LOS 1 ANGELES -HERALD;, TUESDAY .;;MORNING, ; JULY; 18, tgoj. subdivision of .north .63 acres- of block Q,- subdlvldcd'la'hds s of' J: 1 ll." Painter '• and v. P.>Ball),ln Ilancho San?iP«»- qual , ..,.,.. ; ...$lO ,'•' 1 W. D.' Williams and Emma 'WiniamS ' to !-C. Ganahl \u25a0»liUmbef'-cnmpany-r-Part ri lots 13 and 14, bloek,R.,West tos An- ' geles .;.... ..-.Vi.V. ...... . J . > .:';v.7..J10 > T \u25a0 George Manner and Anna. Manner to£ \u25a0 Gertrude Manner, and Matilda. Sitler ' Part lot 20,' block' E, Madeau •': Orange" tract. ,!\u25a0\u25a0'.: .'.;\u25a0:.-.'.. -—:; i. :.ri-...v;:.>*10 :1: 1 1 Gnnrgo llannor to Anna Manner I^ot 20, block X, Nadftau Orange tract. '.'.s 10 •' i z Jatnes IG. Scarborough;^trustee; :f:to * William Couser—Lot 3., block \u25a0 SJ.'.Pasa.-. J. \u25a0" dena. vnia tract.. :....;".'... J..:-.v;.:»lJ ..:-.v;.:»l0 w 1 Bank !of. ! San': Pedro tb'Janiea h. Grlfflnit. —Part lot^4 .Packs pubdl vision ol.blorJc* 51: \u25a0 San Pedro 1 ;. 7?.. ....'. ::......;.;.;.. ..'.110^ 1 tf k -T.'& RJCo.-to H; t -WrWlnston-liotst 1 t: 422 ,. and i423^. Fourth St.' Bridge, tract ;,J10,„"; ,J10 ,„" 1 Joseph IC. Moore to ' Sophia Boyer—Lota . IS and 39; block' 16,'i Harrison,". Curtlg:& *• Sweetser'B subdivision of blocks . P., and 16,. r The Palms \u25a0...:.;\u25a0.. \u25a0.'.......\u25a0;..•..„...;\u25a0.... '.5250 •\u25a0 ' 1.-O. Butler toHenryJ/Velthart— Low 22 and. &, block G, The .Palms ...,.-,...'.110 „> \u25a0 Pomona Cemetery Assn. to v Geo." \u25a0 H." Miller— Part lot 39», Pomona Ceme.tery<s4l*^ George A. Hobson et al.tr> S. M. Fair-,, field—Part blocK 196, Maclayßo Ex'Mls- ? sion of SaniFernahdOi'.'..:;i'."t..".'.".7.'.'...slo-!; \u25a0 J.. H..,Batea ( etai.,to :S. ,lt.,Falrnold— ;. Part block 196, Maclay Ro Ex Mission of \u25a0'.' San - Fernando 1;;...V;.J..:;.":*'.%.. ;'../j;'.sll2 i >:t 1 Laß Vegas Land &Water, Co»to L..X. P Jacobson— Property not InL. A: Co." ...'.-'. 1 Marie B. Wells to v AindrewOlsen— Lot. 1 * 32.3d 37. and.iO, block 43,,jrsirmoi»nt, trnct- (Nlcjholas 1^ QlmatJeadß BUlkliVisioni *..'.. .'. .$lO 3 t Andrew Olsen to Benispn Inv.Co.—Sam o". property as above-,... ,i. ......... .....:.'..%\0't \u25a0 -DilG. ' MoGarvirt' anfl '-Una Taylor .TWd-i ! </ Garvln« tOr.Kobert^McOaryin-rPart lot ' 10, block 3, Wsf;Lo3 AiiK«lea.'.":.-..'.510 (John- Cronauer and '\u25a0'AlfraiCrohanpr't to; 1 i Aioise , rOeller ,and <- Clara r, Oeller-t- Afrreement'tdconvey part Raneho San Antonio :.v: ..'.:.*.•!. .v,.--;;vii..i;i.s3BOO;j i William B.i Stevens w to i_ Frank,-; -JR. \u25a0Wooster-^-AgTcement ' to convoy lot '\u25a0'.' A, * bldck->'.23,'i Electric.lRailway; Homdstead a Association \u0084..-.;..,. \u0084.,.. ....S6OO , : ! 'Columbian' lnvestment company to A::*' B.=Atwatertr»-Recolpti and! contract 10^1 -f ' «ale^of.,lot, ll,.blc»ck_l6, range. C. Wll- :,;• mlngton- •:•.'.';'.'..'. :. .". ."t5.f.. :. .-.':V:slsftO-'. : ' -Manhattanfßeach company to LouiM..l Glbson—rLot -6,«. b10ck,. ,78, Beach \u25a0". . .";: ;. .'.'/. . ............ .r.^i0* -.Theodore -F. -Taylor. »j and' iCarrie!. "B.o Taylor to Charles M. Andrewah-I^ot 4?.v reßubdlvlslon "of \u25a0'"Raymond "improve- ment Company's t tract .. .:'.: ..'.;:. .j-.slO : { ; ,S.,J..Aykroyd ,tp, Clara.. 15. Holtf— Part.^ ;-. lotsl and 2, block ' 6- South Woodlawn". tract. '.r;: ft.'':.. .'iWi'.-i i.t . \71 v. .1 .,f SXO f 1 REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS I* ;t IMONDAT,'JULY'I7l MONDAT,'JULY'I7, 1 '190ft.' " fßenjamlnj W,.,Hahn -.and : araeo::v. Ffahn to J. F. Hall Lot 7, Beach Orchard tract. ..t ....;... ."..•;,.';./; .$lO •i Julia Emily Boadle and Joseph Bea- dle" to Pacific Electric Land company -fPart lot 2, block; 61; ; Hancock, sur- vey ! .\u25a0 , ..$lO \u25a0 (Pacific -Electric 'Land :: company .',r:t(j Jnli E." Beadle— Part lot 2, block' 61, Hancock survey ;. }io :; Maude Remick Warren. •\u25a0to G.-E. Adams Lot 20, block 12, - Brooklyn Heights Ganahl tract.. .....> $10 1 Frank C. Platt Investment company to HanveyrW.! Mlßner-4.Lot in 2,* A.-*r J. Broiyn'Bf subdivision,- of ; part -block iJU,* Pathter : .:!& Ball's, addlUon to Pa5a- «ena!i..:'....;.....,... ; »io :> Ifi'l.' Stuart, trustee under. doed 2514-.- 11, Hp W. .lli;Gresoi-y-tll,ot"33,>'Gran'd' Avfettue Electric ... tract., ...,. ..' $,10 ;,,Aniile M. .wytman ,*iiid'<VA,-WWtS m&h!Uo John MJ* : Krazieri-^L6t 22, i: De i '' frlesj' tract subdivision of. north half of 10ta::; .,7 nncl 8, bluck L, San Pasqual tract. . . ; . . .'.~. . ... ..«.'. ........ jt-r. $10 ' J,ahrt iS» -Meyerhol z :\u25a0 to John tM. JFra>- zler'nnd Lena 1 <-Jh PrazierU-Lftfs 18 and 19, Crescent Park tract. . ..', \u0084.. t ,'.slo ;!• Mabelle I. Kiucjiiil to. it: O. Ailamß—\u25a0- Lot 44, Dayman trafit;, , .. , .. .. ,l .. .$lO , Marshall-Lewis arid Elsie h.'Lewla 1 to' :J.: J. <miop,yer,.Mae :llapver and, Mrs. . -Jl, ;11. sßaker—Lots Baker—Lot—Lot 5, Solano tra«t.; $10 j . Title -fInsurance <fand >l Trust ''company; to Lpulsa I.' Welsh Lo» 6, block 8, Ala- mltoa Bay tract \u0084....,.. $10 John I". .Fowler atidißosb B.,»Fowler to SfMmlly J. Shlvelyi-Part lot 17. Holmes & Notman's. subdivision."*?., slo . Title Insurance -and" Trust company to D. Rlch-rrLot ,4, block ,D. McCai'thyZ Co.'s MainStreet, 'Moneta Avenue and Flgueroa Street, tract,. .$lO ;\u25a0 Mary Arßrfggsr. and Lillle.'M.' Map- Go wan to Wlllard H. Sttmson-^Part lot 3. ,lilot-kH, Old Hurvuy. ........... $15,000 i John H. Burton to W. E. Visscher Lot-»3»<blockO;.Couiitryi Club tract. ; |l O \u25a0 ,;Edward S. Field and Sarah M. Field tq rFank Walker Lot 2ft,a.block { , 10; Short Line Beach anbdi vision No. l.:$10 tTruinhu'' jfj.-I'lllisks > to |Rosa* Lehman Jleatus— ljpt ?4.ivhlo(}kHi,2Jj: fc Ch*rles,. l Vie-, tar nail ,trHCt.v. :i-: .. . '. \.. l .vr,- ... .*;!. ju> •i,G. E. Wood and Columbia E. Wood to Giiy P. Stotts Lot 49, block 11. Cres- cent Bay tract. . . ».. . . .» V ' •'\u25a0\u25a0. ••.«••, .$lO irfUobert J: b:-. Stearhi- .andl'sMab*! "T. 4 Sfuarns torlilleng Pollftrd—jUot-as, Hari bdrt fc-Butterworth'S 1 - Adam* Street tmct. •'.' $10 \u25a0J'Je»B)e Thompson- to Ellen Pollar4 I4t 26,'*H«rlwrt.& ; Hutterworth's 4,dams Sb-eet stract5 tract . . ...:;:. »'.;'•« S '• ***!> aiAn'gel J. -neyea; Paul: P. Reyes ana France* M. Ueyea to: Leonldes M. Rqyee J-Lo fr:e,: Paul and1 Angel Jteytis', subdl. viiloul of 'east five acres 'of isoulbaivat Quarter at southeast- jjuarter of nortli- wV»t> quarter of section 11, townthlp 1 HOuth, riiMK« H west $10 i Frances* Brown 1 1 ill and EdwlnF. mil to Weymoath Crqvrejl^-Lot* 1 and %, sub. ox lot 1, Hoover tract $10 1)1. X Ni(l>lu. vs. Jaiues Stanley, admr, of eHtat«.ol' l'iacJ-« WUlitlniirimlmiii de> uia«ed->l)ecreßs tiutetlng .title ln.plalnttrt -ft'art of lot 23, ariffln'« ViiyyvaiVJ'W**^ £w» Angeles. : Same to Miss "Francos' "M." 1 RoblnAon- Pnrtf of lot Jll»,'«amA.'.i ./.\u25a0•>..-;, t;i^..:.|lK Same to, C..JE. i Johnson— Tart; 0ft,6Z44, same .'; '.r ....77.;...; 1;......',....;.. ~$6S i Same to Samuel tArthUr-t-BaTta of "Mot 1340, same -........'.IK t Same to Mrs. Jane Slmontdn— Part ol lot 4646, same , \u0084.,,,...,,..$,12! , Same' to'MrsvD. Howe-^Part of 10t'4072, same. ..-.;. \u ..i,i..i,v..*.,.w.i...5.i»i511e Laura J. Nelson and Harry M. Nelson to Jean 8. Climle, Jessie R. 'Cllmie,"Anna B. gilmle and May Climler-Lot 6, Corbln's sub. of Santa Crua- tract, being: part ol Reyes > tract' '\u25a0•:.'}. . v.\ .?. i r .'. . ,' ;-vj;.";?. :.:.'i . .J10 I Ralph Rogers company to. A.,-G»ns— Lots 22 and 23, block 5, Nadeau Park Villa tract . v \u25a0 '. I.\u25a0; ; . .-; a , \ »v; .". . ;v. ...:.:.L. :7.V.5160 1 CiißC ii ß - >Y an m Ev?rjr t0 c - I'-.Whlpple-Part section 12 TM'S R 11 \V ...:„„.„... $lO ..Ida. BwNuss'to 6.- M.! Puiks^l/0f23, b '"9}j,*».- Central Arlington Heights tr $10 William Stcwardson to Frederick Pfen- nig—Lot |16, H. C; Thomas tractnvij.vt. $10 ' William Stewardson to John Faulkner— Part lot 43, subdivision of Wlthafdt tr $10 „&:'!, .Bundy ..eti -al',to .: Theodore f Van Buren— Lot 10,. block P, Ocean Park Villa tract- No. 2- ;..-.. :i:r:.j;. :'.%.."..'.. ':'. *.\u25a0.'..*.•' $10 i -"V£- .E". E " Tyler t0 Zola \u25a0?•{ Syvertsen-Lot 1, Tylers subdivision of lots 13 to 16, 21 to 24, :and \u25a0 east- 12 feet . of > -lot » 20, > Hoffman tract i j \u0084....: tic : Krnest W. Miller ' to '.''T.iMlarfelss— Lots 1-2 3 G;7- 89 and 10, E>W."' Mlllel-s «übdi-i vision of lots 3 and 4, blk 145,- Pomona $10 : Minnie A: Dunkle to Louisa .W. Mur- phey—Lots 8 and .4, Franc lsca tract .-.'i.JlO - Ella Cunningham to Mrs., Colista W Scott— Lot 12, block'l,- S.'L.'B. 1 subdivis- ion No. I,| Ocean Park j.-.\u25a0.'...j .-.\u25a0.'. .. j, 1 . r, . .v..i10 \u25a0 James G. Scarborough, \u25a0 trustee, to Henry Fox— Lot 7, 'block 45," Pasadena Vil- la, tract -. ..\u25a0..\....J......:.,Vi......,x50 - Elizabeth H. B; Smith tdlrwin Nixon- Lot 12, : McKee &.'Lindsays subdivision of east ,(i.Oti acres . of Jot \u25a0 3,. block . P, . .San Pa.Bqual ' tract . .*. . r'.' i .*.'. . .'.\u25a0.' : .. : .-.:... : . .tv. f! 0 !Thomas C. Turner to George '.H.vMaiv \u25a0hall—Lot 3, block L Townsend & Robin- son tract; lot 1, block "l,~Townsond &Rob- inson tract-No, i '.:..'..w"i.i.;.v.. - .:.'.i;;.:410 i : Frank D-"Gartzdafner' to''MatthewvMc^ Connell— Lots 34 and 35,::Park tract, a sub- dlvlsidnfof; wo.st.li 1 of. Farm lot 148, Ameri- can Colony $10 i H.-R. Krames to Mary E. Cummins— LotdS;1 block a^KnolLiPark tract«..at;sl& : Robert A-. Orr to Fred A. .Brlggs—Lots 12 14 18 18 and '20, block 'B,- subdivision of block 28, and loia -16 1 . 18 , and 20, block 19, Burbank ...:....-... \u0084.,....,..S3OO : Hammorid * Lumber"- Co."'? to* National Lumber .Co.—Part block , A, f Huntington Industrial "tract :';... "i. .";...........; $10 : Williarn'Ri-' Myers' et al to Samuel 'W/- Greene-Lots^ 10 -and 11, ..block , ll.',Qa>- vanza"...:.;;:..'.h: .\u25a0..T:.:-...-.r.:::7.'.. < ::: I .slo Marguerite CaPart :to Henry-Washing- ton—Part Jot 2, Ketchums sjubdivlsion of. lof'l6/Ro La Canada -.-.•...;;. r;:':;..\u25a0::. l J.:'.»io \u25a0 : Lula N. Uinton. to < Ida, 1 M. ,SoYae-rLot 34, block B, Entwistle tr^ct.... $10 I'Same to same- : - : 'Lo£ 33,'" block 'B, : same tract......;,..,.. .«,...., >„...*..., ..510 I John Baker and'Hannah B. Baker. to Leroy Chick and A.- S. Burns-J-Lof J2, ! block 5, Brearley.& Slnsabaugh tract.slo ILily' Ray Glenn to Anria'Bell Glenn^l - Part lot 3»; block "B/ Main: Street-Boule- vard, tract,,...,,,. \u0084...,.. ...,,.,,$lO s Same to Lizzie Lee Glenn-— Part" lot 39,-. block B, Barae' traot,.-.. T.i. f . wi;-.slo Farmers and. Merchants Bank of - Los Ari*?eles to John J. "Nell— Lot 61. North Knob Hill, tract.. '. »i. .»;..*. .. i . .:.4 JlO i S. L. Short and Loretta L>Short to William T. Hlle and Alice J. HUe-i-Lots 8 and 9, block -11, Aiiffeleno Heights. slo , i -Allofj.G. DeQoudres -i and ; T. -L.vDe- Coudres to J. F. Clark and Lola B. Clark '*—Ix)t 11, block 1, -Knoll -Park tract.. slU i] Farmers and Merchants bank to A". B. Steel and jvife^Lot < 2\.. pilrtaoUSS'ana- all lots and 'SO;. 'block 1 17«; Redonxio Beach. ;.'..ra . -Vi i\a. i . <"'. i-v.vi ... j .. $1000 ii P. !r B:» Venabre-anfl 'Susie <A. ; 'Venable to Lola N. Sprinkle—Lot 22, block 78. Second addition to Hermosa Beach.. slo i - McA M.i:J. -Hathaway, to .Ada: UMlTjotOj {— Part lot $. block. 21,.Ord.survey,..$10 ! Benjamin r w. 'Hahn'^artff Grace ,V. Hahn to Sierrn>Land utid.-Cnttlo com- pany— I'iut section 8, k township^, no^th, range 11 west...*. .'.-.V..'. i.'.i'.i-'ii.^vti t .•Mpye'-Wii.Stephqnaiand -Maryi Hen"* drick Stephens to.. L. J. Burrows Lot 10, 'Mohtrose' 1 tract .' £Hr: 'it.V'f. I ; .';'. ,'.';|lo I .William'B. DoltM.-n und Luella Dolmiu to" Otto Ritzert-^-Lot 21, block s,Loa Angeles r'lmprov©menf.CompAny'B-.r 'lmprov©menf.CompAny'B-. sub» ' dlvTslon?of l,part,lßt.Bl,part,lßt.B, 1l)lpck1 l)lpck 39, HaiLr. cock 'survcr !?.-\u25a0.';:, t:.r.-.;;7. t4 ; \u25a0.;.;;Jio U BmlUlflrth'andißenveneda S.'Flrth r :toi Matilda S. Lawler Lot 14. .Walnut- Park '. '.Y...'t .. *.slb ! -l-Jd ward K. Field and Snroli M-HoM to i'Ma S, Des.sau and Anna B. 1 Jchsu v r^Lots Bland--8 I 'and-' 1 9,'-blQck i ll,Short'"- JLtiicS- Xiuacli eubdivislpn N0.,1.. .. w. ,. ». ..$lO : John B. Althouse, Daniel V, Althouße, Otto 'Arnold and Jonuthah ft ' Dodge to Florence A. Rltchlo-r- -Lot 51, West Ninth Street Heights V. . .'. .\ .. '.'.".. .V. .. .$llOO ! George W. AlbrlgrhfandSarah Bl.: Ai*.' bright- to Kva ,B. Hftas^Lot.lS^ Wock,J. Ocean" Front- addition J to 1 ' LonK Beach..:.: . ; ..:\u25a0/.. \u0084.*. i-.v1 .. .-» ri .:. . J126 . ..Jennie U. Wnlrntlt anil Muitlia Ann Kenworthy' to Lula' B: Bullock—-B*kl»v- rtlnir a,t .a poinhoivi north line of,Fifty-'; fifth street,. 