London and list of tourist attraction London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. It is the most important central of political, financial (due to City's) cultural and artistic United Kingdom and one of the most important cities in the world. In London there are many institutions and corporate headquarters of global importance; many important buildings: palaces, museums, theaters, concert halls, airports, railway stations, numerous embassies and consulates. Westminster (Palace and Abbey) and Sf.Margareta Church in London in 1987 were included on the UNESCO World Heritage list. London is an expensive city and entry targets of interest is also quite expensive but there are sights to which entry is free. The modern tourist attractions such as Lodon Eye, famous London Eye, to ancient attractions such as Tower of London, the capital of the United Kingdom has an offer of attractions that can keep you busy most demanding tourists. Depending on the time available, attractions in London can be visited on foot or use transportation network extremely well set to succeed want to go sightseeing. List of tourist attractions London London is one of the historical capitals that abounds in tourist attractions. London is worth visiting at any time of year because it is a city full of history and tourist attractions. Below we present a number of tourist attractions in London that we considered important, but besides these there are many other things worth seeing and exploring. We let you choose what is worth and what is not worth seeing in the capital of the United Kingdom from the list of attractions below. 1. Big Ben Tower in London Big Ben is one of the most important tourist attractions in London, becoming almost an emblem of the British capital. Big Ben looks downright delightful night when the facade and cesur on each face are illuminated. When Parliament is in session facade shines a

London and List of Tourist Attraction

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O lista cu principalele actratii turistice din Londra in Engleza.

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Page 1: London and List of Tourist Attraction

London and list of tourist attraction

London is the capital of England and the United Kingdom. It is the most important central of political, financial (due to City's) cultural and artistic United Kingdom and one of the most important cities in the world.In London there are many institutions and corporate headquarters of global importance; many important buildings: palaces, museums, theaters, concert halls, airports, railway stations, numerous embassies and consulates.Westminster (Palace and Abbey) and Sf.Margareta Church in London in 1987 were included on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

London is an expensive city and entry targets of interest is also quite expensive but there are sights to which entry is free. The modern tourist attractions such as Lodon Eye, famous London Eye, to ancient attractions such as Tower of London, the capital of the United Kingdom has an offer of attractions that can keep you busy most demanding tourists. Depending on the time available, attractions in London can be visited on foot or use transportation network extremely well set to succeed want to go sightseeing.

List of tourist attractions London

London is one of the historical capitals that abounds in tourist attractions. London is worth visiting at any time of year because it is a city full of history and tourist attractions. Below we present a number of tourist attractions in London that we considered important, but besides these there are many other things worth seeing and exploring. We let you choose what is worth and what is not worth seeing in the capital of the United Kingdom from the list of attractions below.

1. Big Ben Tower in London

Big Ben is one of the most important tourist attractions in London, becoming almost an emblem of the British capital. Big Ben looks downright delightful night when the facade and cesur on each face are illuminated. When Parliament is in session facade shines a light clock. Clock dials have an area of two square meters, and the minute hand is over 4 meters. Big Ben has a giant pendulum which is regulated by a bag of coins and is an excellent clock that stopped very often.

The name Big Ben actually refers not to the clock tower itself, but the bell inside the tower 13 tons. The bell was named after the first commissioner who worked in construction - Benjamin Hall. This bell comes from the old Palace of Westminster and was given deacon at the Cathedral St. Paul (St. Paul's Cathedral) by William III. Before returning to Westminster to take its place in the current house was refurbished in Whitechapel in 1858. The first BBC broadcast was opened by the sound of Big Ben in 1923 to 31 December. Since there is a microphone in turn connected to the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC).During the Second World War, in 1941, an incendiary bomb destroyed part of the seat of Parliament House of Commons in London (Houses of Parliament), but

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remained intact Clock Tower and Big Ben continued to measure the hours and minutes. The sound was transmitted via radio or the British people and the world, as an incentive to hope for all who heard him.There are 11 rooms inside the tower where members of Parliament can be imprisoned for violations of constitutional regulations of. This is very rare, the last incident of this type was recorded in 1880. The tower Big Ben is not opened to the general public on the outside but is still more impressive.

