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look no time! · to speed weight loss with cardiovascular exercise,.Her exercise fix: Walk for 30 minutes at a brisk pace, 5 times a week. Target heart rate: 140 to 155 beats per

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Page 1: look no time! · to speed weight loss with cardiovascular exercise,.Her exercise fix: Walk for 30 minutes at a brisk pace, 5 times a week. Target heart rate: 140 to 155 beats per

lookg~eatIn no time!11 styleshortcuts

THENEWINFIDELITYand how toprotect your


Page 2: look no time! · to speed weight loss with cardiovascular exercise,.Her exercise fix: Walk for 30 minutes at a brisk pace, 5 times a week. Target heart rate: 140 to 155 beats per

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The right workout isn't one-size-fits-all. True,two women of thesame weight would burn the same numberof calories during a daily one-mile run. Butwhat if one of the women hated running?Odds are she'd get fed up, quit running-and stop burning those calories. That's why

experts stres~ the importance of findingan exercise routine you truly enjoy. To helpReal-Life Healthy Life (RLHL) participantsCrystal, Lily, and Maria get excited aboutworking out, we took them to Canyon RanchSpa in Lenox, MA, for a long weekend offitness and fun-with a little pamperingthrown in for good measure. There, thewomen participated in a handful of groupexercise classes ("Barefoot Boogie" and"Cardio Dance Fusion" topped their listof favorites), plus they met with an exercisephysiologist, who designed individualworkout routines based on their personalfitness levels, interests, and long-termgoals. Read on to discover what theylearned, plus how you can make addingmore movement to your life fun-really!

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Shake, shimmy, stretch, splash-find

the moves you loveto make and itwon't seem likea IIwork"out.Needideas? Keepreading-there's some-thing here for everyone.

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SMART POST-WORKOUT SNACKS: one Luna Sunrise bar In Strawberries &Creme or Vanilla Almond flavor' one smail whole-wheat pita with 2 Tbsp..."""""".", "..""""""..""."".""""."""".""."."".." "" " " " " " ""..."" "".." "."."...".."...""..""..".."""." "."." """"".."".",, """" """..."""" """ ""."""..""."..,,...

80 AU(jUST 2007 www.redbookmag.comby Carin Gorrell

photographed by Peter LaMastro

Page 3: look no time! · to speed weight loss with cardiovascular exercise,.Her exercise fix: Walk for 30 minutes at a brisk pace, 5 times a week. Target heart rate: 140 to 155 beats per

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~v5\OV\\a fitness samplerCrystal, Lily,and Mariaspent their time at Canyon Ranchtrying lots of different activities to discover what they loved.

.They took a private tennis lesson(Lily even donned an adorablebluetennis skirt for the occasion).' Theymade a splash in an ~O Power Hourwater aerobics class..Theydancedupastorm in Barefoot Boogie('Thinkof being6yearsoldanddancingtoa reallyfun song;'saysMaria)andCar-dio Dance Fusion classes..They roseearlyfor 7 a.m.aerobicwalksaroundthe grounds.'Theyexperimentedwith newfitnesstrends likeYamunaBodyRolling,whichinvolvesrolling

your bodyovera 4-to 9-inchballto stretchmuscles,and Nia, a blendof martialarts,dance,and healingarts likeyoga.' Theyworkedout thekinks in a Stretch and Relaxsession("It wasso relaxingI fell asleepforabout two minutesand evenhada dream-about hamburgers!"saysLily).. Theytoned up in a MuscleConditioning class that incorpo-rated hand weights and resistancebands.. They found the beat in aWest African drumming class.

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Immus' a can ot Progresso Vegetable Classics 99% Fat Free Minestrone' one Maple Nut Clit Bar' 2 rice cakes topped with 1 Tbsp peanut butter' PB&J""""U"'U.""U'.UUUUW..WUUW.' uU.W WUUU.U..uUUWUUuwu..uuuuwuw..,u.uuu.uuu.uuuuu.wwuu..u...,uuuu",uuwuuwuuuw.u,uwu.wuwuuuw.u,wwW..'U.'wwuuu.wuuuuuwuuuwu,uwu.wuuuU..uuu..wu..U.wuuU.uU...uuuu...

www.redbookmag.com AUCiUST200781

Page 4: look no time! · to speed weight loss with cardiovascular exercise,.Her exercise fix: Walk for 30 minutes at a brisk pace, 5 times a week. Target heart rate: 140 to 155 beats per


Maria Mills, 37Stay-at-home mom; marriedwith two children, ages 4and 2; Binghamton, NY

THEN NOWheight 5'3"weight 180.751bs 161.751bsbody fat 30.2% 27.6%bust 40" 363/4"waist 35'12" 31'12"hips 45'12" 42"Body fat percentages are derived from athree-point caliper measurement, which hasa margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points.

