Holding of specified secu ritics Annnurc - I Loyal Equipments Ltd. I. Name of Listed l:.n ti ty J 539227 / Eq uitv 2. Scrip CodcfN anll! of Sc ri p/Clas s of Security : I 3. Share Holding Patte rn Filed under: Reg, 3 I (J )(a)/ Reg. 3 1 ( I )( b) 'Reg,:> 1( 1 )(c) 31 ( I)(b) , i a. If under 3 1 ( I )(b) t he n indi cate th e report for Quarter ending 30-09-20 18 , b. If under 31 (I )( c) then indicate date of aJ lotmentlexting ui shment 4. Dec larat ion: The Lis ted entity is required to submit the foll ow ing dec lara tion to the extent of submiss ion of information :- I Yes* /No * I Wheth er th e Li st ed Entity has issued an y pa rtl y pa id up shares? Particulars No 2 Wheth er the Listed Ent ity has iss ued any Convertibl e Securi ti es? No 3 Whether th e Lisku Ent ity has issued any Wa rrants? No I 4 Whe ther the Listed Ent ity has any shares aga ins t wh ich depos itory re ce ip ts a re is su ed? No No 6 Whether any shares he ld by pro mo ters are pledge or othcrw be encumbere d? 5 Wheth er the List ed r ntity has any shares in locJ"ed-in'? '\10 * If the Li sted Entity se lects the option ' No' for the questi on s above. the co lumn s for th e I partl y pai d up sh ares. O ut standing Co nve rtible Securities/Warrant s. deposi tory receipts, lo cke d-in shares, No of sha res pledged or oth erwise e nc umbered b) prom oters. as appli cab l e. s hal l nol be disp layed at th e tim e of dissemi nati on on the Excha nge I I web si t e. Also whert!\er th ere is 'No' declared by Li sted Enti ty in abovl.! ta ble t he values will be cons idered as 'Zero' by default on submission of the for ma l oJ'hu ld in g of spec ifi ed se curities. - - --- I

Loyal Equipments Ltd. J 539227 / Eq uitv 31 ( I)(b) 30-09 ... · partly pai d up sh ares. Outstanding Convertible Securities/Warrants. depository receipts, locked-in shares, No of

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Holding of specified secu ritics

Annnurc - I

Loyal Equipments LtdI Name of Listed ln ti ty J 539227 Eq uitv2 Scrip CodcfNanll of Scri pClass of Security I

3 Share Holding Pattern Fi led under Reg 3 I ( J )(a)Reg 31 ( I )( b) Reggt 1( 1 )(c) 31 ( I)(b)

ia If under 31 ( I )(b) then indicate the report for Quarter ending 30-09-20 18

b If under 31 (I )(c) then indicate date of aJ lotmentlextingui shment

4 Dec larat ion The Listed entity is required to submit the foll owing dec laration to the

extent of submiss ion of information -I


I Whether the Listed Entity has issued any partly paid up shares



2 Whether the Listed Ent ity has iss ued any Convertibl e Securi ti es No

3 Whether the Lisku Ent ity has issued any Warrants No I 4 Whether the Listed Entity has any shares against wh ich depos itory receipts are issued



6 Whether any shares held by promoters are pledge or othcrwbe encumbered

5 Whether the Listed r ntity has any shares in locJed-in


If the Listed Entity se lects the option No for the questions above the co l umns for the I

partl y pai d up sh ares Outstanding Convertible SecuritiesWarrants deposi tory receipts

locked-in shares No of shares pledged or otherwise enc umbered b) promoters as

appli cab le shal l nol be disp layed at the time of dissemi nation on the ~t()ck Exchange I

Iwebsite Also wherter there is No declared by Listed Enti ty in abovl ta ble the values

will be considered as Zero by default on submission of the formal oJhu ld ing of

specifi ed securities - - --- I

T ~ l b k II - tlf1l11d1 1 h ()~III1 J~uchIlIJIII lIt 11 th luMIHir md Iwmlhr Gw up

Nuuthll Q(Vtirk R iehl h dd ill ram dItu of IiUJul~rorlorkftl in Nm of 51

ttUririco ShardlOldiur Inarft p ltd~ o otb

(IX) ~ IXU ) (ucallibued

lh l rrllnldioo Noor ShII min9m (XIII)

N ur ( Y Ilnd 1yina ronu nkID If I_ or

Io orrUy PI n w- 111 ToIaI tliJtUflllfil 10 rvIIoK Rip

O n ~ ia e conmiWt oqpity

O lllftOr) NIr orlh 10 or JUII up brldu oquiJJ lIIUlorlyilla b ~fld Itl convertible IfCllrititt III

ShlltbuJdcn abarthokhrr (qu it) ~hHb dd IN fWll-ic u l ~ ( VIJ = SCRRlm IlaquoUlitiei pen ttuajiI$gto(


(11 (UII h hrld () Rontplgt I V++ I) 1 middot~o( Ttbll a bull (iDdudipl dllll bull u oh AS4 - Cf A bull bull of dmaterinm

