LOOK UP Student Book 4 James Styring I Susan lannuzzi OXT'ORD rIÑI\/ERSITY I'RESS

LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

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Page 1: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

LOOK UPStudent Book 4

James Styring I Susan lannuzzi


Page 2: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

D Contents

be goiryto: añtñative

be go¡kg ta: iñfotñarion

will: Yes I No guestians

Degrees ofcertainty:

Reading e¿ writing:A conveÉatióñ about a

Readi.g úd writing: A

Rea¿;ñg and writing¡ E mailsaboui you r school and

organi,e yo!rvocabularyRé¿ding strategy¡ Usi.g

Réading edd writing:A project rór the fu¡ure

Listering: Conversatio¡saboúrthe fur!re orfour

wr¡ting: Your predidioñs for

Láñguage check¡ lcan ...Reading strateg)/¡ Cuessingthe meañ ngfrom context

Writing: A desdiptlon ofyo!rravor ie poss€sson

Re¿ding and writing:A m¿g¿lne advertisementwrking: A ¿escr ption of

Learning to léarn¡ Pracri.eEnglsh with photosRead¡ng strategy¡ Readingfor specif c informatlon

writing: A ¿escrlprionof a r ñe rvhen you were

üstening: M¡.ching a.tionswirh pi..ures about the parReádingand witiñg: ATV

t¡nguage <hsk I can ..

R€d¡ng strategy¡ Ordering

PoS" 26

c.oss-.uñ¡.ulú English.s.ier@ Page 78

verbs (1)

Song. The Lu¡a sp¿.é r&e Pdge A4

Descr blng a room

nformation qu€stions

Aski¡g abour rhe past

Page 38

Simp!e p¿st: alTrma.ive

nformar on q!esrions

verbs (2)

verbs (3)

Ta k ¡s abóur a photo

Aikiñg abo!t ¡h€ par

Cross-.úrricular Eñgl¡sh. Hi.xo¡y Page AO Song: Here I ¿ñ P¿ge a5

Page 3: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Rév¡€w: Units9 10

Pa* progressive: Ycr ./

i¡form¿tio¡ q!est ons


Co.tras¡ing rou.ines

happeni.g rght now R€ad¡ng: A h!ricanewriting: A descrip¡ion ofai me when rhe wea¡herwas

Reading and wr¡ting: Adescr ption ofa r me when

Rev ew Eng ish d!r ng the

Read¡ng strategy: A¿¿lng

üsteñing¡ A vac¿t o¡Reading and writing: A

Writ¡rg: A descript on ofa.imewhen you took care of

tanguag€.h*k: c¿n...

U¡derr¿¡¿ing proiou.

Ta < ng aboui a phoro

verbs (s) Tal[ing abour a parly

Review: Units 1l-12

cJoss-cunicul&E slish. Geo3|aphy Pdge 82 Song! North, iolth,6t, ú¿wet Page a6

Unit1. Extr. pra<tice

Unit2: E¡ór¡pra.ti@

unh3! Extr¿ practi<e

Urit4¡ Extt¿ p¡¿.ti@

Uñh5! Exrr¡ pr¡cd.e

un¡t6: Ex¿. préGtice

UnitT¡ Extr¡ pra.ti.é

Unha¡ ErtraPra.ti@

U.it9: E1rt¿phcri.é

U'h 10: E d¿ pr¡cd@

Unh 11! ExE¿ p¡¿ctie

Urh 12 Ext a p¡acticc



Pdg 96


Pagr lO2

Page lO4

Page 106

Page log

Page 4: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Complete the questions. Use the present progress¡ve form ofthe verbs.








Evan and Diana (c er¡ ) rhe )¿rd?

Evan (warer) rhe plants?

Bess and C¡lv n (walk) out ofthe bookstore?

Fiona (ru n) across rhe s¡reet?

Er an and Ll :rna (w,ear) a school uniform?

2 Look at the picture and answer the questions from exerc¡se 1 .

ls Andy wacching soccer?

Andy wat¿¡ihg (rvatch) soccer?

Andy andJim (p ay) soccer?

1 3 5

2 4 6

3 W.ia" p."."nt progressive questions. Then look at the picture again and wr¡te

No. h¿ ¡<¡'t.

? Where ¡e F¡ohA walk¡nq? F¡oAa ¡< walking pael the ahhool.






w,ho l'lim I p ay,r soccerwith?

rvhere ,' F ona / walk ¡

what ,, Andy ./ wear,i ?

where i' Bess ,, go .' ?

lr,ho ,1 Ca vin 1'rvalk ¡'

what /, F ona I wear.1

rvith ?


Page 5: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

4 Lool< at the p¡ctures. Compare the sculptures. t)se than or (not) as ... as.

aHEAD r7[g 0 2Sm ! 0 ]0¡n !2,350 bF5N250irl..1lmr075nr!2,350

(fish / hear,y / head)


Tht fr<h ¡< htauitt lhati tha ht atl

(fish / hear'y/ horse) Thefi<h Án'l 2< hea\ es lhe horca*-

' head e' pen.rve hor'e.¡1








(fish / expensive,i head)

(head / small / fish)

(head ,/ colorful/ fsh)

5 Write superlative sentences about the sculptures.

(co orlu )

(sma )

ü, ñsfiril&úasl crfaÉlls

(large )


6 Anr*e. the quest¡ons aboutyou. Use the expressions offrequency below.

a day / every t\'vo days

a week / every three weeks

three tirnes a month / every two months






How ofcen do you ...

pick up your room? I pi¿k up ñ,1¡oon otic¿ ¿very lwo week<.

male ¡ou. bed?

clean the bathroom?

wash the dishes?

study Eng lsh?

play sports?

Page 6: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Read and l¡sten to the conversation.

Mrs. Peters:

Shelly:Mrs, Peters:

Ceography class is going to end earlythis morningAre we going co leave early?No, you aren't. I have some news foryou, so please lisren. A specia personis going ro visit our school nex¡ week.Who is it? ls it a singer? An acror?I can't tell you. l'rn going to ralk toPrincipal Bell this afternoon.ls she going to ralk to us tomorrow?

Mrs. Peters: Yes, she is. she's going to talk to yourornorrow morning.

Shelly: Are we going to have science classtomorrow?

Mrs. Peters: Yes, you are. You're going to havescience class after principal Bell talksro you. But we aren,t going to haveP.E. ror¡orrow afrernoo¡. OK. you

can go now.

Jake:Mrs. Peters;


t1 tlk norll¡hg

Write thewords below in the correct order. Listen and check. Repeatthe words.

romorrow romorrow afternoon tbismsrnnrglLi. dTrerroo. re\t ú, ¡l ro nor.os mor-rn!,

2 4 5 6

Read the conversation in exerc¡se I again. Order the events below from .l _5.




A special person is going to v s r che school.Principal Bell is gorng to ral< ro rhe sru¿entsMrs. Perers is going to talk to principa Bell

The studencs are go ng ro have science class.

t hr .r Loenr\ "

-e . r Eoing ro hd\ F P L


Page 7: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

'r, Look at the grammar chart.

Main verb


I He/ she / tr

A special person


t', ',



Y.'' '1


ro the teachers this afternoon. (tall<)

PE. class tornorrow (have)

Prlncipal Bell rcmorrow morning. (listen to)









be (+ pa¡1 go¡ngto

goingtogoing togoingtois/ isn't


1. Read the conversation on page 6 aga¡n. Complete the sentences with the affirmative ornegative be goingtoforms ofthe verós.

The srudenrs ar¿['tgoi¡g to l¿áv¿ earlytoday. (leave)





Ceography c ass eady this morning. (end)

the school tomorrow (visit)

Principal Bell

fhe scudents

The students

I , ' Look at the schedule. Complete the sentences with the school subjects. Listen andrepeat the subjects.

Tuesday ltednesday



The stude¡ts have arf once a week. They have it on Tuesday.

The studen¡s'frst lesson on Monday and Friday is

They have ¡wice a week. lt's on Wednesday and Friday.



s on Monday and Friday.

is twice a week. lr's on Monday and Wednesday.

They have every Tuesday and Thursday. lt's twice a week.

is once a week. lt's on Thursday.

-s4& '"6;,!l rnglish

@l s"os'"nhr

flr't',o.rtr& -utn

c{¡ c.r.



Th ey h ave three times a week

Page 8: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

i7 Look at the grammar chart.

N:1, Reorder the words, Write questions.

1 Aro you go¡r'g to dudl Etgli<h k¿xl veer?

(study English / going to / are / you / next year)

be Subject goingto Main verb Short answers



he/she/itgoingtogoing to

leave? Yes, I añ.Yes, he / she is.

No, l'm not.

No, he/ she / it isn't.



goingto leave?

No, they aren't.

(next year / your best friend / going to / be / is / in your school)

(are / going to / you / have / math / tomorrow)

(your friends / play baskecball / tomorrow afrernoon / are / going to)

(going to / your teacher / give you / a difficult Project / next week / is)

¡ll Answer the questions in exerc¡se 8 about you.

1 Y¿< I el','- 452


'i (.1!, :,r',.) listen to theconversation. Match the pictureswith the days.

1 Monday L 2 Tuesday- 3 Wednesday 4 Thursday- 5 Friday-

Ask and answerthe questionsfroñ exercise I'k Are you going to studry English r'¿xt Year?

B; yes, I am- l'n going lo eludY Englieh hort year- I lik¿ Eng lish. lt ¡s f(¡[.


Page 9: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

11 Read Bill's e-mail. What is a schedule? Circle the correct answer,

a a studenc's list ofclasses in orderb a list ofa student's favorite classes

c a list ofthe most difFrcult classes

ilHi Fred,

I have our schedules for next year. We're going to have a great time! We're ¡n mathand sc¡ence together We're going to have math first every day. Then, you're goingto have geography, and I'm going to have English. Your third class on l\4onday isgoing to be art. On Tuesday and Thursda, you're going to have PE. third, and onWednesday and Friday, you're going to have music. On Monday and Wednesday, I'mgoing to have PE. third, and on Tuesday and Thursday, I'm going to have music. I'mgoing to have art third on Friday. Your fourth class ¡s going to be English. ¡4ine isgeography. We're going to end the day together in science class.

See you,


Read the e-mailagain. Answerthe questions.

Are Bill and Fred going to have math together next year?

1 Are Bill and Fred going to have science rogether next year?

2 ls Fred going to have geography next year?

3 ls Bill going to have English next year?

4 ls Fred going to have art on Friday next year?

5 AreBill and Fredgoingto have P.E. together nextyear?

1 3 complete the schedule for Monday.


Write your ideal schedule. Use thetext in exerc¡se 11

as a model.Thk is nv id¿al schedule. lt k fun! 0n Monday, . . -


14and the schedule in exerc¡se 13

Page 10: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi


Jake:PrincipalBell:Gwen:Principa.l Bell:

Read and listen to the conversation.

We're very excired. Nextweek, astronaur

Jeremy Hale, the most famous student fromHoneywell High is going to talk to us.

What is he going to calk abour?

He's going to talkaboutspace and

When are we going to meet him?

Thursday, March thirry first.

What is he goingto do here?

Well, l'm going to show him my olfice.

1 audirorium f 2 cafeteria 3 gy^ 4lab -

5library6 ollce 7 .r¿, her. loung.


Then, he's going to see the teachers' lounge.

Next, he's going to see the gym and the new

books in the library. Then, he's going tospeak in the auditorium. Finall¡ he's going

to see the lab nex! !o the audicorium.

Where is he going to have lunch?

ln the cafeteria, with youl

lmagine afamous person is going to visit your school. What are you goingtoshow hirn or her?

Yao M¡ng is going lo vis¡l ty school. I an going lo lak¿ hin lo th¿ gyñ. We ar¿ going toplay basketball ¡n lha gyn. Than . ..

Read the conversation in exercise 1 again. Complete the sentences with the words below.

31ji¡€rfáií auditorium cafe¡eria library March space

Jere .]y Hale r' ¿n e<+toheut






Jeremy Hale knows about

He is going to come to the school on thirty-firsr-

The new books are in ¡he

The students are going to listen roJererny Hale in rhe

Jeremy Hale is going to ea¡ ln the


Page 11: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

1 Look at the grammar chart.

Question word (object) be Subject Ao¡ngto Main verb

you goingto

he/she/it going to do?

you/we/they goingto sit?

Question word (subject)


\¡lftite questions. Use the correctforrns of begoingto.

1 Who are lh¿ <tud¿úl< goirig lo ma¿l?

(Who / rhe srudenrs / meet)

2 Whal ¡e goihg +o lepp¿ri o¡ Ma¡¿h 3l?(What / happen / on March 31 )

(When /.jeremy Hale / come / to rhe school)

4(Who / speak / in the auditorium)

(What / Jeremy Hale / see / in the library)

(What/.leremy Hale / tall< about)

(Where /.Jeremy Ha e / go f rst)

Read the conversation on page 10 again. Answer the questions in exercise 5.

"l fhe, <lud¿hla e¡e goikg lo he¿I añ a<ltoha¡ljl -







Page 12: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Complete the chartw¡th the correct ñumbers orwords. Listen and repeat.

18 s- eighteenrh 25 1r- Menry-fifth

19 19th 6 26 26ú 12




24 21th1o








'I1th elevenrh

l?il twelfrh

13th 1

2 fourteench

7- twenrieth

3- twenty-first

22nd twenty-second

13- rwenty-seventh

28th la-29th twenq, ninth

3oth thirtieth

31st rhirty-firsc







23rd e

15th fifteench

3- sixceenth

17th a-

Dates = rnonth / day,/ year8 r'9,i2011 = Algus¡ nin¡h, rwo thous¿nd eleven.1 / 30 i 2014 = Apr I ¡hlrrieth, rwo ¡housand lour¡een

Read the paragraph. Write the date in numbers for each picture.On March twency-ffrh, Mr Lewis s going to c ean the labs. On March twency,sixth, he isgoing to painr rhe teachers' lounge. On March twenry eighth, M rs. King is going ro pur thenew books in che I brary. On March twenty-ninth, Mr Lewis is goi¡g to vacuum rhe ofice.On March thirtie¡h, he is going to put some plan.s i¡ the audltorium. On March thirty first,Jeremy Hale is going to corne ro rhe schoo .


What areyour plansfor next month? Askand answer.A: What are you go¡ng lo do ngxl fionlh?B. 0n June ¿l¿venlh, I'n going to h¿va a paiy. On June ¡h¡rleenth,


I'n go¡hg lo eee t1/.y grandparcnts..

Page 13: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Read Zelda and Sandy's e-mails. Match the dates with lhe e-mails.

a March2 b May5 c February2T

Sydney and Australia are grear,and my new school is cool. Wehave a fantastic ibrary, a large

gym, and two labs. Science s

my favorite class. Next week,we're going ro visit the museumofscience. We're going to see a

new exhibition abou! science in


We aren't going to visit the U.S.

rhis year. Maybe you can visitAustralia? We can visit Ulurul



Why aren't you going to visirthe U.S.? I can'! vis r you inAus¡ralia- l'm not going to see

you lhis year. That's awfuil

Are you on the basketball teamat your school? Our learn is n'tplaying well withour you. Writesoon I



How's Australia? Do youlike Sydney? How's your new

school? Do you have a favoriteclass? ln our geography c ass

tomorrow we're going to watcha documentary about U uru inthe auditorium. When are yougoing to vislt us?

Read the e-mails again in order. Circle T (Trae) or F (False) or Nl (Notenough information).

Sandy is lving in Ausrra ia now. @ rT ltZel¿a lives in Ausrralla. T/ F/ NlSandy doesn't like her new school. T/ F/ Nl






Uluru is n Australia

Sandy is Australian.T/ F/ Nr

T/ F/ Nr

Ze da is going to see Sandy this year. T/ F/ NlSandy is a good basketbal p ayer. T/ F/ NlSandy p ays basketbal in Australia. T/ F/ Nl

i Write an e-mail to a friend about your school and your F¿vorite class. Use the texts inexercise9asamodel.lliJa¿k,My school ¡s ¿ool. W¿ have al¡brary, a gy6, and a greal lab, AtI is my favorit¿ ol¿ss. N¿xt tv¿¿k . . .

Ze da,


Page 14: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Crammar and vocabulary

Order the sentences.

am going ro see your cousin tomorrow morning.

Le!'s mee! this alternoon.

I am going ro go to rhe mall rhis morning. Lwe are gorng ro pla¡ soc. er nL \r wpe(.







Match the people with the activity they are goingto do nextweekend. Write affirmativeand negative sentences.

(5haun / go / ro rhe movies)

1 (Darryl/ play / soccer)

2 (Adele and Darryl/ read)

3 (Liam / watch / TV)

4 (Rory and Adele / go / to rhe movies)

5 (Fiona/ go/ roamuseum)

6 (Shaun and Liam / play/ soccer)

ehauk ist'l going lo go Io Ih¿ htovia..

Complete the q uestio ns with be goingto.Write short answers about the people inexercise 2.

The next class is tomorrow afrernoon.

lL Fiona g¿i¡g to r¿¿d (read)?

Shau¡ and Liám (play) soccer?




(go) ro a museum?


Rory and Adele (go) to the movies?

Page 15: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Match the pairs ofsentences.

1 Do vou like art class?

2 What's 45 divided by 5?

3 Where are those books from?

4 l'm hungry.

5 ls Cusco the capital ofPeru?

6 where's P. E. today?

a From the library.

b I don't know. l'm not good at math.

c No, it's Lima. Your geography is terrible!

d lt's in the gym.

f Me too. Let's go to the cafeteria.

Read the answers.Then write ¡nformation questions. Use wro' What, or Where withthe sghdjred words-

Who k go¡hg lo tea¿h art? Mr. Barber is going to teach art.

I hey are go,ng ro go lglhs lré(hclr lp!¡99.She is

',orns co srudv historv.

Lewrs is ooinp to soeaL rn the aud;roriun

He is sorns to walch TV at home.





6 write the dates,

6/2s111 /122 s /18

3 9/304 12 /28s 9/27

Jü¡¿ lw¿rtv-lift¡-

7 () wh"t."" ah" people talking about? Listen and circle the correct answer.

r @/ rn" tiu."ty 3 A geography class / A science class

2 A history class / An English class 4 The cafeteria / The auditorium

O rganize y out v o cabulary

1 Use a notebook to record thevocabulary you learn. Start a new

page for each group ofwords.2 Add new words to each group.

For example, what places in yourschool are not in the "Places inschool" group? Find the words in a

dictionary and add them to the list.

