This is the accepted manuscript made available via CHORUS. The article has been published as: Low-control and robust quantum refrigerator and applications with electronic spins in diamond M. Hamed Mohammady, Hyeongrak Choi, Matthew E. Trusheim, Abolfazl Bayat, Dirk Englund, and Yasser Omar Phys. Rev. A 97, 042124 — Published 25 April 2018 DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.97.042124

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This is the accepted manuscript made available via CHORUS. The article has beenpublished as:

Low-control and robust quantum refrigerator andapplications with electronic spins in diamond

M. Hamed Mohammady, Hyeongrak Choi, Matthew E. Trusheim, Abolfazl Bayat, DirkEnglund, and Yasser Omar

Phys. Rev. A 97, 042124 — Published 25 April 2018DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevA.97.042124

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A low-control and robust quantum refrigerator,

and applications with electronic spins in diamond

M. Hamed Mohammady,1, 2, ∗ Hyeongrak Choi,3, ∗ Matthew E.

Trusheim,3 Abolfazl Bayat,4 Dirk Englund,3 and Yasser Omar1, 5

1Physics of Information and Quantum Technologies Group,

Instituto de Telecomunicacoes, Lisbon, Portugal

2Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Exeter,

Stocker Road, Exeter, EX4 4QL, United Kingdom

3Research Laboratory of Electronics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology,

Cambridge, Massachusetts, 02139, United States

4Department of Physics and Astronomy, University College London,

Gower St., London, WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom

5Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal

We propose a general protocol for low-control refrigeration and thermometry of thermal qubits,which can be implemented using electronic spins in diamond. The refrigeration is implemented bya probe, consisting of a network of interacting spins. The protocol involves two operations: (i)free evolution of the probe; and (ii) a swap gate between one spin in the probe and the thermalqubit we wish to cool. We show that if the initial state of the probe falls within a suitable range,and the free evolution of the probe is both unital and conserves the excitation in the z-direction,then the cooling protocol will always succeed, with an efficiency that depends on the rate of spindephasing and the swap gate fidelity. Furthermore, measuring the probe after it has cooled manyqubits provides an estimate of their temperature. We provide a specific example where the probe isa Heisenberg spin chain, and suggest a physical implementation using electronic spins in diamond.Here the probe is constituted of nitrogen vacancy (NV) centers, while the thermal qubits are darkspins. By using a novel pulse sequence, a chain of NV centers can be made to evolve accordingto a Heisenberg Hamiltonian. This proposal allows for a range of applications, such as NV-basednuclear magnetic resonance of photosensitive molecules kept in a dark spot on a sample, and itopens up new possibilities for the study of quantum thermodynamics, environment-assisted sensing,and many-body physics.


Quantum mechanics and thermodynamics are ar-guably two of the most successful physical theories todate. Quantum thermodynamics [1–3] is the interdis-ciplinary field that studies how the two theories influ-ence one-another. For example, the thermodynamiclaws of macroscopic physics are thought to emergefrom the laws of quantum mechanics, when the num-ber of quantum particles in a system grows to be in-finitely large [4]. On the other hand, thermodynamicprotocols have been shown to operate differently atthe scale of few-particle quantum systems [5–9]. Acentral goal of quantum thermodynamics concerns thedesign of efficient and robust quantum mechanisms tocool such quantum systems: i.e., the development of“quantum refrigerators” [10–13]. Cooling is an essen-tial component for many emerging quantum technolo-gies, including fault tolerant quantum computation[14] and quantum metrology at the Heisenberg limit

∗ These authors contributed equally to this work

of sensitivity [15]. This is because many of the salientfeatures of quantum mechanics only emerge when thesystem is in a low-entropy state, and cooling is themost natural method of entropy reduction. The cool-ing mechanisms that have been developed so far canbe classified into three major groups: (i) dissipativecooling, where the system is cooled by bringing it intothermal equilibrium with a reservoir of lower tempera-ture, which can be prepared with an absorption refrig-erator [16–18]; (ii) dynamical cooling, where the dy-namics of the system-plus-reservoir composite is con-trolled [19–21]; and (iii) measurement-assisted cool-ing, where entropy is reduced through projective mea-surements, followed by conditional unitary gates thattransform the post-measurement state of the systemto, say, the ground state of its Hamiltonian [22, 23].All of these strategies suffer from different drawbacks.For example, while dissipative dynamics with a reser-voir requires the least degree of control, it is normallyslow. Moreover, the colder the initial temperature ofa reservoir is, the more time and power is requiredto cool it further due to the third law of thermody-namics [24]. Dynamical cooling, on the other hand,can cool at a faster rate, but generally requires a very

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high degree of control and reservoir-engineering. Fi-nally, although measurement-assisted cooling can befast, measuring one system can disturb others thatare nearby. Furthermore, measurement-assisted cool-ing requires single-shot measurements, but these areoften difficult or even impossible to implement experi-mentally. For example, although single-shot measure-ment of spins associated with the diamond nitrogenvacancy (NV) center were recently achieved at room[25] and low temperature [26], they are still limitedin fidelity. A cooling strategy that combines the ben-efits of being fast, requiring low control, and actinglocally on small systems would therefore be of greatuse.

Controlling the dynamics of non-equilibrium many-body systems has been proven to be efficient for infor-mation transfer [27–29], entanglement generation [30],and quantum gate operations [31, 32]. This relies onthe unitary evolution of the system, generated by itsHamiltonian, to perform the desired state transforma-tion. Consequently, the system must be initialized ina non-equilibrium state, such as a superposition of en-ergy eigenstates. The speed of the unitary dynamicsis determined by the couplings between the particlesand can be engineered to be fast. One may wonderif it is possible to exploit the coherent dynamics ofa non-equilibrium quantum system, which we call arefrigeration probe, to cool another system that is inthermal equilibrium. There are three major questionsthat need to be addressed: (i) will the refrigerationprotocol be robust, i.e., will it always cool the ther-mal system, or could it possibly heat the system in-stead?; (ii) how much control is required for the probeto function as a refrigerator?; (iii) what is the max-imum amount of entropy that the probe can extractfrom the thermal systems – if the initialization timeof the probe is long, and we may only extract a smallquantity of entropy with it, then this will limit anypotential benefits that fast, coherent dynamics mayoffer.

This paper addresses these questions. We considerhow to use the coherent dynamics of a probe to coolquantum bits (qubits) with temperature T . The setupis shown in Fig. 1, where the probe is a system ofinteracting spin-half systems (red spheres), and theblack spheres are a system of thermal qubits. Weprove that if the probe is initialized in an appropriate“cold” state, and that its free evolution is both unitaland conserves the excitation in the z-direction, then itwill always cool the thermal qubits it interacts with.We show that minimal control is required – one onlyneeds to engineer a time-controlled interaction Hamil-tonian between one spin in the probe and the qubitto be cooled, which will generate a swap operationbetween them. Finally, a probe with multiple “cold”spins allows more entropy to be extracted from thethermal qubits. This will reduce the need for constant

re-initialization of the probe. As an additional benefit,we show that the probe can also act as a thermometer[33–37] to estimate the temperature, T .

We note that although this protocol has similaritieswith algorithmic cooling [38], it is different in thatthe system that absorbs entropy, i.e., the probe, is aninteracting many-body system, and not an ensembleof qubits. This allows for the protocol to functionwith low degree of control. Moreover, due to the re-liance on coherent dynamics, the protocol falls mostclosely with the class of “dynamical cooling” men-tioned above, except that it does not involve the ther-mal reservoir.

While this mechanism is very general, we propose aspecific model where the probe is a one-dimensionalHeisenberg spin chain, and investigate the perfor-mance of this probe numerically. Furthermore, weoffer an implementation of this model with electronicspins in diamond, where the probe is composed of ni-trogen vacancy centers (NVs) and the thermal qubitsare dark spins. The probe could allow cooling andsensing of a photosensitive target molecule if one endof the spin chain is in proximity to the target molecule,in the dark, and the other end is cooled by opticalpumping. A novel pulse sequence, consisting of amodified version of the WAHUHA [39], is proposedto achieve a Heisenberg spin chain with NVs.

FIG. 1: Schematic of the cooling process. The probe (redspheres), is a network of spin-half systems, coupled througha Heisenberg interaction. The black spheres are a collectionof thermal qubits that are initially in the state χ(T ), withtemperature T > 0. The protocol cools the kth thermal qubitby: (i) first allowing the probe to evolve freely, for a time τk ,so that the target spin is prepared in the state χ(T (k)), whereT (k) 6 T ; and (ii) subsequently, swapping the target spin ofthe probe with the kth thermal qubit, thus cooling it.

