THE MAGAZINE FOR RESIDENTS OF KENSINGTON AND CHELSEA TENANT MANAGEMENT ORGANISATION WINTER 2011 Link R E S I D E N T I D E A R E S I D E N T I D E A Best wishes for a safe and happy festive season! Free 2012 calendar inside Look out for your ideas inside!

Look out for your ideas inside! - Kensington and Chelsea TMO · Payments by Direct Debit are safe, reliable and convenient. You choose when payments are made to fit in with your budget

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Page 1: Look out for your ideas inside! - Kensington and Chelsea TMO · Payments by Direct Debit are safe, reliable and convenient. You choose when payments are made to fit in with your budget

the magazine for resiDents of kensington anD

chelsea tenant management organisation

winter 2011



idenT idea • residenT idea

Best wishes for a

safe and happy

festive season!

free 2012

calendar inside

Look out for your ideas


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Page 2: Look out for your ideas inside! - Kensington and Chelsea TMO · Payments by Direct Debit are safe, reliable and convenient. You choose when payments are made to fit in with your budget

This is the third edition of our revamped Link! Thank you for all your feedback on the new look and

content – please keep sending us your stories and photographs!

We need photos, stories, and ideas from you! Contact us using the details above.2

newswireNews bites and happenings from in and around Kensington and Chelsea

Quickfire with...Board Chair reg Kerr-BeLL

face to faceResidents pose questions to our top level Executive Team at our Residents’ Conference

in the loopConference, AGM, road shows... we report back on our events and consultation activities in the loop

prouD of Your place• Proud Of Your Place • Back In Time • Q & A • Resident’s Column • Your Competition

No time to read Link? This word cloud is made up of Link articles, and gives prominence to words that appear the most!

meet the team

how we are Doing

Become a memBer for free!

how to contact us









what’s insiDeIt’s been a busy year with lots of activity across the business. The digital TV project is coming along well, thanks to Yvonne Birch and the team for efforts to prepare residents for switchover. There have been lots of events and energy around engaging with residents and we’ve shared a great Senior Citizens Annual party, two Residents’ Conferences and a new format AGM, and road shows around the estates. I know the Resident Engagement team and other staff have worked hard to make these enjoyable and constructive and it’s been great to see so many new faces.

The Rent Income and Home Ownership teams have both had a successful first half of this financial year with record collections for reducing arrears and collecting service charges. Well done to them. In the Landscaping department, it’s good to see Dominic Davies and the team working with residents for the procurement of the grounds maintenance contract. I’m pleased to see the Customer Contact Centre performance continue to improve so well done Sacha Jevans and all the staff. Finally, next year our new office in the south of the borough opens which will improve access and services overall and is evidence KCTMO is investing in its services and future.

Best wishes for the festive season, and for a happy new year.

WinTer 2011

Back by popular demand – your 2012 calendar! This year we’ve enjoyed meeting residents at our events and activities. Our Customer Services

Team Leader Robin Lawrence, who happens to be a talented photographer, captured some great moments. Check out his work in our special calendar, with space for your important dates for 2012 too. Enjoy!anna Bowdeneditor

0800 137 111 [email protected] the editor,

kensington & chelsea tmo, 292a kensal road, london w10 5Be


idenT idea • residenT idea

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Page 3: Look out for your ideas inside! - Kensington and Chelsea TMO · Payments by Direct Debit are safe, reliable and convenient. You choose when payments are made to fit in with your budget

0800 137 111 • www.kctmo.org.uk

If you receive certain benefits, regardless of age, you can also get extra cash via the Government’s cold weather payments scheme each time there is a seven-day period of very cold weather between 1 November and 31 March. winter fuel payments: If eligible, you’ll get a lump sum of up to £200 tax-free, while those 80 or over on 25 September this year get up to £300. Payments can take a few months to arrive so apply early. cold weather payments: If eligible, you will get £25 for each seven-day period between 1 November and 31 March when the average temperature where you live is recorded as, or forecast to be, 0°C or below.

how to claimTo make a claim download the Winter Fuel Payment claim form online. Your claim must be received by 30 March 2012 to be eligible. You can also contact the helpline for guidance weekdays 8.30am-4.30pm.

direct.gov.uk 0845 915 1515 0845 601 5613 (text phone)

what is fuel povertY?By the end of 2011, 4.1 million households in England are expected to be in fuel poverty. Households are considered fuel poor if they need to spend more than 10% of their income on fuel use to heat a home to an adequate standard of warmth. A real difference to fuel poverty can be made by improving the energy efficiency of the homes of the fuel poor.

what is kctmo Doing?This year we installed 70 ventilation systems at Hazlewood Tower to provide energy efficient ventilation, and prevent condensation. The energy efficient fans recover around 70% of heat energy and can be used to bring in warm air in winter. We are also installing more than 400 central heating and hot water boilers around the borough which provide more efficient services.

sign UP For direCT deBiT Find the form enclosed in this issue of the Link! 3

paYing the Bills Christmas is a time of giving, but you don’t want to give yourself a headache in the New Year with bills and debts you can’t afford. Rent, utility bills, food and other existing debts still have to be paid as a priority – the consequences can be severe if they are not. If you do get in to difficulties meeting your payments, please contact us as soon as possible to get advice and support, to set up a payment agreement, or a referral to another agency. There is a range of ways to pay your rent or service charges; one of the simplest is to set up a Direct Debit.

sign up for Direct DeBit with this issue of the link!

whY sign up?

Payments by Direct Debit are safe, reliable and convenient. You choose when payments are made to fit in with your budget. Once you’ve set up the payment date the money is deducted from your bank account regularly. You will be notified of any changes to payments 10 working days in advance, and if any errors are made you are entitled to a full and immediate refund from your bank or building society.

To help you sign up we’ve included a Direct Debit form with this issue of the Link and you can also find a copy on our website. If you do stop your Direct Debit payments and are still incurring service charges or rent, you will need to use an alternative payment method. There is a guarantee offered by all banks and building societies.

