London FoundatioNCampus Prospectus

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2012-13 Prospectus for London FoundationCampus

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London FoundationCampus is located at Birkbeck, University of London, surrounded by its University of London College partners.

At London FoundationCampus, we offer an aspirational and maturing environment for international students, preparing them for future academic success at top University of London Colleges.

At our base at Birkbeck, in the heart of the University of London, students are equipped with the tools for success on degree programmes at top UK universities. The courses we offer are intense but rewarding and aim to challenge you into developing the personal attributes demanded by the admissions tutors of internationally renowned research-led University of London Colleges.

London FoundationCampus currently has six University of London College partners who welcome applications from our students for many of their degree programmes and in some cases, offer guaranteed progression based on specific criteria. Our highly-trained Higher Education team will guide and assist you to progress successfully onto your chosen university and degree course with one of our partner universities, or at other suitable institutions.

London FoundationCampus is part of Cambridge Education Group, and builds on its experience and expertise which has been preparing students for the UK’s top universities since 1952. Cambridge Education Group was the first private provider of university Foundation programmes in the UK in 1985.











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• 19Collegesand10specialistinstitutes,with120,000studentsstudyingover7,300courses.

• Birkbeck,Goldsmiths,Instituteof Education, Queen Mary, Royal Holloway and Royal Veterinary College are all partners of London FoundationCampus and part of The Federation of the University of London.

• 3rdoldestuniversityintheUK– UCL (founded 1827) and King’s College London (1829) were the two founding colleges, and St Bartholomew’s Hospital Medical School (now part of Queen Mary) and St Thomas’ Hospital Medical School (now part of King’s College London) date back to the 12th century.

• Sixoftheworld’stopuniversitiesare University of London Colleges (2011TimesHigherEducationWorldUniversity Rankings) including three current London FoundationCampus partners: Birkbeck, Queen Mary and Royal Holloway.

• TheInstituteofEducationisrankedNo.1 education university in the UK (RAE).

• UniversityofLondongraduationcertificate for students who graduate from any of these Colleges orInstitutes.World-famousuniversity qualification recognised by international companies, enhancing students’ career opportunities.


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Birkbeck is situated in the heart of the University of London’s central campus, surrounded by other Colleges such as University College London (UCL), the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS)andtheSchoolofHygieneandTropicalMedicine.Itoffersinternational students a unique learning experience as they study alongside people who are working in the business or industry of the subject area, with most teaching taking place in the evening, freeing up time for private study or part-time work.

Birkbeck has five schools offering a wide range of degree programmes, primarily at postgraduate level. London FoundationCampus programmes offer progression opportunities to all undergraduate and Master’s degrees at Birkbeck, and guaranteed progression to a number of degrees offered by certain departmentsforstudentswhomeetthespecifiedentrycriteria–please see the Coursefinder for further details.

ManagementBasedintheSchoolofBusiness,EconomicsandInformatics,the Department of Management is an internationally recognised centre of excellence in teaching, research and consultancy in the broad field of management.

The Department has particular research strengths in international business and strategy, the management of innovation and entrepreneurship, human resource management, corporate governance, sport management and marketing, as well as finance and accounting.

LawAlthough the youngest of the six London University Law Schools, Birkbeck School of Law houses a large and expanding community andby2014itplanstohavethelargestcohortoflawundergraduate and postgraduate students within the University of London.

The postgraduate portfolio of degrees comprises eight at Master’s level, including our flagship programmes in Human Rights and InternationalEconomicLaw,JusticeandDevelopment.Wearedistinguished from other Law Schools by our triple-track qualifying law degree programme, enabling our students to study the academic stage of the legal profession over two, three or four years.

Applied Linguistics and CommunicationThe Department of Applied Linguistics and Communication was established in 1965 by Professor Michel Blanc, making it the first

department in England to focus on the study of applied linguistics, and it remains the only Department of Applied Linguistics in the University of London.

