

a 10” w 140 lN 160 1P MO @ * as” m“ 40° a4P w

6A i.ileronlooked WI nau$za aoo yam

~ $ o:~7 o:&J2i O:;g o:~ O::m Ml& 1.I,31fJD

1X& 1J;; w: o;aa070:84: O:g; o;‘& o.7aa 0.6C0.ua

RI 00 .C05 .006 .Ooa .010 .014 .017 .oaa .Oaa.s35 l.ma

0=1 @ -.wa -.003 -.003 -.003 -.C%35-.007 -.033.om .10s .11o .oa4 .07s .054 .047 .044

-.ola -.o14-.oaa-.030-.040-.04’4-.D41-.046-.054Allemilookd 87XIneutr d -300 yaw

~ O& oSfclocl


0::: 0S;: o:3a: oAS! l:g: 1.105 1.3.87 1a: l:~u’ o;:g o:&y o;:g o:~ O.?m O.e.m

t @ -.rxa -:%7.111 .131

-.WS -.ola -.ola -.030 -.015.84a1.01?

~r @ .001+S:

.001 .ma .CQ5 .006 .006-.041 -.om -.oa?i-.wa -.063 -.0E4 -.047 -.044.014 .015 .Oaa .0s7 .04a .036 .044 .05a

P.@ “taAlorOn w -a@ ya,

o.03a 0.030 0.040 0.041 0.044 0.045 0.038 O.oal O.o11 O.uo.ooa -.004 -.007.Osl

-.ctm -:CU: -::: -.oal -.ola -.ola -.OW.osa .053


-.ooa.040 .033 .030 .Ola

-:sloO._.05a-— .c67-



-.034 -.oal -.017 -.OU

.010.049 ..044 .037 .004

.ooa -ma -:zc&.061 .073







.01s .035 .00+ -.001 -:% -.C07 -.oas -.030 -.01s -.008

slabt 811erondown @ yam

q t ~ ..0D6 -.006 -.cmm , -.006 -.005 -.m3 .Wo -ml -.coa -.001

VI 1$ “’.ml .ooa .00s.

-.019”—.003 .ma -:&s .00s .m3 .W3 .W3

-.o14-— -.014— -:%4 — -.ola -ma -,W4 .001 .007

k+ S.005 .006-:%5 .Oca .CU5 .Doa

-%$ — — -:%$%1 @ .000

— -.02)-— -$% -.014 -.W6 -.C4XS-.fma.O11 .010 .010 .011 ,015 .O1o .Ooa .010

.- .. ..

Page 17: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons




I. LO. A. TeolualoalIota 10. 449 Tables4 & B

mau Iv. .



. . Velooity- 60 B,p.h.

a -# -4” d CP & @ L 14” 160 ~~o ~p ~eo ~o ~~o ~~ ~o 400 300 600

6A Allemn looktimd neut,ral

o~.664 .392 .4s1 .65s .8s1 1.00C

IUght allezeaq

q, lW Ml; ‘L 0.018-.003

0.004 0.004 o.ooa& &$

.031 .034-:OWU4 -:oyJ -:JM:

~nl ~ .001. -.004~t a& .036- .041-— o.03a-—

-.m .Ooo .001

%! as”MS; M& 0.Om .OasO.oal 0.010 .013 .010

.Wa -.00s -.005*n: g .043 -- .046 -.

-.Ooa.-.009-.011 -.006 -.006 -.010,

~; g.Ws -:S!O;._

.0ss .017 .014

.047-—— 50-—-.010 -.010

.0% .03a-.ola

.007.0T8 .015 .OM .017

%’ 40:.Ooo -:&s -$%

.003 .059-.007 -.006 -.011 -.010 -.011 -.013

ant 400 .010 .00s.037

~n 50-.Co?

.oa3 .oaa

.oao-— .M@ —-.011

.0660.W8 .067-.016

WaOna E& .014 .007

.054 .046 .046 .oa4 .018 .oas.004 .m3 ;00: ;$: .:JJCJ:-.W3 -.005 -.OM -.007 -.016

RI &yJon’ 600

.06s .076 .076

.ola .010 .007.056 .049 .030 .017 .060

.006 .006 ,CQ3 .ooa .Ooo-.004 -.OW -.011

night dlelon down ~

@%: :

-.ola -.009 -ma -:&o -.003 -:Sl& o.O& o.00;o:% +x& -.W1


.ma .00302’

.C04-.015 -.OI,I

.004;ma . -:%~1 so .ooa .004


Q* 100- -ml:-~ -.ola--.00s .004 .004


Une 10 .005.cm- -.CKJ1-ml

-.oao.005 .005 .ma

-.(316 .ma$*: ; .00s

-:&l; -.oC&

~~ la -.o18-— -:%+.ooa-.