305 feet west qf west line <>f Compton avenue; thenoe alongiFlfty»' f lf tltrStretit. w««t 40 feet, <>lo \u0084...-...5;< 757 5 « James. W. Somervllle and Maria' E. Bomervlllo -to Sidney "J\ Kxley~Lula 4S Will .4!),; Bomervtlje p1ace... ..,.,,. \u0084$lO i Same' to' same Lots \u25a0' 50" and, -61^ laiutf,. 1 ,, .li'i.t.. l i'i.t. rj"J. .'. .. ».. i*lix .!'»\u25a0> ., \u25a0.\u25a0.ls.4*! 1 Thomas S. Dunn to AUca S. Dunn— * Lots 61 and 62, Charles A. Smith's Third idamon> : .r.T;.T;~^-.-.v.'.~rrr;.:r:TT—v>lo.-: A. T. Jerglns und C. H. Groat *to fclharles H. * Adams Lot 1 «. ,A. T. Jer*' Kins 4- Oil's lOuilUl Avenue tract... slo, t;G. 'Frean Morcom to U J.'- Bailey ' I*tß 20 and 21, block 11, Itnlph Uognrn BUbdi vision of; part-iof (Jurvuuza. ' . \u25a0 .$lO i iiAr W-. Bosgiand'MolUe K- . Udgga to Mrs/ Louise. -Beritj-VPart ;lot 2, blpok 1 El.'£hqrt -Line!- Beach subdivision No. Z .;'....;..V.'.. . ..;.*..... .-...51000 - IWllliam Gordon to. A.- O. Trafton Ljbt 9, block 1, Uosomont lllll.r *IO i "May F, Walden,. MiimlnUlmtor; of ca- tato of Henry IV Httskln, ' deceased, to Hurt VGibbons .—,. , Lx» ,1, Jqttuson .: &. Keeney company's subdivision 'of 'lota 4? 5 and .«; mill par L vjlot ;:,7,, .lMeroo tract. .,..,....,...,.. ..';•..';;.,.,.J4000- ; t, "I'll 1m lnthninco and 1 Trust - company : l|my-A,.|Ujiyr-l,ut 11, ljuwfu . &: taiamberltn's Main 'and Flgiufoa Btret-t , t«aut ! No.' a.\u25a0;! I .', i ..W. V-. .V. ,-. <>Mr«UV> *t» ' -\u2666CHrrle-K. Laihrop 'to Margaret .C. ' NVlll— Lot 12. block D.M. IX, Painter's Thotna* tw, emith to - Kurt , Ilertmnfl B<-hmiflf—fotM'tt rtn« W,< Btnlth --fittM*. Compton avenufl tract .........$lO •tT»!»sl«v A.' t>atrl* artd Vf.' 1 X: YJnvffl'tA Wlillnm R. K*»lly— l/ot 8 of north portion ot flatter, tr«tt \u0084.,.., .<...^...:....'.....i.;»W Charlotte M. Ilendprimn nn<l W. J. fl. Henderson to William iR. K«lly— Lot* 1 nncl 2 of blork 1, n«rth portion of SitttPf tract; lot 3, block .],' Batter tract. ....... H0 \u25a0Rather Titrww, to ' Maria Freeman—Lot B,B!«thJ>r Turner tract.!.:., $10 Itetty Molln to Opt** ' Kornbaek— Fart of lot J», Itfown A N*wfon. snb. of lot* M, ,33,, gfi, 37 ntvi is, land* of Mutual Or- chitrrl ft0Tnpnny..'..,i.;.j,.. .....;,,..'...;... 51(1 A. (I; irolHfla'y <o »nm?-~l*art of lot 9, saf>e SnbdivlKton \u0084.' ........,;.,...;.. 410 C. fl. ITolmnrt and Eltiatwth T,. Hotmao to Fhll I>PTilta—tjotß ; J2, and 14, Mock 8, Cotmtry Club' tract ......'..\u25a0..:........;... 510 Robert Hftlenjr,, to K.IT. Bkogg~Lot» B, «, 20.22, 29, wand Kl,"btnck 4. P*ckl North Manna ttanß&ach company's sub- division ..:.. .....<. i. ............. ;...*.,, \u0084.$lO \u25a0 Tlfldoiiflo i Improvement , ' company >- to JiOuls Wagr*r-f-Lot Jl, block 200, Rendo<io llaach';.' i..-ij;«.,*,....... ! .. .'. ..;•\u25a0';.' .i . *i iQjAHftcM"J;1 Ja^obd'ahd \u25a0Kwthi»r.Jacol>» tr> Krfwnrcl MMlnw-^l^t^'Maaktell t'ct.lltt .[KihMlrve. CHlld!* tnUhtoltlettfi A. Wll- lla.m**.t,ot X!htoOt 1; Ool.lert, Gate fOt.ftO Ilnttlo R.i Bartholomew -rto Ernest: It. Werrtlhy Frank .111, Harnert - and - 13.' ;S. mutorworth-Wa 7 and 8, nub. of lots 6, T, 1 fc 9, lOund 11, Dana tract/. ;,...,.sl9 t/rtnh..- Letts- to M." X.: Young-L<stg'S7 and 38, block IBS, rWdondolßeaeh. .....'. .510 •'•ChnrHMt Shtckle and Floy" iShlckle /to rimrVfu i Daniel r gt^nrnd-^r^jt : 12, Charlen Hh lck 1 o Sunrise 1 tract. .;...;,..'. .\u25a0; . ; ;•/.'. i , ,510 9. I \°Z a ' J? ; ' CWHSaSre Victor llerkelln- Lot 8,. block;!, iKlla lllir»tract..*..;,;'.slo JamAw.Rdninprtson and I<tilit Itrtatnl Rd- monilaon; to Ho/t 'AngTlew Investment & Trust. company>-t«t V, bloolt ; F, (,'alilc Koad tract .... ;.;;.,,.,,.. .!....;.. .'....-.slo \u25a0 irnnry.A, MoClaln and Pearl I. McClahi to >Fran«ls F/ .Knapp - and Frances M, Knapi^-Lot 1, block 1, West Rosas fct:»so Abner- H. Moypr to Warren C. Masney- Lot 3,' block 18, I-ordsburff..... \u0084...•.., ; «() fii-^*t'i?!; I: i H , lblc}', 10 , jRa »C' Frledmiin- | block .6,; Country .^Club L P raiiT ,ii a PJ h fti"« ttnJ Marie 'iiambaYere uJZ,^ brl «» Ombet-Lot 20. block B, Urmy Homestead, tract ...,.-.,;..'.; , \u25a0•<;•\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.iiiggo 'n^i K --^°°i and OeorKlarina. 8. "\Vood to ?~Vl c*e * I F< s»-Lot , 15, nOcean i View Li<t \ ,\. \u25a0,, t \u25a0 h 4 \u0084 i ^4, ',,11 1 ••'• \u25a0 t #*\u25a0 * * i ' sirt IfcT-JMi i Tessareck: to Mr«. Tn'tira' i"Nel- B "';rrl,.ot lSl^Alexflnder Welll" tract. ...flO - Prederlkft Ott to Annlo Bento-Loti 27 block -22, Wolfskin Or .tract. ";^.,: 110 \u25a0 Wcßley Clark, E. P. : Bryan I Sarah I -&£ 4Kn?lI?4 Kn ?l I ?^ r 5 la I1 nra y»^Nlle^Peasa :trarit '. .'• .? ** yan s ; Weatt noreland pf/^v4h^oj(Vo'AiexandwfpViMoore^ frd : i°»ii t; i?« "annual:. tract - i t ...510 trnct ! \u25a0.^',>;?wf Lo^ ' 8O '' r ' i "? sa, llnl \u25a0 William I? ' jfteesa ' and ' "Ella ' 'n'eps'ol'tn Bt ß^^ ot^ IP-lISI .-Kllzabfttlif;:;Hollenbock,' - VFran"k;:'Vß T Sh^nT, 0 Y n PW*Hon and Annlo Htroni j JiHit 1 : Clark3J-J,ot 8, block C, waxifi* 8 !"': 8 ; . Salt-. Lake RBil 1( . u r!" n .Triint: and \u25a0•ReaYtyVcom'pan'yto . asiJaaboth \u25a0-\u25a0 Hoi tenbed k,?':! Frank" R | tr 1o"R-;,G^>-R;e.W:1 o "R-;,G^>-R;e.W: Dickinson and Annie X r?i : i J ? H Clark-^-Lot -9, block C. °JrpnK &picklnson's Salt Lake Railway trf^^i?. sanie—Loti'iOj* 'block C," game KSSi^lfffißrW™company to MSrVrrfffe^. 1 " 62 ' 63 ; ".l I ".^ nn^S'' mo^ il^J 1"J.1 "J.' HnfJ ' an ' a '\u25a0WateVcom- K'° R' D. McPhcrrln— Lot 6, block ssi^ rmoSfl TBT Be»eh, First addition. .sl(3 lo^^te^o^^^fePart I'^milo Dorl(f to James W. Collins— Sarna. property as above. ..'..;\u25a0..:. .SI6OO _-John^J.-Nyo'andolivo Janft-Nye to Edward M. Lewis—Lot .5, block \u25a0 61, Artesian tract... {500 n^. C- W^l? lvlm and Mary Isham'to'iWil- Ham J.- Wen Bet— Lot 7.Defricz tract.JlO n«^ «c« c n B - Kplmesj ' Walter 'N.'. Holmes and Halite B. Woods to Stephen K. Dol- plilna.n.l Clara M.. Dolphin— Part lot 18, block 20, resubdivislon of blocks 4 to "•; l' i? 21,:28, 29 and 30; Altadena. tract, map No. 1 .... . ;...... ; . , .. $2600 ."W.L.! Dodson.to'W. 1 R. Dodlidn'— Be- KinninK: in west; Bide of .School street, 223. 7. feet south from intersection of west'llne iof snid School -street with south line of Lds , Angeles and San ?o e^5 ar . dlno c "unty road, thence west 42.68. feet along: .wast, line , of,. School street, etc. .;..'...-...". ;';.';.;.'..!'.... $10 --Ida J., Johnson to Kimberly Wllc'ox I Lot 44, J. Ellis' Colorado Street subdi- vision v.t .......i.u... .:::::.'.: .•.-.. :sio tfo . h 1. P'ynn t9 Bridget Flynn—Lot 10, block 3, Oraiiffo Avenue tract $10 . P. S. Venable, Susiei A. Venable.R. D.' Smith, J. E.> Morrcll and* Alice' Mav Morrcll to A. M. Jones Lot 26, block 194; Redondo Beach •; .. ; '. . ; i. ..';..', '.$lO Adolfo Jungre to Erollnda Burke— Part' lot tJ, block '4,- Sanchez tract.'. .SIOO \u25a0 Krolincla ; Burke; to. M. A.Nowmark 1 * Co.-^Piirt.; lot .. 5, .block ,4, Sanchez tract: i . : .'\u25a0; ,".\ .V;. -.: . : .' : .-.".\u25a0; ;/'/."7. . . 510 :Titlo, Insurance' and. Trust* company to Emma L Horton Lots 23 and 24. Ocean Park place. .'...•. . •;...•.:. ...... $10 .. Henry Ooetz and Huldai Goetz to Se- bastian Albltre—Lot 24, block 24, San Gabriels .;:...; .'. ,. . . .". .'..'.'•..•. .".'. ; ..'. $10 \u0084John j Francis Fowler and jßose i,B. Fowler to QeorgreF. Slo Part lot 16, block 104,i Redondo" Beach.?. . ,\u25a0.:'.: :.%10 \u25a0 Snrlgg; Harwood and Mary Harwood to Henry L. Bulkeley Part' lot. 74, AVattsi subdivision of -Raneho San "Ra- fael ........ ..,:. $6000 Same to same— Part lots 74 and' 75, Watts subdivision:, of :part of' Rahcho Sun. Rafael. \u0084..,.:. ..s£ooo : Mary 'Harwood to Sprlgg " Harwood— Partlotsi.6 >and-' B, iblock: 1, Washington Garden tract , $10 Harvey S. Thompson to Presley W. Wilborn— Lots 6 and .6,: Fords subdivision of. block 8,. Eagle tract,,.-.; $900 'Elizabeth Y. Gordon^ to Samuel L. Tay- 1or—Lot 3, Fulton tract, 'Ro San-Jpse $10 -\u25a0 George W. Sterling to Ellen M. Nelson- Lot 7, George W. Sterlings subdivision $320 .Robert. F,. Jones toßi A. King.et al— Lot 23, Hege tract ..:..".. ..\u25a0/.... ':......;. 1510 \u25a0 'Alpha C.'knight to ''Jesse Knight^Par't Ro - La- - Canada In ....... ... . ....>...»,... ,S6OO Lula N. Hlnton to Mary J. Krelser— Lot 48, block A, Entwtstle tract $10 Emll Firth to Chas. - B.:-,i Flsk—Agree- ment to convey lot 23," Walnut, Park M^ry Louise Bronson.i : to i Marlon kG. Armstrong— Lot 10,":: block 15,1' Angeleno Heights ...;.:.. .'i..;v.. ;...„.:. ;....;sio R".: L."Rlce et al to.' John 11. and Peter Etlenne Recetpt and contract: tor sale of lot er block. 7, Peek's. Manhattan , Beach tra^t'"?;; : . J:. r . ..:. .' .'.;•\u25a0\u25a0 : f?. \u25a0 . .".r. ..-.'. . .'. ; , .v- .$750 •"\u25a0\u25a0 Newton (B. Walker et ' al ! to , Coimty*of Los Angeles— Part of Santa Monica aye $2 R. L. Rlee. et al to ..Andrew;Olsen—Re- ceipt and corttraot of sale : of lot 7, block 7. Peck's Manhattan Beach tract,.. s7oo J. O. Norby to Wilbert E. Margh^Lot 12, block 4, Central Home * Place, ....$lO :*! Georga U: Peol«,i Jr-> to KUen Livendale L6ts 1 19 aiid 30, \u25a0 block- IS,' Arcaflla Park tract \u25a0 .....ii.;....5880 \u25a0"Maria Antonio WllcoxitoMaler 1 fi Zobe- letu. Brewery—Part -beginning atj point in east Une of 'Main ! street; - thence, south along: ealdi line of .Main.stroqt 66.15 feet tp northwest corner of Jot known as Na- varrao- property, \u25a0\u25a0etc. .' .;. i; .in .;;;"..$15,000 Angallne Lachniann ,to same-; Agre- ement to convey part of lots 13, 14,15 and 16, i block HfiAllao, tract ;.w.;;..<..;.514,600 Hermpsd Beach Land & Water. Co. to Susanna 0. Slienk—Lot : 7,« block "54, Ist addition to Hermost Beach , $10 , W. ,Bv< Tyler and Edna M. Tylej 1 to C. X Ralff—Lot 6,'Tyler'B subdivision: of lota .13., t0, 1^,-21 to 24. and east 12 feet of lot 20, Hoffman tracts 1...;:....iVi;".i..i.."."; $10 11. J. Woollacott to'A". C. ' Harper—Lot S,*bieclT2B;Krkenbrecher Syndicate Santa' Monicu,. trapt ,„,....*.,,,«......,..,,. ..,.,510 Itaiiih" ltogerß company to 1 Emilia "-V, Gregory— Lots 2 and 3, ltulph Rogers' sub, of loUtlS, M,".47 and 18, block-K^Gar- ivanza.tract ,;:.' w. VJ .,..,.,.. :\u25a0..... .5600 •\u25a0 Sarnie to R. 11/ Hamner—lvOts.lTand 18.. Ibluck I li'iNadeau' Park J Villa JtriWt.. ; ..sl3o F..8. Bradeh to Mary"Isabel Cott'ley— Agreement to convey lots 9 and 10, block 61. Hermosa Beach $800. H'AVlllhwn-Kuddy and Elzlna I?, Iluddy to Ed,winrF. .French— Part of lota 6 and 6. Ruddy's 'idueild avenue tract ....5:;....51Q Trena 8. Waldrop and J. W. Waldrop, to EmllVfcM. Peck— Lot 23, block 60, Elec-i trlq. Railway llomestaad aSNoclutlon....{lU ' iVl: & T?Co.' to Frei» J. Burrls—Lot 65.; Mock B,' VL Bbwert'& Chamberllrfs Main &j Fiuueroa, street tract ._. „*.#,,. 510 Robejrt^ivMcjHhrmton, and, JulU 1Mo- Johnston loTtWS K. :WheaU-G|, M.«Carr ana H.^P.'Wensel— Lot 1 ! and part 'of lot 2, block 4. Country Club tract $10 C. .A; Wlllard and Lizzie Wlllard to' i'Uvn Q. il'urHoniJ— IM Jl, block 3, Atlan- tic aveiiue tract -T....r. r . 110 \u25a0 (". L. Uundy, Nellie Allen and John A. 1 KtunwooU,. lint, ana as trustee to (s«dik« VUla tr»ct ...... TV.. ?.., .110 U»«»irAV««l«ifl«n et «is' l 5 Mrg - AHce K-*K-* Henry— Part of lot 6514, . Kversroeu cem- 7 - A - *\u25a0»' » \u25a0»*,»'» Mt»^~~»U~*^-*^ ~»~+ ********** £Fj£&r BUB 'NE.Sai: COLLEGE VJfS-.ie'W : Ornilr Wnk Ifmlei"; !*|»»clnl 'otKtmf0 tKt mf , / Trnrhrr^ ,T'hl"< sn,hmPr. \u25a0' : -> « S<« iiirt,t'(h litll sirrrt. ] \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>': •< "\u25a0': Now iri prOKre.is, l day ' hnd i flight, "' All rnmm*rclal brunches. '\u25a0: Catl, •write, phons. UnmyllltO; Main 2.10H .: ;';\u25a0 ;; ii .\u25a0 y. ."'.: BtfsiNwsa ( roiXKdTi''tn'iAfitAff'e : and' tin- LIABLhBCH_pOlj,;:yirht jeylont. -%\% VT, M. and CAAHAr* fit/fOo^d^ji/fOffrriA/vio I,'!1 ,'! wj G»ANoAvt::\' r ;,ii---, to* x/vo/rtr*. c«. , :.1 iill 1.. fit: ..r..'.-';-- 1 --.-- :-\u25a0-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 . .:\u25a0 - :\u25a0\u25a0 ' BPANJSI1 UJO9SONB IiIVTCN TtY KXPR- \u25a0 flenc^d . tfle^ef.sTeleph'rtna HOMB 4496, Hotel* and Lodging House* FOR SALE-PARTY 111-BAVINCi '• CITP must dltpose of 23-raom roominfit house At once.a Small amopnt \u25a0' buys' lt. ij Don't overlookjthls If you are looking for bar« gains. BROWN &; WOODS, 317 Pay, |j A : - SNAP IN, A NEWLY:- FURNIBHBD rooming house of 20 roomn, centrally los rated, for sale. Cheap rant- lon»f leif»a. Inquire of- WILL METZOER.iBIOSouta _ Maln.-t-. ..': :\u25a0\u25a0.:\u25a0\u25a0" ..'. "- •\u25a0:\u25a0;,•':. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 ' \u25a0: i^l::H-T'li-iii- i Llvft]Stock~HorBel."lviurbs^ i Ca t(l» t HpRS'BB:FbR SALE-j-' , v>'-:-'J:'.