Unit Content Test Taking Practice 1 of 2 Unit #1 Three Worlds Meet 1 Which of the following was the source for a colonial New England covenant community? A The Mayflower Compact B The Magna Carta C The Bill of Rights D The Declaration of Independence 2 Conflict between American Indians (First Americans) and European settlers most often resulted from the different ways each culture viewed — A religious practices B political systems C land ownership D family relationships 3 Which date on this timeline represents the beginning of a permanent British presence in North America? A 1565 B 1587 C 1607 D 1620 4 Which colony was established as a business venture? A Connecticut B Massachusetts C Georgia D Virginia 5 The initial French exploration of North America resulted in — A economic colonies in Florida B competition with Spanish settlers C plantations using slave labor D cooperation with native groups 6 American Indian populations were most impacted by the introduction of European – A weapons B diseases C religion D culture 7 Which factor was significant to the cavaliers in the early colonization of eastern Virginia? A Debt forgiveness B free land C Political freedom D Religious tolerance 1

Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

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Page 1: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit Content Test Taking Practice1 of 2

Unit #1 Three Worlds Meet 1 Which of the following was the source for a colonial New England covenant community?A The Mayflower CompactB The Magna CartaC The Bill of RightsD The Declaration of Independence

2 Conflict between American Indians (First Americans) and European settlers most often resulted from the different ways each culture viewed —A religious practicesB political systemsC land ownershipD family relationships

3 Which date on this timeline represents the beginning of a permanent British presence in North America?A 1565B 1587C 1607D 1620

4 Which colony was established as a business venture?A ConnecticutB MassachusettsC GeorgiaD Virginia

5 The initial French exploration of North America resulted in —A economic colonies in FloridaB competition with Spanish settlersC plantations using slave laborD cooperation with native groups

6 American Indian populations were most impacted by the introduction of European – A weaponsB diseasesC religionD culture

7 Which factor was significant to the cavaliers in the early colonization of eastern Virginia?A Debt forgivenessB free landC Political freedomD Religious tolerance


Page 2: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #1 Three Worlds Meet Answers 1 Which of the following was the source for a colonial New England covenant community?A The Mayflower CompactB The Magna CartaC The Bill of RightsD The Declaration of Independence

2 Conflict between American Indians (First Americans) and European settlers most often resulted from the different ways each culture viewed —A religious practicesB political systemsC land ownershipD family relationships

3 Which date on this timeline represents the beginning of a permanent British presence in North America?A 1565B 1587C 1607D 1620

4 Which colony was established as a business venture?A ConnecticutB MassachusettsC GeorgiaD Virginia

5 The initial French exploration of North America resulted in —A economic colonies in FloridaB competition with Spanish settlersC plantations using slave laborD cooperation with native groups

6 American Indian populations were most impacted by the introduction of European – A weaponsB diseasesC religionD culture

7 Which factor was significant to the cavaliers in the early colonization of eastern Virginia?A Debt forgivenessB free landC Political freedomD Religious tolerance


Page 3: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

2 of 2 Unit #1 Three Worlds Meet

1 One result of the first Great Awakening was —A a renewed interest in religionB the revival of the Salem witch huntsC a move to limit religious freedomD the founding of free Bible colleges

2 Slavery was introduced to the British colonies to provide labor for —A plantationsB factoriesC shipbuildingD lumbering

3 The town meetings held by colonists in buildings such as this one were important because they demonstrated a form of —A religious tolerationB direct democracyC multicultural integrationD representative government

4 The different types of economies found in the original colonies were primarily a reflection of the —A nationalities of the settlersB geography of the areasC provisions of the chartersD religion of the settlers

5 How did the Great Awakening most influence the American Revolutionary movement?A It supported the practice of slave labor.B It established official state religions.C It challenged the established government order.D It discouraged trade with foreign countries.

6 The founders of Rhode Island had different views from the Massachusetts Puritans on –A enslaved workersB private propertyC indentured servantsD religious tolerance


Page 4: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

2 of 2 Unit #1 Three Worlds Meet Answers

1 One result of the first Great Awakening was —A a renewed interest in religionB the revival of the Salem witch huntsC a move to limit religious freedomD the founding of free Bible colleges

2 Slavery was introduced to the British colonies to provide labor for —A plantationsB factoriesC shipbuildingD lumbering

3 The town meetings held by colonists in buildings such as this one were important because they demonstrated a form of —A religious tolerationB direct democracyC multicultural integrationD representative government

4 The different types of economies found in the original colonies were primarily a reflection of the —A nationalities of the settlersB geography of the areasC provisions of the chartersD religion of the settlers

5 How did the Great Awakening most influence the American Revolutionary movement?A It supported the practice of slave labor.B It established official state religions.C It challenged the established government order.D It discouraged trade with foreign countries.

6 The founders of Rhode Island had different views from the Massachusetts Puritans on –A enslaved workersB private propertyC indentured servantsD religious tolerance


Page 5: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #2 American Revolution

1 Which of these completes the title for this diagram?A French and Indian WarB Second Continental CongressC Articles of ConfederationD Monroe Doctrine

2 George Washington was an effective military commander because he —A won more battles than he lost using well-trained troopsB preserved the army through his leadership skillsC negotiated alliances with the leaders of other nationsD prevented attacks against major population centers

3 Which nation followed this advice and allied with the colonies?A AustriaB FranceC RussiaD Spain

4 The Treaty of Alliance of 1778 was signed by the United States and —A SpainB PortugalC RussiaD France

5 This portion of the Declaration of Independence represents Thomas Jefferson’s —A proposal for governmental structureB support for establishing a monarchyC list of grievances against the kingD interpretation of national self-government

6 According to this statement, government is held accountable by the —A kingB churchC citizensD laws

7 Which factor contributed to colonial victory in the American Revolution?A Shortages of British troopsB Disloyalty of British generalsC Lack of British popular supportD Weakness of the British Navy

8 This statement was issued by the Continental Congress because the British government did not allow —A colonial businesses to support royal taxesB powers of the colonial legislatures to increaseC colonists to have representation in ParliamentD laws passed by Parliament to govern the colonies


Page 6: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

9 John Locke’s ideas contributed to the Declaration of Independence because he influenced the belief in —A capitalism and free enterpriseB self-government and natural rightsC a strong federal government and rule of lawD a monarchy and democracy

10 What failed to carry out the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence?A Bill of RightsB Dred Scott decisionC 14th AmendmentD Voting Rights Act of 1965

11 During the American Revolution this cartoon by Benjamin Franklin attempted to –A persuade colonists to support the loyalistsB recruit colonists for the Royal NavyC encourage colonists to resolve their differencesD convince colonists to maintain their state sovereignty

12 One major element of George Washington’s military strategy during the American Revolution was avoiding –A direct confrontationsB night attacksC important citiesD naval battles

13 Thomas Paine’s publication of Common Sense influenced many American colonists to support the –A formation of loyalist groupsB concept of capitalist economiesC idea of separation from EnglandD purchase of territory from France

14 The principles of the Declaration of Independence led to increased social participation over time by –A supporting low taxesB creating the two-party systemC promoting civil rightsD promoting a strong government