"I've always hated exercise, but afterdiscovering yoga at Canyon Ranch, Ichanged my mind! Yogamakes me feelmore focused, centered, and peaceful,plus it builds strength and gets my heartrate up-without feeling like a workout!"

Maria's fitness profile:Maria hates to sweat. In

fact, when she first joinedRLHL, her only exercisecame from keeping up withher two little boys.Maria's fitness Rx: Since

discovering yoga, Mariahas purchased a yoga matand a few DVDs and now

practices while her olderson is at school and her

younger son naps. But whileyoga is great for buildingmuscle tone and strength,Maria also needs cardio-vascular exercise, so sheshould take a few days offfrom yoga each week towalk on the treadmill thatcame with her new home.


crunches properly. Before,I was trying too hard tolift up my entire back,which hurt my back and myneck-so I never did them.

The exercise physiologistexplained that I could stoplifting as soon as I felt theburn in my abdominal

muscles, and it worked-no more pain! Now I fit incrunches every day."

. WHATWASYOURBIGGEST FITNESSACCOMPLISHMENT ATCANYONRANCH?"I walked a total of 16,579steps in just one day! Lilyand I started the day witha walk, and after that I feltlike a little kid, excited to goon to the next adventure. I

tried everything I could, andI did it with gusto. I felt sogood-really alive!"

Maria's personalfitness goal:to improve total-bodyfitness.

Her exercise fix:.30 minutes of yoga,4 to 5 times weekly.. 3 reps of 20 crunchesdaily..30 to 40 minutes ofwalking at a 3.7 mph to4 mph pace, 3 to 4times a week; work upto a 4 percent incline.Target heart rate:140 to 150 beats

per minute.

findexerciseyou canloveAsk yourself these 5 questions to find

the fitness routine that best fits your life.

1. Areyou someone who schedulesyour days?If yes, pencil in a fitness class at your gym or localYMCA,or make a standing date with a friend fora jog around the neighborhood. Not a scheduler?Look for ways to sneak fitness into most days-extend your walk with the dog when you have anextra half hour, or spend 15 minutes of your lunchbreak sprinting up and down the office stairwell.

2. Do you prefer to exercise alone?If so, invest in some fun at-home fitness equipment(see "Our 4 Favorite Fitness Gadgets" on page 86)or fitness DVDsthat you can use in the privacyofyour own home. Rather have company? Join a gymor a REDBOOKWalkingGroup(go to meetup.com/redbook to find one in your area), or suggest agame of Frisbee or kickballduring your next familygathering or neighborhood barbecue.

3. Are you intimidated by the machinesat your gym?It's a common fear, but a quick tutorial can helpalleviate your concerns. Aska person at the frontdesk for a walk-throughofthe equipment (manygyms even offer a free personal-training sessionwith membership). Or go during off-peak hoursso you can read the instructions on each machineand test them out without feeling like you're beingscrutinized or holding others up.

4. Do you have trouble stayingmotivated?Evenproathletes losetheir driveon occasion.When yours wanes, give yourself some addedincentive by setting a series of small goals-for instance, aim to add a quarter mile to yourwalk each week for the next month. Keep writtentrack of your progress, and reward yourself witha healthy treat (like a massage or a movie datewith your guy) when you hit your target. Tellinga friend about your goals and giving her regularupdates can also help keep you on tradt.

S. Are you exercising to lose weight or tostay in shape?No matter what your goal is,experts recommendgetting a minimum of 30 to 60 minutes a day ofmoderate cardiovascular exercise such as briskwalking,bike riding, or jogging. Droppingpoundsrequires more time and/or more intense exercise(see "EverythingYouEver Wanted to KnowAboutExercise"on page 88).

made with 21bsp peanut butter and 11bsp jelly on whole-wheat bread. a container of Stonyfield Fann Fruit on the Bottom Yogurt 'n Lowfat Blueberry or, " """"""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""....................................