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A. The set-up

Consider a collection of thermal qubits. Each thermalqubit Q has the Hamiltonian

HQ =ω

2σz , (II.1)

where ω > 0 is the spectral gap of the Hamiltonianand σz := |0〉〈0| − |1〉〈1| is the Pauli-Z operator, andis initially in the state

χ(T ) :=e−HQ/KBT

Z. (II.2)

Here, KB is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the tempera-ture, and Z := tr[e−HQ/KBT ] is the partition function.Throughout, we work in units of ~ = 1.

We wish to cool the thermal qubits by using a re-frigeration probe, P , consisting of a network of Nspin-half systems. The composite system of the probeand the kth thermal qubit is initially in the productstate

ρ(k)P+Q := ρ

(k−1)P ⊗ χ(T ). (II.3)

Allowing the probe to evolve freely for a duration ofτk, and then swapping the target spin of the probewith the thermal qubit, produces the state

ρ(k)P+Q(τk) := (SWAP ◦ Eτk



]. (II.4)

Here, Eτkis the free evolution quantum channel (com-

pletely positive, trace preserving map) acting on theprobe, and SWAP is a (possibly imperfect) swap op-eration between the kth thermal qubit and the targetspin of the probe. After the joint evolution, the probeand thermal qubit have the new states

ρ(k)P := trQ



ρ(k)Q := trP


]. (II.5)

We omit the τk dependence for simplicity. The probewill then be moved to the next thermal qubit and theprocess can begin anew.

In general, the only constraints we impose on theprobe’s free evolution quantum channel is that itmust be: (i) unital; and (ii) σz-excitation conserv-ing. The quantum channel Eτk

is unital if and only ifEτk

(1) = 1, whereas it is σz-excitation conserving ifand only if



tr[σznρP ] =




(ρP)] (II.6)

for all probe states ρP . Here, {σin|i ∈ {x, y, z}} are the

Pauli operators acting on the nth spin in P .

In order to numerically investigate the performance ofthe probe, we shall study one particular model thatsatisfies both (i) and (ii). Here, the probe is modeledas an isotropic Heisenberg spin chain with the Hamil-tonian

HP := J



σn · σn+1, (II.7)

where σn := (σxn, σ

yn, σ

zn) is a vector of Pauli opera-

tors on the nth spin, and J is the interaction strengthbetween each nearest-neighbour spins. The free evolu-tion quantum channel of the probe will be Eτk

= eτkL ,with

L : ρP 7→ i[ρP , HP ]− + Γ




zn − ρP) (II.8)

the Liouville super-operator that generates the evo-lution, where Γ > 0 is the dephasing strength. Al-though non-Markovian dephasing would still satisfythe requirements we impose on the free evolution, wechoose the Markovian case because of its simplicity,and because the absence of coherence revivals makesit a “worst-case” scenario. Lastly, the validity of thismodel for the case of electronic spins in diamondis confirmed with the pulse sequence applied in sec-tion. III B.

We now consider two applications that the probe canbe used for: refrigeration, and thermometry.

B. Application 1: cooling

As shown in Appendix (A), if the initial state of theprobe can be written as

ρ(0)P =



χ(Tn), (II.9)

where χ(T ) is defined in Eq. (II.2), such that for alln, Tn 6 T , and if the free evolution quantum chan-nel Eτk

defined in Eq. (II.4) is both unital and σz-excitation conserving, then irrespective of the ther-mal qubit number k, and the waiting times {τk}k, wehave

ρ(k)Q = χ(T (k)), (II.10)

with T (k) 6 T . In other words, the probe will al-ways either cool the thermal qubit, or leave it thesame. Note that Eq. (II.9) is not a thermal state ofthe probe. Each spin in the probe, however, can be

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10 20 30 40 50 60 70k








N = 4N = 7N = 10

(a) KBT/ω = 5

10 20 30 40 50 60 70k








KBT/ω = 0.5KBT/ω = 2.5KBT/ω = 5

(b) N = 10

FIG. 2: The ideal cooling protocol, using a Heisenberg spinchain. (a) and (b) show, respectively, the dependence of thecooling efficiency of the kth thermal qubit, ηk, on the lengthof the chain, N , and temperature of the thermal qubits, T .Here, KB is Boltzmann’s constant, and ω is the spectral gapof the thermal qubit’s Hamiltonian.

thought of as being “colder” than the thermal qubitsin a counterfactual sense – if the probe was also a sys-tem of non-interacting spins, each with HamiltonianHQ.

To quantify the performance of each cooling process,we introduce the cooling efficiency, defined as

ηk :=T − T (k)

T. (II.11)

We wish to maximise the cooling efficiency at eachstage by optimizing the waiting times {τk}k. Thiscan be done if we have prior knowledge of: the tem-perature, T ; the qubit Hamiltonian HQ; the probe’sfree evolution quantum channel Eτk

; and the initialstate of the probe. By simulating the dynamics of theprobe, we may find the shortest time τk that max-imizes ηk. To this end, let us consider the specificmodel where the probe is a Heisenberg spin chain of

length N , whereby we may simulate the dynamics ofthe probe by numerically solving Eq. (II.8) using theRunge-Kutta-Fehlberg method. Here, we limit thefree evolution time to Jτk ∈ [0, N ], so that the exci-tations of the probe have enough time to travel fromone end of the chain to the other. The optimal timeτk is then chosen by tracking the reduced state of thefirst spin of the probe, at all times, and choosing theshortest time at which it will have the smallest “tem-perature”, as defined by Eq. (II.2).

At the kth stage of the cooling protocol, the total en-tropy of the thermal qubits is reduced by


(k) :=



∆S(i)Q , (II.12)


∆S(k)Q := ST − ST (k) (II.13)

is the entropy reduction of the kth thermal qubit,and

ST ≡ S(χ(T )) := −tr[χ(T ) ln(χ(T ))] (II.14)

is the von Neumann entropy of the thermal qubitat temperature T . There is a one-to-one correspon-dence between the efficiency ηk and the entropy re-

duction ∆S(k)Q , where a higher efficiency translates to

a larger entropy reduction and vice versa. However,these quantities scale differently, as will become ap-parent when we discuss the effect of imperfections onthe cooling protocol in Sec. II D. As shown in Ap-pendix (C), the total entropy reduction of the ther-mal qubits is bounded by the entropy increase of theprobe:


(k) 6 S(ρ


)− S


)6 NST , (II.15)

where a necessary condition for achieving the upperbound is for the probe to be initially prepared in thestate

ρ(0)P = |1〉〈1|⊗N . (II.16)

Comparing this with Eq. (II.9) shows that for all n, wehave Tn = 0. Eq. (II.15) shows that the more spinsare present in the probe, the more entropy one canextract from the collection of thermal qubits.

Fig. 2 demonstrates the efficiency of a Heisenberg spinchain of length N for refrigeration. For the moment,we will consider the optimal scenario where: the initialstate of the probe is given by Eq. (II.16); the probeevolves in the absence of dephasing; and the swapoperation is perfect and instantaneous. In Fig. 2(a)we plot ηk as a function of k for various N . As canbe seen, the efficiencies decrease as the protocol pro-gresses. However, larger chains will provide higher ef-ficiencies over more iterations. Similarly, in Fig. 2(b)

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we plot ηk as a function of k for various tempera-tures when the probe length is fixed to N = 10. Asbefore, the efficiencies decrease as the protocol pro-gresses. The performance of the protocol improvesfor hotter qubits. Because of the one-to-one corre-spondence between entropy reduction and efficiency,the behavior of ∆Stotal

Q (k) will be qualitatively iden-tical in this case.

C. Application 2: thermometry

0 10 20 30 40k












N = 4N = 7N = 10

(a) KBT/ω = 5

0 10 20 30 40k












KBT/ω = 0.5KBT/ω = 2.5KBT/ω = 5

(b) N = 10

FIG. 3: Pseudo-thermalization of a Heisenberg spin chain as

a result of the time dynamics, where D(ρ(k)P

, χ(T )⊗N ) is thetrace distance between the state of the probe and the pseudo-thermal state, after the kth thermal qubit has been cooled.In all cases, we set Jτk = 1. (a) and (b) show, respectively,the dependence of pseudo-thermalization on the chain lengthN and temperature T , for the ideal case. Here, KB is Boltz-mann’s constant, and ω is the spectral gap of the thermalqubit’s Hamiltonian.