.003.ooa -.003 -:ml

$ $$ .Ooa-.oau -.017

.C#X .006

~1 le:% -.ooa -.001

~a 14: -:%$ — -;::.Om.oo1-“

.005 .ma

.004-.ooa -.001

& ;* -.oaa -.oza -;ola.007

.00s+lol -.006 -.006 .ooa .037-ma -:%1 :%

g s-.006._ .010 .006 .00? .005 .006 .C07 .m7

-:oa;-- -$g- - .ml .Ow .Ooo


-::;: -.%: %

-:&q -.066 -.013 -.011 .Cm. .ma .Ooo :$% :“d!

og~ w - %J” -— -:lN&--.013 .o15 .014 .O11 .Ow .006 .010 .O11

.004 .wa .ma

w s -:~ ..OM


01 ~o .01s.COa .(XM .ma.ms .01s .014


roam TmTa. 0LAXKT11307AFZRED 6:Smm ui+ram mom a- mm AIMR03 (Oaa AIUP.01Oa’m)

a & 40 -3” 00 N 100 MP 140 1s0 @ l.p I @ .# @ ~o ~o 4o0 ~o MO

6, Allezon 10Qkad and neutral atf ym

oL 00 m: o:% o:~al 0;03; 0::: l:KI# 1:= 1; 1:;5J 1:*8 l:;& 1:17: l:~lz o:amy o:~: o.:8;o.7a~ o.6~ooDp: $ .005 .W8 .010 .0L6 .015 .019 loa3 .Oaa .047 .osa .lW


h -.ooa -l&a -.ooa -.003 -.m5 -.m -:OC9-.010 -.011 -.Ou -.014.117 .064 .075 :063 .049 .C45

-.oa -.oaa -.040 -.043 -.040 -.045 -.W

Ailezon103hd ,nd mutrti em

oL & .130 .306 .eas .ma z.oas 1.096 1.134 1,156 1.1= l.~ l.1~ 0.875 0,848 0.S30 0.70Z O:LY ~.gfl:%8 .017 .Oal .041 .07s .068 .103 .lla .Im .1= .l~ .- .a41 .39S .435 .65%

~ $ -.oca -.m7 -.006 -.010-.015 -.01s -.064 -.037 -.OS -.034 -.f)~ -.~5 -,~4 -.lo~ -.073 -.05~ -.04g -:046.ooa .Om .001 .ooa .005 .Ma .006 .010 .011 .01s .013 .015 .0= .036 .041 .033 .045 .W

Eight aileronup -a& yawc’1’ap O.oaa 0.037 0.037 0.. ::03 ::3 Oh; :::ag Cl:ol O.:g o:c#&

.004~f % ‘

-.003.OM .035


~r .@ .006 m:. _ -.004.0E8 .Wo .043 .045 .030‘.m7

q’ 5@- .c.61---:%. _ -.006 -.oza-.060 -.oab -ma -.011

an, ~o .016.oal-—

.OoQ.M5 .090 .071 .C68 .04a .Om

q! MO .Oao.004

.077;%J -:ga +CJoo -:oa: -.oas -.oal -.016

on: w .019.038

.02a .O1o .Oc#.060 .053 .036

.004-.CQL -.017 -.030 -.018 -.016

Ei@t tilerondown 360 Jaw

~t P -.CC9oar ‘P



-.008 -m? -.W5 -.006 -.WM -.001 -.001

3*: :$-.m -— -.o19-—

.004. .ms .Cos .Ms ,003 .MM .004-%- —

.004-.017— -.015 -.010 -.011 -.003 -.ooa .CQo

q! a~ -.m7


— -.oa7-— -.oa5-—.W7

-:P4 —,003 .m7 .003 .Cm

~t a~ .006 .01s .014-:Wa -.015 -.010 -,005 ..001 ,Ooo

.015 .013 .013 .ola .011 .CQa ,010

. -...—4

Page 18: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons





[.A.a.A. mObniad me YO. 44a T~bles6 & 7


ROTATIOM TEsTS. aumymmmsms: 3

* -0.05oA is giwn for fcr&d rotation at ~ ~H &%la%?%Rl

R.I. -608,000 Velooity = 80 m.p.h.