( I V) ( 1) (A+D1-C2) 011 bullbull01

W ltgtplull gt0 foral Sbarar No cotallbarn ttl funn

11 11 1 0 0 ( ~ T Vol (X ) (0 Caj heW (0) hrld (XIV)

rip- HI )+(X) (hi (b)


-- 1 In d ill n II 0 IJ 0 0

I) IRlJi id ulllJol lindu

undividtd hul 6 7 99985 0 749998 5 353 7 9 Jlt)8~ 7499985 7353 7J 53 7499985

IlEMA MAII ES Il kl MAl I 15 0 15 0 I ~ 15 000 0


P IWLAI bllllli 1 I 15 0 1 ~ 0 15 15 000 I)



H I 15 0 15 0 IS 15 000 0 15

AI M 5 11

RA 1I SIIC 11 1111 I 1 u 1)99~O 0 20(J)t)middotUI 2059 2 H ~fl 21jt199middotl0 2059 W59 20999 0

PA Il ----KA~E Sll nU ilK

I 2 10(]000 0 2 10000U 20 ~9 1 1UUUOII 21 UHililO 2059 USl 2101JIJOOr-A n l L-L I I t I


RAMf_SII( II (OR I 13000(]1 0 JJOuOUO HJ5 -JIIUOO O 3I~ tHh U J U5 J 2j i 330(1000

PKlll -Ctntnt l COHnJ h ltlllt SIMIf

Ih) GO ( rtlllK l lS)

0 0 0 0 0

laquo Fill lll1 t mi Ins tlt ut lonsJ

0 0 U 0 BHnk

d An v O th er ISprcih 0 0 0 0 0

Su bmiddot T ota l 6 ~999lC~ 0 74999 ~ 5 7J 53 4W)8~ 1a traquo)~ 5 73 53 J53

( I( 1) 7 ~ 999 8 5

~ fo rei ll (I 0 0 [) 0

tn divid u ll lI un Rf- idetl l

I) Ind iidu C4 W Fu ian 0 0 0 II 0

lnd i wu ll5 )

101 G Q t m n M1lI 0 0 0 0 0

(t) Inslit ut ion3 0 0 0 0 0-0 Fort1sO PO Itfol io h lHS1 0r 0 0 U 0 0

lt An O lhcl hpccr J 0 0 0 0

~ub middot T olll l 0 0 0 n 0

1 gt12 Tota l

S h J r( ho Jd in~

of P n) ntOIeI

and pomotH 6 i aQ99 ~5 0 7499985 7353 - W98~ - 4N985 7353 7353 7499985

G roup

IAI (A )( I )+ (M


DeTlt iis of SlulIn hie -t(11t ln UII(hUIIIM 1Il1l lu ei ltl htu ll lon g with details such a ~ n umber of h are ho l de ~ oUhta nLliJl J shu hrld in rJ l m~ l u nclaimed i u s j)~n s ~ Mccou nl vot in j IiC h l1i wh ic h ltt n fHI V C o1t- t l uulrl 1I 0i bt d i ~ p ht d on ~(b s it l of

Sioc k rxth lt ll liJo) (21 Tht tr lTtl I II (lI mhntll ct Iun Ih SDfll ( IIlt a ni n ~ IS itSl i w d und C rttulll ion 2 ~ J o r S [ fH r ~IIIt I I II IiJ I ( fJU l)il io ll IJt ~l l a r( and T a ktO el) Rt)uhu ions 20 11


~ ~

I ~ L cl~ I I I i JhUICILI hv m JJiudI O l d Ln~middot pttcn l 01 die Public ~h u Coo l dcf

CCCW7 amp Name of b Shrcboldcn


Nobullbullf shardlo~I -


N bull bullbull rrully lsold



(I V]




~b f~



1 r turo





ROwp II)

Total dO


( 11~



dinl a1eull



Ati ~

of (A+BmiddotC

Il (III)

NumI rVhIleRi Iid in lth cl r Ina rilfes


Irri bullbull of ~h~

No rVoti KIa I UndtriyiOl ouwdiOl


Totol OS ri bull (l (IuclmlitlJ

Tnlal WamwAJI)

0 lt Cl rol oi IX)

ri ~


as ~ _fun (oOfrrioo or


ieroririe (as

bull penl1l of dlluittl

sbale Capiut)

IXl I~

(VII)(X) r A+ D+CI

Nu m~r ll (lAI c ttd

i shaftS


A bull bull


N otal (ft) SIriaJft



N ubf afSll ~ f pIodpd bullbull bull


I~~ liluber of

I tq uitYllha_(b

M in Agt i~ d ~tl ri tlt7ed

N oImtiI runll I (~ hl ~ (X IV)