The Department is an institutional member of the British Association of Applied Linguistics and an affiliated member of theInternationalAssociationofAppliedLinguistics,andhoststhe weekly Bloomsbury Seminars in Applied Linguistics and the annual Bloomsbury Round Table on Communication, Cognition and Culture. The programmes are also recognised by the UK Economic and Social Research Council and Arts and Humanities Research Council.

Key degrees include:

Arts• MAArtsPolicyandManagement• MACreativeWriting• MAHistoryofArt

Law• LLB(Hons)Law• LLMHumanRights• LLMInternationalEconomicLaw,Justice&Development

Business, Economics and Informatics• MScFinancialEngineering• MScInternationalBusiness• MScSportManagement&theBusinessofFootball

Social Sciences, History and Philosophy • MAInterculturalCommunicationforBusiness&Professions• MScInternationalSecurity&GlobalGovernance• MAPhilosophy• MATeachingEnglishtoSpeakersofOtherLanguages(TESOL)

Science• BSc(Hons)Psychology• MScBioinformatics&SystemsBiology

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Useful links

Birkbeck Video Channel: www.youtube.com/birkbeckvideo


Birkbeck is a world-class research and teaching institution, a vibrant centre of academic excellence and London’s only specialist provider of evening higher education.

Research excellence• Researchin11subjectareasat

Birkbeck is rated as ‘internationally excellent’ and ‘world leading’.

• IntheRAE2008,Birkbeckrankedin the top 25% of UK multi-faculty institutions.

• Over90%ofBirkbeckacademicsare research-active and many are renowned world-class experts in their fields.

• Queen’sAnniversaryPrizeforexcellence in higher education researchwasawardedin2006.This research was undertaken by Birkbeck’s Centre for Brain and CognitiveDevelopment–aleadingcentre for neuropsychological research.

Teaching excellence• Ranked149thintheworldintheTimesHigherEducationWorldUniversity2011-2012Rankings.

• Rankednumberonebystudents (NationalStudentSurveys2005-2011).

• Thehighestrecommendationofbroad confidence in its academic standards from the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA) has been awarded to Birkbeck.

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At Goldsmiths, subjects are looked at in creative and unconventional ways, but everything is based on the highest academic standards of teaching and research. The approach to learning encourages you to explore new and challenging ideas. You will be stretched intellectually and creatively to investigate fresh new ways of thinking. The subjects on offer include:

Sociology and Anthropology• Joint1stintheUKforSociologyresearch(2008RAE).• 8thintheUKforAnthropology(GuardianUniversity Guide2010).

Media & Communications• OneoftheleadinguniversitiesintheUKinthisfield,theDepartmentofMedia&CommunicationsisrankedNo.4foritsresearch(RAE2008),and8thintheUKoverallforCommunications and Media Studies in The Times GoodUniversityGuide2010.

Computing• TheDepartmentofComputingisoneoftheleading

departments in Europe for creative computing, and has attracted over £8 million in funding in recent years. Staff are directly involved with creative industries in London, and computing in creative music and art practice.

Politics and International Studies• Degreecoursesfocusoncurrentissuesinpolitics,culturalstudiesandInternationalRelationsandhoweventsshapedevelopments in contemporary society.

• Goldsmithsoffersanumberofexcitingspecialisms,includingAsia, Africa, and postcolonialism. Options available on the Economics, Politics and Public Policy degree include modules onJapaneseandChineseeconomicsandpolicy.

Psychology• TheBScinPsychologyisaccreditedbyTheBritish

Psychological Society as conferring eligibility for Graduate Membership of the Society and also the Graduate Basis for Registration, which is the first step towards becoming a Chartered Psychologist.

• Thedepartmentisathrivingcentreofexcellenceinresearchand training and offers one of the broadest ranges of optional courses in London.


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Useful links

Goldsmiths Video Channel:www.youtube.com/GoldsmithsLondon

Goldsmiths is internationally known for creativity and innovation – a reputation backed up by the highest academic standards, and over a century’s membership of the University of London.

• 9thforworld-leadingresearch,shownbythetop4*grade (RAE2008).

• Morethanhalfoftheresearch has been judged as ‘world-leading’ and ‘internationally excellent’ (RAE2008).

• Cutting-edgefacilitiesindesign, TV and radio studios, psychology labs and music and drama spaces.

• Widerangeofcombineddegreesoffered.

• LocatedacrosstheRiverThames in South East London, 5 minutes from London Bridge by train.

Notable alumni include: • DamienHirst

• AntonyGormley

• MaryQuant

• GrahamCoxon

• MalcolmMcLaren


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World-classdegreesavailableineducationandthesocialsciences primarily focused at Masters level, including:

MA Education and International Development• Anoutstanding,globallyrelevantprogrammeforthoseseeking

to influence developing societies through education.• Exploreseducationindevelopingcountriesandintroduces

concepts of development and educational development; assesses the role of education and learning in the development process by examining theories of development and education in development; and examines contemporary policy issues regarding education in low- and middle-income countries.

• Studentsaredrawnfromaroundtheworld,offeringatrulyrichinternational experience, complemented by a study visit to the UNESCO headquarters in Paris.

MA Education (Psychology) • Idealforthosewithabackgroundineducationandan

interest in expanding their knowledge of relevant aspects of psychology.

• Introduceskeytheoreticalissuesinthepsychologyofeducation and equips students with the skills to critically analyse psychological theory and research.

• Taughtbystaffwithawiderangeofpsychologicalexpertise,the course has strong links with psychology departments in other colleges of the University of London.

MA Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) • Offersaworld-classprofessionaldevelopmentopportunityto

practising teachers of English as a second language.• Drawsonstudents’professionalexperiencestodevelopan

understanding of key concepts and ideas in the professional and academic literature relevant to TESOL, and offers an insight into a wider range of perspectives on the theory, policy and practice of TESOL.

• PartofaclusterofMAsinthisarea,includingMAWorldEnglishes and MA English Education.

MA Leadership • Designedforambitiouseducationalleadersandaspiring

leaders to enhance their skills and credentials, this Master’s examines and critiques educational leadership and management theory, research and practice.

• Exploresfundamentalissues,suchashowleadersandmanagers can improve the quality of teaching and learning; how leaders and managers can nurture relationships with their communities; and how leaders and managers can address issues of race, gender and class within educational organisations to improve student outcomes.

• Assistsparticipantsindevelopingprofessionalnetworks by collaborating with other leaders from London and around the world.


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The Institute of Education (IOE) is one of the world’s leading graduate schools of education and the social sciences. An international hub for new ideas and debate in these fields, the IOE is officially ranked as the No.1 university in the UK for education research.

• UK’smostprestigiouscentreforeducation studies.

• CentralLondonlocation.

• TopinLondonandamongthetop10nationwideforstudentsatisfaction.

• Moreworld-leadingscholarsinthe field of education than any UK university.

• TheUK’swidestrangeofMaster’sand Doctoral degrees in education.

• ThefinesteducationlibraryinEurope, with free access to the neighbouring University of London library and the British Library.

• Newly-refurbishedhallsofresidence in a central London location.

Notable alumni include:

• CardinalFrancisArinze,principaladvisertoPopeJohnPaulII.

• LouisdeBernières,novelistand author of Captain Corelli’s Mandolin.

• QuentinBlake,illustrator.

• IreneSabatini,whowontheOrangeAwardforNewWriterswithherdebut novel, The Boy Next Door.

• DrChing-jiWu,TaiwaneseMinisterof Education.

• GraceNalediPandor,Minister for Science and Technology of South Africa.

Useful links

Visit: www.ioe.ac.ukInstituteofEducationVideoChannel:www.youtube.com/ioelondonvideoTwitter: www.twitter.com/ioe_londonFlickr: www.flickr.com/ioelondon


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School of Electronic Engineering and Computer Science• Studentsaretaughtbyexpertsintheirfield–rankedinthetop15UKComputerSciencedepartments(RAE2008).

• Award-winningInformaticsTeachingLaboratoryhasover220fully networked multimedia workstations for students’ use.

• TheInformaticsHubisdesignedtoencourageinterdisciplinaryresearch and projects between Computer Science, Electronic Engineering, Biology and Maths students.

School of Engineering and Materials Science• TheSchoolhasexcellentlaboratoryfacilitiesincluding

structures and materials test facilities, heat transfer rigs, high and low-speed wind tunnels, a flight simulator, state-of-the-art Medical Engineering laboratories and extensive gait analysis facilities.

• QueenMaryhasbeenattheforefrontofMaterialsteaching andresearchforthepast40years,withsomeoftheUK’s most-established degree programmes.

School of Mathematical Sciences• OneofthelargestmathematicsdepartmentsintheUK.• TheSchoolembracespuremathematics,probabilityand

statistics, astronomy, dynamical systems and computing, and joint degree programmes involving other departments are offered.

• Weeklyseminarsinallofthemajorresearchareassupportedby the School, plus a large number of post-doctoral research fellows contribute to the rich academic atmosphere.

Business and Management• ThestudyofBusinessandManagementatQueenMarydraws

on, and intersects with, a huge range of disciplines, from Economics, Philosophy and Psychology to Social Geography, Politics and History. These feed into a deeper understanding of business and management practices and how they shape society as a whole.

• OurlocationinLondon,betweentheCityandCanaryWharf,provides a focus for many of our modules. The focus is on key strategic issues in regulation, innovation and change, the creative industries and information and communication technologies, globalisation, development and security, equality, diversity and exclusion, social entrepreneurship and civil society organisations, as well as new forms of work.

• Thereiscurrentlyahugedemandfornewbusinessleadersable to see the big picture and understand the relationship between business and society, and understand the centrality of sustainability, human development, democracy and accountability in business practices. The sort of education offered by Queen Mary, one that draws together the many disparate factors involved in business and management, will prepare students well to meet this demand.


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Queen Mary, University of London is one of London and the UK’s leading research-focused higher education institutions. Amongst the largest of the colleges of the University of London with 16,000 students, Queen Mary’s 3,000 staff teach and research across a wide range of subjects in Humanities, Social Sciences and Law, Medicine and Dentistry, and Science and Engineering.

• QueenMaryisthethird-largestUniversity of London College.

• Asamemberoftheprestigious‘1994Group’ofuniversities,QueenMary fosters world-class research as well as excellence in education.

• 11thforResearchintheUK(2008RAE Rankings).

• Ranked127thintheworldintheTimesHigherEducationWorldUniversity2011-2012Rankings.

• QueenMarygraduatesarein thetop10forthehigheststartingsalaries according to The Sunday Times.

• Consideredoneoftheworld’smostculturally diverse institutions, Queen Mary’s student body representsover130nationalitieswhichprovideover30%ofthestudent population.

• Ranked16thintheworldand3rdin the UK for the percentage of international students and staff at the College.

• QueenMaryhas2,000roomsofaward-winning accommodation on London’s only fully integrated campus.

• TheCollegeiscontinuallyinvestinginitsinfrastructurewith£250million spent on the Mile End campus in the past five years.

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Management and Economics• 9thintheUKforEconomics(RAE2008).• CoursesintheSchoolofManagementallowyoutostudythe

general area of Management, as well as offering specialist pathways in Accounting, Human Resource Management, InformationSystems,InternationalBusinessandMarketing.

• Studyinaninternationalenvironment.BothEconomicsand Management attract students from a diverse range ofcountries.Inaddition,coursesinManagementareveryinternationally focused, and offer topics in Comparative, Asia Pacific, and European Business.

Politics and International Relations• CoursesatRoyalHollowayexamineissuesfundamentalto

our times, including the nature of war, the spread of democracy, theglobalizationofeconomicsandcultureandtheroleofmedia and new technologies, amongst many others.

• Studentscanchoosetostudyexcitingjointdegrees,combiningPoliticsandInternationalRelationswithEconomics,Geography, History or Philosophy.

• Asasmallerdepartment,studentsareofferedawarmandengagingenvironmenttostudyin,andstaff–studentratiosarecomparatively low.

Psychology• Rankedinthetop10intheGuardianUniversityGuide,2012

and considered as one of the top-performing departments in the UK.

• Facilitiesonofferaresomeofthebestinthecountry.Theyrange from a research-dedicated magnetic resonance scanner for measuring brain activity to equipment with the ability to create virtual reality environments and closed circuit TV for discreet observation of adult, child and infant behaviour.

• Psychologydegreesprovidearangeoftransferableskills,enhancing employability. Recent graduates have found employment in sectors such as banking, publishing, journalism, media, management, local government, mental health support, youth work or other support work, as business analysts or working in human resources/personnel.

Biological Sciences• Joint3rdintheUK(RAE2008)forBiologicalSciences.• TheSchooliswellequipped,andfacilitiesincludestate-of-

the-art mass spectrometry, proteomics and metabolomics facilities, marine and freshwater aquaria and an electrophysiology suite. There is also easy access to areas of naturalhabitat,suchasWindsorGreatParkforfieldwork.

• Overthepastfiveyears,97%ofthegraduatesfromtheSchoolof Biological Sciences have secured jobs that require a degree, within six months of graduating.

Media• Rankedinthetop10intheGuardianUniversityGuide,2012andjoint6thintheUKforitsresearch(RAE2008).

• Analmost50:50balanceofpracticalmediaproductionskillsand media theory and analysis provides students with the best foundations for a career in the media or communications industry.

• Benefitfromindustry-standardfacilities,includingalargetelevision studio, production control room, Final Cut Pro and Avideditingsuitesaccessible24hoursaday,asoundstudioand two media labs.

• Manygraduatesgoontothrivingcareersinthemediaindustry,including working in film production, commercials, music videos and in editorial careers. Films by alumni have won prizesatinternationalfilmfestivalsandhavebeenshownonthe BBC Film Network.

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Royal Holloway is widely recognised on the world stage as one of the UK’s leading teaching and research university institutions. One of the larger colleges of the University of London, strong across the sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities.

• 107thintheworld,and6thforinternational outlook (The Times HigherWorldRankings2011).

• 18thintheUKfor4*and3*research (Research Assessment Exercise2008).

• Setonanattractive,friendlyandsafecampus,just40minutesfromCentral London.

• Thecampusenvironmentmeansstudents feel supported during their studies. Personal tutors in departments are easily accessible, and central support services provide advice on almost anything to do with general student living.

• Studytogetherwithstudentsfromover100countries.RoyalHolloway’s campus is home to a diverse student community, with approximately 25% coming from overseas.

Useful links

Royal Holloway Student Life Video Page www.rhul.ac.uk/studentlife/videos


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As one of the world’s leading specialist veterinary institutions, the Royal Veterinary College brings together many talented individuals, all of whom share a passion for human and animal health and welfare.

The broad range of programmes are of international appeal and attract students who go on to become practising veterinarians, animal scientists, veterinary nurses and leaders in industry and government.

London FoundationCampus offers students progression opportunities onto these industry-leading degrees through the Life Sciences Undergraduate Foundation Programme.

Veterinary Medicine (BVetMed)The ground-breaking veterinary medicine programme is designed to give students the scientific knowledge and clinical skills they need to become exceptional veterinary surgeons. The exciting curriculum is inspired by the only Centre for Excellence inTeachingandLearninginaBritishveterinaryschool.Ittakesa fresh look at how technological change, clinical and scientific progress, and stimulating teaching and learning methods can be brought together. The result is a unique degree course that will equip students for life in a range of veterinary careers.

Bioveterinary Sciences (BSc Hons)Inrecentyears,advancesinanimalmedicinehavehadatremendous impact on the diagnosis and treatment of disease in humans. Today’s veterinary scientists hold prominent positions in government-led laboratories, research institutes and the pharmaceutical and agricultural industries. This degree course is aimed at enthusiastic animal scientists who wish to study the basic biological sciences that inform clinical practice and research. By focusing on the domesticated animals which form the bulk of veterinary work, it aims to give students a sophisticated understanding of their physiology, cellular and molecular biology, and the mechanisms of disease.

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Founded in 1791, the Royal Veterinary College is the oldest and largest veterinary school in the UK. The College is at the forefront of innovation in the veterinary and bioscience fields and provides cutting edge teaching, research and clinical provision in several areas, including veterinary medicine, bioveterinary science and veterinary nursing.

• Oneofonlysevenveterinaryschools in the UK.

• RankedasEngland’sbestschoolin the Agriculture, Veterinary and Food Science unit of assessment, for institutions whose research is exclusively veterinary related (RAE 2008).

• TheRVCscoredamaximum24/24inthe2000QAAassessment.

• Thelargestveterinaryreferralhospital in Europe.

• TheonlyEnglishveterinaryschool,and one of only four in Europe, accredited by the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA), allowing its veterinary medicine graduates to practice in North America.

• TheaccreditationbytheRoyalCollege of Veterinary Surgeons as well as the European Association For Establishments of Veterinary Education also allow its veterinary medicine graduates rights to practice in many other countries around the world, including Hong Kong,SriLanka,India,Singaporeand Malaysia.

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For more details on all these programmes including Extended Programmes, please see the Coursefinder.

*Guaranteedprogressionisavailable to selected degree programmes at Birkbeck, University of London subject to students meeting the specified entry criteria. See Coursefinder for more information.

Undergraduate Foundation Programme (UFP)

Progression*toYear1ofawiderangeofundergraduatedegrees.The following pathways are offered:

• Business,FinanceandManagement• Law,HumanitiesandSocialSciences• Computing,EngineeringandSciences• LifeSciences

Starts: SeptemberorJanuary

Terms: 3


Master’s Foundation Programme (MFP)

Progression*toawiderangeofMaster’sdegrees. The following pathways are available:

• Business• Computing,EngineeringandSciences• Law,PoliticsandGlobalDevelopment• Education,CultureandSociety

Starts: January,April,JuneorSeptember

Terms: 1, 2 or 3 terms, subject to your level of English on entry and the level required to progress onto your chosen Master’s degree

English Language Preparation Programme (ELPP)

Guaranteed progression to the Undergraduate or Master’s Foundation Programmes, subject to meeting the specified entry criteria

Starts: Termly–January,April,JuneorSeptember

Terms: 1, 2 or 3 terms, subject to your level of English on entry and the programme you wish to progress onto

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University of London College partner degree

LondonFoundationCampus programme

*LondonFoundationCampus students apply through UCAS for undergraduate programmes and can apply to up to five universities. Students on the Master’s Foundation Programme can apply for a suitable Master’s degree at any university.

Master’s PathwayUndergraduate Pathways






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Chancery Lane


Covent Garden



King’s CrossSt Pancras



TottenhamCourt Road

A short walk from everything


The British Museum3 minutes

The British Library12 minutes

Oxford Street12 minutes

University of London Union Building (including student gym and stationery shop)3 minutes




Senate House


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From: Seoul, South Korea

Studying: UFP Business pathway

Applying for: Accounting/Finance/Economics degrees at Queen Mary, Royal Holloway, City, Newcastle, Oxford Brookes

IlikethefactthatIcanuseBirkbeck’slibrary,caféandcanteen.Ifeellike Iampartoftheuniversity,andoftenhave the chance to listen to lectures at other London universities.

London FoundationCampus is a great place for people to develop themselves. The teachers are friendly and very passionate about their subject, and the comfortable class sizesbenefitthestudentsastheteachers can give them individual attention.

London FoundationCampus has a good relationship with its University of London college partners, which is goodformeasIhaveappliedtotwoof these universities. Queen Mary came here to give a talk to us, and it gave me inside information that otherstudentswillnotget.Ialreadyhave offers from four of the five universitiesIappliedto,includingQueen Mary!


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From: Novosibirsk, Russia

Studying: MFP Business

Applying for: MSc Financial Engineering at Birkbeck, University of London

London FoundationCampus is different tootherplacesIhavestudied.Youmake progress throughout the course ratherthanjustattheend.Ilikethestudy culture here and feel the course is tailored to each student’s needs.

The Master’s Foundation Programme has exceeded my expectations and provides a well-structured business course.Ihavelearnteffectiveresearch skills, how to conduct primary research and prepare for presentations. The Personal Development Programme module has also really helped me with time management and mind management, whichIamsurewillbereallyusefulskillswhenIprogressontomyMaster’satBirkbeck.Ialsogetthechance to join lectures at the London School of Economics; there are few places in the world where students can get pure tangible treasure from bright minds but these lectures are a must for all.


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Be part of the University of London environment from day one

Fulfil your ambition for a truly prestigious degree


• Studywithintheworld-classfacilitiesofBirkbeckCollegein the heart of academic London, next to other University of London colleges such as SOAS and UCL.

• AccesstoBirkbeck’slibraryandotherfacilities.

• BeafullmemberoftheUniversityofLondonStudentUnion,use the gymnasium and cafeteria, and choose from hundreds of student societies to join.

• Study,liveandmakefriendswithUniversityofLondonstudents from across the world.

• ProgresstoUniversityofLondonCollegeswiththeUK’sleading pre-university provider.

• LondonFoundationCampus is part of Cambridge Education Group, who has been preparing students for the UK’s top universities since 1952, and was the first private provider of university Foundation programmes in the UK in 1985.

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From: Al-Medina, Saudi Arabia

Studying: UFP Engineering pathway

Applying for: BEng (Hons) Engineering at Queen Mary, University of London

I’vebeenatotherinstitutionsintheUKandthisisthebestplaceI’vestudied! Ilikethattheteachershavespecificsubjects to teach rather than having teachers that teach a number of differentsubjects.Ithinkthereisagood study environment and a good mix of nationalities in the classes, which forces us to speak English and helps me to focus on my pronunciation.

The Higher Education team have been more than brilliant; they helped me work through the UCAS handbook and gave me crucial feedback and goodadvice.IamplanningtoprogressontoQueenMaryformydegreeandIam sure the preparation and guidance Ihavereceivedwillproveinvaluable.


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A comprehensive study programme

Quality teaching


• Comprehensiveandintensive25-hour-per-weekcombinedacademic and English programme.

• Compulsorymodulesin:

- RegularmockIELTStestsusingexternalexaminersheldatLondon FoundationCampus, English, including intensive IELTSpreparation–OnefreeIELTSexaminationperstudentper programme.

- PersonalDevelopmentPlanning(PDP)–toimprovecommunication and confidence, time management and study skills in preparation for successful transition to a UK university.

• StudentsaccompaniedtoregularOpenLecturesheldbytheLondon School of Economics and UCL.

• Well-qualifiedandexperiencedteachingstaff.

• Maximumclasssizeof15forEnglishmeansthatteachingcanbe tailored to individual student needs.

• Personaltutorforeverystudentandregulartutorialmeetingsto ensure successful progression.

• Commendablepractice:Teachingisofahighqualitywithexcellentinteractionbetweenteachersandstudents(ASICInspectionReportJuly2011).

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• EachstudentonUFPandMFPcoursesreceivesone-to-oneguidance with their university applications.

• LondonFoundationCampus is an approved UCAS Centre.

Our specially trained Higher Education (HE) staff are here to help to prepare you for University of London entry through:

• Comprehensiveskillsassessmentatinduction.

• FrequentUCASworkshops,includingHowtoapplytothebestUK universities and colleges; How to write a winning Personal Statement; How to research and choose your perfect university.

• Presentationsbyfacultiesandadmissionsstafffrompartneruniversities.

• UCASSurgeryDrop-insessionseverylunchtime.

• OpenDays,tastersessionsandtalksfromourUniversity of London partners.

• Interviewpracticeandintensivetrainingforuniversityadmissions tests.

• Acomprehensiveinductionprogrammewillhelpyousettleinto London life, with the FoundationCampus team helping you open a bank account, get an Oyster card (essential for travelling around the capital on buses and the Underground) and register with the police if you need to.

• StudentambassadorstohelpyousettleintoyournewlifeatLondon FoundationCampus. Opportunities for you to become an ambassador to help future students.

• Ourteamcangiveyouadviceontransferringfromanotherinstitution in the UK and changing your visa.

• GainconfidenceinyouruseofEnglishbystudying,living and socialising with students from a truly diverse mix of nations, with classmates from Asia, the Middle East, Africa and South America.

• Enrichmentprogrammeincludingnationalholidaycelebrations, cultural awareness events, charity fundraising and international food and film clubs organised by the Social committee at London FoundationCampus.


AccommodationStudents at London FoundationCampus have access to a range of high-quality accommodation options. These include our own halls of residence, homestays, houseshares and other accommodation options available through private providers.

Wecanarrangeaccommodationtosuitstudentswithdifferentrequirements in terms of price, location and service level. Students are encouraged to contact the Centre to check availability, and book as early as possible to avoid disappointment.

Expert guidance and support

Life and support outside the classroom

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From Tirana, Albania

Studying: UFP Business pathway

Applyingto:RoyalHolloway,Warwick,Exeter, Surrey and Aston

The staff and facilities at London FoundationCampus are great. The Albanian education system is much stricter,buthereIcandebatewithmy teachers and the college gives me the space to express my ideas andopinions.Wehaveaccesstothehuge library at Birkbeck, which is really helpful for my academic area ofEconomics.IknowthatIwon’timprove myself only through reading the standard textbooks, and the other resources in the library will help me to achieve a better understanding of my subject.

IthinkLondonFoundationCampus will give me a springboard to the universityofmychoice.Iamnotleaving England without a Master’s degree, preferably from Cambridge or Oxford, but for now, London is the place for me to be a student.


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From: Shanghai, China

Studying: ELPP then UFP Media/Humanities pathway

Progressing to: BA Media at Goldsmiths, University of London

My English level has really improved sinceIstartedstudyingatLondonFoundationCampus. The teachers are friendly and the group work we do means we get lots of opportunities to communicate in lessons. After class, London FoundationCampus organises lots of social activities such asbowlingandhistoricaltrailsandIam able to make friends with students from many different countries.

IhavealsomadefriendsinmyhallsofresidenceatWoodlandCourt.Myflatmates are from Poland and the UK and we cook and talk together, soIgettopractisemyEnglishoutsidetheclassroomaswell.IhopethatwithabetterlevelofEnglishIcanprogresson to Goldsmiths to study Media.


Page 27: London FoundatioNCampus Prospectus

STEP FIVEYou will then need to apply for a visa if you require one to study in the UK.

STEP ONESubmit your application by one of the following methods:

Online: www.foundationcampus.comEmail: [email protected]:+44(0)1223346181Post: Admissions Office, FoundationCampus, Kett House, StationRoad,Cambridge,CB12JH

Please remember to include all relevant documentation.

STEP THREETo accept your place on the course you will need to send the deposit payment and registration fee as indicated in your offer letter, along with the completed registration form.

Inyourofferletter,youmayberequestedtosendsome additional documentation to prove you meet the conditions mentioned.

STEP TWO Our Central Admissions team will review your application.• Ifyouhaveprovideddocumentationtoshowyou

have the academic qualifications and English language ability and meet all the entry requirements, you will be sent an offer letter and registration form.

• Ifwehaveanyqueriesaboutyourapplication,ourCentral Admissions team will contact you for further information.

STEP FOUROn receipt of your registration form and payment, we will confirm your place on the course and send you a certificate of enrolment or a CAS (Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies) to support your visa application.

Wewillalsosendyoupre-arrivalinformation,includinghow to book accommodation should you require it.

STEP SIXYou will need to have paid at least the first term’s tuition fees before you begin your programme of study at FoundationCampus.


Page 28: London FoundatioNCampus Prospectus

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Cambridge Education GroupKett HouseStation RoadCambridge CB1 2JHUnited Kingdom

Telephone: +44 (0)1223 345698Fax: +44 (0)1223 346181Email: [email protected]: www.foundationcampus.com

London Foundationcampus is part of Cambridge Education Group