Ia @ @ @ 140 ~~o ~w ~ ~ 250 ~o aolw * @ 400

Ailerons neutral raw-w

(+) p:-

(qol;- OA -o.oas -.019-.cna -.om .Ooa .asa .0’34 .036 .Ccil .ma -.003 -.00s -.lw$ -.ooa -.00s

(-) po:-

(OOuntOr-‘~ -“0= -.o11 .003 .Ol? .osa .034 .045 .040 .W .W .001 .Ooo .Wo .Wo .WoCloctise)

Ailerons neutral Tm - -s00

-i+) p:-

(gOlf- OX -.0= -.aae-.mo -.05s-.076-.3s4 -.049 -.067 -.074 .07a -.-s -.0.54-mm -.04? -.04.s

(-) p&3*

t%wag: ‘A -.Ola -.~~ .- -.03s -.06a -.071 -.064 -.IM4 -.076 -.07a -.Oa?...031-.0E8 -.044 -.0s7

TA3m 711

.lITE ~%%%!%D &%%U’4!!!&O;~ii&.& OSW)

!L.X.- Ma,ow T0100it~= 80 11.p.h. Taw - @

a -6” -4° -s” 6° @ 100 MO 140 160 1P 180 300 aaQ as” @ 400 S@ 600

% Aileronlooti ad neutral -

$ $ -oret):o:~~ o::= o:S& o;0s;1X& 1. 1.a14 1:s78 1.s381.a7sll.auf0.s70 0.7 O.m O.m O.aw 0.66s.1ss .lU .ma .17s .aao .338 .a .4ee .851 .aa 1.004


y; ;$ .017 .014

0$ ~-.001 -.wta.031 .031

+ -RJ $J

@ [email protected]:$OO._

%i3-:g; -:XM: -.ooa

.033 .0a7q? S@ .00s -.003

.018 -.011’-.00s. .013

~: g-.004 -.C06 -.008 -.007 -.OI.6-.

.041Ooa -.ooa -.011

.Ooa._ -:%% _.014 .017 .01?

$: Se&-.oaa -.ooa -.013

.045 .045.

.Cm -.cna -:%3 -:$%.o17 .010-.007 .ml .030 .Osl

.OEQ-.OW -.006 -.016 -.M!4 +& -.:;$

g g.Om.001._:%-— -:E5 -.0C9 -:011



.Oaa .Cm -.017 -.010 .007 .012.Cca

$: S .oaa-.wa -.005 ~.oas -.ola .Ooa-.!X6 -.006

.M4 .Ce3 .05s .035 .OM -.014 -.011 .007 .aun .O11 .006 .wa .ml -.00s -.00s -.013-.010-.CQ6-.0C=3

sighttilemu 60m v“

*; g -.o11 -.W3 -.!xe -.007 -ml -.oaa -.00s -.016 -.ON -.002

g: *

.Oo1 .wa-.015

.ma .wa .ma -:g: .oaa .004SfJ; S@:-.o11

.001 .Wa .ma .ma .mzQ’ 100 -.617 -.ols -.m3

on, loo

.mi -.00s

.ooa .&.003

.W “

al- — – –

[:g: .W4

q! 110 -.ola -.015 daa IO& -.003$: ~o .ma .003

-.ole-— -.016-.006


Ont @ .oaa .00s .WE

Lj: :$ -.aao -.018.ooa


$: ::: . -.oal.— -:%$.005- .ma .008

.003.018 .003 .003

$ l&J da: -:~.o14

-.016 -.o11.004 .00e

-.00s .o17-.ooa -.oao .ms -.00s

‘$J % -.oaa— -.0s4“ ‘.004 .00s_ .003 .016 .006 .ma .coa .007

.o16 .ooa-.WS

p; SE& -:%% -:%J.o18 .m4 .m7

-:&s ;:;:-:&e -.osa .00s-.00s

@ MO.W5

-.osa-— -.osl— ‘.OM .ma .010

y, g:.01s .CQ’d-.CW

XiJ -:%?.Oaa .0c9 .011

%B Sso .011mg , .003-.oaa

.O11 .014

I !


Page 19: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons



l.l.O.A. ?echdcml KoteXo. 440 TablgoO & 9



Rx. - am,coo mlcdiy - an mp.il. ,- .“l’%oa .~e -@ .30 I 00 Ino p lW114° lleOllPla@lacPla*la@ 13W141YIWIWJ0

4Allmon 100M &l neutral F@ yaw

p: i!! :;g

oJug o:% O.y& o;~: O.aw hxa l-lea 1::% l:8& l:pl 0:9A 0.78;o.7& oJ39L30.576SIEOE.X& .lg

.W .010 :013 .Ola.aal

.046 .0a4 .m6 .040-ma -.Q31-.ma

:0s3-.004-.008-:OM -:ma

:Odl .04a .C#n

-. Cal -s-xl -.W5 -.oal-.0s3-.033-.039-.044

-ran lkka’ad Mut rti -ma ~

.loa .* .Eal .an .a7al.oaa1.137

$: g %JAl’?

l:;J l:lJ us: s~a .77a .7ss .’toa.m3.Oal .0a9 .07a .C9a .W .las

-.ooa-.ooa-.o14.4al MO

-:~ -.~n -A& -.%.Om Low

-.oeo-.wa -:07a-.C%O-.oaa-.000-.04a-.046n .001 ml .ooa . . . .Ooo .CO1 .m7 .oa7 .Oae .Caa .030 .043

sightdlamu ~ -a@ 7U

p; :$ .033 .Osl .030 .oa9-:S5 -:m& -:SW;