2. Tower of London - Tower of London

This is not surprising as the Tower of London and historical tourist attraction is the most popular among tourists. Tower of London was founded by William the Conqueror and over a thousand years of history of England were held around or behind its walls. The Tower of London was executed Anne Boleyn, Guy Fawkes was interrogated and Richard II and Elizabeth I were incarcerated here. Stand guard the Thames, the Tower is an impressive landmark.

Tower of London - London Attractions

The tourists are invited to discover its hidden secrets that dwell within its walls, to marvel at the splendor of the crown jewels, to look at where the three queens were beheaded and explore the myths and legends that make the visit to the Tower of London an important the holiday in London.

Crown Jewels

Tourists can find a lot of interesting things about the importance bijuriilor crown of a series of introductory films which include a very rare color film sequences of the coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Once in Treasury, you will marvel at the beauty of the Imperial Crown is worn at the opening of Parliament sessions and you can admire the largest and most beautiful diamond in the world before the sovereign scepter named Cullinan I. Watchmen Crown Jewels are very friendly and will answer any questions about this priceless collection. You can learn more about the history of the Crown Jewels in the Crown and Diamonds exhibition existence in Martin Tower.

Strejerii Yeoman

Nobody knows more about history than Watchmen Yeoman Tower of London and a visit to the Tower of London would be complete without a full tour in their company. Watchmen guarded fortress palace for centuries. They will captivate you with amazing stories, passed down from generation to generation and will present Traitors Gate and where they were executed. You will also have the opportunity to visit Chapel St. Peter, the resting place of those executed in the Tower of London.

White Tower

The first stones at the base of the imposing structures were made around

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1078 by order of William the Conqueror. Its walls are now fearful of exposure instead of the royal collection of armor, armor being worn by Henry VIII and Charles I, but also of an impressive collection of weapons. If you visit the Weapons Collection Spanish you can see a whole range of instruments of torture but beautiful chapel of St. John the Evangelist.

Ravens are one of the most interesting exhibitions at the Tower of London. These beautiful birds lived within the walls of the fortress for centuries and legenta say that if these ravens leave the Tower of London will, then the entire kingdom will crumble. You can see everywhere in the Tower of London and you can visit the shelters.

3. Tower Bridge.

Now more than 100 years, was built in the Victorian era this bridge has become one of the most important and popular tourist attractions in London. Pedestrian passages were made to allow people to cross the Thames while the bridge can be raised to allow large ships to pass.

Today, pedestrian passages serve as galleries where you can admire the view over the Thames; one of the most enchanting views of London, a city whose color is a permanent change. The Tower Bridge Exhibition visitors can enjoy these breathtaking views of anyone by their splendor, but can at the same time to learn about history and about how the bridge was built with the help of interactive exhibits and films explanatory . Then visitors can see the steam engine room which trigger Victorian bridge.

4. Shard Tower.

Shard skyscraper is a tower of glass and steel, a very modern structure in London that at the time when it was completed in 2012, was the tallest building in Europe. 72-floor observatory offers a unique panoramic view over the city of London.

Shard Tower is located in Southward, near London Bridge Quarter, a district that stretches along the south bank of London. The impressive tower is practically right in the heart of London, just Thames separating it from City of London, the historic city center. The whole area is actually full of history: a bridge was built here by the Romans around 50 BC and in 1836 the first railway station in London was also opened nearby.

The idea to pick up a very tall skyscraper in London Bridge Quarter was submitted at the end of the 20th century. The building was supposed to replace Southwark Towers, a 100-meter high complex built in 1976. The place seemed ideal because there is only minutes away from the financial center located across London Bridge and London Bridge station next to a major junction public transport system, connected both trains and subway.

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Plans for the new tower were outlined at the beginning of a firm of architects called Broadway MALYAN and provides a circular tower 365 meters high. These plans were subsequently revised size is slightly reduced. The new plans were designed by Italian architect Renzo Piano, who designed a building with a pyramidal shape inlatime just over 300 meters. Plans for London Bridge Tower as the building was originally called, were met with strong opposition from those who want the protection of historical monuments in the area, who considered the glass structure was completely wrong with the historic area was to be located. They claimed that the structure and would cut through the neighborhood place with historic buildings like a shard of glass ('shard' in English). The name "Shard" caught and even developers have decided to name the building so. In 2008 Southwark Towers were demolished and construction of the new tower called Shard began a year later. Thus Shard was completed in 2012 and opened right at the beginning of 2013.Shard Tower, the tallest building in London for two months and was the tallest building in Europe

When he was finished, Shard tower held the title of tallest skyscraper in Europe, with a height of almost 310 meters. Just two months later, it was surpassed by Mercury City Tower in Moscow. Shard Tower that dominates the entire area was high and it is easy to see from a distance. This tower which tends to become a symbol of London is very spectacular especially at night when viewed from the other side of the Thames.