15 John Locke’s political theory was based on the idea that individuals –A obey their kingB free their slavesC need spiritual salvationD possess natural rights


Page 7: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #2 American Revolution Answers

1 Which of these completes the title for this diagram?A French and Indian WarB Second Continental CongressC Articles of ConfederationD Monroe Doctrine

2 George Washington was an effective military commander because he —A won more battles than he lost using well-trained troopsB preserved the army through his leadership skillsC negotiated alliances with the leaders of other nationsD prevented attacks against major population centers

3 Which nation followed this advice and allied with the colonies?A AustriaB FranceC RussiaD Spain

4 The Treaty of Alliance of 1778 was signed by the United States and —A SpainB PortugalC RussiaD France

5 This portion of the Declaration of Independence represents Thomas Jefferson’s —A proposal for governmental structureB support for establishing a monarchyC list of grievances against the kingD interpretation of national self-government

6 According to this statement, government is held accountable by the —A kingB churchC citizensD laws

7 Which factor contributed to colonial victory in the American Revolution?A Shortages of British troopsB Disloyalty of British generalsC Lack of British popular supportD Weakness of the British Navy

8 This statement was issued by the Continental Congress because the British government did not allow —A colonial businesses to support royal taxesB powers of the colonial legislatures to increaseC colonists to have representation in ParliamentD laws passed by Parliament to govern the colonies


Page 8: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

9 John Locke’s ideas contributed to the Declaration of Independence because he influenced the belief in —A capitalism and free enterpriseB self-government and natural rightsC a strong federal government and rule of lawD a monarchy and democracy

10 What failed to carry out the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence?A Bill of RightsB Dred Scott decisionC 14th AmendmentD Voting Rights Act of 1965

11 During the American Revolution this cartoon by Benjamin Franklin attempted to –A persuade colonists to support the loyalistsB recruit colonists for the Royal NavyC encourage colonists to resolve their differencesD convince colonists to maintain their state sovereignty

12 One major element of George Washington’s military strategy during the American Revolution was avoiding –A direct confrontationsB night attacksC important citiesD naval battles

13 Thomas Paine’s publication of Common Sense influenced many American colonists to support the –A formation of loyalist groupsB concept of capitalist economiesC idea of separation from EnglandD purchase of territory from France

14 The principles of the Declaration of Independence led to increased social participation over time by –A supporting low taxesB creating the two-party systemC promoting civil rightsD promoting a strong government

15 John Locke’s political theory was based on the idea that individuals –A obey their kingB free their slavesC need spiritual salvationD possess natural rights


Page 9: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #3 New Nation 1 During the debate over the ratification of the Constitution of the United States, Federalists and Anti-Federalists disagreed most often over —A provisions for admitting new states to the unionB distribution of power between the President and the Supreme CourtC use of an Electoral College system to choose the PresidentD division of powers between the national government and the states

2 George Mason most influenced the Constitution of the United States by supporting the —A addition of the Bill of RightsB Three-Fifths CompromiseC provision for the District of ColumbiaD Supremacy Clause

3 Which of these best completes the title to this diagram?A Problems with Great Britain That Led to the War of 1812B Reasons for Tension between the States Prior to the Civil WarC Factors That Led to the American Declaration of IndependenceD Weaknesses of the Government under the Articles of Confederation

4 Which principle is shared by the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of the United States?A Judicial reviewB Limited governmentC Separation of powersD Checks and balances

5 Which governmental principle is illustrated by this diagram?A FederalismB ConstitutionalityC Due process of lawD Separation of powers

6 The ideas expressed in the excerpt were later included in the —A First Amendment to the ConstitutionB Emancipation ProclamationC Gettysburg AddressD Brown v. Board of Education decision

7 Which document directly influenced the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States?A Mayflower CompactB Virginia Declaration of RightsC Articles of ConfederationD Emancipation Proclamation

8 Which issue led to the development of the first political parties in the United States?A Abolition of slaveryB Women’s suffrageC Expansion of western territoriesD National government’s powers


Page 10: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

9 these powers are a result of –A suggested amendments to the Articles of ConfederationB a system of constitutional checks and balancesC foreign influences on the colonies and territoriesD an idea taken from the Articles of Confederation

10 Which amendment to the Constitution of the United States was directly influenced by the Virginia Statute for Religious FreedomA 1st

B 2nd

C 5th

D 8th

11 Which leaders opposed the ratification of the Constitution of 1787?A 1 and 2B 3 and 4C 1 and 3D 2 and 4

12 A person making such a statement would most likely favor the –A Treaty of ParisB Articles of ConfederationC Declaration of IndependenceD Constitution of the United States

13 John Marshall was instrumental in strengthening the –A State DepartmentB Federal ReserveC Electoral CollegeD Supreme Court


Page 11: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #3 New Nation Answers 1 During the debate over the ratification of the Constitution of the United States, Federalists and Anti-Federalists disagreed most often over —A provisions for admitting new states to the unionB distribution of power between the President and the Supreme CourtC use of an Electoral College system to choose the PresidentD division of powers between the national government and the states

2 George Mason most influenced the Constitution of the United States by supporting the —A addition of the Bill of RightsB Three-Fifths CompromiseC provision for the District of ColumbiaD Supremacy Clause

3 Which of these best completes the title to this diagram?A Problems with Great Britain That Led to the War of 1812B Reasons for Tension between the States Prior to the Civil WarC Factors That Led to the American Declaration of IndependenceD Weaknesses of the Government under the Articles of Confederation

4 Which principle is shared by the Articles of Confederation and the Constitution of the United States?A Judicial reviewB Limited governmentC Separation of powersD Checks and balances

5 Which governmental principle is illustrated by this diagram?A FederalismB ConstitutionalityC Due process of lawD Separation of powers

6 The ideas expressed in the excerpt were later included in the —A First Amendment to the ConstitutionB Emancipation ProclamationC Gettysburg AddressD Brown v. Board of Education decision

7 Which document directly influenced the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States?A Mayflower CompactB Virginia Declaration of RightsC Articles of ConfederationD Emancipation Proclamation

8 Which issue led to the development of the first political parties in the United States?A Abolition of slaveryB Women’s suffrageC Expansion of western territoriesD National government’s powers


Page 12: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

9 these powers are a result of –A suggested amendments to the Articles of ConfederationB a system of constitutional checks and balancesC foreign influences on the colonies and territoriesD an idea taken from the Articles of Confederation

10 Which amendment to the Constitution of the United States was directly influenced by the Virginia Statute for Religious FreedomA 1st

B 2nd

C 5th

D 8th

11 Which leaders opposed the ratification of the Constitution of 1787?A 1 and 2B 3 and 4C 1 and 3D 2 and 4

12 A person making such a statement would most likely favor the –A Treaty of ParisB Articles of ConfederationC Declaration of IndependenceD Constitution of the United States

13 John Marshall was instrumental in strengthening the –A State DepartmentB Federal ReserveC Electoral CollegeD Supreme Court


Page 13: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #4 Expansion

1 According to the passage, what kind of government did President Andrew Jackson support?A AristocracyB DemocracyC OligarchyD Anarchy

2 The events in this flow chart illustrate which of the following?A Decreasing voter turnoutB The rise of the common man in American politicsC The decline of American political partiesD Political corruption in elections