Place¡ ít+ ¡chtoL


cqf.teria' 3yn


wN ul6rdi:,hwLa ró|MtchóoL yqrd{ec¡.Lrí4/ de1kcarrLdar


Page 16: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi


Read the Reading strategy. Read the text on page 1 7. Match the head¡ngs below withthe correct paragraph.

a How does a virtual school work?

b How do students do sports?

c What school isTallulah going to go to?

d Why doesn'tTallulah go to school now?

2 Read the text. C¡rcleT (Truel orF (Falsel.



3 R".d th" t"*t "g.¡n.

Check (/) the things that students at O.O.H.S. have.

a school yard /

Tallulah can't go to school because she works for a circus.

1 Tallulah lives in more than 30 towns every year.

2 Tallulah studies history and math with Miki.3 Tallulah usually teaches elephants-

4 Tallulah is going to be a teacher at college.

1 a classroom

2 agr'm

3 a teacher

Answer the questions,

Why is Tallulah going to study at O.O.H.S.?eh¿ h¿¿d< a b¿Il¿r l¿e¿l¿r l¡ált Mikí

4 an auditorium

5 classmates

6 a library

7 a cafeteri¿


Using headingsHeadings organize che information in a text. They tell thereader about the different categories of information in a text.

1 What do students do before classes start?

2 What can students see on their screens?

3 How do students send homework?


4 Why is Iallulah going ro worl with the elephanrs)

Page 17: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi


Irítual gchoo'l

1-W[y lLoasLt ]] ll{laLgotoscboil ns'¡{¿

To lLr oh con I go lc o regJ c1r schoo

beccr.se her pcre¡ls \'rork Íor cr clrcus

Fvet\, !'reck To ri on 5 lomlY rnc\'_'s

lo o d fer.:nl io'.tn !'/ i¡ ihe c rcls Ai

the morne¡i, she hos a osses !"Lih

Mk Tcr luloh kes rnoih gecarophy

ond hrslor\' Sli-'I Kes Tr-le c oss':s !r 1¡

lvl k bJi he sn i o icol ieocher He s

lhe c rcls 5 e ephcni feoclrer "One

.ro. !o\ Toll,oh lñtqo¡q o rlrcl

Ane o llor\01 coi-q o 'recL

o beiter lecch-'r'


throug r o '¡ crophonc They Llse _'rnc l

io send ho"ne!!'cik onc Thel'o s o¡O O H S Lbrory. frul slLrce¡ts co¡ c'r y

Snrclcnis con i lck'-r PE becousÉ-'t¡eri]

:¡lo-c,aaol I T o ' o'o

l-.r 11 ch,q n!io e l\/ l ih tr'

e --phc¡ls Ll s '¡porlo¡t 1o be l"o ih\/

soysfo rio'


Tol.r oh s ¡ew schoo is Orlnocc On ne

Hqh\.nool lODHS )fnee 1r -n tonis.¡ocl blr l,.l n!' ol o o H S llre ''noo

Siudents ocl on 1o the O O l-l S ebs ic

ñt I OO. ond they give The I possu'orcl

Th€) sP.ll

" lLro hoo 'o 'l ond '1o's^3 llorl

ci 9 30 Tle stuclent! hclve \,_eDcclr¡:

o¡cl lhcy con s-'e the I clossn'clTes o'rd

lhc Teochcr n ihe \r ltlc clcssroom on

lha I scfeens The leccher con 5e¡d

'oo ' r'o ó o

.t ,¿"n1, on on 'r qLrF t o ' lh

iexl mcssoges or ih-'Y con speck







Page 18: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Read and listen to the magazine interview.

Life in SPoceAsüonaut ,eremy Hale gives us

about the future.

will peoPle live in sPace?

^ eal

Yec thev ü.1tl Solne ¿stlonluls LIVE LOl-\

o. : ;1,, . oc . o" . :¡ ov_ '' . 1- '_'-

íü ". .i,,i"t. w" can't make very 1ar€e space

.il i*. ""t ¡ta i" tne fulure we lvill

1 plah¿l

h#''1 People w ll ive

Match the words belowwith the pictures. Listen and repeal.

moon pJanrec rocket space station space suit sun

Read the article in exercise 1 again. Match the sentence halves.

2 Space scacions will be

3 The hottest planers are

4 Peop e will wear

a the moon ¡ rocke¡s.

b specia space su rs in the luture.

c as big as cit es.

d on space stations.

5 Thousands ofpeople will go to

ls spdce tftvel ¡hterest¡ngto you? Ask and ¿ñswer.

Space tavel isn'l ¡ttl¿resting to ñe. I an happy harel Th¿re arub'l any shopping nalk orrestauranls in spac¿.


Page 19: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Look at the grammar chart.


He/She/ lt

live on a space station.

Shottforns of will and w¡ll notWe will I ve on a space starion. t We'll ive on a space starion.\Ve willnot I ve on a space srarion. t We won't live on a space station.

Read the article on page 18 again. Complete the sentences with will or will not.

Peopie willliv¿ (live) in space in the furure.

(live) on planets near the sun because they are very hot!

(have)specia space suits. They (we¿r)jeans and

T sh rts in space.

3 Space stations (be) small. They (be)very large.

4 Rockers (take) people to the moon.

1 People

2 People

What do you think? Wr¡te sentences about the future- Use willot won't,

our pldn¿l wlll b¿ v¿rv cl¿eh-

(Our planet / be very clean)

(Life / be easier in the future)

(We / find animals in space)

(Computers / be our teachers)

(Our oceans / be very hot)

will(not) live on a space station.


(Earth / have good wearher)


Page 20: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Look at the grammar chart,

Short answers

Yes, we will.Yes, you will.Yes, they will

No, he / she /

will you


Write questions. Use wrll.

W¡llT¡ñl¡v¿ on a <Pa¿¿ elalion?

(on a space station / llve / Tim)



Yes, lwill.Yes, you will.Yes, he / she / itwill.

(wear / people / space suits)

(Sue'fly a rocLer)

(in a schoo /SueandTm/work)

Look at the pictures. Answerthe questions ¡n exercise 8.




Y¿a- h¿ will.

Page 21: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Re¿d the interviewwith Frank Fabiano. Complete the sentence.

Frank doesn't like today's space suits. They are big , , and

Read the interview again. Circle the correct answers.

Astronauts ca¡'r move in cheir space suits because they are ... .

a ugly @hear'y c in space

1 People ofrhe fur!re won't like today's space suits because rhey are ... .

a artractive b ugly c hot2 Frank's space clothes will besrrongbecausetheywll ....

a h¿ve recycled plastic and g ass n them b be hol c be attractive

3 Some peop e wil behotinFranasclothesbecause....a some planets are hot b rhey have Plastic and glass ln lhem c it isn'l attra.rive

4 Frank willwear his space clothes because ... .

a he will probab y I ve in space b rhey're strong c he lkes them

Checl< (/) the staternent Frank agrees with.

1 People in space only want strong c orhes.

2 Coo cLothes are more important than strong c orhes for PeoP e in sPace.

3 Peop e in space wil need strong c orhes, but they wil want attractive clothes.


lmagine you are working on a projectforthe future, Describe your project, Use the I

text in exercise l0 as a model.My pto,ieot is a car for lh¿ ñoon- The aar w¡ll be very slrong . . .I My proj¿ot is a c¿


Page 22: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Read and l¡sten to the conversation.

Principal Bell:


Jeremy Halel


Jeremy Haler


Jeremy Hale:


Who will ask the first question?Mel I have a quescion abouc food in space. Where will people grow p ancs for food?That's a grear quesrion ! We'll definitely grow food here on Earrh, but sor¡e sclentisrs are

crearing special pla¡ts. These plants won't need water every day, and they wil grow in

very hot or cold weather. So, these plants will probably grow in space.

Where will plants grow in space?

On space stations. We'll build very large space stations and thousands ofpeople wi I liveon them, so rnaybe they'll bring their lcod planls with rhem.When will we visit space for a school project?ldon't knowlWe'll probably cravel to a cigz on Earth firsr!

Read the conversation in exercise 1 again. Complete the paragraph with will orwon"and the verbs below. Listen and repeatthe main verbs.

Wíllwe grow food in space inthefuture? Ask and answer.No, we won't grow tood in spac¿. (ci¿rilisIs won'l areate sp¿c¡al plank. We w¡ll gro/9t tood her¿.

br ng burild create grzñ live need rravel

lnrh, Lrure. p.op e rwillgrow 'ooc or la-rh bur s.r.r ri,r./ special

p anrs for space Thrse special p ancs r water every day, and very hot wearher

won't be a problem for rhem. People a hor¡es in space, roo. Sor¡e people

' there, but some peop e 6 to soace onlv lor their vacations

They 7

- souvenirs lrom space for rheir friends on Earth


Page 23: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

: Look at the grammar chart.

Question word (object) Subject


úíll he / she / it




Question word (subject)

will live in space?

.4 Read the questions and the answers. Complete the questions w¡th the correctquestion words.

Wh¿re. will people live in 2200? On the moon.

will students visit space for school projects? ln the future

wil' be ver¡ large.n the €Lcure? 5p¿, e \r¿lions.

will fly a rocket? Cwen.

will plants for food grow? ln space and on Earth.

will we travel to space? By rocket.





,li Read the answers. Write two questions for each answer.

will h' Ar a.ttñr^út?


Jake wi

1 aWhob How

ll be an astronaut.

cwen will travel !o Australia by plane.

2 a Who

b When


3 a Who

rs wiLl visit space in the future

b whatScienosr' wi'l c'e¿re spec al pldnL5.

(l lmagine)etemyHale is going to visit to your school. write three quest¡ons forhim abouttheñrture.

Wh^t will tht MAthtt ht lik,' in tho. fulure?





Page 24: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

delnirely lwi ldefinitely lve in Brazi .

probab y You wil probably trave to the U.S.

maybe Maybe he will fly a plane.

she won't be an astróná!t

Look at the grammar chart.

Look at the chart. write sentences with ¡lefinitely, probably, naybe, or won't in yovrnotebooks.

A-y M¿rcos Joe

scudy fnglish in C¿nad¿ (0oo 75-" 0oo

lñe in the U.S. 10070 50% 75%

visit a country in Asja O% 1Oo% 50%

Maybo Any will sludy E¡glis¡ ¡n C¿r¿d¿.

Any will d¿linit¿ly grow platits at hotne.

Amy,'vislt a co!nrry in Asia

Marcos,, study English in Canada

Marcos r'live in the tl.S.




4 Marcos ,/ visit a country n Asia

5 joe / srudy Eng ish in Canada

6 loe ,r ve ln the U.S.

7 loe,1v s t a country in Asla

Listen to the conversations. Match the names belowwith the picrures.

Betq, Dlana Em¡ly }l,ará:


Make predictions abo ut your future. Use definitely, probably, naybe, and won't.

I w¡ll defrnil¿ly lív¿ iñ this ¿ity. I w¡ll probably pl¿y soccer with ñy tr¡shds on lhe weakands.

Maybo I vt¡ll bo a leacher. I woh'l sludy scie¡c¿, or be ah astrohaul.


Page 25: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Read the webpage. Match the headings with the paragraphs.

a When n I people live in space? b Where rvil peop e lve n the furure?

"People won't live in big cit¡es. They will

leave big cilies, and some people will leave

Earlh. Life will be good in space slalions, on

lhe moon, and on Earth."

Aut, Bril,tow, ú.k."Our planel has problems, bul w€ won't

leave it. we will clean our cilies and oceans,

and we will live here on Earth We won't

have liller because we will recycle il "

Bori,¡, OatLo, Eua'lor

Read the webpage again. Who agrees with each statement? Check (/) the names.i:-99.,.' í."= .e.q -"¡

'-'¡3+- at

: --: í Pp'-:P-E i:: ¡o_ '

Anna Boris Kim

People will Lve n >pa.e rn the furu'e.

1 People won't live in space in the future.

2 Life on our planet will be good in the future.

3 Life in space will be better than life here.

4 Life in space will be as good as life here.

5 People won't live in space because ofmoney.

Match the sentence halves.

1.¡"¡p-¡eo"rll,o ,l --\ á

2 '^chi\).|, ." \U3 -,, oror p rner .r I oec,ti . 'b",


4 Money is a prob em, so d

5 Life rv I be good on the moon, a¡d e

we won r have itler

peop e,,v 1l never live n space.

some people,,vi I leave our planet.

r rv I be good on our p anet.

sor¡e cit es vvi I hav€ 150 m ion peop e.

Do you agree with Anna, Boris, Kim, or Rosa? Use the texts in exerc¡se I O

as a model.I agte¿ wilh Boris. People aru th¡kking aboul our plahat now. W¿ ar¿ re,cyclir,g our litterakd our planat will be .leai in the fulure.

"People willdefnitely live ¡n space. l won,t happen in mylife. Maybe

't will happen in 300 years. There will probably

be ctr¡es with 150 millton people and lrfe oa tarth will be

i dillcult. Some people wrll build homes in space and leáveour c¡lies and planel."küat S¿oqL, toathkor¿^"People wjll never live jn space. Money is lhe problem. Somecounlries don't have moneyfor space stalions and rockekPeople need money forfood, roads, and homes on Earth.,,R o¡a-, va.üivi*, cAik


Page 26: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Grammar and vocabulary

Complete the text with spacewords.

Look up at night. Can you see

anypL-L-L"- L-ainrhesky? Often, we can see the

planet Venus.

We can visit 1s - - -

in a2r

- . We can't walk

on the 3s , but astronaucs

can walk on che am

Astronauts wear ss

s s. They live and they


Lookatthe chart. Write six sentences about Lisaand Tom's predictions for thefuture.

have a bigbecome live become a live forafamous in the singer in 100actor U.S. a band years

go to speakcollege Korean


Tom xx x

They willboth hav¿ a ñotot.fcle- L¡saw¡ll becone a Íafioug aator. Ton .. -

Complete the chart about you. Write seven predictions foryourfi.rture.I won't hare a ñotorcy¿le.

Write questions and short answers about Lisaand Tom in yournotebook.

Lisa / mororcycle W¡ll L¡sd have a nolotcycle? yas, she v,rill-'1 To'¡ / famous actor2 Tom / ive in rhe U.S.

4 .hey / 100 years

5 Lisa / college


3 Lsa beco-re ¿ ) .ger ,a r brn¿ 6 rhey spea( Korear

Page 27: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi


Circle the correct answers.

I ool. Ihey are bringing /@Lrilding)a new 'loJse rl-ere.

1 C¿n you grow / crc¿rc foo;'in./) our ) rrd)2 I am going to need / travel co the capital on Friday.3 Bring / Grow me your homework, please.

4 We don't build / need any money today. There aren't any stores here.

5 She is going to create / travel a new website for the bookstore.6 People will live / bring in space in the future.

Read the Simon's pred¡ctions about his l¡fe at the age of 21. Complete the questions.UseWho,What,Whete, When, and How.

Wher¿will you live? I'll probabty tive in Lima.

your best friends be? David and.julia will definicely be my best friends.

you travel? Maybe l'll travel by bicycle. l'll probably have a mororcycle, too.

you take vacations? I won't go into spacei l'll probably take vacations in Asia.

you go to bed on Fridays and Saturdays? l'11 definitely go to bed very latel

you .tudy at Lollege? I ll srudy.narh ¿nd r ience.





Orderthe words. Write 1 for the mostcertain. Write 4 forthe leastcerta¡n.

a probably b definitelyl c won't d maybe

Answer the questions froñ exercise 6 about you at the age of 25, Use words for degreesof certainty.

Maybe I vrill l¡va ii London-

Read the sentences. Circle the face that is trueforyou.1 I can saywhatl am goingtodoandwhatt'm notgoingtodo. 6O O2 I can understand an e mail about a class schedule. @ g O3 I can write my ideal class schedule. @ g O4 lcan askand answerquestionsaboutfuture plans. @ g O5 I Can Wnte oates. \cr' \? \r'6 I can write an e mail describingmyschool and favorite class. @gO7 I can talk about future predictions. @ @ O8 lcan describe a projectforthe future. 6 O O9 I can understand a text about life in the future. @ e O

'l O I can use p roba bly, d ef n¡tel!, na! b e, o( wo nt i n futu re pred ictions. 6 O O



) Cross-curricular English page 78 Song page 84 27

Page 28: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi


l Re"d th" R."ding strategy. Read the q u iz on page 2g ' Circle the meaning of the words'

flight (question 1)

a a bird

@ traveling in a Plane or a rocket

c a sandwich

1 train (question 2)

a to go bY train

b to do sPor$ or exercise

c to make food

2 author (question 6)

a an artistb a painter

c a writer3 wild (question 7)

a in azoob in a house

c not in a zoo or in a house

4 director (question 9)

a he / she watches movies

b he / she makes movies

c he / she acts in movies

2 Do the quiz. Circle Your answers'

3 Read the Key on page 29. Do you agree with it?

4 Answerthe questions.

where do people study to become a doctor? Ar ¿oll¿g¿ '

1 Where does a Pro gamer Practice?

2 What can some astronauis do?

3 Where can You see wild cheetahs?

4 What are typicaliobs in Holly'wood?

5 Where is the Louvre Museum?

Cucirir'!' tlr.) rn.r;rn¡nq 1rofi c{lntext

Good readers guess rhe meaning ofwords from their context - I

1 Whdr paa oi.peech lnoun adle' t've verb ¿dverb) rs the word' J

2 c¡nváusubsrirucelhewordlor¿nolherwordor'dear )


Page 29: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

:i ""J:l'.:l:'ffi l:l'ili;::;:l ; ;:* fi :;;'"

i Tili;li'" probobLv c movbe d cleinLrelv ¡oi

.llroin or the gy.n fiv. ".¡:* 1:"1 ct cr--, . ó . o

o J.ln,r.rY b P obob\ c r¡ovue \

i l" '" ""*nt "to

gel the highest rnorrs lll be ihe

:"li:::l ' ""liJ'"i'

c -o o^ d oÁn :' 4or

+*i*r*,+*;Í#":-":;iu"o."o.. o^ o.,,on"r *" o"r

' ,'

T"oll tll ill"

"'d"i"'*V b Proboblv c moYbe

I con wnie well One doy I ll beceveryooov w;ll ¡eo¿ .ni;;,,"-dome o lomoLs o.rthor

o de ,.'-\ .or b i o.o- C o,ooc,o,, d oe,n.,a.,I love noiLr¡e. I,ll visil Africo ond sq derniiety o oÁo.iiu"J ,l"t"t

wjld cheerohs

cors ore bririonr. nr h.". . ,", "lll, iflo"'t"'u ".to defnitety b probcbly c m(l\r rove rha movies . ;".;


d oen q ¡6'

Ill worl ia Hollywood. --' '_ - r oclol or o dlreclor ono

I * '- O ooooo,. c _o,o- .t oo¡.,.o.) 10,

I ll becorne o fomous orlisf.Thev Urhe Lo.rvre \,4useum rn pori, F,qncihow

-y poinrings or

o 4ó¡...a.. .o, b ro.o- a Ooooo.. O O- ",,o

*3H 29

Page 30: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

t G J Read and listen to the conversation.

