Local Mobile Blueprint Presented By Low Cost Web Design Low Cost Web Design Packages include Mobile Version of Website Page 1

Low Cost Web Design Mobile Marketing

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How Low cost web design and mobile marketing go hand in hand

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Local Mobile Blueprint

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Low Cost Web Design

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These days, more and more companies are turning to the Internet to make their money. Let’s face it – the economy’s contracted, government spending’s reduced, people have less money. There are less and less opportunities for people to go out and spend money. Many of the small and medium-sized companies and even the larger companies are experiencing problems. Just look at your local mall or high street or shopping center and look at how many shops have closed down. Look at the news, at the amount of big businesses that have gone into administration because of the poor economic climate and you’ll very quickly see that this is a massive problem affecting pretty much millions of people across the world.

So many of these smaller companies, as smarter ones, are starting to use the Internet in order to boost their profits and their customer reach. They want to get more people through the door. Obviously if you were in a mall for example, you can only get the people that walk past your shop or specifically come to that mall in. Now how are they going to find you? Well they might walk past your shop and go, “That looks good,” and come in. They might make a specific trip to the mall to come and get something from this shop. But these companies want more people through the door. Look at the number of restaurants for example with empty tables. Look at how many shops, when you walk past them, are pretty much empty.

These companies are really, really keen to increase their reach and gain more customers and they see the Internet as a vehicle to do that. They’ve been told by various news agencies that Internet spending is up. But most of these companies have no idea how to leverage the Internet in order to make a profit. Many of these companies use traditional advertising – which is dying.

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Think about the yellow pages, newspapers, magazines, and television advertisements. Revenues on them all are down. The yellow pages – who uses one of those these days? The only way I would look something up in the yellow pages in the physical book is when my Internet connection or my phone line is down. Then I might consider it but I’ve got my smartphone and I can look things up on there. Traditional advertising is really dying. People are turning away from traditional media and moving to the Internet to find information.

In fact, scientists have found out that the Internet is actually changing how we as humans process information. We don’t store information in our brains anymore. What we do is we store the location of the information on the Internet. So I might not know to build a brick wall but I’ve begun to find the URL and the website that will tell me exactly how to do it. You can see people are really changing their lifestyles based around the Internet.

As I said, think about the yellow pages. It’s becoming obsolete. People do not use it. We have one here at my house. I don’t know where it is. Last time I saw it, it was propping the door open. Haven’t seen it since then. People just don’t use it anymore. It used to be that the phonebook and the yellow pages were the mainstay of your life. If you needed a plumber, a bricklayer, a gardener, you get the yellow pages out, you flick through, phone a few numbers, get some quotes, and get one of them to come do the work for you. We don’t do that anymore, do we?

No, we use the Internet. Same within print advertising. Look at the way advertising in newspapers and magazines has dropped. Most of these places will tell you their revenues are going through the floor from advertising.

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Here’s an interesting fact for you and I must admit I didn’t know this until I started doing some research. I discovered that about 80% of local businesses comes from within a 5-mile radius. So if I’ve got a shop in the mall, most of my business is going to come from people living within 5 miles. Twenty percent won’t – it will be for the people who made a special trip or people on holidays and so. But 80% of my business comes within a 5-mile radius and that’s very, very interesting, I think.

But these companies have got to get people through the door. It’s not just a case of saying to people, “Hey, look we’re a company. We’re here.” You’ve got to get them through the door, you’ve got to market to them.

Traditional methods just don’t work here anymore. So these companies are having to turn to methods that we as Internet marketers have used for many, many years. They’re starting to realize the value of these methods and starting to use them.

One thing that is becoming very, very popular is smartphones. I’ve got one in my hand right now. Most people these days have a smartphone. You’ve got your iPhone, your Blackberries, your Windows 7 phones, your Android phones, and so on and so forth.

There’s a huge, huge market here with smartphones. It’s such an important market as far as these companies are concerned. That Google paid $12.5 billion for the mobile phone arm of Motorola, Apple is busy suing Google over Android, HTC is suing Apple – there’s lawsuits abound because these companies have realized the strategic importance of smartphones.

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Smartphones are very, very important. They’re becoming the “in” thing. They’re replacing computers, basically. Smartphones and tablets. Think about it. You could do everything you could do on a traditional computer on a tablet or a lot of it on your smartphone. What do I tend to do mostly on my computer? I check my email, maybe do a little bit of web surfing, and that’s about it. I can do all that with my smartphone. No problems at all.

Smartphones are becoming very handy because people love this feeling of being connected wherever they go. I can be sat on a beach having a discussion with my wife and we sort of try and work out who sang some vague pop song in the 1970s or want to identify a starfish we just found, out comes the smartphone. Tap, tap, tap, we got the information. We’ve left our cats in the house with the cat sitter, there’s a problem with one of the cats, we get a phone call.

Or we can check the weather for tomorrow. We’re camping on the Welge mountain site in the middle of nowhere and we want to find out what the weather’s going to be like tomorrow, out comes the smartphone and check the weather.