- I InSlirur icJII

lulual li llllds

Ib) ( 1IIU f C loihll fun d s

ltf nl iHf hl- ~s Ctu t n1 funds

Cd r u n j n r 1ltlll ~ (a )itallm-ts lors

bull nnill IIO L1ioljo Invc$tcuS

In ( finD JIr iat ln$ rilution s Banl3

Insuratl(f C omnH ni cs

Pro id l11 1 f u nds Pensio n f unds D

- m O l h ~ r ~ )fc ir D

Sub-To1 6~ 1

-2 Cent ral ( O -rl lJ itltn V StlHr

(oVtnlthl UI n l P~ s idrnt or lodi

Iuh- rot~ 11 13)(1

-3 i(tlHI LSlJl ulioIlS -

Indiidunis -

(an)) i Indh iduli l i hJt ndlll lclf n holding 2 1 I Itllll ~ J Q 010 7 1 ~ 9_91 01 0739 IU 1f) J) 1)91 9_91 W I U VJ

lI ouli Llnl hlln cflpi lil l up fr) R 2 lraquolJls

Inlli idultl middot

lllii)) Ii Indi1o idwtl s l ll r eho l o e~ h o l din ~

lIomi Wl1 ~ hll capit Oi_1 ill c4( SS or H1i 12 11182-1 ]]41824 11 19 114 1814 11-4 1~2 11 1-l 11 19 J 101 182-4


~ I I JIIIII l MINIIU HA I lP IKA IOJHHu 10wOlJ 10 103000 103000 11) 1 101

-- - -f---- -It Ultltll

PIUI 110 I Of SAI middotlIBH I I

ME~I It I UHOUIJ IOSOOO 106 10800Q 1 0~ O O n 100 106 IIIKOOtt

SLn ~ ~middot RW -i jl MAR S RH

A f( f511jUMA R SARA F





11 1


1 ~ 400 0


I 7400U

I c ~

1 1


17 1 - 101lt1 1

~ C b III m ~ C l rl -istcred with RBI 0 0 0

I [ m Ilo H( T rlJsl ~ -(d)


(J V(rlit il ~ IJ t pOsi lori l ~ ( h O ld iD~ ORs)

ba ltUl(in l fj PUrf)

nO hlt(Dltcih)

U od ~ Cononue

n 8

-4 7 52


54 7-152

814 15




81 11 5-

~ 7 1





0B6 ---27ill

~ 7 1 5

( lelumiddotif 11 1 e mM ~ 10 11 0821 119 ~ ll 117 119821 11 982 1 11 11 7 ~ I




~1 ) n-R l irllgtn llnd iLn ( RI)



l uu l 7ti


l ~ fi H middot W







1601 0

1800 KJ


lou o




L l lI



1 76

17 7

~ ~


Sub-lo 1 (81 3 273 176)011 15 27000 I ~ 26A7 27 000 15 100015 ~L 1 26 A l 17(j01J-5 Tot tl l Pu blit

S harth O ltJj LI~

(8H O)( )l1 8 )(2 )1 213 21nOOlS 270005 26A7 27000 15 27 0001 1617 2647 lif)OOl 5


lklll ib or the shareho ldrrs acti ng 31 poer on~ i_II CO IIUli includ in2 I t l~ ir Sharholclm2 ( n a nd J Dtt1 ib u f~h l s ~ h ich n main unciaillltd may bt IIHIl hC~ I O l ~ yenI ill l t l lib ne IL as nu m hc IIf ShHtho ldtfS outslandjng shares h rld i l l d I UI IIIIILl fLAi lutI

gt UlptlIt accounl vOlilL C ti~hl s hich an rnnen ll t No le( J ) 1) middot ou ld nn l ti t rl iplu -((I nil c bs-ilt of Stod t -c hangtt s) (2) The lhoC fo mal n(Nh fO bt d isc JulCd llun fIlIil Ih t name orroll)l-I- illj j1rson s Ins lilu lio n VfOIl InSfillJti()ll s ho ldin Ii l)n I)L III I ~

of l uld IllLmber of s h lre~ (3) V I Iht informalio n pertHinin ~ 10 Ot po ~ il or ~ R(gtt i 111- th t ml) bt disclL)gtc d in Ihe nri e c~lu nllt to tht t Utor in rUllmliion IHli lJ hlt- IILl II n( hlllII(( 10 ht d isclo st d fls held by cus tod ia n

Table IV SIJtlrnem sho lII~ Ju lmiddotI oIJllljJ IlOHh-rn ~)f rll OJI P JUllhJlo I lon Public sh bull mho lder


Shuwll m her on ~riftg fligbts btld In cb d Shrdoldinll nloor of I rktd Sh t~

old IuS

of klUri1in No of

~ III ha Iltdll o

~~ (1-1

Sh bullbulloOl iaa full (II oth~~

coo IIraion or Partl) Nos of

k ulot t 1udtrtyin ertible td Nu () n ~ ling Riltllls Numb or

Caitlin Nom In of full) Id paid-up ba_ To1 II ~uri ri( s ltquiiy share

ftb N~o r

up Iull~ equily IIndonyig Ior rid p OUoUIndi

I~ld int hrdloldbullbull SCRR I pltgtteenlalle SblTOholde Irll held ampI DepoJilory IV1l = TOliiat DR

utdilultd 11 sa drm wriolWed(111) 1957 (oflrtibl(I) (IV) held R-ipla IV++ I) bull middot4 of h re u(ldLaI ftnlll ru rOI

(V) (VI) lu ~

Tutl rtecuridu

Pltaf) Nn

Shar II~ Ilttriolt (XIV)IIr CIIWX Total VoUnl

lindudinJ (Xl) =

() hld

() rid(A+IH

righl Worraau)

C IJ+(Xj (h i (b)0) jlCl a of

(VIR) +D+2

I Cu sll lliia nlO R


Na me rDR

Ca) Holder Cif

ailable) -SubmiddotT ota l I I I 0

(I 0 0 0 0 I) U I) 0 (I

Em ployet Benefi t

T ru st (under

2 Sf1l1 (Share

uI ~N l b n ployee

Benefi t )

R q~uh t ions 201 -1 )

(a) mrt=abc_

SubmiddotT otallCI(2) II 0 (I 0 0 0 IJ n 0 0 0 fI I) 0 0


rromotcr- Non

Public II 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 U () 0 I)


CC)=[CI(J) +[C [( 2)

Note (1) PA would nOt b el l j ~JlI UNj I IU e b~ i[( of S to r Eqhllngc( s)(2) The above format nccd-i Iv dj ~ l u oc nOHrlt ufoll hold (n hold ing mo rc than I of toral number () r s hnrcs (3) 1 th l infunn arion p lTtll lning 10

Uepository R e ccjp l ~ Ihe ~ me m D) be I lbclo~c d in Itll r~p( c th middot COluOl n ~ to tilt ex tln ( in for-morion Q lilable


~ ~r bull 0 7JJ VlL ~ 1 ~i IE --


T ~ l b k II - tlf1l11d1 1 h ()~III1 J~uchIlIJIII lIt 11 th luMIHir md Iwmlhr Gw up

Nuuthll Q(Vtirk R iehl h dd ill ram dItu of IiUJul~rorlorkftl in Nm of 51

ttUririco ShardlOldiur Inarft p ltd~ o otb

(IX) ~ IXU ) (ucallibued

lh l rrllnldioo Noor ShII min9m (XIII)

N ur ( Y Ilnd 1yina ronu nkID If I_ or

Io orrUy PI n w- 111 ToIaI tliJtUflllfil 10 rvIIoK Rip

O n ~ ia e conmiWt oqpity

O lllftOr) NIr orlh 10 or JUII up brldu oquiJJ lIIUlorlyilla b ~fld Itl convertible IfCllrititt III

ShlltbuJdcn abarthokhrr (qu it) ~hHb dd IN fWll-ic u l ~ ( VIJ = SCRRlm IlaquoUlitiei pen ttuajiI$gto(


(11 (UII h hrld () Rontplgt I V++ I) 1 middot~o( Ttbll a bull (iDdudipl dllll bull u oh AS4 - Cf A bull bull of dmaterinm

( I V) ( 1) (A+D1-C2) 011 bullbull01

W ltgtplull gt0 foral Sbarar No cotallbarn ttl funn

11 11 1 0 0 ( ~ T Vol (X ) (0 Caj heW (0) hrld (XIV)

rip- HI )+(X) (hi (b)


-- 1 In d ill n II 0 IJ 0 0

I) IRlJi id ulllJol lindu

undividtd hul 6 7 99985 0 749998 5 353 7 9 Jlt)8~ 7499985 7353 7J 53 7499985

IlEMA MAII ES Il kl MAl I 15 0 15 0 I ~ 15 000 0


P IWLAI bllllli 1 I 15 0 1 ~ 0 15 15 000 I)



H I 15 0 15 0 IS 15 000 0 15

AI M 5 11

RA 1I SIIC 11 1111 I 1 u 1)99~O 0 20(J)t)middotUI 2059 2 H ~fl 21jt199middotl0 2059 W59 20999 0

PA Il ----KA~E Sll nU ilK

I 2 10(]000 0 2 10000U 20 ~9 1 1UUUOII 21 UHililO 2059 USl 2101JIJOOr-A n l L-L I I t I


RAMf_SII( II (OR I 13000(]1 0 JJOuOUO HJ5 -JIIUOO O 3I~ tHh U J U5 J 2j i 330(1000

PKlll -Ctntnt l COHnJ h ltlllt SIMIf

Ih) GO ( rtlllK l lS)

0 0 0 0 0

laquo Fill lll1 t mi Ins tlt ut lonsJ

0 0 U 0 BHnk

d An v O th er ISprcih 0 0 0 0 0

Su bmiddot T ota l 6 ~999lC~ 0 74999 ~ 5 7J 53 4W)8~ 1a traquo)~ 5 73 53 J53

( I( 1) 7 ~ 999 8 5

~ fo rei ll (I 0 0 [) 0

tn divid u ll lI un Rf- idetl l

I) Ind iidu C4 W Fu ian 0 0 0 II 0

lnd i wu ll5 )