Mom: Eva, Dad and I are coming home now- What's

the problem?

Eva: Someor. nas rn our l_ouse. Myguitor *es on

rhp so'¿ thi- mor¡ing. bul ,l r'n t the e now:

Mom: Look behind the sofa. next to the curtains ltwas rhere yesterdaY. Where'sTonY?

Eva: I don'r know My gu itar was defi n itely on lhe

sofa this morning and the window wasñ't

broken. There's glass on the rug, in the flowers,

and in rhe grass.

Mom: Call your brother's cell phone. He was at home

an hour ago!

Eva: His cell phone and his mp3 Player are nexr toyoLrr vase on the table under the mirror- They

were there last nighr, too.Mom: This isn't good. Leave the house now! Maybe

there is someone in the house! Wait in rhe yard.


2 fi) ru"t.t t¡" *ords belowwith the pictures. Listen and rePeat.

cel phone curtans flower grass fiiroí rug vase

3 Read the co.,rre.sation in exerc¡se 1 aga¡n. Complete the s entences with is' isn't, are'





The qrir¡r i<h t on ¡he sofa now.

Mom an¿ Dad in the c¿r They

Mom and Dad happy. They

in rhe iving room, buc his cel phone

in rhe flowers an¿ in the grass. lt



To ny


rhe tab e.

rug) too.

where's Tony? Asl< an¿ ^nsweí

¡.1¿'s probably iÍ ¡is r0oh1 or naybe he's al lha shopping $all.



Page 31: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

be (+not)

l/He/She/tt in the living room.

a person in our house,

t\,vo PeoPle in our house.

4 Look atthe grammar chart,

5 Look at the picture and read tfie conversation on page 3 0 aga¡n. Circle the correct answerc.

Mom and Dad wasn't/@t hor". 3 The doors wasn't / weren't open.I The guitar wasn't / weren't behind the curtains. 4 Tony was / wasn't at home.2 There wasn't / weren't three rugs on the floor. 5 There was / were glass in the yard.

6 Look atthe pico-rre of Eva's living room lastyear. Complete the sentencesüthwds / wdsn't or were / weren't.

The sofa wás in fronr ofthe window







There red curtains in the living room.

The grass in the yard




any flowers in the yard.

a small mirror in the living room.

rwo black rugs.

Tony's cell phone

7 Compare the living room ¡n exercise 6 (last year) with the one on page 30 (now).Write five sentences in yournotebook.There wera red aurtains in the l¡v¡hg roon, bd nov lh¿r¿ are blue eurtains.


Page 32: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi


8 Look at the grammarchart.

Com plete the senten ces with dgo, Iast, or yesterddy.

We were at rhe shopping r¡all !¿sl¿rdaY afrernoon







I was a¡ the librarv rhree hours

My parenrs weren't at home night

Sally's friends were worried about her

You weren't here a minule

Our team was very good year

There was a science class in the lab mornrng,

1O Rewrite the te*t messages.

, .:...

Wh¿¡¿ ar¿ fou?Ar¿ you aI work?

cwo weeks / a day / six hours / a minute ago.Tonywas at home

last nighr / week / month / year.We were in Barranquil a

yesterday morning / afterñoon / evening.Your guitar was behind the curtains

Texc language s nformal and of¡en uses the sounds ofletters and symbols to wrlte wor¿s

@: a!;c = see; u = you;ur = yo!r/ you're; 18 : late; gr8 = grear; 4: icr / four; cuz: because;

2 : to / roo, w = with; BF: best friend; r = are

ur BF is


Write a messege in English text language. Can your partner read it?

i h¿ve ur skgboardyout nessag¿ ¡s, I hava you¡ skleboard.


Page 33: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

n1 Read the article about Brett Maitlin. How does he probably feel? You can circle morethan one adjective.

a happy b sad c confident d excited e angry

Iiilr¡¡ nütrllast night. Maitlin was in his hotel, but his gütar

was in the band's bus. The bus wasn't open, and

there we¡e black curtains on its windows ln the

picnües foom the hotel's camens, there werenl

any people or ca¡s near the bus.

But this morning, Maillin's guita¡ wasn't in the

bus.Now Martlin needs help He sdvs The guitar wasn't e)Qensive, but it was my father's It

was special to me Wherc is il?"

Ug1l Me, singer Tim Taranlino says, "We don't

understand. There were expensive compute¡s

and cell phones in the bus, but they'¡e fine "

12 Read the erticle again. CitcleT (Truel or F (Falsel.

B;::T::'}I""j,JT":",T"T::1:T:íSá ü0 É

Maitlin was in the bus last night.

1 Maitlin's guitar was in rhe bus last nighr.

2 There weren't any curtairs on the bus windows.

3 There weren't any cars near rhe bus last night.

4 Maitlin's guitar was very expensive.

5 The guitar is speclal because it was his facher's.

6 lhe band's computers and cell phones were in the hotel.


1 3 Rewrite the false sentences with correct information in your notebook.

Maitli¡ was['t ¡[ lh¿ bqs lasl nighl. Ha was in the holel.

lmagine you can't find your favorite possession. Write a short text. Use the text inexercise l1 as a model.I aan't ñnd ñy aell phone. I w¿3 on tls bus ¿nd ¡t wa s in ny bag, but I don't hava it novr.



Page 34: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

1 6) r¡ead and listen to the conversation.

Are you OK? Where were

you, Tony?

l'm fine. I was at Ron's house.

Were you there a long time?About fifteen minutes.Really? I was here wentyminutes ago. Were you here?

No, lwasn't. ¡remember now,

I was there for thirty minutes.Look There's a black mark tothe right ofthe curtain in thecenter ofthe wall. lt wasn'tthere yesterday.






And, there's a blue markabove it, to the left.It's the color of Eva's

guitar.And there's a third,smaller mark belowthe other two marks.

Can I speak to youin the kitchen, Carl?

Yeah, su re.

the rable.

ofEvaThe mark in the

The big mark is

is big.

the blue mark

again. Circle the correcr answers.








curtainwindows b 1'lowers

flower b guitar

2 f) rook at picture A. Complete the sentences with words below. Listen and repeat the

above below cen¡er lef¡ ¡iek




Mom ls ¡o ¡he l¿ft of Dad 4 The m rror is

5 Tony is to the

3 Read the conversation in exercise 1

... was a¡ Ron's house

1 Eva was at home ... minutes ago.

2 Tony was ar Ron's house for ... minutes-

3 There are three..- on rhe wall4 Eva's... is blue.


Page 35: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

4 Look at the grammar chart.

5 Read the conversations on page 34 again. Complete the sentences.wasntt, oÍ weren't.

Wá< Eva at Ron's house?

Tony at home 20 minutes ago?

there !hree marks on the wall?

the marks on the wall yesterday?

the black mark ro lhe right ofthe blue mark?

she w¿$?









No, !hey


6 Write simple past questions. Use the correct forms ofúe.

W¿r¿ Vou aÍ hovie al q p,fn- la<l. Salurd¿V?

(you / at home / at 9 p.m. last Saturday)

(there / an interesting program on TV / last night)

t/helshelit Yes, l/ he / she/ itwas.No, ¡/ he / she / itwasn't.

you/we/rhey at home?Yes, you / we / theyw€re.No, you / we / theyweren't.

on the floor?No, there wasn't.

on the wall?No, th€re weren't.

(your best friends / at school / yesrerday)

(your teacher/ happy / last week)

(your favorite team / in an important game / last year)

(there / any good movies / at the movie theater / last month)

Askand answerthe questions in exercise 6.

k Wera vou al home al q p-n- lasl galwday?

B: l{0,Iw¿sn't- Iw¿s ¿ta b¿sk¿tballg¿ü¿.


Page 36: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Question word

the singer in the band?

they in Colombia?

7 Look at the grammar chart.

8 Complete the questions. Use question wo dls anil was or were.





you yesterday morning? At school.

on TV ast night? A cooking show.

you in Co ombia? Las!year.

your teacher astyear? Mrs. Kato.

Nadia yesrerday evening? Ar the shopping ma l.

9 Reorder the words. \¡'\y'rite questions, U se wds ot were.

Wh¿r¿ w¿r¿ fou lhr¿¿ ,l¿ar< ago?

(three years ago / you / where)

(your favorite song / lasr year / what)

(who / your favorite actor / a year ago)








tqhe e ve'rerc¿r "lrernoon your besr iierd;

(in 5th grade / when / you)

(your parents / last night / where)

(your friend / when / in science class)

(your English teacher/ in 6rh grade / who)

Ask and answerthe questions in exercise 9.k Whare were Wu thr¿e Vearg ago?B: lwa3 ¡¡ this city t¡r¿e years ago-


Page 37: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

'lü Read the ad,rertisement. Labelthe pictures Now andTwoyearcago.

Hom( B tutit'ul can crcate a nes

room lor yolrl Do You w.rnt a more

attraclive hoñe? Wc ca¡ hclPl

T$.oycars ago, Sr.r e t asn't haPp]" Her

bcdroom $?sn't a ttrLc tive. Thel\'Alls

úcrc boring, and therc wercnt any

.urt¡ins. l'he bcd q'as in thc center

of thc room. and the mirror above

it was small. Therc lvasn'L a table

n.rr ro ih€ bed. so Sue! booLs tcreahváys on the Uoor.

lh.rnks to Hr,r¡¿ Bc¿r¿¡¡tl, Suc is

happier. Ihere ¡re smáLL tables to

thelciL an(l to th€rightoi thebcd, so

her books arcnt alt ays on th€ floor'

rhe mjrror above th€ bed is la+e,

and th€rc]t a bcautitul platc bel(^v

a picture, so thc $'alls ¡rent boring'

sue lo!es hcr new $üitc curtains

'l t nead the adverr¡semenr again. why was Sue unhappy with her bedroom?Check (/) the reasons.

l¡ was¡'¡ attractive ¡1



3 The bed was n the center ofthe room

't 2 vatch the q,restions and answers.

1 Whac was in rhe ce¡¡er ofthe room?

2 What was above che bed?

There wasn'r a tab e near the bed.

he m 'ro' abo'e thc bed ¡a' '- a ll.

4 The floorwasn't attractive.

5 The walls were boring.

-6 There weren't any books.

7 There weren't any curtains.

3 was there a plate rwo years ago?

4 whar is to the right ofthe bed now?

5 Were there any curtains two years ago?



No, there weren tA rable.

The bed.

No, th ere wasn'c.

A sma I mirror.

Describe your bedroom. What was it like five years ago? whét is it like now?Use the text in exercise 10 as a model.FNs years ago, lhe desk was to lhe lofl of lhe b¿d, and lh¿re was a ñap abova tho desk.Now, lr'y d¿sk is to t¡¿ righl of the bed, and lhere's a poslar above ñy desk.



Page 38: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

2 These often look beautifuL; they smell nrce

3 You walk on chisi il is on the floor in a house

4 With this, you can sPeak with PeoPle annvhere'

5 You put llowers in this; it is like a large glass'

6 These stop rhe sun at the windows

Pete / gym Pet¿ wasn' t at t¡¿ gYn.

1 sam añd Chloe / shoPPing mall

2 Chris / gym

Circle the correct answers.

Grammar and vocabulary

Match the defin¡tionswith the words.

1 You c¿n see rhe oPPos ce in rhis

1 rLrOK?

2 u were 18

3 we r gonna go 2 ur house

4 canicu@6?

3 Brad and Helen / shoPPing mall

4 Martin / gym

5 Julre / gym

a cell phone

b curtains

d grass

f rug

g vase7 You can sit on this in your yard; it is green

2 Look at the list. write the sentences in your notebook, use w4s, wdsn't,were,of wereú't.

tt,epitS t^a)t - Br¡1, t+¿kw, uart)n' pttt ?¿t¿

3Jt* - clJt¿, cfuA, tlüt, tr"{ st¿'\

3I was at the gyrn lasr rwo hours

I We were at the movie theater last evening / last night

2 lwasn't at this school agoayear/ayearago3 Youweren'tinyourroomat'11 o'clock yesterday evening/ yesterday afternoon'

4 He was on the bus at nine o'clock yesterday morning / yesterday night'

4 Match the text messages with the comPlete senterices'

a We are going to go

b Do vou want to see my new skateboard?

c Are you OK?

e Can I see yor,r at six o'clock?


5 do u want 2 c my new sk8board?

Page 39: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

5 Look at the picture. Find four more mistakes in the text. Rewrite the text.

There wer€ some flowers in a

vase i¡€v€ the table. There

was another vase below the

table. The cell phone was in

the centerofthe chlr. The

painting was to the right ofthe chair. The,éhair was tothe left ofthe painting.

Th¿r¿ w¿fa sotlg ñowefs in a

vaselo the lalt of lh¿labl¿ ...

6 Look atthe picure egain. ComPletethe questionsw¡th wds or were. Write shortanswers'

wer¿ there any flowers above the table? No:llügwarall-there a vase in the center ofthe table?

there any cell phones below the table?

there a chair to the right ofthe table?

there a picture above the flowers?

there two chairs below the painting?







Writethe questions in your notebook.

where / Alex / on Satu Áay7 Whü¿was Alexon Salurday?

l who / Alex / wirh on saturday? 3 what/theban¿/like?2 what / in the shopping mall? 4 when / the last train?

ñ Liste., to the conversation. Answerthe quest¡ons fiom exercise 7 in yournotebook'

Whara' as Alax on gatutday? Ua nds in Ihe eil.

Learn English from music, TV, and movtes

l ln pairs, play a song wirh English words, or warch five nrinures from a TV show or a movie

in English.

2 Listen forwords tharyou know. lnyournotebook,writeallofthewordsthatyouknow ln

pairs, compare lists. Who has the longest ist?

3 Check the spelling and meaning ofthe words in your lists. Who has the nrost wor¿s sPelled



Page 40: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi


Read the Reading strategy. Read the questions below. Willeach answerbe a person ora place?

Where ls Caudix?

1 Who is Span ish ?

2 Who is sevenreen years o d?

3 where is Craig Simmons from?

4 Who ives in Kanazawa?

5 Where is Kanazawa?

Plac¿- / Spaih-

2 Read the text on page 41 quickly. Find the answers to the questions in exercise 1.

3 Read the Reading strategy. Then read the questions below. Will each answer be anumberor a place?

How many cave houses are rhere ln Caudix?'1 How many bedrooms does Ana's house have?

2 When were rhe first cave houses popular?

3 How long is I from Lake {Jnion ro che center?

4 How old is Yu <i Mlura?

Nunb¿r / Mor¿ thek 2!A0-

Read the textagain. Find the answers to the questions ¡rl exercise 3.

Answerthe questions.

Whar is the weacher ike in Spain in summer?

1 Whar is A¡a's livlng room like?

2 What does Craig's house loo < like?

3 What does Craig do ln summer?

4 What is Yuki's grandparents' house like inside?


li i( I'ot

Reading for specific informationSometimeswe need specific information from atextto answerquestions aboutit.Specific information can include naúes, numbers, ordates.'1 Read the text quickly.2 Only stop when you find a possible answer.3 Read that word or sentence again.


Page 41: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi


I',m. frorw Qa,tda, Spaíw, avÁ t Iív¿ íw q cqve'

Cave¡ are'saod buuüe tÁy tre wver hot i¡t'

,u*^". í lor" o^" htuse' Iwíde, ít * ¡LwíIar

ta a4 o,pqd tv114t. Ne have rhru bedraahu a

li¡th¡a. a baúraaw1. ar.d a ltv4 t oott't *tth a

lattqe ,,^4, a "ola,

and a d'ntn4 tabte We /ant

ha,,e aív windons at ¿urtai+! t"' Gd"^/t<

rfure are wu,e ¡h¡4 2 a00 tate hautu '' ate

house¡ areít ot ww ílea.'fhey Ñere PoP aÍr forthe fl$t tLWe 1,200 Year¡ a9Ó'

Ana Castenqdt, 15

jll '';;lfj'l:;l;il ::l',. 'i.i,

r ,,',, ,ü / r ir, ¡rr'r,y''/,,.ri¡¡.'.i

r l,-'-'¡""""''''i" i'i

"t' /'', ',' ,,.,1,{

l,t;:,:,i1,;,,ti,1, i; : t:;t:l;:i:i :,; ;i :, ",jl;:;li,\,: ..,r/.t,. l '4¡\ ltt' trlill',,r¡,,r.',i ,,.,,,,

"; ;,,:,,;':::l,;:';jll::;,,,,1,,'r,'",,.,,,. ¡i,,.,,,,,,i'r',,¡t,r', r..,r,

rrrii' rr,Uf,r¡i,,.r. 1¡l

','.." ', ,..r ,i'i ,],,,]'ii ""'¡'l'"rrrrr'r 'j\. rr,. ,{,',,, /',,r

l;;;;;"1'; ,. .,-, I ,;;:;.; ,;:;:;:l,ll ji ,;]l:;i, ;:





Page 42: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

1 ñ nead and listen to the e-ma¡|.

É**t'iirr,,i".rir**3$*--*-.,*,..Hi Taytor,

"' ""-- "'--^'""'----"1

Guess what! Someone was in our house today, andtook my gujtar! I got home and opened the door, butI d¡dn't see my guitar on the sofa. Then I saw thebroken window. There was glass outside in the flowersand in the grass. The broken w¡ndow scared me, so Itexted my mom. She calted and tnen i lelt the horseand I stood in the yard. lvtom came home qu¡ckly withDad and we went ¡nside. After five minutes, Tony camehome. Then lvlom not¡ced some marks on the wall. l4omand Dad are checking the house now. The person didn,ttake the computer, or Tony,s cell phone, or mp3 playerSomething js very strange, but I,m not worried.Eva

To check is

To scare someone s

To text is

Io call is




email is ro Eva's fri¿¡d

The g ass was in rhe

There were marks on the

The computer and the

Why does Eva r.rse th e word strange? Why isn't she worried?ll'a strange bec¿ua¿ lhe expang¡va lh¡ngs are ¡n the hous¿.3he ien't wot¡í¿d because ...