With GPS, it can tell exactly where we are. It will find the local news weather point with the monitoring station and tell us local weather conditions and forecast for the next day. We are out and about, we’re hungry and it’s time to eat.

Out comes our smartphones. Tap, tap, tap, we can find a good local restaurant. No more driving around streets going, “What do you think? Does that look good? Not sure about that, let’s go have a look at the menu on the window. Oh no, it’s a bit too expensive. Oh no, I don’t fancy that.” Straight away, we could find where we want to go and off we go.

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Smartphones are really, really changing the way people operate and these small companies have got to get with the times basically and understand them. With mobile marketing, companies have the ability to get in front of the target market when they’re on the move.

So this means I’ve driven 150 miles to go and visit a client, for example, for my job. They’ve set me up there to do a sales call. I finished my sales call and I’m hungry. I want to find a restaurant. Or I get close to my client, I realize I’ve left my good shoes at home. I can’t possibly go see an important client wearing these shoes. Smartphone – out it comes, tap, tap, tap, found the shoe shop, off I go. I could contact them, find the forgotten shoes I want and go straight there.

No more chasing around different shops trying to hope one of them’s got what I want. I can find the shops, I can phone them from where I am, check if they’ve got what I want, and get there. With some of the larger companies with the bigger web presence, you can reserve stock, you can check stock levels, and you can pay online. It’s absolutely brilliant.

Some companies are now introducing contactless pay with a mobile phone. With my smartphone, I can swipe it over the counter and pay my bill. It’s as easy as that. Absolutely fantastic technology and it really is changing how we live.

By acknowledging the existence of smartphones and using the Internet in order to get hold of the people using them, they can get customers that perhaps get them to sell. There’s a good opportunity to market to people and bringing them through the door.


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Mobile marketing is becoming increasingly more important these days. Think about the prevalence of smartphones. How many people do you know now that own smartphones? Pretty much every phone you see this day is a smartphone.

Very, very few people own just a normal phone. There are very few people that have a phone where all they can do is make phone calls and send messages. Most people have a telephone that enables to surf the Internet, scan QR codes, etc. There are loads of different things that they can do. It’s becoming very, very important because we’re turning into a very mobile society and we like instant gratification, which means when we’re out, we want a result and we want it now.

Turn to smartphones and we look things up. Think about kids these days. You see them hanging out in streets and corners with smartphones. It’s all they do. Even adults and Silver Surfers, if you like, are becoming more and more accustomed to smartphones and just how useful they are. They are selling a massive amount.

The Apple iPhone, for example, is selling them as quick as they produce them. Google Android phones are selling hundreds of thousands of them a day. There’s a massive market for smartphones. People are swapping out their old phones and realizing that there isn’t an option. The only option now is a smartphone. You may not want one but you’re still going to have one. And once you have it, you start to use it.

For these companies, being geared up to handle mobile users can make the difference between staying afloat in these tough economic times and going under. It doesn’t have to cost an arm and leg to do it. There are lots and lots of simple ways of doing this, lots of ways to benefit from them, that aren’t massively expensive. But for you as a marketer, you can go in and

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sell any one of these different options and use that as a way to get into their door.

Once they see themselves get results from that, then you can sell them other services as well and obviously build your business with that. These companies need to be able to handle mobile users.

One of the big benefits is passing trade. I’m driving through a town, I need a restaurant, I need a shoe shop, a petrol station, I need a hairdresser, I need a supermarket, and off I go with my smartphone. Whatever it is I’m after, maybe I want to get flowers for the wife on the way home, quickly look it up and I can find a florist. I can phone them up, get them to get ready what I want, and off we go.

There are huge, huge benefits to doing this. You’re no longer having to use your phone directory inquiries and say, “Can you give me a number for a florist in the area?” and they pick one at random for you. You can choose one based on reviews and information and so on. It’s a real benefit for getting customers through the door at the end of the day. That’s what these people want. These companies want to get people through the door. Mobile marketing is a great way to do it. You can really bring people in that you could otherwise miss.

A site needs to be easy to use on a mobile device. In an ideal world, you would customize your site for individual devices. You have an iPhone, an Android, a BlackBerry, and so on. The thing is, a lot of sites, when you visit them, what you find is you find that they are … well, let’s just say less than user-friendly. I personally own a BlackBerry at the moment and a lot of Low Cost Web Design Packages include Mobile Version of Website Page 8

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websites, when I visit them, I find that the text is tiny and I’ve got to zoom in and scroll around. It really doesn’t make for a good viewing experience. But another site, sites that are mobile friendly, what I find is I can read them instantly, their menus are nice, it’s that easy to use, and it’s very, very pleasant.

You've been presented with some vital information, it's time for you to go out, take some action and start selling these services to your local companies, and you'll be shocked by the results that you can get from it.

There's massive potential out there, it's a huge marketplace, and you can start pocketing cash so much quicker than you can think when you start using these fantastic mobile marketing methods.

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