82 AUGUST 2007 www.redbookmag.com

Page 5: look no time! · to speed weight loss with cardiovascular exercise,.Her exercise fix: Walk for 30 minutes at a brisk pace, 5 times a week. Target heart rate: 140 to 155 beats per











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Crystal Smith, 34Owns/runs a travel agencyfrom home; married with

three children, ages 5 and4 (twins); Plainfield, NJ

THEN NOW5'5"266 Ibs39.2%52'h"50"53'12"

I:,heightweightbody fatbustwaisthips




"Truth is, I despise cardio. I thought that strength-training,which I love, would be enough to keep me droppingpounds. But I stalled out at the same weight for a fewmonths, and I realize now that I need to up my cardio fromone or two times a week to at least four or five times if Iwant to burn enough calories to continue losing."Crystal's fitness profile: Before visiting Canyon Ranch, Crystal exercisedeither at home or at her gym three times a week while her kids were at school-mostly lifting weights to tone and build muscle.Crystal's fitness Rx: Crystal needs to fit more cardiovascular exercise into herschedule to speed weight loss, which may mean trading one or two strength-training sessions a week for 45 minutes on a treadmill at her gym or on therecumbent stationary bike in her basement. She has already started taking herkids to the local high school in the afternoons, where she can keep an eye onthem as they play while walking around the school track.


"Idon't feel uncomfortable working out in a coed environment anymore. I realizedthat all of my hang-ups were in my head: People weren't staring at me at the gym;we're all there to accomplish the same thing-working toward a better self. Now Idon't have a problem trying a group fitness class."

. WHATWAS YOUR BIGGEST FITNESSACCOMPLISHMENT ATCANYONRANCH?"I took a four-mile walk-by myself! I was on theforest trails around Canyon Ranch, I wasn't wearingmy glasses, and I was petrified! As I walked, aliicould hear were twigs snapping, water running,and movement in the grass. That's when myspeedwalking kicked in. My legs were burning bythe time I made it out of the woods, but after Ishook off my nerves, I figured I had a little more inme so I walked another trail. Overall I walked a littlemore than four miles. I have never done anythinglike that voluntarily before-it was a great feeling."

Crystal's personalfitness goal:to speed weight loss withcardiovascular exercise,

Her exercise fix:.Walk for 30 minutes ata brisk pace, 5 times aweek. Target heart rate:140 to 155 beats perminute, Build up to5 40-minute walkingsessions a week.

r why--track--your_heartrate? j

"Monitoring your heart rate is the best way to gaugethe intensityofyourworkout,"explainsWillDrexler,an exercise physiologist at Canyon Ranch. "There's anoptimal window-if your heart rate is too high,you'repushing too hard and you'll wear out, which can cutyour workout short. If it's too low,you're not gettingall of the calorie-burning benefits of the exercise:'

Your target heart rate range should be between 70percent and 80 percent of your maximum heart rate,says Drexler.Todetermine yours, simply subtract yourage from 220 to get your maximum heart rate. Multiplythat number by .70; also multiply that number by .85-

ill, !


you want your heart rate to fall between these twonumbers while exercising. But bear in mind that thisequation provides only a guideline, notes Drexler: If youfind that workingout withinyour calculatedrangeistoo easy (Le.,you can carry on a conversation while youjog), take it up a notch. Youshould be breathing heavily,sweating, and able to say only a few words.

To measure your heart rate during a workout, investin a heart-rate monitor, which can cost anywhere from$30 to more than $100. Or,simply take your pulse onyour wrist or neck for six seconds, and multiply thatnumber by 10 to determine the beats per minute.

This nifty, chest-strap-free heart-rate monitor watch was donated by MIO for our RLHL

'.' l8n 8t' - participants to use while working out. Nowyou can score one, too: Ten readers willeach

rr j I. -~I win a MIO Shape Select heart-rate monitor valued at $119.99. For details, see page 218. (No" ~ purchase necessary.)Or to purchase a Mia, g~ miowatch.com.

,' , , , ,............................................................................................................................