2 O V"t.h th" u.rbs and their meanings.Listen and rep€at the verbs.









5 To not¡ce something is

Read the e-mail in exercise 1

.erl phore .l¡i-d gras\ mon u¿rl uindou

agein. Complete the sentences with thewords below.

a to send messages on a cell phone.b to talk to someone on a phone.

c to make sure sorllething is OK.d to find or see something.e ro mal<e someone very worried.


Page 43: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

4 Look at the grammar chart.

stop t stopp€d

5 | "reeula' rerb.. rom" ) came: sec ) saw: r¿.F t took: \rdnd ) stood

,, lrregularverbs are all differen¡. Loo< a¡ rhe lis¡ on rhe inside fronc cover and learn the verbs- l

Complete the sentences with the simple pestforms oftheverbs.

Eva slood in the yard. (stand)





her mother on her cell phone. (call)

Eva's rnorn the marls on the wall isee)the computer in rhe I ving room. (use)

Eva's morl] home with Eva's dad. (come)

5 Tony - - his cell phone on the table. (drop)

6 Rewrite the sentences. Use the simple past.

He asks some good qu estions. Ue asked so6¿ goo.l qu¿dioh<-

1 Our friends dance in the gym.

2 They srudy English in school.

3 My grandmother lives inJapan.

4 I see my aunr once a month.

) knew

) swam

t had

t brought

Pres€nt t Past

t bought

t wrote

) sang

t ran

t wore

t left

t found

open t opened

Verbs ending in 'e: + -y'

verbs endingtn y: I + -ied studv ) s¡udied

Verbs ending nvowel + consonan¡r double consonant + -¿¡l

7 f) Colnpl.t" th. chart with the irregular verbs below. Listen and repeat.

present i past

bring buy fnd ¿a have know leave run sng swim wear write

'90 ) *"nt 5


Page 44: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

S Look at the grammarchart.

Subject Main verb

l/YouHe / She /' lt

All verbs have the same form in rhe negative ofrhe simple past. There are

no irreo,,larverbs

I Complete the sentences with the negative forms ofthe verbs.

I d¡dr'l sitlg at the party. (sing)

] stuay.






He my bool<s home. (take)

to the museum yesterday. (go)

They in rhe ocean. (swil.¡)

you in the gyr¡. (see)

She ¿ new c¿r. (buy)

't I Look at the picture. Write true sentences about Kevin.

U¿ w2.t1+ +o lhz b¿Arh

(go / ro the beach)

(rake ¡ his towel) ¡r-'{

&(go / w th his fami y)


(scare / his sister)

(wear/ a hat)


Bring a photo to class. Discuss your photo with your partner. Use the simple past.A: fl is photo is fro¡r las I 'par. I wanl lo Ihe zoo. I saw a rh¡no.& you didh l have loÁg ha¡¡. you had shoi hair.


Page 45: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

'!1 Read the text. Why were the people em barrassed? Circlethe corre€t answer.

a They were at che beach, so rhey were tired.bTheywere in the man's room, not che coach's room.

c They d d n't h ave their project or the coach's bags.

ovr Jci(ttc( c0rr^Pditiovi itt Flori,t[ i

I Rr{ }ot}, ovr \(ith(( {(ür4\ vt(hl l0 t loti01ü f\rr ¡ C0hlfdrl:0yl' Al

'he lrot<[, nt loot\ orat b[0] lo ovr l0ul4r\l' lth0l 0vr cofich 'ook ovl

i'lQjro {0 h(} toor1\. lhtvt u( fill\\(hl lo lh( ü(ftCh r'{nd tua¡'r¡ in

ih( o(fllh. lt vtftl {L\hlt^JliL I

W( rdvlh(r{ lo lh( h0l(l $ilh 0Mt c0 ch l l"(h' r!r\(lhihg

rtrftn4t hn¡¡tntd. Wt fovnol ovr conch'l hot(i r00B\, bv1 th( tloor I

nnr oi<l1, i^ol h<t blq,;hd ov] I'toj(cl s(r(h l th(ti: otrr coftch

;;i;; i;, h;;;i^-;^"gq¡ ¡¡4 t¡itt,l rht ¡ri^ci¡al of ovr rrhoor'

Th(!1 fi r^ñr cr t\( iht0 th( r00tú with hir hñgr' W( ch(ck(tt th( It1vhrbtr. W( w(x ilt loola\ r2r, hot 1r2. W( w(l( l,1 th( ll{lirr'J !

rooai H( wu.rn'1 rlngr), bv1 wt w<rt vtry t!!\bnrrrurtat' I

12 Read thetext ag¿in. Putthe events in orderfrom 1-6.

a The coach a¡d che team were embarrassed.

b A man came to the room.

c They found the coach's room open.

d They checked the number on the door.

e The coach took the team's project to her room. I

f The coach and the team went to the beach.

1 3 Complete the sentences with the affirmative or negative past simple forms ofthe verbs.

The ream irav¿¡¿d (travel) to Florida for a compeli[ion.





(have) rhe team's project in her roor¡.

They (go) to a sports center. They (go)to the beach.

The coach (re.t) rhe horel manager. She (call) hlm.

Th ey (notice) the number on the door. They (be) in the

'\¡y'rite about a time when you were embarrassed. Use the text in exercise 11 as

a model.I wenl lo a parlv last year. I worc one blaak shoe and one blue sho¿- Ml lt¡o'i.ds d¡dn't nol¡ce,

bul I wag enbarrassed.



Page 46: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Read and listen to the conversat¡ón-

Eva: Did the person take anything else?

Dad: No, he didn't. Tony. Where did you putEva's guitar?

Eva: Tony? Whac did Tony do?Tony: l'm sorry, Eva. I picked up your guitar, and then

my phone rang. I rurned and I hit the wall. ThenI fell, and I broke the window with your guicar

Mom: Where did you puc the guitar?Tony: I h d iL at Rob sL.oJse.Eva: D.d ¡ou breal -) guirrr, Wtsy rs. ar

Rob's horse?

Tony: No, your guitar is fi¡e. I was scared, so I ranco Rob's house with the guirar.

Mom: That's good, but che window and wallaren )t fine.

Eva: Ho,,v did you know it was Tony?Mom: Well, there is glass ourside ofche house, so

someone broke rhe window from rhe inside.Dad: Tony, we're going to talk about rhe wlndow and

the wall tonight. First, go and pick up the glass.







My cel

again. Circle T (I/"e) orF (Falser.


2 d"\ Co-pl"t" tt "

sentences w;th the verbs below. L¡sten and repear the verbs.

broke fel hid hit ,a"rf rurne¿

I phone tang once lasr night.

find my CDs My brorher

, moth, r a'o ire p arr H. d opped L on rh, loorHe rhe ba wlth rh€ bar.

The car efr and stopped n lronr ofthe schoo .

beh nd ¡he dcsk

Read the conversation in exercise 1

Tony took rhe gu rar1 Tony fell and broke the guirar

2 Tony made the r¡ar<s on the wal .

3 Tony was happy.

4 Tony hid the guitar in his house.

5 The gu rar was fine.


Page 47: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

4 Lookatthe grammarchart.

5 Read the answers, Write the questions.

D¡d fokv fall b¿hihd +he <ofa?

Short answersMain verb

breakthe guitar?Yes, ldid.Yes, you did.Yes, he / she / it did.

No. I didn't.No, you didn't.No, he/ she / itdidn't.

take rhe CD?

Yes, we did.Yes, you did.Yes, they did.

No, we didn't.No, you didn't.No, they d¡dn't.

No, he didn't. Tony didr't fall behind the sola

Yes, it did. Tony's cell phone rang.

Yes, they did. Mom and Dad ooked attheglassfrom thewindow.

No, she didn't. Eva didn't hit the wall with herguitar.

No, they didn't. Mom and Dad didn't pick up the g ass.

6 O ürten to the conversation. Check (/) the things Tony did.



Page 48: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

7 Look at the grammar chart.

Reorder the words. Write questions.

Whal did you do v¿el¿rdaV aft¿n'took?(yesterday afrernoon / *¡u, / vo, / ¿i¿ / ¿o)


(your parents / live / 20 years ago / where / did)

Main verbQuestion word (object)


putrhe guitar?go?

break the window?

Question word (subject)

called Emily?


(to school/ come/ did /you /how)

(when / you / breakfaf / eat / ¿i¿)


(in English class / last week / what / happened)

Read the ¿nswers. Write questions about the g¡g!9¡!!¡9¡! words.

Wh,,'|' n¡d ho. üt lu'r'.¡h?

He ate lunch in the afternoon-

Kate sent an e mail to Brian-

He went to Peru last week.

He came here on the bus.

4She bought a lay-Z CD.

They lived in Thailand a yealagp.

Askand answerthe questions in exerc¡se 8.

Ájwhat did you do yaslerday aftarnoon?B. I wat¿h¿d a 3ocoar gane oú TV.


Page 49: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

"t O Read the instant message conversat¡on. What h¿PPened to Ashley Sampson?

a She fel . b She sang we L c She he ped some people.

Clara: Drd yoL walch I¡Jsic no'rr' 'a\l nrghtT

Paul: No, ldidn i WhY? Wh¿l h¿PPened?

Clara: Ashley Samson was on the program

Pauli Ah, Yes she sanE her new song

Clara: No, she didn'lii-'f wl"r ¿'¿ '¡" 'rng' Drd sr'e srng dr old (onq)

iij*, ii" ,Ji' ' "' l"here was a cD ol he*oos she moved hPr

moulh. but she didn'i siñE'

Paul: are YoLl gure?

lij,", t""'""".t*oed rhe cD or rl brok" There was'r'r anv mrs c

''"'" "r', ^J

i"t nJsomethrnc 'i her '¿r' so sre o'dn i knowl

Paul: whal drd ehe do?

lii*' i", "

tn" "trced

¿nd she rJrned ¡nd hio herraLe lh'rrhe ran lo rhe cu'tairs bJt she [e'l

Paul: NolReallY?

lil., t"t, 'i*"t

,*t"l Ashley was very embarrassed Two people

Picked her uP and helPed her'

'! í Read the message again. Answerthe questions.

Dld Clara wacch Masic Horr last night?

1 D d Paul watch Mvs¿ Horr asr night?

2 Did Ash ey's mus c stop?

3 Did Ashley break the CD?

4 Did Ashley fall?

5 Did two people help Ashley?

f2 Match the sentence halves.'l Paul didn't watch MusicHour,hut

2 Ashley didn't siñ9, but

3 There was a CD ofher song, bur

4 Ash ey didn't notice the CD problem because

5 Ashley was very embarrassed because

Yo<. ah¿ did. _



she had somerhing in her ear.

it stopped or broke.

she fel .

Clara wa¡ched lt.

she moved her mouth.

Wr¡te about a TV show you watched last week. What happened? Use the text rn

exercise 10 as a model.Lasl Thursday, I walchsd "Anerican ldol" . fhet¿ w¿ra two bands on lhe show.


Page 50: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Grammar and vocabulary

1 Complete the text. Use the simple past forms ofthe verbs below.

call check notice sce+.e lext

A: "Boo!" B:'Aaahl You loar¿d , mel Don't do th;¡t!"1




my s srer's numbcr lr srarrs wirh 2, nor IKate at /:30, but she d id n'r answer Maybe she didn't hear the phone.


2 Add the past simple forms ofthe verbs below to the correct l¡st.

a* sapy q¿€ n'af live need openprefer stop starr srudy talk travel rry use

you? Can I read it?

the marks on the table. She .hinks it was the dos

1 e<k¿d

Cornplete the sentences. Use the simple past affirmativeforms ofthe verbs.

We <árg (sing) an old song. 4 He (write) rwo books.






(nrn) to the gynr.

She (buy) a cD.

5 Dav d


(find) $10 on rhe floor.

6 The crain (leave) at 3:35.

Ihey - (swim) 200 merers. 7 You-(wear)rhatTshirtyesterd ay.

4 Rewrite the sentences from erercise 3 in your notebook. Use the simple past negativeforms ofthe verbs.

Wa d¡dn'l s¡hg a, old song.


Page 51: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

5 write questions and short answers. Use the s¡mple pest.

(Kylie / hide / undera bed)

1 (Kylie / scare /Jason)2 Uason / hit/ Kylie)

3 (Jason / fall)

4 (Jason / drop the vase)

5 (the vase / break)

Did Kulít hitb. undtr a lrtd? Nt .ht dinh']

6 Read the answers. \¡y'rite questions about the underl¡ned words.

Who <¿arttl .la(lni? Kylic scared Jason.

Kylie hid next to the door.

Shejumped and scared Jason.

Jason had a vase in his hands-

!¡9¡ dropped the vase.





Read the sentences. Circlethe face that istrueforyou,'1 I can use the verb be in the past tense. @ I @

2 I can use past time indicators. @ O O3 I can understand texr language. 6 O O4 I can use prepositions to describe the position ofthings. @ I @

5 I can describe what my bed room was like five years ago. OeO6 I can use regular and irregularverbs in the simple past. 6 g O7 I can describe what happened in the past. @ e O8 I canwriteaboutatimewhen lwasembarrassed. 6 O O9 I can ask and answer questions in the simple pasr. 6 O O

10 lcan write about aTVshow lwatched lastweek. @QO

I Cross-curricular English page 80 Song page 85 5l

Page 52: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi


1 R".d th" t"*t on page 53. Read the Reading strategy. Order the events below.

a A thiefwent into Ajay's E ectronics-

b The police offcers looked for a clue about the thief.

c Mr Aziz started work at the usual t me.

d Mr. Aziz looked for the computer game.

e Officer Keane found a key ring.

f Ihe police offcers are going ro visir the chief's school.

g Mr. Aziz looked in the cupboards behind him.

h lhe thieftook a computergame and dropped his key ring.

i Ihe pol ce olfce.> arÍ\ed ar Ajay c tlecro.iL (.

j Mr. Au r¿ (¿lled r he po i, e.

Read the text again. Circlef (True) or F (False).

Ajay's Electronics sells cell phones and computergames.1 A¡aysLle'r'oni..\ell'.hoe5dnd teynngs.

2 Ajay's Electronics is in California.3 There was a clue on the tab e next to the door.4 The Arcadia High School key ring is p asric.5 Boys can study at Arcadia High School.

Answerthe questions.

Why did Mr. Aziz look in the cupboards?


2 Whv was Mr Aziz scare<1?




B¿¿aü ¿ h¿ i¿¿aleal <oñ¿ ¿¿ll pfuIar-1 Where did Mr. Aziz look for rhe computer ganre?

Ordering eventsI Read the text quickly.2 Find each event in the story.

3 What is the phone n!mber for rhe police in the U.S?

4 Who found rhe [.ey ring?

5 Why did Officer Keane thinl< che thiefwas a student?


6 Who are the police officers going to speak with?

Page 53: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Officer Keane and the computer game mysteryMBAziz openedAjay's Elect¡onics aN Nhe usual tjnelhat mo¡ning. Then he needed sone no¡e celllhones,so he turned and looked in lhe cupboards behind him.l!4ren he tu¡ned back, he noliced sornelhing strange.

There lvas usually a big comluter game on the tablelo the ¡ight ofthe door But it wasn't ther€. He looked

unde¡ the lable and he checked ¡ehind lhe dooB

,l ThoJ look a conp- .r ga.,l" .har k youlqfir )n" polrce olñc.r..pfl pd. fh"y .oo<ed to' c.ue , but

ifr , ,"r. *, ., uurynarkstro-csto"oortnofl orond7 ' tne'e were¡ L aqy llupb out5rde !né -lorp

9ffité ¡f

'7 "MdJo" ¿ Lhrefcane lo('p)Lor". Ierhou8h!.H"wo-:-y' scared. so he called 911

F "Po 'cei Hello. y",.I m Mr Azrz . lt s A dJ s

Ele tronic,,2B BuLo Bo .r" ro r0, Pd.oo"nd, Cal 'o"n.a.

''I m sorrf MrAzizl said officer Keane. "We can't ñndany cluesl'They turned to leave. Then 0ffice¡ Keane noticed amelal objecl on ihe floot.Waill" she said. "!\trat's thai?'She picked u! theobject.It was a key rÍng. 'Look.lhere are letiers:A.H.S.l' she said. She turned iN and ¡ead, "¿R.S. - 9¡hGrade'."I¡¡hat's A.H.Sl?' asked office¡ Ba¡ker'My son studies there] said officer Keane. 'A.H.S. isArcadia High School. The thiefwas lrobably a student,and the first leiters ofhis names are '¿ R. and S'.Iihink his key ¡ing feli on Nhe floo¡L Officer Barke¡,]et sgo and speak wilh the princilal alA.H.S. ..."

Page 54: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

I 6) Read and listen to the news article.





iiio, ¡,lu,o;t' ¡r,lr'i ¡rr' 1 l :i'rl ! ln ;l llet¡ l:"' ¡,i,'n,¿t,"t,,t''a Ii [ü11],', il iliiiili'f]'i:ifell i' i1:i-iu

!.rn. l'{¡iJ' !c llgir 1ll[!, ii]i li' Tl ¡1'c


3 Read the ne-s article in exercise 1 again. Circle the correct answers.

The plane was flying ... .

1 The p ane Ílew into rain ar ... .

2 The plane flew into... at 1'l p.m.

3 There were... peop e on the plane.

4 Ron Kellnerwas the... .

a north @*esra 10 p.m. b 10:30 p.m.

a wind b foga h¡r'o b three

a pi or b airport

11 p.m.

a thunderstorm

What was the wedther like yesterday? Use the words iñ exercise 2.y¿stefday w¿ had wind and ra¡h, brl¡ w¿ d¡df'.l hav¿ fog or lighln¡ng.

2 O neo.de, the letters. Match the words with the pictures, Listen and repeat.

ofg ningti Sh ú.df her¡undmor¡s d wn

a. r+,-, 1",;k/




Page 55: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

4 Look at the grammar chart.





He,/ She / lr


5 Look at the picture. Write affirmative or negative sentences.

Ahg¿la wa< lookiÁg al a nap.

(Angela / loo < at ,/ r¡ap)

was / were (+not)

(Ron / check/ the plane)

(M:-r./ pur the bags ,/ in the plane)

(Celia and Angela / help 7/ Max)

(Celia and Ron / ral< / on their cell phones)

6 Read the text on page 54 aga¡n. complete the sentences. Use the past progressiveforms oftheverbs.

The plane w¿< flvi¡g in bad weather. (11y)






Ron the p ane to Calil'ornia. (rake)

w rh th eir dad. (travel)

They to Los Angeles. (go)

Their n-rorn wirh them. (not travel)

rhe p ane. (not fly)


Page 56: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

7 Look at the map. Complete the senten ceswith north, south,east, otwest.








.,. ll



Ecuador is 3ol¡th ofCo ombja.