In Appendix (B) we prove that, given the dynamics

given in Eq. (II.4),

ρ(∞)P = χ(T )⊗N (II.17)

is a stationary state of the probe. Moreover, if theprobe has an XXZ Hamiltonian (of which the Heisen-berg spin chain is a specific example), this is theunique stationary state. We say this is a pseudo-thermal state because it is not given as the Gibbs stateof the probe Hamiltonian, but rather as N copies ofthe thermal qubits χ(T ). This feature of the probe al-lows it to be used for thermometry; we may obtain anestimate for the temperature of the thermal qubits, T ,from the measurement statistics of the observable HQ

on every spin of the probe. If the probe is prepared in

the steady state ρ(∞)P , we will have N identical copies

of χ(T ) for our measurement statistics. In practicalsituations, however, we take the probe for thermome-try just after a finite number of iterations, when thesteady state has not yet been fully achieved.

The trace distance between the state of the probe and

the pseudo-thermal state, D(ρ(k)P , χ(T )⊗N ), bounds

the accuracy of our estimation of T . Due to the con-tractivity of the trace distance under quantum chan-nels, this will never increase as we continue to interactwith the thermal qubits [40]. How fast this quantityvanishes – which we refer to as the rate of pseudo-thermalisation – determines the performance of theprobe for thermometry. Furthermore, unlike the caseof cooling, we are by definition ignorant of the temper-ature T . Therefore, we cannot simulate the dynamicsof the probe, and have no means of optimizing thewaiting times {τk}k between consecutive swaps. Ac-cordingly, we must make an arbitrary choice.

Fig. 3 shows the rate of pseudo-thermalisation of theHeisenberg spin chain of length N . As before, we as-sume for the ideal case where: the initial state of theprobe is given by Eq. (II.16); the probe evolves in theabsence of dephasing; and the swap operation is per-fect and instantaneous. As we have to make an arbi-trary choice for the waiting times between consecutiveswaps, we set Jτk = 1 for all k. In Fig. 3(a) we showthe dependence of pseudo-thermalization on probelength N for a fixed temperature of KBT/ω = 5. Itis evident that increasing N slows the rate of pseudo-thermalization. This implies a trade-off between thetime required for thermometry, and the accuracy ofthermometry; the more spins we have in the probe,the better our measurement statistics will be, butthe longer we need to wait before making these mea-surements. In Fig. 3(b) we show the dependence ofpseudo-thermalization on the temperature, for a fixedprobe length of N = 10. Here, we cannot concludethat an increase in temperature leads to a faster, orslower, rate of pseudo-thermalisation. This is becausethe lines in Fig. 3(b) cross.

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D. Imperfections

There are two imperfections in the system that westudy here: (i) presence of dephasing on the probe;and (ii) an imperfect swap operation implementedby a time-controlled Heisenberg interaction of finitestrength. As Theorem A.1 and Theorem B.1 still ap-ply in the case of imperfections, the cooling protocolwill still function robustly, and the probe can still actas a thermometer. Moreover, because Theorem C.1also applies, we know that the total entropy reduc-tion will be bounded by the probe size. However, theefficiency of the protocols may change. To analyzethe effect of such imperfections quantitatively, we willnumerically investigate a probe consisting of a Heisen-berg spin chain ofN = 10 spins, initialized to the stategiven by Eq. (II.16). The thermal qubits will be fixedto a temperature of KBT/ω = 5, where ω is the spec-tral gap of the thermal qubit’s Hamiltonian. Here, thethermal qubits will be very close to maximally mixedstates, which is a good approximation for, say, darkspins in diamond at room temperature.

1. Dephasing

It is in general difficult to keep the probe fully isolatedand, thus, the free evolution will not be unitary. Toaccount for the interaction between the probe and itsenvironment, we consider local dephasing with Γ > 0in Eq. (II.8). The swaps, however, will continue to beperfect and instantaneous. For the cooling protocol,the waiting times {τk}k will still be calculated for theideal case, i.e. Γ = 0. This is because, in general, thevalue of Γ is unknown.

In Fig. 4(a) we plot the efficiency ηk versus the step kfor different values of Γ. As the figure shows, while anincrease in dephasing strength results in a decreasein cooling efficiency for the first few iterations, thisis reversed at later stages. Fig. 4(b) shows that thetotal entropy reduction of the qubits, after stage kof the cooling protocol, is reduced by dephasing. InFig. 4(c) we show how dephasing affects the entropyof the probe during the cooling protocol. The probe’sentropy increases monotonically as the protocol pro-gresses, but increasing dephasing strength decreasesthe probe’s entropy at any stage k. Conforming withEq. (II.15), the probe entropy is always larger thanthe total entropy reduction obtained on the thermalqubits. In Fig. 4(d) we plot the trace distance betweenthe state of the probe and the pseudo-thermal stateχ(T )⊗N , as a function of k. Here, the time betweenconsecutive swaps is fixed to Jτk = 1. As this figureshows, increasing dephasing strength slows the rate ofpseudo-thermalization.

2. Partial swaps

We now allow for the swap operation to be imper-fect corresponding to a finite-duration interaction be-tween the thermal qubit and probe spin. An imperfectswap may be realized by the time-dependent Hamil-tonian of the compound system of probe and thermalqubit,

HP+Q(t) := HP +HQ +HI(t), (II.18)

with the interaction Hamiltonian

HI(t) := f(t)JIσQ · σ1. (II.19)

Here, σQ and σ1 are vectors of Pauli operators actingon the thermal qubit and the first spin of the probe, re-spectively, and JI is the interaction strength betweenthese systems. In the absence of HP and HQ, thisHamiltonian would induce a swap operation (with ir-relevant phase factors) if f(t) = 1 for a period ofπ/(4JI), and zero otherwise. To numerically simulatethe imperfect swap, we extend Eq. (II.8) to includethe thermal qubit Q, with the updated Hamiltonianof Eq. (II.18). This can then and integrated with theRunge-Kutta-Fehlberg method as before.

To understand the effect of finite time-duration swapgates, we plot in Fig. 5(a) the cooling efficiency as afunction of the normalized interaction strength JI/J .We set dephasing to zero and, as before, the waitingtimes {τk}k are calculated assuming for the ideal case,i.e., instantaneous and perfect swaps. Similarly to thecase of dephasing, while a decrease in JI/J resultsin a decrease in cooling efficiency for the first few it-erations, this is reversed at later stages. However,as shown in Fig. 5(b), the total entropy reduction ofthe qubits, after stage k of the cooling protocol, isalways less when JI/J decreases. This means thatdecreasing JI/J always decreases the overall perfor-mance of the protocol. To see how the probe is af-fected by the strength of JI/J , in Fig. 5(c) we depictthe entropy of the probe after the kth qubit has beencooled. The probe’s entropy increases monotonicallyas the protocol progresses, but decreasing JI/J low-ers the probe’s entropy at any stage k. Again, con-forming with Eq. (II.15), the entropy of the probealways exceeds the total entropy reduction obtainedon the thermal qubits. Finally, in Fig. 5(d) we plotthe distance between the state of the probe and thepseudo-thermal state χ(T )⊗N , as a function of k. Thetime between consecutive swaps is set to Jτk = 1.As the figure shows, while an increase in JI/J fromunity to five significantly improves the rate of pseudo-thermalization for the present case of evolution times,further increases in JI/J have a much less noticeableeffect.

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10 20 30 40 50 60 70k








Γ/J = 0Γ/J = 4Γ/J = 6Γ/J = 10


10 20 30 40 50 60 70k








Γ/J = 0Γ/J = 4Γ/J = 6Γ/J = 10


10 20 30 40 50 60 70k










Γ/J = 0Γ/J = 4Γ/J = 6Γ/J = 10


0 10 20 30 40k












Γ/J = 0Γ/J = 4Γ/J = 6Γ/J = 10


FIG. 4: (a) - (c) show the performance of the cooling protocol with a Heisenberg spin chain probe in the presence of local de-phasing of strength Γ. All waiting times Jτk ∈ [0, N ] are calculated for the ideal case with N = 10 and KBT/ω = 5. (a) showsthe dependence of the cooling efficiency of the kth thermal qubit, ηk, on the dephasing strength. (b) and (c) show, respectively,how the dephasing strength affects the total entropy reduction of the thermal qubits, ∆Stotal

Q (k), and the entropy of the chain,

S(ρ(k)P ), after the kth thermal qubit has been cooled. ST is the entropy of the thermal state χ(T ). (d) shows the effect of de-

phasing on pseudo-thermalization, where D(ρ(k)P , χ(T )⊗N ) is the trace distance between the state of the probe and the pseudo-

thermal state, after the kth thermal qubit has been cooled. Here, we set Jτk = 1.