0800 137 111

Winter Fuel Payment helps older people keep warm in winter. The government offers the scheme to help people over 60 who are struggling to cope with the rising cost of gas and electricity.

winter fuel payment: are you eligible?

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neWs in and aroUnd K & C

is there an event happening in your area? Tell us about it and get published in the Link!

[email protected]

oUr Mission Delivering excellent housing services through resident led management4

kctmo wears it pink!We joined in the Breast Cancer Campaign’s biggest fundraising event, Wear It Pink Day, in October. Our staff donated homemade cakes for our pink cake sale and we raised £337 for the charity through staff contributions.

chairs’ get together

We forgot to tell you about our Residents’ Associations Chairs Get Together! We held this special event in July which was a real success. We had 24 representatives attend from Residents’ Associations across the borough. They listened to presentations from our top managers. Thank you to Residents’ Panel Chair Mike Doolan who hosted the evening.

home ownership newsHomeowners received a new look invoice/statement in September which has brought about savings in production, and a reduction in our carbon footprint. It has also received great feedback for a welcome improvement. The team have worked hard to carry out design and testing to get it right. We hope you find the new format useful!

BlantYre office We are on track with our programme of work at the Blantyre Office on Worlds End Estate. This work is part of our plans to improve accessibility and customer service to our residents and includes private meeting facilities and a reception area. We would like your views and ideas on a name for the new office to reflect the revamped office, acknowledging that wider-ranging services will be centred there for the first time. If you’d to put forward an idea contact us.

[email protected]

complimentsIt’s great to hear your feedback on our service. We were so pleased to hear from one of our residents at Cremorne Estate who complimented our OCS

Group contractors who sweep and clean the grounds. She said they do an excellent job and keep everything clean and tidy. Well done to Area Supervisor Seymour Miller, and Jose Fernandez Rodriguez, Wilcer Herney and Jehangir Juma.

exercise classes a success at whitchurchKCTMO Community Officer Everine Shand approached Open Age earlier this year about providing activities at one of our Sheltered Housing schemes. Residents opted to introduce a six week taster course in exercise classes. It went so well that classes are held every Monday and are open to the wider community. Residents Audrey Dunmall and Sheila Murphy wrote to tell us how much they enjoyed these classes. Thank you for your letters!

prize winners! Our gas servicing team and T Brown ran a quiz with a

prize draw at the Residents’ Conference in September. Chelsea resident Ms P Crampsie (R) won the £50 voucher and plant prize, presented by Tenant Liaison Officer Michelle Jones from T Brown (L).

customer services surveY upDate Thank you to all residents who took part in the Customer Services Access survey and contributed to our focus groups this summer. The feedback you gave on our services and how we can improve them is a vital part of our plans which we have been working on since April 2011. We are now analysing information gathered during these exercises and the findings will be published in the next issue of the Link. St Charles Square’s Mr Nwanguma; and Cremorne Estates’ Richard Farrar won £50 vouchers for contributing to our consultation on customer services. Mr Farrar is pictured receiving his prize from Director of Customer Services Sacha Jevans. Congratulations!

in and aroUnd K & C




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Page 5: Look out for your ideas inside! - Kensington and Chelsea TMO · Payments by Direct Debit are safe, reliable and convenient. You choose when payments are made to fit in with your budget

0800 137 111 • www.kctmo.org.uk

Want to tackle condensation? Get your information leaflet online or contact us for a copy! 0800 137 111

kctmo.org.uk 5

Being cautiousNot all burglars break into homes – some will try to trick or con their way in. They are known as bogus callers and will pretend to be on official business from utility companies such as gas, electricity and water, or the Council. They may claim to be tradesmen or workmen calling to carry out urgent repairs.

Bogus callers succeed because they sound believable, so don’t be fooled. You can take some simple steps to check on callers coming to your home, and ensure your own safety: • Use your chain and spy hole or look out of the window to see if you recognise them. • Ask callers for proof of identity. Check this carefully. If you are unsure, telephone the company the caller

Beware of bogus callers An elderly resident from Chelsea was approached by a bogus caller asking for money for urgent damp proofing for an adjoining wall in September. Thankfully, her instincts were right and she contacted us for help.

claims to represent. • If you are not convinced of the identity of the caller, don’t let them in. Ask the caller to come back later and arrange for a friend, relative or neighbour to be present on their return or ask the caller to contact this person. • Treat every stranger with caution. If you are still worried, dial 999 immediately and ask for the police.

tacklingconDensationCondensation happens in all homes when warm moist air meets a cold surface and tiny water droplets develop. Everyday activities such as cooking, washing clothes and bathing create moisture in the air. You notice it when you see your breath on a cold day, or when the mirror mists over when you have a bath. It happens more in cold weather, even if it is raining or dry. Look for it in corners, on or near windows, in or behind wardrobes and cupboards.

how it affects YouIf left unchecked and untreated, condensation can become a serious problem. Too much condensation will make your home damp. House dust mites and mould growth both occur more often in damp conditions, and are associated with allergic reactions. Damp conditions can also cause damage to your home, such as causing windows to rust or rot, and plaster to perish, and in serious cases can damage electrics. Your decorations can be spoilt too.

what You can DoWe’ve produced a leaflet explaining what condensation is, how it can affect your health and the condition of your home, and what you can do to reduce it. Visit our website or request a copy by contacting us. Dealing with condensation is your responsibility, and taking good care of your home through some easy steps will help to keep condensation under control. However, if you are over 65 or disabled, we may be able to help you treat mould. If you have any questions contact us for advice.

0800 137 111

senior citizens annual partY – register now! One of our biggest events of the year is back! We are holding the Senior Citizens’ Annual party on Thursday 26 January 2012. KCTMO residents currently receiving TMO2YOU Support Services and all other residents who are 60 years and over and living in a Council property are eligible to attend. The event will be held between 12pm-4.30pm at the The Kensington Copthorne Tara Hotel and will include welcome drinks, three course lunch, free raffle draw and entertainment.

