Long-term Memory Serial position Chapter 6

Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

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Page 1: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Long-term Memory

Serial position

Chapter 6

Page 2: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Division of LTM

Page 3: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Working Memory



Other types: source memory, false memory, meta-memory, memory for discourse,

memory for pictures, everyday memory, recent vs. remote LTM …

Page 4: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)


Question: Are STM and LTM

independent memory systems?

How can we dissociate STM and LTM?

Experimental method: serial position

Case studies: amnesia


Page 5: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Distinguish STM and LTM Murdoch (1962)

Method: Free recall % correct overall

% correct for each position

Primacy Memory for first items


Recency Memory for last items


Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory

Page 6: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

CogLab: Serial position curve

(fall ‘10 data)

Page 7: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Ward, Avons, & Melling (2005)

Remember sequence of nonwords

Page 8: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Ward, Avons, & Melling (2005)

Remember sequence of faces

Page 9: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Change the serial position curve

What expmt’l manipulation will effect:

Primacy portion of the curve?

Recency portion of the curve?

Page 10: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Effect of rehearsal

Rundus (1971)

Rehearsal affects primacy or LTM

Page 11: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Serial position curve:

Presentation rate Glanzer & Cunitz (1966)

Condition affects primacy or LTM

Page 12: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Serial position curve:

Delay between study/test Glanzer & Cunitz (1966)

Condition affects recency or STM

Page 13: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Serial position curve

What other variables could you play with to

change the serial position curve?

Length of list

Activity during delay

Divided attention during encoding

Requirement to recall in order presented

Provide encoding strategy

Age groups

Other participant grps (amnesia)

Page 14: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Craik (1970) “Negative recency effect”

Free recall of words after each list

Typical serial position curves for individual lists

Surprise final recall test

Words from end of lists significantly worse recall

compared to mid-portion words!


Reduce primacy effect - words not in LTM

Page 15: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Serial position curve and

Code of information in memory

Use list recall method

Examine code (representation) of

information in memory




Examine types of errors

Page 16: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Kintsch & Buschke (1969)

























Synonyms: same meaning Homophones: same sound







after Buy

Page 17: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Kintsch & Buschke (1969) Probe recall task

Method: given 1 item- asked to report next item in series


Primacy (LTM): semantic code

Recency (STM): acoustic code

Page 18: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Wickens (1976)


What is the effect of interference?

How is information coded in STM?


4 groups of lists - recall


4 groups semantically same (Fruit)

3 groups semantically same, 4th group different

Vary “difference” of 4th group

Page 19: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Wickens: Semantic code

“Release from proactive interference”

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Modality effect

Brems (1984) from Watkins (2001)

Method: Lists of written or spoken words (10 items)


Immediate and surprise “grand” test


Echoic memory improves performance for final items

Page 21: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Brems (1984)

Varied phonological similarity (rhyming)

Less modality effect when phonologically similar for fast presentation (reduce auditory benefit)

Page 22: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Talmi, Grady, Goshen-Gottstein, &

Moscovitch (2005). Neuroimaging the serial position curve.

Early vs late



Early vs late




Early vs


Left medial

temporal lobe

Early vs




Early vs late probe = item presented at beginning of list vs end of list

Page 23: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Serial position curve

Method: free recall

Result: serial position curve

Evidence for separate STM and LTM systems

Manipulations to affect:

Primacy portion of the curve?

Rehearsal via presentation rate

Recency portion of the curve?

Delay immediate recall

Other ways to separate STM/LTM?

Neuropsychological evidence

Double dissociation

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“The Last Hippie” by Oliver Sacks

“A few more questions convinced me that Greg F

had virtually no memory of events much past

1970, certainly no coherent chronological memory

of them. He seemed to have been left, marooned,

in the sixties – his memory, his development, his

inner life had since then come to a stop.”

Page 25: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)


Anterograde amnesia

Memory loss after point of damage

E.g. H.M.; Korsakoff’s syndrome; encephalitis

Retrograde amnesia

Can’t remember events prior to point of injury

“Soap opera amnesia”

E.g. K.C.

Problem for multi-mode model of memory?

How does information get into LTM if no STM?

Page 26: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Baddeley & Warrington (1970)

Amnesic vs control

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Neuropsychological evidence of

separate STM and LTM

H.M. and Clive Wearing

Intact STM; impaired LTM


Intact LTM; impaired STM

Double dissociation

Page 28: Long-term Memory Serial position · LTM Recency Memory for last items STM Serial position curve Two independent systems of memory . CogLab: Serial position curve (fall ‘10 data)

Clive Wearing

Dense retrograde and anterograde amnesia patient

Born in 1938, contracted viral encephalitis in 1985

Previously a very successful musician

Husband to 2nd wife; has children from 1st marriage

BBC 2005 – “Man with the 7s memory” 20 yrs post injury – 67 yrs old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wDNDRDJy-vo&feature=related

1998 documentary 13 yrs post injury – 60 years old http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Lu9UY8Zqg-Q&feature=related

