Issue No.1 Wednesday, 7th February 2018 Look what’s new at Kilmore PS Over the school holidays a second shade sail was added to the 3-6 playground thanks to the amazing fundraising efforts of the KPS community. Fundraisng events such as the Colour Fun Run enable the school to continue to improve the buildings and grounds, making the school environment a safe and welcoming place for all. Thank you to all the organisers, helpers and participants of the Colour Fun Run. Without your participation projects such as these would not be possible. Julie McCarthy Foundation Parents Morning Tea Friday 23 rd February 8.50am Stadium Foyer Parents and carers of students in Foundation this year are invited to a Morning Tea on Friday 23 rd February after morning drop off. This annual get together provides an opportunity for our newest parents to get to know one another and discuss the first few weeks of school – the tears and the smiles, and for parents who are already part of the KPS community, an opportunity to share your experiences. We look forward to greeting many new (and not so new) parents and carers soon. Toddlers welcome. Julie McCarthy

Look what’s new at Kilmore PS

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Issue No.1 Wednesday, 7th February 2018

Look what’s new at Kilmore PS

Over the school holidays a second shade sail was added to the 3-6 playground thanks to the amazing fundraising efforts of the KPS community. Fundraisng events such as the Colour Fun Run enable the school to continue to improve the buildings and grounds, making the school environment a safe and welcoming place for all. Thank you to all the organisers, helpers and participants of the Colour Fun Run. Without your participation projects such as these would not be possible.

Julie McCarthy

Foundation Parents Morning Tea Friday 23rd February 8.50am

Stadium Foyer

Parents and carers of students in Foundation this year are invited to a Morning Tea on Friday 23rd February after morning drop off. This annual get together provides an opportunity for our newest parents to get to know one another and discuss the first few weeks of school – the tears and the smiles, and for parents who are already part of the KPS community, an opportunity to share your experiences. We look forward to greeting many new (and not so new) parents and carers soon. Toddlers welcome.

Julie McCarthy

School Hours And Bell Times

8.45 am - First School Bell

Session 1 - 8.50am – 9.50am

Session 2 - 9.50am – 10.50am

Recess - 10.50am – 11.20am

Session 3 - 11.20am – 12.20pm

Session 4 - 12.20pm – 1.20pm

Eating Time - 1.20pm – 1.30pm

Lunch - 1.30pm – 2.10pm

Session 5 - 2.10pm – 3.10pm

End Of School - 3.10pm

Please note any payment received after the due date will not be accepted



Thursday, 8th February

Second hand uniform sales 8.50am in the parent club room

Welcome Picnic and Stomp evening workshop

5.30pm for picnic &

Stomp performance will begin at 6.30pm

Friday, 9th February Icy Pole Fridays start for 2018 don’t forget your $1.00 icy poles will be given out at lunch time

Assembly 2.30pm

All welcome

Friday, 16th February Grade 6 Jumpers & Polo Top last day for orders

Orders & payments to be placed at All Things Uniform, Broadford

Friday, 23rd February

Foundation Parents Morning Tea Located in Stadium Foyer 8.50am

Assembly 2.30pm

All welcome


Friday, 9th March Assembly 2.30pm

All Welcome

Monday, 12th March Labour Day Public Holiday

Thursday, 15th March

Whole School Photo Day

Friday,23rd March Assembly 2.30pm

All welcome

Thursday, 29th March End Term 1 School concludes at 1.30pm

Payment Due Date

Happy Birthday Happy Birthday to the following students who are celebrating their birthday in the coming week. We hope you have a lovely day. January 31st Tristan 2J Rory 34G February 1st Blake FD 2nd Mackenzie FS Grace FW Leigh 34G 7th Beau 34C

What’s gone home recently?

The following notices were sent home Thursday

1st Feb to Wednesday 7th Feb.