Lawfat Strawberry. one medium baked potato topped with 2 Tbsp cheddar cheese and 'h cup chopped broccoli' 1 Pepperidge Farm Whole


Page 6: look no time! · to speed weight loss with cardiovascular exercise,.Her exercise fix: Walk for 30 minutes at a brisk pace, 5 times a week. Target heart rate: 140 to 155 beats per


LilyChern, 29Business analyst/entrepreneur; engaged,no children; New York City

THEN NOWheightweightbody fatbustwaisthips

5'1"1361bs24.6%33 'h"30"38'h"


"I've always had the mind-set that if I wasn't sweatingbuckets, then it wasn't aworkout. So even though Ilove classes like belly danc-ing, I would often skipthem to run on the tread-mill. But now I know that ifdon't allow myself somefun, I'll burn out and endup exercising less."

Lily's fitness profile: When wefirst met Lily, she went to the gymtwo or three times a week after work,opting for workouts that deliveredthe maximum calorie burn.

Lily's fitness Rx: Simply swappingone treadmill workout a week for a

group class or an outdoor activity likebike riding can help Lily infuse morevariety into her fitness routine andcircumvent boredom. Lily has alsocommitted to running a half-marathonand is participating in group-training

Lily's personal fitness goal:to build endurance for ahalf-marathon.

Her exercise fix:.Run for 35 minutes, once a week.Target heart rate (TH R): 140 to 150beats per minute (BPM). Add 5 to 10minutes to your running time every2 weeks..Do the following 40-minute intervalworkout (interval-training alternatesshort, high-intensity exercise with


our4. favorite

fitnessgaagetsWith these fun, affordable fitness tools,you won't need a trip to Canyon Ranchto keep exercise interesting (but don'tlet that stop you from going anywayl).


($20, thecompetitiveedge.com)Tanita provided one of theseadjustable-length, high-techjump ropes for each of theRLHLparticipants. Theyallow you to enter your weight inorder to accurately monitor yourcalorie burn, which appears onthe handle's digital screen.

WALKVESTTRAINING SYSTEM($49.95, walkvest.com)Simply slip weights into the pockets ofthis lightweight cotton vest and hit thesidewalk to boost calorie and fat burn.The WalkVest comes with eight V2-poundweights plus a 20-minute walkingworkout CD. Bonus: Enter the couponcode "Red07" when you order online toget a free Intermediate Pedometer Kitwith a 45-minute walking workout CD.

BOSU HOME BALANCETRAINER($99.95, bosu.com)Shaped like half of an exercise ball-dome on one side, flat platform on theother-the BOSU(which stands for "bothsides utilized") is designed to improvecore strength, balance, and stability. Useit ball side up to do squats, step-ups, andmore; turn it over and place your handson the platform for push-upsand planks. It comes with aworkout DVD,exercise 'manual, and pump.

THERA-BANDEXERCISEBANDS(LIGHT)($12.95, amazon.com)These latex resistance bands function asan anytime, anywhere strength-trainingsystem. Stand on one end of the bandand grab the other for biceps curls;wrap it around a pole or stair rail andhold both ends to perform chest pressesor seated rows. Different colors offerdifferent levels of resistance, so it's bestto have a few options (this packagecomes with three).

sessions every Saturday morning-the group's shared goal and camara-derie is great for motivation!


think that they wouldn't challenge meenough, but I took a class that incorpo-rated resistance bands and discov-ered that they can be pretty intense.Plus they take up virtually no space,so they're fantastic for traveling or intiny apartments-like mine!"


"While I was at Canyon Ranch, Iskipped an extra cardio session infavor of a stretching class. I found itto be really relaxing, and I'm convincedthat it's why I wasn't as sore as Iusually am after working out. Sincethen, I have re-prioritized my exercisetime to allow more time for stretching,and it definitely makes me feel better."

lower-intensity exercise; it has beenshown to increase speed, power, andrate of calorie burn) twice a week:

5-minute warm-up (5.5 mph to 6 mph).

Cycle through the following 5 times:For 4 minutes: Run 6.5 mph on a 2percent incline (THR: 150 to 160 BPM).

For 2 minutes: Jog 5.5 mph on a 0percent incline (THR: below 140 BPM).Cool down for 5 minutes.

Add 0.2 mph or a 1 percent inclineevery 4 to 6 weeks.

Wheat Mini Bagel with 1 slice Healthy Choice Roasted Turkey Breast, tomato, and mustard. 1 slice whole-wheat toast topped with 1 Tbsp peanut butlei,, .................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

86 AUGUST 2007 www.redbookmag.com

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to knowaboutexerciseWe asked exercise physiolo-gist WillDrexler to tackleyour most common questionsabout fitness.

Q: Howaccurate are thecalorie-burning counters oncardio machines?A: Not very.They tend to over-estimate calorie burn by a fairamount-up to 30 percent,depending on the machine.Stationary bikes, treadmills, andmachines that allowyou to enteryour weight tend to be moreaccurate; ellipticalsgenerallyexaggerate results. To determinehow many calories you can burnbased on your weight for morethan 220 physical activities, go toprimusweb.com/fitnesspartner.

Q: Should I eat before orafter a workout?A: After.Youwant to replace thecarbohydrates and glycogen (storedglucose that's used for energy)that were depleted or you'll be moresusceptible to injury and burnout.And the sooner you eat, the morelikelythose nutrients willgo tothe place where they were expendedand are needed most. Researchsuggests that a snack with a carb-to-protein ratio offourto one(see ticker starting at the bottomof page 80 for ideas) is the mostbeneficial.

Q: Why do I feel sore two daysafter going to the gym?A: This is called "delayed-onsetmuscle soreness." Muscle structure

is broken down a little duringstrength-training, and soreness is


a sign that your body is rebuilding.Asmuch as you may want tojust sit on the couch, it helps tomove: Activityincreases bloodflowto the area, delivering nutrientsthat help repair muscle.

Q:Can I tone muscle withoutlifting weights?A: Any exercise that involves pushingor pulling against a resistance-such as yoga, Pilates, push-ups,planks, and using resistance bands-is good for muscle toning andendurance.

Q: If I want to lose weight andtone up, should I lose a fewpounds first before I startstrength-training?A: Youdon't have to, but manypeople want to see results on thescale right away-it keeps themmotivated. Ifthat's you, start withaerobic activity to drop poundsfaster, then as you get closer to yourgoal body weight, focus more onstrength-training. At this point youwon't see as much change on thescale because you'll be buildingmuscle-and muscle weighs morethan fat-but you willbe improvingyour fitness level.

Q: Why do men lose weightfaster than women?

A: Men naturally have a higher "VO2max,"which is the maximumamount of oxygen a person can useduring exercise.And the moreoxygen you use, the more caloriesyou burn. Also,pound for pound,men have more lean muscle mass,which burns more calories at restthan fat tissue does.

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1 Tbsp honey, and 1 banana, sliced' trail mix made with 1 oz dry roasted almonds, 1 small box""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""".................................................................................................................................................

88 AUGUST 2007 www.redbookmag.com

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Q: Should I work out every day?A: It's okay to do cardiovascularexercise daily, but you shouldn'tstrength-train every day-yourmuscles need time to recover.

In general, it's good to take oneday off entirely each week: Remem-ber, exercise is stressful on thebody, plus you don't want to burnout mentally.

Q:Howoften do I need tobuy new workout shoes?A:The general rule is every 500miles, but sneakers tend to lastlonger if you're using them on cardioand weight machines versuspounding the pavement with regularoutdoor runs.

Q: How many calories should Iexpend each day to lose weight?A: To lose 1 pound a week you needto expend an additional 500 caloriesa day, either through exercise orcutting calories from your diet. Don'ttry to lose more than 2 poundsa week-people who lose weightquickly tend to regain it quickly.

Q: If I have only 30 minutes,what's the best way to utilizethat time to burn the mostcalories and fat?A: Workout at the high end of yourtarget heart rate zone doing anythingthat gets you up to that level,whether it's doing one cardiovascularactivityor a combination of activities.

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. Sign up for the weekly RLHLe-mail newsletteratredbookmag.com :Irlhlto receive dietary advice, recipes, and more. :

. Meet RLHLTeam REDBOOKand read about theirchallengesand !victories on their blogs at redbookmag.com/rlhl. !.Join a REDBOOK Walking Group in your area at meetup.com/redbook. :

. ReadCrystal's,Uly's,and Maria'sblogsat lifestyle.msn ~:

.com/redbook to learn about their RLHLexperiences. msn..!. .. .'

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,ins,and 1 oz toasted sunflower seeds. one Kashi Chewy Granola Peanut Peanut Butter Bar. @..................................................................................................................................................................................................................................

www.redbookmag.com AUGUST 2007 89 UIflli