3 In the mid-1800s, which group supported high tariffs to raise the price of imported manufactured goods?A Western gold miners and cattle ranchersB Southern plantation ownersC Northern factory owners and workersD Great Plains wheat farmers

4 Missouri’s admission to the Union started the debate over —A the right of deposit at New OrleansB funding for internal improvementsC the balance between slave and free statesD the relocation of American Indians (First Americans)

5 Which of these states was admitted to the Union before the Civil War?A 1B 2C 3D 4

6 Critics of Andrew Jackson’s stand on the Second Bank of the United States accused him of abusing executive powers by —A ignoring the contributions of political supportersB using the military against the Cherokee NationC using the presidential veto to overrule CongressD opposing federal funding of internal improvements

7 Uprisings led by Nat Turner and Gabriel Prosser contributed to the Southern states’ decisions to —A pass harsh fugitive slave lawsB accept the Missouri CompromiseC enact Jim Crow legislationD support the passing of higher tariffs


Page 14: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

8 Which group helped Andrew Jackson become President of the United States the first time they could participate in an election?A People allowed to vote without paying a poll taxB Newly freed slaves from West AfricaC People allowed to vote without owning propertyD Naturalized immigrants from Eastern Europe

9 The land area located between 80°W and 90°W and 25°N and 30°N represents the acquisition of —A land won through the French and Indian WarB territories according to the Northwest OrdinanceC land as a result of the Revolutionary WarD Florida through a treaty with Spain

10 Which event best completes this sequence?A Confederate attack on Fort SumterB Independence gained from MexicoC Purchase of the Louisiana TerritoryD Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad

11 Which of these was a result of President Andrew Jackson’s bank veto?A Panic of 1837B Annexation of TexasC Compromise of 1850D Election of Abraham Lincoln

12 Which Supreme Court decision includes this quotation?A Marbury v. MadisonB Cohens v. VirginiaC Gibbons v. OgdenD McCulloch v. Maryland

13 Which early United States political party believed in these positions?A FederalistsB WhigsC Know-NothingsD Democratic-Republicans

14 One of the fundamental beliefs of Jacksonian Democracy was that –A political parties should have popular leadersB ordinary citizens should participate in politicsC religious leaders should hold elected officesD federal jobs ahold go to qualified individuals

15 Before the Civil War, slavery was prohibited in certain areas by the –A Monroe DoctrineB Dred Scott decisionC Kansas-Nebraska ActD Missouri Compromise

16 What failed to carry out the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence?A Bill of RightsB Dred Scott decisionC 14th AmendmentD Voting Rights Act of 1965


Page 15: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #4 Expansion

1 According to the passage, what kind of government did President Andrew Jackson support?A AristocracyB DemocracyC OligarchyD Anarchy

2 The events in this flow chart illustrate which of the following?A Decreasing voter turnoutB The rise of the common man in American politicsC The decline of American political partiesD Political corruption in elections

3 In the mid-1800s, which group supported high tariffs to raise the price of imported manufactured goods?A Western gold miners and cattle ranchersB Southern plantation ownersC Northern factory owners and workersD Great Plains wheat farmers

4 Missouri’s admission to the Union started the debate over —A the right of deposit at New OrleansB funding for internal improvementsC the balance between slave and free statesD the relocation of American Indians (First Americans)

5 Which of these states was admitted to the Union before the Civil War?A 1B 2C 3D 4

6 Critics of Andrew Jackson’s stand on the Second Bank of the United States accused him of abusing executive powers by —A ignoring the contributions of political supportersB using the military against the Cherokee NationC using the presidential veto to overrule CongressD opposing federal funding of internal improvements

7 Uprisings led by Nat Turner and Gabriel Prosser contributed to the Southern states’ decisions to —A pass harsh fugitive slave lawsB accept the Missouri CompromiseC enact Jim Crow legislationD support the passing of higher tariff


Page 16: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

8 Which group helped Andrew Jackson become President of the United States the first time they could participate in an election?A People allowed to vote without paying a poll taxB Newly freed slaves from West AfricaC People allowed to vote without owning propertyD Naturalized immigrants from Eastern Europe

9 The land area located between 80°W and 90°W and 25°N and 30°N represents the acquisition of —A land won through the French and Indian WarB territories according to the Northwest OrdinanceC land as a result of the Revolutionary WarD Florida through a treaty with Spain

10 Which event best completes this sequence?A Confederate attack on Fort SumterB Independence gained from MexicoC Purchase of the Louisiana TerritoryD Completion of the Transcontinental Railroad

11 Which of these was a result of President Andrew Jackson’s bank veto?A Panic of 1837B Annexation of TexasC Compromise of 1850D Election of Abraham Lincoln

12 Which Supreme Court decision includes this quotation?A Marbury v. MadisonB Cohens v. VirginiaC Gibbons v. OgdenD McCulloch v. Maryland

13 Which early United States political party believed in these positions?A FederalistsB WhigsC Know-NothingsD Democratic-Republicans

14 One of the fundamental beliefs of Jacksonian Democracy was that –A political parties should have popular leadersB ordinary citizens should participate in politicsC religious leaders should hold elected officesD federal jobs ahold go to qualified individuals

15 Before the Civil War, slavery was prohibited in certain areas by the –A Monroe DoctrineB Dred Scott decisionC Kansas-Nebraska ActD Missouri Compromise

16 What failed to carry out the ideals expressed in the Declaration of Independence?A Bill of RightsB Dred Scott decisionC 14th AmendmentD Voting Rights Act of 1965


Page 17: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #5 North vs. South

1 This statement was issued by —A Robert E. LeeB Andrew JohnsonC Ulysses S. GrantD Abraham Lincoln

2 The battle of Fort Sumter was a significant event in Civil War history because it was the first –A Confederate defeat during the Civil WarB conflict that included African-American soldiersC time British soldiers fought alongside Union SoldiersD military confrontation of the Civil War

3 This quote comes from what period in United States history?A Civil WarB Revolutionary WarC Nationalist EraD Reconstruction Era

4 During the Civil War, which major event occurred at Appomattox Court House?A The South divided into two sections.B The Union declared war on the South.C The Army of Northern Virginia surrendered.D The North gained control of the Mississippi River.