-'.v >'-:-'J:'.-'. ].:'\u25a0: ' : ;.'- \u25a0 - 20' h'Jad young hors»s broke i to \u25a0 drlVe aoubloi'and single; jwplght 1200 rand up. yor i particulars inquire- atsJ. SM, itlC|lllS'S, Colusa City, Colusa. County, ' (JaWf. :--''\u25a0/ \u25a0> .... .' \u25a0' . -: \u25a0\u25a0 'V:.V'.' ;'\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0:>« ' , ; ' , "i ' . '\u25a0'"'. "" J "-=3=. i'< !\u25a0 | ''\u25a0{'. for EXCH ANde S'^'TMv..;'.; \l . ;V^ -'Rear' Estate .^ ;. ~. \u25a0>;•.. y : for eXchangi«- :\u25a0 i•-.,•i •-.,• \u25a0 - \u25a0.. '•; \u25a0' 33-ACRB-ALPALFA RANCH/NEAR ' WESTMINSTER. 15 v " ACRES BEINU SET TO:,ALFALFA AND BALANCE READYr-2 hFLOVVINO ,- WELLS; X ; ROOM. HOUSE, i, THISf. iS A OOOl) LITTLERANCHJVND WELL WORTH ' $3600. OWNER 1 - WILL TRADE FOR FOR EXCHANGE— '\u25a0: ::'*'. -> ' ».-».ROOM. MODERN HOUSE," ON 3?H. NEAR FIGUKROA, WITH POLISHED - FLOORS,. BEAMED CKILING, PLATH \u25a0 GLASS WINDOWS, 8 MANTELS AND ' EVERYTHING IN AN UP-TO-DATE HOME,-, ,-.\u25a0\u25a0'......-••-..; \u0084.'.>\u25a0 i \u0084.,:-. LOT, IS MxlB3 TO TRIVATE DRIVE- . WAY; 2-STOHY BARN. PRICE 'S7SOO.' , MORTGAGE $31500. - - WILL TRADR KQUITY FOR CLEAR -COTTAGE . WEST OF CENTRAL AYE.'- i - . W. M. STURGEON," - " 203 FROST BLDG. THONES: m: RED 082.-^ : ' ' -\u25a0 - \u25a0' \u25a0 - , hUH \u25a0 KXCHANUE—BY*.BBN WHITE. 200, ranches, $500 .to $150,000. \u25a0\u25a0 '\u25a0'\u25a0 100 houses and lots.' slooo to $50,000 -: 100 orange and lemon groves, $20U<> .. to $JOO.OOO. .-., ' . . , .., ... 8000 miscellaneous properties. ' To . buy, sell or trade S property go to BEN ,WHITE,. 308., Bryson Block, 2d land Spring streets. ' . EjXCHANGE—S67OO, ~MTG. " $1500; 340 acres level valley land In, the > count"- . of Riverside, 4 miles from a good; town. There Is a 4-room house and-two large . barns; land fenced, and cross \u25a0 fenced. .Want eastern city or farm property for : ' nbovo. WM. N. HOLWAI , 211 Grant Bldg;; Home 193!)." >.,\u25a0"'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0'• \u25a0,•• \u25a0;:\u25a0. . > FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE-.- -- it We can" give you .a - good trade on a :, 20-room rooming : house, with ; 4-room cottage In roar. > \u25a0\u25a0 :' : ..•:\u25a0: \u25a0 >\u25a0 \u25a0 SMITH &'ASTON,' '' ' . ' " ; - .•"'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0<\u25a0; : 226; LaughUn Bldg. ! FOR EXCHANGE~BY'- SMITH i-&,VAS*- . :TON— Some' good ranches that have val- i\\e. It. you have \u25a0 something good call : and.see'.:us. SMITH... & ASTON, 226 LaughUn Bldg. 1 ,v f , 1; '. MAXON :WILL EXCHANGE YOUi: iji property, any location. Large list to Aselect, from.- MAXON .REALTY: CO.. .-,- 11«-115;:Stlmson,Bldg.,i' \x: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 j9\»| BEN WHITE WILL EXCHANGE YOUR . (property. 808 BRYSON BLOCK, Second .;and Spring sts. Member L. : A. Realty ' Board- ~ . .- \u0084;, ,\u25a0.••..- . *\u0084,.,„ I City Lot« and Lundt HHIUE REALTY t.OTt FOR SAI.H. TTtRRE LOTS ON HOPR BT., i BOXI6O RACH, NEAR .TEFFER- : SON, FOR $1400 BACH. ! i 40X1.15 ON OOLDEN . AVB., i I $28fiO. \u25a0 \u25a0 :,,:.'.. "\u25a0 a j [80X126, ORCHAHD AYE., $I«00. ..: I |^60X147, UNION AVE^ ; S2BOO.,: 0 I I TWO CORNER LOTS ON HOPE, \u25a0 , !- 60X160, $1600 HACIf. , : - . ' ' . I'\u25a0 BOUTJIRAST CORNRR THTR- . ' TV-NINTH AND lIALLDALE, : . 47X136, $C5O. ; BfIXUCj FtFTJT' AVR.y ARUNO-. \u25a0 '', .. ji.TON.H^anTS, $859. - \u25a0 " ; \u25a0;; . 310-319 PACIFIC ELECTRIC BUILDING \u25a0 " SIXTH TO MAIN; "i for sale- *;:\u25a0\u25a0•: : . j T"^" i {Perhaps you know that lots north and west of westlake Park are selling for $50 to $100, ppr front; foot. A few years ago you could have bought this class ot (property for a fraction of the price to- ,day and development has only com- mended. Lots I sold a few years ago. for $250 are selling today for (SOO and $'JOO. I! ?\u25a0 BUY \u25a0 ' : i Now Is the time to set In. I can 'sell you lots ' directly in line of the devel- . opment frpm Westlake Park toward .... Hollywood for only 5 ' . ; i ' : i ; I \u25a0\u25a0>•\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 :-' $350.00. » !No lot less: than 60x146 feet and on - Improved streets, with cempnt curba, . . sidewalks and building restrictions. \u25a0 Terms: $25.00 cash, ' balance $10 00 1 monthly. \u0084:..: 1 Get In before the blj? advance In value !. that la-mire to come this fall. Post I youreelf -on: Jthla ' property. , Take the Colegrove.car'to our branch office, cor. .. iWestern avonue : : and the car lino, and .wo will 'be glad, to show you the devsl- 1 opment of this section. ; .-t -. '\u25a0\u25a0::: \u25a0.' ' . '\u25a0-.'. CHAS. S. MANN. ; . . :. : > - Home phone 4171. , 316 W. Fourth st. : \- REMOVAL— \ -\u25a0; ;.\u25a0 \u0084\u25a0; ~ r ~7- '\u25a0 The office of tho ; '.FLORENCE VILLA TRACT . CLELAND lIOME TRACT \u25a0\u25a0 6 has been moved from room 730 . \u25a0. Herman AY. Hellman Bldg. » By (Room 219, Herman W. Ileilman Bldg. k Mrs. Gustav H. Smith, Solo Agent. f '•;\u25a0'. . Main 2712. . '-'V- \u25a0" ' : '"' \u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0"'"' »'r»or»owNv--:- : ., iV;?-'--"-' jand $10 per month, n-lthont Intereat. -'->•, buys a lot 60x174. on a graded. I' and oiled. street, cement, sidewalks ' 1 and curb, ono block from electric ' .-\u25a0 ; :: -•:.!-' .line and well located. . ' :'\u25a0 ,vK ' ... i Only a^few lots left . ! EDWARD D. SII.BNT * CO., Snlr Asents p Members L. A. Realty BoarrL ....... : .-•.Jißst 1885. 216-218 W. Second Street. \u25a0 J FOR ' SALE- ~ '-. ..-'\u25a0:\u25a0;\u25a0;. ' i ;;• \u25a0Pit' •.'.'\u25a0 ;'•: '< FOR SALE.. '" ,-"- '.'- i| ':\u25a0•-"-• FOR .SALIO. -»:' 1 5 I HAVE A FEW CHOICE RESIDENT \u25a0.-.'. LOTS LEFT IN THE DIAMOND ST. .' -TRACT, CORNER OF IST AND lIOO- i.i'VER STS., THAT I WILL SELL .FOR- TY-PER CENT CHEAPER THAN ' IN THAT NEIGHBOR- IHOOD. ; CALL AND GET MAPS AND -1-- - , - / ...:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0: '•"-ii '• -'- \u25a0- C- E3. |i.'.. ?' \u25a0"•ls- \u25a0-'\u25a0"'.\u25a0\u25a0•-.'''. :'."BlB WEST 3D ST. \u25a0']'-: ~ ' ''FOR SALE-^- -'-•\u25a0 : - ' ' .- . 'i; LOT 40x120, STAUNTONAYE. GRAD- , :ED STREET. $485. \u25a0\u25ba >. :\u25a0!» TWO LOTS ON 46TH, WEST OF •.>"SOUTH PARIC AYE., 40x145, $700 EACH. V-. *TWO LOTS ON- SOUTH UTAH ST., ;S6SOEACH. r--- \u25a0•- \u0084::--' :i •\u25a0-.-, \u25a0+. \u25a0 :<xi> LOT-ON TRINITY, BETWEEN 18TH i' AND WASHINGTON, $1500.* .. V, : . .'\u25a0' \u25a0. RIK. IBBETSON & CO., !- •'!. \u25a0i HOME ! 2410. i< y:: ...316 TRUST BLDG.., "\u25a0' ?i~i "LARGE LEVEL LOT. BOXIB6. " ' ;t-W.«'''; t-W.«''' -IK THHiIOtITHWBW.'i : ;\u25a0.... i IMPROVED WITH 4-KT. CEMENT *,!,walk; cemen*» critn and all 1 STREET IMPROVEAIENTS PAIL) \u25a0;>,-• FOR: ONLY $250;- ON EASY TERMS : ',s"IK DESIRED. - " ..' s ... ,:-;-, ;:-.> .'\u25a0•;,.•• -A--.' EMU, KIIITH. Ownw,"— ~i [ i : ¥,i . V ,411-117 IjAUGHUN BLDO., . ".^;,V, •-••.' \u25a0-'\u25a0 . 315 S. BROADWAY. ,; '.'for salb— : .. ., r'~ . ' p.. Three lots oh J Carroll avenue, being '.N.' :VW. corner of Douglas street and Carroll avenue, 50x150 feet, $1750; and lots 4 and "\u25a0"..'iß: of i blocks 4. Angeleno Heights, being -.100x133 feet, at $2500.; or $1250 forelthav \V: half;i 50* feet \u25a0west of . Douflas street. . Ttrms, half \u25a0 cash., balance ua agreed; 7 .'.'/.per tentilnterest.»i^«:-...:. *\u25a0. . r. - .. '•\u25a0-. \u0084',- -' v \u25a0••j!''v\...... M.' L.WICKS. - /-V.iIM Hellmap .-Block, 1 Mand Brpadway. '•\u25a0' 'rOHr'sALE-.V;- \u25a0".._; ;_\u25a0>.'\u25a0 .' \u0084 :/"i . ;•;j -. \u25a0:<We secured In' an exchange deal J T;laige lots In' Signal Hill,tract, « Long : Reach, which we will' sell at a bargain. - "We also offer 2 choice lots In southwest on; Brighton aye.. below. 46th st., at a .hargaln for quick turn. '\u25a0'. :\u25a0 J Phones- v*. i(^:ii ROSS & LINDSET. - ! .Home 7683. V :'' 814" H. W. Hellman Bldg. V- iMa1n.4822., :; : .is ]>\u25ba' :!.'.,,'. j^t« ft:-. /;' —^-$325 LOTS ,:-;;- j.1 '\u25a0\u25a0.' COTTAGE lIIO&IB I "~. I \u25a0 - '"K-l ,' - TBACT.;.. .-•- ' i ; \u0084;,'!v. 0 \u25a0 " . - ' \u25a0 ''' ' ' '' to •; H ' TERMS TO SUIT. ..." ' LOTS; ONLY- $325." ; : iU ROBERT MARSH & CO.. . ;303 'HeUwian Bldg.; 4th ami I Spring Sts. LOTSiLOTS—LOTS iOF , iLQTS— ONE .' -line i lot "on 1 Central ' avenue, hear 34th \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0% .{'street.' fornejet ten days only $1300; one . .oh 36thV' near .Maple,' $775; two on- 36th, t_. $650 each, one-half cash. These are bar- \u25a0 [gains. and willgo-quickly, »« •\u25a0 - : - " LOS ANGELES -RKALTYVCO., .'ii.''; \u25a0/'\u25a0: , .1,,.i'<14 Bryson Block. FOR'SALE— -THE' SALTI LAKE ROAD . ; is now running. - For city lota ut Us \u25a0\u25a0'"I; Vegas, also 'acreage in the Muddy ' ;-and .Vegaa . valleys, , see J. ... F. Mo- \u25a0PHERSON, 403 Stimson Block, cor. ?Thlrd<and -Spring, a. commissioner \u25a0\u25a0J for Nevada in . California. \u0084. : : ! ..,. * .. FOR SALE—CHOICE LOTS THREE I {blocks from Westlake, $400 to $1000 each. ,]Easjs. terms. :Come In today, tomorrow \u0084 imay be too late. J, 8. COTTON & CO., ./.-.•341 So.i Hill street. »'-;\u25a0 ,|..:j .\u25a0;......,-,, \u0084 .\u25a0". \u25a0" \u25a0\u25a0 ,'(,,,, ... •• ~ \u25a0\u25a0\u0084\u25a0 i -,-,-: f \u25a0 :., ./? ' |l - . f '"* Furniture' I '"'' '! :l ''-: -i i '\u25a0\u25a0 ' FOR SALE-^ENTIRE STOCK OP: . FUR. inlture, nacrlnced!. 'We will move! .\u25a0'" \u25a0' Chairs 6Do *\u25a0 Btands . $1.00, rockers - $1.85, sanitary > couches $4.60, \u25a0 mattresees for ,'sanitary 'couches $2.25, \u25a0" Iron beds $2.20, ;'extension - tables ' $5.00, small drenaerit $5.75, JIS.Wt Princess drvssur, .large French tlass, $15.00,- box 60uch"53.50, f chtna closets $10.00, chlffohters $3.7Qup, combination ; kttchen :\u25a0 tables $3.a). Hn- - . oteum C0c t : *4.09 2-burner bhuolliu) wtovo, *$3.28.., J... M,,, OVEUELU. 563-954 80. Main st. "'"«SPECIAL NOTICE. <]:'/'\u25a0 it i \u25a0!** CARLOADS HOUSEHOLD "GOODS. : jAleo the entire stock of furniture and i-ai'iJetH hu» been , movoU ilowu to . 617 •6, Bl'ltlNO. to Us clot)«d'put. at b-iuut titci'lilce, ap if you, are looklus tor fur- . |oliure bartralns- com« 'to | '"\u25a0"\u25a0 . *' ". ''' " "«7 B.''BPHINO. "" ' -PEE TERMS TO SUIT. <> ' TUB IAIIOEST TRACK ' FRONTAGE INTHE '"' {* \u25a0 /'I- f/'} CITY LIMITS. If YOU Want a Oood factory ; BLOCK, THIS IS IT. THIS 19 THE BEST CHANCE ON THE -atl GRANT lIUILDINO. , Tiet,. man, ott main 4570. FOR SALE—' '• :\u25a0\u25a0 i -.''\u25a0\u25a0 \t\ ;-'!i;. N. W. CORNER OV MAPLB AVK AND 7TH ST., BRICK mJILDINO; CLOSE TO MAIN ST.; UARQAIN. . W, M. OAKLAND & CO., ' -" <i 1 \u25a0\u25a0 Mtl< HUNTINOTON BLDQ. ,' FOR SALE-nYnJAURY TIROS.. < •' '• 328-32!) IUIADBUIIYBLDO. , WE IIAVE SEVEKATi COJiNERH ON SOUTH MAIN STRKET/ONE ESPE- CIALLY, 100x140; N. E. CORNER, NEAR ADAMS; $175^ PER FRONT FOOT." A CANVASS OP THE PEW AVAILABLE CORNERS DOWN . THBim WILL CONVINCE YOU THAT THIS 13, A GOOD INVESTMENT. ' FOR SALE-,:j. j '\u25a0-..-., \u0084....;,:, \u0084 An Estnbllshcd Business— BLACKSMITIIINH. REPAIRING AND HORSESHOEING, Including shop, tools and stock of nec- essary material. REALTY TRUST COMPANY, 129 South Broadway, Los Angeles. .; FOR BALE-*18,000; CHOICE BUSINESS i corner on^W. 7lh street, four blocKS : west of Flßueroa, where street Is to be j paved at onco; size 112V&X12O; all corners .; on 7th as far out nS;Boacon aye. held at $200 per foot and \u25a0 upwards; i.thls, will dcuhle In value when street Is paved. IP. M. PHELPS. 608 Douglas bldg; ..... JOBOO-nOOD INCOME PROPERTY, 611 Towne aye. . Sco us . at onco . for '.-• ' burßalns. '•' \u25a0 ....... :. . WIIITCOAIB-OIBSON CO., '' \u25a0 :! : " 62!1-6'Jl LaugTilln Building. -\u25a0-'\u25a0. \u25a0 Country Property- .- NO BETTER INVESTMENT , than at . \ '. ;,',,=; •.. ; V -\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0'WATTS \u25a0''.'< •[\u25a0:] '-' .' Z •; - (Population over 1600.) ' \u25a0- ; " The town that .' has !grown from a ranch to a^clty In 15 nionths. !'•:'. Fifteen minutes' ride -from 6th and Main on Long: Beach Electric line. \u25a0 ", ISOAND UP- - :\u25a0\u25a0:.:.\u25a0 ' $1 DOWN-SI'PER iWEEK.' :.-."\u25a0" 'l'.: LOTS $90 AND UP V '.;'•\u25a0 /:! ... \sl DOWN-$1 PER WEEK.'-:, ip-^: \u25a0'\u25a0" \u25a0 ".":: '-.•::- *:";''\u25a0 \u25a0 '' \u25a0 \u25a0 "No Interest", "" "Guaranteed Certincate of Title." \u25a0'.'No Taxes." GROW UP WITH THE TOWN. GOLDEN STATE REALTY CO., * ' 1 Solo Owners.' . : \ 421 SOUTH SPRING ST. Branch 6th and Main Sts. '. f| :':'\u25a0\u25a0' ;': &\u25a0% \u25a0\u25a0 "' Both Phones— Ex. 66. i; Free Transportation.. \u25a0 Open .Sunday. : . ~~ | AN OPPORTUNITY ~~- t , \, \u0084 ..THAT -ISIPASSING. ; . . More of this Innd Is being sold cv- M cry week. and. all of -this 30.000Taqr« tract ofec-rh, wheat and alfalfa land will soon be gone. . Any Investor', or homeseeker-'who has : $SOO or $10,000. and, who falls it* get 40 acres or a section of this lane:' at our present prices is making a ii mistake.:-,: i i. \u25a0--.