Colombia is

of Quico.

There is rain and fog ofsáo Pau o.

There are thunderstorms and lightning ofBogocá-

There is a rhL,nderstorm and winrl

8 O Lirt"n to th" *eather reports. check (/) the weather for each city.

1 5áo Paulo 2 Barranquilla 3Tolgo 5 San Francisco


4 Seoul

sunny- sunny- sunny- sunny- sunny

fogg/ foggy loggy foggy



-rainy rain¡ r¿r'l) "arn) rarnr

windy windy- windy- windy windy

We makc many adjectives lor weather by adding yto no!ns. Somet mes we double thc co¡so¡ant.ra n ) rainy; sun ) sunny; fog ) foggy


Page 57: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

2 Read the text. Draw the ñovement ofHurricane Katrina on the map.

On AuÉiust 23,

Huricane Kalrina was rnovjnA

west over lhe soulh orFlorida. It moved

ürest over lhe Gullof Mexico bur, on Augusl27,

Karina tumed norlh, and iis winds were slrcnger Itwas moviné tourards New Orleans, touisiana.





a N€w Orteans


-rousands ofpeople lefi New Orleans, bur Lucinda Bell

--.1her family didn t leave. At 6 a.m. on Auliusr 29, 2005,

..cinda and her parenB were sittine in theil kitchen. They

werc hunÉtry, bu¡ wercn t ealinli breaklasr. They

were rvaitin€l for l(atr¡1a.

lhen, Katdna hit. The wind broKe the windows in the

kirchen, so lhe lamily ran up the stairs to üebed.oom. At 10 a.m., lhe water was coming j¡to

rhe living room, and it was movinll up the stails.Finally, lhe wind and the rain slopped.Lucinda and her famjly climbed out ol

t¡e beoroon_ wrndow and rnro .s

¿ pol.e boal.

''i, t3 ae d the tert again. Circlel (True) or F (False),

Hurricane l<¿rr n¿ was mov ng ro th€ easl o¡ Augus( 23

'l Hurrl.a¡e (alr na was moving to the soL¡th on Au!:ust 27.

2 On Augusr29, Lucl¡d¿ and h€rlamiy\\,eresil! ng n therkitchen.

3 The.v rvere hav ng brea <fast in rhe <¡chen.

4 Luc nda and her lamily rva (ed up rhe sraLrs.

5 Al 10 a.m., the water\!¡s com ng nto lhe bedroor¡.

6 Lucinda and her fam y d dn t e¡ve rhe ho!s€ by the door.


'í 'f Rewrite the false sentences ¡n exercise'10 with true information. wr¡te the sentences in

your notebook.

Uurricahe Kalr¡na was novihg to lhe wPsl on Augusl 23 .

Describe a time when the weather was very bad. Use the text in exercise 9 as amodel.Lasl yaar lh¿r¿ was ¡n at ¡nüed¡bla thukderslorñ. We wera going lo ñY graridparenls' hoBo.

'?: !

fhe water wag hifiihg lhe car ¿nd window, so ny dad slopped lhe oar.


Page 58: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

1 L J Read and listen to the conversations.




Were you working last nighc at 11:30?

Yes, I was. I was here, and I was reading theweath€r maps and talking to the pilots.Was the rain moving across the mountains?

Yes, it was. There wasn't any rain in the valley.

Where was the plane going?

Los Angeles.

Will you find them?

I don t lnow They re'n the largest foresc in


Max: We're here, Dad. How is your leg?

Ron: lds broken. l'm sure. Where were you?

Celia: We were ar the river.

Ron: what were you doing?Max: We w€re collecting water.

Celia: And, the rivergoes to awaterfall!There's a lake below it. and a smallisland in the center ofic.

Ron: Be carefull There are probably bearsin this forest

1 vall¿v 2

2 f) rabel the picture with the words below. L¡sten and repeat.

foresc island la<e mountain river:¿a+ltf waterfall

3 Read the conversations ¡n exercise 1 again. Completethe sentenceswith thewords below.

forest lake river mountains valley'

lhe p *..- r r, ¡ rarn r rl-e vall,2Y L..1




The rain was moving across the

Ro¡, Celia, and MaI are in the largest in Co orado.

Celia and Ma¡ were col ect ng water from rhe

Cel a saw an island in the cen.er of che



last night.

What ís your favorite part ofyour country? Ask and answer.

Thera arg souo bsaulil¡ll nou¡taií s rort¡ of our c¡ly. you ¿an walk arid cy ¿le ín thenounlairs and ...


Page 59: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

subiect I Main verb + -irg

study¡ng at 3 o'cloc(?

work¡ng ar 11:30?

cooking at 6 o'clock? Yes, he r'she was.

4 Look at the grammar chart.

he she

rh ey

No, he / she wasn't.

No, we,i you / they

Complete the questions with past progressive forms ofthe verbs.

W¿r¿ Ron, Max, and Cel a gitti¡g in rhe plane ar B o'c ock? (s t)

sw¡mming ac 2i30?

Angela on her cell phone at 8:30? (ta l<)1


3 Daniel Bronson soccer at 10:30? (p ay)

over rhe foresr at 9 102 (tly)

4 Max at 12 o'c ock? (cook)

for help or their cell phones ar 1 :15? (ca l)

6 Look at the pictures. Answer the questions in exercise 5.

No Jtray\Lranlt 3




Look atthe negat¡ve answers in exercise 6. \¡y'hat were the PeoPle doing?Write sentences in your notebooks.

Ron, Max, ard Cel¡a w.re si¡ling near th¿ plane al g o'alock.


Page 60: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

8 Look at the grammar chart.

Question word (object) Main verb + -i¡g

i Question word (subject)

talking on her cell phone? )

9 R""d the anr-.o. Complete the q uestio ns with was or were and the correct question words.

Celia ho ding? Her mirror.

che plane flying over rhe forest? At 1:45.

Ron an¿ Max warching in rhe sky? The plane.

eat ng? Ron.

Bob and Officer Dao looking at? A yellow mark in the forest.

Max going? To the rive¿





you/we/they calling?

he/she/ir do¡ng last nighr?


you/welthey walking by the r ver?

(What / you / do / yesterday / at 10 o'clock)

(Where / you / sir / in English class / last week)





(What / your friends / do / last Saturday / at 7 o'clock)

(Who / your teacher / talk to / rwo minutes ago)

(What / your reacher / say / !o the class / ten minutes ago)

Askand answerthe questions in exerc¡se 10.* What wete you do¡ng V¿sterday at l0 o'¿lock?B. I was wat.hing a docunanlary about th¿ Anazon Rivet on TV.


Page 61: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

1 1 Read the interview. what does /r;ve mean?

a to trave somewhere in a car b to warch something from a car c ro visic a fores¡

DHO'FA Mnenw,rueMartin Rawson and his brother were driving through a forest in Aiaska. Then, theysaw a bear. Here is his story and his incr€dible photo.

Johnson: Where rvera youiRawson: we \L¡ere in the Katmai Nationai Pari: We r¡ere drivi¡llir my snrali, black rar,ohnson: was lhe bear running across the roadlRawson: No It wa:i sil ting in lhe .enter of lhe road The bear Í.as as big a5 our car l

We stopped, but lhe bear ,r".asn t l.r.iking at me lt rvas looking al thr dve. in thevalley below us. Then the bear lurned and saw us 11: walled o1'.r to the car and put

''aOO'1 .r\.OO.'.1 .' ' .

Johnson: Wow What did ycu doiRawson: My brother had an idea. we had 5ome Lrurgers i¡ a bag He opened his

win.low and dropped the burqcn. The bear pi.ked up the burgers an.l we leftl

1 2 Read the interview again. Match the questions with the same meaning.

1 Was the bear bigger than your car?

2 was the bear lool(ing ar you?

3 Were you going through a foresc?

4 was che bear running?

5 Where were you driving?

f 3 Answertheq,re.tions.

Where were you going in your car?

Was rhe bear moving fast?

Was your car smaller than ¡he bear?

Was rhe bear watchlng you?

Were you driving through a loresr?



Where was Marr n Rawson driving?

Ue w¿s drivir¡g ih a for¿el ik Alaaka.

1 Who was lraveling with Martin?

2 where was rhe bear s tting?

3 what was the bear looklng at?

4 Why was Martin scared?

Describe atimewhen you were scared. Use the text in exerc¡se 11 as

ThÍoaysarc ago,lwaswalkihg past a bus si¿tiot1wit¡ fiy sisl¿r. A bus wa3 loav¡rtg ¡he bus

slal¡on, arid¡he drvorwas¡'t look¡Íg. T¡¿ bus lit aaar inlhe road.

a model. l



Page 62: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

e weather is rerribl€ h€re! This

morning it was very cold and there was a

lotoff-[3. but now it is worse- There

is a lt with

strong 2w

-- , heary 3r - -, and

there is some al I

Grammar and vocabulary

1 Complete the textwith weatherwords.

What were the people doing this morning? Write affirmative (/) and negative (X)sentences in yournotebook.

We w¿te plavíng soccer. Wevteren'I play¡ngtennis-

(we / play / soccer /) (we / play tennis ¡)1 (Andy and Sarah / ra k / on their cell phones ll) (they / speak / n the yard /)2 (yor /w¿tch lrv / ) (you / play / a game X)3 (Simon / cycle,x) (he I run /)4 (l / put / the pen in my bag /) (l / write / wlth it ¡)

3 Reorderthe letters. Labelthe compass.

sear shou¡r stew ¡hom horl¡

4 Complete the sentences. Use the adjective forms ofthe weather nouns.

There is fogtoday. lt is focgLv .



There was a lo¡ ofrain. lt wás verv

The wind was stro¡g. lt was


l¡ is warm and there is a lot ofsun. lt is

Page 63: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

5 Lookat the maps. Read the text, Does ¡tdescr¡be island a, b, orc?

There were some mountains n the center ofthe island. There was a blue lake in the south

ofthe is and and a rvide river. We wal<ed in ¡he fores¡. The forest was in ¡he north. We saw

some wi d arlima s in a big va iey in the e¿st ofthe island. Usually there's a river there, butlasr mo¡th it didn't rain, so there w¿sn'r a r ver ¡hen.

6 Write questions. Answer the quest¡ons with information about you in your notebook,

you / wa l( / ro school at7:30? Wareyouwalkinglo school at 7 30? No, lwas[ t.1 yourdad ¡'work¡ at 11r00 y€sterday? 3 your friends / p ay ¡ soccer after school?

4 your r€ach€r /' reach '/

you this morning?2 you ,/ srLrdy / ar 8:30 yesterday?

7 Look at the picture. Re¿d theanswers and write the questions.Use the grclgIülcelwords andthe question words below,

wh¿¡ whtn ^Áere y[6

Who we< he, ¿ellikg? He wasn'r calling anvone.

He was reading a con-ric book.

He was sicring on his bed.



He was sltting in his roor'1


I 6) ri.t"n "nd

look at the maps in exercise 5 again. ls the speaker describingisland a, b, or c?

Review English during the vacation

Don't stop learning Eng ish dur ng the vacation ! Then English classes nexl year w ll be

easier. Review rhe rhings you learned rhis year. Make a p an.

Waek l. I will reviaw lha adv¿rbs and adiecl¡ves fron Unils 2. 3, akd 4. I will t¿st nys¿lf.

Week 2t I will leaft frftaen nors irragular verbs Íron lhe l¡sl al lh¿ end of lh¿ gtud¿kl Book.


Page 64: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi


Adding extra information1 Read each paragraph quicl<ly.2 Decide the main topic ofeach paragraph.3 Match the extra information with the correct paragraph-

Read the Reading strategy. Read the text on page 65. Match the topics belowwithparagraphs a-g.

t apiral ¿

1 Ceography

2 History

3 Languages

4 People

5 Sport

6 Weather

2 Match the extra information with paragraphs a-g.

After 1850, a lot ofpeople fromJapan wenr ro Hawaii.

1 Some people speakJapanese and Tagalog (a language from che Philippines).

2 Swimming s a so popular.

3 There is a sma I difference in the weather benveen January and July.

4 The Hawaii State Art Museum in Honolulu is very popu ar-

5 There are 50 states in the U.S.A.

ó ll-prc¿ eerghr rarn 'l¿nds

r- H"r¡¿ir.




Circle the correct answers.

The U.S.A. started with ... states.

1 The nearest place to Hawail is ...

2 Waikiki is....3 You can't surfat ... .

Answerthe questions.

who arrived in Hawaii first?

1 How do you say "love" ln Hawaiian?

2 How many people live in Honolulu?

3 Whar is the wea¡her like in Hawaii?

4 When did the Hawaiians starr surf ng?

@ rhirceen

a Californiaa an island

a Maui

b rhirry

b Europe

b a mountain

b Mauna Kea

c fiftycjapan

c Oahu


Page 65: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

#5O I HAWAIIHawaii is the 50th srate of the United Srates ofAmerica. and it is the newest state.The first l3states formed the U.S.A. in 1776. Hawaii became

a part of the U.S. jn 1959.

Hawaii ls a group of isiands in tbe center of the

P¡ciflc Ocean. lL is J.200 km wesc of Calrfornra

and 6,210 km east ofJapan.There are a lot ofmounrains in Hawair.T\e hrghest n ountain ir

¡launa Kea (4,205 m).There are also a lot of

Arneri.ans and Pacific lslanders than white




oAHLi vo"oxAl

N BAU Ho¡o¡dl.J ,1t MAul

;::l*' .¡sid lsl'n.HA!¡JN

There are 1.283.000 people rn modern Haw¿ii

Pacific lslanders arrived in Hawai¡ more than

1,000 years ago.The first white Europeans arrivedin 1778.In modern Hawaii. there are moreAsián

There are a lot of languages in Hawaii, and 75%

of people speak E¡glish at home."Aloha" is a

popular Hawaiian word- lt means "hello" and

"1ove" in English.

Honolulu is Hawaii! capital ciry and it is also

the largesr city - 372.000 people live there.Wa¡kiki ¡s Honolulu's famous beach.

The norrh and east coasrs of the Hawaiian islands

are windy and very rain¡You will need sunblock

on the south and west coasts because they are

very sunny.The temperatüre in Hawaii is usually

about 30"C.

Hawa¡i is famous for surfint.The beaches at Maui

and Oahu are the best places ¡n the world forsurfing.This isn't surpr¡sing: the Hawaiians started

surfing hundreds of years ago.


Page 66: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

I 6) Read and listen to the newsPaPer article.


T\,'n ^.LLr ' "" ll' r r 'rrr'r'' \l '

K,.,,. " budif, a.fU.

'"...,"¿ ¡*rrr from rhe Rocky NÍo''rnram I

SraLc Forcsl ,lestcrciay aftcrnoon ¡\\ihile Dao ¡rcL Cellas were sc¡rching the torest


r.m-r'. l l' li J' 'l '1 r''1:' I J

.,',. '* r' h1l s r ^s"ql'l i

i . ;;';¿ \ "i 'h p". '"'''',,' , ""

I(rlr ' '

,,'. ',. 1 IU'ciJ' t " j

',n.l',, n r" r'1 " I ' \l¿ b rl-'r'r..', I'L.,.J,. rcd ' Iru ,

orlen. e¡d lhc sur was shnmg' so tlre ¡lirror ¡*,rd" rh" tight lnrb srN it a¡d rt'scLrecl us i\'hx '

2 6) prat h th",r".bs and the definitions. Listen and rePeat the verbs.

a to look and find something or someone

b to talk very loudly

c co make a lighr, to be I ke the sun

d to not wor< or do lmportant things

e to help someone

1 relax -\Z **r" \3 sear.h \

5 shine

Read the article in exercise 1 again. Complete the sentences with the past progressive

forms oftheverbs.

The Kellners $/¿r¿¡'l h¿vir0 fun in the foresr- (have)






The Kellners rn Denve' yesLerday al'ternoon. (rel¿i)

Officer Dao and Bob Callas in the airport yesterday afternoon. (sit)

Callas the river. (look at)

The yellow light (move)

yescerday afternoon. (sh ne)

M¿X his hair in the mirror. ( ook at)

Tell your partner about a time when you searched for something or rescued someone.

LAst f¿at I saarchot for fiy notobook. I lookad ¡n MY bag and ht'l s¡sler\ bag- I searched ih nfhousa. I didh't frtd il, so I bought a new one.


Page 67: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

4 Look atthe grammar chart.

complete the senten ces with when or while'

Angela was warching TV wl¿tl someone called.

I The coach called Daniel Bronson Daniel was writing an e mail



Daniel texted Angela, she was driving co the airport.

Daniel was flying to Denver, he thought about Ron, Celia, and Max

4 Angela was walking into the hotel she saw Daniel.

5 Ron, Max, and Celia were eating ice cream Ma( and Angela came in.

6 Complete the sentences with the simPle past orthe past progressive forms ofthe verbs'

We were watching a r¡ovie when our teacher ¡¿ft the room (leave)

1 While I was singing, the CD . (stop)

2 My brother in the ocean when he saw a sha.l'. (.*im)



3 our team scored a soal while we

4 He was playing games on the comPuterwhen dad in (wall)

us a new project. (give)

hot dogs. (buy)

5 When I found my notebook, the teacher

7 Combine the sentences.

when I saw a yellow light, I was looking at the river.

I was looking at the riverwhen I saw a yellow light.

while they were searching the forest, Callas noticed something.

Callas noticed something while they were searching the foresc

Use the simple past with wrer. Use the pasr progressive with wfiile.

lfthe sentence begins with when or while, use a comma (,) after that clause.

we were putting our bags in the car. I dropped yours. (when)

Our parents came home- We were dancing in the living room. (while)

We were having dinner. Dad got home. (while)

I was taking a shower. My cell phone rang. (when)

4She left. I was washing the dishes. (when)


Page 68: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

8 Rewrite the sentences.

I fouhal eona, hoh¿v while I wa< e¿arch¡kg for htv k¿¿kla¿e-

I was searching for my necklace when I found some money. (while)

He was writing an e mail ro me when I senr him an instanr rnessage. (while)1




While we were liscening ro our teache¡ our principal came into our room. (when)

When Sam called, we were visiting my grandmother. (while)

Som eone sh outed wh ewewere readingin che ibrary. (when)

9 what were the people doing when som eoñeshoute¿"HelP"? Write ñve sentences inyour notebool<. Use the verbs below.

eat play read ¡elaf run surf

A fan¡ly was relax¡ng on lh¿ beach.



to f,) Li.t"r, to.f"--y talk about hervacation. Match the sentence halves.