Electronic spins in diamond are promising to real-ize our proposal discussed in Sec. II. Here the ther-mal qubits we wish to cool are environmental darkspins [41], and the probe is a Heisenberg spin chaincomposed of nitrogen vacancy (NV) color centers.In the negative charge state, the NV− ground stateconstitutes a localized, spin-1 system with coherencetimes exceeding milliseconds even at room tempera-ture [42, 43]. Its spin states can be initialized, ma-nipulated, and measured with optical and microwavefields. The combined advantages of NVs — long coher-ence time, easy manipulation of spin states, and largegyromagnetic ratio (compared with nuclear spins) —

make it a good candidate for quantum sensing [44–46]. Recent demonstrations on quantum sensing, suchas paramagnetic centers in solids [47], single proteinmolecules [48], and a few nuclear spins [46], haveshown the potential. The location of NVs within thediamond can be controlled in a variety of ways, in-cluding localized delta-doped growth [49], targetedimplantation through a focused ion beam [50], andnano-masked implantation [51, 52]. These fabrica-tion techniques have demonstrated the possibility ofconstructing NV spin chains with spatial precision onthe 10 nm scale, as required for the realization of ourmethod.

Besides NV centers, diamond is host to many differ-ent dark spins [41] — dark in the sense that they arenot fluorescent. In particular, the low conversion ef-

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10 20 30 40 50 60 70k








JI/J 7→ ∞

JI/J = 10JI/J = 5JI/J = 1


10 20 30 40 50 60 70k










JI/J → ∞

JI/J = 10JI/J = 5JI/J = 1


10 20 30 40 50 60 70k










JI/J → ∞

JI/J = 10JI/J = 5JI/J = 1


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70kJ(τk +













JI/J 7→ ∞

JI/J = 10JI/J = 5JI/J = 1


FIG. 5: (a) - (c) show the performance of the cooling protocol with a Heisenberg spin chain probe, with the swaps effected bya time-dependent Heisenberg interaction of strength JI . All waiting times τk are calculated for the ideal case with N = 10 andKBT = 5. (a) shows the dependence of the cooling efficiency of the kth thermal qubit, ηk , on JI . (b) and (c) show, respectively,

how JI affects the total entropy reduction of the thermal qubits, ∆StotalQ (k), and the entropy of the chain, S(ρ

(k)P ), after the kth

thermal qubit has been cooled. ST is the entropy of the thermal state χ(T ). (d) shows the effect of JI on the rate of pseudo-

thermalization, where D(ρ(k)P , χ(T )⊗N ) is the trace distance between the state of the probe and the pseudo-thermal state, after

the kth thermal qubit has been cooled. Here, we set Jτk = 1.

ficiency from implanted (or native) nitrogen atomsin the diamond lattice to NV centers ( 5% [53]) re-sults in a large number of single-substitutional nitro-gen defect centers (P1 centers) in the vicinity of NVs.These dark spins generally act as a spin bath, de-cohering the NV centers [54]. However, some prox-imal spins can coherently interact with the NV cen-ters [53, 55, 56]. If these proximal dark spins canbe cooled down (initialized) efficiently, the coherencetime is extended, and even more, they can serve asa quantum resource in environment-assisted sensing[57, 58]. Through this method, one can gain improvedsensitivity from both coherence time ( 1/

√T2) and the

number of spins ( 1/√N for standard quantum limit

or 1/N for Heisenberg limit depending on the sensingscheme [57, 58]). There have been many attempts fordark spin cooling, but the polarization has been much

lower than that of the NV so far. [59, 60].

Here, we propose an efficient method for dark spincooling, which uses an NV center spin chain as aprobe. The NV center that is closest to the dark spinstakes the role of the first spin in the probe in Sec. II.The benefit of the spin chain is that it provides a coldreservoir and cooling conduit that can be cooled inone region. One exemplary application is magneticresonance detection of photosensitive molecules, as il-lustrated in Fig. 6(a). In such circumstances, whilenearby NV centers are able to interact with the darkspins and target molecules, they cannot be initializedconstantly with a strong optical field. A possible so-lution is to use a chain of NVs to initialize the NVsfar from the molecule, and let the chain transfer po-larization to the dark spins.

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FIG. 6: (a) Dark spin cooling with an NV spin chain for single molecule NMR. Black spheres represent dark spins while redones do NVs. (b) Orientation of NVs in the spin chain. To obtain a uniform interaction strength with optimal yield, (110)-cutdiamond is presented. The magnetic field is aligned into the [111] direction (marked as black arrows), and the NV should beoriented into one of the other three directions – [111], [111], or [111] (marked as blue arrows). Nearest neighbor spins should havedifferent directions. (c) Pulse sequences for the NV-dark spin interaction. For the dark spin, all 5 RF transitions are driven. Forthe spin-1 14N hyperfine axis parallel with magnetic field, the hyperfine splitting is A‖ = 114 MHz, while for the other threeaxes, A∦ = 90 MHz. (d) Bloch sphere representation of NV spin during pulse sequence. After ( π

2)x pulse, the spin is locked into

the y-direction (marked as a gray dotted arrow). (e) Dressed state resonant coupling. In the lab frame, energy difference betweentwo spins prohibits energy exchange (spin flip-flop). In the double rotating frame with dressed states, energy can be exchangedbetween the two.

From the cooling point of view, this can achieve muchcolder temperatures than can be realized with dis-sipative cooling. Even at 1 K, the thermal energycorresponds to ∼ 0.25 meV, or 60 GHz, requiring alarge static magnetic field. Also in this regime, dy-namical control with pulse sequences is infeasible be-cause it requires electronics with pico-second preci-sion. Thus, these points necessitate additional coolingwith a quantum probe (e.g. NV spin chain) that canbe initialized faster and colder.

Though we do not address specific sensing schemes,as an example, the one proposed in [57, 58] can bedirectly used in this setting. The NV interacting withdark spins is not accessible by optical fields by as-sumption. Because information is encoded as spinpolarization in this case, one can transfer the polar-ization to the other end of the spin chain with theHeisenberg interaction used in cooling.

This spin chain cooling must meet several require-ments: (i) initially, the NV spin chain should be cooleddown, i.e, each NV must be cooled down with respect

to its bare Hamiltonian; (ii) the dark spins shouldbe decoupled from each other; (iii) a SWAP gatebetween the first NV and each individual dark spinshould be applied when needed; and (iv) the spins inthe chain should have a nearest-neighbor Heisenberginteraction. NVs can be optically initialized (polar-ized) with high fidelity [61]. A doughnut beam ini-tializes NVs far from the photo-sensitive molecules,and the Heisenberg interaction distributes the polar-ization to the whole chain before transferring it to thedark spins. This automatically satisfies condition (i).In subsequent subsections, we will investigate a wayto implement (ii) ∼ (iv).

A. Probe NV - dark spin interaction

Several types of dark spins in diamond have been ex-tensively studied [41]. Here, we focus on the P1 cen-ters closely related with the NV center implantationprocess [56], but the physics is the same for other

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FIG. 7: Variant−WAHUHA sequence for Heisenberg interaction and the whole pulse sequence. Cooling dark spins and thermal-izing spin chains are alternated multiple times. Environment-assisted sensing can be applied after this cooling step. Note thatvariant−WAHUHA is not in a toggling frame while WAHUHA is in a toggling frame.

spin species in diamond or even in the molecule tobe sensed.

The magnetic dipolar interaction between NV and P1centers is captured by the interaction Hamiltonian[62],

Hdip = DNV,P 1SzNV ⊗ Sz

P 1

ms=1,0−−−−−→ DNV,P 1σzNV ⊗ σz

P 1

H.H.−−−→ DNV,P 1


NV ⊗ σ−P 1 + σ−

NV ⊗ σ+P 1)


where SzNV and Sz

P 1 are the electronic spin operatorsof NV centers and P1 centers respectively; σα withα ∈ {x, y, z} are Pauli operators on a pseudo spin-12 subspace spanned by |ms = 1〉 and |ms = 0〉, forthe case of NVs; σ+,− are spin ladder operators; H.H.represents the Hartmann−Hahn condition [63]; and

DNV,P 1 = q µ0γ1γ2~2

4π (Appendix D). Because of theenergetic detuning between NV and P1 centers, termsrelated to spin flip-flops are suppressed in the secularapproximation, resulting in an Ising interaction [64]as in the first line. However, by locking the NV andP1 centers in the transverse direction with the sameRabi frequency (Hartmann-Hahn matching), a flip-flop interaction, written as σ+

NV ⊗σ−P 1+σ−

NV ⊗σ+P 1, can

be generated. In the σz basis, this flip-flop operation

is equivalent to the SWAP gate up to an irrelevantphase factor.

This flip-flop interaction is referred to as theHartmann-Hahn cross-polarization (HHCP), and hasbeen studied in the NMR context [65]. Recently,HHCP has also been demonstrated with NV centersand P1 centers in diamond [62]. Figure 6(c) shows thepulse sequence for HHCP of the probe NV-dark spincoupling. The probe NV is locked in the y-direction(Fig. 6(d)), while each dark spin (thermal qubit) isdriven at the same time with the same Rabi frequencyfor all hyperfine levels. In the dressed state double ro-tating frame, NV centers and dark spins have the sameenergy splitting, making polarization transfer possiblewithout violating energy conservation, as would be thecase in the bare frame (Fig. 6(e)).

More quantitatively, Ising interaction is converted toσx

NV ⊗ σxP 1 in the toggling frame. Symmetrization

and anti-symmetrization reexpress it as (σxNV ⊗σx

P 1 +σy

NV ⊗ σyP 1)/2 + (σx

NV ⊗ σxP 1 − σy

NV ⊗ σyP 1)/2 (Ap-

pendix E). The second term involves non-energy con-serving terms that can be eliminated by the rotatingwave approximation [66]. As a result, the effectiveHamiltonian of the NV-P1 center interaction has theform of Eq. (III.1).

Dressed-state resonant coupling has an advantage in

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that it is not sensitive to the intrinsic spin level en-ergy. At first, all hyperfine levels of different speciesof dark spins can be driven, without regard to theirassociated nuclear spin state. In addition, the interac-tion can be easily switched on or off by locking or notlocking spins. Demonstrated coupling strength (13MHz) [53] is more than a thousand times larger thanthe dephasing rate of NVs ( ˜1 kHz) implying that thedephasing of the probe qubit is negligible during thisSWAP operation.

B. NV Heisenberg spin chain

The interaction between NVs in the spin chain de-pends on the external magnetic field and the orienta-tion of NVs within the chain, with many possibilitiesavailable [67]. In contrast, the required interaction forour method is the spin− 1

2 Heisenberg interaction. Wepropose a novel way to form a Heisenberg interactionbetween NVs in the subspace spanned by |ms = 1〉and |ms = 0〉. Here, we consider the situation whereNVs are oriented in at most three different crystal ori-entations of (110) diamond, and that we can makethe |ms = 1〉 ground state energies of all NVs degener-ate while splitting |ms = 1〉 from the |ms = −1〉 state.This can be achieved by the Zeeman effect by applyinga uniform magnetic field in the fourth, [111] direction(Fig. 6(b)). As we will see later on in this section, thisconfiguration is not a necessary condition, because onecould achieve an effective Heisenberg interaction onlywith an Ising interaction under the proposed pulse se-quence. However, this configuration produces largerinteraction strengths between NVs and needs less mi-crowave electronics because all the NVs in the chainare degenerate.

The nearest neighbor NV-NV interaction Hamiltonianafter removing the non-energy conserving terms (Ap-pendix E), is

Hint = −J0



1 ⊗ σx2 + σy

1 ⊗ σy2 )

+2ih−(σx1 ⊗ σy

2 − σy1 ⊗ σx

2 ) + qσz1 ⊗ σz

2 ](III.2)

First, we ignore the (σx1 ⊗σy

2 −σy1 ⊗σx

2 ) term, and focuson the terms σα

1 ⊗ σα2 for α = x, y, z. Except in rare

accidental configuration of NVs, which can be avoidedin a implantation process, 4g+ + q 6= 0. As a result,globally rotating spins will feel an averaged isotropicinteraction that is not canceled out. However, sinceσx

1 ⊗σx2 , σy

1 ⊗σy2 , and σz

1 ⊗σz2 are not mutually commut-

ing, simply rotating spins will not result in the desiredHeisenberg interaction. We can use Trotter-Suzukidecomposition [68] to approximate the Heisenberg

Hamiltonian, and to minimize errors in the given or-der. 1st order Trotterization results in the WAHUHApulse sequence [39] in effective Hamiltonian theory,widely used to nullify homonuclear interactions insolid state NMR. However, in the case of NVs, theapplication of the WAHUHA sequence results in aneffective Heisenberg chain. This discrepancy comesfrom the difference of interaction Hamiltonians. NVshave a different Hamiltonian with homonuclear dipo-lar interaction (∝ σx

1 ⊗σx2 +σy

1 ⊗σy2 −2σz

1 ⊗σz2) because

we only use a two-dimensional subspace of the spin-1Hilbert space (which is 3-dimensional) and express theinteraction with pseudo-spin- 1

2 Pauli operators. Theresulting effective Hamiltonian (Appendix E) has theform of

Heff = − J0


(4g+ + q

) ∑


σα1 ⊗ σα

2 + O(τ2).


The previously ignored term, 2ih−(σx1 ⊗σy

2 −σy1 ⊗σx

2 )can be cancelled in the context of WAHUHA. Addinga π pulse in any direction does not change the Heisen-berg interaction terms because two spins are flippedtogether. However, when a π pulse is applied inone of the transversal directions to the spin, theh−(σx

1 ⊗ σy2 − σy

1 ⊗ σx2 ) terms change the sign. There-

fore, when the evolution time of the two interactionsare matched, they cancel each other. This π pulse alsoserves to dynamically decouple NVs from any slow-moving bath spins, reducing dephasing. These bathspins can be treated as classical noise sources withmean-field approach [69]. Furthermore, It has beenshown that a reasonable number of decoupling pulses(n=256) can increase coherence time approaching thephononic relaxation time (T2 ∼ 0.5T1), even at roomtemperature [70]. Thus, in this limit, system can betreated as experiencing a Markovian noise process jus-tifying the model in the Section II A. Experimentally,high fidelity gates have been demonstrated such that a190 nsec inter-pulse delay with more than 1000 pulsesdoes not heat up the spins in an isotopically puri-fied diamond sample with P1 center density of ∼ 5ppb[48]. The resulting pulse sequence with dark spin cool-ing is described in Fig. 7. Here, the original version ofthe WAHUHA is also applied to dark spins to preventmutual interaction, resulting in a central-spin model.This was thoroughly studied in [58] with numericalsimulations, and it was shown that WAHUHA can ef-ficiently change the dynamics of NVs and dark spins.Especially, increased coherence times of an NV centerare observed, which is desirable in our cooling protocolas shown in Section (II.D.1).

Note that the NVs in the chain are interacting witha Heisenberg interaction regardless of their orienta-tions and distance between them. Because our proto-

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col relies on the population transfer between spins inthe chain, a chain with randomly oriented and sepa-rated NVs can work as a quantum probe. One pos-sible concern can be a slow thermalization in disor-dered spin systems (many-body localization) [71, 72].However, cooling one end and transferring polariza-tion to the other end are possible even in the caseof medium localization, due to the small size of thesystem (N=6).

In spite of the robustness of the protocol, we give anexample configuration that can achieve an NV spinchain with a uniform Heisenberg interaction strength(Fig. 6(b)), that has been assumed in Sec. II. Here, weassume (110)-cut diamond with a static magnetic fieldin the [111] direction. The other three orientations ofNVs – [111], [111], [111] – are equivalent to each otherin the sense that alternated NV orientations resultin equal coupling strengths. The probability of cre-ating a chain of N spins satisfying these propertiesis P (N) = 3

4 · (12 )N−1 assuming randomly oriented

NVs resulting from implantation process. Consider-ing a separation of 25 nm between NVs, N=6 gives aspin chain of 150 nm length with ˜2.3% yield, whichcould allow enough isolation to the doughnut beam[73, 74]. Recent improvements in creating long 1Dspin chains [75] and dark spin-NV coupling [67, 76]show the proposed system is feasible. The T1 time ofNVs can be long, ˜7.5 ms, even at room temperature[77], while the coupling strength of this configurationreaches ˜12.4 kHz. This allows for ˜90 repetitive pop-ulation transfers between nearest-neighbor NVs be-fore relaxation. Large T1 time of P1 centers has beendemonstrated at low temperature ( 8.3 s at 2 K [78]),implying that many cycles of cooling NVs and trans-ferring polarizations are possible.


