Love potion No.1 Initiated & Copyright Desiree Rosier 2010-2011 Stichting Imagine This! presents

Love Potion No

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Love potion No.1

Initiated & Copyright Desiree Rosier 2010-2011

Stichting Imagine This! presents

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What do we aim for & propose?• Get rid of plastic waterbottles• Stimulate use of reusable sustainable LPNo1!

bottles + drink tapwater• Stimulate local government to realize tapwater

point in the city• Educate people with waterfootprint +

caloryintake software programme/workshop• Gather & re-use plastic and beachwaste to

create fun floating edible isles Love, Life & Profit-4-all

In English because we target global community, starting Netherlands & Turkey

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Water gives live?

• Annually we buy & throw away 150oooooo plastic bottles

• Per bottle we pay 1ooo times the price of tapwater

• Decompostion takes 450ooo years

• Animals die

• Production takes lots of water,oil and transport (polution and waste!)

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Why is water expensive?

• Water is scarce & dos not have

to be expensive

• Cost rises because we pollute

• And because we use this scarce resource for production of polluting stuff and crazy logistics & transport of it

• If we reduce polution and transport we all benefit :People Planet Prosperity

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Essential water

We need these minerals

Human body =37 liters H2OHuman brain= 75% H2O.

Human bones= 25% H2O.

Human blood= 83% H2O.

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Available water• Oceans contain 97% of total amount available water, 2% frozen • 80% of all water is surface water. 20% = in the ground and consists of

atmosferische waterfog.

• Only 2,5% is sweet drinkable water. Groundwater (0,5%) + in lakes, flows en rivers (0,01%).

• Put all the world’s water inabottle: sweet water would represent a spoonfull…..

• 90% van de world’s drinkable sweet water is in Antarctica.

• < 1% of the waterreserve on plante Earth can be used as drinking water • Water prices rise ??? Amount of water on Earth remains the same!!!!

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Plastic fun

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Let’s get serious!All kinds of governments and NGO’s and other Organizations & even royals have plans and hold conferences on Biodiversity and sustainability.

We have all of the rules, regulations and treaties that we need to protect the world's oceans and the marine life in them, but we don't have any enforcement"

Can we start ACTING please?

With all solutions & resources & opportunities we already have!

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Let’s get serious 2


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Introducing Love potion No.1

Love potion

No.1 No more plastic bottlesUse tapwater Re-use bottleTapwaterpoints all over the placeSpecials in LPNo1 point of sales*

*High oxygen waterNaturally /Organic Flavoured waterEnergized water

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Floating playgroundLet’s get rid of the plastic soup in our oceans and city environment…in a smart and fun way

Our climate changes, biodiversity decreases and natural sources get scarce. And we face rising waterlevels all over the planet. Let’s use all waste & turn it into floating isles! http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=Cvn9l1pJ3-A

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Cradle to cradle fun solution 4 waste

• In the Netherlands Matthijs Lievaart http://www.verlosdezee.nl/ started his initiative Rid the ocean (Verlos de zee) ;stimulating people to pick up trash form sea shores and gather all trash in containers placed at beaches. The organisation ‘Duik de noordzee schoon’ http://www.duikdenoordzeeschoon.nl/ aims to rid wrecks in the Noordzee of trash and mainly fishing nets.

• MyBeach targets behaviour and claening up beaches http://www.noordzee.nl/dossiers_artikel.php?mainID=8&subID=44&contentID=205

• We aim to use all this material & all plastic bottles gathered during LovePotionNo1! Activities for our floating playgroud project.

• And connect wit European Maritime Day to launch the idea and initiative.

• Organisation Urgenda (sustainable development network) is interested to aim for kickoff at Dutch sustainability Day november 2011

-gemiddeld 450 afval items op 100 meter strand-laatste clean-up; 12.000 stuks afval op paar honderd meter-1.5 miljoen afval items over gehele Nederlandse kust-meerdere grote ‘vuilnisbelten’ op oceaan; plastic soups-kosten schoonmaak laatste 10 jaar met 37% omhoog; nu per grote strandgemeente bijna1 miljoen euro per jaar Bron; website MyBeach

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Waterfootprint software

This project was initiated because of the increasing consumption in the richer and morestressed part of the world. According to scientific investigations, the population of our planetwill be 9 billion in the year 2050. Without changing our consumptive habits, we will need twoworlds in order to survive. A liveable world is the most valuable asset of the human beings.

The project consists of a software programme whichi nforms not only about the nutrition values of what is consumed, but also shows the ecological journey and the price of the consumption in terms of waterfootprint, carbon footprint and energy.

The aim of thisproject is to create consciousness among a verylarge population in the consumption of a very basicneed: the food consumption. Going along with thisconsciousness, the further aim of the project is tominimize the ecological footprints.

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Giving back/pay it forward

Love potion No.1Donates 50% net profit (bottle sales) to environmental cases helping

towards protection $ sustainabel solutionsThe Other 50% is for Imagine This! foundation

Find best ACTING foundation

In Europe

Find best ACTING foundation

In Europe

Find best ACTING foundation

In Europe

1 and 5 % 1 and 5 % 1 and 5 % 1 and 5 %

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Additional development

• Translate and introduce Gunter Pauli’s Walking on Water programma for schools

• Introducing waterfootprint programme by Sevim Zor• Recycling locally + offer consumer goods like rainwater

containers for the community• Desiging tapwater offer with local organic aroma’s

Contact me at [email protected]