1 The sun was shinins when

2 We were relaxing on the beach when

3 lhe grandma was shouting for he p when

4 Whi e the grandma was searching lor he p

5 We were ca king ro Ana and the boy when

a someone took their photo.

b Anajumped into rhe water.

c we opened the curtains.

d a woman ran past on the beach.

e someone shouted "He p".

Bring a vacation photo to class, Tell your partner what was happeningwhen someonetook the photo.Iwas danc¡ngwh¿n ¡ *lt¡orlook this photo. W¿ w¿rs l¡st¿üing t0 faítagtia nus¡a al ny aunl'shouse.


Page 69: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

11 Read the article. why is th¡s story ¡n the strange news ofthe day? Circle thecottect answer.

a Because Robert found a key ring in the lake.

b Because che woman lound her key ring after 25 years.

c Because the woman was crying in the I brary.

In todaY'sstrange new!s."On a sulmy day in 2009, Robe smith and his family were relaxing

next to a lake when Robert saw something in the watel He swam

oiá"t ,rt" -u,", .no found a metal key ring lt was shining in the

sun.lt had the letters LVJ and June 14' 1982 on it'

O"Oar, *""t n"*. ."d fut his house keys on the key ring l'ateY that

*".O, *o.t, *"", ,o the library He was putting some books into

;:;;;i"" ""*."ne called li\¡tlile Robelt was seaYching lor his

""iioi."", * n* ,oe key ring on the table vrhen Robert turned

i" piit "p

fri" ¡o.f." and key ring' a woman was cleaning the table'

Stre was cr¡ng. fne Xey ring was hers lt was Irom her father'

1 2 Read the article again. Match the sentence halves.

1 Roberr saw something n the waterwhen

2 Someone cal ed Robeft while

3 Robert put rhe key ring on the tab e wh le

4 When the woman sawthe key ring,

5 The woman was crying because

l3 circle the correct answers.

... found che key ring at the lake.

l The key rlng was... .

2 There were etters and a ... on the <ey ring.

3 Ihe woma¡ found her key ring ... .

4 The key ringwas lrom the woman's -.. .

she was clean ng a desl<.

he was searching for his cell phore.

the l<ey ring was hers.

he was puccing some books into his bag.

he and his fami y were ac rhe lake.

@ nob"'t



a A childa dirrya phone numbera at rhe library

a falher

b date

b in a desk

c lriend

Write a strange news story. Use the text in exercise'11 as a model.

Ah agtronaul ¡n spaca played u¡deo ganes vrith psople tron Eañh. Th¿ astroñaut was liv¡ng ol ¿

spac¿ slatiohwhan he used ¡ls compul¿r for Runegcapa ...



Page 70: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

I ñ Read and listen to rhe conversat¡on.

Daniel: Are you going to behave yourselves


Max Yes. ofcoursel No more accldents!Thanksfor the parry, Mr. Bronson. lt's great.

Daniel: lt's my pleasure. I'm Daniel, pleasel Hey,

Roñl Are you enjoying yourselP

Ron: Ofcoursel A party in Los Angeles is better

than a ¡ight in rhe l'oresr.

Dan¡el: How did you take care ofyourselves in

!he forest?

Ron: Well, Max made a fire, but while he was

making the fire, he burned himsellCel¡a: Dad injured himselfbadlytoo. Lookat

his leg.

Daniel: How did you injure yourse¡tRon: We1l, I didn't injr.lre myself in the plane!

Whlle we were running from the plane, I

fell and I broke my leg. I hurt my arm too!Daniel: ls chat true?

Ron: Yes, it is-

Angelar well, you are all safe now. Let's celebratel

2 O Co-pl"t" th" sentences with the correct forms ofthe verbs below. Listen and

repeat the main verbs.

behave burn enjoy hun r¡irre rake care of







I can't write. ¡tljür¿d nry hand at vol eyball practice.

or you rvi go to the principal's ofFce.

pop m!s c. lc's my favor re <i¡d of musrcI

We can't erl rhis pizza t's b ackl r1

his sister. She always needs help with her school prolecrs.

m¡ arms and rhe¡ re rery rvea now.


Jay a ways

lcan't hold rhis bag. 1

Read the conversation in exercise

The party s for Dan el Bronson.

1 Max s enloy ng the party.

2 Max made a flre in ¡he fores¡.

3 Max bur¡ed Ce a.

4 Ron fe I n the p ane.

5 Ron didn't hurt his leg.

again, Circlef (True) or F (False).



Page 71: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

4 Look at the grammar chart.

5 Complete the sentences with reflexive pronouns.

Ron hurt lifis¿lf.

in the mirror.

in the forest.

1 Cel a saw

2 The Kellners

3 Max burned

4 We can take care of5 Max and Celia behaved

6 lhurt7 They enjoyed

while he was cooking.

and now I can't walk.

at the parry-

6 Write sentences. Use reflex¡ve pronouns.

My gtandfiorhü ¿an lake adr¿ of h¿r<elf -

(take care ofl My grandmother / can ) (burned / Artur)

Reflexive pronounSubject Pronounmyself.






They themselves.

(injured / Ihe lion) (on TV / saw / She)

(didn't / You and Tania / behave / in class) (cut/ l)

(The bears / in the river / washed) (enjoyed / we / at the party)

Describe a partyyou went to. Did people enjoy themselves?

I yr¿lt to a party al ny friandveron¡cak housa. Son¿ peopla .üoyed lheñsalves. TheY danced

and ala. I didn't eüov m\salf becaus¿ lhe ñrcia w¿sr't v¿rY good.


Page 72: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

7 Complete the sentences with the simple pastforms ofthe verbs.

Some famous actors (come) ro a schoo in our ciry'l They

2 fhey3 The students (notgive) the actors anyching.

(not visit) the school for a long time.

5 The studen¡s and rhe ac¡ors (enjoy) rhemse ves.

8 Complete the sentences with the s¡mple past orthe past progressive forms ofthe verbs.

My friends and I w¿r¿ hav¡hg (have) a greac time ar a parcy when I lurf

1l-urr7 r¡ rli

(give) some rhings ro rhe scudents.

(bring)some posters and CDs.




(walk) across the dance floor, I (fa l).

(touch) my leg when my best friend (run) past me.

Mv friends David and Richie (talk)when chey (see) me on

(help) me, the music (.toP).

5 When I (get home), my parents (watch TV).

9 Write sentences. U sebegoingto or will.

Lli¿ie ahd I e¡¿ goihg lo go <hoppi6g oh Ro.l¿o D¡¡v¿ lonorrpw

(A icia and I / go shopping / on Rodeo Drive / comorrow) (be go¡hgto)

(we / buy/ some new ctothes) (be goingto)

While I

4 whi e people

rArcr¿ .ed .h ior a newbagr tbpgoñgto1

(l / not get / a bag) (be soinsto)4

(A icia / design / clothes / in the future) (W///)

(l / not design / clothes / in the furure) (}V///)


Page 73: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

'l O Read the letter, Complete the party ¡nformation.

l When


2 Where: 3 For:

1,,",:' g:':r.: uil,',rrtr for a1 f¡ ¡¡¡ 1,, ^ ro¡10,,(,ú h;gh..lll g0 h4 r0br a thr6i¡\¡t h\r rchorrl.(qh)0l,raohrr/

3,":llh Ni.h, hiü,(d h h!,rf. Hr d,tf llú\'h0 0v:rü, "1 hi,

,1i1, 11'11 -1 tt1' ^o

q fün rohs sh(h N'r^ ,,,i,¡,,r rr, I,rrur, flJ,,rhL(tc. Wh;l( hr u ü ¿ct. ihg r,f , h/ ,0i,( h(d ü t,0 h | ¡a;0vr.h(4 hi{'Jrtl. Hr huñ hi¡,l\fdJ b,ldr\,,thd o[(0u,,.,-h..^ urr¡cB{b¡llüJ(dl

f.oi'f lrotl, ['o^ r,*' r.hournr.'0o;hg ro br rh.re. I flhr ir 4u;hor0 0r ,14 4 r{k( úhd Johlr (¡hdú.chq, 4arl Alvi,r rr goih¿ to ge.

J0r^( h(rr (DI. Brih4lovrfqvoritr C), or¡u,t Ori^iyou-rrlfi



1 1 Read the letteragain. Answerthe questions.

what is going to happen rornorrow night?

üüeJs-gorl{lt be a,paI!,'1 What happened when Nick.jumped?

2 How did Nlck burn himself?

3 Who is going to come from Michael's schoo ?

4 Whar are people going to eat at the party?

Describe a time when you took care ofafriend. Use the textin exercise 10 as

a model.Last feat ñy ft¡ol¡d Lyhh was very sad, 90 I called her eve¡y d¿v, akd I s¿[t h¿r ¡[sta[tffieeeages ¡n lhe ev¿n¡hg- ghe wag sad baaausa . . .



Page 74: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

1 complete the sentences with the words below.

:tlax tsdí search shine shout

lr's OK Thev'll r¿s¿u¿ us soon.

the light here. I can't see anythingl

Grammar and vocabulary




4They are going toDon't I I can hearyou.

afrerwe h¡ve done our homework.

for the plane tomorrow morning.



Circle the correct answers.

@/ wt'"n ,t'"y*ere walking to school, carl fell.

1 We spoke aboutthe newTVshowwhile/ when wewere sittingon rhe bus-

2 we were playing a compLrter game when / while Carolina broke the mouse

3 when / while the plane was flying, I took some photos.

4 whil€ / when they were building the new school, they found some very old vases.

\¡y'rite the sentences in yournotebook. Usethe simPle Pastorthe past progressiveforms ofthe verbs.

Wh¡l¿ John w¿s s¡ÍgiÍg h¡s s¡st¿r ¿¿ü¿ into th¿ lM¡g r0oü.

whileJohn / sing / his sister / come / into the living room

Lisa's mom / speak / when her cell phone / ring

when you / arrive / Sreven / clean / the kitchen

the principal go inro he' offrce when sl'e noLice romerhing unusr,al

whilel rarry cle\,ase I f¿ll onrhest¿'rs

Louise / think / about the exhibition while she / wait / for the bus

when he / look / the black cat / sleep








Page 75: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

4 Complete the sentences with the words below

behave burned enjoyed -bur-r injured take care ol'itself myself ourselves themselves

Rob was running at schoo when he fe l. Lucki y, he didn'r ¡urt l¡lr3¿lf






Maria while she was cooking dinner.

My parents at the exhibition. They thought it was wonderful.

We wi I be OK. We can thank you.

"will the dog ?" "Yes, it's usually very quiet."

while I was playing soccer.

5 complete the text with the simple past forms ofthe verbs.

tLthe vaLatíow, we tt¿nI (gó) to B^ItinLóre, Mdrylal¿ My Pdrenft

(Mt eníóY) thL^reLver beLa'$L tt z- (bc) rahy

e@rY daY, bLt I 3 (Ii.ke) ít!

On. the frst day, ñe a- (¿ríve) ta tlae

lw^t.h) 4ALL-E te-,Aóv1e thuter. w¿(Iove) ít. MY rírt¿r





(n4t 9a) aut. MY tutu anl Iq (p1^y)

WALL-E aII lay anl ny parcnts ftead) tbír boak lhe

day after that, th¿re 11- (be) th^tuler'rtar^t'

6 Writefive predictions aboutthefiltt¡re in your notebook. Use w¡ll en¿ wo't.My brotÍer w¡ll p¿ss ft¡s exans th¡s year-

7 What are your plans forthis weekend? \¡y'rite five sentences with be goingtoin yournotebook.

l'6 going lo sae ny basl friend, Chrk.

Read the sentences. Circlethe face that is trueforyou,1 I can say what the weacher was like yesterd.y. @9O2 I can use wealher adjectives. 6 O O3 I can saywhatl wasdoingandwhatlwasn'tdoingyesrerda¡ 6 OO4 I can describe my Favorite part ofmy country. @ g O5 I can ask and answerquestions aboutwhat people were do ng rn rhe pasr. @ O O6 I can describe a time when I was scared. 6 O O7 I can describe events in the past using when and while. @ O Oa I can understand a text about a strange n"*r story. @ I O9 lcan understand a short conversation abou¡avacation. @OO

1O I can understand a letter abour a party. 6 O g

I c,"*-",-i",r", engtish page 82 song page 86

Page 76: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi


1 Read the Reading strategy, Read the text on page 77, Circle the correct answers.

tn line 3, tte refersdJ) scotland.'l ln line 6, fiinr refers ro ... the person who cycled around the world / Mark.

2 ln line 9, His refers to... Mark's/ French.

3 ln line '13, /f refers to ..- the weather/ Mark.4 I n line 1 6, This refers to ... the rain / the wind.

5 ln line 18, Her refers to -.. the old woman's / Louisiana-

6 ln ine 24, h i mself refers to ... Mark / the world.

2 R""d th" t"*t "gain.

Match the distances with thejourneys.

Distances lournevs

Mark's distance every day

France to Australia

the north ofScorland to the sourh ofEngland

around rhe world

Thailand to Singapore


1 1,660km a



2 28,800km

31s0km4 2,000km


3 Answerthe questions.

Where is Mark from?'I How old was Mark in 2007?

2 Why were the mountains difficult?

3 How fast was Mark cycling?

4 What was the weather like in Thailand?

5 What was the problem in Australia?

6 Why did Mark's bike break in rhe U.S?

Understanding pronoun referencesPronouns take the place ofnouns.The nouns can be people orthings.


Page 77: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

.a7 DAvs.^\t{ '' ,,' ,nnr. t"o r""u,no,',.

t V trom Scotland. cycled l.660km from the(LV- norlh otscotland to lhe south ol England. He was

- ñT- onlw fifteen vears old.

.Ñ- rn zOOe. "o*.or'. "ycled 28.800km around the wo¡Id in 276 d¿ys.

r ! Mark decrded to cvcle arourd the world - faster than him. _I love thea - - Mark deqded to cycle arourd the world - faste:

Ñ idea of bernq ihe firsr and the fastest, hesard.

A$ He started in P"ans. F¡ance. in 2oo?. He went east_ \ ihrough Europe. His brcycle was ü9h1. bul he was

S *'Til":T" T-'Tli?":tl" 1'1"'t":'"i:'T:'^:5t very difficult. but Mark didn t stop. He was travehng lsokm

\ every day. and he was gorng fasi - dbout 20km/h.

-\, Vúhile he was cycling the 2,000km from Tharlard to Singapore ¡i


Y*r:tO *.; ;;; .".; :.".É. *""r''i i.ppv, ¡ut'u took carc or himselr. Afterq: I4,400km, he arrived in Aust¡aiia.It wasn't rainy, but itwas very windy.

! This is a big oroblem for cyclistsl- Nexr, he cycled across the U.S. In Louisiana. an old woman

was drivrng her car when she drove into Mark. Hercar broke Mark! bike and he fell, but he didn'r injure !,tet**,glahimself . Later rhat day. some people took hts money ffij.."1,band his camera.Thal was Mdrk s worst dayl , - "f-,After 28,800km and only I95 days. Mark finished

his journey inParis. He was the fastest person tocycle around the world. He enjoyed himself and

he was very happy - but he probably won'tcycle ¿lroünd lhe world againl

.'.''-__ . \,*'¡ ,'\"¿

. England i

1,., '

{-';o*USA ¡ lqE-.

¡¿ Tharand

td / - -. srnqapore,


¡.rF.t* J1.r? tdf


Page 78: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Spaceships can úavel to Marc.Theycan ]ook at tle planet and takephotos. But what about people? Willastronauts go to Mars? Maybe theywill, but there a¡e problems. It is a longflight - it is more than six monüs. And it isvery cold on Mars. Sometimes it is minus 100'C!There isn't much water on Mars. And there isn't anyoxygen. People can't live without oxygen or water, andplants can't grow. Life on Mars will be very difñcultl

venus is nearer to us than Mars. A spaceship can travel there in aboutfour months. Sometimes, in the morning or evening, you can see Venusin the sky. It is beautiful, but it isn't nice forvisitors. Mars is bad, butVenus is worselThere are tall mountains and big volcanoes.There isn'tany water or oxygen, and it is always very hot- more than 400'Cl It is the

hottest planet in the solar system. Askonauts probably \ron't visit Venus,and people deñnitely won't live there!

Read the text. Which planet is nearerto Earth - Mars orVenus?

Read the text again. Complete the sentenceswith Mars o¡ Venus.

Astronauts probably won't v s t V¿ht¡<






A spaceship can rravel ro in abou¡ fou r monrhs.

The fl ght ¡o s more rhan s x months.

t ..omeume. 'er' -old on

from Earrh.

There isn'c any wacer on


s rhe hottest planet in the solar system

Page 79: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

people live there? Will people build a citg on the moon?

Some people think t is possib e. But it won\ be easg. There

isnl an! ox!gen onthe rnoon. Spaceshipsw needto br ng

oxlgen frorn the Earth Food w be a prob em,1oo. How wlpeople grow lood? There sn\ anU watcr, but sc enilsls th nkthal ¡¡a!Jbethe! w find some ice.The energvforihe citu

won l be a probleri i wlll come from the sun.

Wha will go to the moon? MaUbe scienlists will go there. The

moon ls an inlerest ng place for sc ent sls. ll s never c oudg

or rain! on the moon, so 1 s a good p ace to studu lhe stars

Read the textagain. Match the sentence halves.


and a school for lhe scientists'childreñ. PE. classes will be

amazing, because ever!one is lighter on the moonl

N4a!be,wew builda hote forvlsitors,too.Therearenobeaches on ihe moon, but ma!lbe people w waik on the

moon and take photos of Earlh Flights to the moon wi be

,bo-' lroddgs Peope ^

l'!re- -rro1g hFd.g pd ¡ ,.' 'nthe rocket and oulside the hotcl, bu1 the! won't need them in

{he hotel.

Will it happen? Nlagbe. But one thlng is deflnilelg tfue. A visllio the moon holelwill be verU expensivel

b will be abour two days.

c ice on rhe moon.

d orygen on the moon.

e wlll come from the sun.

f for scientlsts.

g outside the horel.

h w lbeexpensive.

1 There isn't any

2 Maybe there is

3 The energy for rhe moon ciry

4 The nroon s an inleres! ng p ace

5 People are I ghter

6 The flight to the moon

7 V s ¡ors wi lneed space su rs

8 A visi¡ ¡o rhe moon horel

Write an interview for your school's website.

lmagine you are talking to a scientist. Ask questions about life on the moon.These are some ofthe questions you can ask:. When willwe live on the moon?. Why is the moon interesting?. ls chere water on the moon?Think ofmore questions- \¡Vrite answers to the questions, too-


Page 80: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

STOTTEHÉ¡rcEThis is,Stonehenge, in England. It is very otd. peoplebrought these stones here about four thousandyears ago. Stonehenge was definitely an importantplace, but why did they build it and what did peopledo here?

