CREATING AND MOTIVATING LOYAL EMPLOYEES Dr.E. J.Sarma Global Head HCM Saama Technologies inc USA 14 July 2012

Loyalty Tips 2012

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how to be an effective boss .few tips on being effective boss

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Dr.E. J.Sarma

Global Head HCM

Saama Technologies inc


14 July 2012

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What is this about

• This presentation is about experienced based ideas for

• Being the boss, manager leader who will be loved, admired and respected

• these are plain and simple ideas anyone can follow

• Especially HR can take this up and make it training topic


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Hitting the road and running

• Every new employee needs time to align. Welcome personally and introduce to all team members-. If left to fend for themselves, the chances are that, it will be long before the new comer tunes in.

• Include in meetings: the best way to new employee demonstrate the credibility is to get them in department meetings

• Maintain very regular contact: it is always good to keep checking if things are going alright


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Good chemistry• Create the desire: Boss subordinate

chemistry is very critical. You can be demanding but if you show that care and concern even the worst moments can pass easily.

• Set reasonable performance expectations. Over reaching goals are possible if you start with reasonable targets and slowly up the bar

• Always show big picture and why of any decisions . you need cathedral builders and not everyone to be brick layers


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Culture is about Creating the right conditions conducive to performance

• Upscale thinking and upbeat image- when you exhibit high level thinking people have upbeat image

• Self image counts- self image , esteem must exist, but not too much

• Correction or criticism- always weigh about giving advice, the style of delivering message

• Positive or negative stroke-pat on the back or kick in the ass-?


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• Standoffish or intimidating- confrontations need not become stand off

• Work style changes-sometimes it worth while to change routine. Challenge the status quo

• Open door policy- be available when people have to approach


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Empowering people

Gandhi said, "A 'No' uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a 'Yes' merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble." A manager would try to please in order to diffuse a situation. A leader will not worry about creating a situation.

Setting example-become role model ;without that respect cannot be gained

Speak clearly, listen closely

Avoid apologies

Being visible

Are you scared of being replaced

Scared of sharing knowledge, responsibility


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Providing direction and discipline• Solid managers give solid

answers• Weigh consequences• You may need your boss or

peer support• Saying yes right away could

make you seem easy going• Outright no?• Could you also be vague


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Toying with your position powerMagnified authority by actions Not by words Silly humor or sarcasmSeriousness of purpose- let people

know when it is seriousAssistants turn them to agents


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Control how much?• Get more Data– for what?

More data means more confusion.

The trick is in getting right information • Intervention is always not



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Removing obstaclesToo tight or lose- as you go up the tendency to manage

everything becomes very natural . You could be micro managing that chocks.

Support or applause-the power of timely recognition is rarely used .but try and you will be better off in creating loyalty

Bail those in trouble- it is easy to punish. As leader when something goes wrong you are the one responsible

Ask right question- I always asked can you do better three times ? That brought the best in people


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The trap

• Successor syndrome

•Taking on too much

•Know-it-al syndrome

•Not learning quickly

IsolationKeeping existing


Captured by wrong



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Stepping up and down

Stepping forward: get on a better footing with your boss--whether backing you on your decisions, or making a point on his decisions be sure to do in person. No mails, no phone calls

Encourage people to come to you- when people realize you can make positive influence on the decisions and you are willing to listen they will come to you


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white elephants- challenge them

People often get into their comfort zone .unless challenged they see every thing as their right Relations ships are not static. Hence do not think there is lasting loyalty .


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Handling dissentions• Symptoms

1. Team members not talking to each other

2. Hostility

3. Everything is seen as additional work

4. People hold key information back

Intervention is absolutely necessary


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Final words• Being manager is difficult, but being effective boss is more

difficult• Even if you were star performer . You need special efforts

to be star manager• Motivating people is rather difficult art but can be

perfected• Loyalty comes when start seeing value in you


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"Many of us are more capable than some of us . . .

but none of us is as capable as all of us!!“Tom Wilson
