Loxton Primary School Newsletter Pyap Street , P0 Box 496, LOXTON SA 5333 Phone: 8584 7408 Fax: 8584 6493 Email: [email protected] Web: www.loxtonps.sa.edu.au Newsletter #16 24/9/2019 1 2 3 4 5 Welcome to Term 4. It is hard to believe that we are already in our last term of the year. We were very excited to welcome our students back to school following the holidays. As Term 4 continues, we are working on class configurations, staffing and structures for the 2020 year. As I shared at the end of Term 3, have Class Placement discussions between Week 1, Term 4 and Week 4, Term 4. If you have any particular requests for your children and their 2020 class placement, the process is to make an appointment with two members of our Leadership Team (through the office), during these weeks. At the meetings, your concerns will be discussed and noted to ensure they receive consideration during our Class Placement processes. Parents will be notified of placement via letter, on Friday of Week 9. Students will visit their new classroom and meet their new teacher (if possible) after lunch on Friday of Week 9. As we are planning our classes, it is very important that we are aware of families and children who may either be new students to Loxton Primary School in 2020 or current families who may be leaving. If you know of anyone who may be arriving to, or leaving the Loxton Primary School community in 2020, please encourage them to let us know. We are able to plan more effectively for the year ahead when our numbers are accurate. We appreciate your assistance with this. Thank you. Tomorrow, October 25 th is World Teachers Day. Our teachers enjoyed a lovely morning tea organised by our fabulous Ancillary staff on Tuesday. We were very spoilt and appreciated the very kind gesture. We were also thrilled to receive some portraits created by the very artistic students in Year 1 Coombe. The students created some very realistic and genuine drawings of the teachers in the school. The Australian Primary Principals Association shared that 'World Teachers' Day gives us all an opportunity to think about the contribution teachers make – not only to our own schools, but in schools around the world'. At Loxton Primary School we are very fortunate to have wonderful teachers (and staff) who are constantly working with our students in mind. Please make sure you wish your teachers a 'Happy World Teachers Day', tomorrow. This afternoon I had the privilege of participating in the Year 7 Business and Enterprise Market Stalls. Our Year 7 students have been working tirelessly for a number of weeks, to prepare their products, produce business plans and create the marketing tools to promote their business. They have also been fortunate to work not only under their teacher's guidance, but to be supported by Mrs Trish Yandell and her Loxton High School Business and Enterprise students. It was wonderful to view and talk with students about their market stalls. They were able to very clearly talk about their products, pricing and availability. They were also able to share the websites, business cards, video adverts, customer surveys and other general information about their businesses. It was wonderful to see the very savvy sales pitches and to hear the children articulate the thinking behind their business ideas and ventures. We look forward to seeing the 'Shark Tank' final pitches next week. Finally, please remember that teachers do not begin supervision of students until 8.30am in the mornings. We have a number of students who are arriving, sometimes significantly, before 8.30 am. If any students are here prior to 8.30am, they will be asked to quietly sit on the stage until the 8.30 bell sounds. In the afternoon, the playgrounds are actually closed after school. Due to duty of care, students are requested to please exit the school grounds when dismissed. Teachers on duty will continue to remind students that the playground is closed after school. Thank you for your support. Have a wonderful weekend. Belonging Caring Learning - Persisting - Respecting Principal: Sally Wright Deputy Principal: Bernie Lipman Governing Council Chairperson: Donna Felder Portraits by 1C Dates to Remember Monday 28th October 2019 Governing Council Meeting 7pm Tuesday 29th October 2019 Yr7 High School Transition Wednesday 30th October 2019 Instrumental Music Hub Band Tour Wednesday 6th November 2019 Big Buddies to Kindy Thursday 7th November 2019 Receptions to Monarto Zoo Big Buddies to Kindy Carly Ryan Foundation Presentation Yr5-7s 9-10am Parent Session 6.30-8pm In LPS Hall Friday 8th November 2019 Student Free Day Tuesday 12th November 2019 Tues/Thurs Kindy Group transition Wednesday 13th November 2019 Mon/Wed Kindy Group transition Inside this Issue Principal’s Report World Teachers Day School News Mrs Whilllas Carly Ryan Colour Fun Disability Policy & Programs Community News 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Loxton Primary School · 2020. 9. 10. · Loxton Primary School Newsletter Pyap Street , P0 Box 496, LOXTON SA 5333 Phone: 8584 7408 Fax: 8584 6493 Email: [email protected]

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Page 1: Loxton Primary School · 2020. 9. 10. · Loxton Primary School Newsletter Pyap Street , P0 Box 496, LOXTON SA 5333 Phone: 8584 7408 Fax: 8584 6493 Email: dl.0760.admin@schools.sa.edu.au

Loxton Primary School Newsletter

Pyap Street , P0 Box 496, LOXTON SA 5333

Phone: 8584 7408 Fax: 8584 6493

Email: [email protected] Web: www.loxtonps.sa.edu.au

Newsletter #16








Welcome to Term 4. It is hard to believe that we are already in our last term of the year. We

were very excited to welcome our students back to school following the holidays.