5. Sea Life London Aquarium.

Sea Life London Aquarium in London, housed in the historic County Hall building situated on the banks of the Thames, is one of the largest in Europe aquariumuri. Thousands of marine creatures from around the world can be admired by visitors.

Aquarium London County Hall is housed in a building built in the early 20th century and which served as headquarters for City Council London until it was abandoned in 1986. Aquarium opened its doors in 1997 and occupies more floors in the center of this historic building.

Intinte Aquarium is on three floors and can be admired over three thousand species of marine animals and plants, located in over 50 tanks containing an impressive amount of water - over two million liters. This figure makes London Aquarium one of the biggest attractions of its kind in Europe.

Sea Life London is divided into several areas. Each of these areas represents a different biotope such as rivers or oceans. There is a huge aquarium that simulates habitat conditions present in the Thames. Other ecosystems are presented in aquariums containing an impressive variety of fish and other animals such as octopus, squid and jellyfish.

The biggest attraction is a huge aquarium with sharks and stingrays. Another impressive aquarium is one that presents the environment in the Indian Ocean,

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where they can be other stingrays, sea anemones, sharks and colorful fish specific area.

Sharks are the most popular among tourists who flock to see these animals but also lethal Piranha, crocodiles or seahorses attract many tourists eyes. Stingrays are especially popular with children because they can even caress in a special aquarium.

6. British Museum.

British Museum is the oldest and one of the largest museums in the world. There are few places where you can admire many treasures of all time under one roof. Normally British Museum is among the most visited tourist attractions in London. Tourists will be fascinated by Egyptian mummies or be inspired by the beautiful exhibition of drawings and sketches that change several times a year.

For a visit to the British Museum, visitors should reserve plenty of time in your holiday to London, because the museum houses a lot of treasures. Maybe the best thing would be to consider several visits to see every exhibit at length.

In 1753 the government of the time, bought the collection of Sir Hans Sloane, a wealthy doctor who practice in Chelsea. The collection consists of over 80,000 pieces including fossils, plants, coins, medals and drawings. This was the beginning of what today is probably the best collection of a museum in the world. A decree of Parliament designated the British Museum, the first public museum in the world. Afterwards, an impressive selection of books whose bases had been made by Harley family, was added to the collection (Cottonian Library).

In 1757 King George II donated to the British Museum for the Royal Library in 1823 George III to give the museum the right to take possession of a copy of every book that is published in the UK. This right and persist today.

Over time, due to purchase of large quantities of antiques, artifacts and discoveries from around the world, has become increasingly evident that obitinerea a much larger space to accommodate the growing collection of the museum, was essential. In 1823 Robert and Sydney Smith made their plans to build new public building that would house the British Museum. This work was carried through in the next 30 years and the result is one of the most impressive buildings in London. Designed Greek Renaissance, this magnificent building is a tourist attraction in itself, aside from the treasures it holds. Until 1850, the site already included the Great Court, which was built in the middle of Round Reading Room. This is covered by one of the largest domes in the world.

Despite the extension, the space has again become a problem and a new place Collection of Natural History had to be found. It was transferred to South Kensington in the 1880s and today form the Natural History Museum. Another important change took place in the museum when it was decided that the British Library to be moved into the building specially built for this purpose at St. Pancras. Moving this enormous began in 1970 and is not finished just barely in 1998.

Today, the British Museum hosts no fewer than six and a half million artifacts and has 94 permanent and temporary exhibitions. An education department offers a wide range of cultural services for adults but also for children. There are other specialized departments Coins and Medals, Ancient Egypt and Sudan, Africa, Oceania and the Americas, Greek and Roman antiquities, Asian Prehistory and others.

