OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT LONG BRANCH PUBLIC SCHOOLS 540 Broadway, Long Branch, New Jersey 07740 MICHAEL SALVATORE, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools (732) 571-2868 Ext. 400 I0 Fax: (732) 229-0797 "Where Children Matter Most" September 6, 2016 Dear Parent/Guardian: The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is our country's most important federal education law. In 2001 this law was reauthorized and is now called the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). NCLB was designed to make changes in teaching and learning that will help increase academic achievement in our schools. Recently, the ESEA has been reviewed by legislation and we are expecting an overhaul to ensure access to quality education is afforded to all students. The current law requires that all schools receiving Title I funds must inform parents of their right to ask schools about the qualifications of their child's teachers. Our school receives Title I funding and we are happy to share this information with you at your request. We believe that nothing is more important to your child's education at school than having a well-prepared and highly qualified teacher. The law requires that all teachers who teach in core content areas must meet a specific legal definition of "highly qualified" in order to teach in schools that receive Title I funding. The legal definition of a "highly qualified teacher" has three parts. It states that the teacher must have the following: I. A four-year college degree 2. A regular teaching certificatellicense 3. Proof ofhis/her knowledge in the subject they teach New Jersey has some of the most qualified teachers in the country, and we are extremely proud of the quality of the teaching staffin the Long Branch School District. All our regular teachers have college degrees and many have advanced degrees. The state of New Jersey has always required a teaching certificate/license for all teachers. In addition, every teacher continues learning through professional development activities and our teachers are evaluated each year to make sure that their teaching skills remain at the highest possible level. Most teachers already meet this legal definition of highly qualified. Teachers in the state of New Jersey are required to meet this definition. To ensure that every child in every classroom has a highly qualified teacher, the state of New Jersey and our school district are working together to help teachers meet the requirements of the federal law by providing several options. Teachers may take a content Praxis test, or they can demonstrate their expertise through a college major in the content. A highly qualified teacher knows what to teach, how to teach, and has a full understanding of the subject matter being taught. We believe that every teacher in our school is fully qualified and dedicated to teaching your child, and we will do everything possible to help our teachers who may not yet meet the legal definition required by the federal government. I encourage you to support your child's education and communicate with your child's teacher(s) on a regular basis. For more information on NCLB, and the role of parents, please visit the United States Department of Education (USDE) Web site at www.ed.zov/nclb. By partnering, families and educators can provide your child with the best education possible. Sincerely, Michael Salvatore, Ph.D. Superintendent of Schools MS/mt

LONG BRANCH PUBLIC SCHOOLS 540 Broadway, Long Branch, … · LONG BRANCH PUBLIC SCHOOLS 540 Broadway, Long Branch, New Jersey 07740 MICHAEL SALVATORE, Ph.D. ... We believe that every

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Page 1: LONG BRANCH PUBLIC SCHOOLS 540 Broadway, Long Branch, … · LONG BRANCH PUBLIC SCHOOLS 540 Broadway, Long Branch, New Jersey 07740 MICHAEL SALVATORE, Ph.D. ... We believe that every


540 Broadway, Long Branch, New Jersey 07740

MICHAEL SALVATORE, Ph.D.Superintendent of Schools(732) 571-2868 Ext. 400 I0Fax: (732) 229-0797

"Where Children Matter Most"

September 6, 2016

Dear Parent/Guardian:

The Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) is our country's most important federal education law. In 2001 this law wasreauthorized and is now called the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). NCLB was designed to make changes in teaching andlearning that will help increase academic achievement in our schools. Recently, the ESEA has been reviewed by legislation and weare expecting an overhaul to ensure access to quality education is afforded to all students.

The current law requires that all schools receiving Title I funds must inform parents of their right to ask schools about thequalifications of their child's teachers. Our school receives Title I funding and we are happy to share this information with you atyour request.

We believe that nothing is more important to your child's education at school than having a well-prepared and highly qualifiedteacher. The law requires that all teachers who teach in core content areas must meet a specific legal definition of "highly qualified"in order to teach in schools that receive Title I funding. The legal definition of a "highly qualified teacher" has three parts. It statesthat the teacher must have the following:

I. A four-year college degree2. A regular teaching certificatellicense3. Proof ofhis/her knowledge in the subject they teach

New Jersey has some of the most qualified teachers in the country, and we are extremely proud of the quality of the teaching staffinthe Long Branch School District. All our regular teachers have college degrees and many have advanced degrees. The state of NewJersey has always required a teaching certificate/license for all teachers. In addition, every teacher continues learning throughprofessional development activities and our teachers are evaluated each year to make sure that their teaching skills remain at thehighest possible level.

