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classdef LPCToCepstral%LPCToCepstral Convert linear prediction coefficients to cepstral coefficients% HLPC2CC = signalblks.LPCToCepstral returns a System object, HLPC2CC,% that converts linear prediction coefficients (LPCs) to cepstral% coefficients (CCs).%% HLPC2CC = signalblks.LPCToCepstral('PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...)% returns an LPC to cepstral converter object, HLPC2CC, with each% specified property set to the specified value.%% Step method syntax:%% CC = step(HLPC2CC, A) computes the cepstral coefficients, CC, from the% columns of input LPC coefficients, A. The prediction error power is% assumed to be 1.%% CC = step(HLPC2CC, A, P) converts LPC coefficients to cepstral% coefficients, using P as the prediction error power, when the% PredictionErrorInputPort property is true.%% LPCToCepstral methods:%% step - See above description for use of this method%% LPCToCepstral properties:%% PredictionErrorInputPort - Enable prediction error power input% CepstrumLengthSource - Source of cepstrum length% CepstrumLength - Number of output cepstral coefficients% NonUnityFirstCoefficientAction - Action to take when first LPC% coefficient is not 1%% % EXAMPLE: Convert LPC to cepstral coefficients. % hlevinson = signalblks.LevinsonSolver;% hlevinson.AOutputPort = true; % Output polynomial coefficients% hac = signalblks.Autocorrelator;% hac.MaximumLagSource = 'Property';% hac.MaximumLag = 9; % Compute autocorrelation lags between [0:9]% hlpc2cc = signalblks.LPCToCepstral;% x = [1:100]';% a = step(hac, x);% A = step(hlevinson, a); % Compute LPC coefficients% CC = step(hlpc2cc, A); % Convert LPC to CC.%% See also signalblks.CepstralToLPC, signalblks.LPCToLSF, % signalblks.LPCToRC. % Copyright 2009 The MathWorks, Inc. methods function out=LPCToCepstral %LPCToCepstral Convert linear prediction coefficients to cepstral coefficients % HLPC2CC = signalblks.LPCToCepstral returns a System object, HLPC2CC, % that converts linear prediction coefficients (LPCs) to cepstral % coefficients (CCs). % % HLPC2CC = signalblks.LPCToCepstral('PropertyName', PropertyValue, ...) % returns an LPC to cepstral converter object, HLPC2CC, with each % specified property set to the specified value. % % Step method syntax: % % CC = step(HLPC2CC, A) computes the cepstral coefficients, CC, from the % columns of input LPC coefficients, A. The prediction error power is % assumed to be 1. % % CC = step(HLPC2CC, A, P) converts LPC coefficients to cepstral % coefficients, using P as the prediction error power, when the % PredictionErrorInputPort property is true. % % LPCToCepstral methods: % % step - See above description for use of this method % % LPCToCepstral properties: % % PredictionErrorInputPort - Enable prediction error power input % CepstrumLengthSource - Source of cepstrum length % CepstrumLength - Number of output cepstral coefficients % NonUnityFirstCoefficientAction - Action to take when first LPC % coefficient is not 1 % % % EXAMPLE: Convert LPC to cepstral coefficients. % hlevinson = signalblks.LevinsonSolver; % hlevinson.AOutputPort = true; % Output polynomial coefficients % hac = signalblks.Autocorrelator; % hac.MaximumLagSource = 'Property'; % hac.MaximumLag = 9; % Compute autocorrelation lags between [0:9] % hlpc2cc = signalblks.LPCToCepstral; % x = [1:100]'; % a = step(hac, x); % A = step(hlevinson, a); % Compute LPC coefficients % CC = step(hlpc2cc, A); % Convert LPC to CC. % % See also signalblks.CepstralToLPC, signalblks.LPCToLSF, % signalblks.LPCToRC. end function getHiddenProps(in) %#ok end end properties %CepstrumLength Number of output cepstral coefficients % Set the length of the output cepstral coefficients vector as a % scalar numeric integer. This property is applicable when the % CepstrumLengthSource property is 'Property'. The default value of % this property is 10. CepstrumLength; %CepstrumLengthSource Source of cepstrum length % Select how to specify the length of cepstral coefficients as one of % ['Auto' | {'Property'}]. When this property is set to 'Auto', the % length of each channel of the cepstral coefficients output is the % same as the length of each channel of the input LPC coefficients. CepstrumLengthSource; %NonUnityFirstCoefficientAction Action to take when first % LPCcoefficient is not 1 % Specify the action that the System object should take when the % first coefficient of each channel of the LPC input is not 1 as one % of [{'Replace with 1'} | 'Normalize']. NonUnityFirstCoefficientAction; %PredictionErrorInputPort Enable prediction error power input % Choose how to set the prediction error power. When this property is % set to true, the prediction error power must be specified as a % second input to the step method. When this property is set to false, % the prediction error power is assumed to be 1. By default, the % property is false. PredictionErrorInputPort; endend