Places are limited and will be

allocated to the first 180 applications received. Please contact Jill Brown as soon as possible to apply; applications close 12pm Monday 16 January 2012.

020 8964 6061 [email protected]


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Page 6: Look out for your ideas inside! - Kensington and Chelsea TMO · Payments by Direct Debit are safe, reliable and convenient. You choose when payments are made to fit in with your budget

FaCe To FaCe

We have relet 129 empty properties since April 2011. The average time taken to relet is 27 days.6

We’re committed to keeping residents at the heart of our business and giving you the chance to meet us face to face in a range of ways. At the Residents’ Conference we held a question time session with our Executive Team. There were some interesting and important questions raised – in this issue we’ve summarised the questions you posed.

fronting up

There is a lack of information on estate notice boards, can these be used better?As part of our Local Offers we are reviewing the notice boards and the information that is shared on them. The

outcome of the review, which is due December 2011, should ensure that we have good quality, useful information for residents that is regularly reviewed and updated. The dates and details of estate inspections will be displayed in all of the notice board along with other information about our services.

sometimes you have to wait to get through on the phone, and there are lots of options to choose from,

why is this?Our phone system has a number of options to enable the nature of a residents query to be directed to the

correct call handler in the first instance. Depending on call volumes callers may sometimes experience a short waiting time however we try to ensure that this is minimised wherever possible. We aim to answer all calls within 40 seconds, our year to date performance is an average waiting

time of 26 seconds at October 2011. We have recently carried out consultation on our Customer Service Access and will be making improvements as a result of this.

There has been some work on cavity wall insulation, where is this now?

Over the past two years KCTMO has undertaken a programme of cavity wall

insulation works. If residents experience any problems in terms of the quality of this work report it to us and we will investigate and seek a resolution.

What kind of communication happens with the voluntary and community

sector? We feel that linking with specialist organisations is our best approach. Our

Resident Engagement Team work with the voluntary sector and community groups to link up services and to widen and encourage engagement opportunities to residents. Community groups including Cook and Taste, Diabetes UK, and Health Trainers regularly attend our events around the borough. We are currently working with Kensington Housing Trust’s Pathways to Progress team which provides mentoring, careers advice and generally positive and proactive life training. This year we have also worked with


idenT idea • residenT idea

is there an event happening in your area? Tell us about it and get published in the Link!

[email protected]

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0800 137 111 • www.kctmo.org.uk

Did you know you can report repairs online? Visit kctmo.org.uk and

complete the online form. 7

environmental regeneration charity Groundwork to design a gardening project where residents share the space to grow fruit and vegetables.

Where are the younger residentsat this event? We try to attract a wide range of residents by publicising the Conference by invite, posters on estates,

on our website and in the Link. We hoped that holding the event on a Saturday would help people who worked to attend, we also provided a crèche for those with young families. We know there is a need to engage better with younger residents and we are working on this. We revamped our leaflets and are part way through 16 road shows happening around the borough. So far 260 residents have attended and 90% of those have not been involved with us before. We’ve also asked young people what kind of projects they would like to be involved with and we are meeting with them to discuss ideas.

Who are the cleaning contractors for the communal areas – how do residents make their views known

on this? All of the cleaning of communal areas is undertaken by our contractor OCS. We monitor and assess the

quality of the cleaning and address any problems directly with the contractor. In the TMO in Touch survey 77% of residents were happy with communal cleaning, You can call our Customer Service Centre to speak with an advisor

if you wish to report an issue.

how do you monitor repairs? how are jobs inspected?

Our repairs contractor Morrison inspects 10% of repair jobs (this

is an industry standard) to ensure that they meet the contracted quality standards. They also carry out telephone surveys and on-the-job satisfaction ratings. Corrective action is taken where work is not

up to standard. We also undertake monthly estate inspections which

look at the quality of the communal repairs undertaken. These are open for

residents to attend.

Residents were given the chance to ask questions of our top managers at the Residents’ Conference PHOTOS: Robin Lawrence





mORE by COnTACTing uS! 0800 137 111

[email protected]

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Page 8: Look out for your ideas inside! - Kensington and Chelsea TMO · Payments by Direct Debit are safe, reliable and convenient. You choose when payments are made to fit in with your budget

residenT engageMenT

residents’ Conference feedback”Lots of eff ort and planning, very much appreciated. Events like this are

important to keep the communication between KCTMO staff and its members.”

residents’ Conference feedback76% of residents had queries resolved by visiting service stands;

and 92% of residents said the Conference met their expectations.


Thank you to everyone who’s come along to our Residents’ Conference and Agm, visited any of our estate road show events , entered our gardens’ Competition or contributed to any of our consultation projects! So far this year almost 750 residents have been involved with us in some way – we are listening!

antisocial Behaviour upDate We are reviewing our antisocial behaviour (ASB) service and want to know what you think and how we can improve. We have already run a workshop with Chartered Institute of Housing ASB Advisor Tess Ash, and a focus group to discuss priorities and to look at the Respect Charter for Housing Management. From these sessions we understand that residents’ priorities are dealing with noise nuisance and harassment. We will be holding another meeting in February, if you would like to be involved or would like further information please contact Annabel Davidson.

020 8206 7547 [email protected]

caretaking reviewAt the Residents’ Conference in April 2011 you told us you wanted more information about caretakers and their role in

looking after your homes. In response we included a promise as part of our Local Off ers to review the caretaking service. We are looking at how we compare with other landlords, how we can improve and provide the best value for money. We’ve talked to staff and contractors; met with other landlords; captured residents’ views through surveys and road shows; met with Residents’ Association representatives at Area Review Board Meetings, the Resident Engagement Panel and individually; and held two focus groups.

what happens next?We will analyse all the information and decide how we can do more of the things that we do well and look at ways we can improve the service based on what you have told us. We are looking at the best ways to manage and monitor our performance and how we can involve residents and share this information with them. We will advise residents of the outcome of the review in March 2012. Thank you to everyone who has taken part so far, you can still take part in our fi ve minute online survey or contact Annabel Davidson if you would like to discuss your views.