\u25a0.•.;..-.,\u25a0•.', i •.:---"\u25a0::. -,- NEXT EXCURSION TUESDAY. . PRICE NOW $22.50 AN ACRE, ,'ji:' INCLUDING ONE $10 SHARE OF -*: WATER STOCK WITH EACH ACRE \u25a0 -BOLD.--- -\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0•--».->. -.--\u25a0- ;.- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0 WESTERN COLONISATION AND :•:;.; . i ;\u25a0;.\u25a0! investment; co.. .\u25a0'* .;> ..' 811 Herman "W. Hellman Bldg., •\u25a0 ;: Cor. 4th and Spring, .Los Angeles. (| INVEST IN ALTADENA ' -ACREAGE! \u25a0 "Altadena \u25a0'< has- been Slumbering. '\u25a0• It •willnot "sleep' much- longer."Homo- seekers are slowly awakening to tho unusual advantages offered In that beautiful foothill section. Activity, will result. Buy now, while prices' are rock-bottom. There wllh be , no boom. there, but there will be^an ad- . vanclng market. , Altadena.racreagre -, Is a safe and: sure Investment. 1,. MiT I PRATT, 608 Laughlln BulldlngT-Alta- 5 dena property a specialty., ' FOR SALE T ;:AT .ALTADENA, THE foothill section: of Pasadena: - $2000-- I 'Klve.!acres in table grapes. $2050-r*New -..six-room bungalow very pretty; lot.100x223, or can bus more land;' near car. \u0084 . \u0084•\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0>!\u25a0 $3500-»-Ton. : acres In. fancy "table grapes; lies beautifully; elegant view; a fine Investment, i) $(isooHiiFive acres, varlety^of fruits: modern cottage; .largo, bam. * i"' '%,,. '.'\u25a0 L. . M. TWA'IT,:60S LilUghlln Bldg, , i; .Miscellaneous; ;\u25a0, FOR SALE-i-GOOD LUMBER CHEAP. ' Also, five cars ' of redwood doors,: seven cars yellow pine doors, four cars ' Ore- gon pine doors. ' and ' all klndß of. win- dows. Come -see the stock, and we'll make prices to get > your business. ».'At our bis, new- yard. Twentieth and Ala- meda streets.^ . , . . X NATIONAL' LUMBER' COMPANY.- i'OR SALE—NE\V AND BECOND-HAND bllliaid and pool tables. Bar fixtures of all kinds; ensy payments. Send for eat- , ftloeua. \u25a0 THE BRUNSWICK-BALKK- ' COLLENDER CO.; 620 jS. 1 Los Angeles. \u25a0 PIANOS-ALL TOU NEED TO PAY US Is $6 when you select your piano, "then , $6 monthly. We won't charge you any Interest., /VVe positively guarantee'; the fn-lce we ask to! be the same i\»: : hbU*J it' New York. 1 Wostoh or Chicago. B R»- -membertho old house, of FITZGER- ALD when you . -want!: it food , piano- ,, U3 8. Spring Btreet. \u25a0 .. . \, .... ,;,\u25a0 \u0084 . ,:\u25a0. ..r ^ f, FOirSALE-ONE MILL|ON 'FEET, OF Oregon plue. interior finish.'" lumber, -- Also,, any .amount ... of window ... (raiucs \u25a0 and moulding. Come and see our big new plant. % v NATIONAL. LUMRER: COMPAN Vi X h. KI and Alameda.jj.. g:^- FOR M'SALM— -CAR:'; OF 1 CORRUOATEp .-Iron \fvy chean. -'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 '-•!,\u25a0/..\u25a0!^w 4- «...': '. : * *x. .... national Lumber ,company.,.. Twentieth and Alameda. : oaboliNe stoves repaired and guaranteed . tor - on« | \u25a0 year. Telephone •' k Iloyl» 1029. ' IJWYEH. 2008 East' Second street. , u))\u25a0*+:\u25a0) Jt.: if "i »:<.;::i« ' lw - i _ KOR"«" BX'li£}-'— ' MISSION i'COUNTEH, < jehplvea,' mission arm Hiiit rucklnts atiaiis. ('NO.' 1833 CENTRAL AYE. >«»t»^*i v KOR'SALIfI CHBAP-3 ii'EDROOMBTfITS. ' 'Phone Homo UM. - W3 N. t'LUWKK Si. Dcflch Property '\u25a0' ' : 'r Di.uioNofi: \u25a0'i'{'''' f OCR A IV PARK AJffl tt J M VRNICI3. ?*s\u25a0% h $'Ji \u0084\u25a0 'i ' Don't .forpt that"- -^$ vkjiicr, \u0084,r, r VBNIC'M ANJVRX, 1 i PLATA PRIi «XV, -.-»:'\u25a0 \u25a0"- SHOHT 1.1N14 nKAOIf !>'(. . '•' : '\u25a0' ::.:,--\u25a0'\u25a0-•\u25a0\u25a0 AJt ih •>'\u25a0•\u25a0.\u25a0* j- \u0084.~r;. .-, i " \u0084., . '.'. '' i . .".-'." J '\u0084' ..*' :' : i I /. prices don't rKOr K0 up and , '\u25a0"•\u25a0\u25a0£ \ . '\u25a0\u25a0 down with the,,' ... . 'Qf . If you ' wo nt a. good; lot /' t Investment > j v ,-. -ft 1)01110, l ',ly rt!i Prices are steadily advancing.. Don't delay. '' Como and make hack what you have lost on other \u25a0i Ifj Inypstmcntfi. . , . In nearly any part of Some at great bargains. |\u25a0 ;: ... , j' WH IIAVK Sll.Vlli'l STIIAMI, TI-AYA DEL, HRY. ' Somo aro special sood buys. '. .Some snaps still left at ;;, , ,:'. .'VFii\IOB-AIVNIST. ' ""\u25a0 "'" 'Now Is the. time ' ', to buy. . : \u25a0t\ .Two weeks from now*will 3 ' ' see better and stronger -- ! t prices than ever, 1 .-. , j \u25a0\u25a0if' ' ' before. -. \u25a0 -. \u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0 .j"\u25a0 ! ' ' Don't wait till they' gettoi .coming llko they have at Redondo \u25a0 t]ne ..'\u25a0\u25a0 '-.\u25a0 t past we«k. \u0084r i J .: ;\u25a0 \u25a0;[ i ! i Ai, v. w nnsTn'ti & co., 302 MAfimV'Biril.lllNG,.' . ' \u25a0 FOIIItTII AMD UnOAnWAY, .;•'\u25a0 - \u25a0\u25a0•''''' -\u25a0 ' ; '\u25a0' nEACH \u0084' ;•* - '' .t'NRRUH -NO AWAKfSNIXG. 1 LOTS AT FIRST I'UICUS, A> \u25a0 . .. WO To sfsr.oo. . .. .- i Tho aotualbeaoh'ttroa lhCal*;,- ! ..... Ifnrnla -Is limited! iEach. year >' : -. ",-'\u25a0 tho available; unsubdivldod \u25a0 - .. , beach property Is loss andilcss,. '•" 1 ••\u25a0..' and as. tho demand : incrbasei', -1 \ \u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 -the best beaches will ever have ; " tho greatest value. 'Now, the, 1 ' V- best beach Is "not tho beach'-* ;*i that has been boomed the hard- \u25a0\u25a0 fc e£t (wo don't boliovo In booms), i.- •• but. the beoti beach is 'the boach r:..., with the greatost natural ad-, vantages Is the beach -with a safe surf—a .strand of clean, pure sand— wlthii natural sur- '\u25a0. .roun,dlnpfsr-wlth a boauty Qod-f ' given.' j'Acity may, bq, built by '•. .. man anywhere.., . and- In r: any \u25a0place; but a boaoli is a great j \u25a0:\u25a0' collection- '\u25a0 of : tho' -. 'SANDS -'OB! TIMI3, and man cannot itiako a \u25a0V . Wo claim for OCEANO .:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 IIfOACII that- It is the grandest, :. widest, whitest, cleanest, lortK- \u25a0 '•'•• eat strand In Californla-^-ln this . country. .This -is. inaturo'B gift" :. '—not man's.* \u25a0\u25a0 '•'\u25a0 \u25a0'\u0084r> - - \u25a0-: -- Ut«-t: :"\u25a0--"• O?)KAIVO BRAf!H SYNDICATE, \u25a0.'\u25a0" MISRCHAM'S TRUST .COMPANY. 820 South Ilroii.lttiiy. -. \u25a0 . .' \u25a0 \u25a0 :. :.'.-. Tnmtcv, -\u25a0-•>\u25a0:\u25a0: .'• \u25a0- \u25a0207 South Kroadwny. ' \u25a0' THE McCAItTHV- COMPANY, - : ..General SnlvH< Mnnnßcr, .' , I- 203 North Brondwny. ;;; REDOND O; : . > : .: !, ','. /\u25a0\,^'~,J'-~ :•\u25a0.-".' '\u25a0•\u0084;\u25a0 :\u25a0\u25a0' '.- \u25a0\u25a0 : By the' Sea* ""• ' v . . \u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0 : i \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'-- 'I; to.be.;.:-: \u25a0\u25a0 -, " , the jflnest: oeach i' \u25a0 j , '\u25a0\u25a0. i \u25a0«*\u25a0 on ':\u25a0: .-..\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0 ..-" '•\u25a0} \u25a0 k , 'the Pacific. Coast..-. \u25a0.:\u25a0" \u25a0 ' Ifyou want to make money, ,',; don't delay. i .' \u25a0 Do It now. ' Call at my office, ;: . ., /.; : : 304 MASOPf: BUILDING, : ' ' Southeast corner Fourth and v ;.!.\u25a0... ui:c.; Broadway.' \u25a0'\u25a0•'* «• . .; :.,„. Select, the, lot:. ; ; '\u25a0" you like.' .. . Then come down '\u25a0\u25a0-, ->:\u25a0, .\u25a0'.;•\u25a0\u25a0-:.. t0 \u25a0 ' «;r.r« . : ;\u25a0..:\u25a0-\u25a0 i X \u25a0;' Redondo.:::! . :! ,-' '\u25a0 , - i^. J. will meet" you' 1 with my buggy , \u25a0 ; and show you - Redondo Bargains. .. WILL STANTOM, ; \u0084 ..] 'a.} '; 304 Mason llulldlnsr. FOR SALE— ; ; ;-..: I FT) \ E^Vnv VS-^ IHi | r ' LOTS \ LOTS . LOTS j \u25a0LOTS \u25a0.-..,-.* LOTS. -;,: LOTS i : .!, )MILLIONS IN IT. =. I \u25a0 ':\u25a0: ' : " MILLIONS' IN 'IT.; 1 ' I 3 '\u25a0"' .:.'..\u25a0 BUSINESS LOTS, " , . 3 i'- -.'X \u25a0'"-. RESIDENCE LOTS.' i '• \u25a0\u25a0'•'»• ' SEE ! US. i WE HAVE LARGE LIST OF: BARGAINS.-:- -WE CAN ADVISE YOUi WISELY .:WH£]RE,:.THE \u25a0 -BEST ;:\u25a0 BUYS ARE—THEY JV.RB s BOOMING; :THE \u25a0 QUICKER ,. YOU DO] BUSINESS 'THE BETTER , FORs¥OUB POCKET* *: BOOK. :.- " \u0084.-'•"\u25a0 -- \,r- I it ,::,<"\u25a0"? .., \u0084 OLD : SETTLERS \u25a0IINVEBTMENT CO;j ' \u25a0:.;;.\u25a0 l. ; .:. t .601-6U3 GRANTyBLPG.-;.,.^ ,jt VV-ii \ \u25a0 !**> ' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 |^-.- : : : ':^i' i cJ . ; I ',j pecics . ' ' - ; ' j , -MANHATJTAN BEACH ' . v f '»>':. .'..-* v'"' ,"""tract. ' i (Just north, of Redondo on Ocean.) I - | - \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* ''LOTB'lSfip TO" $1000. ' , "I "NORTH MANHATTAN BEACH CO..| 405 CHAMBER OF COMMERUEBLDa. fg.V? Horna 1 2448'i i-Maln''4sis'jyi"''li -Ma1n''4si5'jyi"''1 | 1 4' BUY LOTS '.AT WILMINGTON. - | , Safer than a bank;, increase In value absolutely sure.' 'Lota 60x15711 now only $375; one-third cash. No other beach has the busliU'B.s buckliiK that Wllnilng:- " tun has,< J with4ita lpner harbprff tran»- : «»utlnvntaJ. i-»llroitd« iaud'.iomtaii i steam- ship and salliner vessels of the world ex- j-liimjj|iig i freight - here. Immense fno- ,torli'» and' Warehouses are sure to lie : loi'Hted on this -Inner harbor,- You must hurry to get lots at this price. J> '""McFATRIDOK ' nnOftrTjll) '»\u25a0•> Bprlnf at.. ' "\u25a0"-"•"MANHATTAN."*"""**: I"'**'1 "'**'— *'• We have for sale 7 lino lots In Man- \u25a0 ';-^ l|,K!»t3l.: ! Laughtln(illjtmiiiy/^ *Y,.M •\u0084.''! \u25a0' ly— jßt~ -ry: ,i|iii 11. .. tfjarV— j.- \u25a0\u25a0„; ,j [\u25a0;;;; ;.;';;Re^:EBtate^yincii^&of S ;*' +Jii jl - ,-^.BASSKTT^b BMITII-*au.'"t.. M tViOO per y««r. i«iw.-niant -jl'ilu«.s W.BIK). INSURES AXLEARSKW't '< When Eczema, Aciae," Tetter, Pimple»,T or other skin diseases make their appear- ance it .is a sure sign \u25a0 that the blcosd is filled with-humors iand -burning, acida. .These being forced* through the porea 5 and glands burn' and blister the skin, prc£~ ducingthe eruptions which are usually. accompanied with intense itching, and- are disfiguring and humiliating.;;- . ;i; .--p \u25a0-' Tears ago my blood was bad, as evi- denced by skin eruptions on different' parts of the body, and other symptoms, ', boI concluded to try S. S. S., knowing it to be highlyspoken, of. \u25a0 After using a. number of bottles—-do potremember now, just how much—my blood was thor- i ou (thlypuriliedand enrichedc hed and I was relieved of all eruptions and manifosta-- tions of impure blood. X believe S. S.S. to be an excellent blood medicine, and any. one in seed oi such a medicine ; would do wall to'uße'lt.'-. They willfind it a perfect cure as It proved to be in my - oane. ...... , -.-IMBS. O. fl. SHOEMAKER.. i Alliance,0., 616 E.Patterson StT l^ - " ' •-\u25a0 While external treatment relieves tern* porarily it does not reach the real cause I , of the disease, because it does not gointo ' j the b100d.,, S. S. S., a perfect blopd pii,',' ' rifier, neutralizes these acids and humors; land by strengthening and toning up the Liver, Kidneys and' Bowels,* the natural ; channels of "bodily -waste,*- ditpbse«"' of- |»M«l., £lit SYA*» J*^V< them- Instead of ' /S2^ 'i^3^ V*^^& allowing: , them fiLT/^ Kji!l/ to be forced to ! PURELY VEGETABLE. ' the greatest \u25a0 -«!!»\u25a0' i»t< t.*~v«)iH"S;ti"M* tonicSffor,, building up the entire system, increasing/ .the appetite' arid. ': helping ,the digestion./ SJ S.'S.cures all' skin 'diseases 'promptly . and permanently/ leaving the skin' soft ' and smooth, i Only bykeeping the blood pure can we hope to have a clear skin. {Book on Skin Diseases and any medical , advice you may wish free of charge. < - ,- , . \u25a0 . |IHEiSWIfTrSPECIFIC ; Co« Atlaoti 6a. | tunu^i,'.'. i^<;r,, ?'^.'r<v*M.-iJK i, v,: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•; \u25a0\u25a0 I : £Sfntih\ 1 ' ?f Spring \u25a0: lifiiiViiiiiiiii'iiiiPMwiiiiiiMi,H \u25a0 ; faHIJUWIMI.t \u25a0Ml-.-'-' t.-...; ' t«fl; .,-..«(i> j "\u25a0'\u25a0'[ Bm i'iS ' .. \u25a0 MURK '' HLjwßr iH'i"i I " '"\u25a0\u25a0 !\u25a0 j . \u25a0 "\u25a0 (*!\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0911 >/ li, ' P.,i^ I That Made Milvyaukee Famous. : 67p.:".'-i Sherwood Vti Sherwood, 216 No. Main St., I-o« tAngeles," 1 " ' The Beet' That] Made Milwaukee Famous % % [ ;; , /'Pale ' and^Erlkn^er iVßavarian Brew" '< '\u25a0'\u0084 J BVAfii UfiU'W -'V/i;iH - .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0W.j-m-^,^ '*< \u25a0\u0084.:. -<><-',• \u25a0,-,! < :;'-i''';,.;";'\ on draught, AT».iVn;iv«..« ." \u25a0• \u25a0..-•{ ;

Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (San Francisco ......to Weymoath Crqvrejl^-Lot*1 and %, sub. ox lot1, Hoover tract $10 1)1. X Ni(l>lu. vs. Jaiues Stanley, admr, of

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Page 1: Los Angeles herald (Los Angeles, Calif. : 1900) (San Francisco ......to Weymoath Crqvrejl^-Lot*1 and %, sub. ox lot1, Hoover tract $10 1)1. X Ni(l>lu. vs. Jaiues Stanley, admr, of


subdivision of .north .63 acres- of blockQ,- subdlvldcd'la'hds s of' J:1 ll."Painter '•and v. P.>Ball),ln Ilancho San?iP«»-qual, ..,.,.. ;...$lO ,'•'1 W. D.'Williams and Emma 'WiniamS

'to !-C. Ganahl \u25a0»liUmbef'-cnmpany-r-Part rilots 13 and 14, bloek,R.,West tos An-

'geles .;.... ..-.Vi.V....... .J.>.:';v.7..J10 >T \u25a0 George Manner and Anna. Manner to£ \u25a0

Gertrude Manner, and Matilda. Sitler— '

Part lot 20,' block'E, Madeau •': Orange"tract. ,!\u25a0\u25a0'.: .'.;\u25a0:.-.'.. -—:;

i. :.ri-...v;:.>*10 :1: 11 Gnnrgo llannor to Anna Manner


20, block X, Nadftau Orange tract. '.'.s 10 •'

iz Jatnes IG. Scarborough;^trustee; :f:to*William Couser—Lot 3.,block \u25a0 SJ.'.Pasa.-. J. \u25a0"

dena. vnia tract.. :....;".'...J..:-.v;.:»lJ..:-.v;.:»l0 w1 Bank !of.!San':Pedro tb'Janiea h. Grlfflnit.—Part lot^4 .Packs pubdlvision ol.blorJc*51:

\u25a0 San Pedro 1;.7?......'.::......;.;.;.. ..'.110^1 tfk-T.'& RJCo.-to H;t-WrWlnston-liotst 1t:422 ,.and i423^. Fourth St.' Bridge, tract ;,J10,„";,J10 ,„"1 Joseph IC.Moore to

'Sophia Boyer—Lota .

IS and 39; block' 16,'i Harrison,". Curtlg:& *•Sweetser'B subdivision of blocks .P.,and 16,. rThe Palms \u25a0...:.;\u25a0.. \u25a0.'.......\u25a0;..•..„...;\u25a0.... '.5250 •\u25a0'

1.-O. Butler toHenryJ/Velthart— Low22 and. &,block G, The .Palms ...,.-,...'.110 „>

\u25a0 Pomona Cemetery Assn. to v Geo." \u25a0 H."Miller—Part lot 39», Pomona Ceme.tery<s4l*^• George A. Hobson et al.tr> S. M. Fair-,,field—Part blocK 196, Maclayßo Ex'Mls- ?sion of SaniFernahdOi'.'..:;i'."t..".'.".7.'.'...slo-!;

\u25a0 J.. H..,Batea (etai.,to :S. ,lt.,Falrnold— ;.Part block 196, Maclay Ro Ex Mission of\u25a0'.'San

-Fernando 1;;...V;.J..:;.":*'.%..;'../j;'.sll2i>:t

1 Laß Vegas Land &Water, Co»to L..X. PJacobson— Property not InL. A: Co." ...'.-'.1Marie B. Wells to vAindrewOlsen— Lot.1*32.3d 37. and.iO, block 43,,jrsirmoi»nt, trnct-(Nlcjholas1^ QlmatJeadß BUlkliVisioni*..'.. .'..$lO 3t Andrew Olsen to Benispn Inv.Co.—Sam o".property as above-,... ,i.......... .....:.'..%\0't

\u25a0 -DilG.'MoGarvirt'anfl '-Una Taylor .TWd-i!</Garvln« tOr.Kobert^McOaryin-rPart lot


10, block 3, Wsf;Lo3 AiiK«lea.'.":.-..'.510(John- Cronauer and '\u25a0'AlfraiCrohanpr'tto;1iAioise ,rOeller ,and <-Clara r, Oeller-t-Afrreement'tdconvey part Raneho SanAntonio :.v:..'.:.*.•!..v,.--;;vii..i;i.s3BOO;ji William B.iStevens w to i_Frank,-;-JR.\u25a0Wooster-^-AgTcement 'to convoy lot'\u25a0'.' A,*

bldck->'.23,'i Electric.lRailway;Homdstead aAssociation \u0084..-.;..,. \u0084.,.. ....S6OO ,:!'Columbian' lnvestment company to A::*'B.=Atwatertr»-Recolpti and!contract 10^1-f


«ale^of.,lot, ll,.blc»ck_l6, range. C. Wll- :,;•mlngton- •:•.'.';'.'..'. :..".."t5.f..:..-.':V:slsftO-'.:' -Manhattanfßeach company to LouiM..lGlbson—rLot -6,«.b10ck,. ,78,Beach \u25a0".. .";:;..'.'/.............. .r.^i0*• -.Theodore -F. -Taylor. »jand' iCarrie!."B.oTaylor to Charles M. Andrewah-I^ot 4?.vreßubdlvlslon "of \u25a0'"Raymond "improve-ment Company's t tract...:'.: ..'.;:..j-.slO:{;,S.,J..Aykroyd ,tp, Clara..15. Holtf—Part.^ ;-.lotsl and 2, block

'6- South Woodlawn".

tract. '.r;:ft.'':.. .'iWi'.-ii.t.\71v..1.,fSXO f


"fßenjamlnj W,.,Hahn -.and :araeo::v.

Ffahn to J. F. Hall—

Lot 7, BeachOrchard tract. ..t....;... ."..•;,.';./;.$lO

•i Julia Emily Boadle and Joseph Bea-dle" to Pacific Electric Land company-fPart lot 2, block; 61;;Hancock, sur-vey ! .\u25a0 , ..$lO

\u25a0 (Pacific -Electric 'Land ::company .',r:t(jJnli E." Beadle— Part lot 2, block' 61,Hancock survey ;. }io:; Maude Remick Warren. •\u25a0to G.-E.Adams

—Lot 20, block 12,


Heights Ganahl tract.. .....> $101Frank C. Platt Investment companyto HanveyrW.! Mlßner-4.Lot in 2,*A.-*rJ.Broiyn'Bf subdivision,-of;part -block iJU,*Pathter :.:!& Ball's, addlUon to Pa5a-«ena!i..:'....;.....,... ; »io:> Ifi'l.'Stuart, trustee under. doed 2514-.-11,Hp W. .lli;Gresoi-y-tll,ot"33,>'Gran'd'Avfettue Electric... tract., ...,. ..' $,10;,,Aniile M. .wytman ,*iiid'<VA,-WWtSm&h!Uo John MJ*:Krazieri-^L6t 22,i:Dei

''frlesj' tract subdivision of.north half of10ta::;.,7 nncl 8, bluck L, San Pasqualtract...;.. .'.~..... ..«.'......... jt-r.$10'• J,ahrt iS» -Meyerholz :\u25a0 to John tM.JFra>-zler'nnd Lena1 <-Jh PrazierU-Lftfs 18 and19, Crescent Park tract....', \u0084.. t

,'.slo;!• Mabelle I. Kiucjiiilto. it: O. Ailamß— \u25a0-Lot44, Dayman trafit;,,..,.... ,l.. .$lO, Marshall-Lewis arid Elsie h.'Lewla 1 to':J.:J. <miop,yer,.Mae :llapver and, Mrs.. -Jl,;11. sßaker—LotsBaker—Lot— Lot 5, Solano tra«t.; $10j.Title-fInsurance <fand >lTrust ''company;to Lpulsa I.' Welsh

—Lo» 6, block 8, Ala-

mltoa Bay tract \u0084....,.. $10John I"..Fowler atidißosb B.,»Fowler

to SfMmlly J. Shlvelyi-Part lot 17.Holmes & Notman's. subdivision."*?., slo. Title Insurance -and" Trust companyto D. Rlch-rrLot ,4, block ,D.McCai'thyZ Co.'s MainStreet, 'MonetaAvenue and Flgueroa Street, tract,. .$lO

;\u25a0 Mary Arßrfggsr. and Lillle.'M.' Map-Go wan to Wlllard H. Sttmson-^Part lot3. ,lilot-kH, Old Hurvuy............ $15,000i John H. Burton to W. E. Visscher

—Lot-»3»<blockO;.Couiitryi Club tract. ;|lO

\u25a0 ,;Edward S. Field and Sarah M. Fieldtq rFank Walker

—Lot 2ft,a.block {,10;

Short Line Beach anbdi vision No. l.:$10tTruinhu'' jfj.-I'lllisks> to |Rosa* Lehman

Jleatus— ljpt ?4.ivhlo(}kHi,2Jj:fcCh*rles,.lVie-,

tar nail ,trHCt.v. :i-:... '.\..l.vr,-....*;!.ju>•i,G. E. Wood and Columbia E. Wood toGiiy P. Stotts

—Lot 49, block 11. Cres-

cent Bay tract... ».....»V'•'\u25a0\u25a0. ••.«••, .$lO

irfUobert J: b:-. Stearhi- .andl'sMab*! "T.4

Sfuarns torlillengPollftrd— jUot-as, Haribdrt fc-Butterworth'S 1

-Adam* Street

tmct. •'.' $10\u25a0J'Je»B)e Thompson- to Ellen Pollar4

—I4t 26,'*H«rlwrt.&;Hutterworth's 4,damsSb-eet stract5 tract .. ...:;:.»'.;'•« S'•***!>aiAn'gel J. -neyea; Paul: P. Reyes anaFrance* M. Ueyea to: Leonldes M.RqyeeJ-Lo fr:e,: Paul and1 Angel Jteytis', subdl.viiloulof 'east five acres 'of isoulbaivatQuarter at southeast- jjuarter of nortli-wV»t>quarter of section 11, townthlp 1HOuth, riiMK« H west $10iFrances* Brown 11illand EdwlnF. milto Weymoath Crqvrejl^-Lot* 1 and %, sub.ox lot 1, Hoover tract $101)1. X Ni(l>lu. vs. Jaiues Stanley, admr,

of eHtat«.ol' l'iacJ-« WUlitlniirimlmiii de>uia«ed->l)ecreßs tiutetlng .title ln.plalnttrt-ft'art of lot 23, ariffln'« ViiyyvaiVJ'W**^£w» Angeles.

:Same to Miss "Francos' "M."1RoblnAon-Pnrtf of lotJll»,'«amA.'.i ./.\u25a0•>..-;, t;i^..:.|lK

Same to,C..JE. iJohnson— Tart; 0ft,6Z44,same .'; '.r ....77.;...;1;......',....;.. ~$6SiSame to Samuel tArthUr-t-BaTtaof "Mot

1340, same -........'.IKt Same to Mrs. Jane Slmontdn— Part ollot 4646, same , \u0084.,,,...,,..$,12!, Same' to'MrsvD.Howe-^Part of 10t'4072,same. ..-.;. \u ..i,i..i,v..*.,.w.i...5.i»i511e

Laura J. Nelson and Harry M. Nelsonto Jean 8. Climle, Jessie R. 'Cllmie,"AnnaB. gilmleand May Climler-Lot 6, Corbln'ssub. of Santa Crua- tract, being: part olReyes > tract' '\u25a0•:.'}.. v.\.?. ir.'..,';-vj;.";?.:.:.'i. .J10IRalph Rogers company to. A.,-G»ns—Lots 22 and 23, block 5, Nadeau Park Villatract .v \u25a0'.I.\u25a0;;..-;a,\»v;."..;v....:.:.L.:7.V.51601 CiißCiiß

->YanmEv?rjr t0 c-

I'-.Whlpple-Partsection 12 TM'S R 11 \V ...:„„.„...$lO..Ida. BwNuss'to 6.- M.!Puiks^l/0f23,b'"9}j,*».-Central Arlington Heights tr $10• William Stcwardson to Frederick Pfen-nig—Lot |16, H.C; Thomas tractnvij.vt.$10'

WilliamStewardson to John Faulkner—Part lot 43, subdivision of Wlthafdt tr $10„&:'!,.Bundy..eti -al',to .:Theodore fVanBuren— Lot 10,. block P, Ocean Park Villatract- No. 2-;..-.. :i:r:.j;.:'.%.."..'.. ':'.*.\u25a0.'..*.•' $10i-"V£- .E".

E" Tyler t0 Zola •\u25a0?•{ Syvertsen-Lot1, Tylers subdivision of lots 13 to 16, 21 to24, :and \u25a0 east- 12 feet.of> -lot» 20, > Hoffmantract i j \u0084....: tic:Krnest W. Miller'to '.''T.iMlarfelss— Lots

1-2 3 G;7- 8 9 and 10, E>W."' Mlllel-s «übdi-ivision of lots 3 and 4, blk 145,- Pomona $10:Minnie A: Dunkle to Louisa .W.Mur-phey—Lots 8 and .4, Franc lsca tract .-.'i.JlO-Ella Cunningham to Mrs., Colista WScott—Lot 12, block'l,- S.'L.'B. 1subdivis-

ion No. I,| Ocean Park j.-.\u25a0.'...j.-.\u25a0.'...j,1. r,..v..i10\u25a0 James G. Scarborough, \u25a0 trustee, toHenryFox—Lot 7, 'block 45," Pasadena Vil-la, tract -. ..\u25a0..\....J......:.,Vi......,x50-

Elizabeth H. B;Smith tdlrwin Nixon-Lot12, :McKee &.'Lindsays subdivision ofeast ,(i.Oti acres .of Jot \u25a0 3,.block. P,. .SanPa.Bqual

'tract . .*..r'.'i.*.'...'.\u25a0.':..:.-.:...:..tv.f!0!Thomas C. Turner to •George '.H.vMaiv\u25a0hall—Lot 3, block LTownsend & Robin-

son tract; lot1, block"l,~Townsond &Rob-inson tract-No, i'.:..'..w"i.i.;.v..


i:Frank D-"Gartzdafner' to''MatthewvMc^Connell— Lots 34 and 35,::Park tract, a sub-dlvlsidnfof;wo.st.li1of.Farm lot 148, Ameri-can Colony $10iH.-R. Krames to Mary E. Cummins—LotdS;1block a^KnolLiPark tract«..at;sl&:Robert A-.Orr to Fred A. .Brlggs—Lots

12 14 18 18 and '20, block 'B,-subdivision ofblock 28, and loia -161.18 ,and 20, block 19,Burbank ...:....-... \u0084.,....,..S3OO:Hammorid

* Lumber"- Co."'? to* NationalLumber .Co.—Part block ,A,f HuntingtonIndustrial "tract • :';..."i..";...........; $10:Williarn'Ri-'Myers' et al to Samuel 'W/-Greene-Lots^ 10 -and 11, ..block ,ll.',Qa>-vanza"...:.;;:..'.h: .\u25a0..T:.:-...-.r.:::7.'..