Whole School: Nil

Selected Families: Nil

Selected Students: Swimming trials 1st Feb

Individual Grade Levels: Nil

Foundation: Nil

Grade 1: Nil

Grade 2: Nil

Grade 3: Nil

Grade 4: Nil

Grade 5: Nil

Grade 6: Nil

Spare copies of notices are available from the


From the Principal’s Desk…………... Welcome to Term 1 Week 2 at Kilmore Primary School. What an amazing start to the New Year! The school looks great, the children are super excited and the TEAM program is up and running in full stride! I would like to thank all of our staff who spent many days preparing for the start of the year. The classrooms look great, the administration tasks are all complete, resources distributed and the programs are well planned and engaging. A special thank you must be extended to the Crane family and to our gardener Tina Considine. They volunteered hours to get the grounds looking wonderful in preparation for the start of the year. I would like to introduce and welcome our new staff members. Andrea Evans (grade six), Ashleigh Grech (grade 2), Sarah Frawley (grade 1), Erin Spencer (Foundation), Lauren Davies (Foundation), Nathan Babic (PE), Chelsea McGrath (grade3/4) and Adrianna McCaskell (grade 3/4). We are very excited to be working with these new staff members. All have come to us with excellent recommendations and they have already proved themselves to be passionate, dedicated and enthusiastic teachers who are keen to contribute to our school. Student supplies A huge thank you to all families who sent children with the required stationary or ordered on line and had the supplies delivered to the school. Children have the supplies they need each day and the remainder are stored for them when they need it. Some parents have expressed concern that all supplies will be distributed to all students as they need it irrespective of whether the families have purchased them or not. This is not the case. Although supplies will be stored together and in a way that makes them easy to get when needed, avoiding wasted learning time, each teacher has a list of students who have supplies and those who don’t. This list is monitored and checked off as supplies are distributed. If you have purchased supplies they will be used for your child. If you have not sent supplies for your child please do so with urgency as your child needs them to complete their learning. If you have financial difficulties which stop you from doing this please contact the office to arrange alternative payment plans. Important considerations for the start of the year. At KPS we have worked hard to establish a culture of high expectations for all students, staff and community members. Couple these high expectations with our belief that every minute counts and you have the recipe for great success for all students. We need your support to ensure that these behaviours are embedded in our every day practice. Following are two important ways that you can support us to give your child the best learning opportunities possible: Ensure your child is at school no later than 8.45 and ready to line up or go into the classrooms ready to start work at 8.50. We had a significant problem with late arrivals last year, so much so that it has become a key improvement goal for this year. We are only in our second week of school and we already have a long line up of children at the late arrivals desk every morning. Shortly we will be launching our ‘Being on Time Matters’ campaign which will help raise awareness of the importance of being ready for learning as soon as the bell starts. Effective communication with parents is of prime importance to us at KPS. We welcome every opportunity to meet with parents and carers and work together to support children. If you have something you wish to discuss with teachers in person, it is always best to make an appointment so that the teacher can privelege you the time you need. Before school is not the ideal time for significant conversations. It’s a great time to say hello, pass on a brief bit of information if needed but that is about it. Teachers are generally preparing and setting up prior to the start of the day. At 8.50 teachers need to be standing in front of the class and starting the days learning. Remember that emails are a great communication tool as well.

Budgeting Tips for the School Year.

Did you know that for $17.80 per fortnight you can cover the cost of most of your child’s school expenses for the year! We all know that the financial pressure many families face is a significant concern and can be overwhelming. I have put together some facts and figures about the expenses that are typical in a school year so that you can consider ways to ease the stress and spread the payment out. Please note that these are approximate figures only. I encourage you to consider the option of term or fortnightly payments into your school account to ease the burden of large sums of money being due at the same time, particularly the end of year. If this sounds like a plan that would suit you, please contact the office staff to get it set up straight away so that your account is building up in readiness for the first event. Money put into the account but not used will be returned to you or transferred to the following year as you wish. Typical expenses for all children:

Optional extras for grade 3 - 6

Payment options: EFTPOS, direct debit, cash or cheque Regular payments through Centrepay (via Centerlink). Forms available at the office. Regular payments through direct debit

KPS Family and Friends will run several fundraisers throughout the year. These are not factored into the above budget as they are optional. The committee run a large variety of fundraising activities to cater for the needs of everyone. Your support is greatly appreciated but the committee do not expect you to support every activity unless you wish too.

