London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL

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  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Passg game cap daggg s oe of the oldest games Aeaa.

    Age: 7 to 18 years.

    How to play

    Two teams with our to eight playersin each team.

    A at playing space approximatelythe size o a ootball pitch.

    A game is made up o two,10 minute halves.

    The game starts rom the centre othe playing area with the attackingteam passing the ball to one o theirown players.

    The attacking team must run, passing theball to each other with the aim o scoringthrough the hoop in the deenders area.

    A deender may not touch an attackerbut may attempt to intercept the ballwhen thrown.

    Ater a score the ball returns to thecentre and the deending teamsplayers become the attackers.

    I a score is not made the deenderstake the ball rom that point and becomethe attackers, aiming to score at theopposite end o the playing area.

    I two players hold the ball at oncethe reeree bounces the ball betweenthe two players to restart the game.

    An attacking player may not hold theball or longer than 10 seconds.


    Heavy ball.


    No contact permitted.

    Sur papaq


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptatos ad vaatos

    Makg the game ease

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): The goal target could bedrawn on the ground.

    E(quipment): Use a lighter ball.

    P(eople): Increase the numbero attackers.

    Makg the game hade

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): Every member o the attackingteam must touch the ball beore anattempt on goal.

    E(quipment): NA. P(eople): Increase the numbero deenders.

    icludg youg dsaled people

    The icluso Spectum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    icluso Spectum checklst Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challengedin an appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variationsand adaptations (STEP) tomodiy the activity.

    Parallel Groups or teams basedon ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Sklls Developed

    Agility. Throwing. Catching. Aiming. Teamwork.

    Playing strategies.Ths actvty ca e used as

    A game.

    Olympc ad Paalympc Valuesths actvty ca develop

    Respect. Friendship. Equality. Courage. Determination.

    Who could use ths cad?


    Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Parents.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A traitioa tai am pay i rura commuitis.

    A: 12+

    How to pay

    Two equal-sized teams.

    A playing space 14m x 7m dividedinto equal spaces equal to thenumber o deenders playing the game.

    The attacking team attemptsto cross the playing spacerom one end to the other.

    The deending team try toprevent the attackers crossingthe space by tagging them.

    Deenders are restricted toan allocated space.

    Teams swap over once all theattackers have either crossedthe space or been tagged.


    The team with the greaternumber o players successulin crossing the space withoutbeing tagged is the winner.


    A at playing space ree o debris.

    Daria Bandha


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Aaptatios a variatios

    Maki th am asir

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): NA. E(quipment): NA. P(eople): Decrease the

    number o deenders.

    Maki th am harr

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): Set a time limit or all theattackers to cross the playing space.

    E(quipment): NA. P(eople): Increase thenumber o deenders.

    Icui you isab pop

    Th Icusio Spctrum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activity

    can be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    Icusio Spctrum chckist Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challenged inan appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variationsand adaptations (STEP) tomodiy the activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Skis vop

    Running. Changing direction.

    This activity ca b us as

    A warm up. A game.

    Oympic a Paraympic Vausthis activity ca vop

    Respect. Determination. Equality.

    Who cou us this car?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Parents.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A jumpng game of unknown ogn.

    Age: 6+

    How to pay

    Played in groups o two or three.

    A at open playing space.

    Two players stand opposite eachother inside the elastic and hold is

    taut at ankle height with legs apart. One player stands inside the elasticthree steps rom the other players.

    I there are only two players thenone end o the elastic should besecured round a fxed object.

    The rules vary according tothe age o the players.

    The players create their own jumpingphase (pattern) using a combinationo any jumps, or example:

    both eet on the elastic;

    both eet outside the elastic; or

    one oot out and one ootin the elastic, jumping romone oot to the other.

    The two players holding the elasticgradually raise its height.

    The jumping player continues

    until he or she is unable tocomplete their planned phase.

    The game continues until everyplayer has had a turn.

    The player who completed their phase

    at the highest level will be the winner.


    Elastic a minimum o 4m in lengthand with a width o 0.5cm.


    Extreme care when jumpingin and out o the elastic.

    A at playing area reeo debris.



  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptatons and vaatons

    Makng the game ease

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): Restrict the heightthe elastic can go to.

    E(quipment): NA.

    P(eople): NA.

    Makng the game hade

    S(pace): Increase the distance betweenthe two players holding the elastic.

    T(ask): Work with a parallel partner. E(quipment): NA. P(eople): NA.

    incudng young dsabed peope

    The incuson Spectum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximum

    participation and achievement.By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    incuson Spectum checkst Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challenged inan appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variationsand adaptations (STEP) tomodiy the activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Sks deveoped

    Coordination. Balance. Jumping.

    Ths actvty can be used as

    A game.

    Oympc and Paaympc Vauesths actvty can deveop

    Courage. Determination. Equality.

    Who coud use ths cad?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Parents.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Ae: 5 to 16 years.

    How o la Two equal-sized teams o ve ormore players and one leader.

    The playing space is twoparallel lines 20m apart.

    The leader stands holding up a

    handkerchie in a circle drawn inthe centre o the playing area. Players in each team are numberedone to ve (above i there aremore than ve players).

    The game begins by the leaderholding up the handkerchie witharm extended calling a numberrom one to ve (above i thereare more than ve players).

    The two players rom each teamwith this number quickly runinto the circle to try to grab thehandkerchie rom the leader.

    The player who succeeds in grabbingthe handkerchie tries to run backto his or her line without beingtagged by their opposite number.

    Scorin The player wins a point or the teami this task is completed successully.

