Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 www.wacac.org Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling (Moderator) Cindy Welch - Missouri University of Science & Technology Loretta Klosterman - Colorado Mesa University Libby Browne - University of Rochester Maria Furtado - Colleges That Change Lives Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967

Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

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Page 1: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to

think beyond the Golden State

Session E6

June 14, 2017


Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling (Moderator) Cindy Welch - Missouri University of Science & Technology

Loretta Klosterman - Colorado Mesa University

Libby Browne - University of Rochester

Maria Furtado - Colleges That Change Lives

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967

Page 2: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Five Reasons Why Students Chose the Particular College They Attended

1.  Location

2.  Cost

3.  Size of Student Body

4.  “I was Admitted”

5.  It just felt right

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 ww.wacac.org

Page 3: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Cindy Welch Regional Senior Admissions Counselor 

Missouri University of Science and Technology Rolla, Missouri

Page 4: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Educa&on Happens Everywhere 

Page 5: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

What about Experien&al Learning? 

Page 6: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Let’s Talk about the Weather 

Page 7: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Return on Investment is Important 

Page 8: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Lore?a Klosterman Regional Admissions Counselor

Colorado Mesa University

Grand JuncCon, CO   

Page 9: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Inves0ga0ng Affordability 


Page 10: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Beyond the S0cker Price  

• Who?  

• How?  

• When? 

Page 11: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Scholarships vs. Financial Aid What is the difference?

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

Page 12: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Exploring Financial Aid Opportunities

•  FAFSA •  Scholarships

•  Western

Undergraduate Exchange (WUE)

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

Page 13: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Libby Browne Regional Associate Director

University of Rochester

Rochester, NY  

Page 14: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

“But how do I choose?”

Page 15: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Selectivity: Combat the Myths 1.   A “Selec&ve” College Is Simply a College That 

Does Not Admit Everyone 

2.   Most Colleges Admit Most of Their Applicants 

3.   The Headlines Are About a Small Number of 

Highly Selec&ve Colleges 

4.   Colleges Can Be Selec&ve in Other Ways 

5.   Applying to Selec&ve Colleges Doesn't Have to 

Lead to Tears 

Page 16: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

Page 17: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

What are the Criteria for Rankings?

Western ACA~ Est. 1967

Gradua0on & Reten0on Rates 

Undergrad Academic Reputa0on (Peer 

Assessment & HS Counselor Rankings) 

Student Selec0vity for Fall Entering Class 

(Acceptance rate, HS Class Rank, SAT/ACT) 

Faculty Resources (Compensa0on, % of 

faculty w/degree, % of full‐0me faculty, 

Student‐Faculty Ra0o, Class Size) Financial Resources Per Student 

Alumni Giving 

Gradua0on Rate Performance 

Page 18: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967

What Factors Lead to Reputa&on? 

• Rankings & Selec0vity 

• Rigor 

• Age of School 

• Money 

•  Looks & Campus Layout 

• Sports &Tradi0ons 

• Proximity 

• Headlines & Media Exposure 

But what about the student’s experience? 

Page 19: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Maria Furtado

ExecuCve Director

[email protected]

Follow us on Facebook 

Colleges That Change Lives


Twi?er – #CTCLColleges  

Page 20: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Finding the right fit...





Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

Page 21: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Gallup‐Purdue Index  2015 report is based on a Web survey of 

more than 30,000 graduates from across the U.S. with a bachelor's degree or higher and 

with Internet access. h?p://www.gallup.com/services/185924/gallup‐purdue‐index‐2015‐report.aspx 

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

Page 22: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

"Our survey clearly indicated that it wasn't so much where you go to college as much as it is how you go to 

college — what you extract from the campus experience. Students and their families are making a 

significant investment in college, and it should be done with eyes wide open." Mitch Daniels, President  

Purdue University

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

Page 23: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

“Do U.S. universiCes provide students with opportuniCes and experiences equal to 

increasing college fees? Do students graduate well‐equipped to find good jobs and prosper financially as well as pursue their passions and 

lead healthy, fulfilling lives? “ 

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

Page 24: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

1) Do specific undergraduate experiences ma?er more to alumni’s overall impression of their alma mater, and which most consistently relate to posiCve outcomes such as high well‐being and workplace engagement aker graduaCon? 

 2) Do alumni from different types of schools (for example, public vs. private, research‐intensive universiCes vs. others) hold consistently different views of their college experience? 

 3) To what extent do financial burdens, such as student loan debt, influence alumni’s percepCons of their university and 

the quality of their lives aker graduaCon?  

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

Page 25: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

“The type of school alumni went to — public or private, small or large, very selecCve or less selecCve — was far less likely to be related to 

the quality of alumni’s lives aker they graduated than specific experiences they had in college.” 

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

Page 26: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

The odds of strongly agreeing educaCon was worth the cost are:  1.9x Higher if ... My professors at [University Name] cared about me as a person. 1.9x Higher if ... I had a mentor who encouraged me to pursue my goals & dreams. 1.8x Higher if ... I had at least one professor at [University Name] who made me 

excited about learning. 1.6x Higher if ... I worked on a project that took a semester or more to complete. 

1.6x Higher if ... I was extremely acCve in extracurricular acCviCes and organizaCons while a?ending [University Name]. 

1.5x Higher if ... I had an internship or job that allowed me to apply what I was learning in the classroom. 

1.4x Higher if ... I held a leadership posiCon in a club or organizaCon such as student government, a fraternity or sorority or an athleCc team. 

1.3x Higher if ... I was a member of a naConal fraternity or sorority. 1.2x Higher if ... I had a paid job or internship

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

Page 27: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

NSSE  NaConal Survey of Student Engagement 

What does NSSE do? Through its student survey, The College Student Report, NSSE annually collects 

informaCon at hundreds of four‐year colleges and universiCes about first‐year and senior students' parCcipaCon in programs and acCviCes that insCtuCons provide for their 

learning and personal development. The results provide an esCmate of how undergraduates spend their Cme and what they gain from a?ending college. 

NSSE provides parCcipaCng insCtuCons a variety of reports that compare their students' responses with those of students at self‐selected groups of comparison insCtuCons. 

Comparisons are available for ten Engagement Indicators, six High‐Impact PracCces, and all individual survey quesCons. Each November, NSSE also publishes its Annual Results, 

which reports topical research and trends in student engagement results. NSSE researchers also present and publish research findings throughout the year. 

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

Page 28: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

ParCcipaCng InsCtuCons: 560 colleges and universiCes parCcipated in NSSE 2016. Over 1,600 

have parCcipated since 2000. Student ParCcipaCon: 322,582 students completed NSSE in 2016. Approximately 5.5 million students 

have completed the survey since 2000. Not all schools parCcipate every year. 

In 2017, 20 of the 44 CTCL‐member schools parCcipated.  

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

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Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

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Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

Questions from the Audience 

Page 32: Looking Beyond the Obvious...Looking Beyond the Obvious How to get your California students to think beyond the Golden State Session E6 June 14, 2017 Diana Hanson - Magellan Counseling

Thank You

Western ACAC ~ Est. 1967 www.wacac.org

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