Kim Laffan


One excursion per year $25 Payment options:

Lump sum as items are


Term payments of $116.25

Fortnightly payments

of $17.80

One incursion/special event per term (4 X $10)


Booklist $100

School Fees $120

Environment maintenance levy $25

Voluntary Improvement Contribution $25

Swimming $90

School Photos $40

Total $465

Camp $ 300 Payment options: Lump sum when camp payment is due Term payments of $75 Fortnightly payments of $11.50

Kindness at KPS

Kindness is one of our school values. It makes yourself and others feel good. Students have been learning about kindness during our Ready, Set, Go! program. From the Random Acts of Kindness Foundation: Kindness has shown that the positive effects of kindness are experienced by everyone who witnesses the act of kindness. This means that one good deed in a crowded area can create a domino effect and improve the day of dozens of people. Kindness is contagious! According to research, kindness increases self esteem, optimism, happiness and energy levels. It decreases anxiety, sadness, pain and even blood pressure.

If you want to know more about kindness, please visit

Next week is ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ Week. KPS is joining in the fun with a game of ‘Kindness Bingo’ in

classrooms and we invite families to play along at home. Use the bingo board below or make one of your


How exciting to be back at school! I’ve missed seeing everyone and was super happy when it was time to label everything and pack my school bag because I knew school was starting soon. Did you enjoy the holiday break? I did

some playing, sleeping, walking, eating

and some more sleeping. I discovered

how comfortable human beds are –

shhh, don’t tell anyone because I’m

meant to sleep on my own Asha bed.

The cat and I are sort of friends. I’m

teaching her our KPS school values –

Kind, Proud and Safe. She’s now

stopped trying to eat my breakfast.

This term, teachers and Labradors started school two days before students. It was very strange being at school with only my tallest friends. I helped supawvise meetings and the setting up of classrooms, found a delicious pink crayon, sniffed out an egg sandwich and played with some cardboard boxes. I also met our eight new teachers. Unfortunately, I forgot my camera so I’ll get some photos for next week’s newsletter. 2018 is going to be pawsome. I can’t wait to

see everyone at our Welcome Picnic (with

the STOMP dances) on Thursday 8th

February and at the Team Challenge

morning on Friday 9th February.

I’ve visited each classroom to say hello… and check for crumbs. Imagine my delight when I visited 1R and heard that it was ‘Fruit Snack’ time! We have a fruit (or vegetable) snack each day at about 10am. I usually have a carrot.

My newest friends started school on Thursday. I was sure to visit

each of the Foundation classrooms to introduce myself. I saw lots of

happy faces and I wagged my tail so everyone knew I was happy too.

Wagging can be hard work. My tail and I soon got a little tired. I

spied some beanbags in Foundation S but just as I made my way to

them it was time to leave. Speaking of beanbags, 3/4G have some

supaw comfortable ones that I ‘lab’ tested on Wednesday. They have

a special Asha beanbag for when I visit.

Comments and questions that have put a smile on my dial this week… “It’s going to be impossible to have a bad day at school with a dog here!” “Asha, how do you smell so good?” “Did you have a nice


Numeracy News

This week, we explore some of the ‘facts and

figures’ of Kilmore Primary School in 2018….

Next week, students are

learning about place value. This

includes recognising, saying,

making and writing numbers.

Understanding how numbers

work helps with solving future


Numeracy News continued…

What Am I? -I have 2 tens and 5 ones -I am the number after 24 -I am the number before 26 -I equal the sum of 15 and 10 -I am the product of 5 and 5 -The sum of my digits equals 7 -I am the number of hours we spend learning each week. I am….. 25!

Get involved in the School Banking program.