5 President Lincoln was speaking to –A Elizabeth Cady StantonB Sojourner TruthC Harriet Tubman

D Harriet Beecher Stowe

6 Which of the following completes the list?A Impeachment of Andrew JohnsonB Emancipation ProclamationC End of Jim Crow eraD Conclusion of Reconstruction

7 In the Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln rejected the idea that the country was —A a federation of sovereign statesB a society based on equalityC committed to unity at any costD founded on democratic ideals

8 Which effect of the Civil War on the South is illustrated by this photograph?A Industrial pollutionB Economic devastationC Political corruptionD Agricultural destruction

9 Which man was a United States Senator who became the leader of the Confederacy?A Robert E. LeeB Jefferson DavisC Nat TurnerD Stonewall Jackson


Page 18: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

10 In which order did the events in these headlines occur?A 2, 1, 3, 4B 3, 2, 4, 1C 3, 4, 2, 1D 4, 2, 3, 1

11 The Battle of Gettysburg was a significant event of the Civil War because it —A caused states to secede from the UnionB was the opening conflict of the warC forced the surrender of the SouthD was the turning point of the war

12 This statement expressed President Lincoln’s plans for —A creating a strategy for a Union victoryB eliminating Jim Crow lawsC convincing Congress to abolish slaveryD readmitting the Confederate states

13 One major economic impact of the Civil War was the —A emergence of the South as a manufacturing centerB increase in the number of laborers relocating to the SouthC strengthening of the North and Midwest industrial regions

D increase in tariffs imposed on French and British goods

14 Which role did this person play in the nation’s history?A Leader in the Texas RevolutionB Justice on the Supreme CourtC general in the Mexican-American WarD President of the Confederate States of America

15 Which leader is described in this diagram?A Ulysses S. GrantB Abraham LincolnC Robert E. LeeD Jefferson Davis

17 The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln belongs in which section of this timeline?A 1B 2C 3D 4


Page 19: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #5 North vs. South Answers

1 This statement was issued by —A Robert E. LeeB Andrew JohnsonC Ulysses S. GrantD Abraham Lincoln

2 The battle of Fort Sumter was a significant event in Civil War history because it was the first –A Confederate defeat during the Civil WarB conflict that included African-American soldiersC time British soldiers fought alongside Union SoldiersD military confrontation of the Civil War

3 This quote comes from what period in United States history?A Civil WarB Revolutionary WarC Nationalist EraD Reconstruction Era

4 During the Civil War, which major event occurred at Appomattox Court House?A The South divided into two sections.B The Union declared war on the South.C The Army of Northern Virginia surrendered.D The North gained control of the Mississippi River.

5 President Lincoln was speaking to –A Elizabeth Cady StantonB Sojourner TruthC Harriet Tubman

D Harriet Beecher Stowe

6 Which of the following completes the list?A Impeachment of Andrew JohnsonB Emancipation ProclamationC End of Jim Crow eraD Conclusion of Reconstruction

7 In the Gettysburg Address, President Abraham Lincoln rejected the idea that the country was —A a federation of sovereign statesB a society based on equalityC committed to unity at any costD founded on democratic ideals

8 Which effect of the Civil War on the South is illustrated by this photograph?A Industrial pollutionB Economic devastationC Political corruptionD Agricultural destruction

9 Which man was a United States Senator who became the leader of the Confederacy?A Robert E. LeeB Jefferson DavisC Nat TurnerD Stonewall Jackson


Page 20: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

10 In which order did the events in these headlines occur?A 2, 1, 3, 4B 3, 2, 4, 1C 3, 4, 2, 1D 4, 2, 3, 1

11 The Battle of Gettysburg was a significant event of the Civil War because it —A caused states to secede from the UnionB was the opening conflict of the warC forced the surrender of the SouthD was the turning point of the war

12 This statement expressed President Lincoln’s plans for —A creating a strategy for a Union victoryB eliminating Jim Crow lawsC convincing Congress to abolish slaveryD readmitting the Confederate states

13 One major economic impact of the Civil War was the —A emergence of the South as a manufacturing centerB increase in the number of laborers relocating to the SouthC strengthening of the North and Midwest industrial regionsD increase in tariffs imposed on French and British goods

14 Which role did this person play in the nation’s history?A Leader in the Texas RevolutionB Justice on the Supreme CourtC general in the Mexican-American WarD President of the Confederate States of America

15 Which leader is described in this diagram?A Ulysses S. GrantB Abraham LincolnC Robert E. LeeD Jefferson Davis

17 The assassination of President Abraham Lincoln belongs in which section of this timeline?A 1B 2C 3D 4


Page 21: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #6 Industrial Rev., Immigration, Urbanization and Progressives

1 Following the Civil War, which event was most responsible for speeding westward movement?A Immigration from southern EuropeB Completion of the Transcontinental RailroadC Emancipation of slaves in the SouthD Elimination of federal military forces

2 In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that —A Congress did not have the authority to levy an income taxB labor strikes which caused hardships for Americans were unconstitutionalC separate but equal facilities for African Americans were legalD American Indians (First Americans) must reside on reservations

3 Which statement best represents what the cartoon is trying to state?A Immigration from southern and eastern Europe was encouraged.B Legislation was passed to reduce the number of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe.C Force was used to keep immigrants from entering the United States.

D Southern and eastern Europeans were the only ones interested in coming to the United States.

4 Which of these contributed most to the changes shown in the table?A Growth of suburbsB Settlement of the frontierC End of slavery in the SouthD Industrialization in the North

5 Investigative journalists of the early 20th century who exposed social and political corruption were known as —A progressivesB muckrakersC reformersD exploiters

6 Which of the following best completes the chart?A Frederick DouglassB Elizabeth Cady StantonC Henry BessemerD Eugene Debs

7 Why did American industrialists in the late 19th century generally support expansion into overseas colonies?A They believed that these regions would benefit from democratic government.B These areas would provide new sources of raw materials and customers.C Antitrust laws did not apply to American territories overseas.D American colonies would increase tariff revenues.


Page 22: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

8 All of the following contributed to the trend shown in the graph EXCEPT —A increasing industrializationB poor worker-management relationsC discontent with working conditionsD a decline in the population

9 The Great Migration of the early 20th century refers to the movement of —A European immigrants to western citiesB European immigrants to northeastern citiesC African Americans from the South to northern citiesD African Americans from the Midwest to eastern cities

10 Which individual helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)?A James MeredithB W.E.B. DuBoisC Thurgood MarshallD Booker T. Washington

11 During the Industrial Revolution, new technology affected the economy of the United States by —A increasing worker productivityB limiting profitsC decreasing urban populationD generating tax revenues

12 Which civil rights leader believed African Americans could earn equality by learning vocational skills?A Oliver HillB W.E.B. DuBoisC Booker T. WashingtonD Martin Luther King, Jr.

13 Which economic factor completes this diagram?A Laissez-faire PoliciesB High Interest RatesC Low Consumer DemandsD Strict Price Controls

14 This event was a result of the passage of the —A Interstate Commerce ActB 17th AmendmentC Sherman Antitrust ActD 19th Amendment


Page 23: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

15 The family shown in this picture is most likely on the way to —A find factory work in the NortheastB claim a homestead in the WestC work as indentured servants in VirginiaD prospect for gold in California

16 This photograph demonstrates conditions exposed by a –A suffragistB muckrakerC union representativeD factory owner

17 Which aspect of American life was most challenged by the passage of the 19th Amendment?A Organized religionB Role of womenC Economic policy

D Opposition to segregation

18 During the 19th century, Chinese immigrants played a major role in the –A building of the Transcontinental RailroadB development of the public school systemC establishment of the abolition movementD formation of the Tammany Society

19 This description concerns the –A transportation of cattle to markets in the MidwestB immigration of workers to build the Transcontinental RailroadC movement of cattle to feed the troops during the Civil WarD relocation of settlers to new territory in the Midwest

20 This emblem symbolizes the struggles of women to –A join the militaryB earn respect as mothersC gain rights as workersD earn the right to vote


Page 24: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #6 Industrial Rev., Immigration, Urbanization and Progressives

1 Following the Civil War, which event was most responsible for speeding westward movement?A Immigration from southern EuropeB Completion of the Transcontinental RailroadC Emancipation of slaves in the SouthD Elimination of federal military forces

2 In 1896, the Supreme Court ruled in Plessy v. Ferguson that —A Congress did not have the authority to levy an income taxB labor strikes which caused hardships for Americans were unconstitutionalC separate but equal facilities for African Americans were legalD American Indians (First Americans) must reside on reservations

3 Which statement best represents what the cartoon is trying to state?A Immigration from southern and eastern Europe was encouraged.B Legislation was passed to reduce the number of immigrants from eastern and southern Europe.C Force was used to keep immigrants from entering the United States.D Southern and eastern Europeans were the only ones interested in coming to the United States.