.Oaa .Oaa-.W5 .ma ala “

$ 0

B w {u-:% +& -m: -.ooa-.m -.011

: 3m@ _ -:% +& -.CQ4_ -me.004 .ma .Oal

.Oea-.OW -.ola-.oaa-ma -.016

.0s6— .04a .04a .047 .O1o .m.a .019

g g!.Oo1 .003 .Ooa :%Sal .Oal

.001 .00s .oas .Oal .Oaa


mm .oEa -:oda .0s4 .043 .01s .O11 .o14.Cua .ooa .001 -mol.-.0C4-.037-.oa4-.om -.010

I Rititmllsrondamn 3@ vu I-— .—-.002

~ ~

-ate -G4 -.ca -.ooa-.QM -.004-.008+43: -.00s.- .00s._ .004 .004 SOS .003

‘-:% — -% —.002

-.o14-.ooa -:% -:c& -:% -.O& -.005-.000.033 .m .018

--:JJ&-— -;g4 — -:&Slz&-.m6-~: ~

— -.o1o+& -.o1o-:cc.a-:% -:=.Ole . ma all .O1o .Wa .m


Page 20: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

I.A.O.A.?SOh.iCdlbtO lfO.449 Tablmm10 & 11


~03 TESTS. OLAFXT W130 TAPaFmo 6 : 1 mm Tmm0- S=f WIDE AIIWROM (033AImOX MLY)

R.s. - Ls4a,fml Velc4W = 80 m.p.h. TaT - * 300

a -m 0° @ lN la” 14° ~“ 1P 180 * aaQ a3F w 4ti me a@ 1“

6A Al19x0n100M S* mutm.1 w yaw

f: $ -Q:g ::’ ?% %%? %% ‘:xl:;:: l:ls: 1.3070.939 o.7aa 0.7550:::: o:ga

.am .am .45L .035.043 .058 .078 .033 .00s .033 .04a .046

- - -.007-.007 -.001-.C46-.0C9-.030 -.osa-.03s -.oaa -.044nAllezoalookeda neutral -a@ 7W

o 0°


-.013 .aaa .349 .em 1:% 1.143.OI.7 .Ow .0s8 071

l:::; l:lg 1.135 .s35 .7aa .76a .70a .aaa.laa .351

‘ $ -.CC4 -.ooa -.016-.M8 -.037 -.034 .m’ “M’ .64a “% -%xO** &’

-.oba -.071.-.078--- -.050-.043 -..ma .001 .ma .004 .ma .coa .Oo1 .ml .007 .Oan .031 .osa .037 .04s

Right albron up -w yaw

~: ~g .oa7 .Oaa .035A& +

.034-Ipg .Oaa .007 .CQ1 .Ooa-:Q& -.OW -.007

&l so-.015-.ola -.wa -.013

.040 .048 .047~t a@ .m7

.040 .ma .Ooa .oxa.W1 -.W3 -.CC3 -.007 -.011

~; S& .Oao”—-.013”-.om

.os9-— .070 .070.—-.o11 -.016

.C’M.Oae .Ow .Wo .019 .018 .C34

IQ& .&x .ma -,001#e ~o

-.007-.ola -.OdS -.ola -.016.040 .ma .040

~1 ~o.07a .073 .on .Oaa .Oaa .Oao

.01s .Ola .Oce .Ood .CX23-.ooa -.007-.033.-.011 -.013

Right alleromdown aoo yu

61 P -.OIO -.UM -:Jx&-.0C4-:@+ .ooa.

-.003 -.004-.m4 -.003-.wa -.001.003.

*: :$ — -.ola— -:og .031— -:= “%: -:x J%& -g -:%

$: ;$ -“ -g- — .m- —.UM .007-:007

-.019 -:jll. %x ‘— +& -.010-.010-:&o -.%, -:%!J

n.016 .011 .0?.1 . .


*a TE4TS. OLAFJY 33XG T0= WIUK AIL3RU %%~L&%%YfOya’*

. .