    I the player is tagged then thepoint goes to the opposite team.


    A handkerchie.


    A fat playing area ree o debris.

    A radiional Eian ame laed widel across he counr.

    The handkerchief game


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaaions and variaions

    Makin he ame easier

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): Players race to be back rstto their line with the handkerchie.

    E(quipment): Two handkerchies

    one or each player. P(eople): NA.

    Makin he ame harder

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): As well as grabbing thehandkerchie, players may attempt toblock the space o their opponents.

    E(quipment): NA. P(eople): NA.

    Includin oun disabled eole

    the Inclusion Secrum oersspecic guidance on how inclusion o

    ALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    Inclusion Secrum checklis Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challenged inan appropriate way to improve.

    There are ve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modication.

    Modied Variationsand adaptations (STEP) tomodiy the activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Skills develoed

    Running. Stopping. Change o direction.

    this acivi can be used as

    A warm up.

    Olmic and paralmic Valueshis acivi can develo

    Respect. Determination. Equality. Friendship.

    Who could use his card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders.


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Age: All ages.

    How to play

    Unlimited numbers but playedin pairs made up of one senderand one thrower at a time.

    A 15m x 10m playing space.

    The sender rolls the hoop in a straightline across the space and remains atthe side until the throw is complete.

    When ready the thrower throwsa spear-like stick at the rollinghoop from a distance of 10m.

    After three attempts the senderand the thrower change placesand the activity is repeated.

    The winner is the player whohas scored the most points.


    Two points if the throw stops the hoop.

    One point if the throw touches thehoop but does not stop it rolling.


    A hoop.

    A spear-like stick with blunt ends.


    Senders must remain at the side. Throwers must remain at thethrowing line.

    An aiming game played since 1900 in many regions of Ethiopia.



  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptations and variations

    Making the game easier

    S(ace): Shorten the throwing distanceand widen the rolling distance.

    T(ask): Roll instead o throw. E(quipment): Use a ball instead

    o a stick and a larger hoop. P(eople): Use more than one sender.

    Making the game harder

    S(pace): Extending the throwingdistance and reduce therolling distance.

    T(ask): The stick must go throughthe hoop to score.

    E(quipment): A smaller hoop. P(eople): NA.

    Including young disabled people

    The Inclusion Spectrum oers

    specifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    Inclusion Spectrum checklist Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challengedin an appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variations andadaptations (STEP) to modiythe activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    An adaptation or this game couldbe to roll a ball at the target insteado throwing.

    Skills developed

    Throwing. Aiming. Rolling.

    This activity can be used as

    A skill-development activity.

    Olympic and Paralympic Valuesthis activity can develop

    Determination. Excellence. Equality.

    Who could use this card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Students.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Age: 8 to 18.

    How to play

    The game is played by two to10 players.

    A leader or it controls the game.

    I there are two players they play

    against each other to score points. The leader or it and the otherplayer jump up at the same time,clap, and thrust one oot orward.

    I the leader or it and the otherplayer have the same oot orward,the leader wins a point andkeeps playing.

    I the leader or it and the otherplayer have dierent eet orwardthen the other player becomesit and continues the game.

    I there are a number o players thegame can be played in a circle,semi circle or in a straight line.

    I the players are in a circle/semicircle, the leader or it moves roundthe inside o the circle, playingagainst others in turn swapping overi the players have dierent eet

    orward at the end o the jump. I the players are in a line, theit moves down the line playingagainst others in turn, swappingover i players have dierent eetorward at the end o the jump.


    Points can only be scored whenthe player is the leader or it.

    I there are two players, they agreea target score and the winner is theplayer who reaches the target rst.

    In a group game everyonehas a turn at being theleader or it keeping theirown score the winneris the player who hasscored most points.


    A fat playing spaceree o debris.

    A simple jumpig game played maily by girls i Ghaa.



  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptations and variations

    Making the game easier

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): Stepping instead o jumping. E(quipment): NA. P(eople): NA.

    Making the game harder

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): Introduce a doubleclap during the jump.

    E(quipment): NA. P(eople): NA.

    Including young disabled people

    The Inclusion Spectrum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    Inclusion Spectrum checklist Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challengedin an appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variations andadaptations (STEP) to modiythe activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    An adaptation or this game could be touse hands instead o jumping and thrustone hand orward instead o a oot.

    Skills developed

    Coordination. Agility.

    This activity can be used as

    A game.

    Olympic and Paralympic Valuesthis activity can develop

    Friendship. Equality. Respect.

    Who could use this card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Parents.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Age: 10 to 14 years.

    How to play

    Two teams o nine players.

    A match consists o two innings. Aninnings lasts or seven to nine minutes.

    A at playing space measuring

    27m x 15m. The chasing (attacking) team sits in aline between two poles down the centreo the playing area, with team membersalternately acing in opposite directions.One chaser remains standing.

    The runners (deenders) are positioned,in groups o three, outside the playingarea (see illustration).

    When the frst three runners enterthe playing area, the standingchaser runs, in one direction only,around the poles to tag a runner.

    In order to catch a runner out, thechaser can touch one o their seatedteam-mates who takes up the chase (theprevious runner sits in their place).

    The new chaser must run in onlyone direction the direction inwhich they started moving. Runnerscan move in any direction.

    When all three runners are tagged threenew runners enter the playing area.

    The innings ends when all therunners have been tagged or theplaying time has elapsed.

    The teams then change roles.


    The chasing team scores a pointor each runner tagged.