As Term 4 continues, we are working on class configurations, staffing and structures for the

2020 year. As I shared at the end of Term 3, have Class Placement discussions between Week

1, Term 4 and Week 4, Term 4. If you have any particular requests for your children and their

2020 class placement, the process is to make an appointment with two members of our

Leadership Team (through the office), during these weeks. At the meetings, your concerns

will be discussed and noted to ensure they receive consideration during our Class Placement

processes. Parents will be notified of placement via letter, on Friday of Week 9. Students will

visit their new classroom and meet their new teacher (if possible) after lunch on Friday of

Week 9.

As we are planning our classes, it is very important that we are aware of families and children

who may either be new students to Loxton Primary School in 2020 or current families who

may be leaving. If you know of anyone who may be arriving to, or leaving the Loxton Primary

School community in 2020, please encourage them to let us know. We are able to plan more

effectively for the year ahead when our numbers are accurate. We appreciate your

assistance with this. Thank you.

Tomorrow, October 25th is World Teachers Day. Our teachers enjoyed a lovely morning tea

organised by our fabulous Ancillary staff on Tuesday. We were very spoilt and appreciated

the very kind gesture. We were also thrilled to receive some portraits created by the very

artistic students in Year 1 Coombe. The students created some very realistic and genuine

drawings of the teachers in the school. The Australian Primary Principals Association shared

that 'World Teachers' Day gives us all an opportunity to think about the contribution teachers

make – not only to our own schools, but in schools around the world'.

At Loxton Primary School we are very fortunate to have wonderful teachers (and staff) who

are constantly working with our students in mind. Please make sure you wish your teachers a

'Happy World Teachers Day', tomorrow.

This afternoon I had the privilege of participating in the Year 7 Business and Enterprise Market

Stalls. Our Year 7 students have been working tirelessly for a number of weeks, to prepare

their products, produce business plans and create the marketing tools to promote their

business. They have also been fortunate to work not only under their teacher's guidance, but

to be supported by Mrs Trish Yandell and her Loxton High School Business and Enterprise

students. It was wonderful to view and talk with students about their market stalls. They were

able to very clearly talk about their products, pricing and availability. They were also able to

share the websites, business cards, video adverts, customer surveys and other general

information about their businesses. It was wonderful to see the very savvy sales pitches and

to hear the children articulate the thinking behind their business ideas and ventures. We look

forward to seeing the 'Shark Tank' final pitches next week.

Finally, please remember that teachers do not begin supervision of students until 8.30am in

the mornings. We have a number of students who are arriving, sometimes significantly,

before 8.30 am. If any students are here prior to 8.30am, they will be asked to quietly sit on

the stage until the 8.30 bell sounds. In the afternoon, the playgrounds are actually closed

after school. Due to duty of care, students are requested to please exit the school grounds

when dismissed. Teachers on duty will continue to remind students that the playground is

closed after school. Thank you for your support.

Have a wonderful weekend.



g – C


g – L



- P



g -




Principal: Sally Wright

Deputy Principal:

Bernie Lipman

Governing Council

Chairperson: Donna Felder

Portraits by 1C

Dates to


Monday 28th

October 2019

Governing Council

Meeting 7pm

Tuesday 29th

October 2019

Yr7 High School


Wednesday 30th

October 2019

Instrumental Music

Hub Band Tour

Wednesday 6th

November 2019

Big Buddies to Kindy

Thursday 7th

November 2019

Receptions to

Monarto Zoo

Big Buddies to Kindy

Carly Ryan



Yr5-7s 9-10am

Parent Session

6.30-8pm In LPS Hall

Friday 8th

November 2019

Student Free Day

Tuesday 12th

November 2019

Tues/Thurs Kindy

Group transition

Wednesday 13th

November 2019

Mon/Wed Kindy

Group transition

Inside this Issue

Principal’s Report

World Teachers Day

School News

Mrs Whilllas

Carly Ryan

Colour Fun

Disability Policy &


Community News









Page 2: Loxton Primary School · 2020. 9. 10. · Loxton Primary School Newsletter Pyap Street , P0 Box 496, LOXTON SA 5333 Phone: 8584 7408 Fax: 8584 6493 Email: dl.0760.admin@schools.sa.edu.au

2019 World

Teachers Day

through the eyes

of 1 Coombe.