[email protected] 020 8206 7547

l p

Are you a member? Sign up using the form on page 19. it’s free!

Tavistock Road resident Tony Annis took this great snap of the Portobello Road Christmas tree! Thank you!

Have you got a question about your tenancy, rent or how to get involved? Contact us.

resiDents’ conference anD agm We’re committed to listening to our residents and acting on their feedback.

We believe that by working with our tenants and homeowners we can build better communities and improve our services. At our Residents’ Conference and AGM in September 2011 we decided to put our residents in the spotlight to tell us what was going well, and what needed to get better. We had 100 residents attend the Conference and 88 attend the AGM. Whether you starred in our fi lm clip, fi lled out one of our surveys, or have made complaints or compliments, thank you for your feedback. We are listening.

The Conference was hosted by Board Chair Reg Kerr-Bell and Chief Executive Robert Black and attendees heard from our guest speaker, Cabinet Member for Housing and Property – Councillor Timothy Coleridge. Her Worshipful the Mayor Councillor Julie Mills and Councillor Maighread Condon-Simmonds also attended to support the event and meet with residents.

The day included a question time panel with our top managers, workshops to discuss antisocial behaviour, tips on saving money on energy bills, gardening tips and salsa dancing.

Thank you to all those who attended and spoke to us! Read ‘Fronting up’ on page 6 for more feedback from the day.

in the


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Page 9: Look out for your ideas inside! - Kensington and Chelsea TMO · Payments by Direct Debit are safe, reliable and convenient. You choose when payments are made to fit in with your budget

0800 137 111 • www.kctmo.org.uk

Check out our film clips - starring you! Visit us online and find a link to our

Vimeo site9

pIn our first four road shows – held at Worlds End Estate, Henry Dickens Court, Trellick Tower and Silchester Estate – we’ve met with more than 260 residents with a range of enquiries. We’ve signed up 30 residents to become KCTMO members, 36 residents to involvement opportunities and carried out 25 repairs while on site.

It’s been great to meet with you on your estates – and with 90% of you having not been actively involved with us before we’ve enjoyed meeting you face to face and talking to you about the issues that are important to you.

Our upcoming road shows will be

in the

We caught you on camera! you can now see film footage and photos of yourselves or your fellow kCTmO residents at our Residents’ Conference in September. Visit our website!

This year we’ve revamped our approach to resident engagement with events, new leaflets and information, and opportunities to be involved. As part of this we began a series of 16 road show events in July 2011 to run over the next year.

on the road happening in February for residents living in or around Wiltshire Close and Lancaster West, and in March for residents in or around Convent Estate and Chelsea Manor Court areas. Look out for posters and leaflets in your area, as well as your invitation which will be delivered prior to the event.

Alternatively, visit our website, for details of your nearest road show event.

0800 137 111 kctmo.org.uk

We are coming to you! We’ve still got 12 more road shows scheduled for 2012. Look out for details of when we’ll be in your area and how to get involved PHOTOS Robin Lawrence

Thank you to all our partners and contractors who’ve attended our road show series to date! We’ve been pleased to work with morrison, T brown, diabetes uk and many more!

30New KCTMO members!

36Residents signed up to involvement opportunities

25Repairs carried out while on site at our first four roadshows

260Residents attended our first four roadshow events

We supported the blue heritage plaque honouring the late community activist Frank Crichlow which was unveiled on 4 December.

For 24 years Crichlow owned Mangrove Restaurant on All Saints Road in Notting Hill. This restaurant attracted world famous visitors including Jimi Hendrix and Marvin

Gaye, and was a centre for political and social activism within the African and Caribbean culture in Notting Hill.

Crichlow also set up the Mangrove Community Association which provided advice and assistance, nurtured local projects to improve housing, and established youth facilities and services for the elderly.

We have worked with and supported the Nubian Jak Academy over the past three years to gain permission to erect plaques around the borough in recognition of people who were instrumental in the history of Notting Hill Carnival and other projects.

kctmo supports Blue plaQue honouring frank crichlow

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Page 10: Look out for your ideas inside! - Kensington and Chelsea TMO · Payments by Direct Debit are safe, reliable and convenient. You choose when payments are made to fit in with your budget

residenT engageMenT

If you would like to fi nd out how to get involved and shape housing services contact us.

0800 137 111 [email protected]

Become a member for free! Contact us for your membership pack on download one online.

0800137 111 www.kctmo.org.uk 10

antisocial Behaviour (asB)Eight out of 10 residents told us that they were happy with their neighbourhood as a place to live, although nearly a quarter of respondents identifi ed that rubbish and litter were an issue in their area.

The responsibility for the disposal of rubbish is shared, the Council is responsible for removing litter from paladin bins and KCTMO is responsible for cleaning communal areas. We will continue to inform residents on litter disposal and enforce tenancy agreements and leaseholder covenants.

Noisy neighbours, including children, were the second highest concern. We take ASB seriously and actively work with the Royal Borough’s offi cers to reduce noise on estates. If you’re being aff ected by noisy neighbours, contact your Neighbourhood Offi cer for advice. 13% of responses identifi ed car parking as a problem in their area. We’re currently reviewing our parking operations, to ensure our services are

tmo-in-touch survey next steps in the last issue of the Link we told you about some of the results of the TmO-in-Touch doorstep survey we carried out. in this update, we’re focusing on our services outside of your property including gardening and landscaping, antisocial behaviour, communal repairs and cleaning.

managed effi ciently and eff ectively. We have begun consultation with residents about our policies and changes to services. We’re also undertaking a review of our ASB processes, you can read more about this on page 8.

estate careNearly eight in 10 residents were happy with communal cleaning, gardening and landscaping. We understand how important your environment is and we try hard to contribute to this. We’re pleased that most residents are satisfi ed with these services, nevertheless, we’re always striving to improve, and we’re currently re-tendering our grounds maintenance contract in consultation with residents.