4 Which of these contributed most to the changes shown in the table?A Growth of suburbsB Settlement of the frontierC End of slavery in the SouthD Industrialization in the North

5 Investigative journalists of the early 20th century who exposed social and political corruption were known as —A progressivesB muckrakersC reformersD exploiters

6 Which of the following best completes the chart?A Frederick DouglassB Elizabeth Cady StantonC Henry BessemerD Eugene Debs

7 Why did American industrialists in the late 19th century generally support expansion into overseas colonies?A They believed that these regions would benefit from democratic government.B These areas would provide new sources of raw materials and customers.C Antitrust laws did not apply to American territories overseas.D American colonies would increase tariff revenues.


Page 25: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

8 All of the following contributed to the trend shown in the graph EXCEPT —A increasing industrializationB poor worker-management relationsC discontent with working conditionsD a decline in the population

9 The Great Migration of the early 20th century refers to the movement of —A European immigrants to western citiesB European immigrants to northeastern citiesC African Americans from the South to northern citiesD African Americans from the Midwest to eastern cities

10 Which individual helped found the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)?A James MeredithB W.E.B. DuBoisC Thurgood MarshallD Booker T. Washington

11 During the Industrial Revolution, new technology affected the economy of the United States by —A increasing worker productivityB limiting profitsC decreasing urban populationD generating tax revenues

12 Which civil rights leader believed African Americans could earn equality by learning vocational skills?A Oliver HillB W.E.B. DuBoisC Booker T. WashingtonD Martin Luther King, Jr.

13 Which economic factor completes this diagram?A Laissez-faire PoliciesB High Interest RatesC Low Consumer DemandsD Strict Price Controls

14 This event was a result of the passage of the —A Interstate Commerce ActB 17th AmendmentC Sherman Antitrust ActD 19th Amendment


Page 26: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

15 The family shown in this picture is most likely on the way to —A find factory work in the NortheastB claim a homestead in the WestC work as indentured servants in VirginiaD prospect for gold in California

16 This photograph demonstrates conditions exposed by a –A suffragistB muckrakerC union representativeD factory owner

17 Which aspect of American life was most challenged by the passage of the 19th Amendment?A Organized religionB Role of womenC Economic policyD Opposition to segregation

18 During the 19th century, Chinese immigrants played a major role in the –A building of the Transcontinental RailroadB development of the public school systemC establishment of the abolition movementD formation of the Tammany Society

19 This description concerns the –A transportation of cattle to markets in the MidwestB immigration of workers to build the Transcontinental RailroadC movement of cattle to feed the troops during the Civil WarD relocation of settlers to new territory in the Midwest

20 This emblem symbolizes the struggles of women to –A join the militaryB earn respect as mothersC gain rights as workersD earn the right to vote


Page 27: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #7 Imperialism and World War I 1 Which of the following best describes President Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy at the beginning of World War I?A ImperialisticB MilitaristicC NeutralD Socialist

2 The United States failed to join the League of Nations because —A the President vetoed the treatyB membership was restricted to European countriesC the Senate rejected the treatyD membership was limited by European leaders

3 President William Howard Taft developed the Dollar Diplomacy policy to support —A United States citizens traveling to EuropeB equal trading rights in JapanC United States businesses investing in Latin AmericaD trade with the Philippines

4 By the late 1890s, many American business leaders believed their best chance for future growth depended on —A tighter governmental regulationB the increasing growth of labor unionsC laws abolishing the use of child labor

D the establishment of foreign markets

5 This headline affected the United States by eventually leading to –A involvement in the Spanish-American WarB construction of the Panama CanalC entry into World War ID neutrality during the 1930s

6 Which action kept the United States from joining the League if Nations?A Massive public protestsB Veto by the PresidentC Opposition in the SenateD Revision of treaties

7 The Open Door Policy was important to the United States merchants because its goal was to –A ensure freedom of trade with ChinaB control the economy of Latin AmericaC grant exclusive trading rights with HawaiiD limit commercial activity in Europe


Page 28: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #7 Imperialism and World War I Answers1 Which of the following best describes President Woodrow Wilson’s foreign policy at the beginning of World War I?A ImperialisticB MilitaristicC NeutralD Socialist

2 The United States failed to join the League of Nations because —A the President vetoed the treatyB membership was restricted to European countriesC the Senate rejected the treatyD membership was limited by European leaders

3 President William Howard Taft developed the Dollar Diplomacy policy to support —A United States citizens traveling to EuropeB equal trading rights in JapanC United States businesses investing in Latin AmericaD trade with the Philippines

4 By the late 1890s, many American business leaders believed their best chance for future growth depended on —A tighter governmental regulationB the increasing growth of labor unionsC laws abolishing the use of child labor

D the establishment of foreign markets

5 This headline affected the United States by eventually leading to –A involvement in the Spanish-American WarB construction of the Panama CanalC entry into World War ID neutrality during the 1930s

6 Which action kept the United States from joining the League if Nations?A Massive public protestsB Veto by the PresidentC Opposition in the SenateD Revision of treaties

7 The Open Door Policy was important to the United States merchants because its goal was to –A ensure freedom of trade with ChinaB control the economy of Latin AmericaC grant exclusive trading rights with HawaiiD limit commercial activity in Europe

Unit #8 1920’s and 1930’s 28

Page 29: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

1 One of the main issues that the New Deal addressed was —A air pollutionB urban crimeC trade deficitsD unemployment rate

2 All of the following were effects of the Great Depression of the 1930s EXCEPT —A bankruptciesB growth in agricultureC bank closingsD high unemployment

3 What is the correct order for these events?A 1, 3, 4, 2B 2, 4, 3, 1C 3, 2, 1, 4D 4, 1, 2, 3

4 Which New Deal program attempted to protect Americans from the instability of banks during the Great Depression?A Works Progress AdministrationB Tennessee Valley AuthorityC Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationD Agricultural Adjustment Administration

5 Which type of music was popularized in the 1920s?A JazzB ReggaeC BluegrassD Folk

6 What was one result of the Federal Reserve’s failure to prevent the collapse of the banking system prior to the Great Depression?A The money supply contractedB Interest rates decreasedC The stock market recoveredD Protective tariffs were repealed

7 Which phrase best completes this diagram?A Foreign tariffs increasedB Demand for goods declinedC Over-speculation of investmentsD Failure of banks

Unit #8 1920’s and 1930’s Answers


Page 30: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

1 One of the main issues that the New Deal addressed was —A air pollutionB urban crimeC trade deficitsD unemployment rate