The stones a¡e tall, and ve¡y heal.y. The big.qest stoners more than fifty tonnesl Some of the stones camef¡om\ /ales. But how did people move the stones?Wales is more than 200 kilometers from Stonehengel

History: Mysteries of the past

1 Where is Stonehenge?

Read the text. which place is the oldest?

Read the text again. Match the questions and answers.

These drawinqs are about two

thousarld Yea.rs old,The &awi¡tgs

on the gror¡¡d, and they are very

They are near Nazca, in Peru'

There are drawings ol büds, fish'

oüer animals. Some of the dlE

are more thar 20O meters long

V\thy did they maLe these

drawinEs? Maybe we will never

a Abour n'vo thousand years old.

b About four thousand years ago

c There are hu nd red s.

d ln England.

e On rhe ground.

f About six hundred years old.

2 When did rhey build Sronehenge?

3 How old are rhe pictures near Nazca?

4 Where are the Nazca drawings?

5 How o d are the Eas¡er lsland statues?

6 How rnany sratues are there on Easter lsland?


Page 81: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

These statues a¡e about six hundred years old. Ttrey a¡e on EasterIsland, a small island in the pacific Oáe*. """d;i;;;J;;Chi¡e, but it is more than 3,OOO kilometers flom the isla¡d!

There a¡e hundJeds of these stra¡ge statues on the isla¡d. MostoJ them are nea¡ the beach. Wtry aia p"opl. *"L. ti .""lüti""llvhose faces are in the statues? How did people make them?Therc is- a¡other mystery too. How did people move the statues?Some of the statues a-!e g0 to¡mes! We lcr"* ,h* ,h.* ;;;;;;forests on Easter Isla¡d i¡ the past.I¡rhat happened to the trefes?People definitely used t¡ees tJ ma-ke houses d¡d boats. But didthey use them to move the statues?

Read the sentences. Circlef (Truel or F (False\-

Stonehenge is in South America.

f Stonehenge was an imporcant p1ace.

2 The Easter {sland sta¡ues are in the o¿e¿n

3 There are big forests on Easter lsland.

4 The Nazca lines are graffiti on a wall.

5 The Nazca drawings are very large.

r/@r/FT/FTIFrlFT/ F

Make a poster aboutyour countds history.

Worl< in small groups. First choose a time in histor¡ for example:. a hundred years ago. a thousand years ago. five thousand years agoMake a poster about life in your country at that time. Did people make any interesring

buildings, statues, or drawings? Do you know why people made these things?

Find some pictures ifyou can.


Page 82: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Geography: Exploring the world

1 Read about the firstjourney around the world. Match the Paragraphswith the numbers on the map.

It was a longjourney across

the Pacific Ocean. Thererlasn't much food, and themen were hungry. f'ourmonths later thl.y arrivedat a beautiful island ¡n Asiaand everyone was happy.tsut when they were on theisland, there was a terriblebaitl(r. I'lagellan and someother men died. They losit$ro more ships, too-

Three monlhs laler they arrived at SoulhAmerica. They starlerl to travel south. ltwas very cold. While lhey were traveling,they saw somc strange birds. "WhaL arethese birds?" they asked. "They can swimü'el1, but they can'l flyl"

In 1522, after threeyears, Lhe Y¡cforiafinally ÍelLlrned toSpain, There were onlyl8 men on the ship.They were tired, hungry,and ill. 6ut they werehappy to be home!



Page 83: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

I'erdinand l'lagellan lcltSpa;n in 1519. tle had

nv(. ships and 27O men."We will travei rvcsl,"

' he said. "first, lve rvill

I travel to America, and, then to Asia. I'm sure

;t s possiblel" The shipswere snlall. TheY uiere

only 2O or 50 rn€tcrs longl

Thc journey w¿s diificult. They had maps, bul the ¡napsweren't very good. One ship sank. The men were coldand unhappy, anrl onc ship rcturncd to Spain. Finally,

Magellan found a \ray lhrough Souih Arnerica andthey came to a bi!1, calm sea. "This sea docsn't have a

nam€. ! will nainc it the Pacific Oceán." said Magellan.

'Ihe Poriulluese sailor

3 Read the text again, Answer the questions.

How many ships rvere rhere aa rhe starr o1'thelourney?

i --- ''':

l" .,No\! lherc ü,as only one ship, Lhe yic¡oria. ASpanish sailor, Juan Elcano, rvas the captain. Thcytravelcd lr{rsl and came to Alrica. llany men onlhc yi(1.)r.¡¿ died because they didn'i havc mL¡ch

fh¿tewer¿fivo ehtps-

1 How many men were there at the star¡ ofthelourney?

2 \vhar ¿id rhe men see in South America?

3 How mary r..onths was the journey across the Pac fic Oce¿n?

4 What happened when the men were on an As a¡ island?

5 \ D a,a -F Vñatra ¿ e'

6 How many men rerr.rrned to spaln at the e¡d of rhe journey?

7 How many ships rellrrned to spa n at the end of rhe journey?

Write about an importantjourney.Who went on the journey? Where did they go? How did they travel - on foot, by plane,

by ship? Was the journey easy or difñcult? What happened while they were traveling?

Draw a map ofthejor,rney.


Page 84: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

The Luna space race

\ /ho says the sentences below? Wr¡te M (Matt),./ flustine), orMB (Mr. Beat).

I l-e s r.er Peopl. u I ' in. M

1 Luna are gorng ro be famous.

2 The Streer People's song is berter.

3 L- d dre goinj to r ' tl_e omP.tro'

Read and complete the songwith the wordsbelow. Listen and check.

cars guitars rnoon soon station JBradóí

Clo¡usWe'll be heroes here on Eadh,We'U be goloctic superstors,They'llsing our sonqs on Venus,

And on Iupiter dnd Morsl

We'll qo on spoce vá¿atio[

We'll fly to oul spoce'z

And we'll plsy our spoce 3

Whatwill Lunado in the future? Match 1 4with a-c.

1 \A'e ll fly ro space

2 We' sing songs

3 we'll wear

4 we'll be

and play concerts

suPerstars on Earth

sPec ai sPace su rs.

We'll be siqrs on everl' plonei,You ll see us very a

We'll weor our speciql spoce suits,We'1lploy concerts on the s- !


We'll trovel in iocket '


Page 85: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Here lam

finalists todav. The firsr wereIhe Street People with "Famousrce"! Ihe second were Luna wüh

''Thc Luna sp¡ce Race' andnnally, it's High s wl.h

't Look at the story. Circlef (ftuel or F (Fatse).

There were four b¿nds in the lna ofthe cornPerition. T¡@1 The Streer People sang their song firsr.

2 Lu¡a sang Famous Face.

3 Mo¡ica and Matr are in rhe same band.

4 Monica s band is H gh 5.

3 {'¡ Co-pl"t" tt "

song with the verbs below. Listen and check.

bro <e opened ran sa$, )vá< r'rote

I w¿< ongry wiih you,

And \,\¡hot did you do?

You found someone new,

You turned ond you 'I didn't underslond,Bul I lound o new bond,

I colled, I':J ielt messoge oller messoge.

But I lound something béiier.He¡e I an, here we ore.Here we siond, hond in hond, o new bond.Here I om, here we ore.Here we sisnd, hond in hond, o new bondWé' - b..- l) i.nds


T,' F

T]F-t who did what? write Mdtú

1 l{¿tt l'ound

I think obout you,But whot con I do?

I {ound someihing newAnd l'm hqppy.

something berrer.

3 lou¡d a

5 broke

someone's heart.ts onewsky,And now I om line.



Page 86: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

North, south, east, and west

1 Look at the story and read the song. What is

Jack's song about? Circle the corred answer.

a \J!¿r or\ b l. rd. c \omp. rro.

Z k y' Listen to the song. Circle r he correct

Wl-F,ll.fr mvhom.rhis( .. ) ,;

I drove throush thundeEtorms ond liqhtning ioo.But when I found you ihe sun wos shining,And now the sky is blue, cuz I m 'sLttnl¡r /si.ordirl.J here with you.

While I wos drivinq in my corFrom New Orlesns to Bogotó,I sqw mountoins, valleys, ¿l.rkes / l.rrests,And I thought "hey, Iife is greotl"

Chotus (x2)

No h, souih, east, ond westlYou're my lriends, you're the bestl

Wl-en I sow my ' ends lhe sun úos sl-rrriSThere were no ihunderstorms, no lighlning, and

Now you're here with me I'm not on islond.We can sing ond ploy, lel s aerjoy / li¡lr(v.'


Come ond 5.1¡iv.'/ sitrg with meFrom Peru to Tennessee.We'll see mounioins, vclleys, loLes,And we']llhink "hey,lile is sreotl'Chotus (x2)

3 Read the .re-sp"per article. There are fivemore mistal<es. Find the m¡stakes and writethe correctwords,


L¡sr nighl, thrce voLrng llr(nlps The Strect

People, I un¡, ¡nc1 lligh j seng ¡ nc\\ song

togctirer in the \-erion¡L lli¡tlc ol the B:lncis

ConlprL jlion lL w¡s lint¿tslicl lhc sLrng \'\¡as

"North, south. cast. ¡nd *'csicaf

ln rhe song. the singer \,\'as dri|ing tn a brls lt

\res sunrr,r_ whe I he lelt his homc Whi]'

hc u'es drLving, hc sll', n1oltnt¡llls. \'ers, ¡nd

i¡l<es \\hcn he iourr.l his lrief(ls, it \\as

riinrng ancl lhe skt Nas !ira): l le \ras sT d'


.o¡ftact ánd a worldrórrwirh tuo orher






eas¡, and wes¡!You '.


Page 87: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

IOOK UPWorkbook 4

James Styring I Susan lannuzz.i

Page 88: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Crammar reference

FUTURE: BEGOING TO (lR A.........)

and negative)

Mai¡ verb


He /rShe /' lt





¡s,'¡sn't gorng to

future plans (affirmative

be (+ ror) goingto

am /'m not going toare r aren't going to

are / aren't going to leave.


he ,r she r' il


be goingto: Yes /goittgto Main verb

goingto leave?goingto leave?

goingto eave?

No questions

Short answers

Yes, he / she 1 it is. No, he r'she i' it isn't

No, they aren't.

A: Are we going to have scie¡ce c ass after lunch ?

B: No, w,e aren't \ /e're going to hav€ marh class alter unch

Vocabulary reference

Time wordsth is morn ng

School subjects

Eng ish mrsicgeography p F

h story sc encetor¡orron, mor¡¡i¡g

romorror,r, af¡ernoon


Page 89: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Look at Házel's pláñs for nextweek. Complete the sentences with begoingn and theaffirmative or negative forms ofthe verbs.




Évcn\ - mal aol aob - 'AJ h'^J'

trn/.,"t'LfA Ui.l'o Evc"i-3 - t'ovbtAz¿tcr Pitk Aib'.

Hazel i3¡'tgoirg to v¡3ii her grandma on Sarurday. (visit)

rennls with Rita on Sunday afternoon. (play)

rennis on Saturday. (play)

uo.^ q- vÜitq'Plse Aftz'^"*- ü"¿,ú irtc;l'-.

lunch with Miko on rriday. (have)

I We're going ro play rennis.

3 Match the sentences with the school subjects,

1 First, we heat the water. Then, we add salt.

2 WhaCs the capital ofKorea?3 Run! Stop!Jur¡pl4 r.,ood, b¡rrcr, bc.r B¿d, uone, *o .r.5 Listen to rhis song.

6 Look at this plate. lt's more th¿n a thousand years old I

7 Draw this gir's face. Use a penci .

8 Do these sums. Don't use your calculatorsl








Mary and Bob

Hazel and Rlta

.o H¿ el ' l'or :p on lnd"r eve rng ¡co n<'

a movie on Saturday evening. (see)

2 Look at exercise 1 again. You are talkingto Házel. Complete the convers¿tion. Writequestions usingthever"b in parentheses, and write shortanswers.

you: Hi, Hazel. Are vou goil.g lo have (youi have) unchwrh Maryon Saturday?

Házel: il¿- l'm ¡ot l'm going to have lunch with Miko on Saturday.

(you / meet) Rita on Sarurday?

We're golng to see a n¡ovie in the evening.

(Mary and Bob / come) to your house on Saturday?

They're going to come to my house on Friday evening.

(you and Rita ¡ play) computer garnes on Sunday?




a P.E.

b mus c

d science

e historyf mathg geography

h Fnglish


Page 90: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Grammar reference

Question word (object)

Question word (subjec)

Subject goingto

youhe / she / it goingtoyou/we/they



Ma;n verb


going to visitthe school?

A: What áre you go¡ng to do on Saturday? B: l'm going to buy a new mp3 player'

A: Where are you go¡ng to buy it? B: At Ri.o's Music Store

A: Who isgoingto give you the money? B: My uncle!

Vocabulary reference

Places in schoolauditorium







ordinal numberseleventh













twenty fourthtwenty-fifrh

twenty sixth


rwenty eighth




Page 91: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Wio ar¿ Vou go¡úg lo vki¡

l'm goingto visit Robert this evening.

We're going tp meet at rhe shopping mall.

this evening? (you / visit)

on Saturday? (we / meet)

!omorrow? (you / buy)

the movie? (your parenrs / watch)

tomorrow? (cook lunch)

Dad is going to cook lunch tomorrow.

2 Complete the lists w¡th the correct ordinal numbers.

Nventyfifrh tr,r¿nlv-s¡x -twenty-seventh twenty-eighth tw¿ltty-tini¡

1 Completethe questions. lJse be goingtoand the question words below

What When Where lÁlko- who

l'm going to buy some CDs tomorrow.

They're going to watch the movie after dinne¿

I eleventh thirteenth fourteenrh

2 sixteenth - eishteenth twenty-second

thirtierh twentv-ninth - - t\,venty-seventh

3 Complete the crossword.

1 Our marh te¿cher ri rn the teachers .. .

2 we have P.E. in the... .

3 Ourscience class is in the... .

4 We are going to listen to the principal in rhe....5 l'm going to talk to the principal in his ... .

6 lhere ¿re hundredsoibooL'in the...7 I have lunch in the.-. -


Page 92: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Grammar reference





will (not)'ll (won't)

üll (not)'ll (won't)

Main verb

t¡avel to the moon.

travel to the moon,


Subject Main verb


you travel to the moon?he/she/it

you travel to the moon?they

Short answers

Yes, lwill. No, I won't.Yes, you will. No, you won't.Yes, he / she / it will. No, he / she / it won't.

Yes, we will. No, we won't.Yes, you will. No, you won't.Yes, theywill. No, theywon't.

A: willyou be a teacher in the future?

B: No, lwon't. l'll be an astronaut!

Vocabulary reference


m oon



sPace station

space su itsun


Page 93: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Reorderthe words. Write the sentences.

in f'rve ve¿r '.(go / college / They / to / will)

(in / I / Canada/ live/ will)

(on the r¡oon / not / will / We / live)

(will / a famous actor / You / be)

4(scudy / She / science / will)

(not/ ltl easy/ will / be)

2 Read the predictions. \¡y'rite quest¡ons and short answers.

will Sohia go Io ¿oll¿g¿? y¿s- sh¿ w¡ll,

3 M"t.h th" -o"dr below with the pictures,

moon planec rocket +e€e-srftioñ space suit sunIspa¿¿ statiohII

in the futu re.

in the future.

at college.

co live in space-

l'll go tocollege. l'llbe a ceacher.l'll live in

J apan.

l'11 go tocollege. I'llbe a famoussinger. l'll livein the U.S.






(Sonia / to college?)

(Pedro / a singer)

(Sonia / in the U.S.)

(Pedro and Sonia / to college)

(Pedro / in Japan)

(Sonia / a teacher)


Page 94: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Grammar reference

will:in:Question word (object) will


Question word (subject)

Subject Main verb

I see?you do?he / she / it live?



will .-- cook?

definice y



100% l'l definitelyvisit England nextyear.

75ó/a My sisterwill probably do well in che cest.

50% Maybe people will take vacations in space in the Future.

0'A I won't study art at college. I'rn awfu at artl

Vocabulary reference

Verbs (1)bring

bu ild





Page 95: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Lookatthe predictio¡sand the answers. Writequestions. Use rll and the question

do¿lor-workhahospital - büY a b¡g


+.f¡ohü - alTar

ooll¿g¿, l¿an to lY

- kavd io China bY

{ch¿f - work ¡¡ a

bigt/|olcl - bo üt

fV, b¿ fa¡nous!

Pl.i::, . .. . ". ,

Wh¿ts wlll K¿üi work? (Kenji/ work) ln a hospital.

(Tania / travel to China) ln a plane.

(Kenji / buy) A big motorcycle.

(learn to fly?) Tania wi I learn to 11y.

(Derek/ work) ln a horel.

(be famous) Derek will be famous.

(Tania / learn ro fly) Afrer college.







2 Com plete the sen tences. Use definitely, probdbl!, mdybe, or won't.

Juan w¡ll d¿ñhil¿lv go Io ¿ollege- (J uan / go to college / 100%)





(l / learn a new language next year / 50%)

(Martha / be a famous singer/ 0%)

(My ¿a¿ / buy a new cat / 7s%)

(My lriend and I / go on vacalion in Peru / 1007ó)

3 Complete the sentences with the words below.

build bring create grow Jjr need travel

People will probably -li!¿¿ on the moon in rhe future

Let's go the library. I some books for my project.

There aren't any houses here now, but maybe they'll some houses nextyear.

Our school website is terrible. Let's

I like plants. Maybe 1'll some plants in ouryard next year.

l'lldefinitely to ltaly next summer,






6 Come and play soccer with us! your boots and soccer jerseyl


Page 96: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Grammar reference


t/He/She/lrYou / We / Ihey



be (+ notl

at the shopping mall.

a teacher in the room.

two students in the room.

Dad was here a minute ago. \ /e were on vacation lastmonth.

There was a party here

yesterday evening!

Vocabulary reference

At homecell phone

cu rtains



m irror




Page 97: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

I ci.cle the correct ans*ers-

Our t'eacie@ were in the classroom five minutes ago.

'1 You wasn't / weren't at school yesterday afternoon.