Most teachers already meet this legal definition of highly qualified. Teachers in the state of New Jersey are required to meet thisdefinition.

To ensure that every child in every classroom has a highly qualified teacher, the state of New Jersey and our school district areworking together to help teachers meet the requirements of the federal law by providing several options. Teachers may take a contentPraxis test, or they can demonstrate their expertise through a college major in the content.

A highly qualified teacher knows what to teach, how to teach, and has a full understanding of the subject matter being taught. Webelieve that every teacher in our school is fully qualified and dedicated to teaching your child, and we will do everything possible tohelp our teachers who may not yet meet the legal definition required by the federal government.

I encourage you to support your child's education and communicate with your child's teacher(s) on a regular basis. For moreinformation on NCLB, and the role of parents, please visit the United States Department of Education (USDE) Web site atwww.ed.zov/nclb.

By partnering, families and educators can provide your child with the best education possible.


Michael Salvatore, Ph.D.Superintendent of Schools


Page 2: LONG BRANCH PUBLIC SCHOOLS 540 Broadway, Long Branch, … · LONG BRANCH PUBLIC SCHOOLS 540 Broadway, Long Branch, New Jersey 07740 MICHAEL SALVATORE, Ph.D. ... We believe that every


MICHAEL SALVATORE, Ph.D.Superintendente de Escuelas(732) 571-2868 Ext. 40010Fax: (732) 229-0797

"Donde Los Estudiantes Son Lo Mas Importante"

Septiembre 6, 2016Estimado Padre/Encargado:

La Ley de Educaci6n Primaria y Secundaria (ESEA) es la ley federal de educaci6n mas importante de nuestro pais. En 2001 esta leyfue ratificada y ahora se llama la Ley Que Ningun Nifio Se Quede Arras del 2001 (NCLB - en Ingles ).NCLB fue disefiado para hacercambios en la ensefianza y en el aprendizaje que ayudara a aumentar el rendimiento escolar en nuestras escuelas. Recientemente, elESEA ha sido revisado por la legislacion y nosotros estamos esperando cambios grandes para aseguramos de poder ofercer unaeducacion de alta calidad para todos los estudiantes.

La ley actual exige que todas las escuelas que reciben fondos de Titulo I, informen a los padres de su derecho de solicitar alasescuelas acerca de las calificaciones de los maestros desu hijo(a). Nuestra escuela recibe fondos de Titulo I y si usted 10 desea,estamos dispuestos en compartir esta informaci6n con usted.

Creemos que no hay nada mas importante para la educaci6n de su hijo(a) en la escuela que tener un maestro(a) bien preparado yaltamente calificado. La ley requiere que todos los maestros que ensefian en las areas de contenido basi co deben cumplir con unadefinici6n jurfdica especifica de "altamente calificado" para poder ensefiar en las escuelas que reciben fondos de Titulo I. Ladefinici6n jurfdica de "maestro(a) altamente calificado" tiene tres partes. Esto implica que el maestro(a) debe tener 10 siguiente:

I. Un titulo universitario de cuatro afios2. Un certificadol Iicencia regular de ensefianza3. Prueba de conocimiento en la materia que ensefian

Nueva Jersey tiene unosde los mejores maestros mas calificados en el pais, y estamos muy orgullosos de la calidad del personal deensefianza del Distrito Escolar de Long Branch. Todos nuestros maestros regulares tienen titulos universitarios y muchos de ellostienen grados avanzados. El estado de Nueva Jersey ha exigido siempre un certificado de ensefianzallicencia para todos los maestros.Ademas, cada uno de los maestros continua aprendiendo a traves de actividades de desarrollo professional y nuestros maestros sonevaluados cada afio para asegurarse que sus tecnicas/destrezas de ensefianza permanezcan al nivel mas alto posible.

La mayoria de los maestros ya cumplen esta definici6n legal de altamente calificado. Los maestros en el estado de Nueva Jersey estanobligados a cumplir con esta definici6n. Para asegurar que cada nifiota) en cada sal6n de clase tenga un maestro(a) altamentecalificado, el estado de Nueva Jersey junto con nuestro distrito escolar, esta trabajando para ayudar a los maestros a cumplir con losrequisitos de la ley federal de varias opciones. Los maestros pueden tomar una prueba de contenido de Praxis, 0 pueden demostrar susconocimientos a traves de una especialidad universitaria.

Un maestro(a) altamente calificado sabe 10 que va a ensefiar, c6mo ensefiar, y tiene un entendimiento completo de la materia queensefia, Creemos que cada maestro(a) de nuestra escuela esta totalmente calificado y dedicado a ensefiarle a su hijo(a), y haremostodo 10 posible para ayudar a los maestros, que aun no han alcanzado lograr la definici6n juridica requerida por el gobiemo federal.