2 All of the following were effects of the Great Depression of the 1930s EXCEPT —A bankruptciesB growth in agricultureC bank closingsD high unemployment

3 What is the correct order for these events?A 1, 3, 4, 2B 2, 4, 3, 1C 3, 2, 1, 4D 4, 1, 2, 3

4 Which New Deal program attempted to protect Americans from the instability of banks during the Great Depression?A Works Progress AdministrationB Tennessee Valley AuthorityC Federal Deposit Insurance CorporationD Agricultural Adjustment Administration

5 Which type of music was popularized in the 1920s?A JazzB ReggaeC BluegrassD Folk

6 What was one result of the Federal Reserve’s failure to prevent the collapse of the banking system prior to the Great Depression?A The money supply contractedB Interest rates decreasedC The stock market recoveredD Protective tariffs were repealed

7 Which phrase best completes this diagram?A Foreign tariffs increasedB Demand for goods declinedC Over speculation of investmentsD Failure of banks

1 of 2 Unit #9 World War II


Page 31: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

1 Prior to entering World War II, the United States’ reaction to aggression in Asia was to —A impose an embargo on oil and steel shipments to JapanB end all American aid to China through lend-leaseC supply military troops and equipment to KoreaD direct members of the League of Nations to take action

2 After the start of World War II, the Lend-Lease Act allowed the United States to –A acquire new weaponsB assist the Allied powersC occupy Axis territoryD reinstate the military draft

3 The Geneva Convention established rules governing —A trade between nationsB monetary exchange ratesC treatment of prisoners of warD production of atomic weapons

4 Which of these statements about the Nuremberg Trials is most accurate?A The trials focused on high-ranking Japanese officials.B The trials were not covered by the media in the United States.C The trials held German officers responsible for war crimes.D The trials denied financial compensation to Jewish victims.

5 During World War II, which action was an example of this code of behavior?A Japanese civilians welcoming Allied troopsB Japanese captors treating American POWs humanelyC Japanese emperor accepting the terms of unconditional surrenderD Japanese troops committing suicide rather than surrendering

6 The Lend-Lease Act was passed by the United States Congress in response to increased —A concern about German aggression in EuropeB anger over the Japanese invasion of ChinaC concern about Italian demands in North AfricaD fear over the German pact with the Soviet Union

7 During World War II, the role of the Selective Service System in the United States was to —A draft military personnelB ration manufactured goodsC increase industrial productivityD replace factory workers

8 Which country completes this table?A JapanB PolandC FranceD China

9 This wreckage is from a large-scale invasion to –A force the surrender of JapanB liberate EuropeC seek the support of RussiaD free Germany

10 The Battle of Stalingrad was significant because Germany was –A cut off from Italian reinforcementsB denied access to valuable oil resourcesC forced to surrender its western armiesD invaded by Allied troops

1 of 2 Unit #9 World War II Answers


Page 32: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

1 Prior to entering World War II, the United States’ reaction to aggression in Asia was to —A impose an embargo on oil and steel shipments to JapanB end all American aid to China through lend-leaseC supply military troops and equipment to KoreaD direct members of the League of Nations to take action

2 After the start of World War II, the Lend-Lease Act allowed the United States to –A acquire new weaponsB assist the Allied powersC occupy Axis territoryD reinstate the military draft

3 The Geneva Convention established rules governing —A trade between nationsB monetary exchange ratesC treatment of prisoners of warD production of atomic weapons

4 Which of these statements about the Nuremberg Trials is most accurate?A The trials focused on high-ranking Japanese officials.B The trials were not covered by the media in the United States.C The trials held German officers responsible for war crimes.D The trials denied financial compensation to Jewish victims.

5 During World War II, which action was an example of this code of behavior?A Japanese civilians welcoming Allied troopsB Japanese captors treating American POWs humanelyC Japanese emperor accepting the terms of unconditional surrenderD Japanese troops committing suicide rather than surrendering

6 The Lend-Lease Act was passed by the United States Congress in response to increased —A concern about German aggression in EuropeB anger over the Japanese invasion of ChinaC concern about Italian demands in North AfricaD fear over the German pact with the Soviet Union

7 During World War II, the role of the Selective Service System in the United States was to —A draft military personnelB ration manufactured goodsC increase industrial productivityD replace factory workers

8 Which country completes this table?A JapanB PolandC FranceD China

9 This wreckage is from a large-scale invasion to –A force the surrender of JapanB liberate EuropeC seek the support of RussiaD free Germany

10 The Battle of Stalingrad was significant because Germany was –A cut off from Italian reinforcementsB denied access to valuable oil resourcesC forced to surrender its western armiesD invaded by Allied troops

2 of 2 Unit #9 World War II 32

Page 33: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

1 This poster was intended to persuade African Americans to —A protest the segregation of military unitsB protest the low wages paid in the war industryC encourage integration of industrial hiring practicesD contribute labor to support the war effort

2 Based on this quotation, African-American soldiers during World War II —A lacked the proper trainingB refused to join units headed to overseas dutyC wanted to serve in battleD protested the integration of military units

3 What was the primary cause of the African-American migration to cities in the early 1940s?A Crop failures from droughtB Passage of the Civil Rights ActC Desegregation of the SouthD Job opportunities in war plants

4 Which effect did United States participation in World War II have on the home front?A An increase in volunteers for the war effortB The end of racial segregation in the SouthC A decline in farm income due to war rationing

D The growth of isolationism in the Midwest

5 General Clayton Vogel’s statement refers to the military use of —A Nisei regimentsB German equipmentC the Navajo languageD the Tuskegee Airmen

6 During World War II, these measures served to –A maintain supplies for the war effortB rebuild a war-damaged economyC establish international relief fundsD protect personal savings

7 The United States government dealt with the press during World War II by —A banning the use of film coverage about the warB requiring basic training for correspondents during the warC limiting the ability of the media to report about the warD encouraging journalists to spy on civilians during the war

8 The United States interned many Japanese Americans during World War II because of —A their refusal to be deportedB a fear they would aid the enemyC a concern over violent protest from themD their refusal to be drafted into the military9 The members of the World War II Nisei regiment were primarily —A Mexican AmericansB Japanese AmericansC German AmericansD Italian Americans


Page 34: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

10 During World War II, the purpose of posters such as this was to —A motivate American women to enter the work force in defense factoriesB encourage civilians to become members of the armed forcesC show how Americans on the home front could contribute to the war effortD pressure industries to dedicate their resources to war manufacturing

11 Which factor best completes this diagram?A Mass migrationB Labor shortagesC Resource rationingD High birthrates

12 This Supreme Court decision was used to —A end immigration from GermanyB uphold African-American segregationC limit trade with communist ChinaD justify Japanese-American internment


Page 35: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

2 of 2 Unit #9 World War II Answers

1 This poster was intended to persuade African Americans to —A protest the segregation of military unitsB protest the low wages paid in the war industryC encourage integration of industrial hiring practicesD contribute labor to support the war effort

2 Based on this quotation, African-American soldiers during World War II —A lacked the proper trainingB refused to join units headed to overseas dutyC wanted to serve in battleD protested the integration of military units