R.u. = ao’a,ooo Valmity = 40 m.p.h. Ymr=oQ /“’

e. +Q1401~ WI @l 1~1 14°I 1601 lP1 Mel w I aafJ I @ I 300 I 400 I~o \ MO

6A AllmOn 100ka4’and nautral ‘

-.fJo7.oaa .1s .?41 .e.a81.013 1.a17 1.3401.337 1.a771.33.0 .957q $

.m .no.018 .015 .0 I

.718 .oaa .35s,Oal .044 .oaa .laa .143 .~a .lao .aa4 .349 .33s .46s .t.-43.a4a1.007

Mgllt allexonup

2$: ::0 .030 .018 .W1

.$ 3@

.W3 .C04.001 -cm.033




Cn: %&- “;% —

-m: -.004


-.ca7 -.o1o.037 .033— .019 .O1o

I a50-.010 .013— —

-:% -.005 -Las.ola .014

-.003 -.ooa.044

-.017 -.W3 -:o& -::1:

~: ~.m7

.ma -ma -ma -.003 -.014q~ 350 .04s-— .050 .043 .028-— .0!.9.@a -.K% .019— — .01scn~ 3S3 -:gg

.083-.004-.005 -.wa -.ooa -.016

,:%%-.004 -.M9 -.016

~~ 40° .008 .015o=’ w .CQs .Ooo -.OU’7 -:%6q: S@ .030-— .043 .057 .om-—



;00;-.ocl -.002 -:%.wa .011

-:%$ %J .OeS

.W -.$33 -.015 -.m6.Ofu .055



.005 .ooa .001.O:cnnla .Ola .01s

-.ooa-:OM -.014 -.W7 -.CC4

R.lghtdlsron down

& P -.013 -ma


0-JMa -.005 -.003 .019 .011 .0044-.cm -.ooa

.003 .ma .00s-:%

.003 X&: ,00s -:%1 .CQywoo

t -“

r 0 -:stl;.003

‘ 80 .00$-::j

.Ola.t @ — -.ol#


.ooa .003.wa -.00


$ :g

.oza .ooa-018 -.014.ooa-_


.ooa -:WS.013. .Ooa .Cils

.033q :$ .003 -:&n

.010 .Om -:@&

.01s .003

p ::

-.Oal -.ols.ma-

$l:g .ma -:~s.m3

-.033‘ -%$ .019 .WJ1 -.004

$; *$.ooa .m4 .014 .K13-.oa3 -.ola -:al: -.Q04 -:Cl& -.:$ .009.59.5019.CQ3._ .Wd .005._

.@37 .y&15 -:%!

$ %$’

.C93_ .007.034 -.oa3.W5


— .001.016


-.Oad -.oa7-.om -.010 .oaa .Ole .oIfM&&30a.0144.010.006

:$ -.094.Ooa .003 .010._ .Oal .Ola

~~ ~- -:@- — -.034.m34.oo7 .011


— ;~o.m9

-.W.013 ,

%035 -:ga .017c1 ~o .Owl




Page 21: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

.A. O.A.TeOWcd IfOteEo. 449Tables la a-is –



R.I. - aca,mo mi00it7 = ao m.p.h. Yas - k =0

PI I1?0 1s0 S@ afl S@ W“ m“ S&

-g -@ -3° “ 0° l@ 140 ~~o 400


Aileronlookedand neutral ad yaw6A

a $ O.CQO o:2& oJ31go.;;;1:yo:1.165 1::U3Jljaa 1.- 0.- 0:y3 o ;7M; o.7m 0.67S


.Ola.12a .aszi .s97 .aal .980

.010 .014 :018 .0s4 .0s0 .054 .Om .0s0 .04? .040-:21 -:% -:%

~: $ .f% -.W1 -.coa-.cin -.007 -.007 -.oaa -.03s -.033 -.0ss -.044

Aileron 1Ooktid =ut=~ -S@ yaw

.aaa .aol .aaal::o~ 1+54 l:;J l:mlS1.175 .Q= .7s8 .7s0 .700 .ma~ :: -SIOoo .019 .03s .072 .laa .an .40a .646 ass .a97

-.oal-.07a -on. -.0= -:% -.049 -.047 -.C4S

g~ 0: -:xU): -.006 -ma -.017 -.0s6 -.031.ml .Wa .- .- .007 .W1 .CCa .- .w~ .O’m .Oal

RI 0.0% .04s

.,Right nllezon up -s@ yaw

.035 .Oaa .oa~ .Oal .031 .o~ .~ .003 .Ola~n 25$ .osa

-.005 -.wa -.ffla-.WS -.OIX -.ola~; S& .W1 -.m3 -.007 -.c#a

.C4S .044 .04a .041 .04s .W -.~ .(M7 .0s0

y&4 _ -:% -.00s -.004. -Jx8 -.m -.01s -.oa7.— -.oo7_ -.olaOt 3P~n, q .0s7 .Ose .064— .0E4-:om~ .04a-.ooa

.Kta .ooa-.W1 -.ooa -.m4 -.o1.1-.0s4 -:% -:%sOng So.>: dada .067 .0.ss .oa4 .Odl .Oal .Oal .Om .~s .011 .oal

