Lone Tree CrossFit Paleo Challenge It’s time to get serious about eating right. The Lone Tree CrossFit Paleo Challenge is your opportunity to take your fitness and health to the next level by focusing not just on what you do with your body, but on what you use to fuel your body. During the monthlong challenge, you’ll keep track of what you eat, when you come to the gym, and what extra work you do on your own. These things will help you earn (or lose) points that will contribute to your standing and success in the paleo challenge. This packet contains all the details you need to know to complete the paleo challenge, including what foods are and are not paleo, how the point system works, and how to record and report your points.

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Lone  Tree  CrossFit  Paleo  Challenge    

It’s  time  to  get  serious  about  eating  right.  The  Lone  Tree  CrossFit  Paleo  Challenge  is  your  opportunity  to  take  your  fitness  and  health  to  the  next  level  by  focusing  not  just  on  what  you  do  with  your  body,  but  on  what  you  use  to  fuel  your  body.    During  the  month-­‐long  challenge,  you’ll  keep  track  of  what  you  eat,  when  you  come  to  the  gym,  and  what  extra  work  you  do  on  your  own.  These  things  will  help  you  earn  (or  lose)  points  that  will  contribute  to  your  standing  and  success  in  the  paleo  challenge.      This  packet  contains  all  the  details  you  need  to  know  to  complete  the  paleo  challenge,  including  what  foods  are  and  are  not  paleo,  how  the  point  system  works,  and  how  to  record  and  report  your  points.                                                              

The  Point  System    

You’ll  keep  track  of  your  points  on  the  score  sheet  included  in  this  packet.    Here  is  the  breakdown  of  how  the  points  are  awarded:    

• Daily  Points  o Begin  every  day  with  10  points  o Subtract  1  point  for  each  serving  of  non-­‐paleo  food  or  beverage  you  

consume  o Add  points  for:  

§ Attending  class  at  Lone  Tree  CrossFit  (1  point)  § Doing  15+  minutes  of  mobility  work  on  your  own  (1  point)  § Doing  15+  minutes  of  skill  work  on  your  own  (1point)  § Sleeping  8+  hours  in  a  day  (1  point)  § Consume  half  your  body  weight  in  ounces  of  water  each  day  (1  


• Bonus  points  o 20  points  for  perfect  attendance  based  on  your  membership  level  

Foods that Make you Lose Points (aka “Bad Stuff”)

Lose 1 point for each serving you consume of the following: Sugar Do not consume added sugar of any kind, real or artificial. No maple syrup, honey, agave nectar, Splenda, Equal, Nutrasweet, xylitol, etc. Read your labels because companies sneak sugar into products in ways you might not recognize. See the next page for a list of weird names that companies use for sugar. Alcohol Alcohol is processed by the body in much the same way as sugar, and presents the same kinds of health issues. (With the whole “it's a drug” thing added in on top.) Grains Do not eat grains. This includes (but is not limited to) wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, rice, millet, bulgur, sorghum, amaranth, buckwheat, sprouted grains, and all of those gluten-free, pseudo-grains like quiona. Yes, we said corn... for the purposes of this challenge, corn is a grain. This also includes all the ways we add wheat, corn, and rice into our food in for the form of bran, germ, starch, and so on. Again, read your labels. Legumes Do not eat legumes. This includes beans of all kind (black, red, pinto, navy, white, kidney, lima, fava, etc.) peas, chickpeas, lentils, and peanuts (no peanut butter either). This also includes all forms of soy: soy sauce, miso, tofu, tempeh, edamame, and all the ways we sneak soy into foods (like lecithin). Dairy Do not eat dairy. This includes cow, goat, or sheep’s milk products such as cream, cheese, kefir, yogurt (even Greek), and sour cream... with the exception of clarified butter or organic butter. Potatoes Do not eat white potatoes. This is somewhat arbitrary, but if you're trying to change your habits and improve the hormonal impact of your food choices, it’s best to leave white, red, purple, Yukon gold and fingerling potatoes off your plate. But DO eat sweet potatoes! Just go light if weight loss is your goal. Most of this page's content is stolen from http://carrotsncake.com/2012/10/paleo-challenge-rules.html

Sugar's Pseudonyms

You should be reading the ingredient labels of any food you consume. All of the following terms are used by companies as a pseudonym for sugar. If you see any of these on a food label, you will lose 1 point for each serving of that item that you consume: Just Plain Sugar •______ Sugar (brown sugar, cane sugar, raw sugar, beet sugar, confectioner’s sugar, etc.) •______ Syrup (high fructose corn syrup, malt syrup, refiner’s syrup, rice syrup, etc.) Science-y Names for Sugar