Our communal repairs service is an area we are working to improve on with our contractor Morrison. We’ve introduced new working practices for staff , including using electronic handheld devices to replace paper worksheets. This will help to provide more accurate and reliable results.

grounDs maintenance contract

Following panel discussions and feedback from focus groups about the grounds maintenance contracts we received applications from 10 contractors, and seven have been invited to tender for this work. From these we will be selecting two contractors to carry out the contract for the next fi ve years. If you would like more information contact our Environmental Services team.

020 8964 6078 [email protected]

kctmo offi ces will be closed from 2pm 23 December 2011 to 28 December 2011; and from 2pm 30 December 2011 with normal business hours resuming 3 January 2012. the out of hours repair service will continue to run during these periods, only use this service in an emergency. Best wishes for a safe and happy festive season.

festive season hours



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0800 137 111 • www.kctmo.org.uk 11

We added a new category – Kitchen Gardens – to refl ect the growing enthusiasm for growing your own fruit, vegetables and exotic fl owers. An Environmental Award was also added in recognition of the voluntary eff orts made by Reg Kerr-Bell and grounds maintenance contractors Tree Wise Men. They transformed a bleak vandalised corner of North Kensington that bordered onto two of our estates into a riot of colour and civic pride! Held in conjunction with the Council and Fred Besant, judging for the event took place in August and entrants were invited to a Presentation Evening in October at the Mayor’s Parlour. Awards were kindly presented by Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea Deputy Mayor Councillor Elizabeth Rutherford.

The quality of the entries and glowing speech from the Deputy Mayor and acceptance speeches from new entrants Alisha Braithwaite and Eryl Humphrey Jones bode well for the competition’s continuing and future success. First prizes: Mrs J Littman (Balcony/Window Boxes); Mrs Yan Xu (Patios);

gardens’ competition winners presented trophies This was the 31st year of the annual gardens’ Competition and it proved as popular as ever with some fantastic entries.

Mr & Mrs Goma (Gardens and The Points Cup 2011); Blechynden and Whitchurch House (Estates); Eryl Humphrey Jone (Kitchen Gardens); Olive Skeffi ngton (Besant Cup 2011); Alisha Braithwaite (The Pioneer Cup 2011); Mr Reg Kerr-Bell (Environmental Award 2011).

Congratulations to all and we look forward to seeing you all again next year! The full list of awards and placings are published on our website.


mr khan (L) and mr Roe of blechynden and Whitchurch House, fi rst in estates

mr and mrs malate of gadsden House placed second in the gardens category

Susan Smith of Holmfi eld House got second place in the patios category

Kensington & Chelsea TMO homeowners can now access gas servicing and repairs services through contractors T Brown.

The new service off ers special rates for homeowners and allows you to access maintenance and repairs for gas servicing and heating, these services have normally only been available to council house tenants. Services include:• One year maintenance cover 47p per day with 24 hour back up service• Five year warranty on selected boilers

• Central heating installations• New kitchens• All electrical and plumbing works

The team is Gas Safe registered, NICEIC accredited and provides

guarantees on all work. If you are a homeowner and would like to know more about the service or book an appointment, contact T Brown direct.

020 8786 1333

get reaDY for winter - gas servicing for homeowners

Award winners received their trophies in the mayors parlour in October 2011

have you seen our photos online? Visit our website for our link to Flickr and see Garden’s

Competition pictures

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residenT engageMenT

If you would like to find out if there is a Resident Association in your area, or to get help setting one up contact us.

0800 137 111 [email protected]

Become a member and win £50! Fill out the form on page 19 or download one online.

0800 137 111 kctmo.org.uk 12

We have already sent surveys to all parking permit holders and have received several hundred replies. The results are now being analysed, thank you to everyone who replied. Mrs Cullerton of Matthew Close was the lucky winner of our prize draw amongst respondents and received a £50 Marks & Spencer voucher.

If we decide to make any changes as a result of this review which affect your area we will carry out further consultation. It is planned to implement any changes from April 2012.

If you would like to share your views, or take part in a focus group to discuss our management policy and procedures, please contact Project Manager Nick Rendle.

[email protected] 0207 605 6467

changes to parking enforcement New legislation under the Protection of Freedoms Bill will ban clamping and

parking review We are reviewing the way we manage parking areas on our estates to ensure we deliver a good service and that we make full use of the available spaces.

towing illegally-parked vehicles on all private land. This includes estate car parks, shopping centres, hospitals and train stations. The includes all KCTMO estates.

From January 2012, we will begin ticketing cars which are not displaying valid permits or in areas where parking is not allowed. Our inspectors will use handheld computers to photograph vehicles and print out parking tickets on the spot. Drivers will have 14 days to pay or to make an appeal. If payment is not made after 14 days, the charges will increase and the vehicle’s owner will be chased for the debt.

Wing Security will be carrying out this service on our behalf under a temporary contract. This will allow us to review how ticketing operates in practice, and help us to set up a longer term parking enforcement contract later in 2012. There will be no changes to the appeal process.

staYing first revampeD service Kensington and Chelsea’s housing advice service has changed its name to Staying First. Previously known as Staying Put Services, the organisation also has a new office at Mulliner House, Flanders Road, W4 1NN. Staying First works in partnership with KCTMO and provides free, confidential and independent advice to help tenants to tackle rent arrears. It can also help you to resolve Housing Benefit problems and make realistic payment arrangements to reduce your arrears as an alternative to legal action.

Your Income Officer can refer you to Staying First’s specialist advisers in the office, or at your home. If you would like a referral, please contact your Income Officer.