101 G Q t m n M1lI 0 0 0 0 0

(t) Inslit ut ion3 0 0 0 0 0-0 Fort1sO PO Itfol io h lHS1 0r 0 0 U 0 0

lt An O lhcl hpccr J 0 0 0 0

~ub middot T olll l 0 0 0 n 0

1 gt12 Tota l

S h J r( ho Jd in~

of P n) ntOIeI

and pomotH 6 i aQ99 ~5 0 7499985 7353 - W98~ - 4N985 7353 7353 7499985

G roup

IAI (A )( I )+ (M


DeTlt iis of SlulIn hie -t(11t ln UII(hUIIIM 1Il1l lu ei ltl htu ll lon g with details such a ~ n umber of h are ho l de ~ oUhta nLliJl J shu hrld in rJ l m~ l u nclaimed i u s j)~n s ~ Mccou nl vot in j IiC h l1i wh ic h ltt n fHI V C o1t- t l uulrl 1I 0i bt d i ~ p ht d on ~(b s it l of

Sioc k rxth lt ll liJo) (21 Tht tr lTtl I II (lI mhntll ct Iun Ih SDfll ( IIlt a ni n ~ IS itSl i w d und C rttulll ion 2 ~ J o r S [ fH r ~IIIt I I II IiJ I ( fJU l)il io ll IJt ~l l a r( and T a ktO el) Rt)uhu ions 20 11


~ ~

I ~ L cl~ I I I i JhUICILI hv m JJiudI O l d Ln~middot pttcn l 01 die Public ~h u Coo l dcf

CCCW7 amp Name of b Shrcboldcn


Nobullbullf shardlo~I -


N bull bullbull rrully lsold



(I V]




~b f~



1 r turo





ROwp II)

Total dO


( 11~



dinl a1eull



Ati ~

of (A+BmiddotC

Il (III)

NumI rVhIleRi Iid in lth cl r Ina rilfes


Irri bullbull of ~h~

No rVoti KIa I UndtriyiOl ouwdiOl


Totol OS ri bull (l (IuclmlitlJ

Tnlal WamwAJI)

0 lt Cl rol oi IX)

ri ~


as ~ _fun (oOfrrioo or


ieroririe (as

bull penl1l of dlluittl

sbale Capiut)

IXl I~

(VII)(X) r A+ D+CI

Nu m~r ll (lAI c ttd

i shaftS


A bull bull


N otal (ft) SIriaJft



N ubf afSll ~ f pIodpd bullbull bull


I~~ liluber of

I tq uitYllha_(b

M in Agt i~ d ~tl ri tlt7ed

N oImtiI runll I (~ hl ~ (X IV)



- I InSlirur icJII

lulual li llllds

Ib) ( 1IIU f C loihll fun d s

ltf nl iHf hl- ~s Ctu t n1 funds

Cd r u n j n r 1ltlll ~ (a )itallm-ts lors

bull nnill IIO L1ioljo Invc$tcuS

In ( finD JIr iat ln$ rilution s Banl3

Insuratl(f C omnH ni cs

Pro id l11 1 f u nds Pensio n f unds D

- m O l h ~ r ~ )fc ir D

Sub-To1 6~ 1

-2 Cent ral ( O -rl lJ itltn V StlHr

(oVtnlthl UI n l P~ s idrnt or lodi

Iuh- rot~ 11 13)(1

-3 i(tlHI LSlJl ulioIlS -

Indiidunis -

(an)) i Indh iduli l i hJt ndlll lclf n holding 2 1 I Itllll ~ J Q 010 7 1 ~ 9_91 01 0739 IU 1f) J) 1)91 9_91 W I U VJ

lI ouli Llnl hlln cflpi lil l up fr) R 2 lraquolJls

Inlli idultl middot

lllii)) Ii Indi1o idwtl s l ll r eho l o e~ h o l din ~

lIomi Wl1 ~ hll capit Oi_1 ill c4( SS or H1i 12 11182-1 ]]41824 11 19 114 1814 11-4 1~2 11 1-l 11 19 J 101 182-4


~ I I JIIIII l MINIIU HA I lP IKA IOJHHu 10wOlJ 10 103000 103000 11) 1 101

-- - -f---- -It Ultltll

PIUI 110 I Of SAI middotlIBH I I

ME~I It I UHOUIJ IOSOOO 106 10800Q 1 0~ O O n 100 106 IIIKOOtt

SLn ~ ~middot RW -i jl MAR S RH

A f( f511jUMA R SARA F





11 1


1 ~ 400 0


I 7400U

I c ~

1 1


17 1 - 101lt1 1

~ C b III m ~ C l rl -istcred with RBI 0 0 0

I [ m Ilo H( T rlJsl ~ -(d)


(J V(rlit il ~ IJ t pOsi lori l ~ ( h O ld iD~ ORs)

ba ltUl(in l fj PUrf)

nO hlt(Dltcih)

U od ~ Cononue

n 8

-4 7 52


54 7-152

814 15




81 11 5-

~ 7 1





0B6 ---27ill

~ 7 1 5

( lelumiddotif 11 1 e mM ~ 10 11 0821 119 ~ ll 117 119821 11 982 1 11 11 7 ~ I




~1 ) n-R l irllgtn llnd iLn ( RI)



l uu l 7ti


l ~ fi H middot W







1601 0

1800 KJ


lou o




L l lI



1 76

17 7

~ ~


Sub-lo 1 (81 3 273 176)011 15 27000 I ~ 26A7 27 000 15 100015 ~L 1 26 A l 17(j01J-5 Tot tl l Pu blit