Page 3: Loxton Primary School · 2020. 9. 10. · Loxton Primary School Newsletter Pyap Street , P0 Box 496, LOXTON SA 5333 Phone: 8584 7408 Fax: 8584 6493 Email: dl.0760.admin@schools.sa.edu.au

MISSED A NEWSLETTER! visit our website


Absence text only




Term Calendar

Lunches available on Monday, Wednesday

and Friday. Download the QKR app on your

phone and place your order before 8am.

Page 3


Congratulations to the students involved in the Loxton

Hub Bands for their excellent performance in East

Terrace at the end of last term. The Concert Band

(continuing students) and Studio Band (beginning

students) performed a variety of songs including

“Tequila and The Simpsons”, “Dragon Slayer”, a Queen

medley and “Another Brick in the Wall” done by

memory. A crowd of approximately 150 people listened

to and appreciated both bands and also the Loxton HS

Band. The Primary Hub Bands also included students

from Moorook PS. Recruiting for next year’s new

students will be underway later this term, so keep your

eyes and ears open for this information. We look

forward to next year’s year 5, 6 and 7 students joining

our band.

CANBERRA 2019 Students from our school will be soon undertaking

an educational tour of our national capital.

Students will be given the opportunity to a focus

on Australia’s history, culture, heritage and


The Australian Government recognises the

importance of all young Australians being able to

visit the national capital as part of their Civics and

Citizenship Education. To assist families in meeting

the cost of the excursion the Australian

Government is contributing funding of $30.00 per

student under the Parliament and Civics

Education Rebate program towards those costs.

The rebate is paid directly to the school upon

completion of the excursion.

We thank the Australian Government for this

rebate, which has already been deducted from

the camp costs charged to parents.

Fruit Box- $1

Muffins- $1

Fruit bars- 50c

Snack packs- chips, popcorn, rice crackers- 50c

Paddle Pops -$2

Ice blocks- $1

Plus extras each week...

biscuits, zooper doopers, icecream

cones etc

Page 4: Loxton Primary School · 2020. 9. 10. · Loxton Primary School Newsletter Pyap Street , P0 Box 496, LOXTON SA 5333 Phone: 8584 7408 Fax: 8584 6493 Email: dl.0760.admin@schools.sa.edu.au

IT’S THE SMALL THINGS IN LIFE... Good things come in small packages. I have heard that saying many times in my life, given that I am not very

tall. Apparently it was a way of making me feel better about being vertically challenged! Or perhaps you might

hear that phrase when you receive a present which is in a very small package but is very expensive – it takes

children a while to realise that it is not always the number of presents or the size of a present which matters.

For some time now I have had a small plaque sitting on my office desk at school. It reads “Do small things with

great love”. I received it ‘randomly’ in a Kris Kringle type present some years ago. When I opened it, I knew that I

needed to have it on my desk as a reminder that not everything that we do in life will be an amazing event, or

contribution, or even take a lot of our time. However, when we operate out of a place of love and care for

others amazing things happen.

“Even the smallest act of caring for another person is like a drop of water, it will make ripples throughout the

entire pond.” (Jessy and Bryan Matteo) We should never under estimate how beneficial to another person a

small act can be. Consider the situation where your friend is sick. You are cooking a meal for your family. Adding

a few more ingredients to the pot to stretch the meal for your friend could make all the difference to their life

but doesn’t impact on yours very much. If you help an elderly or disabled person by offering to take their

shopping trolley back to the return bay, it can be such a small thing in the life of an able bodied person, but to

someone who struggles to walk it can mean all the difference to their day. If you look up and smile at the driver

next to you at the traffic lights, or the person you pass in the supermarket, or along the foot path, you will often

find that they smile back and I think it brightens their day to have a friendly connection with another human

being. Taking the time to send an encouraging text message to a friend or family member or taking the time to

ring someone you haven’t seen in a while, can all brighten someone’s day immensely. Hillary Clinton is quoted

as saying “Caring for others is an expression of what it means to be fully human.”

I understand that what I have said so far is a very simplistic view. Asking to return someone’s trolley could be met

with an angry response. Choosing to care for another person might take some of your time and your resources.

Caring for another could put you in a position to feel their pain. Doing things with love requires a willingness to

be vulnerable. However, Harold Kushner says that “Caring for others, running the risk of feeling, and leaving an

impact on people, brings happiness.” Actress Reece

Witherspoon said, “You always gain by giving love.” I

know this to be true in my life and I have seen it in many

others too.