.013 .Ooa .ooa .oza -.W1 -.004 -.007 -.oaa -.ooa -.ooa

nMght tileron dom W yaw

~“ 7° -.ola -.008 -.ooa .000 -.m4 -.004 -.005 -.~ -.o:w*.m4 -:%

.001 .oua .ma .ooa. .004 .CQa .003 .00s

~1 & -.oai— -.016 -.017 -ma — -SX300-.cea --- -.004 -:% :-:= -;g;

~1 lF -- .y .035 .Ooa .- .007 .007 .O1o— -:% -:o~g-.* -— -:~4 -::CI -.OM -.~ -:fJ& -.wa

p: ;~ -:wa .01? .O11 .OSJ .010




P..x. - aa,m VelcQltY- SO m.p.h. Yaw = 0°0

+91-4ol-sol@t@ll@]l@ lleoll’”llso’l~l~-al-! S@ 400I

S& 000


I 6A filmon 100W d ~tr~

~ 00 -0.Cas 0.W!5 0.1ss 0.s40 OA8: l:om 1.=-6 1.=5 .~ 1:=: 1;y5: 1:%: o:p~ o.75a 0.7s0 0.670 0.556

.la3 .147 .16s.Ml

.0Z7 .016 .O’1o.oal.4aa

~ @.8481.ola

~ht allaron UP

- . ...f!I I I I .OaoI I.0171 I I I l-.ola-.. [

l-’ Right AAlemn dmn



Page 22: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons


H.LO. A. Teehuicd.XO!JO Ho. 44S Tables 14& 15



YL.I. = Sea, ooo VelooLty - W m.p.h. T8Z-*SOO




.010 .015 .017 .oas-.001 -.00s .J)04 -.ms


I Oa I 50 ]100IX40 116011701~ol@la~01880 l~[4001~olls@l


1.1?8 1.195 1.~8 0.325 0.8a6 0.755 0.5.SS0.67S

-.o11 -.0W3 -.037 -.0ss -.0ss -.0ss -.044——and aew.ral -a@ yaw

-.MS :ss2 .6s1 .s00 1.C80 l.lsa~ $

l:g: Lgo l:;:; l.osa .70s ;~g .7oa .5H3.018 .Oal .040 .07a .105 .las .38s .46a .ma .aaa

o~I 00, ::g -.00S -.014 -.01s -.035 -.0s3 -.osa -.OW. ::g: -.W5 -.053 -.om -.046 -.046●

0! 00 .001 .000 .Ooo .ooa .005 .W7 -ma -.007. :~ .Ola .Oaa .032 .037 .04

r&gh* .Ulleron up -a& yaw

Oz’ asO .Om .0s4 .034 .031 .oas .~ .)oa .o~o

q! aao .Ow -.oo1 -.ooa -.008 -.010 -.ooa -.ola

Ozl 3@ .04s .049 .04s .047 .044 .045< :!g -.010 .dos .018P

~1 3s0 .Ooa .001 -.001 -.004 -.0ss -.011<:::;: -.oal -.ola -.01s

01t E@ .058 .- .05s .066 .0s8 .0s6.‘ .0s1● .oaa .007 .Ow .oa4

Onl # .o~ .Ooa .004 .001 -.001 -cm, :::1: -.018 -.015 -.01s

q t *O “:M5 .074 .076 .075 .076 .076b .0s8.0s5 .015 .O= -0=Qml 600 , .019 .ma .Ooa .005 .00s -ma ::&j -.015 -.013 -.014

Rlgi-haileron dons R@ raw

Ogl 7° -.007 -.007 -.00.s .008 -.ooa -.004 -:OQ: -.ooa .Ola -.00Son~ 70 .wa .Wa .004q! 150 -:% — -:%5 -:ljog-.00:

.003 -.W5 .OfM-;% -:W -.006

gu: ::: .004-.OW -.015 -.ooa

-.oas— -.oal -.M7.W7 .Cw

-:m4- —.Ooa -.ooa .00?

-.007on! ago .007

-.OIO -.o11 -.008 .00s -.001.010 .016 .01s .01s .ola .018 .011 .005 .010

mma xv —---< .,

R.H. = S439,000 Veloolty - So W..g.h.