S harth O ltJj LI~

(8H O)( )l1 8 )(2 )1 213 21nOOlS 270005 26A7 27000 15 27 0001 1617 2647 lif)OOl 5


lklll ib or the shareho ldrrs acti ng 31 poer on~ i_II CO IIUli includ in2 I t l~ ir Sharholclm2 ( n a nd J Dtt1 ib u f~h l s ~ h ich n main unciaillltd may bt IIHIl hC~ I O l ~ yenI ill l t l lib ne IL as nu m hc IIf ShHtho ldtfS outslandjng shares h rld i l l d I UI IIIIILl fLAi lutI

gt UlptlIt accounl vOlilL C ti~hl s hich an rnnen ll t No le( J ) 1) middot ou ld nn l ti t rl iplu -((I nil c bs-ilt of Stod t -c hangtt s) (2) The lhoC fo mal n(Nh fO bt d isc JulCd llun fIlIil Ih t name orroll)l-I- illj j1rson s Ins lilu lio n VfOIl InSfillJti()ll s ho ldin Ii l)n I)L III I ~

of l uld IllLmber of s h lre~ (3) V I Iht informalio n pertHinin ~ 10 Ot po ~ il or ~ R(gtt i 111- th t ml) bt disclL)gtc d in Ihe nri e c~lu nllt to tht t Utor in rUllmliion IHli lJ hlt- IILl II n( hlllII(( 10 ht d isclo st d fls held by cus tod ia n

Table IV SIJtlrnem sho lII~ Ju lmiddotI oIJllljJ IlOHh-rn ~)f rll OJI P JUllhJlo I lon Public sh bull mho lder


Shuwll m her on ~riftg fligbts btld In cb d Shrdoldinll nloor of I rktd Sh t~

old IuS

of klUri1in No of

~ III ha Iltdll o

~~ (1-1

Sh bullbulloOl iaa full (II oth~~

coo IIraion or Partl) Nos of

k ulot t 1udtrtyin ertible td Nu () n ~ ling Riltllls Numb or

Caitlin Nom In of full) Id paid-up ba_ To1 II ~uri ri( s ltquiiy share

ftb N~o r

up Iull~ equily IIndonyig Ior rid p OUoUIndi

I~ld int hrdloldbullbull SCRR I pltgtteenlalle SblTOholde Irll held ampI DepoJilory IV1l = TOliiat DR

utdilultd 11 sa drm wriolWed(111) 1957 (oflrtibl(I) (IV) held R-ipla IV++ I) bull middot4 of h re u(ldLaI ftnlll ru rOI

(V) (VI) lu ~

Tutl rtecuridu

Pltaf) Nn

Shar II~ Ilttriolt (XIV)IIr CIIWX Total VoUnl

lindudinJ (Xl) =

() hld

() rid(A+IH

righl Worraau)

C IJ+(Xj (h i (b)0) jlCl a of

(VIR) +D+2

I Cu sll lliia nlO R


Na me rDR

Ca) Holder Cif

ailable) -SubmiddotT ota l I I I 0

(I 0 0 0 0 I) U I) 0 (I

Em ployet Benefi t

T ru st (under

2 Sf1l1 (Share

uI ~N l b n ployee

Benefi t )

R q~uh t ions 201 -1 )

(a) mrt=abc_

SubmiddotT otallCI(2) II 0 (I 0 0 0 IJ n 0 0 0 fI I) 0 0


rromotcr- Non

Public II 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 U () 0 I)


CC)=[CI(J) +[C [( 2)

Note (1) PA would nOt b el l j ~JlI UNj I IU e b~ i[( of S to r Eqhllngc( s)(2) The above format nccd-i Iv dj ~ l u oc nOHrlt ufoll hold (n hold ing mo rc than I of toral number () r s hnrcs (3) 1 th l infunn arion p lTtll lning 10

Uepository R e ccjp l ~ Ihe ~ me m D) be I lbclo~c d in Itll r~p( c th middot COluOl n ~ to tilt ex tln ( in for-morion Q lilable


~ ~r bull 0 7JJ VlL ~ 1 ~i IE --


I ~ L cl~ I I I i JhUICILI hv m JJiudI O l d Ln~middot pttcn l 01 die Public ~h u Coo l dcf

CCCW7 amp Name of b Shrcboldcn


Nobullbullf shardlo~I -


N bull bullbull rrully lsold



(I V]




~b f~



1 r turo





ROwp II)

Total dO


( 11~



dinl a1eull



Ati ~

of (A+BmiddotC

Il (III)

NumI rVhIleRi Iid in lth cl r Ina rilfes


Irri bullbull of ~h~

No rVoti KIa I UndtriyiOl ouwdiOl


Totol OS ri bull (l (IuclmlitlJ

Tnlal WamwAJI)

0 lt Cl rol oi IX)

ri ~


as ~ _fun (oOfrrioo or


ieroririe (as

bull penl1l of dlluittl

sbale Capiut)