2 My siste. and t ¡¿' were in \,4p\ico lr)r monLh.

3 There was / were an art exhibition at our school two weeks ago.

4 There was / were a hundred scudents in the auditorium yesterday morning.

5 The weatherwasn't / weren't sunny last week-

2 Look atTom'sjournal. Complete the sentences with the words below.

ago last ;*el was wasn't were weren't yesterday


Loo f-ta. - Jfrt{ .at\.t r - ¡occcr uahl'¿v¿ü^n - t4ort ¿."1 o^rl

^t cot;""J



lo.oo ^.ta.

- Aob'! Atat¿

\too l.t-. - tqtvü ¿.Lfv


3 There was a

4 My parents




at hor¡e on Saturday evening. They

9,oo (.n- - fr+l tif;''-a'f A'aJ.

I'm ac school today. | ¡vas at Rob's house yescerday.

2 There was ¡ movie on TV

party ar Tina's

al Colin's

5 I was at the sports center t\,vo days Th ere

3 M"t h th. *ords belowwith the pictures.

cel phone curlains flower gra< mirror rug vase

1 grá<3


Page 98: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Grammar reference

be Subject



a teacher

any students


at school?

;n the room?

in the room?


your teacher?

you ?

yourfriends in England?


Yes, l/ he / she / itwas.No, I / he/ she/ itwásn't.Yes, you / we / they were.No, you / we / theyweren't.

Yes, there was. / No, there wasn't.

Yes, there were. / No, there weren't-

Question word

A: You weren't at school yesterda¡ Where ware you?

B: I was in bedl

A: There was dn Fnglr:h rc.r ¡e<terday morning.

B: w¿s the test easy?

Vocabulary reference



(in the) center

(to the) left

(ro the) right


Page 99: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Match the questions with the answers.

'1 Where was your dad rhis morning? a Yes, they were.

b Mr Harris.

c No, ir wasn't.

d At work.

e Two days ago.

f Ceography.


2 Was the weather sunny this morning?

3 Who was your reacher last year?

4 Were your l'riends on vacation lasr week?

5 What was your favorite c ass yesrerday?

6 When was l<atie at your house?

Read aboutJess¡ca. Write questions and shortanswers.

' t.t^t yy 4üj3::H:,:,itlf 3,ii":lÍ\xÍ#hl4afr ^o'!

k^;*. fA.rí *¡ a b:*¡*6aJL mihl' onfu uitl Kt¡atr.. t|r¿ w&J &o.9*qtu'w"'e "" J "--- " - i

w ¡.tÜv movi'c t4¿ahr..- " . .lJiít¿r u.¡cw ¡.tÜv movi'c t4¿ahr..-

Wa< .b.<<¡¡a ar h¡nt?

0essica / at home)

flessica / in rhe iving room)

(a soccer match / oñ TV)

(a bas<etball match / on TV)

4(rhree people / in Jessica's roor¡)

lessica's brother and siscer/ at home)

3 Look atthe poster. Complete the textwith the words below.

above below r-eater left right

in tlte ¿eúl¿r

is a painting

rhe sculpture. There is a

mask, too. lt is to the 2

che painting- fhere is a drawing to the3 ofthe painting. There is a

photo ofthe museum on the poscer, coo. lt is

There is a sculprure

ofthe poster. There

" Cotle an¿ see oufIantastic nely exhibifions

the sculpture.


Page 100: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Grammar reference

Simple past: affi rmative


Verbs ending in e: +-/

Verbs endlng ln vowel + consonant: double consoñant + -¿l

Verbs en¿ingin !: / + ied

lrregularverbs: come ) came;see ) saw;take t took; sland




open ) opened

like t llked

drop ) dropped

study ) studied

t stood



Simple past:

Question word di.y' + rrot

He I She / lt didn,t

lrregular verbs are a I difterenr.fronr cover and learn ¡he verbs.

Vocabulary reference





negativeMain verb


I ook ar rh€ I sr on rhe ins de

i',.,;:'ff ',- t : t"" t'-'

(br ng) brought


1r,:ue1 had

( <nolv) knevv

lleave) left

(ru n) ran

(slns) sang



(sw m) swrr¡

(go) lvent

(s err) ri ore


Page 101: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

t Complete the sentences with the simple pastforms oftheverbs below.

drop have leave Ji,a study watch wear

My pa"ercs liv¿d r Arge lrnd ten ve¿r. dgo







a game show on TV yesterday evening.

irregular verbs in our English class yesterday.

the house at eight o'clock this morning.

a yel ow T shirt at the party.

unch at my aunt's house lasr Sunday

There's glass on the floor, because r¡y lirlle brother

2 a.*rit th. t n/r"s. Use the negative forms of the sirnple past.

They bought a new ca r. fhal d¡dn'l brv a i..¡! ¿ar.

'1 We sang aóong in music class yesterday-

2 I wrote mj, name on the board.

3 Jack brought a cake ro the party.

4 S¿llysent ro rhe museum th s morring.

5 My friends ran ro the bus stop.

3 Match the words below with the p¡ctures.

call th€& notice scare text



Page 102: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Grammar reference



he / she / it go?


Yes, ldid.Yes, you did.Yes, he / she / itd¡dYes, we did.Yes, they did.

No, ldidn't.No, you didn't.No, he / she didn't.No. we didñ't.No, they didn't.

Simple pa-se information questions

Question word (object) d¡d Subject Main verb

you do?

d¡d he / she ' rr go¿we leave?they break the window?

broke the vase?

Question word (subject)


Vocabulary reference

Verbs (3)(break) broke

(lall) fell

(h de) hid

(hir) hir

(ring) rang

(rurn) turned


Page 103: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

1 Read aboutJack's family. Write questions and short answers. Use the simple past.

LaJt ttbit{t4, 1 ut.l¿.l to tlv ¡pott¡ uabt- t ple4c'l ttati¡' Evt''tt'ú!" tA' \

l¡ií"ü' '^.íi' s'l' toa4AiaLu uLr pAoi' r$ pan^t't 'taltu'lt'

tl't Í

:***:YYH::y -- *- .-^ ^* -"--. -)Did Ja.k plav bask¿llall?

fl ack / play / basketball)

Nñ ht tl¡tí,'I

(jack/ play / tennis)1





(Eva / go / to the sports center)

(Eva / buy / a new cell phone)

(.Jack's parents / walk / to the movie theater)

0ack's paren$ / wacch / TV) /

2 Complete the queslons, Use the simple past and the question *o/. o",o*.

r r,^. ..g¡' *h"-.r*.o *h. I\---_L,Whal didvou wel¿h ' on TV yesterday even ing?








I watched a comedy show on TV yesterday evening.

those shoes?

She bought those shoes in New York.

They traveled to rhe museum by bus.

I had lunch at one o'clock yesterday.

3 Look at úe picu.rres. Com plete the sentences with the simple past forms ofthe verbs below.

break fall hide -bif ring turn

this websice?

lunch yesterday?

Mv frien.l Davi¿ .reated this websire.

My foot hii the table. I , and I the vase.

He the bag under the bed.

The phone She and answered it


Page 104: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Grammar reference





was / were(+ notJ Main verb



I saw Dan and Beth this morning.They were running to the bus scop.

Vocabulary reference

The weatherfog



thu nderscorm


I came home ar five o'clock-The phone was ringing.

Compass pointseaSt




Page 105: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

correctthe sentences. \¡y'rite the answers. Use correct affirmative or negative forms ofthe past progress¡ve.

Th¿v w¿t¿n'l ¿v¿l¡hg lo th¿ ehópp¡hg náll- Thay w¿r¿ nalking lo <¿hool.

They were cycling to the shopping mall. (walk / to school)

Carlos was reading a book. (listen / to his mp3 player)

Kin- s d) revting her p¿renr'. t ' ¿ll ¿ liendr

The¡ were wearing grav.h,rr'. rwe¿r *\rreshirtsr


Bill was eating an app1e.

Complete the crossword.

l.lrink / some waterl

3 L"b"l th. .o-p.rs with the words below

east north south )acl

4 ttt¿sl


Page 106: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Grammar reference

be Subject


Main verb + -izg

working at 6:30?

Short answers

Yes, l/ he / she / itwas.No, l/ he/ she/ ¡t wasn't.

Yes, you / we / theywere.No, you / we / theyweren't.\¡y'ere you /we /they

Question word (object) be

where w¿ls

Who we¡e

Question word (subject)

who w¿ls

A: Were you studfng English on

Sunday morning?B: No. I wasn't.A: What wereyou doing?

B: lwas sleepingl

Vocabulary reference




Main verb + -i¿g




Geographical featuresforest








Page 107: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Look atthe p¡cture. Write questions and shortanswers. Use the past progressive.

Ar eight o'c ock yesterday evening ...

We< Carla cookihg? No- <h¿waehl-

(Carla / cook)

Uosé / cook)

lrhe cal srr on rhe rable)

(Rico and Elena/ listen to a CD)


(Rico and Elena / warch TV)

Look atthe picture aga¡n. Read the answers and wr¡te questions. Use the quescionwords belowand the correct forms ofthe past progressive.

(Carla / read a magazine)

r¡,ffi what when where who

Wh¿l wa< Carle do¡ng? (Carla / do) She was reading.





(the cat / sit) On the table.

(cook) José was cooking.


(Rico and Elena / watch TV) Yesterday evening

3 Reorder the letters. \¡y'rite the words.

keall sindla2 y a ve

3 eroisr4 ytrer5 a wafetr6 nau¡inmo


Page 108: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi


when / while

When my brother shoúted, I was looking at rhe river.I was look ng at the river when my brother shouted.

While they weresearching the lorest, the pi ot noriced someth ng.

fhe pi or nodced someth ing while they were searching the forest.

tlse the simple past with Lvlen. Use rhe past progressive with wh,/¿.

Use a comma (,) after awhen or while cl;Ltse.

When t6e phone rang )

was cooking unch when

While )ane was walkingto school,

Jane sau her friend Jack wúile she

Vocabulary reference



she saw her lr end lack.u,as ur,a/kirg ro schoo .


Page 109: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Complete the senten ces with when or while

I saw someth ng srrange wltil¿ I was cycling to school.






The plane was flying in bad weather

rhe teacher came in¡o the

I was sitting ln my room, I

it disappeared.

room, I was drawing in my notebook.

noticed a rflark on the wall.


rve rvere waiting at the bus stop, my cell phone rang.

lfell was playing soccer

2 Complete the sentences with the siraplePest or Past Progressive forms ofthe verbs in


I tdok some photos while we w¿r¿ fv¡rg over the forest. (rake / fly)

1We soccer in the park when it ro rain. (p ay / start)



Whlel an e-mai , my comPut€r . (write / break)

When UncleJim

(come / have)

4 While Sara her bag. (run / drop)

3 Complete the puzzle. What is the mystery word?


Page 110: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Grammar reference

Subject Verb






r ney

Refexive pronoun



Tony burned the burgers. He burned himself, coo!

Vocabulary reference

Verbs (5)beh ave




inju re


Page 111: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi

Reorderthe words, Wr¡te the sentences.

(hir¡self/ He,/ at 1' rhe soccer r¡atch / hurt)

1 (enjoyed ,/ at rhe par¡y,' yourself/ You)

2 (can see / We / nthemirror/ourseves)

3 (ln the kitchen /'blrrn€d,, 1,1 rnyself)

4 (rher¡se ves /'The children ,' behave / usually)

5 (lnjured r' She r whi e ,r was running ¡ herself,t

UA |,jnt h¡t.i<tlf at the <h.t¿t htat


2 Look at the pictures. -omplete the sentences with the correctforms ofthe verbs from listA and a reflexive pronoun from list B.


behave burn cur enioy hurt jafrre see takecareof

ey<eifl yourself himself herse f ltself ourse ves yourse ves ther¡selves

3 The cat can 4 "lt's a great party. We're

in the mlrror.

5 "Scop those childrenlThey'll

1 lfell offmv bike ¡nd 2 "Don'r shoutl Sli down!

ihjur¿d fiv.¿lt.

6 "There are bears in rhe foresr.

7 Joe broke a mirror and 8 Jenny fell and


Page 112: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi


oxfo¡dU vc^ityP¡essisrdrprfmc.iolrb.IJnvr\i$orolr¡rnx loÍhes ¡lre UrnvdNi! s olrjedivc olL'xlcllm.c i¡ rscrh. s.h.lr*hir.:¡d edrcÍio¡ by f0bl¡lug vórldwide nr

Iu.klrnd cll.T.wr DrresS:l¡rD Hong(olrg kra.lt¡. M.xi.ocr$ Nxi¡obi

New DeUi Slhgb:i Lipri lbnnk)

Arlenlintr Aur¡ir ts¡:zil chile L' .a'I I !'rlJrIp"' ¿' ;"1 ' "p'SoudrKore¡ Srritzerl¡nd ]lnla¡d T rlrey Uld¿nre Vieúi¡rl

or¡onD ard ox¡oRD ¡Ncns¡ r¡c ¡csifekrt¡rde m:¡ksolo.ndf :.q r ¡ d J' otP,ó"r é.

o oxro uniYesú P¡r$trox)'rhe ü\drl ign[ óf the ¿urhor havc bccn rsrtedD¡l¡b¿se riglr Oxlord Unive$4 fres (naker]

No unáuthof ized PhotGoPyingAll ¡ighrrcs.ñ.d Noptrf of rnÉ lublicÍio¡ nr¡ybcr¡f

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\¡f ntrr ¡or.nrühtedris book nr ¿ny ortFr bnrdnu or.óverr.d !.n muf 'ntof rrri! {m¡ ..ndrron o¡ ¡try:.q¡n.er

,\¡yw.b!r.s rete ed ¡o nr ¡lns publication are nr dre prbli. doDail ardthft rdd¡c\v s a¡r tmidcd try Orrirrd UDiresuy lF$ t¡. DtoD¡tior on\rOrf.¡d U nivtr\ily rrcss di s.lrin \ ¿ny ¡csto. sih lúv t¡r rhc .onrc. r

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rnd puhli\h.r vorld tike ¡o dr¡rk ¡ll rlFte¡.hes¡ d s.lbols whd hrvc siv$ smercuslv.lthci¡iimcrndcxlr.r¡.d 0, nrg dre ¡evelopnF¡t of rle .oú6eSpe.ix] ¡.ktrowl-{l8eDe¡t ¡ dúe toAl¡rairMltalluüf.r thccrus.u .xlrr

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JJr,trbúhonjJ4,¡Jri¡¿ h) Pr.n crv.ro/svrvi. Posei. l]I) 1¡, 26. s1. 63rex7): D¿ncher¡elltsrilhrpp 3a. 3s. 16 shrnc crcso./Adúr.ric rf s11.rr),ss. 531ex1r.59, 60. 66, 70: Rús Lr¿ftltseehive luurhdón pp.1-1. 63, Mr¡k D¡ri\cypp1.s, 8. 39, 71. rJ8. 911ex2l, 96. 99 104.106.lr0:rlarkD¡ffln pp 37,6s.77,Jrn.sFrlionIrI,e0,e5.e8, 03.10s{ex31,10¡r. LlLrcly¡cood r!ps,rlerln:p.56,63loxs).r.nHugb.\fp7. roicxz).24, rr1.x2),i0.sll.{2r.53rex2llRi.h n lonettseehivr pp 6.l0irirr.12. r31cxl).22: K:tie Mr./\RnlunLfio¡pp e2. slr 1ex3), e7.101,10s1ex2),107.10e:Ar.\ rnrlter pp 131er2). 20. 73. 7e:P]'rstrrs¡'dios/B.ehi!.f53R:\rrr/JerryIDrdofppr01exrr3r.3.1.42,.,t6.47'úr wdr¡r drí rik¡ h irmnk irtr¡noL,i¡a td, ¡h¿r.l¡r,úrion ¡¡ r.?i¡¡lR /¡oto3nr¡r6:Al(c r¡ndon p 33 lMr:jelhn porl¡aii):^lrmvPr r3 lAyor\ R..k¡.n

^noldld¡ges Ldl, rt L|or!\.ouí /sl'.ósln, 26 lsirl/fontour /shooshl. 2e

1Ho1\& oodlHorizor lNeru tion¡l Inü ges Ln¡ted ). 41 1 I¡ paNsd ho usc/IinrvÑ.ron),1 (.rve hors./cl.D.nt \accrflrr) as (keytñr¿ MtuixNrJqüc\t.ae irovcimrscs),6sthnnr¡.pri.i/NofhwindPi.n .^,rhivetlcorb¡ pp.1r thouscborliMo on tseebrl. s7(Hu¡.i!:ne Krrnntr/I{ikorh.istrUltnMte Chnsel. 61 LwilliaD Campbell/Slg¡rr Ceú] Ihalcs pp 29(noonr r nd nrg/Hu rro n

^r.hnrj1\l,\s r. 29 lsri ia{¡rn Hxraelr. 33 1Dilid vnionl,

62 lDon Krumrpl, 6sl$r¡r^{¡rmn Bohr.¡, 6e1Bnrr7i¡r. 73 l\ierusrworl¡l'enpc.Liv6l. 32 lMaselran s derihiHuÍonAÍhn(l: isnrkthoro tt 2sizrkil.32 (roslFer.57r.loúds/K¿liv).32 (¡rap/c¿!c6eli l{d¡lncfi1e Lon p ri svdnl.y/I(euncoNorlr\ S^ p 2r (s px.ew¡ lklr oul, p 72 i l,ho olib¡¡¡]..om pp 30

1búd),301si.n.h.n:r.1,3r 1lrir.r¡lindrú'er,8r lnrorkeyr.32lpeuunrl32 (rhcvi.kni:), Pümhf.rkpp 26(boriBlc.d inag(¡of. r¡¡ Pdi¿ rm.2e(Dor¿rrdnd/lúi.c hales Lihitcdr. 6s lrani!/Digilal vnn,n/D$idF¡.herr. T3lBaDNsrock); Reúrer p 77r S.ien.e Phol. Lib¡r¡ypp2r lm.dcm!tr.. n'ir^¡.lk.r stese¡,78 (M¡ rs/Frie d ú.h s¡ u rerl: $¡rriledia p 331rupl,llihor.qh¡w$rrth¿s¡{r,'¿il¿¡0rdr,¡.túúrd.otqll¡¡l ¡liJ¡,{¡tr¡rrbl¿d¿¿n rh¡ hdJ nd tün ¡mnhk ir jm¿ ¡¿rs ü1.¿¡010g6. bl¿rl ¡llurrr¡ftnnlr?r d! ,,I.,pl¡,:jjr ol d il ¿r ili¡¿. rh¡ Il br¡hf { n¡ll.ivd ¡¡ r.¡ó ¿úr¿¡¡ad/r¡itljoñr¿¡ ¡h¡¡rnkr¡¡'poiünjrr

Page 113: LOOK UP 4 Susana Lannuzzi