<:::I.slo• Marguerite CaPart :to Henry-Washing-ton—Part Jot 2, Ketchums sjubdivlsion of.lof'l6/RoLa Canada -.-.•...;;.r;:':;..\u25a0::.lJ.:'.»io

\u25a0:Lula N. Uinton. to < Ida,1M.,SoYae-rLot34, block B,Entwistle tr^ct.... $10I'Same to same-:

-:'Lo£ 33,'" block 'B,:same

tract......;,..,.. .«,...., >„...*..., ..510I John Baker and'Hannah B. Baker. toLeroy Chick and A.- S. • Burns-J-Lof J2,!block 5, Brearley.& Slnsabaugh tract.sloILily'Ray Glenn to Anria'Bell Glenn^l

-Part lot 3»; block "B/Main:Street-Boule-vard, tract,,...,,,. \u0084...,.. ...,,.,,$lOs Same to Lizzie Lee Glenn-—Part" lot39,-.block B,Barae' traot,.-.. T.i.f.wi;-.slo

Farmers and. Merchants Bank of- LosAri*?eles to John J."Nell—Lot 61. NorthKnob Hill,tract..'.»i..»;..*...i..:.4 JlOi S. L. Short and Loretta L>Short toWilliam T. Hlle and Alice J. HUe-i-Lots8 and 9, block -11, Aiiffeleno Heights. slo,i-Allofj.G. DeQoudres -i and;T. -L.vDe-Coudres to J.F. Clark and Lola B.Clark'*—Ix)t11, block 1, -Knoll-Park tract.. slU

i] Farmers and Merchants bank to A". B.Steel and jvife^Lot< 2\.. pilrtaoUSS'ana-all lots 1» and 'SO;. 'block1 17«; RedonxioBeach. ;.'..ra. -Vii\a.i.<"'.i-v.vi... j..$1000•iiP. !rB:» Venabre-anfl 'Susie <A.;'Venableto Lola N. Sprinkle—Lot 22, block 78.Second addition to Hermosa Beach.. sloi-

McA M.i:J.-Hathaway, to .Ada: UMlTjotOj{—Part lot $. block. 21,.Ord.survey,..$10!Benjamin rw. 'Hahn'^artff Grace ,V.Hahn to Sierrn>Land utid.-Cnttlo com-pany— I'iut section 8,ktownship^, no^th,range 11 west...*. .'.-.V..'. i.'.i'.i-'ii.^vtit .•Mpye'-Wii.Stephqnaiand -MaryiHen"*drick Stephens to.. L. J. Burrows


10, 'Mohtrose' 1tract .' £Hr:'it.V'f.I;.';'.,'.';|loI.William'B. DoltM.-n und Luella Dolmiuto" Otto Ritzert-^-Lot 21, block s,LoaAngeles r'lmprov©menf.CompAny'B-.r'lmprov©menf.CompAny'B-. sub»

'dlvTslon?of l,part,lßt.Bl,part,lßt.B, 1l)lpck1 l)lpck 39, HaiLr.cock 'survcr !?.-\u25a0.';:, t:.r.-.;;7.t4;\u25a0.;.;;JioU BmlUlflrth'andißenveneda S.'Flrthr:toiMatilda S. Lawler

—Lot 14. .Walnut-

Park '. '.Y...'t..*.slb!•-l-Jd ward K. Field and Snroli M-HoMto i'Ma S, Des.sau and Anna B. 1Jchsu vr^Lots Bland--8I'and-' 19,'-blQckill,Short'"- JLtiicS-Xiuacli eubdivislpn N0.,1.... w.,. »...$lO: John B. Althouse, Daniel V, Althouße,Otto 'Arnold and •Jonuthah ft 'Dodge toFlorence A. Rltchlo-r--Lot 51, West NinthStreet Heights V...'..\.. '.'.".. .V....$llOO!George W. AlbrlgrhfandSarah Bl.:Ai*.'bright- toKva ,B. Hftas^Lot.lS^ Wock,J.Ocean" Front- addition J to 1


Beach..:.:.;..:\u25a0/..\u0084.*. i-.v1...-»ri.:..J126. ..Jennie U. Wnlrntlt anil Muitlia AnnKenworthy' to Lula' B:Bullock—-B*kl»v-rtlnir a,t .a poinhoivinorth line of,Fifty-';fifth street,. 305 feet west qf west line<>f Compton avenue; thenoe alongiFlfty»'flftltrStretit.w««t 40 feet, <>lo \u0084...-...5;< 757 5« James. W. Somervllle and Maria'E.Bomervlllo -to Sidney "J\ Kxley~Lula 4SWill .4!),; Bomervtlje p1ace... ..,.,,. \u0084$lOi Same' to' same

—Lots \u25a0' 50" and, -61^

laiutf,.1,,.li'i.t..li'i.t.rj"J..'...».. i*lix.!'»\u25a0> .,\u25a0.\u25a0.ls.4*!1 Thomas S. Dunn to AUca S. Dunn—*Lots 61 and 62, Charles A. Smith's Thirdidamon> :.r.T;.T;~^-.-.v.'.~rrr;.:r:TT—v>lo.-:

A. T. Jerglns und C. H. Groat *tofclharles H. *Adams

—Lot 1«. ,A. T. Jer*'

Kins 4- Oil's lOuilUlAvenue tract... slo,• t;G. 'Frean Morcom to U J.'-Bailey—'

I*tß20 and 21, block 11, Itnlph UognrnBUbdivision of; part-iof (Jurvuuza.'. \u25a0 .$lOiiiAr W-. Bosgiand'MolUe K-.Udgga toMrs/ Louise. -Beritj-VPart ;lot 2, blpok 1

El.'£hqrt -Line!- Beach subdivisionNo. Z .;'....;..V.'.....;.*......-...51000-IWllliam Gordon to. A.-O. Trafton

—Ljbt 9, block 1, Uosomont lllll.r *IOi "May F, Walden,. MiimlnUlmtor;of ca-tato of Henry IV Httskln, 'deceased, toHurtVGibbons .—,.

—, Lx» ,1, Jqttuson .:&.Keeney company's subdivision 'of 'lota4? 5 and .«; mill par L vjlot;:,7,, .lMerootract..,..,....,...,.. ..';•..';;.,.,.J4000-;t,"I'll1m lnthninco and 1Trust -company :t« l|my-A,.|Ujiyr-l,ut 11, ljuwfu. &:taiamberltn's Main'and Flgiufoa Btret-t,t«aut !No.' a.\u25a0;!I.',i..W. V-. .V.,-. <>Mr«UV>*t»

'-\u2666CHrrle-K. Laihrop 'to Margaret .C.

'NVlll—Lot 12. block D.M. IX,Painter's

Thotna* tw, emith to-

Kurt ,IlertmnflB<-hmiflf—fotM'tt rtn« W,< Btnlth --fittM*.Compton avenufl tract .........$lO•tT»!»sl«v A.' t>atrl* artd Vf.'1 X: YJnvffl'tAWlillnm R. K*»lly—l/ot 8 of north portionot flatter,tr«tt \u0084.,..,.<...^...:....'.....i.;»W

Charlotte M. Ilendprimn nn<l W. J. fl.Henderson to William iR. K«lly—Lot* 1nncl 2 of blork 1, n«rth portion of SitttPftract; lot 3, block .],'Batter tract........ H0\u25a0Rather Titrww,to

'Maria Freeman—LotB,B!«thJ>r Turner tract.!.:., $10

Itetty Molln to Opt**'Kornbaek— Fart

of lot J», • Itfown A N*wfon.snb. of lot*M,,33,, gfi, 37 ntvi is, land* of Mutual Or-chitrrl ft0Tnpnny..'..,i.;.j,.. .....;,,..'...;... 51(1

A. (I; irolHfla'y <o »nm?-~l*art of lot 9,saf>e SnbdivlKton \u0084.' ........,;.,...;.. 410

C. fl. ITolmnrt and Eltiatwth T,. Hotmaoto Fhll I>PTilta—tjotß ;J2, and 14, Mock 8,Cotmtry Club' tract ......'..\u25a0..:........;... 510Robert Hftlenjr,, to K.IT. Bkogg~Lot»B, «, 20.22, 29, wand Kl,"btnck 4. P*cklNorth •Manna ttanß&ach company's sub-division ..:.. .....<. i.............. ;...*.,,\u0084.$lO

\u25a0 Tlfldoiiflo iImprovement ,' company >- toJiOuls Wagr*r-f-Lot Jl, block 200, Rendo<iollaach';.' i..-ij;«.,*,.......!.. .'. ..;•\u25a0';.' .i. *iiQjAHftcM"J;1 Ja^obd'ahd \u25a0Kwthi»r.Jacol>»tr> Krfwnrcl MMlnw-^l^t^'Maaktell t'ct.lltt

.[KihMlrve. CHlld!* tnUhtoltlettfi A.• Wll-lla.m**.t,ot X!htoOt 1; Ool.lert, Gate fOt.ftOIlnttlo R.i Bartholomew -rto Ernest: It.Werrtlhy Frank .111, Harnert -and

-13.' ;S.

mutorworth-Wa 7 and 8, nub. of lots 6,T,1fc 9, lOund 11, Dana tract/. ;,...,.sl9t/rtnh..- Letts- to M." X.:Young-L<stg'S7and 38, block IBS, rWdondolßeaeh. .....'. .510

•'•ChnrHMt Shtckle and Floy"iShlckle /torimrVfuiDaniel rgt^nrnd-^r^jt:12, CharlenHhlck1o Sunrise 1 tract. .;...;,..'..\u25a0;.;;•/.'.i,,5109.I\°Za 'J?;

'CWHSaSre Victor llerkelln-

Lot 8,. block;!, iKlla lllir»tract..*..;,;'.sloJamAw.Rdninprtson and I<tilit ItrtatnlRd-monilaon; to Ho/t 'AngTlew Investment &Trust. company>-t«t V, bloolt ;F, (,'alilc

Koad tract .... ;.;;.,,.,,.. .!....;.. .'....-.slo\u25a0 irnnry.A,MoClaln and Pearl I.McClahito >Fran«ls • F/.Knapp

-and Frances M,

Knapi^-Lot 1, block 1, West Rosas fct:»soAbner- H. Moypr to Warren C. Masney-Lot 3,' block 18, I-ordsburff..... \u0084...•.., ;«()fii-^*t'i?!;I:iH,lblc}',10, jRa»C' Frledmiin-|block .6,; Country .^Club

LPraiiT ,iiaPJhfti"«ttnJ Marie 'iiambaYereuJZ,^brl«» Ombet-Lot 20. block B,UrmyHomestead, tract ...,.-.,;..'.; , \u25a0•<;•\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0.iiiggo'n^iK--^°°iand OeorKlarina. 8. "\Vood to?~Vlc*e*IF< R°s»-Lot,15, nOcean iViewLi<t\ ,\. \u25a0,, t \u25a0 h 4 \u0084i4,',,11 1

•••'•\u25a0 t #*\u25a0 * *


sirtIfcT-JMiiTessareck: to Mr«. Tn'tira'i"Nel-B"';rrl,.ot lSl^Alexflnder Welll"tract. ...flO-Prederlkft Ott to Annlo Bento-Loti 27block -22, Wolfskin Or .tract. ";^.,: 110

\u25a0 Wcßley Clark, E. P. :Bryan ISarah I

-&£ 4Kn?lI?4Kn?lI? r5la


:trarit '..'•.?** • yan s;Weattnoreland

pf/^v4h^oj(Vo'AiexandwfpViMoore^frd:i°»iit;i?« "annual:. tract

-i t...510

trnct!\u25a0.^',>;?wf Lo^'8O''r'i"?sa, llnl

\u25a0 William I?'jfteesa




T Sh^nT,0 YnPW*Hon and AnnloHtroni j JiHit1:Clark3J-J,ot 8, block C,

waxifi* 8!"':8;.Salt-.Lake RBil1(.ur!"n .Triint:and \u25a0•ReaYtyVcom'pan'yto

. asiJaaboth \u25a0-\u25a0 Hoitenbedk,?':! Frank" R|tr1o"R-;,G^>-R;e.W:1o"R-;,G^>-R;e.W: Dickinson and Annie

X r?i:iJ?H Clark-^-Lot -9, block C.°JrpnK &picklnson's Salt Lake Railway

trf^^i?.sanie—Loti'iOj* 'block C," game

KSSi^lfffißrW™5« company to

MSrVrrfffe^.1" 62'63;".lI".^nn^S''mo^il^J1"J.1"J.'HnfJ'an'a '\u25a0WateVcom-

K'°R'D. McPhcrrln— Lot 6, blockssi^ rmoSfl

TBTBe»eh, First addition. .sl(3

lo^^te^o^^^fePartI'^milo Dorl(f to James W. Collins—Sarna. property as above. ..'..;\u25a0..:. .SI6OO_-John^J.-Nyo'andolivo Janft-Nye toEdward M. Lewis—Lot .5, block \u25a0 61,Artesian tract... {500n^.

C- W^l? lvlm and MaryIsham'to'iWil-Ham J.- WenBet—Lot7.Defricz tract.JlOn«^ «c«cnB-

Kplmesj'Walter 'N.'.Holmesand Halite B.Woods to Stephen K. Dol-plilna.n.l Clara M..Dolphin— Part lot 18,block 20, resubdivislon of blocks 4 to"•;l' i? 21,:28, 29 and 30; Altadena. tract,map No. 1..... ;...... ;.,.. $2600

."W.L.!Dodson.to'W. 1 R. Dodlidn'—Be-KinninK: in west; Bide of.School street,223.7. feet south from intersection ofwest'llne iof snid School -street withsouth line of Lds ,Angeles and San?oe^5 ar.dlno c"unty road, thence west42.68. feet along: .wast, line,of,.Schoolstreet, etc. .;..'...-...". ;';.';.;.'..!'.... $10--Ida J., Johnson to Kimberly Wllc'ox—

ILot 44, J. Ellis' Colorado Street subdi-vision v.t .......i.u....:::::.'.: .•.-.. :siotfo.h1.P'ynn t9 Bridget Flynn—Lot 10,block 3, Oraiiffo Avenue tract $10. P. S. Venable, Susiei A. Venable.R. D.'Smith, J. E.> Morrcll and* Alice' MavMorrcll to A. M. Jones

—Lot 26, block194; Redondo Beach •;..;'..;i...';..', '.$lO

Adolfo Jungre to Erollnda Burke—Part'lot tJ, block '4,- Sanchez tract.'. .SIOO

\u25a0 Krolincla;Burke;to.M. A.Nowmark 1*Co.-^Piirt.; lot.. 5, .block ,4, Sancheztract: i.:.'\u25a0; ,".\.V;.-.:.:.':.-.".\u25a0; ;/'/."7... 510:Titlo,Insurance' and. Trust* companyto Emma LHorton

—Lots 23 and 24.Ocean Park place. .'...•..•;...•.:....... $10.. Henry Ooetz and Huldai Goetz to Se-

bastian Albltre—Lot 24, block 24, SanGabriels .;:...; .'. ,... .". .'..'.'•..•. .".'. ;..'.$10

\u0084John jFrancis Fowler and jßose i,B.Fowler to QeorgreF. Slo

—Part lot 16,

block 104,i Redondo" Beach.?. . ,\u25a0.:'.::.%10\u25a0 Snrlgg; Harwood and Mary Harwoodto Henry L. Bulkeley

—Part' lot. 74,

AVattsi subdivision of -Raneho San "Ra-fael ........ ..,:. $6000

Same to same— Part lots 74 and' 75,Watts subdivision:, of :part of' RahchoSun. Rafael. \u0084..,.:. ..s£ooo: Mary 'Harwood to Sprlgg

"Harwood—Partlotsi.6 >and-' B, iblock: 1, WashingtonGarden tract , $10

Harvey S. Thompson to Presley W.Wilborn—Lots 6 and .6,: Fords subdivisionof. block 8,. Eagle tract,,.-.; $900

'Elizabeth Y. Gordon^ to Samuel L.Tay-1or—Lot 3, Fulton tract, 'Ro San-Jpse $10

-\u25a0 George W. Sterling to Ellen M.Nelson-Lot 7, George W. Sterlings subdivision $320

.Robert. F,.Jones toßi A. King.et al—Lot 23, Hege tract ..:..".. ..\u25a0/.... ':......;. 1510

\u25a0 'Alpha C.'knight to ''Jesse Knight^Par'tRo


-Canada In....... .... ....>...»,... ,S6OO

Lula N. Hlnton to Mary J. Krelser—Lot 48, block A, Entwtstle tract $10

Emll Firth to Chas.-

B.:-,iFlsk—Agree-ment to convey lot23," Walnut, Park

M^ry Louise Bronson.i:to iMarlonkG.Armstrong— Lot 10,"::block 15,1' AngelenoHeights ...;.:.. .'i..;v.. ;...„.:.;....;sio

R".: L."Rlce et al to.' John 11. and PeterEtlenne

—Recetpt and contract: tor sale of

lot er block. 7, Peek's. Manhattan ,Beachtra^t'"?;;:.J:.r...:..' .'.;•\u25a0\u25a0:f?. \u25a0..".r...-.'...'.;,.v- .$750•"\u25a0\u25a0 Newton (B. Walker • et


Los Angeles—Part of Santa Monica aye $2R. L. Rlee. et al to ..Andrew;Olsen—Re-

ceipt and corttraot of sale :of lot7, block7. Peck's Manhattan Beach tract,.. s7oo• J. O. Norby to Wilbert E. Margh^Lot12, block 4, Central Home *Place, ....$lO:*!Georga U: Peol«,i Jr-> to KUen Livendale—

L6ts 119 aiid 30, \u25a0block- IS,' Arcaflla Parktract \u25a0 .....ii.;....5880\u25a0"Maria Antonio WllcoxitoMaler1fiZobe-letu.Brewery—Part -beginning atj point ineast Une of 'Main!street;

-thence, south

along: ealdi line of.Main.stroqt 66.15 feettp northwest corner of Jot known as Na-varrao- property, \u25a0\u25a0etc. .'.;.i;.in .;;;"..$15,000

Angallne Lachniann ,to same-;Agre-ement to convey part of lots 13, 14,15 and16,iblock HfiAllao,tract ;.w.;;..<..;.514,600

Hermpsd Beach Land & Water. Co. toSusanna 0. Slienk—Lot:7,« block "54, Istaddition to Hermost Beach , $10, W.,Bv<Tyler and Edna M. Tylej1 to C.X Ralff—Lot6,'Tyler'B subdivision: of lota

.13., t0,1^,-21 to 24. and east 12 feet of lot 20,Hoffman tracts 1...;:....iVi;".i..i.."."; $10

11. J. Woollacott to'A". C.'Harper—Lot

S,*bieclT2B;Krkenbrecher Syndicate Santa'Monicu,. trapt ,„,....*.,,,«......,..,,...,.,510

Itaiiih"ltogerß company to 1Emilia"-V,Gregory— Lots 2 and 3, ltulph Rogers' sub,of loUtlS, M,".47 and 18, block-K^Gar-

ivanza.tract ,;:.' w.VJ.,..,.,.. :\u25a0..... .5600

•\u25a0 Sarnie to R. 11/ Hamner—lvOts.lTand 18..Ibluck Ili'iNadeau' Park J Villa JtriWt..;..sl3o

F..8. Bradeh to Mary"Isabel Cott'ley—•Agreement to convey lots 9 and 10, block61. Hermosa Beach $800.H'AVlllhwn-Kuddyand Elzlna I?, Iluddy toEd,winrF. .French— Part of lota 6 and 6.Ruddy's 'idueild avenue tract ....5:;....51Q

Trena 8. Waldrop and J. W. Waldrop,to EmllVfcM. Peck— Lot 23, block 60, Elec-itrlq.Railway llomestaad aSNoclutlon....{lU'iVl:&T?Co.' to Frei» J. Burrls—Lot 65.;

Mock B,'VLBbwert'& Chamberllrfs Main &jFiuueroa, street tract ._. „*.#,,.510

Robejrt^ivMcjHhrmton, and, JulU1Mo-Johnston loTtWS K. :WheaU-G|, M.«Carrana H.^P.'Wensel— Lot 1!and part 'of lot2, block 4. Country Club tract $10

C. .A; Wlllard and Lizzie Wlllard to'i'Uvn Q.il'urHoniJ—IMJl, block 3, Atlan-tic aveiiue tract -T....r.r. 110

\u25a0 (". L. Uundy, Nellie Allen and John A.1KtunwooU,. lint, ana as trustee to (s«dik«

VUla tr»ct ...... TV.. ?.., .110U»«»irAV««l«ifl«net«is' l5 Mrg

-AHce K-*K-*Henry—Part of lot 6514, .Kversroeu cem-



*\u25a0»' » \u25a0»*,»'»Mt»^~~»U~*^-*^~»~+ **********


VJfS-.ie'W :Ornilr Wnk Ifmlei";!*|»»clnl'otKtmf0tKtmf ,

/ Trnrhrr^ ,T'hl"< sn,hmPr.