IXl I~

(VII)(X) r A+ D+CI

Nu m~r ll (lAI c ttd

i shaftS


A bull bull


N otal (ft) SIriaJft



N ubf afSll ~ f pIodpd bullbull bull


I~~ liluber of

I tq uitYllha_(b

M in Agt i~ d ~tl ri tlt7ed

N oImtiI runll I (~ hl ~ (X IV)



- I InSlirur icJII

lulual li llllds

Ib) ( 1IIU f C loihll fun d s

ltf nl iHf hl- ~s Ctu t n1 funds

Cd r u n j n r 1ltlll ~ (a )itallm-ts lors

bull nnill IIO L1ioljo Invc$tcuS

In ( finD JIr iat ln$ rilution s Banl3

Insuratl(f C omnH ni cs

Pro id l11 1 f u nds Pensio n f unds D

- m O l h ~ r ~ )fc ir D

Sub-To1 6~ 1

-2 Cent ral ( O -rl lJ itltn V StlHr

(oVtnlthl UI n l P~ s idrnt or lodi

Iuh- rot~ 11 13)(1

-3 i(tlHI LSlJl ulioIlS -

Indiidunis -

(an)) i Indh iduli l i hJt ndlll lclf n holding 2 1 I Itllll ~ J Q 010 7 1 ~ 9_91 01 0739 IU 1f) J) 1)91 9_91 W I U VJ

lI ouli Llnl hlln cflpi lil l up fr) R 2 lraquolJls

Inlli idultl middot

lllii)) Ii Indi1o idwtl s l ll r eho l o e~ h o l din ~

lIomi Wl1 ~ hll capit Oi_1 ill c4( SS or H1i 12 11182-1 ]]41824 11 19 114 1814 11-4 1~2 11 1-l 11 19 J 101 182-4


~ I I JIIIII l MINIIU HA I lP IKA IOJHHu 10wOlJ 10 103000 103000 11) 1 101

-- - -f---- -It Ultltll

PIUI 110 I Of SAI middotlIBH I I

ME~I It I UHOUIJ IOSOOO 106 10800Q 1 0~ O O n 100 106 IIIKOOtt

SLn ~ ~middot RW -i jl MAR S RH

A f( f511jUMA R SARA F





11 1


1 ~ 400 0


I 7400U

I c ~

1 1


17 1 - 101lt1 1

~ C b III m ~ C l rl -istcred with RBI 0 0 0

I [ m Ilo H( T rlJsl ~ -(d)


(J V(rlit il ~ IJ t pOsi lori l ~ ( h O ld iD~ ORs)

ba ltUl(in l fj PUrf)

nO hlt(Dltcih)

U od ~ Cononue

n 8

-4 7 52


54 7-152

814 15




81 11 5-

~ 7 1





0B6 ---27ill

~ 7 1 5

( lelumiddotif 11 1 e mM ~ 10 11 0821 119 ~ ll 117 119821 11 982 1 11 11 7 ~ I




~1 ) n-R l irllgtn llnd iLn ( RI)



l uu l 7ti


l ~ fi H middot W







1601 0

1800 KJ


lou o




L l lI



1 76

17 7

~ ~


Sub-lo 1 (81 3 273 176)011 15 27000 I ~ 26A7 27 000 15 100015 ~L 1 26 A l 17(j01J-5 Tot tl l Pu blit

S harth O ltJj LI~

(8H O)( )l1 8 )(2 )1 213 21nOOlS 270005 26A7 27000 15 27 0001 1617 2647 lif)OOl 5


lklll ib or the shareho ldrrs acti ng 31 poer on~ i_II CO IIUli includ in2 I t l~ ir Sharholclm2 ( n a nd J Dtt1 ib u f~h l s ~ h ich n main unciaillltd may bt IIHIl hC~ I O l ~ yenI ill l t l lib ne IL as nu m hc IIf ShHtho ldtfS outslandjng shares h rld i l l d I UI IIIIILl fLAi lutI

gt UlptlIt accounl vOlilL C ti~hl s hich an rnnen ll t No le( J ) 1) middot ou ld nn l ti t rl iplu -((I nil c bs-ilt of Stod t -c hangtt s) (2) The lhoC fo mal n(Nh fO bt d isc JulCd llun fIlIil Ih t name orroll)l-I- illj j1rson s Ins lilu lio n VfOIl InSfillJti()ll s ho ldin Ii l)n I)L III I ~

of l uld IllLmber of s h lre~ (3) V I Iht informalio n pertHinin ~ 10 Ot po ~ il or ~ R(gtt i 111- th t ml) bt disclL)gtc d in Ihe nri e c~lu nllt to tht t Utor in rUllmliion IHli lJ hlt- IILl II n( hlllII(( 10 ht d isclo st d fls held by cus tod ia n

Table IV SIJtlrnem sho lII~ Ju lmiddotI oIJllljJ IlOHh-rn ~)f rll OJI P JUllhJlo I lon Public sh bull mho lder