3 What was the primary cause of the African-American migration to cities in the early 1940s?A Crop failures from droughtB Passage of the Civil Rights ActC Desegregation of the SouthD Job opportunities in war plants

4 Which effect did United States participation in World War II have on the home front?A An increase in volunteers for the war effort

B The end of racial segregation in the SouthC A decline in farm income due to war rationingD The growth of isolationism in the Midwest

5 General Clayton Vogel’s statement refers to the military use of —A Nisei regimentsB German equipmentC the Navajo languageD the Tuskegee Airmen

6 During World War II, these measures served to –A maintain supplies for the war effortB rebuild a war-damaged economyC establish international relief fundsD protect personal savings

7 The United States government dealt with the press during World War II by —A banning the use of film coverage about the warB requiring basic training for correspondents during the warC limiting the ability of the media to report about the warD encouraging journalists to spy on civilians during the war

8 The United States interned many Japanese Americans during World War II because of —A their refusal to be deportedB a fear they would aid the enemyC a concern over violent protest from themD their refusal to be drafted into the military9 The members of the World War II Nisei regiment were primarily —A Mexican AmericansB Japanese AmericansC German Americans


Page 36: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

D Italian Americans

10 During World War II, the purpose of posters such as this was to —A motivate American women to enter the work force in defense factoriesB encourage civilians to become members of the armed forcesC show how Americans on the home front could contribute to the war effort

D pressure industries to dedicate their resources to war manufacturing

11 Which factor best completes this diagram?A Mass migrationB Labor shortagesC Resource rationingD High birthrates

12 This Supreme Court decision was used to —A end immigration from GermanyB uphold African-American segregationC limit trade with communist ChinaD justify Japanese-American internment

Unit #10 Cold War 1 The United Nations was created with the hope of establishing —

A industrial developmentB global peace


Page 37: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

C political reformationD economic equality

2 Which of the following would be the best title for this map?A Europe before World War IB Europe during the Great DepressionC Europe after World War IID Europe after the Cold War

3 The phrase “triumph of democracy over communism” best describes which of the following?A World War IB World War IIC Cold WarD Persian Gulf War

4 Which President was in office during the Cold War?A Woodrow WilsonB Franklin D. RooseveltC John F. KennedyD William Clinton

5 This quotation is from the inaugural address of President —A John Kennedy

B Richard NixonC Ronald ReaganD Lyndon Johnson

6 The Bay of Pigs invasion was an attempt to —A station Soviet missiles in CubaB rescue American citizens in CubaC place mines in Cuban portsD overthrow the communist government in Cuba

7 This scene depicts opposition to United States involvement in —A KoreaB GermanyC CubaD Vietnam

8 Which of the following resulted from President John F. Kennedy’s efforts to make the United States the leader in space exploration?A The United States launched the first rocket into space.B The first man to travel in space was an American.C The United States launched the first successful satellite.D The first man to walk on the moon was an American.

9 This document describes the United States’ response to the —A Cold War tension in EuropeB Japanese invasion of China


Page 38: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

C creation of the state of IsraelD creation of the Manhattan Project

10 Which president is most closely associated with the policy of massive retaliation?A Dwight D. EisenhowerB John F. KennedyC Lyndon JohnsonD Richard Nixon

11 This headline describes the result of the increased fear of —A communist infiltrationB political corruptionC organized crimeD nuclear energy

12 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created primarily to —A protect Western Europe from communismB encourage communist factions in ChinaC install democratic governments in AfricaD protect South America from invasion

13 Veterans of which war often faced public hostility when they returned from duty?A World War IB World War IIC Korean WarD Vietnam War

14 Which phrase best completes this diagram?A Rise of Fascism

B Communist ControlC Rapid RearmamentD Formation of Democracy

15 Which conflict best represents an application of the containment policy?A Spanish American WarB World War IC World War IID Vietnam War

16 What country on this map did President Ronald Reagan describe as an “evil empire”?A 1B 2C 3D 4

17 the collapse of communism in the late 1980s led to the reunification of –A GermanyB KoreaC VietnamD Yugoslavia


Page 39: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

18 Which president made this announcement?A Gerald FordB James Carter, Jr. C Ronald ReaganD William Clinton

19 The Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall in 1961 in order to –A reroute automobile traffic around downtown BerlinB prevent the transfer of money from Western Europe to the East

C prevent escape of Eastern Europeans to the WestD fortify the government headquarters building in Berlin

Unit #10 Cold War Answers 1 The United Nations was created with the hope of establishing —

A industrial developmentB global peace


Page 40: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

C political reformationD economic equality

2 Which of the following would be the best title for this map?A Europe before World War IB Europe during the Great DepressionC Europe after World War IID Europe after the Cold War

3 The phrase “triumph of democracy over communism” best describes which of the following?A World War IB World War IIC Cold WarD Persian Gulf War

4 Which President was in office during the Cold War?A Woodrow WilsonB Franklin D. RooseveltC John F. KennedyD William Clinton

5 This quotation is from the inaugural address of President —A John Kennedy

B Richard NixonC Ronald ReaganD Lyndon Johnson

6 The Bay of Pigs invasion was an attempt to —A station Soviet missiles in CubaB rescue American citizens in CubaC place mines in Cuban portsD overthrow the communist government in Cuba

7 This scene depicts opposition to United States involvement in —A KoreaB GermanyC CubaD Vietnam

8 Which of the following resulted from President John F. Kennedy’s efforts to make the United States the leader in space exploration?A The United States launched the first rocket into space.B The first man to travel in space was an American.C The United States launched the first successful satellite.D The first man to walk on the moon was an American.

9 This document describes the United States’ response to the —A Cold War tension in EuropeB Japanese invasion of ChinaC creation of the state of Israel


Page 41: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

D creation of the Manhattan Project

10 Which president is most closely associated with the policy of massive retaliation?A Dwight D. EisenhowerB John F. KennedyC Lyndon JohnsonD Richard Nixon

11 This headline describes the result of the increased fear of —A communist infiltrationB political corruptionC organized crimeD nuclear energy

12 The North Atlantic Treaty Organization was created primarily to —A protect Western Europe from communismB encourage communist factions in ChinaC install democratic governments in AfricaD protect South America from invasion

13 Veterans of which war often faced public hostility when they returned from duty?A World War IB World War IIC Korean WarD Vietnam War

14 Which phrase best completes this diagram?A Rise of FascismB Communist ControlC Rapid RearmamentD Formation of Democracy

15 Which conflict best represents an application of the containment policy?A Spanish American WarB World War IC World War IID Vietnam War

16 What country on this map did President Ronald Reagan describe as an “evil empire”?A 1B 2C 3D 4

17 the collapse of communism in the late 1980s led to the reunification of –A GermanyB KoreaC VietnamD Yugoslavia

18 Which president made this announcement?A Gerald FordB James Carter, Jr.


Page 42: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

C Ronald ReaganD William Clinton

19 The Soviet Union built the Berlin Wall in 1961 in order to –A reroute automobile traffic around downtown BerlinB prevent the transfer of money from Western Europe to the East

C prevent escape of Eastern Europeans to the WestD fortify the government headquarters building in Berlin