\u25a0' :-> « S<« iiirt,t'(h litllsirrrt.] \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0>': •< "\u25a0':Now iri prOKre.is, lday

'hnd iflight,

"'Allrnmm*rclal brunches. '\u25a0: Catl, •write, phons.UnmyllltO; Main 2.10H.: ;';\u25a0 ;; ii .\u25a0 y. ."'.:

BtfsiNwsa (roiXKdTi''tn'iAfitAff'e:and' tin-LIABLhBCH_pOlj,;:yirht jeylont. -%\% VT, M.

and CAAHAr*fit/fOo^d^ji/fOffrriA/vioI,'!1,'!wj G»ANoAvt::\'r ;,ii---, to*x/vo/rtr*.c«. ,:.1 iill 1.. fit: ..r..'.-';--1--.-- :-\u25a0-\u25a0.\u25a0\u25a0 . .:\u25a0


BPANJSI1 UJO9SONB IiIVTCNTtY KXPR-\u25a0 flenc^d. tfle^ef.sTeleph'rtna HOMB 4496,

Hotel* and Lodging House*FOR SALE-PARTY 111-BAVINCi '• CITP

must dltpose of 23-raom roominfit houseAt once.a Small amopnt \u25a0'buys' lt.ijDon'toverlookjthls If you are looking for bar«gains. BROWN &;WOODS, 317 Pay, |j

A :-SNAP IN,A NEWLY:-FURNIBHBDrooming house of 20 roomn, centrally losrated, for sale. Cheap rant- lon»f leif»a.Inquire of-WILL METZOER.iBIOSouta_ Maln.-t-...': :\u25a0\u25a0.:\u25a0\u25a0" ..'. "- •\u25a0:\u25a0;,•':. '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0


iLlvft]Stock~HorBel."lviurbs^iCa t(l»tHpRS'BB:FbR SALE-j-' , v>'-:-'J:'.-'.v >'-:-'J:'.-'. ].:'\u25a0:


-20' h'Jad young hors»s

•broke ito \u25a0 drlVe

aoubloi'and single; jwplght 1200 rand up.yoriparticulars inquire- atsJ. SM,itlC|lllS'S, Colusa City, Colusa. County,'(JaWf. :--''\u25a0/ \u25a0>.... .'

\u25a0' . -: \u25a0\u25a0'• V:.V'.' ;'\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0:>«' ,; '

,"i' . '\u25a0'"'. ""

J "-=3=.

i'< !\u25a0 |''\u25a0{'. for EXCHANde S'^'TMv..;'.;\l . ;V^ -'Rear' Estate .^

;. ~. \u25a0>;•.. y:

for eXchangi«- :\u25a0 i•-.,•i •-.,• \u25a0

-\u25a0.. '•;




FOR EXCHANGE— '\u25a0: ::'*'. ->'


\u25a0 GLASS WINDOWS, 8 MANTELS AND'EVERYTHING IN AN UP-TO-DATEHOME,-,,-.\u25a0\u25a0'......-••-..; \u0084.'.>\u25a0 i \u0084.,:-.



203 FROST BLDG.THONES: m: RED 082.-^ :'' -\u25a0

-\u25a0' \u25a0


hUH \u25a0 KXCHANUE—BY*.BBN WHITE.200, ranches, $500 .to $150,000. \u25a0\u25a0

'\u25a0'\u25a0 100 houses and lots.' slooo to $50,000-: 100 orange and lemon groves, $20U<>. . to $JOO.OOO. .-.,

' . . , .., ...8000 miscellaneous properties.

'To. buy, sell or trade S property go to

BEN ,WHITE,. 308., Bryson Block, 2dland Spring streets.


"$1500; 340acres level valley land In,the >count"-. of Riverside, 4 miles from a good; town.

There Is a 4-room house and-two large. barns; land fenced, and cross \u25a0 fenced..Want eastern city or farm property for

:'nbovo. WM. N. HOLWAI, 211 GrantBldg;; Home 193!).">., \u25a0"'\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0. \u25a0;\u25a0\u25a0'• \u25a0,•• \u25a0;:\u25a0. . >


it We can" give you .a -good trade on a:,20-room rooming :house, with;4-roomcottage In roar. >

\u25a0\u25a0 :': •..•:\u25a0: \u25a0

>\u25a0 \u25a0 SMITH & 'ASTON,'''' . '"


.•"'-\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0:\u25a0<\u25a0; :226;LaughUn Bldg.!FOR EXCHANGE~BY'-SMITH i-&,VAS*-. :TON—Some' good ranches that have val-i\\e. It. you have \u25a0 something good call:and.see'.:us. SMITH... & ASTON, 226LaughUn Bldg. 1 ,v f


MAXON :WILL EXCHANGE YOUi:ijiproperty, any location. Large list toAselect, from.- MAXON.REALTY:CO...-,-11«-115;:Stlmson,Bldg.,i' \x: \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 j9\»|

BEN WHITE WILLEXCHANGE YOUR. (property. 808 BRYSON BLOCK, Second.;and Spring sts. Member L.:A. Realty'Board- ~ . .- \u0084;, ,\u25a0.••..- . *\u0084,.,„I

City Lot« and Lundt




!i 40X1.15 ON OOLDEN . AVB.,iI$28fiO. \u25a0 \u25a0 :,,:.'.. "\u25a0 aj[80X126, ORCHAHD AYE.,$I«00. ..:

I|^60X147, UNION AVE^;S2BOO.,: 0IITWO CORNER LOTSONHOPE, \u25a0 ,!- 60X160, $1600 HACIf., :

- . ' '


BfIXUCjFtFTJT' AVR.y ARUNO-. \u25a0 '',.. ji.TON.H^anTS, $859. -\u25a0

" ;\u25a0;; .310-319


SIXTH TO MAIN; "ifor sale- *;:\u25a0\u25a0•: :. j T"^"i{Perhaps you know that lots north andwest of westlake Park are selling for$50 to $100, ppr front; foot. A few yearsago you could have bought this class ot(property for a fraction of the price to-,day and development has only com-mended. LotsIsold a few years ago. for$250 are selling today for (SOO and $'JOO.I!• ?\u25a0 BUY \u25a0': iNow Is the time to set In. Ican 'sellyou lots

'directly in line of the devel-. opment frpm Westlake Park toward.... Hollywood for only 5

'.;i': i

;I • \u25a0\u25a0>•\u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0 :-' $350.00.» !No lot less: than 60x146 feet and on- Improved streets, with cempnt curba,.. sidewalks and building restrictions.

\u25a0 Terms: $25.00 cash, 'balance $10 001monthly. \u0084:..:1 Get In before the blj? advance In value

!. that la-mire to come this fall. PostI youreelf -on: Jthla

'property.,Take the

Colegrove.car'to our branch office, cor... iWestern avonue ::and the car lino, and.wo will'be glad, to show you the devsl-1 opment of this section. ;.-t

•-.'\u25a0\u25a0::: \u25a0.'' . '\u25a0-.'. CHAS. S. MANN. ;. . :.: >-

Home phone 4171. , 316 W. Fourth st.:

\- REMOVAL— \ -\u25a0; ;.\u25a0 \u0084\u25a0;


'\u25a0 The office of tho



\u25a0\u25a0 6 has been moved from room 730. \u25a0. Herman AY. Hellman Bldg. » •

By (Room 219, Herman W. Ileilman Bldg.k Mrs. Gustav H. Smith, Solo Agent.f '•;\u25a0'. . Main 2712.

. '-'V- \u25a0" ':'"'

\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0"'"' »'r»or»owNv--:-:., iV;?-'--"-'jand $10 per month, n-lthont Intereat.-'->•, buys a lot 60x174. on a graded.I'and oiled. street, cement, sidewalks


1 and curb, ono block from electric'

.-\u25a0 ;:: -•:.!-' .line and well located. . ':'\u25a0

,vK'... iOnly a^few lots left . !

EDWARD D. SII.BNT*CO., Snlr Asentsp Members L. A. Realty BoarrL.......:.-•.Jißst 1885. 216-218 W. Second Street.

\u25a0J FOR'SALE-

~'-. ..-'\u25a0:\u25a0;\u25a0;. '

i;;•\u25a0Pit' •.'.'\u25a0 ;'•: '< FOR SALE.. '"

,-"-'.'-i|':\u25a0•-"-• FOR .SALIO.-»:'15 IHAVEA FEW CHOICE RESIDENT\u25a0.-.'. LOTS LEFT IN THE DIAMOND ST.




/ ...:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0:'•"-ii'• -'- \u25a0- C- E3. • |i.'.. ?'

\u25a0"•ls- \u25a0-'\u25a0"'.\u25a0\u25a0•-.'''. :'."BlBWEST 3D ST. \u25a0']'-: ~'

''FOR SALE-^- -'-•\u25a0 :- ' • '.-. 'i; LOT 40x120, STAUNTONAYE. GRAD-, :ED STREET. $485. \u25a0\u25ba >.

:\u25a0!» TWO LOTS ON 46TH, WEST OF•.>"SOUTH PARIC AYE., 40x145, $700 EACH.

V-. *TWO LOTS ON-SOUTH UTAH ST.,;S6SOEACH. r--- \u25a0•- \u0084::--':i•\u25a0-.-, \u25a0+. \u25a0

:<xi>LOT-ON TRINITY,BETWEEN 18THi'AND WASHINGTON,$1500.* .. V,: ..'\u25a0' \u25a0. RIK. IBBETSON & CO., !- •'!.

\u25a0i HOME!2410. i<y:: ...316 TRUST BLDG..,

"\u25a0' ?i~i"LARGE LEVEL LOT. BOXIB6. "';t-W.«''';t-W.«''' -IK THHiIOtITHWBW.'i : •

;\u25a0.... iIMPROVED WITH 4-KT. CEMENT*,!,walk; cemen*» critn and all1 STREET IMPROVEAIENTS PAIL)\u25a0;>,-• FOR: ONLY $250;- ON EASY TERMS• :',s"IK DESIRED.

- " ..' s ... ,:-;-, ;:-.>.'\u25a0•;,.•• -A--.' EMU, KIIITH. Ownw,"— ~i [i: ¥,i. V ,411-117 IjAUGHUNBLDO.,. ".^;,V, •-••.' \u25a0-'\u25a0 . 315 S. BROADWAY. ,;

'.'for salb— : .. ., r'~ .• ' p.. Three lots ohJ

Carroll avenue, being '.N.':VW. corner of Douglas street and Carroll

avenue, 50x150 feet, $1750; and lots 4 and"\u25a0"..'iß: of iblocks 4. Angeleno Heights, being

-.100x133 feet, at $2500.; or $1250 forelthav\V:half;i50* feet \u25a0west of. Douflas street.. Ttrms, half \u25a0 cash., balance ua agreed; 7.'.'/.per tentilnterest.»i^«:-...:. *\u25a0. . r.

- ..'•\u25a0-. \u0084',- -'v\u25a0••j!''v\...... M.' L.WICKS.

-• /-V.iIMHellmap .-Block, 1 Mand Brpadway. '•\u25a0'

'rOHr'sALE-.V;- \u25a0".._; ;_\u25a0>.'\u25a0 .' \u0084 :/"i. ;•;j -.\u25a0:<We secured In' an exchange deal J

T;laige lots In' Signal Hill,tract,« Long:Reach, which we will'sell at a bargain.-"We also offer 2 choice lots Insouthweston;Brighton aye.. below. 46th st., at a

.hargaln forquick turn. '\u25a0'. :\u25a0JPhones- v*. i(^:iiROSS & LINDSET.-!.Home 7683. V :'' 814"H. W. Hellman Bldg.

V- iMa1n.4822., :;: .is ]>\u25ba' :!.'.,,'. j^t«

ft:-. /;' —^-$325 LOTS ,:-;;-

j.1 '\u25a0\u25a0.' COTTAGE lIIO&IBI"~. I\u25a0

-'"K-l ,' •

-TBACT.;.. .-•-

' i;\u0084;,'!v. 0 \u25a0

" . - '\u25a0 ''' '' '' to•; H

' TERMS TO SUIT. ..."'LOTS; ONLY- $325." ;:

iU ROBERT MARSH & CO... ;303 'HeUwian Bldg.; 4th ami ISpring Sts.

LOTSiLOTS—LOTS iOF , iLQTS—ONE• .' -lineilot"on1Central'avenue, hear 34th

\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0% .{'street.' fornejet ten days only $1300; one. .oh 36thV' near .Maple,' $775; two on- 36th,t_. $650 each, one-half cash. These are bar-\u25a0 [gains. and willgo-quickly, »« •\u25a0



.'ii.''; \u25a0/'\u25a0: , .1,,.i'<14 Bryson Block.

FOR'SALE— -THE' SALTILAKE ROAD. ;is now running.-

For city lota ut Us\u25a0\u25a0'"I; Vegas, also 'acreage in the Muddy' ;-and .Vegaa . valleys,, see J.... F. • Mo-

\u25a0PHERSON, 403 Stimson Block, cor.?Thlrd<and -Spring, a. commissioner

\u25a0\u25a0J for Nevada in.California. \u0084.: :!..,. *..FOR • SALE—CHOICE LOTS THREEI {blocks from Westlake, $400 to $1000 each.,]Easjs. terms. :Come In today, tomorrow

\u0084 imay be too late. J, 8. COTTON & CO.,./.-.•341 So.i Hillstreet. »'-;\u25a0 ,|..:j

•.\u25a0;......,-,, \u0084


\u25a0"\u25a0\u25a0 ,'(,,,, ... ••

~\u25a0\u25a0\u0084\u25a0 i-,-,-: f \u25a0 :.,./?


|l - . f'"*Furniture'I

'"'''! :l''-:-ii'\u25a0\u25a0


FOR SALE-^ENTIRE STOCK OP:.FUR.inlture, nacrlnced!. 'We will move!.\u25a0'" \u25a0' Chairs 6Do *\u25a0 Btands .$1.00, • rockers


sanitary >couches • $4.60, \u25a0 mattresees • for,'sanitary 'couches $2.25, \u25a0" Iron beds $2.20,;'extension


'$5.00, small drenaerit

$5.75, JIS.Wt Princess drvssur, .largeFrench tlass, $15.00,- box 60uch"53.50,

fchtna closets $10.00, chlffohters $3.7Qup,•combination ;kttchen :\u25a0 tables $3.a). Hn--.oteum C0ct:*4.09 2-burner bhuolliu) wtovo,

*$3.28.., J... M,,, OVEUELU. 563-954 80.Main st.

"'"«SPECIAL NOTICE.<]:'/'\u25a0 iti\u25a0!** CARLOADS HOUSEHOLD "GOODS.: jAleo the entire stock of furniture and

i-ai'iJetH hu» been ,movoU ilowu to. 617•6, Bl'ltlNO. to Us clot)«d'put. at b-iuuttitci'lilce, ap if you,are looklus tor fur-. |oliure bartralns- com« 'to | '"\u25a0"\u25a0 . *'


"«7 B.''BPHINO."" '





{*\u25a0 /'I- f/'} CITY LIMITS.

IfYOU Want a Oood factory



-atl GRANT lIUILDINO., Tiet,. man, ott main 4570.

FOR SALE—' '•:\u25a0\u25a0 i-.''\u25a0\u25a0 \t\ ;-'!i;.




FOR SALE-,:j. j '\u25a0-..-., \u0084....;,:, \u0084

An Estnbllshcd Business—BLACKSMITIIINH. REPAIRING ANDHORSESHOEING,Including shop, tools and stock of nec-essary material.

REALTY TRUST COMPANY,129 South Broadway, Los Angeles. .;

FOR BALE-*18,000; CHOICE BUSINESSicorner on^W. 7lh street, • four blocKS

: west of Flßueroa, where street Is to bej paved at onco; size 112V&X12O; allcorners.; on 7th as far out nS;Boacon aye. held at

$200 per foot and \u25a0 upwards; i.thls, willdcuhle In value when street Is paved.