    The team that scores the most pointswithin the time period wins; or

    the team that tags all theopponents in the shortest timepossible wins.


    Fix poles in the ground(outside) or markerdiscs or cones.

    Marker discs, cones,tape, powder or chalkto mark out the space.


    A at, non-slipperyindoor or outdoorplaying spaceree o debris.

    Chasers tagrunners with atpalm withoutorce.

    A chasing game one of the most popular traditional sports in India.

    Kho Kho


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptations and variations

    Making the game easier

    S(pace): The dimensions o the playingspace can be reduced or example,distance between the poles (markers);reduce the size o the playing areaand the distance between the poles.

    T(ask): The chasers can standinstead o sitting and/or chasein any direction; the time can be decreasedrom seven to fve minutes.

    E(quipment): Use tags orribbons in players waistbandsinstead o touching.

    P(eople): Increase the numbero runners and decrease thenumber o chasers; match abilitieso chasers and runners.

    Making the game harder

    S(pace): NA.

    T(ask): Increase time romseven to nine minutes.

    E(quipment): NA. P(eople): Decrease thenumber o runners.

    Including young disabled people

    The Inclusion Spectrum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEP

    within the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    Inclusion Spectrum checklist Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challenged inan appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progresslearning and experience success:

    Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variationsand adaptations (STEP) tomodiy the activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Skills developed

    Running. Stopping. Dodging. Teamwork.

    This activity can be used as

    A skill-development activity.

    A game.

    Olympic and Paralympic Valuesthis activity can develop

    Determination. Excellence. Equality. Friendship.

    Who could use this card?

    Teachers. Young leaders.

    Sports coaches.

    Community leaders. Students.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A traitial taggig gam play acrss th Isia archiplag.

    Ag: 7+

    Hw t play

    Two teams o ve players, with oneteam attacking and one deending.

    The playing area is 15 m x 9 m,divided into six equal spaces.

    Each team has 15 minutes to scoreas many points as possible.

    Attackers start at one end o theplaying area and on a signal tryto cross all the lines in ront othem to reach the other end.

    Attackers may pause between anytwo lines in a space but may not stepback over any line previously crossed.

    Deenders must stand on thelines and attempt to tag theattackers as they try to pass.

    Deenders may not move otheir line to tag the attackers.


    Attackers who manage to get all theway to the other end withoutbeing tagged get one point.

    Safty A fat playing area ree o debris. Deenders tag between shoulderand waist.

    Galah Asin


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptatins and variatins

    Making the game easier

    S(pace): One point scored oreach line crossed successullywithout being tagged.

    T(ask): Attackers may movesideways as well as orwardsto avoid the deenders.

    E(quipment): NA. P(eople): Decrease thenumber o deenders.

    Making the game harder

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): Attackers must cross the space,there and back to score one point.

    E(quipment): NA. P(eople): Increase the numbero deenders.

    Including yung disabled peple

    The Inclusin Spectrum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    Inclusin Spectrum checklist Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challenged inan appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variationsand adaptations (STEP) tomodiy the activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Skills develped

    Running. Stopping. Changing direction. Teamwork. Planning and strategies.

    This activity can be used as A skill development activity. A game.

    olympic and Paralympic Valuesthis activity can develp

    Friendship. Determination. Inspiration. Courage. Equality.

    Wh culd use this card?


    Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Students.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    An indigenous aiming game.

    Age: 9 to 12 years.

    How to play

    Two teams with a minimum oftwo players in each team.

    An open, safe playing spacedependent on the number of players.

    Seven stones on top of eachother in a pile within a circle.

    The attacking team standswithin 34m of the circle.

    In turn the attacking team throwa ball at the seven stones untilthe pile is knocked down.

    Once all the stones are down,defending team members retrievethe ball and aim to hit the attackersbelow the knee. Attackers hit belowthe knee are frozen in the game.


    If the stones are rebuilt by theattacking team before beingfrozen out they score one pointand remain the attacking team.

    If the defenders freeze out theattacking team they score onepoint and become the attackers.


    Seven stacking objects or stones.

    A small tennis ball or similar.


    Use a soft rubber ball or similar.

    Hit with the ball below the knees.

    Seven stones


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptations and variations

    Making the game easier

    S(pace): Attacking teamstand nearer the stones.

    T(ask): Rolling instead o throwing. E(quipment): Bean bags. P

    (eople): Increase the numbero attackers in the team.

    Making the game harder

    S(pace): Attacking team standsurther away rom the stones.

    T(ask): Over-arm throw only. E(quipment): Two piles o sevenstacking objects or stones.

    P(eople): Increase thenumber o deenders.

    Including young disabled people

    The Inclusion Spectrum oers

    specifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    Inclusion Spectrum checklist Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challengedin an appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variationsand adaptations (STEP) tomodiy the activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    An adaptation or this game couldbe to roll the ball at the target.

    Skills developed

    Throwing. Catching. Aiming.

    This activity can be used as

    A skill-development activity.

    Olympic and Paralympic Valuesthis activity can develop

    Respect. Excellence. Friendship. Determination. Equality.

    Who could use this card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches.

    Community leaders.


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A kckng game from the 15th centur paed throughoutSouth East Asa.

    Age: 5+

    How to pa

    Each team has six players.

    A 1m radius circle on any at playingspace bounded by a 4m radius circle.

    The playing team stands anywhere inthe 4m circle but not in the 1m circle.

    A player starts in the centre o the1m circle and tosses the ball to anyone o their team members and thenrejoins their team.

    The frst touch by this player mustbe a kick-volley.