0800 137 111

staYing first hanDYperson service Staying First also offers a service for small repairs and jobs around the house at a reasonable cost. You can qualify for the service if you are a resident in the Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea; if you are over 60; are registered disabled or suffering from long term ill health.

If you are in receipt of Housing Benefit, Pension Credit or Council Tax Benefit the charge is £10 per hour plus VAT. You must provide proof of your benefit on the day the work is carried out. If you do not receive benefits, the charge is £20 per hour plus VAT.

You will also need to pay for materials and any parking charges after the first hour.

The service can provide help with safety, security, electrical work, plumbing works, home energy efficiency and other minor repairs. The service does not cover works which are the legal responsibility of KCTMO. If you would like advice on repairs responsibilities contact us.

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0800 137 111 • www.kctmo.org.uk

We need you! Would you like to write a column for the Link? [email protected] 13

We can all dream of a season of fun and laughter with everything just perfect but

sometimes the festive season can be a stressful time of overspending. Try some of our top tips to reduce the financial strain this Christmas:

It’s vital to keep on top of the important bills. Make sure that you continue to make payments for essential things like your housing costs and utilities first.

Try talking to your children about what they really want for Christmas and don’t feel that you have to get everything on their list.

Limit the temptation to buy more by cutting the number of shopping trips and only taking the cash that you can afford with you. Leave the cards at home!

A third of all food gets thrown away. Imagine throwing that amount of money in the bin!

Make a list and stick to it. Don’t rush out and panic buy on

Christmas Eve. If you are expecting a lot of

people, suggest everyone brings something with them.

Whatever you’re drinking, alternate with a glass of tap water. Good for your waistline, your possible hangover, and your budget.

Mary White KCTMO resident and Centre Manager of the Latymer Christian Centre. She has been trained as a personal budget coach by money charity Credit Action

we have an £8.6 million budget for this year’s capital works programme with plans to complete a range of work across the borough by march 2012. this includes:• Installing 1200 secure and fire

resistant front entrance doors to flats

• Improving 24 residential blocks to improve access for people with a disability

• Refurbishing 14 lifts • Carrying out external repairs and

cyclical re-decoration of 1400 homes

• Installing more than 400 central heating and hot water boilers

• Renewing 35 kitchens and level access showers at Sheltered Housing Schemes

• Replacing water tank, booster pump (to maintain water

Kensington and Chelsea TMO are undertaking an innovative procurement route to deliver a programme of works in a number of locations across the borough.

The work includes the refurbishment of kitchens and bathrooms, re-wire of a number of properties and replacement of central heating boilers which are at the end of their useful life.

Properties included in this programme are:• Edenham Way, • Hurstway Walk, Grenfell Road, Lancaster West• Wayneflete Square

Nursery Lane residents were given the chance to meet the contractors – FWA – during October 2011. Contractors were on site to discuss kitchen and bathroom refurbishments and electrical wiring; this work is part of our capital works programme. FWA brought down a number of samples for the kitchen and bathrooms so that residents could see and touch them, and have an idea

capital programme 2011/12

kitchens anD Bathrooms

meet anD greet at nurserY lane

pressure) and central boiler plant• Replacing fire alarm, smoke

detector and emergency lighting• Replacing mains power cable• Carrying out structural repairs to

12 residential blocks

silchester tower blocks:• Dixon House, Darfield Way• Markland House, Darfield Way• Frinstead House, Freston Road• Whistable House, Silchester Road

• Lonsdale House, Westbourne Grove• Elsham Road• Holland Road Flats• Tadema Road• Chesterton Square• Blantyre TowerWe will also be carrying out electrical rewiring in properties where the electrics are over 30 years old. This work is scheduled to begin in January 2012 and will be completed by April 2012.

about what the new rooms might look like. Twenty residents attended, met the project team and saw sample boards of what to expect when making their individual choice.




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over To yoU


nerina Bonnett whitstaBle houseattended our road show at Silchester Estate. She has lived there her whole life and loves having her friends and family close by in her neighbourhood. PHOTO: Robin Lawrence

portoBello roaD, notting hill c.1904Portobello Road was known prior to 1740 as Green’s Lane - a winding country path leading from Kensington Gravel Pits, in what is now Notting Hill Gate, up to Kensal Green in the north.

DiD You know...notting hill was an area of pig farms until the 1860s. More than 60 years later author and journalist george orwell rented rooms in a cottage at the top of Portobello road.

proud of your place

Back in time

”i love being close to family and being part of the local community.” nerina Bonnett

What do you love about living in Kensington & Chelsea?

have you got an old photo, fun fact or a story to share?

0800 137 111 [email protected]


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We’ve got an event calendar on our website so you can see our Board meetings, events and other

important dates kctmo.org.uk

got a question? You might find the answer you are looking for on our Frequently Asked

Questions online kctmo.org.uk

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0800 137 111 • www.kctmo.org.uk

have you seen our photos online? Visit us at www.fl ickr.com/photos/kctmo


aQ &

Have you got a question? Chances are, others want to know the same thing.

Write to us to get published! [email protected]

What is happening to TMo2yoU regarding the changes to funding?The government has made changes to the funding available for older residents’ services which will aff ect our fl oating support service – called TMO2YOU. This service is currently available to all elderly residents and includes services for those in sheltered housing and local home visiting services.

TMO2YOU is currently funded by a central government grant called Supporting People, which means that any KCTMO resident who receives Housing Benefi t has their TMO2YOU support charge covered by the Supporting People Grant.

Residents who are not on Housing Benefi t are assessed and directly recharged by the council to access the service.

However, Supporting People funding for all existing Floating Support Services – like TMO2YOU – will end in March 2012. This means we can no longer provide the TMO2YOU Floating Support service.

From April 2012, Housing Benefi t will cover the costs of wardens and sheltered housing services. This means the TMO2YOU service will revert back to a traditional sheltered housing service. For residents across KCTMO’s fi ve sheltered housing schemes the TMO2YOU Support Charge will be replaced by a Sheltered Housing service charge in 2012/13. This charge will be included in residents’ service charges from April 2012 and will be fully covered by Housing Benefi t for residents receiving this.