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7. St Paul's Cathedral.

Cathedral of St. Paul Sir Christopher Wren's masterpiece, built in Portlan market and crowned by a dome awesome. St Paul's Cathedral is a famous tourist attraction in the fullness of tourist attractions in London. Extra wide steps leading to the beautiful west facade with two floors and two baroque towers. In the left tower there is the biggest bell in England. "Great Paul", made in 1882, weighs 17 tons.

Cathedral of St. Paul has been an inspiration to the entire British people during the Second World War was, when much of the area around the cathedral was destroyed by air strikes and photos of the cathedral dome covered in flames and smoke were circulated widely. Everyone considered a true miracle that St Paul's Cathedral also survived a massacre, although not completely unscathed. A bomb demolished the Great Altar and encrypt suffered some damage and many stained glass windows were broken. They were then glazed glass, so as Wren's initial desire, improves the brightness inside the

Many centuries ago, the place was the cathedral was a temple of the goddess Diana Roman closed, and then several churches were built here. Cathedral of St. Paul today replaced the old St. Paul, which was destroyed during the great fire of London in 1666. Sir Christopher Wren was hired to design a building that would replace the burned. His first two projects were rejected, only the third being accepted. Construction began in 1675. The first service was held in 1697 but still only 13 years after the work was fully completed in 1710. Cathedral of St. Paul can be considered the first Protestant cathedral in the world.

Inside the Cathedral St. Paul, as the exterior is dominated by big or Dom, which crowns the intersection cathedral. One of the biggest domes in the world with a height of 111 meters, weighing 65,000 tons is supported by eight pillars. The frescoes that decorate the interior dome, are the creation of Sir James Thornhill.

St. Paul's Cathedral contains many interesting artifacts and some monuments to British account. In the north lies the altar Sufeltelor Chapel, dedicated to the memory of Lord Kitchener and his men killed in the war. This altar contains a memorial dedicated to the Duke of Wellington, hero of the Battle of Waterloo. Also at Cathedral St. Paul is also the monument to Nelson, the great hero who died in the Battle of Trafalgar in 1805.

The crypt that is believed to be the largest in Europe, contains about 200 graves. Here are the tombs of Nelson, Wellington and Sir Alexander Fleming's, who discovered penicillin. In artististilor corner, there are graves of Sir Arthur Sullivan, Sir Henry Moore, Sir John Everett Millais and Joshua Reynolds.

Surrounded by graves and memorials of his family, here is found the final resting place of Sir Chirstopher Wren. Above is an inscription chosen even by his son - "lecturer, and monumentum requiris, circumspice" (Reader, if I look monument, look around you).

8. London Eye - London Eye.

A somewhat recent interest but extremely popular London Eye is a giant wheel located on the south bank of the Thames. Structure with a height of 135 meters was built as part of efforts to celebrate the new millennium in the British

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capital.The structure was designed by the team of architects David Marks and Julia

formed Barfield, husband and wife. They have submitted a proposal to build a panoramic wheel as part of a contest on the new millennium.

None of the projects participating in the competition has not been declared the winner, but the couple of architects not gave up and finally managed to get support from British Airways, the airline is the one who financed the project.

Construction giant wheel in London for more than a year and a half. In this process they use genuine lasting over 1700 tons of steel and 3,000 tons of concrete were used for the foundation. In a futuristic capsules can fit up to 25 people, these capsules were brought by train through the tunnel under the English Channel just in France. Each capsule has a length of 8 meters and 500 kilograms cantaresete. Long axis of 25 meters was built in the Czech Republic. Circle wheel has a diameter of 122 meters and there are 80 hospitals that unite it to the central axis.Panoramic view of London Eye London Eye London Eye at night sunset

London Eye is spinning very slowly, allowing tourists to board without being stopped completely. A complete tour takes about 30 minutes. Due to the special design of the bottle capsules, visitors share a 360 degree view of the entire British capital. Many of London's famous sights are clearly visible, including Buckingham Palace, St Paul's Cathedral and the Houses of Parliament. On a clear day you can see up to 40 miles away.

In practice information we advise you if you can purchase tickets in advance as queues can be very long, both boarding and to purchase tickets. It is also good to know that the night is less crowded and the views are even more spectacular.