Homogeueooskirewaticalspace.tn# ( Bologna , 6/6/2018 ) based on ! ! : off }% 1802.04048 with Tomasz Andrzejewski work impugners with Stefan Pvohazka and Ross Grassi e Several motivations : . explore new holographic limits of ADSICFT . generalisation of supersymmetry and/or supergravity beyond the arena of lorentzian geometry Sowedraeuatispersonae we start with the deEHerspacetiwI in Dtl dimensions : Lorentzian manifolds with nonzero constant sectional curvature : Adspt I C R " soft + xp xD +2 , . xp +22 = R2 s o C anti deserter ) dSD+ , C IRD " ' ' x , 't . xx ,5txD+ , x = + R2 > O C de Sitter ) The lie algebra of isometries is so CD , 22 for Ads ,z+ , and CD -11,1 ) for dSp+ , Taking the curvature 0 limit ( equivalently , R -7 A ) of Adsit , or dSD+ , results in Miukowsluspa@tin# , which is an affine space IAD " with a flat metric g = deft tdxp idk ,5+ , C introducing the speed of light c) Ads C M We can now take limits in which c→ a ( uonnelativistic ) or c o ( ultra relativistic ) 5- as / If PEA " " , ( Tp IAD " , gp ) = ( IR " " , ? ) > L c light come ) ( Lorentzian inner product 00 q L Rft txp ERDE , = O NI : C and G are not . I Lorentzian manifolds . - asinine 've 'IEI4 EH a carnelian structure - - Carroll - M I N K O W s K I - Galilean

loreutgian - maths.ed.ac.ukjmf/CV/Seminars/Bologna2018.pdfIf (M, g) is a loreutgian manifold, (Tpm, gp) a (RM, y) and so we Ads C Ads have a ligature and we can take the non-and ultra-relativistic

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Homogeueooskirewaticalspace.tn# ( Bologna , 6/6/2018 ) based on 1¥!! : off}%I 1802.04048 with Tomasz Andrzejewski

work. impugners with Stefan Pvohazka and Ross Grassi e

Several motivations : . explore new holographic limits of ADSICFT. generalisation of supersymmetry and/or supergravity beyond the arena of lorentzian geometry


we start with the deEHerspacetiwI in Dtl dimensions : Lorentzian manifolds with nonzero constant sectional

curvature :

• Adspt I C R "

soft . . . + xp - xD +2, . xp +22 = - R2 s o C anti deserter )

• dSD+ ,C IRD " '

'x,'t . - - xx ,5txD+ ,

- x ⇐ = + R2 > O C de Sitter )

The lie algebra of isometries is so CD, 22 for Ads

,z+ ,and CD -11,1 ) for dSp+, .

Taking the curvature → 0 limit ( equivalently ,R -7 A ) of Adsit , or dSD+ , results in Miukowsluspa@tin#,

which is an affine spaceIAD "

with a flat metric g = deft - - - tdxp - idk ,5+,

C introducing the speed of light c)Ads•

C M We can now take limits in which c→ a ( uonnelativistic ) or c → o ( ultra relativistic ) .

• 5-


If PEA" "

, (Tp IAD"

, gp ) = ( IR" "

, ? ) > L c light come )( Lorentzian

✓ inner product00

q L Rft - - . txp - ERDE, = O

NI : C and G are not,

- - - -. I

Lorentzian manifolds .

. -

asinine 've 'IEI4 EH -

a carnelian structure-

-- -

- .


Carroll - M I N K O W s K I - Galilean

If ( M , g) is a loreutgian manifold , ( Tpm , gp) a ( RM , y ) and so we

Ads C Adshave a ligature and we can take the non - and ultra - relativistic

• •

° M limits .lu particular for (A) dSD+ ,

we obtain Carroll & galilean• •

ds C ds versions of (A) ds .


Ads G(A) ds C & (A) ds G are reductive homogeneous spaaetimes of kinewatical

G lie groups .

Their canonical connections ( those with zero Nomiau maps )•

are not flat and the flat limit gives G & C.

ds G

All spacetime in the above diagram are symmetric homogeneous spaces of kinewatical lie groups . The canonical

connection is torsion - free , but only flat for M,C



We want to clarify homogeneous space times of khewatical

he groups .we will work locally in terms of their lie algebraic data


Kinewatical lie algebras and their homogeneous spacetime

Def A kinewatical lie algebra ( with D - dim 'l space isotropy ) Is a real tie algebra 9 of dim ICDTDCDTZ )

satisfying 0 g > r = I (D)← 1- dinil

trivial Classification : D= 0 F ! I - dim 'l LAand @ g I-modr +0 2 Yes r . mod

D= 1 Bianchi ( 1898 )D - dimtlvector nep AT -7 S ← D= 2 JMFT Andrzejewski (

'18 )

of r FIFTY { nz ✓ → ✓ ← D= z Baoytnuyb + ( Levy - Leblond ) ( ' 86 )rise

to more KLAS.

D > 3 JMF ('17 )

An aristotelian lie algebra Is a neal LA of dim'

ZDCD +13 + 1 satisfying 0 9 > r = see (D)

Typically ,aristotelian lie algebras are quotients of KLAS by a uectouae ideal


% 9 Fmod" * ✓ • S

The clarifications in D 72 can be done via deformation theory . Every KLA is a deformation of the

static KLA : the unique KLA where ZVTOS Is an abelian ideal ( and hence S is central. )

For generic D, one fends the following KLAS : • static • Newton - Hooke ( 72+-1 • a family yefi ,

I ] where

• galilean • se CD , 2) j→ -1 Is 72 -

• Carroll • SI ( Dtl , 1) • a family X 7,0 where

• Porn call'

• Sg ( D -12 ) X → 0 is Nt• euclidean

• a KLA where adfs ,- ] is notdiagonal is able

We are interested in the"

binewatical spacetime"

: @+17. dimensional homogeneous spaces of hinewatecal lie groupsG of the form M=G/µ where the LA g of G Is hinewatical and the tie sobalgebra tysgcorresponding to the ( closed ) subgroup H is of the form Y = r @ V ( as r - mod ) .

we work Infinitesimally interns of the lie pair ( 9 ,b ) and we clarify these lie pairs up


the natural equivalence : ( 9 . ,b .) ~ ( 92

,bz ) if there exists Y : 9. ⇒ 92 with %


: hp # 52 .

in practice , me use the clarification of KL As to fix a KLA g and clarify tie pains ( 9,4 ) subjectto the equivalence ( 9

,b.) ~C 9. bz ) If F YEAH (g) at

. 4/4,

:b,⇒ ba .

A lie pain ( g , b ) is effective if y does not contain any nontrivial ideal of g.Equivalence dames of effective lie pairs are in bijectiue correspondence with local iso . dames of homogeneousspacetime


Notice that there may be won - equivalent lie pairs ( 9,4 .)

,(9,52) with the same 9 .

For example , g = @ C Dti,1 ) has at least two

, because dspt , and HDH have g as LA of Isometrics.

Non - effective brnewatical lie pairs have a rectorial ideal I and ( G/I , YI ) describes an aristotelian" "

space time.

roves r

The result of the clarification ( for generic D) is obtained by adding some more spacetime to our

carneliandramatis personae .

NR : non - reductive homogeneous spacetime of se ( DH ,i ) NR Ads C


• •

s : static aristotelian ( all limit To it ) C M × >,°• •

TS : torsional static aristotelian dsc ds•

•x > 0@DSG)× : one - parameter family X 70 . ( ADSG is X⇒ ) s

Ads G torsional• ( X=o )all torsional except for X=o •

• G( ds G)

y: one . parameter family VEEI , 1] . ( DSG is r= - I )



all torsional except for y= -1 .


¥( r= - i ) )


CartedVEG ,

1]ZEEI ,

1 ] torsional

Some details not in the talk

In writing down KLAS,it is convenient to choose a standard basis Jab= - Jba for r

,and Ba

, Pa for ZV and H

for S.

The [ J ,* ] brackets are the same for all KLAS and hence they are distinguished by the remainingbrackets


When describing he pairs ( 9 , b ) we always choose a basis for the KLA in which 4 is spanned

by (Jab ,Ba ) for binewatical space times or ( Jab ) for aristotelian spacetime .

the homogeneous spacetime

are then described by uniting the brackets of Ba,

Pa,H in this basis


The homogeneous spacetime in the

talk can be described locally as follows :

Aristotelian Newton - Cartan

static F ,- ] =°

• galleon [ H , B) = - P

• torsional static [ H ,P ] =P • ( Ads G)× [ H ,B]= - P [ H ,

P ]= (1+2/2) B + ZXP

• ( ds G)y [ H ,

B ] = - P TH , P ] = VB + ( 1 - V ) P

famollian• Carroll [ B ,P]=H

• Ads C [ B. P ]=H [ H ,P]=B [ p ,P]=J

• ds C [ B ,p]=H [ H ,P ] = - B [ P ,P]= - J

• NR [ B ,P]=H + J [ H ,P ] = - P [ H ,B]=B


• Miuhowskie [ H ,B]= - P [ B. B) =J [ Bcp ]=H

• de Sater [ H ,B]= - P [ B ,B]=J [ B. P ]=H [ H , P ]= - B [ P ,P]= - J

• Antide Siter [ it ,B]= - P [ B ,B]=J [ B. P ]=H [ H ,P]= B [ P ,p ] = J