Sheltered Housing residents

who are not on Housing Benefi t will continue to pay for the service, but instead of paying the Council the current TMO2YOU Support Charge, they will pay the Sheltered Housing service charge directly through their rent service charges.

Between now and March 2012, we will visit and review the support needs of all residents aff ected by this change, and help to arrange the most suitable options from April 2012 onwards.

Some of the options that are available to non sheltered residents include:• Referrals to a new borough wide Floating Support service that the council will be developing next year.• Referral to social services to either increase existing services or assess for new services.• Residents can continue to contact and visit the fi ve sheltered housing schemes to access events, meetings, surgeries and general advice and support available within the scheme.

0800 137 111 [email protected]

Many of us recognise that the older we get the more diffi cult it is to lose weight. That is not a myth, it is a

fact. Our metabolic-rate (the rate at which we burn up calories) slows down.

We are less active, but still eat the same amount of food. If we are overweight it aff ects our health and how we feel about ourselves and our energy.

We must be determined to make the changes that go with trying to lose weight.

We must look at our eating habits and make a list of healthy meals that include good carbohydrates, such as porridge, beans, brown pasta, vegetables and fruit. Spread fruit intake throughout the day because it contains natural sugars. Eat slowly; and chew food properly sitting down at a table.

Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper as the old maxim goes.

Drink plenty of water and herbal teas because when properly hydrated our body stops storing fat. When peckish go for a few carrot sticks or an apple.

Remember we can diet all we like but unless we exercise more and consume fewer calories we will not keep the weight off .

For information about weight loss visit:


John Mendes KCTMo resident


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Your senior managers organisational development Manager

Ben holtmanages the development of staff, managers

and teams across the organisation with the aim of training and engaging our staff to deliver excellent services.

Policy and improvement Manager

Janet sewardResponsible for equality and diversity across our

services, and ensuring that each department’s service plans contribute to meeting our annual priorities set out in our business Plan.

Communications Manager anna Bowden

Covers information and publicity about our services

including Link magazine, website, internal staff news, dealing with media enquiries and ensuring information is clear and accessible to all.

assistant director of Financial services

rupa BholaResponsible for preparing financial statements

and management accounts, for the kCTmO company and Housing Revenue accounts.

hr Manager Lesley stapleford

Human Resources deals with recruitment and selection

of employees across the company, it includes employee relations, payroll and terms and conditions of employment.

head of iCTnurul Miah

This service is critical for staff to carry out their work effectively

and efficiently and includes internal systems and technology for managing information and processes.

Our Senior management Team takes the lead for the operational delivery of our business Plan.

This issue we profile those responsible for services ‘behind the scenes’. if you’d like to know more about our company structure visit:


governance Manager / Company secretary

angela Bosnjak-szekeresmonitor and maintain

corporate governance arrangements; supports board, Agm and elections process; gives advice on constitutional matters, regulatory and legal requirements.

We are responsible for the management of nearly 10,000 properties on behalf of the Royal

Borough of Kensington and Chelsea. This is one of the smallest boroughs in London, covering just over 4.7 square miles – and one of the most densely populated boroughs in the country. There are just over 88,000 homes in the borough, with about a quarter of those in the social housing sector. 98% of KCTMO properties are flats, of which 25% are in blocks of 10 storeys or more. Many are on large estates but we also manage a substantial number of street properties, which have their own maintenance needs.

Right To Buy applications Dealing with antisocial behaviour Collecting rent and service charges Tenancy issues Cleaning and maintaining estates Homeowner issues Sheltered housing support and

Community Alarm Service Letting and management of garages Major works Resident involvement and

consultation Gas servicing and repairs to tenants’

homes and communal areas Dealing with empty properties and

unauthorised occupation Complaints about KCTMOs service

what we Dor


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annual report Our Annual Report to Tenants is published! It sets out our progress this year and gives updates on our commitments to residents in the Local Offers. We’re pleased to report improved performance across a number of areas of our service, and acknowledge that there is still work to be done to ensure we deliver on our mission to deliver excellent housing services. You can read a copy on our website or request one by contacting us.

MeeT The TeaM

We work hard to give an excellent service, you can make a comment, complaint or compliment at

0800 137 111 kctmo.org.uk

did you know... You can pay your rent online!


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0800 137 111 • www.kctmo.org.uk 17

vacancY: volunteer neighBourhooD workerIn this voluntary role you will have the unique opportunity to gain training and practical experience over a nine month period to enable you to develop a career in community development and resident engagement.

The Neighbourhood Workers programme involves a series of daytime training sessions whilst at the same time you will have the opportunity to gain practical

experience by working one day a week within KCTMO’s Resident Engagement Team based at the Network Hub, North Kensington.

Ideally, for this role, you should have knowledge of community issues and resident engagement techniques. You should also be customer focused, creative as well as have the time to commit to completing the nine month training and practical experience

programme. Although this role is unpaid all travel costs and lunches will be reimbursed.

Closing date for applications: 5pm Thursday 6 January 2012. Interviews will be held: Thursday 13 January 2012. To request an information pack please contact Resident Engagement Manager Janet Edwards.

020 8964 6093 [email protected].

kctmo to manage staBle waY site KCTMO has been appointed to manage the Stable Way traveller site for a two year period starting from January 2012.

The site has been in existence since 1974 and comprises 19 pitches and an additional pitch used as an office.

Chief Executive Robert Black said: “We are delighted to win this two year contract for the management of Stable Way. We have a long history of resident engagement and we hope to work with the residents and partners – especially the Council – to ensure that we meet our commitment to providing excellent services to the residents of Stable Way.”

The service has been running since 2002 and aims to prevent residents losing their homes and to provide support and assistance to vulnerable people.