    All kicks or passes between playersshould cross the 1m circle andaim to be above head height.

    Players should use a variety o skillssuch as kicking, heading, shouldering,kneeing and tipping with a toe.All parts o the body can be usedexcept the hands and arms.

    Each team has three tossesto keep the ball in play.

    Ater the three tosses are completed,

    change the playing team. The ball may not be passed to ateam member immediately on thelet or right.

    A player may only touch theball a maximum o threetimes beore passing.

    A player may not step outside the4m circle or into the 1m circle.


    Kick-volley, head pass = one point. Shoulder, knee, toe or otherbody pass = two points.

    Team total is the number o pointsgained rom the three tosses.


    A rattan ball or a ball o similarsize, with a circumerenceo around 40/45cm.


    Ankles protected by socks orstockings and sports shoes.

    Circle sepak takraw


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptatons and varatons

    Makng the game easer

    S(pace): Use the whole playingarea (both circles).

    T(ask): No limit to the numbero touches beore passing.

    E(quipment): Use a soter ball.

    P(eople): NA.

    Makng the game harder

    S(pace): Make the playingspace larger.

    T(ask): Each player can touchthe ball a maximum o twotimes beore passing.

    E(quipment): Use a smaller ball. P(eople): Reduce the numbero players in a team.

    incudng oung dsabed peope

    The incuson Spectrum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    incuson Spectrum checkst Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challenged inan appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variationsand adaptations (STEP) tomodiy the activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    An adaptation or this game couldbe to use hands and arms.

    Sks deveoped

    Kick-volley. Heading. Coordination.

    Ths actvt can be used as

    A skill-development activity.

    A game.

    Ompc and Parampc Vauesths actvt can deveop

    Determination. Courage. Equality.

    Who coud use ths card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders.


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A hppng gam tradtnally playd n Zamza prvncn Cntral Mzam.

    Ag: 6 to 14 years.

    Hw t play

    Teams o two to our players.

    A 2m spiral playing spacedivided into 20 sections.

    The rst player rom team Aselects a starting space on theouter edge o the spiral.

    The player hops on the sameleg through each section to themiddle and back again aterreaching all 20 sections.

    I the player completes the task(ie the round o 20 sections) heor she randomly marks one othe sections with a cross.

    The rst player rom team B may nothop into the crossed section. He orshe repeats the task (ie the round othe sections remaining) and marksanother ree section with a cross.

    The next player rom team A startsagain by hopping rom the outeredge o the spiral in to the next

    available ree section, and completesthe task as above ollowed by thenext player rom team B and so on.

    They continue to play until one othe players rom either team A orteam B ails to complete the task.

    The more sections they mark witha cross, the more dicult is to hopto another available ree section.For example, i sections one, two,three, our, ve and six are alreadymarked, then the player has to hoprom section zero to section sevenwithout touching or landing in any

    o the sections rom one to six. I a player ails to hop into a reesection, then he or she loses theopportunity to mark another section.

    A player also loses i he or shechanges the hopping leg duringthe game.

    The game ends when the playersare no longer able to hop toree sections.


    The team which marks the mostsections wins the game.


    A fat playing surace clearo any debris.



  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptatns and varatns

    Makng th gam asr

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): Change hopping oot. E(quipment): NA. P(eople): Play as individuals.

    Makng th gam hardr

    S(pace): Increase the size o thespiral and the number o sections.

    T(ask): Hopping on one oot tothe middle and on the otheroot back again.

    E(quipment): NA. P(eople): NA.

    incldng yng dsald ppl

    Th inclsn Spctrm oersspecic guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    inclsn Spctrm chcklst Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challengedin an appropriate way to improve.

    There are ve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modication.

    Modied Variations andadaptations (STEP) to modiythe activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities ornon-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Sklls dvlpd

    Coordination. Hopping. Balance.

    Ths actvty can sd as

    A warm up.

    A skill-development activity.

    olympc and Paralympc Valsths actvty can dvlp

    Friendship. Determination.

    Wh cld s ths card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Students.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A thown and catchn ame sad to be as old as man,played all ove Nea.

    Ae: 11 to 16 years.

    How to play

    Two or more players arerequired to play this game.

    The playing space required dependson the number of players, forexample 2m x 2m for two players.

    Throw all seven playing objects onthe ground.

    One player picks one of the objectsand throws it up. Before it comesdown, he or she picks up one of theremaining six objects on the groundand then catches the object thrown up.

    Continue to throw one object upand continue to pick up the otherobjects on the ground one by onewith the same hand, until all sixobjects have been picked up.

    Repeat the activity and continueto increase the number of objectspicked up in one turn until allsix objects have been pickedup at once to end the game.

    If before picking up the object on theground the one thrown up falls to theground the player loses his or her

    turn and another player takes over. The stage at which the player losestheir turn is where they continuefrom when it is their turn again.

    The throwing and catchingaction should be completedusing the same hand.

    If either more or fewer objectsare picked up by mistake theplayer loses his or her turn.


    Score one point for completingthe task of picking up six objects.


    Small roundish objects that havea smooth surface like pebbles,rubber seeds and beads.


    The objects should be smooth. The objects should be thrownaway from players faces.



  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptatons and varatons

    Makng the game easer

    S(pace): Ater throwing, movethe objects on the oor closertogether beore the game begins.

    T(ask): Reduce the number oobjects to be used in the game.

    E(quipment): Use sotertextured objects.

    P(eople): Work in pairs one thrower/catcher and one gatherer o objects.

    Makng the game harder

    S(pace): Ater throwing, move theobjects at least 10cm apart.

    T(ask): Increase the numbero objects in the game.

    E(quipment): Use smaller objects. P(eople): NA.

    includng young dsabled people

    The incluson Spectrum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    incluson Spectrum checklst Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challengedin an appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variationsand adaptations (STEP) tomodiy the activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Adaptations or this game could be: playing the game on a table; or

    objects may be touched or pushedaside while a partner throwsand catches one object.

    Sklls developed

    Catching. Throwing. Reaction time.

    Ths actvty can be used as

    A skill-development activity.

    A game.

    Olympc and Paralympc Valuesths actvty can develop

    Determination. Equality.

    Who could use ths card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Students.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A srg game refereced medeval ex from helaer par of 13h ceury.

    Age: 6+

    How o play

    Two teams o equal sizes, one madeup o batters, one o elders.

    The object o the game is to usethe danda (a wooden stick 2m long)to strike the gilli (a long, skinny

    pine cone). A circle is drawn on the ground(the home base) in an open playingspace with no specic boundaries.

    The rst batter places the gilli in thecircle and taps the end o it with thedanda in an attempt to get the gillito come o the foor into the air.

    Once in the air, the batter tr iesto hit the gilli as ar away romthe home base as possible.

    Once the gilli touches the ground,the batter continues to repeatthe process rom that spot untilthe elders catch the gilli.

    Once the gilli is caught, thedistance rom the home baseto the catcher is measured.

    All players in the batting

    team repeat the process. Teams change over andelders become batters.


    The danda is used to measurethe distance each player hasmoved the gilli, with each lengtho danda equal to one point.

    Measure rom the elder whocaught the gilli to the home base.

    The team with the most points wins.


    A danda or similar. A gilli or similar small object.


    All players must be at least1m rom the home base.



  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adapaons and varaons

    Makng he game easer

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): NA. E(quipment): Use a batinstead o a danda.

    P(eople): Decrease thenumber o felders.

    Makng he game harder

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): NA. E(quipment): NA. P(eople): Increase thenumber o felders.

    includng young dsabled people

    the incluson Specrum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    incluson Specrum checkls Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challengedin an appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variationsand adaptations (STEP) tomodiy the activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    An adaptation or this game could beto hit directly rom the hand or throw it.

    Sklls developed

    Hitting. Catching. Hand-eye coordination.

    ths acvy can be used as

    A skill-development activity.

    A game.

    Olympc and Paralympc Valueshs acvy can develop

    Respect. Determination. Equality.

    Who could use hs card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders.


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A throwing and catching game passed on from one generation to

    another since the ate 1970s.

    Age: 6+

    How to pay

    Four or more players divided into anattacking team and a deending teamo equal numbers.

    An open playing space withboundaries decided by the players.

    A 1m throwing line is drawnapproximately 6m rom thetarget circle.

    The target circle is approximately0.5m in diameter.

    The target (three cans or similarobjects) is stacked inside thetarget circle.

    Each player in the attacking teamhas a maximum o three attempts toaim a throw rom the 1m throwingline to knock down the cans in thetarget circle.

    A deending player called the catcherstands behind the target circle to try tocatch the ball rom any missed throws.

    I an attacking player throws theball with a single bounce or nobounce misses the target anda deender catches the ball, theattackers turn is fnished. I, however,the deender ails to catch the ballthe attacking player has up to threeattempts to knock down the target.

    When an attacking player knocksdown the stack o cans, the attackingteam have to work together to re-stack the cans calling out play one,play two, play three or each canand when all three cans are re-stacked count rom one to 10 andshout Bani to complete one round.

    The attacking team must attemptto re-stack the three cans andavoid getting hit out with theball by the deending team.

    To hit out an attacking player,a deending player must hit the

    attacking player on any part o thebody below shoulder height.

    I an attacking player gets hit witha ball by the deending team thatplayer is out or that round.

    The deending team is aiming to hitout all oensive players beore theycan re-stack the cans and claim Bani.

    The deenders are not allowed to runwith the ball. They must pass the ballto each other to move the ball around.

    The game continues or a determinednumber o innings or set periodo time.


    Every round completed by theattacking team equals one point.

    The winning team is the one with themost points at the end o the game.


    Three cans two-thirds flledwith dirt, sand, small rocksetc, to weigh them down.

    A ball o any size but not toohard, or example a volleyball orrubber ball (tennis-ball size).


    The attackers must throw rombehind the throwing line.

    The deenders must aim to hit outthe attackers below shoulder height.

    Use balls that are not too hard.



  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptations and variations

    Making the game easier

    S(pace): Reduce the size o theplaying space and reduce thedistance between the 1m throwingline and the target circle.

    T(ask): Roll the ball instead

    o throwing it. E(quipment): Use larger balls. P(eople): Increase the numbero players.

    Making the game harder

    S(pace): Increase the distancebetween the 1m throwingline and the target circle.

    T(ask): Limit the attackersto one throw each.

    E(quipment): Use smaller balls. P(eople): Reduce the numbero players.

    Including young disabled people

    The Inclusion Spectrum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    Inclusion Spectrum checklist Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challengedin an appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusiveactivities that need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variations andadaptations (STEP) to modiythe activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice or individualsor groups enabling successulintegration.

    Disability sport activities ornon-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Skills developed

    Throwing. Aiming. Dodging. Hand-eye coordination.

    This activity can be used as

    A game.

    Olympic and Paralympic Valuesthis activity can develop

    Determination. Excellence. Equality.

    Who could use this card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders.


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    An amng game ha ms pa Sh Aas heage.

    Age: 6 to 18 years.

    Hw play

    Two equal teams with aminimum o ve people.

    A playing space 8m x 4m.

    Three tins are placed ontop o each other.

    The rst player has three attemptsto knock the tins down.

    The player throws the ball romoutside the marked playing area.

    I successul the player runsout, re-builds the tins, draws asquare around the tins and hopsover the tins three times.

    I the ball misses or is thrown tooar the players shout Thaymauntil the ball is returned.

    I ater three throws the playerhas been unsuccessul, therst player rom the opposingteam becomes the thrower.


    Three tins, plastic blocks orother stacking objects.

    A small ball.Saey

    A fat playing area ree o debris.

    Three tins

    SoutH AfricA

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adapans and varans

    Makng he game easer

    S(pace): Decrease the space. T(ask): NA. E(quipment): A larger ball. P(eople): NA.

    Makng he game harder S(pace): Increase space. T(ask): NA. E(quipment): Four stacking objects. P(eople): NA.

    includng yung dsabled peple

    the inclusn Specrum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEP

    within the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    inclusn Specrum checkls Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challengedin an appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variationsand adaptations (STEP) tomodiy the activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Sklls develped

    Balance. Hand-eye coordination.

    ths acvy can be used as

    A skill-development activity. A game.

    olympc and Paralympc Valueshs acvy can develp

    Respect. Friendship. Determination. Courage. Equality.

    Wh culd use hs card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches.

    Community leaders. Students.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    An nvasn/aggng game beleved be mre han 4,000 years ld,played all ver Asa wh mnr varans.

    Age: 12+

    Hw play

    Two teams o seven players araiding (attacking) team andan antis (deending) team.

    Each occupy hal o the playing area.

    Each team may also call upon three

    reserves who can be swappedin or a player at any time.

    It is a game o two 20-minute halveswith a ve-minute hal time.

    The playing space is 13m x10m divided into two halves.

    A raider attempts to cross into theantis hal to tag one o their playersand return to his or her own hal.

    A raider takes a deep breath atthe start o his or her turn and musthold this breath while attemptingto tag an antis and return to hisor her own playing space.

    A raider is sent o i he or shetakes a breath beore returningto his or her own hal or goes

    out o the playing area. I an antis player is tagged theyleave the playing space.

    The remaining members othe antis team orm a chain toattempt to stop the raider romreturning to his or her own hal.

    I the chain breaks or the antis step outo the playing area they lose a player.

    Players are only allowed backinto play when their team hascompleted a successul raid.

    The teams change over when all

    the antis or raiders are out.


    I a raider makes a successultag they score one point.

    I the antis team catches the raiderbeore they return to their ownhal they score one point.

    An Iona (two points) is scoredi all antis are declared out.

    The team with the most points atthe end o the match is the winner.


    A fat playing area clearo debris.


    Tag on the torso.


    SoutH ASiA

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adapans and varans

    Makng he game easer

    S(pace): Increase the space. T(ask): NA. E(quipment): NA. P(eople): NA.

    Makng he game harder S(pace): NA. T(ask): NA. E(quipment): NA. P(eople): NA.

    includng yung dsabled peple

    the inclusn Specrum oersspecifc guidance on how incluoersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    inclusn Specrum checkls Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challengedin an appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variationsand adaptations (STEP) tomodiy the activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Sklls develped

    Aiming. Throwing. Changing direction. Coordination.

    ths acvy can be used as

    A warm up.

    A skill-development activity.

    olympc and Paralympc Valueshs acvy can develp

    Determination. Courage.

    Wh culd use hs card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders.


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A taggg game of ucerta orgplayed wdely by chldre Taaa.

    Age: 5 to 12 years.

    How to play

    Two teams o six players.

    A grid (ie boxes with corridors)drawn on the ground the approximatesize o a volleyball court.

    The deending teams players

    position themselves along anycorridors within the grid.

    The attacking players positionthemselves outside the grid at one end.

    On a signal, the attacking team movesrom box to box in an attempt to getto the opposite end o the grid.

    The deending team aims to tagthe attackers whenever they passthrough a corridor space.


    Each member o the attackingteam who reaches the oppositeend o the grid without beingtagged scores one point.

    The attacking team repeats theactivity back to the starting linescoring in the same way.

    When an attacker is tagged ina corridor he or she becomes amember o the deending team.

    When the attacking team hashad two attempts to score pointsthe teams change over.


    A playing area the size o a volleyballcourt marked with grids and corridors.


    A at playing area ree o debris. Deenders tag between shoulder

    and waist.



  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptatos ad varatos

    Makg the game easer

    S(pace): Decrease the size o thecorridor areas.

    T(ask): Attackers score one point orevery box reached successully.

    E(quipment): NA.

    P(eople): Increase the numbero attackers.

    Makg the game harder

    S(pace): Increase the size o thecorridor space.

    T(ask): Attackers must cross the gridthere and back to score one point.

    E(quipment): NA. P(eople): Decrease the numbero attackers.

    icludg youg dsabled people

    The icluso Spectrum oers

    specifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    icluso Spectrum checklst Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challenged inan appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variations andadaptations (STEP) to modiythe activity.

    Parallel Groups or teams basedon ability.

    Separate practice or individualsor groups enabling successulintegration.

    Disability sport activities ornon-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    An adaptation or this game could bethat an attacker scores one point oreach box reached successully.

    Sklls developed

    Running. Stopping. Changing direction. Teamwork. Planning and strategies.

    Ths actvty ca be used as A warm up. A skill-development activity. A game.

    Olympc ad Paralympc Valuesths actvty ca develop

    Friendship. Determination. Inspiration. Courage. Equality.

    Who could use ths card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Students.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A ll, uc a clapp ame tatally playe schlsa lcal cmmutes Ta a Ta.

    Ae: 6 to 12 years.

    Hw t play

    One to ve players.

    A playing area 8m x 8m equallydivided into eight boxes.

    The playing boxes are numberedone to eight consecutively.

    The aim o the game is to rolland bounce the ball in turn intoeach box starting with box onethrough to box eight and backagain rom box eight to box one.

    While the ball is being bouncedin each box the player must claphands the same number o timesas the number in the box.

    At the start o the game the playermust roll the ball rom behind theplaying area near the rst box.

    The ball is rolled into box one,retrieved in box one and bouncedonce in box one - when the handsare clapped once beore theplayer steps one oot into box one.

    The player continues steppinginto each box in turn until boxnumber eight is reached.

    Players must not step on anylines during their turn.

    The player continues rom thestarting point roll the ball into boxtwo, step one oot into box one,retrieve the ball in box two andbounce it twice, clapping handstwice ater each bounce, then stepone oot into box number two andcontinue stepping into each box inturn to reach box number eight.

    Continue this cycle rom the samestarting point to boxes three to eight.

    I the player successully reachesbox number eight then he or sheturns round to complete a victorylap, still standing on one oot.

    Bounce the ball eight times inbox eight clapping eight timesbetween each bounce.

    Turn around on one oot and repeatin box seven beore steppingon one oot into box seven.

    Repeat rom boxes six to one.

    A player who ails to completean action in the game isreplaced by the nextplayer in the group.

    The rst person to completethe task is the winner!


    A tennis ball or similar.


    A fat playing spaceree o debris.


    TrinidAd And TobAgo

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptatns and varatns

    Makng the game easer

    S(pace): Larger boxes. T(ask): Throw up instead o bounce. E(quipment): Use a bean bag insteado a ball or a larger ball.

    P(eople): NA.

    Makng the game harder

    S(pace): Smaller boxes. T(ask): NA. E(quipment): Use a smaller,harder ball.

    P(eople): NA.

    includng yung dsabled peple

    The inclusn Spectrum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    inclusn Spectrum checklst Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challenged inan appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progress

    learning and experience success: Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variations andadaptations (STEP) to modiythe activity.

    Parallel Groups or teams basedon ability.

    Separate practice or individualsor groups enabling successulintegration.

    Disability sport activities ornon-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Sklls develped

    Coordination. Bouncing. Throwing. Balance.

    Ths actvty can be used as

    A game.

    olympc and Paralympc Valuesths actvty can develp

    Friendship. Determination. Team work (when game is played inpairs or groups).

    Wh culd use ths card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Students.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A stiing and aiming game passed fom paent to child,pdated in 2004.

    Age: 9+

    How to pla

    A game or fve players. Each player marks out a targetarea and places three stonesbeside their target.

    A line is drawn or a marker placed

    35m behind the row o targets. A start line is drawn 610m in ronto the row o targets.

    The frst player moves to the startline and hits the ball towardsany o the target areas.

    At the same time the player is hittingthe ball, all other players may moveto the right or let along the linebehind the targets.

    I the ball does not land in the targetarea a new player becomes the hitter.

    I the ball lands within a target areathe owner o that area may run toretrieve the ball, hold it up andshout reeze.

    The player with the ball canthen throw the ball at any otherplayers behind the targets.

    I they hit the player, that player

    must take another stone rom thepile and put it beside their target.

    The player that threw the ball mayremove a stone rom their targetand take another turn at hittingthe ball rom the start line.

    I the hitter misses the player withthe throw they must take anotherstone and place it by their target andanother player becomes the hitter.

    The frst player to remove all the stonesin their pile is the winner.


    A stick. A small plastic ball or similar. Small stones (three or each playerand an additional pile at the side).


    A sot ball.

    Throw the ball at torso andlegs only.

    Hamam kubbe


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptations and variations

    Making the game easier

    S(pace): Decrease the space inront and behind the target.

    T(ask): Throw instead o hit. E(quipment): A small batinstead o a stick.

    P(eople): NA.

    Making the game harder

    S(pace): Make the targetareas smaller.

    T(ask): NA. E(quipment): NA. P(eople): NA.

    Including young disabled people

    The Inclusion Spectrum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximum

    participation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    Inclusion Spectrum checklist Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challenged inan appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progresslearning and experience success:

    Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variations andadaptations (STEP) to modiythe activity.

    Parallel Groups or teams basedon ability.

    Separate practice or individualsor groups enabling successulintegration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Skills developed

    Hitting. Throwing. Changing direction.

    This activity can be used as

    A game.

    Olympic and Paralympic Valuesthis activity can develop

    Equality. Respect. Courage.

    Who could use this card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Students.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A rhythmic movemet activity the Owel (creste crae)is Uaas atioal symbol.

    Ae: 6 to 9 years.

    How to play

    Children hold hands in a circle.

    Select someone to lead theollowing chant with the rest othe group chanting the chorus.

    The song with translation:

    Leader: Owel! (Oh crested crane!)Chorus: Owel ! (Oh crested crane!)

    Leader: Oh Owel! Chorus: Owel! Leader: Owel bende uro?(Does the crested crane dig?)Chorus: Owel!

    Leader: Owel bende rego?(Does the crested crane grindour?) Chorus: Owel!