Los animo a que apoyen la educaci6n de sus hijos y que se comuniquen regularmente con el maestro(os) de su hijo(s). Para obtenermas informaci6n sobre NCLB, y el papel que los padres tienen en la educacion de sus hijo(os), por favor visiten el Departamento deEducaci6n de los Estados Unidos (USDE) sitio Web en www.ed.gov/nclb. Familias y educadores trabajando juntos pueden brindarle asu hijo(a) la mejor educaci6n posible.


Michael Salvatore, Ph.D.Superintendente das Escolas


Page 3: LONG BRANCH PUBLIC SCHOOLS 540 Broadway, Long Branch, … · LONG BRANCH PUBLIC SCHOOLS 540 Broadway, Long Branch, New Jersey 07740 MICHAEL SALVATORE, Ph.D. ... We believe that every


540 Broadway, Long Branch, New Jersey 07740

MICHAEL SALVATORE, Ph.D.Superintendente das Escolas(732) 571-2868 Ext. 40010Fax: (732) 229-0797

"Onde os alunos sao os mais importantes"

, Setembro 6 de 2016

Caros Pais I Encarregados de Educacao:

A Lei de Educacdo Primaria e Secundaria (ESEA) e a lei federal mais importante de nossopais. Em 2001, essa lei foi ratificada eagora e chamada No Child Left Behind Act de 2001 (NCLB). A lei NCLB foi criada para fazer mudancas no ensino e aprendizagemque aumentam 0 desempenho dos alunos em nossas escolas. Recentemente, a ESEA foi revisto pela legislacao e estamos esperandouma revisao para garantir 0 acesso a educacao de qualidade e oferecida a todos os alunos.

A lei atual exige que todas as escolas que recebem fundos do Titulo I, notifiquem os pais sobre 0 seu direito de solicitar sas escolasasqualificacoes dos professores do seu filho (a). A nossa escola recebe recursos do Titulo J, e se desejar, estamos dispostos acornpartilhar essas informacoes com voce.

Acreditamos que nao ha nada mais importante para a educacao do seu filho (a) na escola do que ter urn professores bem treinados ealtamente qualificados. Para ensinar nas escolas que recebem fundos Titulo, a lei exige que todos os professores que lecionam emareas de conteudo basico sejam "altamente qualificado" por definicao juridical. A definicao legal de professor (a) "altarnentequalificado " se categoriza em tres partes:

I. Urn diploma universitario de quatro anos2. Urn certificado / Iicenca de ensino regular3. Prova de conhecimentos na disciplina que ensinam

New Jersey tern alguns dos professores mais qualificados do pais, e estamos muito orgulhosos com a qualidade do professorado denosso distrito escolar. Todos os nossos professores regulares tern diplomas universitarios, e muitos tern encino avancados. 0 estado deNova Jersey sempre exigiu urn certificado de ensino de todos os professores. Alem disso, cada professor continua aprendendo atravesde atividades dedesenvolvimento professional, e os nossos professores sac avaliados.a cada ana para garantir que suas habilidades deensino perrnanecam no nivel mais alto possfvel.

A maioria de nossos professores ja cumprem a definicao legal de profissionais aItamente qualificados. Professores no Estado de NewJersey devem cumprir essa definicao. Para garantir que todas as criancas em cada sala de aula tenha urn professor (a) altamentequalificado, 0 estado de New Jersey,juntamente com 0 nosso distrito escolar, esta trabalhando para ajudar os professores a cumprir osrequisitos da lei federal com varias opcoes. Os professores podem fazer urn teste de conteudo basico chamado Praxis, ou podemdemonstrar seu conhecimento atraves de urn estudo universitario concentrado.

Urn professor (a) altamente qualificado sabe 0 que ensinar, como ensinar, e tern uma compreensao completa da disciplina queensinarn. Acreditamos que cada professor (a) da nossa escola e totalmente qualificado e dedicado a ensinar seu filho (a), e faremos 0

possivel para ajudar os professores que ainda nao atingiram, a atingir a definicao legal exigi do pelo govemo federal.

Incentivamos seu apoio na educacao de seus filhos, e que comuniquem-se regularmente com os professores. Para mais informacoessobre NCLB, e 0 papel que os pais/desempenbam na educacao de seus filhos, por favor visite 0 site do Departamento de Educacaodos Estados Unidos (USDE) ~ed.gov/nc1b. Acredito, que trabalhamdo juntos, famflias e educadores podem fomecer alunos com amelhor educacao possivel, \


Michael Salvatore, Ph.D.Superintendente das Escolas