We proposed a method of refrigeration and thermom-etry of a collection of thermal qubits, each at temper-ature T , with a quantum many-body-probe composedof a network of interacting spins. We showed that min-imal control is required; the protocol will succeed withjust an imperfect swap gate between the target spinof the probe and the thermal qubit we wish to cool.Moreover, we analytically proved that the probe is arobust refrigerator if it is initialized in an appropriatestate; the thermal qubits will be cooled, or left at thesame temperature, even in the presence of dephas-ing or with imperfect swap gates. Additionally, weshowed that this many-body-probe can also be used asa quantum thermometer, providing an estimate of theabsolute temperature of the thermal qubits. We nu-merically investigated a simple example of the probe –a Heisenberg spin chain – and quantitatively analyzed

how the cooling efficiency is affected by the size of theprobe, presence of dephasing, and the fidelity of theswap gate between the probe and the thermal qubit.As the simulation with dephasing demonstrates, co-herent dynamics improves the efficiency of the probe,serving a critical role in extracting entropy.

We considered an exemplary implementation usingsolid-state spin qubits, specifically nitrogen vacancy(NV) centers in diamond. Here, the probe can beconstructed as a spin chain of NV centers, which canbe used to efficiently cool down dark spins using aquantum refrigeration scheme based on a novel pulsesequence. Here, the intra-NV interaction strengthsare typically J ≈ 10 kHz, while the NV-dark spin in-teraction strengths are JI ≈ 1 MHz. Consequently, assuggested by Fig. 5, such values are a good approx-imation for the ideal protocol, where the swap gatesare perfect and instantaneous.

This system is useful for environment-assisted quan-tum sensing, especially when the target is a photo-sensitive molecules such as a protein. Overall, our pro-posal for a low-control and robust quantum refrigera-tor opens new possibilities for low-entropy quantum-state preparation, useful for quantum metrology,quantum computation and for studying many-bodyquantum thermodynamics.


M.H.M. and Y.O. thank the support from Fundacaopara a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (Portugal), namelythrough programmes PTDC/POPH/POCH andprojects UID/EEA/50008/2013, IT/QuSim,IT/QuNet, ProQuNet, partially funded by EUFEDER, from the EU FP7 project PAPETS (GA323901), and from the JTF project NQN (ID 60478).Furthermore M.H.M. acknowledges the support fromthe EU FP7 Marie Curie Fellowship (GA 628912).H.C. was supported in part by a Samsung Scholar-ship and the Air Force Office of Scientific Research(AFOSR) MURI on Optimal Quantum Measurementsand State Verification. M.E.T. was supported inpart by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research(AFOSR) MURI (FA9550-14-1-0052), the AFOSRPresidential Early Career Award (supervised byGernot Pomrenke), the Army Research office MURIbiological transduction program, and the Office ofNaval Research (N00014-13-1-0316). A.B. thanksEPSRC for the grant EP/K004077/1. D.E. acknowl-edges support from the Army Research LaboratoryCenter for Distributed Quantum Information.

M.H.M. and H.C. have contributed equally to thiswork.

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Appendix A: Sufficient conditions ensuring that

the thermal qubits are always cooled

Here we demonstrate the conditions that need to besatisfied by the initial state of the probe, and its freeevolution dynamics, so as to ensure that it will alwayscool the thermal qubits. To this end, we first givesome useful definitions.

Definition A.1. If a qubit is diagonal with respect tothe eigenbasis of σz, we refer to it as σz-diagonal.

Definition A.2. If every eigenstate of a quantumstate ρ has a Schmidt decomposition with respect tothe eigenbasis of σz, i.e. {|0〉 , |1〉}, we refer to it asσz-Schmidt decomposable.

Definition A.3. If a quantum channel (completelypositive, trace preserving map) describing the time-evolution of a system composed of N spin-half systemsfor a period of τ > 0, Eτ , satisfies



tr[σznρ] =



tr[σznEτ (ρ)] (A.1)

for all states ρ, we refer to it as σz-excitation con-serving.

Now we prove the conditions under which the reducedstate of every spin in an N -partite system will be σz-diagonal, which is a necessary condition for them tobe thermal with respect to the σz Hamiltonian.

Lemma A.1. Let a quantum system composed of Nspin-half systems be prepared in a state

ρ =



ρl, (A.2)

where each ρl is a subnormalised state on the sub-space containing l excitations of σz, i.e., Hl. Let ev-ery ρl be σz-Schmidt decomposable, and let the system

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evolve according to a quantum channel Eτ that is σz-excitation conserving. Then the reduced state of everyspin, at all times τ > 0, will be σz-diagonal. Fur-thermore, the only components of ρ that contribute tothe reduced state of any given spin are the diagonalelements with respect to the {|0〉 , |1〉}⊗N basis.

Proof. At initial time, we may write every eigenvectorof ρl as

|ψ〉 =∑




⟩. (A.3)




⊗Nn=1 |an

m〉, with anm ∈ {0, 1}. Each∣∣ψl


⟩has an

m = 0 for l spins and anm = 1 for N − l

spins. In other words,∣∣ψl


⟩∈ Hl. By construction,


k〉 = 0 if m 6= k. As such, the contributionof |ψ〉 to the reduced state of the first spin will be∑

m |αm|2|a1m〉〈a1

m|, which is clearly σz-diagonal, andonly involves the elements of ρl that are diagonal withrespect to the {|0〉 , |1〉}⊗N basis. As a convex com-bination of σz-diagonal states are also σz-diagonal,then the reduced state of the first spin will also beσz-diagonal. The same argument will hold, mutatismutandis, for all other spins. To show that this willhold true for all times, given a σz-excitation conserv-ing quantum channel Eτ , it is sufficient to show thatthe state Eτ (|ψ〉〈ψ|) is itself σz-Schmidt decompos-able. This is evidently true, as

Eτ (|ψ〉〈ψ|) =∑


Li|ψ〉〈ψ|L†i , (A.4)

with Li |ψ〉 =∑

m α′m



Now we prove a sufficient condition under which thereduced state of every spin in an N -partite system willbe thermal with respect to the Hamiltonian HQ :=ω2 σ

z , with a temperature less than or equal to T . Forthe proof it will be simpler to use the ratio of proba-bilities of thermal states instead of temperature. Wetherefore use the following equivalence:

〈1|χ(T ′)|1〉〈0|χ(T ′)|0〉 > q ⇐⇒ T ′

6 T, (A.5)

where χ(T ) is defined as in Eq. (II.2), and q, T, T ′ areall non-negative numbers.

Lemma A.2. Let a quantum system composed of Nspin-half systems be prepared in a state

ρ =



ρl, (A.6)

where each ρl is a subnormalised state on the sub-space containing l excitations of σz, i.e., Hl. Fur-thermore, let ρ be diagonal with respect to the basis

{|0〉 , |1〉}⊗N , with rl a vector composed of these diag-onal elements. In this case, rl is the spectrum of ρl,i.e., rl = λ(ρl). Finally, let the probe evolve accord-ing to a σz-excitation conserving quantum channel Eτ

that is also unital, i.e., Eτ (1) = 1. If for all i, j, l, thecondition


rl+1(j)> q (A.7)

is satisfied, where rl(i) signifies the ith element of thevector rl, and q > 0, then the reduced state of everyspin for all times τ > 0, ρn(τ), will be thermal withrespect to the Hamiltonian σz, and with a temperatureless than or equal to T .