• Dextrose •Disaccharide • Fructose •Glucose • Galactose •Lactose • Maltodextrin •Maltose • Monosaccharide •Polysaccharide • Ribose •Saccharose • Sucrose

“Natural” Sugars

• Agave Nectar •Coconut Nectar • Coconut Sugar •Date Sugar • (Evaporated) Cane juice •Honey • Maple Syrup •Molasses • Rice Malt (extract) •(Sweet) Sorghum • Treacle

Artificial (Non-Nutritive) Sweeteners

• Aspartame •Acesulfame-K/Potassium • Equal •Nutra-Sweet • Saccharin •Splenda • Stevia •Sucralose • SweetLeaf •Sweet ‘n Low • Truvia

Sugar Alcohols

• Arabitol •Dulcitol • Erythritol •Glycol • Glycerol •Hydrogenated Starch Hydrosylate (HSH) • Iditol •Isomalt • Lactitol •Maltitol • Mannitol •Polyglycitol • Ribitol •Sorbitol • Threitol •Xylitol

Most of this page's content is stolen from http://whole9life.com/2010/06/sugar-sugar-sugar/

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

What you ate What you ate What you ate What you ate What you ate What you ate What you ate Breakfast:

Breakfast: Breakfast: Breakfast: Breakfast: Breakfast: Breakfast:


Lunch: Lunch: Lunch: Lunch: Lunch: Lunch:


Dinner: Dinner: Dinner: Dinner: Dinner: Dinner:


Snacks: Snacks: Snacks: Snacks: Snacks: Snacks:

Total Servings of “Bad Stuff”

Total Servings of “Bad Stuff”

Total Servings of “Bad Stuff”

Total Servings of “Bad Stuff”

Total Servings of “Bad Stuff”

Total Servings of “Bad Stuff”

Total Servings of “Bad Stuff”

What you did What you did What you did What you did What you did What you did What you did Attend Class? Yes (+1) No (0)

Attend Class? Yes (+1) No (0)

Attend Class? Yes (+1) No (0)

Attend Class? Yes (+1) No (0)

Attend Class? Yes (+1) No (0)

Attend Class? Yes (+1) No (0)

Attend Class? Yes (+1) No (0)

15+ min mobility? Yes(+1) No (0)

15+ min mobility? Yes(+1) No (0)

15+ min mobility? Yes(+1) No (0)

15+ min mobility? Yes(+1) No (0)

15+ min mobility? Yes(+1) No (0)

15+ min mobility? Yes(+1) No (0)

15+ min mobility? Yes(+1) No (0)

15+ min skills? Yes(+1) No(0)

15+ min skills? Yes(+1) No(0)

15+ min skills? Yes(+1) No(0)

15+ min skills? Yes(+1) No(0)

15+ min skills? Yes(+1) No(0)

15+ min skills? Yes(+1) No(0)

15+ min skills? Yes(+1) No(0)

Sleep 8+ hours? Yes(+1) No(0)

Sleep 8+ hours? Yes(+1) No(0)

Sleep 8+ hours? Yes(+1) No(0)

Sleep 8+ hours? Yes(+1) No(0)

Sleep 8+ hours? Yes(+1) No(0)

Sleep 8+ hours? Yes(+1) No(0)

Sleep 8+ hours? Yes(+1) No(0)

Drink ½ body weight in ounces? Yes(+1) No(0)

Drink ½ body weight in ounces? Yes(+1) No(0)

Drink ½ body weight in ounces? Yes(+1) No(0)

Drink ½ body weight in ounces? Yes(+1) No(0)

Drink ½ body weight in ounces? Yes(+1) No(0)

Drink ½ body weight in ounces? Yes(+1) No(0)

Drink ½ body weight in ounces? Yes(+1) No(0)

Total Activity Points:

Total Activity Points:

Total Activity Points:

Total Activity Points:

Total Activity Points:

Total Activity Points:

Total Activity Points:

Scoring: Scoring: Scoring: Scoring: Scoring: Scoring: Scoring: Starting points: 10 Starting points:

10 Starting points: 10

Starting points: 10

Starting points: 10

Starting points: 10

Starting points: 10

+Activity Points: +Activity Points: +Activity Points:

+Activity Points: +Activity Points: +Activity Points: +Activity Points:

-“Bad Stuff”

-“Bad Stuff” -“Bad Stuff” -“Bad Stuff” -“Bad Stuff” -“Bad Stuff” -“Bad Stuff”

Total Points:

Total Points: Total Points: Total Points: Total Points: Total Points: Total Points: