l'OLUME V II. MONTANA STATE COLLEGE, FRIDAY APRIL 14, 1916. NUMB ER 31. TRIM TO SEVEN I DR Y LAND 1 MONTANA STATE WINS THIRD STRAIGHT JUNIORS AND HYBRIDS TIE FOR FIRST J D_ean Richter -;:;-;eceived the fol- I low111g announcement from the Dia- mond Power Sperlalty company, ot De· Two bulletias are about to be ia· DEBATE BY TWO TO ONE DECISION sued by tb.e agronomy department. ophomores Upset all Dope: Beat Frosh tn Closest Game of Sea s on-Hy- \.f birds Wallop Frosh and Juniors-Juniors lose to Frosh- More Games j trait, Mich . 100 and three silver cups for es- These deal with dry l and !{rains and I dry land crop rotations. The grains Mon t ana T riumphs Over liv er y; Mon tana Exce ls Idaho in C los e De b ate- Ida ho St rong on De- in Ar gu men t and Rebuttal-- Park and Sand e li us Later sara. publication gives the results or the I Are lnd i-Yi dua l St a rs . \Yon Lost I Per U cent :: .666 u .066 u 333 u ''$100 in gold, and three silver cups, dry land grab tests at the Fer gus a.ppropriately engraved. are offered by County experiment station. This work performed a brilliant behind the Diamo_nd Specialty com· 1 is under the di r ection of Mr. N'. C. fil-st and a n hil 1 pany, Detroit. manufacturers or . . Y w e repos ng mechanical soot blowers to suit e,·ery Donaldson ot the class of 1912 and ),fr. on the back of ear Score 7-7 I 1 1 i . · · type of boiler. for the seven best es· Donaldson has prepared the- manu· ;:11xt i nn ng: Dickson pitched. first . . I mau out at first. Hamilton reached says on the subJect of mechanical soot &cript ror the bulletlu. The dry land : Team:-; Juniorl" Frf>shmen Sophc 1mores third but was marooned there as the blowers. work gives the results of the .3:rn U ::iext two flied out to short stop. Han- .. First .p rize, $:i0; '"cond price. $21;; rotation Investigations at the Fergus :t nah and batteries (thiR was Slr.: fourth _11 r1ze .. $10; county and Huntley experiment sta- :::::.:::;::;:: t::: ::t:: U U:: ::t U t::: the r'atal inninp:l :\fan caught on ser-1 fifth. sixth. and prizes will be ti ons for the past seYen year.s. This The interclass series now slRnds a ond. an Prror \Hit a man on fiNt and silver cups. Jlllbllcation has been prepared by Lt "Hit ti1 .. 1uniors ancf Hy- aJlmvt>d Drummond to come home. Urn "T his ofter appliP5' only to senio rs Gieonrn Morgan , who had charge of b tt . t 1 B 'and post graduates in g-ood standing. the work at Huntley. and J. M. a annt'f · orton Mole home. and who are [ollo";llJ? a 111ec-!1a·1iral engi- Stepheng, su11erintendenl of the Fer- thf' sHh.• we:it out "hen the ball beat .. the runner to first. Score 9-i npei mg coui :se bt.>r to ... +->curi-l anotht?r Qoint in the Cou nty experiment station. uirn:?. 11tartl" and the w1 r c intf·nt o:i defeating- each strcgglf> for tie\"enth inning. Dntmmond or.I 1g o 111 go\ern-1 the Jas1 mmng . f!rsl hatter fanned. ORATORICAL AND EXTEMPORANEOUS CONTEST die c:ertl'" no man was allow-1 :-.o 1lld th£• next bnt the C'atcher Jt h u or thau one> !unml!. e1l the thlO\\ and h1=1 went to fin-t, the A lhird straight \'ictor;y was scored I the professional politician under the by ;\{ont.ana State's debaters last Fri· present system. day night. The team composd of Lee Robertz Gray was the first speaker Park. Rob rtz Gray. and David Gray for the co llege . He showed tuat thP defeated the stro:lg University of Ida- affirmath·e had to prove that the preK· ho team by a two to one decision. The ent s:•stem or voting is unsatisfactory arguments of the college showed care- a:l d that a C'Ompulsory system or vot· [ul nreparatlon and the rebutt&Js were Ing would remedy th e evils now sai<l especially effective. ).fonla na State 1 to exist. He proclurecl statistics to has not lost a debate this e\en 1 show that the majority of the people though two of lh.e teams which have do Yote at the present time. He said beeu defeat d were from srhools with 1 that ('Ompnlsory votini?; is unnecessary whom :\lonlana Slate has ne,·er debat- berause many reform measures have eel. The last debate of the t bf'lm 1 rn.ssed lately in many of u 1 e 11lace at Brookings, South Da- stau:s. \\'hen there was ocC'asion for a kota. tomorrow. Hllll with Lure and I lan:!'e vote to pass a reform measure Ke\!1;,>y the collegP the like the inltiati\'"e and referendum or pro811e<'.'ts for a virtory arP bright \"ery 1 auri.gambling Jaws the ]JPOJ1le who ordinarily di<l :wt .... , ti" w1 d votP anrl 1ca 1 1• 111 'he rl1)er- tool 1111tlal bag 1>ro,cd lhe Wnterloo ot an- H ERE MAY SIXTH --PRELIMINARIES SOON turn at r. 1 01 ·H] <lut)o nd the l other ma:1, and thP third base nabbed 1 Tht> for the date were Hon· pa-.:.; ihe o are omitted trom 1 t iP Ja-.t man's fy (thus endeth the orablP Theodore Honorable Rertram the next speaker , " or br wh C'h fol-/ firH le:--son Final result Montana State 'will be Well Represented 1n both-Has Won Oratorical Con· \\' T Pi.e:i:ot. and 1 ronor:lblP "·· A. that the peoplP '\'"OUl<I vote in I by inning:';. test Twice and Extemporaneous Once in Last Four Years .. -Five Schools Penni:lgion. The que;tion was: 'He- the national ..-lPC'tinn .. h111 when it •' e ('· chl"'"':->. (Capt l I 1 2 J 4 ;) ti 7 H II E Will Compete. solvecl that n sy!=item of compulliory t·ame to city i•r s• , ele<'tions 01 Infielder Han lton Berg ,.,hme 0 5 0 1 1 (I 0- - ';' ;; 10 be adopted in the enite1l "Onld stay ;ol hom..- •. 1d let the prci- rnn .. ·ob IP Tavlor. Fit7.gerald. :\f 1 4 1 o l 1 2 x-9 i 9 ThP affirmath·e u·as nphe>ld fp...;..;ional polit!f'ian nm the· elections 1 tf <" t._.r,.,, P.oberg, Wheeler, Ma.- Left on b.1--es ... -; sopho· The state- oratoriC'al a:i1l extem1>0r- ' oration shall <'Ontaln more than by the r'ni\'Prsity nf ltlaho ancl the HP argued that if there were a C'Om· 1 t 1 n PH f's I - ant>ous spl·akine. rontests will b..::- held t\\'P11l)·-threc hundred negath·e I)) State pul!-<ory law man;.· and pro- S,1 pl:t<•m rp. .. Catchers. C::trl Borton. Hits °'obit'.", Hamilton Taylor. [10- here :\fay .J. RepresentatiYes There shall be threP judges. wbo Argues Minority Rule fe:.slonal nlf?n wo11l1l \ote who woultt here:. \\"hpeler Drum- from thP ::-\tat€' l·niYersity. the shall jnde:e on thought. <'OlllJ)O!:dtion. Frank Korh openetl the debale ror \·ote agai:-rnt the professional polit1- .\l Borton. Kuhns mond. )kl'ahe. Kuhn:-- 2. Todd. A nor- Normal college, :\lontana \\'eslt:yan. urlcdnalicy. delivery and general oro- Irtaho. He argued thar under the pres· clan. Public questions !';hould be con- :apt . D nntfielclers. )finor. ton Montana State. and tl1e college of torkal efficiency. and m&.nuscrlpts ent of \'Oting- I sidered as busines!' matters and no1 Sweat. Collet, Holt. I Officials : ( mpire. Cy Gatto:i. )lnntana will '·ompete. Gertel medals shall be submitted to the 11resident of or thP intelligent voters cl1d not Yote. as politics. He sairl that politic;Jl in· T unor.. C'atc·hPrs. Ga•ton (Capt.), E Thein will be ,e:h·en for [ir:=>t plare in earb the state association two weeks be· He dted example:s to show that the difference <'am;ed laxness. r..., d1·r ... Hli1tl k. RH·P S:.alt7. .Jolly I Hybrids. 6: Juniors. 4 of tlw l"Ontests. tore the rontest. and be in the bands represe:itative:-o who were elerted by Practicability Questioned This the that all the Staie bas lle1•11 very sue-- of thP one week before the con- the people under the presf'nt David Gray. the second speaker for rl I Crar· ti ope. a gla1wf' at thP t:i\"eFi in the past in winning the ora- test. did not represent the majority ol the' tile showed that a rompulsory itle>a ot' h1>w C"lose)\· the game was tori<·al ('Ofltest. having won two Olll of The student winning in the prelim· 11eople but only a minority compose<! !'y:-.tem of was impracticable Hyhridi::: < Rom11t'Y; in1ield- contested Every !'tarred in I I f of who espe<'.'ially inter- eYen if it ,·ould bP shown that the \Yh'tl k C t ((' t ". 1 h I 11,;· ast 0111· contests. In 1912 \.V'il-1 inary Jot·al c·o:-tle::.;1 shall be lhe insti- l nc -. oner ap ·''.. es 'I position and rom1mrtivPlr few bones liam "'inters won the contest for the I tutinn·s rlelegate to the state contest esled in the result or the election by theory was right. would hnkt° Hr·ag-ny. outf1el<lers. I were pu11ed during the game college. The <'Ontest \\3:-< helff in whkh i::.hall be held on the tirst Fri<lay reason of their jobs. He ha,·e to be made in of sicknes:5 or hi. Foot. Rirhardson. Par- {Continued on FagP Four) lfp]('na That year. The nex1 year the in \fay of Pach :renr that loO much opportunity was necessary ahsence from the preci:lct. He asserted that any SY!t F rosh-Soph Ga me Exempt Regulations «Onte!'t was held in Dillo;:1 and was won by Maur!C'e )f O!'ter or Dillon Thf> I SEN ATE ACTS UPON extemporaneous speaking ORCHESTRA PROGRAM h inaugurated ;::it time The next In extemporaneous speaking. The win- In c·o1rnec-tion \Vith the oratorical «Ontest there shall be held a contest tem of applying penalties would be irupractJcal and unfair A Uhicrimina· tion would necessarily be made be- tween the rich and the poor which .. t e rrC';;hman aggrPgation in a VARIOUS QUESTIONS ' comest was held in Deer Lo•l1r""'. FJo,_·cl PLEASES ASSEMBLY -rd fought game. The !'Ophs seemeil ,s llt·r of the local contest shall repre· c..-t tog-NhPr and their work :\[on- I o( Deer Lodge won the ora !'e:-tt bis is directly contrary to the aim of the redt-oPmPd the two de- torkal contest and Don Langohr of I The or the state associa- ::-ystem. Legal complications would be . t-- hits and errorf' were even-' Change in Athletic Council Approved thP <·ollegt' won the extcmpora;ieous tion i::.hall name seven re11r,,.sentatlve Organization Shows Results of Care· sui ·p to arise as there is great doubt t-noueh dlsu;buled to gh·e no ad· I -Offices Held Limited by J conte.st. year the were men who shall Pach propose a list of ful Training-Sole by Professor to the <'on::;titutionality of such a ntaJ.rf" 'o either team. a:id it was I Credits held Ill Mtssoula .. J. D. he-lley of Mon- three Three hours bafore Jackson Enjoyed law game thronehout the entire , tana State won thP oratorical contest 1he ron1est tlte::.f' <iuestion:-- in sealeo The last s11eaker for Idaho was '\Ya\- , .. 11 The game was nip and I 1' :in<I .\Villiam Long of the State Pnf· tin,-elopes shHll be drawn by the con- ter Sandelius. He attempted to prove t 0 th t l t b b JI 'l 'I · b I I that there was a perfectly practical 1 ,k thP s<'ore hPing constantly tied sc,·eral important in the I vers1 Y w n e ex Pmpornncous ron- es ant w o s a within lf:! hour 1e program : l le ore om the <.;f>f'Ond to the sixth I rharacter of the Associated Student test. select a subject upon which to speak. tra at the as,sembly Inst mor::>o method of applying a pe:ialty by add· '""'1r•"I innine: The f1 es,bm{"n faced g-m·Prnme11t were rec·ommendecl at a I Tt is prodded by the constitutio n H two contesta nts have rhe same sul}. jog was enjoyed a large and ing a certain increage to the taxes <:oph hatterY firc:t but wtth little mt her busy meeti:lg oi the stndent that the contests shall be in the ject a second choice is I preciative audience. The solo!-' oy Pro of the voter. The amount ot this _addi- Kuhns and c Borton were c-oimcil ot the A. :\[ s (' held last different places 1::i rotauon rn the or· hut ;iot eompu15'ory Cessor Jackson and the duet by Pro 1 tlonal tax would be fixed by a shding- ie for the 80 phs Xoble I \\·ednesd.\) der enumerated above. The contest Xo shall be allow to fessor Jackson and Georg-e wert! scale. He asserted that the 0 " a two·b.igErer O\er thlrd hut On the rec·ommendauon 01 thl' fal'- 1s alway!; held the fmst Friday in ).fay. speak on a subj rt which has been de· especially good and railed forth a of compulsory voting hacl been sue· .,mil ton :rnrl Gra' es \'\·ein out on nles nil) members of the ruunr il the coun. The preRident or the assoriation this bated al bis sthool wltbin one year pre- 1 storm of a11plat1:-.1•. The selection:; in where it was r 1s Lon Langohr and the YiOH!S to the titate contest. by the orchestra were well chosen In prartice for a time . 1d Taylor found walltn1! or I ril \"Oted in f.a\·or of an amendment tary is Jean Kelley. Af I . I d I I 1 •. of l'arefu\ Lee Park closed the main argument "" offf'rbl! to the c·onstitution where one man ter r toosmp:: 9 subjec•t. a contes· an s iowe( t te ettects He t>roduced n court record showing \.\.hP ... Jer anrl .lac-oby wen:. thP fresh. I would stff,·e on the athletiC' co11ncil The preliminary C'On t est to decide rnnt may look up Information on the prc11aration. that the City law had been de· ;;n battPrif's the first inning. Dick· rather than the ma:iager or the activ- shall represent :\Jontana State su bject chosen: but may not rerel\"e The and clared unto:i-:;titutionul by the n 1 Borton rea<'hPd rtrst on I. . rt .d . j tn the state contest will be hel<l tlu.: an personal aid whatsoe\er 1 the atteuuon of the arn.l1ence was hPlcl C Borton on a ball ltY un er rons 1 erat10n. 28th of month. 1'herP are al- I No contestant be a1iowed to at all Qnitti u :1un;bt.'r of down- court of He showed that the , .. ('ahe made both Bortons I nder. this new men would not' ready fi\·e entrips in the oratorcal listen to any speeches before their town people attended as wt?ll thP addition or would nm irumedi- I b<: contrnuall)· llltrorluterl tnto the 1 1 11 r f atel\.· do awa.v with all tht" e,;1s . , . . . 1 contest and t iree probable entries in I own !:'1->eeche · are deli\"ered. Each regu ar ('O ege gtudents l ro e5:sor nred on cloi.ble en or. Dic\,son sto e I <·ouncil and forc•t•cJ to familiarize Lhem- thP extemporanemrn contest. speaker sh:ill speak not than .Jackson's rendedng of the '"Humores· was claimed by the oppoi:-;ition. To ma<l£' seconcJ on "ild ..,_.,.1,·e ... · "·1·th tl1e 111·e•·1·011" act". o1· the I I . I" 11 l tl11t ·u tl1 I "' " ., "' Rules Governing Ora t orical seven and not morr than ten que" was il treat '' hkh uo111.:• of those snppon t lh k s owet f 1 orow t.o :\lcCabe on ('n11n<"il betort- they ('Ot1ld act intelli- wlwrP thert:> h;ne been women h 0 The oratorical contest is open to all I minutes. contestant shall be al- who heard him would c·are to mi:-1s. risiy srngle. · 4 · gently o;i the qne8tion under consider- .. 1Hrage h\\ passed the politir· have Seron1l inning· Collett on the I at ion. Ir waK tlf:'<-idP1l lhat this posi- students or ('Ollege rank In good stand- lowed to use any written notes or l Program bPen 'd1:nged very materi:lly it h d bl r th 1 t Ing. , any form of manuscrtpt I :\(arC'h-·'Kenturky ... ound a . e m mg e J> A. e, I tion «011lil be fille<l by the presi· Selection -"'The of Alge1ia.' at ·1 11 He sllowe<l that the \"Oter:s Jberg "alkect. stolr second and tlnrd dent or thL· At>so<.:iated Students. l ==== ============== who srn)·eli nway trom the polls were ld scored on 'Wheelers grounder. The . . . . . Herbert. either tii:;ahlect. ignorant. or indiffer· ·tt ma;i fannPrl. Hamilton . 1 d Io o-o 111to effect next semester. this HOME ECON GRADS ANNUAL CROSS COUN- Selection '"The Gingprhrend )Ian,· I :!mgbel / amenrlnH!llt be ,·oted on before SloAnP. Pnt nntl would therefore not be of 1d in \\11 anc :t as n use in passi:J.g d t JI the .officers are elected. Therefore I DOING GOOD WORK TRY THIS AFTERNOON Intermission u bf'nrhed on 1 n attempte s ea . R b tt I St 1 1 j 1t will he YOted on rit the same time I Serenade (for two Yiolinsl. Deppen. e u as rong thm the primary is held. . ---- G. Muse. F 0. Jarkson. <I 11 d If rherr,, is sufficient time aft.er the Selection :'\"obody from $tar- " was re _ re election the sweaters and other J The homP economics Journal for Prospeets a1>penr 'er) propluous £or I land." Howard . Gra,·es. pitcher. \\1leelerfi grand- · . . . . awards will be given to the men that I April. pubhshed two arhcles b) last .111 1t1terestlng and closely contested Solo--by request. F' O ancl catch m left field shot the first . · an up. another out o=i a high foul, earned them in football a:id basketball year graduates in home economics / mud wade Urns afternoon. tht! storm I .. . , " . votin2.' would a compulsory :system ot registration. Frank Korh replied by letters from in- fluPntinl City citizens show- ""' 1 that :-\YStem had been a sUC'<"ess T!Jmmond Scored' and the last man the past season . Miss Emma Taylor 'l:i worked on arly "\\'ednesday mornu-7" interfered I )farch Nallon.tl 8pu it, II.igt?t "ught on first. Score 6-5, I To preYent a Etudent holding one problem in pastry making last year with the road work or most of the as- Robertz Gray. in a forc·erut Third inning: Holt fan.ned the first office which would interfere with an· and the results of her experiments p1rlng runners. Saltz matlo the course COO LE Y T O REPR E SENT speech ,howed bv anual stati«it•s that lttlf'"r walker the .second anrl fanned othpr ancl to insure that the officers were published in the jour:ial for this a:id came in looking like the commnn - COLLEGE AT EN TO· 1 the mnjoriiv ot' the dtize;1s .. Sa:l - 1P next two. Hamilton a:1d ol' the A S. M. S. C would not ne- month. l\liss Mae Meyer!'!· article on der of a Mi ssouri gumbo glic!Pt. It Is MO LOGICAL CONF EREN CE. delius. tlw. next speake;· l'Ontended ·iar1 the hnttPrif>s in this Inning . glN•t their clutie!S a of student th(' minimum cost of a college girl's noised about that Lnl'ry hns a bear ot Professor R. A_ Cooley. head of the that the system hall been a su«eess atlf·r fliPd out. next man fanned. a rati ng \\a:; draw11 up. Each office wardrobe for one year wa1:; jlso given 1 a. rhnnce to win the sweater. Zoology department ll'a,·es next \\'€'Pk in Switzerland. Austrin. and round er to second waR passed to first sha ll count as so many stude:1t activ· attention. "Shorty'' Preston who showed up to attend the conference or ... ntomolo· and could th e refore b\:"1 said to be )lnH·- tlm(• to ·nab the runner. Score !1-5. ity rredlt.s and no stu dent shall hold The journal is the recognized 1)erio· j so well last year ts g-olng atter it and inspectorg to be held in Salt ti<'al Let- 1''3.rk in his rebuttal shO\\· Fourth inni:lg. crlass p1t<'.'hed. Ham· 1 more than five credits. dical In the United Stateli on home harder than ever. Dixon is also to Lake. Go,·ernor SipTy of l' tah i:;sueu ell how tlh' ('OIHlitionl"< in Switzerland ton i:<.rorNt one down on qecond :1 nd The raiing is as rollows: President I science topics and recognition of stu- be ranked among the strong i:o:ltend- the rnll tor the ('nnfereuce whost.\ pur- and uther foreign coun trif' :. were not J;'O fauglll on flips to 1 ft and thiTd 1 of the A. s. M. s. C"' .. 5 credits; coun· dent work here ls very 1Zratlfying. ers. King trots a.round in great styla. 11ose will be to llet·ide upo:l mt>thods I the sume a:; b the rnitetl Bin. spPNhely dlman. 4 <'ommlssloners, 3 Miss Taylor ts :low teaC'hlng in the and seems to have lots of pep In re· ror eradic-atinc; lhP Alfalfa w<'e Yll gle. the brOUf!hl forth Taylor pltc11ed. [irst balt('r taniwrt. I rredits: annual Pditor, 3 credits: man- Belgrade high school and )fiRs )feyer.:;, 1 ser\'e. whkh hns rnused a great de-nl oi <lam· auti1orlty tn show thnt the Kansas t'it) 1rnmmond srored. another tatooed the agers of teams, 2 rredits; <'lass nresl· ia at the Billings high srhool. : Al Ronon. Robinson, Kuhns. Collett. agf' to lltah 1 law had bP-l-'11 dec·Jared unrol'lstitntlona1 .-nne thri<'e. and thP side went dow:i dent;; and presidents or other nrgant· 1 Ross and Strnnahnn have also been Thf' confcrent(' will ulso throuc:h a tedrnicnlity bPn a hlef was caught at third. zatio::is, 1 credit Forty gi rls of the home economics training for the sophomor team. 1 more effi('ient nwn.ns 01' M. S. C. vs. South Dakota (·ore 6-6. department attended a demonstration I Tn the freHhma:l class Hanna, Mc· 1 to prevent tlH' spnlad of the wet>Yil. Ila\-.., at the Fifth inning: A. Borton pitched. Bo-1 SEN IO R G ETS P OS ITI O N l:i meat C'lltling at one of the local Mahon, Reitz. Mashin. ' 1 Nlg" Taylor. The nlfalfn weevil an GuroJ)eun μest Miss Tlady8 Ritz and Otto ""oorlward Hg scored, double liner to pitch· . hut f'her shops \VedneF;day afternoon. anrl are doing consistent and Is known to oN'ttr in the west 0111.'· rendered ' 'ocnl rand return to first cauf?;ht two men Pearl ffeighton 'H has resign-, An expert meat C'nlter rnt np :l bePf I work. to be deter· 'I in Utah. Tomorrow night Llewellyn Luce ancl next man flied out to <'aLcher eu from Uie faculty of th_e N1rcaRs explR.in.ing the c11:ff'rent meth -1 mined lo around ntlre ?ourse 1t has. nev('r been fou:1d in :\fern . tnn:1 .T. D. Kellry will debate the South 1tzgerald pitched. two mPn rea<'hed. 1 County high school, and Amelia ods and show rng the d1ff rent cu ts if they ba\e to v.alk m. this 1s the 8lld as 1rn lntrodurtlon mC'ans n grC'nt Dakota Ag-gies at Rrookings, South ""l'S. :iext up flied to short. Todd 1 Stan ley '16 will trtke her position as nectlssar)· to produce ste-aks, roasts, right spirit and may no class be loss its control is of \'ital imponnnca Dakotu. This will be the Inst debatP torecl. next batte r fanned, Hamilton I instructor o[ domestic art. loin cuts. and the li ke. 1 hnmt>d of its wtn or lose. I to :\[onta.ua or the season for the college.


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JUNIORS AND HYBRIDS TIE FOR FIRST J D_ean Richter -;:;-;eceived the fol-

I low111g announcement from the Dia­

mond Power Sperlalty company, ot De·

Two bulletias are about to be ia· DEBATE BY TWO TO ONE DECISION sued by tb.e agronomy department.

ophomores Upset all Dope: Beat Frosh tn Closest Game of Season-Hy­

\.f birds Wallop Frosh and Juniors-Juniors lose to Frosh-More Games

j trait, Mich . 100 and three silver cups for es-

These deal with dry land !{rains and I dry land crop rotations. The grains Mon tana T riumphs Over

livery; Mon t a na E xce ls Idaho in C los e De bate- Ida ho St rong on De­

in Argu men t and Rebuttal--Pa rk and Sand e li us

Later sara. publication gives the results or the I Are lnd i-Yi dua l Sta rs .

\Yon Lost I

Per U

cent :: .666 u .066 u 333 u

''$100 in gold, and three silver cups, dry land grab tests at the Fer gus

a.ppropriately engraved. are offered by County experiment station. This work

performed a brilliant e,~olution behind the Diamo_nd ~ower Specialty com· 1 is under the di rection of Mr. N'. C.

fil-st and cau~ht a n hil 1 pany, Detroit. ~heh . , manufacturers or . . Y w e repos ng mechanical soot blowers to suit e,·ery Donaldson ot the class of 1912 and ),fr.

on the back of h1~ ear Score 7-7 I ~·

1 1 i . · · type of boiler. for the seven best es· Donaldson has prepared the- manu·

;:11xt i nn ng: Dickson pitched. first . . I mau out at first. Hamilton reached says on the subJect of mechanical soot &cript ror the bulletlu. The dry land

: Team:-;




Sophc 1mores

third but was marooned there as the blowers. rotat~on work gives the results of the

.3:rn U ::iext two flied out to short stop. Han- .. First .prize, $:i0; '"cond price. $21;; rotation Investigations at the Fergus

:t nah and Jacob~· batteries (thiR was t~tlrd ~r1ze, Slr.: fourth _11 r1ze .. $10; county and Huntley experiment sta­

:::::.:::;::;:: t::: ::t:: U U:: ::t U t::: the r'atal inninp:l :\fan caught on ser-1 fifth. sixth. and ~evPnth prizes will be tions for the past seYen year.s. This

The interclass series now slRnds a ond. an Prror \Hit a man on fiNt and silver cups. Jlllbllcation has been prepared by

Lt "Hit ti1 .. 1uniors ancf Hy- aJlmvt>d Drummond to come home. Urn "This ofter appliP5' only to seniors Gieonrn Morgan , who had charge of

b tt . t 1

B 'and post graduates in g-ood standing. the work at Huntley. and J. M.

a e~ annt'f · orton Mole home. and who are [ollo";llJ? a 111ec-!1a·1iral engi- Stepheng, su11erintendenl of the Fer-

thf' sHh.• we:it out "hen the ball beat .. the runner to first. Score 9-i npei mg coui :se

bt.>r to ... +->curi-l anotht?r Qoint in the ~11s Cou nty experiment station.

uirn:?. fir~t 11tartl" and the

w1 r c a:-.:..e~ intf·nt o:i defeating- each

1:--h-~r::lh strcgglf> for ~11premac~. tie\"enth inning. Dntmmond tos~ed ~

~ or.I 1g o 111 a~1eenw;.t go\ern-1 the Jas1 mmng. f!rsl hatter fanned. ORATORICAL AND EXTEMPORANEOUS CONTEST die 1.1~s c:ertl'" no man was allow-1 :-.o 1lld th£• next bnt the C'atcher mlc:~-

Jt h u or thau one> !unml!. e1l the thlO\\ and h1=1 went to fin-t, the

A lhird straight \'ictor;y was scored I the professional politician under the

by ;\{ont.ana State's debaters last Fri· presen t system.

day night. The team composd of Lee Robertz Gray was the first speaker

Park. Rob rtz Gray. and David Gray for the college. He showed tuat thP

defeated the stro:lg University of Ida- affirmath·e had to prove that the preK·

ho team by a two to one decision. The ent s:•stem or voting is unsatisfactory

arguments of the college showed care- a:ld that a C'Ompulsory system or vot·

[ul nreparatlon and the rebutt&Js were Ing would remedy the evils now sai<l

especially effective. ).fonla na State 1

to exist. He proclurecl statistics to

has not lost a debate this y~ar e\en •


show that the majority of the people

though two of lh.e teams which have do Yote at the present time. He said

beeu defeat d were from srhools with 1 that ('Ompnlsory votini?; is unnecessary

whom :\lonlana Slate has ne,·er debat- berause many reform measures have

eel. The last debate of the sea~on t bf'lm 1rn.ssed lately in many of u1e

take~ 11lace at Brookings, South Da- stau:s. \\'hen there was ocC'asion for a

kota. tomorrow. Hllll with Lure and I lan:!'e vote to pass a reform measure

Ke\!1;,>y repr~~Pnting the collegP the like the inltiati\'"e and referendum or

pro811e<'.'ts for a virtory arP

bright \"ery

1 auri.gambling Jaws the ]JPOJ1le who

ordinarily di<l :wt .... , ti" w1 d votP anrl • 1ca11• 111 'he rl1)er- tool 1111tlal bag 1>ro,cd lhe Wnterloo ot an- HERE MAY SIXTH--PRELIMINARIES SOON

turn at r.101 ·H] <lut)o • nd the l other ma:1, and thP third base nabbed 1 Tht> j11d~es for the date were Hon· pa-.:.; ihe law~

o pltt·ber~ are omitted trom 1 t iP Ja-.t man's fy (thus endeth the orablP Theodore Brantle~-. Honorable Rertram Din~le. the next speaker,

" or br team~ wh C'h fol-/ firH le:--son Final result 7-~. Montana State 'will be Well Represented 1n both-Has Won Oratorical Con· \\' T Pi.e:i:ot. and 1 ronor:lblP "·· A . ~lated that the peoplP '\'"OUl<I vote in

I ~core by inning:';. test Twice and Extemporaneous Once in Last Four Years .. -Five Schools Penni:lgion. The que;tion was: 'He- the national ..-lPC'tinn .. h111 when it

•' e ('· chl"'"':->. (~f"E'Cs (Capt l I 1 2 J 4 ;) ti 7 H II E Will Compete. solvecl that n sy!=item of compulliory t·ame to city i•r s• , ele<'tions th1:~

01 ~ Infielder Han lton Berg l~r. ,.,hme 0 5 0 1 1 (I 0- - ';' ;; 10 \'Olin.~ ~hould be adopted in the enite1l "Onld stay ;ol hom..- •. 1d let the prci-

rnn .. ·ob IP Tavlor. Fit7.gerald. ~le :\f l· 1 ~ophumon.... 4 1 o l 1 2 x-9 i 9 Statf'~. ThP affirmath·e u·as nphe>ld fp...;..;ional polit!f'ian nm the· elections

1 tf <" t._.r,.,, P.oberg, Wheeler, Ma.- Left on b.1--es 1-~r ... ~shmPn, -; sopho· The state- oratoriC'al a:i1l extem1>0r- ' ~o oration shall <'Ontaln more than by the r'ni\'Prsity nf ltlaho ancl the HP argued that if there were a C'Om·

1 t 1 n ~ PH f's I JOrE:~. - ant>ous spl·akine. rontests will b..::- held t\\'P11l)·-threc hundred word~ negath·e I)) ~lontana State pul!-<ory law man;.· busine~s and pro-

S,1pl:t<•m rp. .. Catchers. C::trl Borton. Hits °'obit'.", Hamilton Taylor. [10- here Pritla~: :\fay .J. RepresentatiYes There shall be threP judges. wbo Argues Minority Rule fe:.slonal nlf?n wo11l1l \ote who woultt

'l11·•l<lPr~. C'hri~ten:'en. here:. \\"hpeler C'hri~ten!'en. Drum- from thP ::-\tat€' l·niYersity. the ~tale shall jnde:e on thought. <'OlllJ)O!:dtion. Frank Korh openetl the debale ror \·ote agai:-rnt the professional polit1-

• .\l Borton. Kuhns mond. )kl'ahe. Kuhn:-- 2. Todd. A nor- Normal college, :\lontana \\'eslt:yan. urlcdnalicy. delivery and general oro- Irtaho. He argued thar under the pres· clan. Public questions !';hould be con­

:apt . D ck~on: nntfielclers. )finor. ton Montana State. and tl1e college of torkal efficiency. and m&.nuscrlpts ent sy~tem of \'Oting- lar~e number~ I sidered as busines!' matters and no1

"'1Im~o:id. Sweat. Collet, Holt. I Officials : ( mpire. Cy Gatto:i. ~C'orer )lnntana will '·ompete. Gertel medals shall be submitted to the 11resident of or thP intelligent voters cl1d not Yote. as politics. He sairl that politic;Jl in·

T unor.. C'atc·hPrs. Ga•ton (Capt.), E Thein will be ,e:h·en for [ir:=>t plare in earb the state association two weeks be· He dted example:s to show that the difference <'am;ed laxness.

r..., d1·r ... Hli1tl k. RH·P S:.alt7. .Jolly I Hybrids. 6: Juniors. 4 of tlw l"Ontests. tore the rontest. and be in the bands represe:itative:-o who were elerted by Practicability Questioned

nnr(i~ld~rs., This i.~ the ~am<> that up~er all the ~(o:H;:ina Staie bas lle1•11 very sue-- of thP jnrlgf'~ one week before the con- the people under the presf'nt ~y~tem David Gray. the second speaker for

rl I l1u1t1Ht~ Ta~:lot. Crar· ti ope. a gla1wf' at thP ~ore t:i\"eFi ~orne ces~ful in the past in winning the ora- test. did not represent the majority ol the' tile C'olle~e. showed that a rompulsory

itle>a ot' h1>w C"lose)\· the game was tori<·al ('Ofltest. having won two Olll of The student winning in the prelim· 11eople but only a minority compose<! !'y:-.tem of \"Olir.~ was impracticable

Hyhridi::: < at1·h<'r~. Rom11t'Y; in1ield- contested Every ~ian !'tarred in hi~ I I f of voter~ who \\~re espe<'.'ially inter- eYen if it ,·ould bP shown that the

\Yh'tl k C t ((' t ". 1 h I 11,;· ast 0111· contests. In 1912 \.V'il-1 inary Jot·al c·o:-tle::.;1 shall be lhe insti-

l nc -. oner ap ·''.. es 'I position and rom1mrtivPlr few bones liam "'inters won the contest for the I tutinn·s rlelegate to the state contest esled in the result or the election by theory was right. T-~xemption would

hnkt° Hr·ag-ny. ('l:nk~on: outf1el<lers. I were pu11ed during the game college. The <'Ontest \\3:-< helff in whkh i::.hall be held on the tirst Fri<lay reason of their jobs. He a~erted ha,·e to be made in ra~e of sicknes:5 or

hi. :=-<,amen~. Foot. Rirhardson. Par- {Continued on FagP Four) lfp]('na That year. The nex1 year the in \fay of Pach :renr that loO much opportunity was ~lv~n necessary ahsence from the votin~ preci:lct. He asserted that any SY!t

F rosh-Soph Ga me Exempt Regulations «Onte!'t was held in Dillo;:1 and was

won by Maur!C'e )f O!'ter or Dillon Thf>

r:·1a:~ 1~'11 ~1\1~~~\~, a~:::~~~~~~y ~1er;~l~ I SENATE ACTS UPON extemporaneous speaking c·onte~t wa~ ORCHESTRA PROGRAM h

inaugurated ;::it thi~ time The next In extemporaneous speaking. The win-

In c·o1rnec-tion \Vith the oratorical

«Ontest there shall be held a contest

tem of applying penalties would be

irupractJcal and unfair A Uhicrimina·

tion would necessarily be made be­

tween the rich and the poor which

.. t e rrC';;hman aggrPgation in a VARIOUS QUESTIONS ' comest was held in Deer Lo•l1r""'. FJo,_·cl PLEASES ASSEMBLY -rd fought game. The !'Ophs seemeil ,s llt·r of the local contest shall repre·

c..-t tog-NhPr and their work :\[on- I ~Iarsh o( Deer Lodge won the ora !'e:-tt bis in~titution is directly contrary to the aim of the

·~· redt-oPmPd the two previou~ de- torkal contest and Don Langohr of I The IH'e~ident or the state associa- ::-ystem. Legal complications would be

. t-- Thl~ hits and errorf' were even-' Change in Athletic Council Approved thP <·ollegt' won the extcmpora;ieous tion i::.hall name seven re11r,,.sentatlve Organization Shows Results of Care· sui·p to arise as there is great doubt

t-noueh dlsu;buled to gh·e no ad· I -Offices Held Limited by J conte.st. ~ast year the ~·onte.sts were men who shall Pach propose a list of ful Training-Sole by Professor a~ to the <'on::;titutionality of such a

ntaJ.rf" 'o either team. a:id it was I Credits held Ill Mtssoula .. J. D. he-lley of Mon- three ~ubjt:C'ts. Three hours bafore Jackson Enjoyed law

,body·~ game thronehout the entire , tana State won thP oratorical contest 1he ron1est tlte::.f' <iuestion:-- in sealeo The last s11eaker for Idaho was '\Ya\-

, .. 11 inning~. The game was nip and I 1' :in<I .\Villiam Long of the State Pnf· tin,-elopes shHll be drawn by the con- ter Sandelius. He attempted to prove

t 0 th t l t b b JI 'l'I · b I I that there was a perfectly practical

1,k thP s<'ore hPing constantly tied sc,·eral important change~ in the I vers1 Y w n e ex Pmpornncous ron- es ant w o s a within lf:! hour 1e program ~1ven : l le ore 1e~

om the <.;f>f'Ond to the sixth inning~. I rharacter of the Associated Student test. select a subject upon which to speak. tra at the as,sembly Inst ~·rillay mor::>o method of applying a pe:ialty by add·

'""'1r•"I innine: The f1 es,bm{"n faced g-m·Prnme11t were rec·ommendecl at a I Tt is prodded by the constitution H two contestants have rhe same sul}. jog was enjoyed b~ a large and a1~ ing a certain increage to the taxes

<:oph hatterY firc:t but wtth little mt her busy meeti:lg oi the stndent that the contests shall be h~lrl in the ject a second choice is perm1s~nble I preciative audience. The solo!-' oy Pro of the voter. The amount ot this _addi­

<rP"'~ Kuhns and c Borton were c-oimcil ot the A. ~ :\[ s (' held last different places 1::i rotauon rn the or· hut ;iot eompu15'ory Cessor Jackson and the duet by Pro 1

tlonal tax would be fixed by a shding­

ie hattene~ for the 80

phs Xoble I \\·ednesd.\) der enumerated above. The contest Xo ronte-~tant shall be allow to fessor Jackson and Georg-e ~luse wert! scale. He asserted that the !;~·stem


" a two·b.igErer O\er thlrd hut On the rec·ommendauon 01

thl' fal'- 1s alway!; held the fmst Friday in ).fay. speak on a subj rt which has been de· especially good and railed forth a of compulsory voting hacl been sue·

.,mil ton :rnrl Gra' es \'\·ein out on nles nil) members of the ruunr il the coun. The preRident or the assoriation this bated al bis sthool wltbin one year pre-1

storm of a11plat1:-.1•. The selection:; ces~fnl in Kan!'n~ C"'it~· where it was

r ,~em· 1s Lon Langohr and the ~ecre· YiOH!S to the titate contest. by the orchestra were well chosen In prartice for a time.

1d Taylor found ~omeonf< walltn1! or I ril \"Oted in f.a\·or of an amendment tary is Jean Kelley. Af I . I d I I 1 •. of l'arefu\ Lee Park closed the main argument

"" offf'rbl! to the c·onstitution where one man ter r toosmp:: 9 subjec•t. a contes· an s iowe( t te ettects He t>roduced n court record showing

\.\.hP ... Jer anrl .lac-oby wen:. thP fresh. I would stff,·e on the athletiC' co11ncil The preliminary C'On test to decide rnnt may look up Information on the prc11aration. that the Kan~as City law had been de·

;;n battPrif's the first inning. Dick· rather than the ma:iager or the activ- ~'ho shall represent :\Jontana State su bject chosen: but may not rerel\"e The att~ndanre wa~ ~·ery ~nod and clared unto:i-:;titutionul by the ~upreme

n 1

~1 Borton rea<'hPd rtrst on I. . rt .d . j tn the state contest will be hel<l tlu.: an ,· personal aid whatsoe\er


the atteuuon of the arn.l1ence was hPlcl

';or~ ~nd C Borton on a r1itche~ ball ltY un er rons1 erat10n. 28th of thi~ month. 1'herP are al- I No contestant ~hall be a1iowed to at all time~. Qnitti u :1un;bt.'r of down- court of :O.li~souri He showed that the

, .. ('ahe made ~econd. both Bortons I nder. this pl~n new men would not' ready fi\·e entrips in the oratorcal listen to any speeches before their town people attended as wt?ll a~ thP addition or \'Ote~ would nm irumedi-

• I b<: contrnuall)· llltrorluterl tnto the 1 1 11 r f atel\.· do awa.v with all tht" e,;1s a~

. , . . . 1 contest and t iree probable entries in I own !:'1->eeche · are deli\"ered. Each regu ar ('O ege gtudents l ro e5:sor

nred on cloi.ble en or. Dic\,son sto e I <·ouncil and forc•t•cJ to familiarize Lhem- thP extemporanemrn contest. speaker sh:ill speak not le8~ than .Jackson's rendedng of the '"Humores· was claimed by the oppoi:-;ition. To

Kuhn~ ma<l£' seconcJ on "ild ..,_.,.1,·e ... · "·1·th tl1e 111·e•·1·011" act". o1· the I I . I" 11 l tl11t ·u tl1

I"' " ., "' Rules Governing Ora t orical seven minute~ and not morr than ten que" was il treat '' hkh uo111.:• of those snppon t lh k s owet f

1 t·

orow t.o r_ir~l. :\lcCabe ~rorHI on ('n11n<"il betort- they ('Ot1ld act intelli-st~\lt:'~ wlwrP thert:> h;ne been women

h ~

0 The oratorical contest is open to all I minutes. ~o contestant shall be al- who heard him would c·are to mi:-1s.

risiy ~ srngle. ~<'ore ·4 · gently o;i the qne8tion under consider-.. 1Hrage h\\ passed the politir· have

Seron1l inning· Collett on the I at ion. Ir waK tlf:'<-idP1l lhat this posi- students or ('Ollege rank In good stand- lowed to use any written notes or l Program :~t bPen 'd1:nged very materi:lly it

h d bl r a· th 1 t Ing. , any form of manuscrtpt I :\(arC'h-·'Kenturky Rine~ ... Yam~han.

ound a tr~u . e m mg e J> A. e, I tion «011lil be be~t fille<l by the presi· Selection -"'The Ho~e of Alge1ia.' at ·1 11 He sllowe<l that the \"Oter:s

Jberg "alkect. stolr second and tlnrd dent or thL· At>so<.:iated Students. l ================== who srn)·eli nway trom the polls were

ld scored on 'Wheelers grounder. The . . . . . Herbert. either tii:;ahlect. ignorant. or indiffer·

·tt ma;i fannPrl. Hamilton . 1 d Io o-o 111to effect next semester. this HOME ECON GRADS ANNUAL CROSS COUN- Selection '"The Gingprhrend )Ian,·

I :!mgbel / amenrlnH!llt mu~t be ,·oted on before • SloAnP. Pnt nntl would therefore not be of

1d brou~ht in \\11 ~eler anc :t as n an~ use in passi:J.g reform~.

d t JI the .officers are elected. Therefore I DOING GOOD WORK TRY THIS AFTERNOON Intermission

u wa~ bf'nrhed on 1 n attempte s ea . R b tt I St

1 1 j 1t will he YOted on rit the same time I Serenade (for two Yiolinsl. Deppen. e u as rong

'm~~ll~~hl:n~t~teenr f~~:t 0~J:f:ren ~~ thm the primary is held. . ---- G. Muse. F 0. Jarkson. sh~:-~~~1 1~:•:Ytl~~1:~~l~P:l~1:0;;~t~·~;~m~~

<I 11

d If rherr,, is sufficient time aft.er the Selection ··~fiSR :'\"obody from $tar-

" was re _re election the sweaters and other J The homP economics Journal for Prospeets a1>penr 'er) propluous £or I land." Howard.

Gra,·es. pitcher. \\1leelerfi grand- · . . . . awards will be given to the men that I April. pubhshed two arhcles b) last .111 1t1terestlng and closely contested Solo--by request. Proft"~-sor F' O

ancl catch m left field shot the first . ·

an up. another out o=i a high foul, earned them in football a:id basketball year graduates in home economics / mud wade Urns afternoon. tht! storm I .lat'k~on .. . , " .

votin2.' would 1tt~l·es~i t~\te a compulsory

:system ot registration. Frank Korh

replied by pro<ludn~ letters from in-

fluPntinl H:an~<IS City citizens show-

""' 1 in~ that th~ :-\YStem had been a sUC'<"ess T!Jmmond Scored' and the last man the past season .Miss Emma Taylor 'l:i worked on arly "\\'ednesday mornu-7" interfered I )farch Nallon.tl 8pu it, II.igt?t

"ught on first. Score 6-5, I To preYent a Etudent holding one problem in pastry making last year with the road work or most of the as- • thl~re. Robertz Gray. in a forc·erut

Third inning: Holt fan.ned the first office which would interfere with an· and the results of her experiments p1rlng runners. Saltz matlo the course COO LE Y T O REPR E SENT speech ,howed bv anual stati«it•s that

lttlf'"r walker the .second anrl fanned othpr ancl to insure that the officers were published in the jour:ial for this a:id came in looking like the commnn- COLLEGE AT EN TO· 1 the mnjoriiv ot' the dtize;1s \'~le .. Sa:l-

1P next two. Hamilton a:1d (~ra,·eR ol' the A S. M. S. C would not ne- month. l\liss Mae Meyer!'!· article on der of a Missouri gumbo glic!Pt. It Is MO LOGICAL CONF E REN CE. delius. tlw. next speake;· l'Ontended

·iar1 the hnttPrif>s in this Inning. rtr~t glN•t their clutie!S a sy~tem of student th(' minimum cost of a college girl's noised about that Lnl'ry hns a bear ot Professor R . A_ Cooley. head of the that the system hall been a su«eess

atlf·r fliPd out. next man fanned. a rati ng \\a:; draw11 up. Each office wardrobe for one year wa1:; jlso given 1 a. rhnnce to win the sweater. Zoology department ll'a,·es next \\'€'Pk in Switzerland. Austrin. and ~1rnin .

round er to second waR passed to first sha ll count as so many stude:1t activ· attention. "Shorty'' Preston who showed up to attend the conference or ... ntomolo· and could the refore b\:"1 said to be )lnH·-

tlm(• to ·nab the runner. Score !1-5. ity rredlt.s and no student shall hold The journal is the recognized 1)erio· j so well last year ts g-olng atter it glsL~ and inspectorg to be held in Salt ti<'al Let- 1''3.rk in his rebuttal shO\\·

Fourth inni:lg. crlass p1t<'.'hed. Ham· 1

more than five credits. dical In the United Stateli on home harder than ever. Dixon is also to Lake. Go,·ernor SipTy of l ' tah i:;sueu ell how tlh' ('OIHlitionl"< in Switzerland

ton i:<.rorNt one down on qecond :1 nd The raiing is as rollows: President I science topics and recognition of stu- be ranked among the strong i:o:ltend- the rnll tor the ('nnfereuce whost.\ pur- and uther foreign countrif' :. were not

J;'O fauglll on flips to 1 ft and thiTd1 of the A. s. M. s. C"' .. 5 credits; coun· dent work here ls very 1Zratlfying. ers. King trots a.round in great styla. 11ose will be to llet·ide upo:l mt>thods I the sume a:; b the rnitetl State~. Bin.

spPNhely dlman. 4 credit~: <'ommlssloners, 3 Miss Taylor ts :low teaC'hlng in the and seems to have lots of pep In re· ror eradic-atinc; lhP Alfalfa w<'e Yll gle. the ln~1 spenkl~r brOUf!hl forth

Taylor pltc11ed. [irst balt('r taniwrt. I rredits: annual Pditor, 3 credits: man- Belgrade high school and )fiRs )feyer.:;, 1 ser\'e. whkh hns rnused a great de-nl oi <lam· auti1orlty tn show thnt the Kansas t'it)

1rnmmond srored. another tatooed the agers of teams, 2 rredits; <'lass nresl· ia at the Billings high srhool. : Al Ronon. Robinson, Kuhns. Collett. agf' to lltah t·rop~. 1 law had bP-l-'11 dec·Jared unrol'lstitntlona1

.-nne thri<'e. and thP side went dow:i dent;; and presidents or other nrgant· 1 Ross and Strnnahnn have also been Thf' confcrent(' will ulso t.'olh~itlt'"r onJ~- throuc:h a tedrnicnlity

bPn a hlef was caught at third. zatio::is, 1 credit Forty gi rls of the home economics training for the sophomor team. 1 more effi('ient nwn.ns 01' qn:.i~111ti11l' M. S. C. vs. South Dakota

(·ore 6-6. department attended a demonstration I Tn the freHhma:l class Hanna, Mc· 1 to prevent tlH' spnlad of the wet>Yil. Ila\-.., ~tt>el pn·~it.lt?d at the cll~bate.

Fifth inning: A . Borton pitched. Bo-1 S EN IO R GETS P OS ITI O N l:i meat C'lltling at one of the local Mahon, Reitz. Mashin. ' 1Nlg" Taylor. The nlfalfn weevil i~ an GuroJ)eun µest Miss Tlady8 Ritz and Otto ""oorlward

Hg scored, double pla~., liner to pitch· . hutf'her shops \VedneF;day afternoon. anrl Mc1'~1wee are doing consistent and Is known to oN'ttr in the west 0111.'· rendered ' 'ocnl selection~.

rand return to first cauf?;ht two men .\li~s Pearl ffeighton ' H has resign-, An expert meat C'nlter rnt np :l bePf I work. r~verybody seem~ to be deter· 'I in Utah. Tomorrow night Llewellyn Luce ancl

~ · · next man flied out to <'aLcher eu from Uie faculty of th_e Gallnt~n N1rcaRs explR.in.ing the c11:ff'rent meth-1 mined lo g~ around th~ ntlre ?ourse 1t has. nev('r been fou:1d in :\fern. tnn:1 .T. D. Kellry will debate the South

1tzgerald pitched. two mPn rea<'hed.1 County high school, and Mt.'4~ Amelia ods and show rng the d1ff rent cuts if they ba\e to v.alk m. this 1s the 8lld as 1rn lntrodurtlon mC'ans n grC'nt Dakota Ag-gies at Rrookings, South

""l'S. :iext up flied to short. Todd 1

Stan ley '16 will trtke her position as nectlssar)· to produce ste-aks, roasts, right spirit and may no class be loss its control is of \'ital imponnnca Dakotu. This will be the Inst debatP

torecl. next batter fanned, Hamilton I instructor o[ domestic art. loin cuts. and the li k e. 1

~1 hnmt>d of its ~bowing, wtn or lose. I to :\[onta.ua rnrmer~. or the season for the college.

~~~~~~:=:-:::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=:==:=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=::=:~T~H~EiW~E~E~K~L;Y=E:;X;P~O~N~E;;N~T~, ~F~R~l~O~A~Y~,~A;;P~R~l ;L=7~.~1~9~1~6~. ~--:::=:~==~~~::;~~==::::::::::::::::::::::::::~::::~::;:;;:;::::::::::::::::::: ~AGE TW O

THE W.E.ERLY EXPONENT CALENDAR lsophomor,e ~earch i ., .,, " _ _ _ __ _..::'-----=-=----::----= I Apr i!.l.4 . A;>nual Cro.s Country Run.. for Sarcopbagidae 'I ca 71 3 8 5

ESTABLISHED JANUARY 1, 1910. I (Outgrowth o! Mont.lily Exponent, Establish ed JanURr'Y 1. 1 96.)

4: 1~ - I

First A S \( $ (' dance. DrUl 'Th e pa tch of tall grass be tw een the I -------=============-===========- t Hall c hemistry buildiog and the shops was

A pril i.-1, Debate. M. S. C .. ,.s. South the ~cene or a v~ry mysterio1.1s serim-

' llakotn in Rr ook ings. masre by a party or perfeC't1.Y rntionaJ

April 29-21 or 21-22 aa~eball. )l. S . looking sophomores one cJay las t wee . I C .. '"~· Jdaho. in Bozeman Old hea ds on the hill were not de-

T he \Yeekly Exponent is s trictly a student enterpr ise. It e en.let purpose )lay 5, State Oratorical and Extern- ceivecl by thei r aC'tion$ as they had· 1'

Is to presen t to Its readers, each week, an accura te and complete record or I pomneous contests. :10tic-cd the 11eC'uliar outbreak each I



ror your Ice Creams. 8bt'rberts. Ire~ and frozen da.nt ie:s. match color SC'bemes.

C:tndlt•:-;. to

The Bungalow the developments fn college attairs during tha t period and to exert Its influ-, spring for many years. but the rrosb

ence for the upbufldlng or Montana State Colie~e. The paper is the result or __ j to a man were sadly non1)h1ssed. A f voluntary f"trort put forth by the students who compOSe th e sta ff. I l 1 party of the latter finally snm1noued ~§§~§§~~§§~~§§~~§§~~§§~§§§§§~§3

B B 11 courage enough to approach tlle sophs ~

Publfshed e\·ery Friday or tbe tollege rear by a s taff chosen from the II ase a I for a clo~ed invest· ation. They dis· i students o! \be Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts. I "0

'ered that the ••emin.,Iy ihrngerous I indhi<luab were engagetl in the harm- : We Will Have on the gras~ which they W<.>re •1ffec· I an abnndan...:c..· 11i Lilil.':-- c_~ nd all uthcr aµpr• •pna t· . \\ c..·r ... f1.r l lc..·

t) ( the Unin• rsi ty o r Monta na, Bozeman, Montana. ! 1' J(>$S pur~uit of hel 11les..: litile in!"eCtS 1'

EntE'rPd as second-<'lass mall matter at Bozeman . Montana, under the Act of llJ!ll 111..'\\ 1111..· .iu:o.t in. I tio:rntely calling hy t'Udl hi.E!"h :-:.ound· Ea.;,tl'r tidc-thl·~ an .. · it11l'->ou -..ht uld 'l'~ tlll. 111

Congress or March 3. 1Si9. ing- n;.1111~:-; n:-; the~P :'\'otOIH'l'hlidae . •

SUBSC RIPTIO N RAT E : I J:ali- . J:at' . (;J.,,e,, ~lit<. l·ni-l f"looopteru. ,;ar,·opha.,idae. Ac·ritlidae ;I' L AN G 0 HR' s

etc. Tht:> mad ~cr;.mble wa::- cau~ed

I iorm:--. Etl". I b,. the ru:--h for new :-:.11Pdmcns nnn Ten Cents Fer Copy. e<~C'h d:iimilll!. lhl' o!ht>rs hu:::: by the

~tudr·nts be-on1e sul1s"rlbers upon 11ayment o! the regurnr nct iYity fee. I • , 111c· 111 .1111! ,,.,. I l1t·111 1 1 Two Dolla rs Per Year .;:. '" .. \. I rnlt> tir~t seen fir:-:., JHJS~t::"~sec





l :\~..::;JST..\'.\T Pl"~l:'\ESS )IAX . .\.GER A~SIST-\XT f'JRC't·LATIOX )f;\'GR





J Gord1:n Sewell. .·1~ John ". \I mar


j ROSE DRUG CO. I " I The jt_~ Sfor• I



'From a srncly oC the fire lrnzarcls t•Xi:;ting in tht> building~ or thP .\eri.

('nlturnl l·oll•·~t>. I am cmninl·ed tlia t ther~ is a prt:.•ssing, 1H•ed 1or a mor<'

<11lpq11.nt> watt:r sunply. in order Tlrnt the l·olh-gl' 1mt) h;l\'1• tht• prott'l"lion

!Cl \\ h1d1 it h; t•lllilll'll.


Edwartl C E liott. ChatH·Pllor Of t1w l niYer::-ity of

ThP Jhn\ t-' sratenwllt w.ts nuute ret·..::ntly bY ('ha1H.·~llor Elliott an er a

Following 1hi1' thP tire extin·

~~~.7d/6r:~ Don't Overlook

Our Special on


J)oines ni sonw of t ht" hoy:-- at tllP Y . .'.\l. C \ has hl'('ll C'UU~inc- .t grf'<lt deal of rnlk on 1111' hill thP p:t:-:.t Wf'Pk.

ll SN'lll!:' th t ~e,·eral Iar::.l' f rt.•t-ral'ker::: l'a11..;cd the seC'rt>tary a gn•:ll amount ol anxiety

beside~ e:xciling hi" nng('l' About three .. y·· IJ(.y~ wh11 werp desirous of

a little fu;a and iHhl"nturt .. ' either will· fully or malidou~ly t·:rn~ed a rew fire­crackers to explode in front of one ot the dignitaries window:-.. Thp t'nraged t

I offkial torthw-th 111·1icet•ding to order

thP l"Hlprit~ tt) rt'IllO\'P 1heir 11resence from1lw lmildin~ (orf."'\·erm01·C>. Thi!'; ex·

11lains why tht•rc ar~ 8e\·t>ral nice room:-;, \"ery quiet ones. now obtain· able in the hn~inp~~ distritt. I


315 Tracy Avenue S

A. G. McKEE The Printer

Phone 95W

107 W EST M A IN STR l! ET

Montana State College of Agriculture and Mechanic Arts

Practical courses in Civil. Electrical and Mechanical Eng:ineering, Mechanic Arts, Agriculture, Dairy. Hortl· cultural. Home Econom"ics. Industrial Chemistry

Econ0mic Biology, Music and Art.

!.,'lli:-hers wPrP OH"rhaulecl and their n11mhe1 intTl·ased. but it rr>nrnins a f:wt

th1.H the risk is gTeat.

One who liut lasnally tullow::- the news in the 1mblir-ations of the yari­

uus ('111le1:n:s and uni\ ersitiPs cannot hut he- imprt>!'~t>d by tlw numlwr of

seriou~ fires which ncc•ur in collt::"e:t> l> u1Jdin;.:.s

some buildin~ hur;1s IO till~ ~round WI th <-1 his:-. in tnOllt'Y staml:inls o( hull·

rlreds of thousanll::; of dolhns and a tar !!Tt•attir i(l::-s ol ilJIJl<ll«ltUt'. museum

("Ollt><·tinns. anti 'fl t'ol'!h that ha\"e b ~"" thP \ilP work nl nu\11) nwn and

1rf' i)of n plac 11nhh ·~· lllOllt!Y

Tailor-to-Order Suits



The Barometer h, ii~ enlnm11 ':f'l1•· Expun1•nt "ill

1•uhheib sii.;-n1· d 1·011trihntion..: rt•lati1u.: tn m.1lt••rs .. r 1'11l>lil· ;•iteri•.:t Th<' f'•litor lu+·.: not u('t·•• ..... trih emlor ... 1· lhe llrlil'l('l'

1•11h!ic.h1•d hut t1"'en1· ... tlil' rii..:ht to r 1"­

\,.~ t 111~· .1rtid1• llot .. 11i1nhle rur publi-1·;Hio11 c 11i1 .. pn111•r. l J.

Beautiful grounds, commodious tuildt ngs romplete wood and iron shops,. extensive laboratories. m1Jdel k itchen an d sewing rooms. m u sic and art studio.


ur r ·~1 nt l"Ol!dit on Wt" are t' rowdt>il 1or s11are anti ran ill·<Hford

to l11sl;" au~ Ot our huildin::.s. Our must:um. th\~ insl'tt t•ollet·ti<rn anll the

ht d 1ri11111 "-hkh <llP ;.1mong tht' fint-0st in tilt' nonhwi::-.t art:' hl"m-.pd wherP

n would he im1ms~ihle tc ~a\'e them i !" a seriou~ firf' should start In other

bu J,110:!~ similar <v1111itlons pxist.

It pr l•parednesg is lo be our motto. why nol also a11ply it to an i:--~ne

far llP~trf'r Jwmr tha:l tlw nrosJ1PC't of any forei{:n cumplkations.

First Baseball Practice )I iss Carlotta F'ord of the h ome

Tlw lirst n'c. 1ihtr 1irai·tiq> ot" lltt• N·onomit-:-; l1cpar1nwnt leaYe~ ~londay squad frc1m \\ hkh till' tc>am will bl'

11kkPd whkh plnY:-.c l<l;iho lll're. April ::!11. \\H!5 ht>ld on TuPsilay al1~rnoon.

The s<tuarl WR:-; p l·l,ed from 1he par

tldpc·nts in tht:.• dat-is ~erips and ill·

for Spokant> wher<> sht> w111 am1ear

\\"pdnesday 011 the program ol the 1:1·

lanrl TPaC'ht~r~· assodatton.

Chlllt>s th•• following men Cornn. Parker to Lewistown

Clarkson. Gatton, llir'ksCln. Bnlloc-k. .J H Pnrker of thf' entomolo~y J~-Seanuns. Snm' . Ht>cltlkk. It. Taylor. 11artmPnt, .·n <Hllbority on the wPster,

Strand. ght·rr'.\ A Ho ·1oll, L' Borton. wheat ri.phis. went to Lt•wistown to in­

l>rummond. ll. Ta~ lor (fra,·~~ Hamil-1 Yesti~:-ne rhe losses t0 grain ~Towns

ton. Bober~. ~ol>h:' .Jacoby. and in that 'idni1,- ThP a phis c·aust"'fl con-\\"ht•t•lt·r siderablP linmage in 1hat , idnity last

1 year and I~ reportpcJ at work af!:ain.

Next I tercl ass Game ::\Ir. Pnrke>r has SJl<'llt se\·f'ra vp: rs

T.l~t l~~x~ .so1~l~-:'ro.sh ha11lt• will lw I in tin~ ~tndy of tht' aJlhl'." and his. pur· n_b)td s.n1.1da) .1ttt>111oon at 4 o'('lnt.k:. po~e will be to gin· lhP farmt.•i·s Jlrar-·

1.lw l_ast ~ll'.lH: ht•tWl't>Tl lhPs• two old I lif'al inslntl"tin71 un the control nf thP rl\al:-; was ta~t and hard ron~ht 1rnm pest. start to fi11ish and 1he Sat11nlay gtllllP --

will bP Wt'll WOl'lh Sl't'ing A re\H'e>seataliYe {·1m11nittt?l' oL all I thP ~·oung people's organizations ot;.

Thl' _A. S. M. S. C. Dance I the elt_\ met Ii-1st PH•nin~ and cliseu.ssed

the 1."trsi dan~·t• to hf' f;.i\ l'll 11~de1 plans for an Easter breakfast The

Stuckn:, :vill ~11· tlw .1ww .~s~oeiatf:'d Jl:rt>akfast is 1.0 IJe held at li:4:i a. m. on . . r ~n i-lttr u 11011 .11 the f 1"'..aster morn111g nnd will probab!'" IJ

ri~ill hall this t.'\"t-lllllj:. Tht' i.ldm;:-.c-.1011 I in the Yi('init:r of SourdouoJ , : ke

n~ll he fifty ,.l'nts and th(' 1u-o- i d~ The party wili mep; at lht· ..... \.c1:e d. w1)) '""O lOwar I n1· I


f ,.. . • ' t rni:: np t 1e trea-i11:-"l I go to tlw <-clmtling ~rou nd !' i:1 '_1 boch. 9 tht> !-itUclent hucly Tac tkkPt~ will be on !"ale :n n.11

Miss Lu rih.• R~·o!l who is leach· young 11Pople':; met>tings Sunda)

ing and doing ~radun te work a t Cor-1 .. \\'hat -k--1 -n:ll un.iYer~it~· il·c-tun·d h·~fo:·e the n Yer l hPr;~~ ei'; tie t•rnwd e;a th e r so

\\ Otll:ln s duh In Sc·IH·lwr·t;•<h '.\"ew .. 01 . 1 . . York. last week · · · .. 1•• \U gar C'llrio~ny. 1 l-t\lppose:·

I Let f> go over."


Will 25

Save You

per Cent on

Wall Paper



$30.00 For this week onlv we make this special pri ce.





It will mt>att Satisfac ti on to yo1.

l J

H. A. Pease & Co. Jewelers ar.-d Optom etrlsta.

T he Ha ll ma r k Sto re .

Bozt•man ,\font, -\ Jll"il 10 . 1916.

Editor 01 E:x11onenr ·

In th1 last 1ss11t-> oC the \Yeek ly Ex-

1nnen1 thl'r<' ap1wared. under the Jiead­ini:, ··The> Barometer." a spare pro· Yided tor s1g11~d <'Ontributions . .i let· ter <·ritir-izinc. the a<"tions or those members or the Exponent staCI who recP:-itly re~igned. The wrieer who

a11paremh Ji\·es in H ele na, ~igns him­

~~lf ''Alumnus." not caritu? to disclose 1

Ins namt>. thus making: the le tte r vir·

I tually anonymous.

The writer admits he is wholly un­familiar with condi t ions in Bozeman. Yet ht• does not hesitate to rri ti rize

j ~nd make insulti:1g remarks ag:iinst

1he <"hnra<."ter and moti\·ps of those who resigned.

W. E . DEAN.

Osteopa thic Ph ysTclan

M lc hlgan Bldg.

Bozeman, Mont.


E very thing- in the lrne of ice cream and 'punche,.

Judevine & Sons.

Trail Creek Coal Bear

\Ye do not helie\·e thnt on ... who is admitted)>- out of touch with affairs at \fonrnna !=:.tat(' c-olle~(' Ehould ex­press his Yif'w:-:. [or publication until

he has thorou~hly inYe~tigated the ::-itllation.

lf th~ writer of that c·om·nunic·a1'on I V..7 ood Ice is willing to sL-11Hl correction a nd it

willing to takl' off hiR m:i~ 1.;, " Alum

:tus." hp or annrne eli:.e may lea rn

the .. motin1 s at·tuating thr wholesnle c·hange·· in the ~lnrr cf the Exponent by writing to any of the un<lersigned. '



1t is lll'<'PS~ary that all a rtic les be si~ned. but nnnws ha\·e not been pub­li~hed unless rc<tlleHerl.

lf the reasons referred to in the aboYe article are plau sible why not malie them publir -Ed.

Frank .Kyle F-hone 326. 46 E Main St.

When You "'rite Relatives \\ 11' ll 111 c111..·lo~t· he bahy'_..;;


Thi-.. yuu t:an <lo i i yu u have



111 .' •_1ur humc Ea'."-\ to 1..~ptrate

-inc'Jh: n-..i\' c l all and !'t>e


Roecher's Drug Store



at the





I College Boys

I The \ r.:ade na rbe1 Shop

I, is the place "tl :..et Jir cut ~h:tYt"""· etc. n( , ......


1-, -- --I: WHEN IN DOUBT

l1! '1 'llJl" ~2

! r.,r T ·pnhL"r l .. • I an.I l einent I I

I I Copeland Lumber Co ..

I t-;. K. Lannah. ~[anager. ·1

:j -


, Marth• Block I man · - - · Montaa

o .... Davldaon &. Cook,


Cowruercinl XA~ ·1 n:10l< Th1ll dlt:

-- -----·-D k. W . E. MOXLEY,


I uf'.lce-Golden Ru le !3loch.

I Pbone-Omce 97 W . I Residence, 601 W,


EXPONENT, FRIOAY, Af'R_IL 7, 1916. -~--=:=:::'.::::::===:=:::--:::=::::=· =·~i:=~:=:=:=:=:=:=~.;_~~~-~~~-'...,..::!"..;.-.:........!:.-.......:F~A:G~E TH.~ER


.--R-a~i'--n--- jl t I

coats That Don't Leak


t t

' t t t

I : The Corree club ga\·e a banquet at. I Larry Saltz. " L°' e Songs," Professor i the Bungalow 1:i~r1day evening immed1· Hightree. "Song to Kahleober~·· and

1 ately tallowing the debate. Those Leo Humphrey ga\·e the cbem1cal al-

l ~eatcd at the banquet table were the I pbabet. At a lri t e hour the hos tess sen ·ed cl el iC' iou s r efreshments.

J 1 member~ of the college debuting team.

'" ' f

' .



Thelen &

...... .. '

A New Story GD Tap Come in a.nu we'll tell it to you And a lso s ho\\ you 1heo c·lassie1:>1 lln

01 stripes you e \·er saw. The pri<.:es are moder.He and we know how to tit you 011t m a

~lilt I.et us fix up your old suit.

HANK ~ ED. -

,, Hanley -



1 Lee . Park, Robert.z . Gray and Oa,•id l ~lis~ Janet Hiddell of Hel ena. en-

1 Gra~. the (daho ns1tors, Frank Koch, I route 10 spend a rew montlu; in t he

f ! Bertram Bingle, and "~allac Sande- east. will spend Sunday with her sis-I I!

Li.,;ery, Saddle Horses and Auto !I WHERE QUALITY REIGNS.

At '3.50 to

For Hire.



1. liu!<: Presidt'nt Jlamilton, ProfeSHOr ter, )IiF~ .\larsa. at Hamilton Hall.

llmldy. L. Lut'e a:1d On\"id Steel and 1 lht> judges. \\'illiam T. l'igott and M 1---------------

$15 . ~s. U:ia B. Her- iC'k left yesterday

I .l11d~f> Tlwndore Brantly of Helena. .

I tor :s11okane to atten d the Deani:; Con- :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ::

I fcre_ nc·_e an<.1 th e lnl nnd Teachers' a:-::- I::

The down town t"-f•nior womeon were ·•

l SO<:rnt1on. :: OTHER COLLEGES

I t->nte1·taln<•d at lu111 h T11Ps1lay ;H Hum- •• ::

I ilton Hall as ·'Ir~ fil'rrii·k wisher! to )l bs I !auk .\rneson :spen t till' ,,., .. l~k :: :: :: :: :: :: :.: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ;; 1 on(l~r with tht.: ~c11inr wonkn hefOl'C' I .:.uin~

10 ~pnkane encl dsithlg IH'r parents at Big Tim-

Phone 57. Bozeman. I

A word to the "fus:-.ers - .Johnf'tOTfs Cho<·olatt>~.

Geo. H. Willson Co. ''Quality Stationers"


. ' I

·· I

HOllOW~Y'S Hart. Schaffner &Marx

Ready To Wear Clothes

i -- ber. II I University of W isco nsin IF YOU WANT FIRST- I SEE OUR

II A lh• annu,li tnc-< i:1~ o1 lhe ~lon· 1·1 I' II d I I I . I . Tl1" I I . ". CL S I EASTER LILLIES t

. w \f'C wa ('( t· 11 l me>t Wll l )IJ:o;!:i ..- St· 10 <tslH' srnnulll).; ol tile ~od:t j A S WORK DONE

I tana so<·IPty or' ni:::ineers, lwld in Hel-1 Azalia Linfietc1 aft(>r attendin.e; the and prnfrssiona' fratf\rnitif's nud or ANO EASTER CUT FLOWERS. f ena I l'-lt week. <;P\t.·ral thin,g!' ot in· theaH·r :\ln:idny t·\"Pnini::. ·\It t~njoy1•11 the i-;ornritir" has hcen puhlish ... d ThP j Cnm~ t11 our ·hop :'\0thina ! ii tert..>s~ 0 the {'Ollegp toilk pl;"11.:e l'ar-, dainty n·frt?shnwnts senl·d by thP hos- a\"er 1ge ot the mar1•s rec·t>i\"ecl by wn-1 h ut iir"l cl;i........ \\Orkmen emr::

rol nt Huue. '.\[llthPwson uf Anac·onda. tPs!' and '' iP\\ hnnrs Wl';.~ spelll men Wal:' ':t•i~: that recei\'Pd h'" nwn. pl(1yed '! Proft>ssor Bowman nf the ~clwol llf sodally . 'L2:l. . I I 1~;1E:--t~l-~nEc·tSh'· .... ;iBnAittiRrB' E ,Rarvl StHtpO-aP'- 1 1 ii, ti '.\I tlf'l" 1111 l'rofP~"or l'onJ,ling were a11-1)ollllt cl ~1 ·ommin1·1.: 10 'P\"I""~"' tlk C'O:l- Tracy stitntion so as to }ll'O\irle tor a srndent A n11mhl·. of ~·nnng mt>n were ~uests At the l "n i\Prslty of ::'..:t·hra:-.ka 11Par-

O( the fair SI'>). of llamllton ll all al ly i-:;ix hundrc•rl :-.UH1f'nls h·iyp entl'l°l'd mPmh1..·r~hi11 tbat will niukc engineer- <linner Snn<lay classes in military prepare1l.1ess. FRED HINMAM Greenhouses f iu~ students. studt'nt nwmlJPrs. Pro- :'iofo\·pments. si.g-h tin g. rifle pradir·p Manager

.\\*ptl(}i:1_g u_nnounct>ments .. wen• re-1 and oth er regula ti ons ancl ta"ll<'".· a1·~ JI l'l1< 11c I

I tes-.;or Conklin~ and Upan Ric·htl'r both n:~JJlllHled lO toast~ at the banquet .... " ..... ------------.-, i 4 •.

ceJ\"E'd In a tew 1wrsonal 1riencts \as1 <lisnrnt in Lh esf' eta~~<·:;. I I I

liclrt at the ~1011ta11,, duh. k l 1 J,9

' :W'la • a. •. ~---~ 'i ----------------• Wl't.: • irom R l Park('r of the ento- r, ,,.. .- ~ ,.... -

<ll·nt or t lw .,.oc· ('f} for tht• •·omi:tg ,..., .. " :urn nnrmg us Payne Tem111<.•1on, 11re~i_1 l ent O[ the - /. ~- . Profe:"sor Hiehter wa8 ele<.:tt'd µresi- 111 ,, 1 ,,_~.' ct~ii•rinierit 0 · I · I' ~ ·"' · ~ ' ' I marria~P in ~hlssaC'lmsetts. :\l,..arrh 2S A . :-::. l' ).1., whe-n interYtewed 111 re· ~ - -~ '' .•-:. 11 ,

1 year f!anl 10 thl• ac·tion of t he athleUC' I - C..: •• co11no11 ,,_licl. \Ye will. ~o 111 ,t ., 11 FOR HER 1

1 (

I :::ew i{t.' plans _ror thf' :\lanhauan sys- :::: ••:::.: :: :.: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: ~ L• 1

l •• t:lt> :\ ... nozpman m renc" 111g relauon· I \\-ht:thcr ..... ht 1' '1111r 1nthc..:

11 1

TOCK REDUCTION SALE OF tt>lll \\t•rt· '1Jlt•l'O\PI hy P1oies~11r Snow, - . I

. I I 1 ~- bo d ALUMNI NEWS •• shqi ath1eth and othen,i sc. but no .:--1 ..... ter llr ..:\\""t:lh",·11·1. 1"•·11,.··1111, i· 1 I YOUNG MEN'S CLOTHES <'OlHW llll..! eni.: Tit>CI or t ll' sla~r ar •• .... .... .. ..

owest Prices in The Whole Year I of lwalth. l<bt Wt'ck. Tht· work at - •• fa1ther. I that "'llCh arttcle ..... a-. I loo K h

. d A. t C ft .:'lla11hat an i.., mlllt<>r the direnion ol :: :: t: :: :: !! :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :! :: :: :: :: f S ] I G Id uppen e1mer an r ra Freil " Brown WOULD ABOLISH SUMMER RULE I 1 ver to1 et sets. o 1ewelry. I

rands, c;:mt~ tlH• formerly sold u11 · · The 01 gL1111~at1on m' tl .1at1on-wide i Diamond pins, V anity sets I t

:J .~ 1 _·~ • for $7.50 I :\lis~ :\tarsa H.irldPll eujoYed a \"isit I \\" 1; ""illson of t'lnss · 1 ;{ who i~ .1:-; ... oc•tat ton ot eollege men aim mg at I mct kL th l' 1ri ft-.. 1 li t l l 1111

1-. : :

Sut" hrn gl.lt to st•ll ii'. to ~2:i. fr11m her fathL'l. llr Hiddt>ll. ot llt•leua. with the \\~estmghottM' in Pittsburi:t the dboh u o n of tlw present summer• appn ... ·c1a1ed:--. and tit.ti ~1 "- \\ill ! f cm $12.50. Thur:-fla' ha~ bePn offE'recl a po~ition in th€' dis- basPha~l rule .rnd a.t the general re- 1 retain the111 aJ\\a\.... I'!

A greaL 01 .tll 1h.n is 11~\\ in pat- · 1riet offi<·e- al Los AngeleR form 01 1utereolle~Hll€' athletl<'l:\ b be- t

r1. ancl moue!' ~H7' fi Ibo:~;; ~~r~·~',: \'::"~;:;·" r~~~: ~::n~~: Laura l'ierlalue. ·12 who i< lea"11ing ~1.g cag~aA1ModES.ll G~R1E1<AhTigEanS.T ALUMNI L~slie E. uage I'. J . H. H~nReRSISho&.e MJ .• nE ..

!AMBERS-r 1SHER \.....O• night a~ sh<" had just l'P<'Pi\"ed 3 hi~ borne sc·iPnl·e in Lhc publk ~chools ot / nLY.AY '"' G box of eats" from her brother For Lewi~town i~ ~pe:idin~ thP spring \'3· JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. l \1 f \\.'e just \\ant to ~ny that our

"" I - ''"···- - --1 rP~t Fnurtel'll g-irJ..: w_Prf• prpse:it - Lation with hPr 118 ren1~ Xot to be o,·ershadowcd by Stan· I lonrs rPcent isl of prominPnl alumni. ne" Easter rootwt>ar b now reaay

· • 't• \Y .I. Krenier. ·10. or· l.Pwi·sto",1 wao,· membt>-r~ of !hf> fac·ul!y of the "('-ii- :mcl we want yon to seeit.

Pring lme :\tr-.. \\. F ~dw1 ,,; \\ill cntu·tain ·• I j lrn in Yi 't 111 B ti ''f'r:"ity or California hn'"e named tt"'n I The Iarn . t modt:'ls at the lowest th1· senior girlt-i tit tht- Ant>\ t~ dub a s t'S~ s1 or ozl•nrnn rPcen Y men who they bc li p\"e h.1Ye brought CUSTOMERS WIN ALL ir1···e.