There are six Tenancy Support Officers who work with tenants, leaseholders and hostel tenants. The service can assist with:• rent arrears problems• advice and assistance on re-housing options• income maximisation such as help with claiming benefits and tax credits• referral to services such as health and social services, drug and alcohol services• help to access education, training and employment services• accessing services in the local community• providing social / emotional support• setting up your home if you are a new tenant

case stuDYMs Q, a KCTMO tenant, worked from home. Her rent arrears were increasing, and she was threatened with legal action. On assessment, the Tenancy Support Officer working with Ms Q realised that she was entitled to certain benefits that she had not been aware of. He was able to assist Ms Q with successfully applying for these benefits,

are you having problems with your tenancy?if you are having problems managing your tenancy, the Council’s Tenancy Support Service may be able help you.

and then mediating with her Rent Officer to come to an agreement with repaying the arrears. Ms Q was also interested in moving to a smaller property, and so the Tenancy Support Officer provided her with information and advice to register on the council’s under-occupation scheme.

You can refer friends, family, or neighbours to the service if you have their consent. Or if you would like to speak to someone at the Tenancy Support Service yourself, please contact your Neighbourhood Officer or the service directly.

020 7361 3008 [email protected]

Want to work with us? You can view our current vacancies online kctmo.org.uk



: RO





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is this true in your neighbourhood?We’re working hard to improve our

services - tell us about your experience! [email protected]


MeeT The TeaM

There’s been something quite special happening at Whitchurch House this year. Residents at the Sheltered Housing Scheme have been working with us to make dreams of a shared fruit and vegetable garden a reality.

It began in the spring when our Community Offi cer Everine Shand approached the Council on behalf of the scheme, with the idea to make the most of unused space at the back of Whitchurch House. With the support of the Council we linked up with environmental regeneration charity Groundwork to design a gardening project where residents share the space to grow fruit and vegetables.

We’re pleased to report that the project has not only been awarded a prize in our annual Gardens’ Competition, but has also resulted in the making of some delicious tomato chutney!

We have also applied successfully for funding under a campaign to support new Community Food Growing Spaces for London in 2012. We were awarded £750 and receive a planting calendar, seeds, information on compost advice, discounts list and a monthly newsletter.

whitchurch house garDen fruitful

performance scorecardPerformance indicator

repairsEmergency repairs completed within 24 hrsUrgent jobs completed within fi ve daysRoutine jobs completed within 20 daysRepairs completed on fi rst visit

gas servicing Properties with gas servicing carried out annually

Customer services and complaintsCalls answeredResidents complaints responded to within target (stage one)

empty propertiesAverage time taken to relet emptyproperties

rent collectionCollection excluding arrears

grounds maintenanceEstates which failed inspection standards

how we didlast year2010/11

97%92%94% *



27 days



Quarter2 (endingsep 2011)




31 days



how we‘redoing now(oct 2011)




18 days







24 days



recent trend


{KEY: Target met Near to target Off target * Figure unavailable due to a change in system ** Target 80%}


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kCTmO’s Chelsea manor Court Residents’ Association was recognised for its hard work to improve local areas. it received a gold Standard Award from the mayor. Congratulations to all involved!

Congratulations new members! Winners of our monthly £50 vouchers are Guy Boersma, Ubah Mohamed Yusuf Garmele and Sonia

Barry-Ventura. Thanks for signing up!

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memBership page

PLease sUPPLy WiTh BLeed

memBership pagei would like to become a member

Please print all details in this box in BLOCK CAPITALS

Mr Mrs Miss Ms Other Address

First name(s)

Surname Postcode

Tel no Email

Please tick if we can contact you by email

How did you hear about signing up to become a member?

Would you like more information about opportunities to be involved with us? Yes No

I confi rm that I am over 18 years old and the named tenant, leaseholder or freeholder of a property owned by RBKC and managed by the TMO.

Please enter my name on the register of members of the organisation.

Signature Date

In the event that the company stops trading while I am a member (or within one year of my ceasing to be a member) I will contribute to the assets of the company a sum not exceeding £1 for payment of the liabilities of the organisation.

It would be helpful to have some information for our records. This will be protected by the Data Protection Act. We will not share this information with anyone (unless we are required to under law).

Date of birth

Gender: Male Female (please tick)

How would you describe your ethnic group? (please tick one box)

White: British Irish Other

Mixed: White & Caribbean White & Black African White & Asian Other

Asian or Asian British: Indian Pakistani Bangladeshi Other

Black or Black British: Caribbean African Other

Chinese or other ethnic group: Chinese Other

Do you consider that you have a disability? Yes No

If yes, please give details

Please tell us your fi rst language

When you have completed this form please return it to any member of KCTMO sta� or post it to:The Company Secretary, Kensington & Chelsea TMOFREEPOST RLYX-BE2B-CLYB, 292a Kensal Road, London, W10 5BE

TMO USE ONLYVerifi ed eligible by ______________________ Occupancy ___________ Date ____/____/________

Membership no ____________________ Date entered ____/____/________

Occupancy Key: Tenant = T Leaseholder = LH Non Resident Leaseholder = LT

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yoUr LoCaL hoUsing oFFiCesnetwork hub292a Kensal RoadLondon W10 5BEOpen weekdays 9am-5pm

Worlds end estate offi ceBlantyre StreetLondon SW10 0DS020 8964 6161Open weekdays 9am-5pm

Lancaster West estate offi ce, grenfell TowerLondon W11 1TQOpen Monday to Thursday 9am-4.30pm, and Friday 9am-1pm

ConTaCT Us 0800 137 111

[email protected]

kensington & Chelsea TmO, 292a kensal Road, London W10 5bE


Finished reading me? Recycle me!

LinKResidents told us they wanted to see contact details for our services as well as advice of where to use our website for free!

We include a translated statement on the Link to ensure it is accessible to all residents in the borough. We arrange translators for those who do not speak English, and sign post to local English classes.

did you know you can access our website for

free at the network hub reception?



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