Proof. Due to Lemma A.1, the reduced state of everyspin will be σz-diagonal at all times, which is a nec-essary condition for it to be assigned a temperature.Moreover the only elements of ρ contributing to theelements of the reduced state of any spin are givenby the vectors rl. By ordering each of these vectorsappropriately, we can show that

〈1|ρn|1〉〈0|ρn|0〉 =



i=1 rl(i)∑N



i=1 r′l(i)

. (A.8)

We note that rl and r′l

have the same elements, butwith a different ordering. Also, for each l, Kl + K ′

lequals the dimension of the l-excitation subspace,given as

dim(Hl) =



N !

l!(N − l)!, (A.9)


Kl =

(N − 1l

), K ′

l =

(N − 1l − 1

). (A.10)

We note that KN = K ′0 = 0. From this observation, it

will be simple to deduce that for all l ∈ {0, . . . , N−1},we have Kl = K ′

l+1. As a consequence of Eq. (A.7),and the above observations, it therefore follows thatfor each l ∈ {0, . . . , N − 1},



rl(i) > q




l+1(i). (A.11)

As such, Eq. (A.8) will obey the inequality

〈1|ρn|1〉〈0|ρn|0〉 > q



i=1 r′l(i)



i=1 r′l(i)

= q. (A.12)

Therefore, given the stated conditions on the initialstate of the system, the reduced state of every spinwill be thermal with respect to the Hamiltonian σz ,with a temperature less than or equal to T . To show

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that this will be true at all later times, we note thatthe state of the probe, at time τ > 0, will be given as

Eτ (ρ) =



Eτ (ρl),




ρl(τ). (A.13)

The fact that the diret sum structure is preserved byEτ follows from the fact that it is σz-excitation con-serving. As Eτ is unital, by Uhlmann’s theorem [79]we know that the vector composed of the spectrum ofρl majorizes that of ρl(τ), i.e.

λ(ρl) ≻ λ(ρl(τ)). (A.14)

Furthermore, it is trivial that the vector composed ofthe diagonal elements in any basis is majorized by thatof the spectrum, i.e.

λ(ρl(τ)) ≻ rl(τ). (A.15)

As rl = λ(ρl), it follows therefore that for all l andτ > 0,

rl ≻ rl(τ). (A.16)

Furthermore, since the above equation implies that

rl(τ) = Qrl, (A.17)

where Q is a doubly stochastic matrix [80], then everyelement of rl(τ) is given as a convex combination ofthose in rl. Consequently, Eq. (A.7) is satisfied at alltimes and, hence, the reduced state of every spin inthe system will be thermal with respect to σz , with atemperature less than or equal to T , at all times.

Now we determine the sufficient conditions for thecooling protocol to always cool the thermal qubits,or leave them the same.

Theorem A.1. Let the probe be initially prepared inthe state

ρ(0)P =



χ(Tn), (A.18)

such that for all n, Tn 6 T . Furthermore, let Eτk

in Eq. (II.4) be unital and σz-excitation conserving.It follows that the cooling protocol will always cool acollection of K thermal qubits of temperature T , orleave them the same, irrespective of the waiting times{τk}k and number of thermal qubits K.

Proof. We may write the composition of K thermalqubits and the probe as

ρ =



χ(Tn), (A.19)

such that for all n ∈ {1, . . . ,K}, Tn = T , whereas forall n ∈ {K + 1, . . . ,K + N}, Tn 6 T . Clearly, theeigenvectors of ρ are product vectors from the basis{|0〉 , |1〉}⊗N+K and, as such, it can be decomposedinto a direct sum of subnormalized states in differ-ent excitation subspaces, as in Eq. (A.6). Further-more, the vectors of the spectrum satisfy Eq. (A.7).Therefore as a consequence of Lemma A.2, if the totalsystem of probe plus thermal qubits evolves accord-ing to a unital quantum channel that is σz-excitationconserving, then the reduced state of every thermalqubit will be thermal with respect to the HamiltonianHQ := ω

2 σz , with a temperature less than or equal to

T . Every stage of the cooling protocol, of course, is de-termined by the quantum channel defined in Eq. (II.4)acting on the compound system of thermal qubit kand the probe. As a (possibly imperfect) swap opera-tion is both unital and σz-excitation conserving, thenwe arrive at the statement of the theorem.

Appendix B: The unique stationary state of the


We wish to show that the only stationary state ofthe probe, given the dynamics it undergoes with thethermal qubits, is χ(T )⊗N . We first introduce somenotation. We take the probe P to be a collection ofspins labeled by the integers {1, . . . , N}. As such, thereduced state of any subset of spins X is defined asρX := trP\X[ρP ], where P\X is the complement of Xin the set P .

Lemma B.1. Consider the composition of a thermalqubit Q and the probe P, in the state ρ = χ(T ) ⊗ ρP.Let the evolution of the system be determined by thequantum channel Vτ defined in Eq. (II.4) as

Vτ = SWAP ◦ Eτ , (B.1)

where SWAP is a possibly imperfect swap operation be-tween the thermal qubit and the first spin of the probe,while Eτ is a unital and σz-excitation conserving quan-tum channel. If ρP = χ(T )⊗N , then Vτ (ρ) = ρ.

Proof. If ρ = χ(T )⊗N+1, it can be written as

ρ =



ρl, (B.2)

such that the diagonal vectors, in the {|0〉 , |1〉} basis,for each of the l-excitation subspaces Hl will be uni-form. In other words, rl(i) = rl(j) for all i, j. As

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SWAP is a unital and σz-excitation conserving quan-tum channel, then so is Vτ . Due to Uhlmann’s theo-rem, given that rl, which is the spectrum of ρ withinthe subspace Hl, is already maximally mixed, it fol-lows that rl(τ) = rl. Moreover, all the off-diagonalelements of ρ remain zero. As such, Vτ (ρ) = ρ.

Theorem B.1. If both SWAP and Eτ are generatedby an XXZ spin Hamiltonian, possibly in the presenceof dephasing, then ρ = χ(T )⊗ρP will be the stationarystate of Vτ if and only if ρP = χ(T )⊗N .

Proof. In the absence of dephasing, ρ is stationarywith respect to Vτ if and only if it commutes with theXXZ spin network Hamiltonian that governs the totalcompound system. Let us denote this total Hamilto-

nian as

HP :=



Jn,m(∆n,mσzn ⊗ σz


+ σxn ⊗ σx

m + σyn ⊗ σy

m). (B.3)

Here, we label Q as spin n = 0, Jn,m is the interactionstrength between the nth and mth spins, and ∆n,m

is the anisotropy parameter in the z direction. Bydefining P + Q := {0, . . . , N}, we may expand ρ inthe Pauli basis as

ρ :=




an ⊗Oa

P+Q\n, (B.4)

for any spin n ∈ P + Q. Here σ0 = 1, σ1 = σx,σ2 = σy, and σ3 = σz . Here,

∑3a=0 r


a0 = χ(T ). As

such, we have

[ρ,H ]− =N∑







(1 + δc,3(∆n,m − 1))ranr



n ⊗ σbm, σ

cn ⊗ σc



⊗ObP+Q\{n,m}. (B.5)

The entire expression vanishes only if the summandsvanish individually for each n and m. We now intro-duce the identity

[A⊗B,C ⊗D]− =1

2([A,C]− ⊗ [B,D]+)


2([A,C]+ ⊗ [B,D]−) , (B.6)

where [·, ·]+ is the anti-commutator, and the relations

[σa, σb]− = 2iǫabcσc, (B.7)

[σa, σb]+ = 2δab1. (B.8)

Here ǫabc = 1 (respectively -1) with {a, b, c} a cyclic(respectively anti-cyclic) permutation of {x, y, z}, andδab = 1 if a = b and 0 otherwise. Using the aboveidentities, we see that the summand in the first lineof Eq. (B.5), for n = 0 and m = 1 is





b1ǫabc (10 ⊗ σc

1 − σc0 ⊗ 11) ⊗Ob



We only consider this term for the case of n = 0, asthe only nonvanishing value of J0,m is when m = 1by construction. The summands with a = b clearlyvanish, as in such cases we have ǫaac = 0. The re-maining summands cannot vanish if Ob

P\{0,1} are not

the same for all values of b. If ObP\{0,1} are the same

for all values of b, however, then

ρP =3∑



b1 ⊗ ρP\1, (B.10)


b=0 rb1σ

b1 = ρ1 describing a quantum state that

could be different from χ(T ). In such cases, however,ra

0rb1 are all positive numbers, and the only way for

Eq. (B.9) to vanish is if ra0 = ra

1 for all a. When this issatisfied, the summands with the values of a and b in-terchanged differ only by a sign change, and thereforecancel out. But this means that ρ1 = χ(T ). Hence,for the state to commute with the Hamiltonian, wemust have

ρP = χ(T )1 ⊗ ρP\1. (B.11)

Carrying out the same argument recursively for all n ∈{1, . . . , N}, we prove that the only state ρP , such thatχ(T )⊗ρP commutes with the total XXZ HamiltonianH , is

ρP = χ(T )⊗N . (B.12)

To including dephasing, the dissipator term of the Li-ouville super-operator in Eq. (II.8) must also vanish,i.e., we must show that




zn − ρ = O. (B.13)

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If ρ = χ(T )⊗N+1, with χ(T ) = 121 + rzσz , then for

each n we have


zn = (σz

nχ(T )σzn) ⊗


χ(T )m


= ρ. (B.14)

Appendix C: Entropic inequalities

The von Neumann entropy of a system in state ρ isdefined as

S(ρ) := −tr[ρ ln(ρ)], (C.1)

where ln(·) is the natural logarithm. The increase inentropy of the probe at the kth stage of the protocolis defined as

∆S(k)P := S


)− S


), (C.2)

whereas the decrease in entropy of the kth thermalqubit is

∆S(k)Q := ST − S


), (C.3)

where we use ST := S(χ(T )) as the von Neumannentropy of the thermal qubit at temperature T . Wenow show that the increase in entropy of probe is atleast as great as the decrease in entropy of the thermalqubit.

Lemma C.1. Let the compound system of probe Pand kth thermal qubit Q be

ρ(k)P+Q := χ(T ) ⊗ ρ

(k−1)P . (C.4)

Let this system evolve according to the quantum chan-nel defined in Eq. (II.4). The SWAP operation neednot be perfect. Furthermore, let the initial state of theprobe be

ρ(0)P :=



χ(Tn), (C.5)

such that for all n, Tn 6 T . It follows that

∆S(k)P > ∆S

(k)Q > 0. (C.6)

Proof. We denote the state of the compound system

after the action of the quantum channel as ρ(k)P+Q(τk).

Due to the unitality of this quantum channel, whichdoes not decrease the von Neumann entropy [81], and

the subadditivity of the von Neumann entropy [14], itfollows that



)> S


)= S


)+ ST .

(C.7)Furthermore, given the partial traces of the time-evolved compound system as given by Eq. (II.5), wecan further use the subadditivity of the von Neumannentropy to show that



)+ S


)> S


). (C.8)

By combining the above equations, we arrive at

∆S(k)P > ∆S

(k)Q . (C.9)

Finally, given the initial state of the probe and thedynamics in question, due to Theorem A.1 we know

that ∆S(k)Q is never negative.

Moreover, the total entropy increase of the probeposes an upper bound on the total entropy reductionof the system of thermal qubits, for a cooling processof any length k. The total entropy reduction of thethermal qubits, up to stage k, is defined as

∆StotalQ (k) :=



∆S(i)Q . (C.10)

Theorem C.1. Consider the setup of Lemma C.1.If the probe has an XXZ spin Hamiltonian, then thetotal entropy reduction of the thermal qubits obeys theinequality

∆StotalQ (k) 6 NST , (C.11)

the upper bound being realizable only if the probe is

initially in the pure state ρ(0)P = |1〉〈1|⊗N .

Proof. It follows from Lemma C.1 that for any k,



∆S(i)P = S


)− S


)> ∆Stotal

Q (k).


As shown in Theorem B.1 the probe will pseudo-thermalize to a state with entropy NST . It thereforefollows that the total entropy reduction of the thermalqubits obeys the inequality


(k) 6 NST . (C.13)

The upper limit is achievable only if the probe is ini-tially in a pure state. If this pure state is to satisfythe conditions required for always cooling, it has to

be in the pure state |1〉⊗N.

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Appendix D: NV-P1 interaction Hamiltonian

The quantization axis of P1 centers is the directionof magnetic field, while that of NVs is their orienta-tion. The dipolar interaction between two spins aftersecular approximation has only an Ising interaction[62].

Hint = −J0


[3(r · z1)(r · z2) − z1 · z2]Sz

NV ⊗ SzP 1

= −J0


NV ⊗ SzP 1


where J0 = µ0γ1γ2~2

4π ≃ (2π)52 MHz·nm3, z1 and z2

are quantization axis of NV and P1 centers respec-tively, r is a unit vector directing from a NV to a P1center, and q = 3(r · z1)(r · z2) − z1 · z2 (Appendix


Appendix E: NV-NV interaction Hamiltonian

We start with the universal dipolar interaction Hamil-tonian with two spins labeled as 1 and 2 [64].

Hint = −J0


[3( ~S1 · r)( ~S2 · r) − ~S1 · ~S2


where J0 = µ0γ1γ2~2

4π ≃ (2π)52 MHz·nm3 and ris a unit vector directing from spin 1 to spin 2.Since the crystal field of diamond gives zero fieldsplitting between |ms = 0〉 and |ms = ±1〉, a natu-ral quantization axis of an NV is its own orienta-tion. Therefore, we adopt the dual coordinate system(x1, y1, z1), (x2, y2, z2) which corresponds to orienta-tions of each NV. The interaction Hamiltonian canthen be expanded with these vectors.

Hint = −J0


T ·

3(r · x1)(r · x2) − x1 · x2 3(r · x1)(r · y2) − x1 · y2 3(r · x1)(r · z2) − x1 · z2

3(r · y1)(r · x2) − y1 · x2 3(r · y1)(r · y2) − y1 · y2 3(r · y1)(r · z2) − y1 · z2

3(r · z1)(r · x2) − z1 · x2 3(r · z1)(r · y2) − z1 · y2 3(r · z1)(r · z2) − z1 · z2

· ~S2

≃ −J0


T ·

3(r · x1)(r · x2) − x1 · x2 3(r · x1)(r · y2) − x1 · y2 03(r · y1)(r · x2) − y1 · x2 3(r · y1)(r · y2) − y1 · y2 0

0 0 3(r · z1)(r · z2) − z1 · z2

· ~S2


The second line of E.2 is justified by the rotating waveapproximation (RWA) [66]. The NV coupling strengthis on the order of a few tens of kHz while zero fieldsplitting (ZFS) of an NV is 2.88 GHz. Thus, the prod-uct of a fast rotating term (Sx, Sy) and a non-rotating

term (Sz) is averaged out in the time evolution, whichis consistent with the energy conservation.

To simplify further, terms in the Hamiltonian can bedecomposed into symmetrical and anti-symmetricalcombination of terms by introducing new variables -g+, g−, h+, h−, q [67]:

Hint = −J0


[(g+ + g−)Sx

1 ⊗Sx2 + (g+ − g−)Sy

1 ⊗Sy2 + (h+ +h−)Sx

1 ⊗Sy2 + (h+ −h−)Sy

1 ⊗Sx2 + qSz

1 ⊗Sz2

]. (E.3)

g+ =1


[3(r · x1)(r · x2) − x1 · x2 + 3(r · y1)(r · y2) − y1 · y2


g− =1


[3(r · x1)(r · x2) − x1 · x2 − 3(r · y1)(r · y2) + y1 · y2


h+ =1


[3(r · x1)(r · y2) − x1 · y2 + 3(r · y1)(r · x2) − y1 · x2


h− =1


[3(r · x1)(r · y2) − x1 · y2 − 3(r · y1)(r · x2) + y1 · x2


q = 3(r · z1)(r · z2) − z1 · z2


Out of these, g−(Sx1 ⊗ Sx

2 − Sy1 ⊗ Sy

2 ) and h+(Sx1 ⊗ Sy

2 + Sy1 ⊗ Sx

2 ) are non-energy conserving terms that

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can be eliminated by RWA. The other two terms canalso be simplified in our situation, where we restrictthe dynamics to a two-dimensional subspace spannedby |ms = 0〉 and |ms = 1〉.

Sx1 ⊗ Sx

2 + Sy1 ⊗ Sy

2 = (|01〉〈10| + |10〉〈01|)Sx

1 ⊗ Sy2 − Sy

1 ⊗ Sx2 = i(|01〉〈10| − |10〉〈01|). (E.5)

The resulting Hamiltonian has the form of,

Hint = −J0


[g+(|01〉〈10| + |10〉〈01|)

+ih−(|01〉〈10| − |10〉〈01|)+q |11〉〈11|].


Note that the strength of Sx1 ⊗ Sx

2 and Sy1 ⊗ Sy

2 arethe same because the spin is rotating with the ZFS inthe lab frame. This interaction Hamiltonian can beexpressed in terms of pseudo spin- 1

2 pauli operatorsfor |ms = 0〉 and |ms = 1〉 states.

Hint = −J0



1 ⊗ σx2 + σy

1 ⊗ σy2 )

+2ih−(σx1 ⊗ σy

2 − σy1 ⊗ σx

2 )

+qσz1 ⊗ σz

2 ]

+(non-interacting terms).