Shuwll m her on ~riftg fligbts btld In cb d Shrdoldinll nloor of I rktd Sh t~

old IuS

of klUri1in No of

~ III ha Iltdll o

~~ (1-1

Sh bullbulloOl iaa full (II oth~~

coo IIraion or Partl) Nos of

k ulot t 1udtrtyin ertible td Nu () n ~ ling Riltllls Numb or

Caitlin Nom In of full) Id paid-up ba_ To1 II ~uri ri( s ltquiiy share

ftb N~o r

up Iull~ equily IIndonyig Ior rid p OUoUIndi

I~ld int hrdloldbullbull SCRR I pltgtteenlalle SblTOholde Irll held ampI DepoJilory IV1l = TOliiat DR

utdilultd 11 sa drm wriolWed(111) 1957 (oflrtibl(I) (IV) held R-ipla IV++ I) bull middot4 of h re u(ldLaI ftnlll ru rOI

(V) (VI) lu ~

Tutl rtecuridu

Pltaf) Nn

Shar II~ Ilttriolt (XIV)IIr CIIWX Total VoUnl

lindudinJ (Xl) =

() hld

() rid(A+IH

righl Worraau)

C IJ+(Xj (h i (b)0) jlCl a of

(VIR) +D+2

I Cu sll lliia nlO R


Na me rDR

Ca) Holder Cif

ailable) -SubmiddotT ota l I I I 0

(I 0 0 0 0 I) U I) 0 (I

Em ployet Benefi t

T ru st (under

2 Sf1l1 (Share

uI ~N l b n ployee

Benefi t )

R q~uh t ions 201 -1 )

(a) mrt=abc_

SubmiddotT otallCI(2) II 0 (I 0 0 0 IJ n 0 0 0 fI I) 0 0


rromotcr- Non

Public II 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 U () 0 I)


CC)=[CI(J) +[C [( 2)

Note (1) PA would nOt b el l j ~JlI UNj I IU e b~ i[( of S to r Eqhllngc( s)(2) The above format nccd-i Iv dj ~ l u oc nOHrlt ufoll hold (n hold ing mo rc than I of toral number () r s hnrcs (3) 1 th l infunn arion p lTtll lning 10

Uepository R e ccjp l ~ Ihe ~ me m D) be I lbclo~c d in Itll r~p( c th middot COluOl n ~ to tilt ex tln ( in for-morion Q lilable


~ ~r bull 0 7JJ VlL ~ 1 ~i IE --


Table IV SIJtlrnem sho lII~ Ju lmiddotI oIJllljJ IlOHh-rn ~)f rll OJI P JUllhJlo I lon Public sh bull mho lder


Shuwll m her on ~riftg fligbts btld In cb d Shrdoldinll nloor of I rktd Sh t~

old IuS

of klUri1in No of

~ III ha Iltdll o

~~ (1-1

Sh bullbulloOl iaa full (II oth~~

coo IIraion or Partl) Nos of

k ulot t 1udtrtyin ertible td Nu () n ~ ling Riltllls Numb or

Caitlin Nom In of full) Id paid-up ba_ To1 II ~uri ri( s ltquiiy share

ftb N~o r

up Iull~ equily IIndonyig Ior rid p OUoUIndi

I~ld int hrdloldbullbull SCRR I pltgtteenlalle SblTOholde Irll held ampI DepoJilory IV1l = TOliiat DR

utdilultd 11 sa drm wriolWed(111) 1957 (oflrtibl(I) (IV) held R-ipla IV++ I) bull middot4 of h re u(ldLaI ftnlll ru rOI

(V) (VI) lu ~

Tutl rtecuridu

Pltaf) Nn

Shar II~ Ilttriolt (XIV)IIr CIIWX Total VoUnl

lindudinJ (Xl) =

() hld

() rid(A+IH

righl Worraau)

C IJ+(Xj (h i (b)0) jlCl a of

(VIR) +D+2

I Cu sll lliia nlO R


Na me rDR

Ca) Holder Cif

ailable) -SubmiddotT ota l I I I 0

(I 0 0 0 0 I) U I) 0 (I

Em ployet Benefi t

T ru st (under

2 Sf1l1 (Share

uI ~N l b n ployee

Benefi t )

R q~uh t ions 201 -1 )

(a) mrt=abc_

SubmiddotT otallCI(2) II 0 (I 0 0 0 IJ n 0 0 0 fI I) 0 0


rromotcr- Non

Public II 0 0 0 0 0 (I 0 0 0 0 U () 0 I)


CC)=[CI(J) +[C [( 2)

Note (1) PA would nOt b el l j ~JlI UNj I IU e b~ i[( of S to r Eqhllngc( s)(2) The above format nccd-i Iv dj ~ l u oc nOHrlt ufoll hold (n hold ing mo rc than I of toral number () r s hnrcs (3) 1 th l infunn arion p lTtll lning 10

Uepository R e ccjp l ~ Ihe ~ me m D) be I lbclo~c d in Itll r~p( c th middot COluOl n ~ to tilt ex tln ( in for-morion Q lilable


~ ~r bull 0 7JJ VlL ~ 1 ~i IE --