IP. M.PHELPS. 608 Douglas bldg; .....JOBOO-nOOD INCOME PROPERTY, 611

Towne aye.. Sco us .at onco . for'.-•

'burßalns. '•' \u25a0 ....... :. .WIIITCOAIB-OIBSON CO.,''

\u25a0• :! :

"62!1-6'Jl LaugTilln Building. -\u25a0-'\u25a0. \u25a0

Country Property- .-NO BETTER INVESTMENT

, than at. • \ '.

;,',,=; •..; V -\u25a0\u25a0.\u25a0'WATTS \u25a0''.'< •[\u25a0:] '-'.' Z•;

-(Population over 1600.)



The town that .'has !grown •from aranch to a^clty In 15 nionths. !'•:'.Fifteen minutes' ride -from 6th andMain on Long: Beach Electric line.

\u25a0 ", ISOAND UP--


$1DOWN-SI'PER iWEEK.' :.-."\u25a0" 'l'.:LOTS $90 AND UPV

—'.;'•\u25a0 /:!... \sl DOWN-$1PER WEEK.'-:, ip-^:

\u25a0'\u25a0"\u25a0 ".":: '-.•::- *:";''\u25a0 \u25a0

' '\u25a0


"No Interest",""

"Guaranteed Certincate of Title."\u25a0'.'No Taxes."



1 Solo Owners.' .: \ 421 SOUTH SPRING ST.

Branch 6th and Main Sts. '. f|:':'\u25a0\u25a0' ;': &\u25a0% \u25a0\u25a0

"' Both Phones— Ex. 66.i; Free Transportation.. \u25a0 Open.Sunday.


~~-t, \, \u0084 ..THAT -ISIPASSING.;. .More of this Innd Is being sold cv-

M cry week.and. all of -this 30.000Taqr«tract ofec-rh, wheat and alfalfa landwillsoon be gone. .

Any Investor', or • homeseeker-'whohas :$SOO or $10,000. and,who falls it*get 40 acres or a section of this lane:'at our present prices is making a

iimistake.:-,: ii.\u25a0--.\u25a0.•.;..-.,\u25a0•.', i •.:---"\u25a0::. -,-NEXT EXCURSION TUESDAY.. PRICE NOW $22.50 AN ACRE,


\u25a0 -BOLD.--- -\u25a0\u25a0- \u25a0•--».->. -.--\u25a0- ;.- \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0-\u25a0\u25a0

WESTERN COLONISATION AND:•:;.;.i;\u25a0;.\u25a0! investment; co.. .\u25a0'* .;> ..'

811 Herman "W. Hellman Bldg.,•\u25a0 ;:Cor. 4th and Spring,.Los Angeles. (|


\u25a0 "Altadena \u25a0'< has- been Slumbering. '\u25a0• It•willnot "sleep' much- longer."Homo-

seekers are slowly awakening to thounusual advantages offered In thatbeautiful foothill section. Activity,will result. Buy now, while prices'are rock-bottom. There wllhbe ,noboom. there, but there will be^an ad-. vanclng market. , Altadena.racreagre-, Is a safe and: sure Investment. 1,. MiTIPRATT, 608 Laughlln BulldlngT-Alta-

5 dena property a specialty.,'

FOR SALE T;:AT .ALTADENA, THEfoothill section: of Pasadena:

-$2000--I'Klve.!acres in table grapes.$2050-r*New -..six-room bungalow

very pretty; lot.100x223, or can busmore land;' near car. \u0084 . \u0084•\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0>!\u25a0$3500-»-Ton. :acres In. fancy "tablegrapes; lies beautifully; elegant view;a fine Investment, i)

$(isooHiiFive acres, varlety^of fruits:modern cottage; .largo, bam. *i"' '%,,.

'.'\u25a0 L..M. TWA'IT,:60S LilUghlln Bldg, ,

i; .Miscellaneous; ;\u25a0,

FOR SALE-i-GOOD LUMBER CHEAP.' Also, five cars 'of redwood doors,: sevencars yellow pine doors, four cars


gon pine doors. 'and 'all klndß of. win-dows. Come -see the stock, and we'llmake prices to get > your business. ».'Atour bis, new- yard. Twentieth and Ala-meda streets.^ . , . .X


bllliaidand pool tables. Bar fixtures ofall kinds; ensy payments. Send for eat-,ftloeua. \u25a0 THE BRUNSWICK-BALKK-'COLLENDER CO.; 620 jS. 1

Los Angeles. \u25a0

PIANOS-ALL TOU NEED TO PAY USIs $6 when you select your piano, "then, $6 monthly. We won't charge you anyInterest., /VVe positively guarantee'; thefn-lce we ask to!be the same i\»::hbU*Jit'New York.

1 Wostoh or Chicago. B R»--membertho old house, of FITZGER-ALD when you .-want!:itfood ,piano-

,, U3 8. Spring Btreet. \u25a0.. .\, .... ,;,\u25a0 \u0084. ,:\u25a0. ..r ^ f,FOirSALE-ONE MILL|ON'FEET, OF

Oregon plue. interior finish.'" lumber,-- Also,,any .amount ... of window... (raiucs\u25a0 and moulding. Come and see our big

new plant. %

v NATIONAL. •LUMRER:COMPAN ViX h. KI and Alameda.jj.. g:^-

FOR M'SALM—-CAR:'; OF1CORRUOATEp.-Iron \fvychean. -'\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 '-•!,\u25a0/..\u25a0!^w 4- «...': '.:

* *x..... national Lumber ,company.,..Twentieth and Alameda. :

oaboliNe stoves repaired andguaranteed . tor

-on« |\u25a0 year. • Telephone

•'kIloyl» 1029.

'IJWYEH. 2008 East' Second

street. , u ))\u25a0*+:\u25a0) Jt.: if"i »:<.;::i« 'lw-i

_KOR"«" BX'li£}-'—'MISSION i'COUNTEH,< jehplvea,' mission arm Hiiitrucklnts atiaiis.('NO.'1833 CENTRAL AYE. >«»t»^*i v


W3 N. t'LUWKK Si.

Dcflch Property

'\u25a0'':'r Di.uioNofi: \u25a0'i'{''''


OCR AIV PARKAJffl tt J MVRNICI3. ?*s\u25a0% h

$'Ji \u0084\u25a0 'i'Don't .forpt that"--^$

vkjiicr,\u0084,r, r VBNIC'M ANJVRX, „1 i PLATA PRIi «XV, -.-»:'\u25a0

\u25a0"- SHOHT 1.1N14 nKAOIf !>'(..'•':'\u25a0' ::.:,-- \u25a0'\u25a0-•\u25a0\u25a0 AJt ih•>'\u25a0•\u25a0.\u25a0* j- \u0084.~r;. .-, i"

\u0084., . '.'.''i..".-'." J '\u0084' ..*' :':iI

/.prices don't rKOr K0 up and ,'\u25a0"•\u25a0\u25a0£ \. '\u25a0\u25a0 down with the,,' ... . 'Qf .Ifyou

'wont a. good;lot/'t

Investment > j v,-. -ft 1)01110, l',ly rt!i

Prices are steadily advancing..Don't delay. •

' 'Como and make hack

what you have lost on other\u25a0i Ifj Inypstmcntfi.

. , . Innearly any part of

Some at great bargains.|\u25a0 ;:... , j' WH IIAVK


Somo aro special sood buys. '..Some snaps still left at

;;, , ,:'. .'VFii\IOB-AIVNIST.' ""\u25a0 "'"

'Now Is the. time'

', to buy. . :\u25a0t\ .Two weeks from now*will 3''

see better and stronger--!

t prices than ever, 1.-. , j\u25a0\u25a0if'

' ' before. -. \u25a0 -. \u25a0'\u25a0



!' 'Don't wait till they' gettoi.coming llko they have

at Redondo \u25a0 t]ne ..'\u25a0\u25a0 '-.\u25a0t past we«k. \u0084ri J .: ;\u25a0 \u25a0;[i !

i Ai, v. w nnsTn'ti & co.,302 MAfimV'Biril.lllNG,.'• . '


.;•'\u25a0- \u25a0\u25a0•''''' -\u25a0

';'\u25a0' nEACH \u0084' ;•*- '' .t'NRRUH -NO AWAKfSNIXG. 1•

LOTS AT FIRST I'UICUS, A> \u25a0.. . WO To sfsr.oo. . .. .- i• Tho aotualbeaoh'ttroa lhCal*;,- !..... Ifnrnla -Is limited! iEach. year >' :-.",-'\u25a0 tho available; unsubdivldod \u25a0

-.. , beach property Is loss andilcss,. • '•"


••\u25a0..' and as. tho demand :incrbasei', -1 \\u25a0'\u25a0'\u25a0 -the best beaches will ever have;"

tho greatest value. 'Now, the, 1' V-best beach Is "not tho beach'-* ;*i

• that has been boomed the hard- \u25a0\u25a0 fce£t (wo don't boliovo In booms),

•i.-•• but. the beoti beach is 'the boach r:...,

with the greatost natural ad-,vantages

—Is the beach -with a

safe surf—a .strand of clean,pure sand— wlthiinatural sur- '\u25a0.

.roun,dlnpfsr-wlth a boauty Qod-f'given.' j'Acity may, bq,built by '•...man anywhere..,.and- Inr: any

\u25a0place; but a boaoli is a greatj\u25a0:\u25a0' collection- '\u25a0 of :tho' -. 'SANDS -'OB!

TIMI3, and man cannot itiako a\u25a0V . Wo claim for OCEANO.:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 IIfOACIIthat- It is the grandest,:. widest, whitest, cleanest, lortK-

\u25a0'•'••eat strand In Californla-^-ln this.

country. .This -is. inaturo'B gift":. '—not man's.* \u25a0\u25a0 '•'\u25a0 \u25a0'\u0084r>

- -\u25a0-:

--Ut«-t::"\u25a0--"• O?)KAIVO BRAf!H SYNDICATE,

\u25a0.'\u25a0" MISRCHAM'S TRUST .COMPANY.820 South Ilroii.lttiiy. -.

\u25a0 ..' \u25a0 \u25a0 :. :.'.-. Tnmtcv, -\u25a0-•>\u25a0:\u25a0: .'• \u25a0-

\u25a0207 South Kroadwny.'


THE McCAItTHV-COMPANY,-: ..General SnlvH< Mnnnßcr,

.' , I-203 North Brondwny. ;;;

REDOND O;:. >:.: !, ','. /\u25a0\,^'~,J'-~ :•\u25a0.-".' '\u25a0•\u0084;\u25a0

:\u25a0\u25a0' '.- \u25a0\u25a0• :By the' Sea* ""• 'v. .

\u25a0 '\u25a0 \u25a0 :i\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0\u25a0'-- 'I; to.be.;.:-: \u25a0\u25a0 -, " ,the jflnest:oeach i' \u25a0 j,'\u25a0\u25a0.i \u25a0«*\u25a0 on ':\u25a0: .-..\u25a0,\u25a0\u25a0•\u25a0'\u25a0 ..-" '•\u25a0} \u25a0

k , 'the Pacific. Coast..-. \u25a0.:\u25a0"\u25a0 ' Ifyou want to make money,

,',; don't delay. i.' \u25a0 Do It now.

'Call at my office, ;:..,

/.; : :304 MASOPf: BUILDING, :'

'Southeast corner Fourth and

v ;.!.\u25a0... ui:c.;Broadway.' \u25a0'\u25a0•'* «• . .;:.,„. Select, the, lot:. ; ;

'\u25a0" you like.' .. .Then come down

'\u25a0\u25a0-, ->:\u25a0, .\u25a0'.;•\u25a0\u25a0-:.. t0 \u25a0

'«;r.r« . :;\u25a0..:\u25a0-\u25a0 iX \u25a0;' Redondo.:::! .:!,-' '\u25a0 , -

i^. J. willmeet" you'1with my buggy,

\u25a0 ; and show you-

Redondo Bargains.

.. WILL STANTOM,;\u0084 ..]'a.} ';304 Mason llulldlnsr.


;;;-..:IFT) \E^Vnv VS-^IHi | r'LOTS \ LOTS . LOTS j

\u25a0LOTS \u25a0.-..,-.* LOTS. -;,: LOTSi: .!, )MILLIONSIN IT.=. I\u25a0 ':\u25a0:


• 3'\u25a0"'

.:.'..\u25a0 BUSINESS LOTS, " , . 3i'- -.'X\u25a0'"-. RESIDENCE LOTS.' i '•



*: BOOK. :.-"


\,r- Iit,::,<"\u25a0"? ..,\u0084 OLD :SETTLERS \u25a0IINVEBTMENT CO;j'

\u25a0:.;;.\u25a0 l.;.:.t.601-6U3 GRANTyBLPG.-;.,.^ ,jtVV-ii \ \u25a0 !**> ' '\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0|^-.-:::':^i' i

cJ . ;I',j • pecics . ' ' -;'j , -MANHATJTAN BEACH '. v f'»>':. .'..-*v'"',"""tract.



(Just north, of Redondo on Ocean.) I- |- \u25a0\u25a0:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0* ''LOTB'lSfip TO" $1000.' , "I


fg.V? Horna12448'ii-Maln''4sis'jyi"''li-Ma1n''4si5'jyi"''1 |

1 4' BUY LOTS '.AT WILMINGTON.- |, Safer than a bank;, increase In value

absolutely sure.' 'Lota 60x15711 now only$375; one-third cash. No other beachhas the busliU'B.s buckliiK that Wllnilng:-" tun has,< Jwith4ita lpner harbprff tran»-:«»utlnvntaJ. i-»llroitd« iaud'.iomtaii isteam-ship and salliner vessels of the world ex-„ j-liimjj|iigifreight

-here. Immense fno-

,torli'» and' Warehouses are sure to lie: loi'Hted on this -Inner harbor,- You musthurry to get lots at this price. • J>'""McFATRIDOK'nnOftrTjll)'»\u25a0•> Bprlnfat..


We have for sale 7 lino lots In Man-

\u25a0 ';-^ l|,K!»t3l.:!Laughtln(illjtmiiiy/ *Y,.M•\u0084.''! \u25a0'

ly—jßt~-ry: ,i|iii 11... tfjarV— j.- \u25a0\u25a0„; ,j

[\u25a0;;;; ;.;';;Re^:EBtate^yincii^&of S;*'+Jii

jl- ,-^.BASSKTT^b BMITII-*au.'"t..M

tViOO per y««r. i«iw.-niant -jl'ilu«.s W.BIK).

INSURES AXLEARSKW't'< When Eczema, Aciae," Tetter, Pimple»,Tor other skin diseases make their appear-ance it.is a sure sign \u25a0 that the blcosd isfilled with-humors iand -burning, acida.

.These being forced* through the porea 5and glandsburn'and blister the skin, prc£~ducingthe eruptions which are usually.accompanied with intense itching, and-are disfiguring and humiliating.;;- .;i;.--p \u25a0-'

• Tears ago my blood was bad, as evi-denced by skin eruptions on different'parts of the body, and other symptoms, ',boIconcluded to try S. S. S., knowingittobe highlyspoken, of. \u25a0 After using a.number of bottles— -do potremember now,just how much—my blood was thor-iou(thlypuriliedand enrichedc hed andIwas •

relieved of alleruptions and manifosta--tions of impureblood. Xbelieve S. S.S.to be an excellent blood medicine, andany. one in seed oi such a medicine;would do wallto'uße'lt.'-. They willfindita perfect cure as Itproved to be inmy

-oane. ...... ,-.-IMBS. O. fl.SHOEMAKER..i Alliance,0.,616 E.Patterson StTl^


•-\u25a0 While external treatment relieves tern*porarily itdoes not reach the real cause I,of the disease, because itdoes not gointo '

jthe b100d.,, S. S. S., aperfect blopd pii,',''rifier,neutralizes these acids and humors;

land by strengthening and toning up theLiver,Kidneys and'Bowels,* the natural;channels of "bodily -waste,*- ditpbse«"' of-|»M«l., £lit SYA*»J*^V<them- Instead of


/S2^ 'i^3^ V*^^& allowing:,themfiLT/^ Kji!l/ to be forced to

!PURELY VEGETABLE.'the greatest

\u25a0 -«!!»\u25a0' i»t< t.*~v«)iH"S;ti"M* tonicSffor,,buildingup the entire system, increasing/.the appetite' arid.': helping ,the digestion./SJ S.'S.cures all'skin 'diseases 'promptly .and permanently/ leaving the skin' soft'and smooth, iOnly bykeeping the bloodpure can we hope to have a clear skin.{Book on Skin Diseases and any medical,advice you may wish free ofcharge. <- ,-,.\u25a0.|IHEiSWIfTrSPECIFIC ;Co« Atlaoti 6a.

|tunu^i,'.'. i^<;r,,?'^.'r<v*M.-iJK i,v,:\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0•;


I:£Sfntih\ 1 '

?f Spring\u25a0:lifiiiViiiiiiiii'iiiiPMwiiiiiiMi,H\u25a0 ;faHIJUWIMI.t \u25a0Ml-.-'-' t.-...;

't«fl;.,-..«(i> j

"\u25a0'\u25a0'[ Bm i'iS'.. \u25a0 MURK''HLjwßr

iH'i"iI"'"\u25a0\u25a0 !\u25a0j. \u25a0 "\u25a0 (*!\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0 \u25a0911 >/ li,'P.,i^ I

That Made Milvyaukee Famous.: 67p.:".'-i Sherwood VtiSherwood, 216 No. Main St., I-o« tAngeles," 1


'The Beet' That]Made Milwaukee Famous % % [

; ;,/'Pale 'and^Erlkn^er iVßavarian Brew" '< '\u25a0'\u0084 JBVAfiiUfiU'W -'V/i;iH - .\u25a0\u25a0\u25a0W.j-m-^,^ '*< \u25a0\u0084.:. -<><-',• \u25a0,-,! <:;'-i''';,.;";'\ on draught, AT».iVn;iv«..« ."\u25a0• \u25a0..-•{ ;