I d 0° I 100 14° 150 lso 1s0 lao aoo ai” I a$ a40 abO ap # @I I

AilaronB aeu$rel Yaw- 00


tion ox -o.oaa-0.0160.001 0.030 o.oa7 o.0ss O.ul 0.014 O.ola O.ow .3.C04(olOc.k-

O.om -0.003




t er0100 - Awise ~

I I I I I \Aileroae neutral Yaw - -20°

ti~ation- OA -.om -.015 -.014 -.017 -.00S -.010 -.CQH -ma -0.010 -0.017


-.oa7 -.0S3


- f~a

tlon(Ooon- OA -.011 -.010 .001 .011 .Oaa .034 .04a .em.. .Oaoter-

.Oaa .oa7 .084

0100 --wise



Page 23: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

. -1


0.m4ml fo?M

mm.1 ml

ammmmmmIm EumImmfur907~(Amusi EiaM 4flmm OP d Lnfi 4ilerc61 O.=1)

$Idil ailarcm m


U&m w Sllorora 400bT40pbrmn*ba (u- !ra@mpcefkb S. ‘m’ 8%I%X%4 y~ti’i%;.WStwaisd. atort W40e, ?OOtq@ar 5:3 tapard *

Orlwml--, ~ d,w. *W.

f$da Mr. Dif- mu81- Dlf- nif-f6r- f9?-

mgd.. w nif- atti- nif- blf-

Wup On-,#o& :. ~e

aeon *M Ym+$

SW b tld wno. 1 aon &i ~~ ~: ~ +$! $% jjii $j +$

a@Up O+up $~ ‘$ ~lfP6n P.lu

s& & F& &

IF’4U W ti @& P h’



1.470 lam lam l,a70 lam l,ma l.ma l.ma 1.m5 lam 1.a7s 1.W6 l.aaa l.ma lam l.ma

kO@ll@ 6,-N 7a.4 74.4 7a.4 7a.4 Ta.5 m,n Ta.B 78.0 ao.7 m.7 ao.7 &.3.7 .81,7 m.T al.7 al.7

L/O d OL-O.70 U!.9 16.’4 lci.e lo.e 16.0 16.4 m.e lB.9 M.’l 16.7 15.7 16.7 U5,7 lB.T is.7 is,?

m a= 00 .m4 .aoa . m.4 .im .= .aa4 .ma ,= .-ale .m . 4M .ma .aiT .me .aa .ma

ad a-loo mm .(!T4 .074 .074 .074 .0a4 .md .0% .076 .W4 .070 .Wa ,070 .074 .Oal .Om

m a-Ed .Oaa Ml SW! .004 .C49 .~ .5.~a h.oq4 .~ .oa4 ,0s7 .Oaa ,Ofl ,Oaa .04a .Om

❑ LL. mo .mq .W5 .03a .ma .0f9 .046 .Oaa .Oaa .07M .04e .0a7 .Ola .Obl .Ow .0a4 .Oav

~atiwtAaba.fLe-yg~=~ %’ ~ ~ @ xl” .* l@ * * 90” N l@ E@ @ @ ,90 alo ~

00 d. !3°-.00I %23 b-:md

.016-.~ b.:m~ ●:%f am b .ml mm

-.m6 -ma b-ma ●:%: -.00S u.;%% ~-.’.g.OM


% d.1~ .Ola ma-.mt b-:% b-,obl -ON b-;= ~:g

.Oza .Clx .Ola .017-Oma a-ma L.a L.ml -.~ Ljgd b-:~~ 0-:%

h a- B@,Ola .Ola mm

..o1o b-.oo7 ~ -%! -Ma -.o1o b-:md b-w +ma -.01s %040 d-:%.on

d% ..OJJ k.~ b.:% u.~

h ad’ ma-ma -.fa Ux4 b -.m4 -ma 4-.bua d% a

SW ~f,ma-$2 -,0D3 %:% O-.IO4 -.wa -.OM K= U:% d%

a g &itii~- l@ l@ la” w I@ ~ao & l@ w i6Q 160 @ @ 1P M# w

a for illitibliMtQMl-

ity at ~ - O.M

TM- @ 1P 1P 1P 1#’ 1P 170 1P 1?0 ~40 ~40 140 140 ~40 =40 MO ~40

TU -K+’~o no ~o ~o

9 & @ e u“ 11” u“~lo ~o & ~lo no

MUiDm ~lm ox

Y- - 0° .04a .Ua .Ola .04a .Ca .Om Sm .Oaa ,ma .046 .046 .045 .048 .C48 .04a .048

ru-# .093 .Om .ma .Oas .ma Ma ,Cm .m5 .mn .m4 .W .0a4 .0a4 .Ce.4 mm .m4

o? a- & .o17 .Caa .Oan .041 ,mo .Oaa .ma ,07a .Ols: .Ola am mm .Om .Oax .ma ,mn


u-lo” .- .M6 ma .OIO ,O1o .Ow .007 .014 .004 A-m .Wa .03s .m7 .Om .m5 .Om

?mm.hem am al1’ma4t&10f t&4.’” “’’” “’’” ‘

Page 24: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons

TA8LZ XVI (Continued)mL


(Aoar=adWW .ilemn UP d Left Aileron Dam) L.1

TaperedOhord Tapered ohord oOllOtUltohord Oomtan$ Obord 2-we ~lemna short tide ailerma wdim ailerona6:1 taperedwing

short wide ailemna6:1 taperedwing 6:1 taperedWing 6:1 tapered Ting ~

Stwld. Dif- Dif- stalrl-Dif- Dif-“ - Starul-Dif- Dif- M?&#. Dif- Dif-#dw :~- fO#F