Unit #11 Civil Rights


Page 43: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

1 Which term best completes this diagram?A DesegregationB EnrollmentC ReconstructionD Disenfranchisement

2 Martin Luther King, Jr.’s strategy during the Civil Rights Movement emphasized —A organizing non-violent mass protestB promoting self-help through educationC creating a political coalition with organized laborD challenging discrimination through the courts

3 This practice was outlawed with the passage of the —A 15th AmendmentB Civil Rights Act of 1964C 19th Amendment

D Voting Rights Act of 1965

4 Which of these events best completes this diagram?A Passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964B Brown v. Board of Education DecisionC Passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965D Bakke v. the California Board of Regents Decision

5 Which president signed the 1965 legislation that made these changes possible?A Harry S. TrumanB Dwight D. EisenhowerC Richard M. NixonD Lyndon B. Johnson

Unit #11 Civil Rights Answers


Page 44: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

1 Which term best completes this diagram?A DesegregationB EnrollmentC ReconstructionD Disenfranchisement

2 Martin Luther King, Jr.’s strategy during the Civil Rights Movement emphasized —A organizing non-violent mass protestB promoting self-help through educationC creating a political coalition with organized laborD challenging discrimination through the courts

3 This practice was outlawed with the passage of the —A 15th AmendmentB Civil Rights Act of 1964C 19th Amendment

D Voting Rights Act of 1965

4 Which of these events best completes this diagram?A Passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1964B Brown v. Board of Education DecisionC Passage of the Voting Rights Act of 1965D Bakke v. the California Board of Regents Decision

5 Which president signed the 1965 legislation that made these changes possible?A Harry S. TrumanB Dwight D. EisenhowerC Richard M. NixonD Lyndon B. Johnson

Unit #12 Contemporary World


Page 45: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

1 The doctor shown in this photograph is best known for —A treating the symptoms of diseaseB isolating sick peopleC curing yellow feverD developing a vaccine for polio

2 Since the 1960s, which immigrant group has played a prominent role in influencing United States foreign policy?A ArgentineansB CubansC HaitiansD Nicaraguans

3 What effect did the Watergate scandal have on Richard Nixon’s administration?A It allowed him to change foreign policy.B It forced him to resign from office.C It convinced him that election reform was necessary.D It prevented him from being reelected.

4 The majority of recent immigrants to the United States have come from what two regions?A Africa and EuropeB Asia and AustraliaC Asia and Latin AmericaD Africa and Latin America

5 Based on the information in this graph, in comparison to men, women in the work force —A have more educationB bear more responsibilityC hold less desirable jobsD receive lower salaries

6 Over the last three decades, the American work force has had to acquire and improve skills in —A computer technologyB automobile repairC heavy machineryD medical equipment7 Modern American schools adapted to serve new immigrants in the United States by —A limiting vocational programsB offering bilingual educationC offering extracurricular activitiesD requiring physical education

8 In which area did this conflict occur?A Afghanistan borderB Indochinese PeninsulaC Former YugoslaviaD Persian Gulf


Page 46: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

9 Which innovation best completes this diagram?A RadioB NewspaperC Satellite dishD Compact disc

10 Which conclusion can be drawn from the information in these graphs?A Family income has little bearing on access to computers.B Access to education improves with higher family income.C Schools narrow the technological gap caused by income.D There are more children born in higher-income families.

11 In recent years, advances in technology have changed employers’ expectations for job applicants so that most United States employers now –A believe workers must be loyal to their companyB expect their employees to have computer skillsC require workers to be able to operate heavy machinesD feel employees should have advanced scientific knowledge

12 Which part of the national government controls the supply of money in the economy?A CongressB Treasury DepartmentC President

D Federal Reserve

13 One push factor for many United States immigrants is that their native country has a –A quality education systemB lack of family connectionsC diverse religious historyD lack of employment opportunities

14 This excerpt describes the purpose of the –A Patriot ActB Strategic Defense InitiativeC United Nations Participation ActD Interstate Commerce Commission

15 Which type of action is described by this quotation?A Independent investigationsB Diplomatic relationsC Economic sanctionsD Strategic attacks

16 How has the Internet affected the lives of rural Americans?A By attracting more medical professionals in rural areasB By creating more blue-collar jobs in rural areasC By providing better access to informationD By lowering the cost of housing

17 Which regions are the sources of most recent immigration to the United States?A Latin America and AfricaB Asia and Latin AmericaC Western Europe and AfricaD Asia and Southern Europe


Page 47: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

Unit #12 Contemporary World

1 The doctor shown in this photograph is best known for —A treating the symptoms of diseaseB isolating sick peopleC curing yellow feverD developing a vaccine for polio

2 Since the 1960s, which immigrant group has played a prominent role in influencing United States foreign policy?A ArgentineansB CubansC HaitiansD Nicaraguans

3 What effect did the Watergate scandal have on Richard Nixon’s administration?A It allowed him to change foreign policy.B It forced him to resign from office.C It convinced him that election reform was necessary.D It prevented him from being reelected.

4 The majority of recent immigrants to the United States have come from what two regions?A Africa and EuropeB Asia and AustraliaC Asia and Latin AmericaD Africa and Latin America

5 Based on the information in this graph, in comparison to men, women in the work force —A have more educationB bear more responsibilityC hold less desirable jobsD receive lower salaries

6 Over the last three decades, the American work force has had to acquire and improve skills in —A computer technologyB automobile repairC heavy machineryD medical equipment7 Modern American schools adapted to serve new immigrants in the United States by —A limiting vocational programsB offering bilingual educationC offering extracurricular activitiesD requiring physical education

8 In which area did this conflict occur?A Afghanistan borderB Indochinese PeninsulaC Former YugoslaviaD Persian Gulf


Page 48: Loudoun County Public Schools€¦ · Web viewB Disloyalty of British generals C Lack of British popular support D Weakness of the British Navy 8 This statement was issued by the

9 Which innovation best completes this diagram?A RadioB NewspaperC Satellite dishD Compact disc

10 Which conclusion can be drawn from the information in these graphs?A Family income has little bearing on access to computers.B Access to education improves with higher family income.C Schools narrow the technological gap caused by income.D There are more children born in higher-income families.

11 In recent years, advances in technology have changed employers’ expectations for job applicants so that most United States employers now –A believe workers must be loyal to their companyB expect their employees to have computer skillsC require workers to be able to operate heavy machinesD feel employees should have advanced scientific knowledge

12 Which part of the national government controls the supply of money in the economy?A CongressB Treasury DepartmentC President

D Federal Reserve

13 One push factor for many United States immigrants is that their native country has a –A quality education systemB lack of family connectionsC diverse religious historyD lack of employment opportunities

14 This excerpt describes the purpose of the –A Patriot ActB Strategic Defense InitiativeC United Nations Participation ActD Interstate Commerce Commission

15 Which type of action is described by this quotation?A Independent investigationsB Diplomatic relationsC Economic sanctionsD Strategic attacks

16 How has the Internet affected the lives of rural Americans?A By attracting more medical professionals in rural areasB By creating more blue-collar jobs in rural areasC By providing better access to informationD By lowering the cost of housing

17 Which regions are the sources of most recent immigration to the United States?A Latin America and AfricaB Asia and Latin AmericaC Western Europe and AfricaD Asia and Southern Europe