Looking at Hormone Replacement Therapy on a Different Light

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Ageing women often face a host of certain medical problems because of drastic bodily changes that they go through during and after menopause, health experts say.

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Ageing women often face a host of certain medical problems because of drastic bodily changes that they go through during and after menopause, health experts say. In addition to less threatening yet equally agitating symptoms, peri- and postmenopausal women are also rendered defenseless against chronic health conditions.  As it has been most known to be prevalent, osteoporosis, the disease of porous bones has reportedly become the bane not only of women in and beyond menopause, but as well as older men, with ageing as their common risk factor. 

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With the added help of a relatively new online instrument, people who hold multiple risk factors and patients can now gauge fracture risk by using World Health Organization Fracture Risk Assessment Tool that may aid them in getting early treatment and look for the most possibly suitable preventive treatment option.

Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment used to relieve menopausal symptoms that primarily functions by supplementing the body either estrogen alone or estrogen and progesterone in combination during and after menopause, as defined by medical journals.

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Women lose a substantial amount of female hormones when they go into the phase of permanent cessation of menstruation and fertility, medical experts say.  Estrogen, as what these hormones are called, plays the  essential role in keeping bone mineral density in check.  In replacing the estrogen no longer produced by the body, HRT used to be the mainstay treatment for women with hot flashes and other menopause symptoms, and prevention against chronic diseases.  However, the prescription of hormone therapy demonstrated a substantial decrease in number as early studies found how the risks may outweigh the therapy’s benefits.

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Recently though, there has been reports that women are again cautiously learning toward the help of hormones against the detrimental effects of menopause which may have been due to the findings of a recent Canadian study, according to online media reports.  The study results reportedly suggest that the absolute risks of hormones for the relatively young — women up to age 59  — are low based on what has been established a decade ago, compared to its less than therapeutic effects in women who start hormones in their late years, reportedly shedding a different light on how HRT was previously viewed.   

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In the wake of controversies linked to the current first-line osteoporosis treatment known as bisphosphonates, many patients may be scouring for a different treatment that may help minimize their risk of adverse effects, as well as going through the emotional distress that entails the process of filing a Fosamax femur fracture lawsuit.  While various drug treatments carry their own risk of side effects, HRT may hold much promise as it was once did to a large number of women enduring the drawbacks of menopause and osteoporosis. 

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Sources: canada.com/health/