May you be Blessed as you “Do small things with great


R e b e c c a





TERM 4 2019

Week Date Event Where

4 4-8th Nov SAPSASA

Cricket/Tennis Adelaide

6 22nd Nov District Softball

7 25th-29th Nov Swimming 2K Loxton Swimming Pool

7 28th Nov LPS Swimming

Carnival Loxton Swimming Pool

8 2nd-6th Dec Swimming 2WT,

1WT, 1C, RB, RV

Loxton Swimming Pool


Week 2 and the Lost Property

bin is full. Call into the Front

Office and reclaim your



Page 4


Term 4 2019 Week HOST PRESENTING

3 RB 3R

5 No Assembly– Music is Fun!

6 2K 6WH

9 7JC Year 7s


Page 5: Loxton Primary School · 2020. 9. 10. · Loxton Primary School Newsletter Pyap Street , P0 Box 496, LOXTON SA 5333 Phone: 8584 7408 Fax: 8584 6493 Email: dl.0760.admin@schools.sa.edu.au


Page 5

Page 6: Loxton Primary School · 2020. 9. 10. · Loxton Primary School Newsletter Pyap Street , P0 Box 496, LOXTON SA 5333 Phone: 8584 7408 Fax: 8584 6493 Email: dl.0760.admin@schools.sa.edu.au

1 adult season

ticket $110

Draw # 19

M Thurston

$140 voucher

Child’s birthday


Draw # 17

K Raggett

Deck Chair Draw # 10

H Jachmann

$40 Voucher Draw # 5

J Pankhurst

Gift basket Draw # 23

J Pluckhahn

Gift bag Draw # 12

Thiele Family

$150 Bistro


Draw # 11

Eric Eagle

Blue Tooth

timer $110

Draw # 16

M Thurston

6pk Wine Draw # 25

T Williams


Draw # 30


6pk Wine Draw # 26

J Francis

$100 Gift


Draw # 4

C Turner

Fire pit Draw # 1

Angie I

$50 Gift basket Draw # 28

Louise Kruger

Drill kit tools Draw # 14

Tessa Kirk

Wheelbarrow Draw # 3

C Scheer

12KG Laundry


Draw # 22



Car Cleaning


Draw # 2

H Webb

$50 Chamber of



Draw # 9

M Bullock

Car Cleaning


Draw # 21

J Meredith

$50 Chamber of



Draw # 24


Loxton Family

Ollie Owl Pillow Draw # 27


Mckenzie $240 voucher-

4wk PT program

Draw # 20



2pk Wine Draw # 6


$75 voucher-

1mth access

Draw # 31

J Albrecht

2pk Wine Draw # 8

L Eleveld

$30 voucher-

infrared sauna


Draw # 7

Angie I

2pk Wine Draw # 29

Chloe Oldman

$30 voucher-

infrared sauna


Draw # 15

J Pluckhahn

Variety Box of


Draw # 13

J Halliday

$100 Gift basket Draw # 18





Use of cool


Bread donation

Prize Winner Donated By Prize Winner Donated By

Raffle Winners and Business Donors

Thank you for supporting Loxton Primary’s Colour Fun 2019

Page 6

Page 7: Loxton Primary School · 2020. 9. 10. · Loxton Primary School Newsletter Pyap Street , P0 Box 496, LOXTON SA 5333 Phone: 8584 7408 Fax: 8584 6493 Email: dl.0760.admin@schools.sa.edu.au


Page 7

Page 8: Loxton Primary School · 2020. 9. 10. · Loxton Primary School Newsletter Pyap Street , P0 Box 496, LOXTON SA 5333 Phone: 8584 7408 Fax: 8584 6493 Email: dl.0760.admin@schools.sa.edu.au


Opening Hours

Term 4 trial of new hours

We are a not for profit organisation and offer before school, after school and

vacation care to the Loxton District Primary Schools.

Currently we are not financially viable during before school care and would like

to encourage families to utilise this service. Children are not to be at Loxton

Primary School before 8.30am as there is no teacher on duty.

We are going to trial an opening time of 6.30am for families that have an early

start through term 4 and reassess this before the new year.

Breakfast will be provided after collaborating with the children and healthy

lifestyles will be promoted. The children will be encouraged to engage in

cooking, conversations and routines that promote safety, healthy lifestyles and

nutrition. This will be complimented with exercise. Please contact OSHC on

0421154502 or email [email protected] for more details.

Page 8