Kilmore Primary School is excited to offer the Commonwealth Bank School Banking program to all students. School Banking is a fun, interactive and engaging way for young Australians to learn about money and develop good savings habits. Children who deposit money into their Youthsaver account through School Banking earn Dollarmites tokens, which they can save up and redeem for exciting rewards. The rewards available during 2018 are: Twister Power Handball

Secret Scratch Pad

Sparkle Glitter Pens

Glow Light

Mighty Boom Handball

Heat Reactor Pencils

Slushie Maker Cup

Zoom Flying Disc

School Banking is also a great fundraiser for our school. Our school receives a Regular Savers Contribution of $5 for every 10 deposits processed per student as well as an Annual Contribution which is based on the number of students who made at least one School Banking deposit in the prior year. Getting involved in School Banking is easy! All you need to get involved in the School Banking program is a Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account. You can open an account for your child in one of two ways: 1. Online Visit commbank.com.au/schoolbanking and click on the link to open a Youthsaver account. 2. In branch Visit a Commonwealth Bank branch with identification for yourself and your child, like a driver’s licence and birth certificate. If your child has an existing Commonwealth Bank Youthsaver account they can start banking straight away. They just need to bring their deposit in every week on School Banking day using their Dollarmites deposit wallet. School Banking day is Tuesday . Each week you need to bring your bankbook to the school office for processing. If you would like to know more about School Banking, please ask for a 2018 School Banking program information pack from the school office or visit commbank.com.au/schoolbanking

FOOTY SEASON IS HERE Registrations are filling fast for the Kilmore Junior Football Club 2018 season,

for both Boys and Girls teams.

For information about training dates and times, or to register online, check out our facebook page,


An information day will also be held at the Football Club rooms at JJ Clancy Reserve, on Sunday, February 18 from 10am-12pm. Come and meet the 2018 coaches, and enjoy a sausage sizzle.

To play for the Kilmore Junior Blues in 2018, you must turn 7 before April 30, 2018

Coles Sports for Schools is coming!

KPS families did such a GREAT job with the Woolworths Earn & Learn campaign last year, collecting more stickers than previous year. This year we have registered to take part in the Coles ‘Sports for Schools’ program which kicks off this month. From February 7th customers shopping at participating Coles supermarkets and Coles Express outlets can begin collecting Sports for School vouchers. For every $10 spent at a participating store, customers will receive one ‘Sports for Schools’ voucher which are to be placed in collection bins at local stores or at school. This is an opportunity for KPS to share in millions of dollars of worth of sports gear. Schools can share in a range of cricket and softball bats, footballs, basketballs, javelins, hockey sticks, skipping ropes, badminton racquets, first aid kits and more. “Sports for Schools will help schools provide sporting equipment to children, encouraging them to take up new sports while staying fit and healthy.”

We will share more information soon on where our collection boxes are located (most likely Kilmore Coles and at School will be the two locations with boxes for KPS)

Accident Insurance, Ambulance Cover and Private Property

We would like to remind families that the Department of Education and Training does not provide personal

accident insurance or ambulance cover for students. Parents and guardians of students, who do not have

student accident insurance / ambulance cover, are responsible for paying the cost of medical treatment for

injured students, including the cost of ambulance attendance or transportation.

Private property brought to school by students, staff or visitors is not insured and the Department of Education and Training does not accept any responsibility for any loss or damage. This can include mobile phones, calculators, toys, sporting equipment and cars parked on school premises. As the Department of Education and Training does not hold insurance for personal property brought to schools and has no capacity to pay for any loss or damage to such property, students should be discouraged from bringing any unnecessary or particularly valuable items to school. Parents or guardians can purchase insurance policies from commercial insurers if they wish.

Orders Due Wednesday 15th Feb


2 pairs of glasses one with Pink and purple and one with Frozen (animation) Frames.

Please bring to the school office if you have found these please.


Each year we ask if parents are able to assist in the washing and changing of the linen in our sick bay. In most cases this means 2 or 3 times a year. If you are able to help out please return this form to the office by Friday 9th February. A roster will be distributed shortly after

Name: _______________________________ Contact Phone Number: ___________________ Child’s Name: _____________________________ Child’s Class: __________


To be able to work with children in classrooms, assist in Sport sessions or to accompany a class on excursions, parents need to have a Working with Children’s Check card. You can apply for this at any Post Office. If you already have a WWC card please check that it is still valid and that you have shown your card at the school office so that we can update our records.


Starting Week 2 - 9

th Feb

Pop $1 in a named envelope or snap lock bag and give to teacher on Friday Mornings

Ingredients Below: Water, Sugar, Maize Glucose, Food Acid (330) Vegetable Gums (412, 410), Natural Flavours,

Natural Colours (120, 160a, 101), Natural Plant Extract.