    Leader: Owel bende jweto?(Does the crested crane pickvegetables?) Chorus: Owel!

    Leader: Chandi Omako owel.(When poverty strikes it)Chorus: Owel, owel goyagoya,owel goyagoya asaya.(Yet it takes pride in its crown)

    Children hop on one oot or the otherkeeping the rhythm within the circle.

    Variation: children sway their body

    side to side. At the last chorus, children expressthe pride o the bird in their own way(but graceully, or example noddingthe head).

    Once complete, change the leaderuntil everyone has had a turn.


    Break into smaller circle groupsi there are more than 30 children.



  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Aaptatios a variatios

    Maki the ame easier

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): Vary initial movement, orexample hopping to jumping.

    E(quipment): NA. P(eople): A smaller number

    o children in a circle.

    Maki the ame harer

    S(pace): NA. T(ask): Increase the number ohops or jumps per chant.

    E(quipment): NA. P(eople): NA.

    Iclui you isable people

    The Iclusio Spectrum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximum

    participation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    Iclusio Spectrum checklist Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challenged inan appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progresslearning and experience success:

    Open Naturally inclusiveactivities that need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variations andadaptations (STEP) to modiythe activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Adaptations or this game could be: instead o hopping, children cansway their bodies right and let; or

    work in pairs to support thosewho may need some help.

    Skills evelope

    Coordination. Flexibility. Strength. Cooperation.

    This activity ca be use as

    A warm up.

    Olympic a Paralympic Valuesthis activity ca evelop

    Friendship. Respect. Inspiration.

    Who coul use this car?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Parents.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A tagging game played mainly in the UK and othercommonwealth countries.

    Age: 11 to 18 years.

    How to play

    No defned number o players enough to make the game un.

    A large indoor or outdoorplaying space.

    Two home areas at either end

    are marked with a line across thewidth o the playing space.

    One or two players identifed asthe taggers.

    The taggers stand in the middleo the playing space and shoutsTag to begin the game.

    All remaining players stand at one endo the playing space home base.

    The aim o the game is to run romone end o the playing space to theother without being tagged bythe tagger(s).

    When a player is caught theybecome a tagger.

    The winner is the last playeror players still ree.

    A game consists o a numbero rounds with dierenttaggers each time.


    Enough space or the playersto move with ease.

    Tag between shoulder and waist.

    Touch tag


  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptations and variations

    Making the game easier

    S(pace): Reduce the playing space. T(ask): NA. E(quipment): NA. P(eople): Increase the number otaggers to start with.

    Making the game harder

    S(pace): Increase the playing space. T(ask): NA. E(quipment): NA. P(eople): One tagger to start the game.

    Including young disabled people

    The Inclusion Spectrum oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    Inclusion Spectrum checklist Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their ownlevel o ability and be challenged inan appropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progresslearning and experience success:

    Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variations andadaptations (STEP) to modiythe activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice or individualsor groups enabling successulintegration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    An adaptation or this game could beto allocate sae zones or channelsor children with mobility difculties.

    Skills developed

    Coordination. Flexibility. Agility.

    This activity can be used as

    A warm up.

    A game.

    Olympic and Paralympic Valuesthis activity can develop

    Determination. Equality. Respect. Courage.

    Who could use this card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Parents.

  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    A dodgng and taggng gae played wdely throughout Zaa.

    Age: 5+

    How to play

    Two teams with a minimum othree players per team.

    An open at playing spacewith no specifc boundaries.

    One player rom team A the dodgers begins by flling a vessel with sand.

    Team B the taggers take it inturns to throw a sot ball at thedodger rom an agreed distance.

    When tagged (hit with the ball) thisplayer goes to the back o the teamand the next dodger steps orwardto continue flling the vessel.

    The game continues until eitherthe dodgers fll the vessel, emptyit and count to 10 or the taggerseliminate the dodgers beorethey complete the task.


    An ichimpombwa, sot ball or similar. A vessel. Sand.


    Players can only be tagged belowshoulder height.



  • 7/30/2019 London2012-Completegames Neutral YSL


    International Inspiration

    Adaptatons and varatons

    makng the gae easer

    S(pace): Taggers move urther away. T(ask): NA. E(quipment): A larger vessel to fll. P(eople): Decrease the numbero taggers.

    makng the gae harder

    S(pace): Taggers move closer. T(ask): NA. E(quipment): NA. P(eople): Increase the numbero taggers.

    includng young dsabled people

    The incluson Spectru oersspecifc guidance on how inclusion oALL young people in physical activitycan be achieved to ensure maximumparticipation and achievement.

    By applying the principles o STEPwithin the Inclusion Spectrum ALL youngpeople will have the opportunity toachieve and progress their learning.

    incluson Spectru checklst Work on the principle that ALL youngpeople can take part at their own levelo ability and be challenged in anappropriate way to improve.

    There are fve options or inclusiveactivity or young people to progresslearning and experience success:

    Open Naturally inclusive activitiesthat need no modifcation.

    Modifed Variationsand adaptations (STEP) tomodiy the activity.

    Parallel Groups or teamsbased on ability.

    Separate practice orindividuals or groups enablingsuccessul integration.

    Disability sport activities or non-disabled and disabled youngpeople (reverse integration).

    Sklls developed

    Aiming. Throwing. Changing direction. Coordination.

    Ths actvty can be used as

    A warm up.

    A skill-development activity.

    Olypc and Paralypc Valuesths actvty can develop

    Determination. Courage.

    Who could use ths card?

    Teachers. Young leaders. Sports coaches. Community leaders. Parents.