Louisiana Government Ch. 4 Oct. 15, 2009 Propaganda

Louisiana Government Ch. 4 Oct. 15, 2009 Propaganda

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Page 1: Louisiana Government Ch. 4 Oct. 15, 2009 Propaganda

Louisiana Government Ch. 4

Oct. 15, 2009


Page 2: Louisiana Government Ch. 4 Oct. 15, 2009 Propaganda

Propaganda FACT # 1

Propaganda: information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause The Quarter Pounder

16 oz = a pound

a quarter of a pound = 4 oz

4 oz before cooking = 2 oz after cooking

What you are buying is a

TWO Ounce burger!

This is Propaganda

Page 3: Louisiana Government Ch. 4 Oct. 15, 2009 Propaganda

The spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person

Which car is faster…red or white?

Propaganda FACT # 2

Page 4: Louisiana Government Ch. 4 Oct. 15, 2009 Propaganda

Ideas, facts, or allegations spread deliberately to further one's cause or to damage an opposing cause

Propaganda FACT # 3

Page 5: Louisiana Government Ch. 4 Oct. 15, 2009 Propaganda

Propaganda designers have been putting messages into television commercials, news programs, magazine ads, and other things we read and see for years. Their purpose is to persuade us to believe in something or to do something that we would not normally believe or do. These messages have been designed to benefit someone, and that someone may not be you!http://cdn.kaltura.com/p/387/sp/38700/content/entry/download/0/969/969670_100002.mov

Propaganda FACT # 4

Page 6: Louisiana Government Ch. 4 Oct. 15, 2009 Propaganda

It's not as easy as you might think to spot hidden messages. Propaganda designers don't put one message into a piece of propaganda - they put lots of messages into each piece! The more you know about propaganda techniques and how they work, the less likely it is that someone will sneak something by you!

Propaganda FACT # 5

Page 7: Louisiana Government Ch. 4 Oct. 15, 2009 Propaganda

Nothing says that you can't appreciate a good piece of propaganda, and still not agree with the messages hidden within it. But, you don't want to be conned into believing something that is not true, simply because you've been the target of an effective propaganda campaign. That's why it's important to understand what propaganda is and how it works. 

Propaganda FACT # 6

Page 8: Louisiana Government Ch. 4 Oct. 15, 2009 Propaganda

Is everything we see and hear propaganda? No, it is not. The word propaganda refers to any technique that attempts to influence the opinions, emotions, attitudes, or behavior of a group in order to benefit the sponsor. But the techniques of propaganda are used every day, in the military, in the media, in advertising, in politics, and in all sorts of human relationships.

Propaganda FACT # 7

Page 9: Louisiana Government Ch. 4 Oct. 15, 2009 Propaganda

• Originally, propaganda meant an arm of the Roman Catholic church responsible for 'de propaganda fidei,' propagation of the faith. It acquired negative connotations in the 20th century when totalitarian regimes (principally the Nazi Germany) used every means to distort facts and spread total falsehoods.

Propaganda FACT # 8