2% %- z- up- a%%p :E sfer-

Bfer- ~

25’3& tiel tiel id tial Onlg 25’3dn tibl tial O%J !% 2 ~y~ ~g: .% go:; 2N h J# & E& &‘# ~ ‘! ~

no 1 nob am+ up 60UP SW Iq 600 up


lEF (In Pdn lIP dn 7° dn 150 dn 7° dn$

1.288 law 1.a88 1.228 1.2s6 1.285 1.206 1.286 1.287 la? 1.287 1.287 1.290 1.280 1.280 1.2SJ0

3ub$eot Oriterion

+%H2Kt’A”OO-Ra-=-l-+84.6 84.6 84.6 84.6 86.2 85.2 85.2

16.4 16.4 16.4 15.4 15.5 15.6 15.6

tm.a 81.7 81.7 81.7 81.7

15.E 15.0IRate of alirnb 16.0 1.5.O 15.0I

RO a. 0° .2$4I I

.3021 .2871.278I I I I I I

.Raal .3001.3151.2381.* I .alsl.318 .281 .ma .aoa





.104.096 .088 .093

.001 .016 .Ole

.044 .0= .018

.082 .086 .ZJ.1 .107 .098 .1o1 .104

.003 .013 .042 .046 .001 po4 (J

.028 .057 01:03: .Om .“37 +8 .~

RO I a- 10° I.08E

Ro a-20’J .00f

.1OC ,084Lateral

oontmllnbility .024






RF! I a-WJO .04s1

Later#t;ontrol -mm a at which alla- “rona till balmoe OL1 @ 170 170 19’J ~80

aideslip to 800 yaw1P 18° Zlo 23° 1P 1*0 ~eo

.04)3 .010%304 b-.ooa %002 a-:;;:

.OIM-.”04 b-:~; h302

o .007 .017 .oaa .Ooa .013-.001 =.cm %cal -cm b-.ocn T.O11L@”l -.~




.017 .Oa-l




0.001WI03 O-ocw

e-.oaa -.oaa-.02.8.006


1 ,

8.001on a-300 -.007 %005 %x)4 -ma.(K)1

-.o11 %M6 %)07 ‘-.ooa %008 %JJ)t3 0-.IXJ8

160 150 ~50 15° 150 ~60 ~60



150 MC 150 16° I.#1 1 I I 1 1

it’)Et ~ = 0.”5

La*eml,etabil- Taw - 0° 14~ ~40 ~40 ~4a

(6A = 0°) Yaw = XP ~40 140 ~40 ~4aYmimnm amtahle ax

Yaw = 00 .040 .(M .(W .04c

140 14’3

140I I I 1 1 1

.040I .040 .040 .040 .040 .040 .040 .04C .040 .040

I I Yaw=200 [ .0421 .0421 .042[ .042



.018 .01?

.CKM .(W

ailamn - ~






mmtrolforoaor I d= 0° I .008 .009 “ .0:3 .02C

ref@red m a - 10° .CNMI .ooal .002 .004


~ *O f, fire tbs timm aui~ MMnt 000UITd b~m ~ defholb=15°.0.200,~=260 e . 300, f - MO:.



men :




I I.-

1 I 1 I

.onjthe letters Itioate tba deflectionof the u

Page 25: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons




N.A.C.A. Technical Note No. 449

TII 12.50 ‘1


L ,- d

7.ko”Y- ---

‘Tti - ., “3.631’+. i

I ‘3.0011——

t-- 19.50”-




Removable block-..,~ fY---- 7.5011-----——-—---


2.39 K.-\,

“1 T’i.8811

Fig. :




Figure 1. -Clark Y wing with. 5:3 taperand plain ailerons.

Page 26: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons


N.A.C.A. Technfc~l Note Ho. 449



Fig. 2


Figure 2. Clark Y wing with 5:1 taper and plain ailerons.

Page 27: L;r .. .. +22?-=yfi?-G’z...with extreme taper gave better lateral control at qng~e8 of attack below the sta31 in regard to rolling~ ya~ingl and hinge moments than corresponding ailerons



H.A.C.A. Technical Note NO.449,T-_ ‘->:–––.–...––

( \ // \\ /.’r

) (1\ I

\/’ i

k+ \.. ./”—/


rig .3


--J---C#<. \fA’

———————__———/ \,( -/ J-c-.-1“ ! ////-~?-”// II -.

i (/“‘s.~’ ‘\_/’DifferentialNo.2 —

Figure 3.-Aileron linkage systems-assumedmsxhum deflections.