;n an EastPr Inn('heou ~aturday '"

,'lothes -- ""ill llarrmau. o:-... e- n ga~ecl iu the till• most <.'J't•dit to tht> statP institu- ARGUMENTS tion Among th~m are F"rnnklin r:: J ff ff tll\ ' )l!s~ Oli\"~ Kinst'l1a b assisting )ti:-:~ ('jyjJ E11~1nc rin1!, pn1t1·ssio11 at Lh·· Lani. Oo,·ernor Hiram John::>on anu I A. clean sanitary place for I . . arris -at t.:o.

1t:>nsPn with the Lome t:<·onomic·s short ingston. was in Bozeman last Satnr- .lar·n: London. Ex. I studenth to get their work I l • rng > 1J r ph a .... t rL at

H .'I VEY & JACOBS ' but re­e . ,L..... .p rin g will not wait r you. Stvp in a t your first 1 • 1 . ' loo!: c,ver our ele­

! ... :ie ·~- s 11ri~g fabrics. and -.:I L us :nea~ure you for your

·:,ng St : . Qur cut. fit and rnish of all garments made by ; are as good as any man's

I oney can produce.

820 and $25

Buys you a good Suit

opuler Price Store for Men Chavey & Jacobs

ozeman, Mont.

course 111

\\"ibaux thi~ wpek. ~ day. done Y o u get better ~ervice -- RESULTS OF UTAH DEBATE at the FASJFON.

Brook ITartnuu. '13. wo ~ in Uoze·


:'\[is8 Ellen Co:iway s11ent thE' wet"k m:m last wpek ·'"isiting his parents . In the trilrn~tilar !IPha t e u11on the I FASHION BARBER •1

encl with her sis ter )fi ~!-' :\I an· <'on· ).I r. and :\J rs. \\·. s. ll anma11 )Ir. SHOP I The I

\lonroP Do<.-tri:w. Bri,!?ham Young-way of the freshman c·la}'.~. Hartman i~ bookkeener for the Empire l"nh·ersity lost to l 'tah AgriC'nJ1 11 ra l LETTS &. MARQUIS.

- Trust a nd Sa Ying~ com pany at Lewi~- t'l.111.ege a_ n<l won rrom l ' t ah l"ni\" er- I I Schlechten Studio

Pr es::;1 anrl lfrs \\' .\I Cuhl~ie;h town. Under Gallatin Truat Bank. 11 deli~hu'ulh PntPrtained tht> member!; I c·n ~ . takrng th P ncga1 h ~ side. Ptah

1 C'I ·

1 lJ

1 1 \\On from l ' tah AgriC'ultural l'Ollege,

Ol t le lemistry (' u · t le <· iemistry Gene Quaw. '11 , retu rned last week making Bri~ham Young uni\"ersit:• the

profe8-..;.or~ and their wi\·es and th e from Lewi~town whprp he ~tagcfl his winner. The negative side of the .----------------extension chem ist~. at th eir home OP latest 11h1~·. TIH· Tulip \ I.till" ques1ion 11roved the s1 roni:t r side in Third a,·enue la~t Saturda:i. e\ ~11in~ About thirty gue-sts were prf>sent. A

"C'homic·al .. program. 1·hemica l in na-ture. was ~ i \'en whic-h 11nwed ,·E>ry U

J entenaini:1e. The program opencci :: EXTEN!';IO N NOTES

eq•ry case.

A Fool There Was :i A fool th Pre was. and be swor e a 1 :: swear.

with an addrpss of w<~kon r h) ).Jr. :! •• l•; ven as y"ou and I. 1

Klassy Kicks

12 Btack A TilllH.


11f .:1l\ and college Yiews and po~t ~ards lltl safe at tl-.e BOZEMAN • MONTANA

I C'obleigh fo llowed by a respon st> hy : : :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :t :: :: :: :: :: :: :: I T~w t he nPV_l'r woul_d kiss his lady fair

1 Carl GottsC'halclc J;!"ivinµ: an e~J1ihi'ivn I \\ e cnlle-d 111111 the 1001 who didn't ('are by c111 experienc·ed ~Jass h luw er Pro· frs:-:or Dogut' ga\'e an iustrn<'ti\"E~ tall~ .\lis..: 1':ithPl'illf• . IC'il "'l~n .md \tiss For r~~:esr~~:ler:·.as afraid o f the mic- Colh c.e- :\ten and Women

~ I Coal, Wood Lumber on e:-raduate study. l\fi s~ Janelle Lund Oli\'e l\.111sPll'I arP ~i' in.go i-- horl ~,·en as you and

san~ the "Chemh~ts Lam nt," Donald ~ c·ou rse 10 th women of \\'i baux and Oh the jo)· we lo~e and ihe bliss Wt>

Cook. the "Chemists Pridt-." 11. :'ii \"ic·iJ1ity rhl s \\t:"ek ilPIOrP returnin~ lose.

ShE-a. "Son~ of the Qui:lint> Pills. to Bozeman. sd1oo ls will be held in And the fun w might hau~ had . :\Iiss l~rma Lessel. "Song of F'resen­iu~ ... GlaUys Ritz . ·'In the Laboratory ." GJenllin•. ll ysha m . :nd liroa.i,·iew.

Or \\". .l. l lartman has A:OIW to Ana­C'Onda to eon fer with 1iar1 ies in regard to p revt>nta ble losi--es or livestock.

If we :i.e,·er had heard of the thingi:; called germs .

.\[icrol>es. baC'illi. and sim ilar lc rms,

. row isn ' t ii tOO blame bad . - Ex.



Reed's Bootery I Kenyon;Noble Lumber Co • I 320 We•t Main St.

'' Why Smith Left Home''

1~1·ofeHROr C. :\. Arnett , 1-'rofes~or l\l . I Aint ittough? L. \\*ilson. Dr. I ~. II. Hil ey . and Di·. "\Vhen duty calls, the you thful lo,·-\V. J . Hartman will a tle nd the Mon- e r, who ha s no c l :ll~ser; a ll morning.

tana S1ock Growers' <·onventio:i. April rises at breakfar;t time and rushes 1 a nd 1 g. They will also give a j over to the main drag nnd escort::; hi s

school for H or~e Br eden• in conjju nc- 1 lady to the first l.1our dnsr;. Th en tion with the convention. home he trots to h1~ abode . to abide Our Specialties

A THREE-ACT COMEDY by George Broadhurst. Author of "What Happ ened to Jones."

High School Assembly Hall

Friday - Saturday, Apr. 14 - 15




___ j the time as best he <.·an till the next

)1. L. \\~il!:Wll left \\red nesd ay after- ! whistle blows. and on1·e more we find

noon for herictan C'Ou nty, where h him at the old meet111g pla<:'e. e-tre tera. ,

1s co-:iduC'lmg some fl ax de m o ustta-J n;:id on on. (till marnage)?


vou ran hav~ both at

. THE MODEL GROCERY ' t1ons He will also take s teps to I 'Twa s ever thus - Ex I place a <Olmty agricult.unst th ere wtlh ! headquarters at Pl entywood. 111 nccord-

::1~:t) w~:m~i~ss~~1~;~)1·~1:t~:~;:. ~ty y~1~~ I P~TRONll[ DUA ~OV£RTISERS 1' !._~_;_~_~_e_e_~_~_M_a_!n __________________ P_r ... ~-m_~_t_:_b_~_!v-ee-~-~-• j ar:o

--George Bartz, Prop.--

I Profei-;sor i\1. J . Abbey of \\" est Vir· 1-----­

ginia ha s atc·epted a position in l~xten-

sion service in _\lonta:rn. He will suc-ceed Miss Au gusta 0 . Evaus. who ex- I

pects to ~ake .graduate work in Mln-1

nesota Unt\•ersHy next y('ar

The Y . "M. C A. Is pln=ining 10 hold a reception to members and friend s on



\\"lh.'l'l' <li<l you gl·t )our st'\•lb" "h~· :n 1ht" OWEN HO USE HAROWARE CO.

ha',. t ht• ht'~t ::ipt'tH'l'' 'aril'f ll'"·


as low ;lS I 01·

I '~lay :J. The rC'('e11tion is 10 he ol' an l nformnl natunl, an cxrl'llent program j

I 1


s in preparation and another very ac- 1 i n• rommittP<' i" tll<' on~ on refre~h !I QWENHQUSE

men ts.

HARDWARE CO~PANY ----- ------------=


NOTI CE ! iUNIORS d WILLARO KING IN TOWN 1 wo ba I left !ield \\as nicely bandleo I Seamans, Clark.son, Rom:iey an --


1 struck out. Gatton nu Led a t. g \\'elcb chalked up five more t allies. g

er the next man was nailed on first Rt<'t pitcht>d. RoDlJlt.') ... l'ored and / . s tagged on second and \Villard K1ng, 11 , was in Bo:tem.a.n . d ·hea a ~t.eal·1 thr<;•~ men were c:u1ght on c:kr f;c rap-- one man "a k I last week conferrmg v;ith P rofessor Tbi.s is the first. last and ool aud tfie !-:>ldeh"t·abs e::~~:: r7rst and sec· ers Score .~-~ the other two at the rniual sac . R. A. Cooley ooncero mg the outbreak !or C'audidates fo r assistant ba

INTERCLAS.5 GAMES P One) er v.at. caug ·

5 14 , h B'lt R l mana.ger All cand1dnte~ will t:.c.inun11ed from age Jahnke intcher. Ril:e ::;cored. next I core ...,, n of spotted fever tu l e 1 er_ ~ . Romney pitched Cirst and held the ou~t nd another southpaw. wssed for three batters put out at fir~t. ~e('ono Seaman was the Hybnd phenom i i\Ir Ki:ig is an authority on t?u~ dis- to the bnseball ma:iae:er as "0 three men "ho (a.led him to sine;ll'.'~ th~ :nl~rs. The first two men Oied and finil re!1ipt>cti\·ely this period. Collett smashed a three ease a~d ~is stationed at :\.f~!'sou~a. possible which were riulckly slapped to tlrst. t two wen reached second and lhird Reddkk on the mountl J,1hn ke bagger the ne:\l two men were fanned R. ~- \\. ells and R.R. Parker :ue n.t FRJ;D Bl'LLOCK, One man flied out to :;hon "top re· ~~t· w~re left on the sack8 when the. scored from a pass. the uext man in SUC'C'ession. Collett SC'ored o:i a sin present ne~r Miles City looking for Ja~l ma!-i Ufl bum1ied a little bingle I flied out. Cotner and Romney each gle, Borton stole th ird bllt retired the the tick which causes the dlse:i.se. 13aseball Mann lirln~ the side

Du•1•.t-ltP itctwr. , :.t• man riit·i. on -.pcornt ~eaman~ !;1·ored auolht:'r out at f1r.;.· and th~ third ont a.t ~f>('Ond

v.hkh wil S gathPred in a nd :::na1,ped to tallied successh·ely, the batter fanned side 00 3 good trY !or home. o:;=:;:;::;:~:;::;:::=:=:;:::=::;::::::::=::;::;:==::;=::::;::=::::::;:::::::;': tirst SC'ore 2-2 and the next man dropped at first. Al Borton handled t he pill. Tbe !;. -1core 1-0.

Clark.son pitcher, DuQ.uetie scored. ..,,... .,.. '" Fh·d out and two were !ann-


Parker pitched. the fir~l man l'lled Score tH fir~t men rtied to third. Seamans, out. Rice made s ,.ensatiooal sprint Cotner took the last shift. the men ('larkso:-i. and Romney score~ again. fni- home but tbe ball beat him to it. "ere put out in one.two.three order. H.omnPY extending a two hagger into 1 j Tia• ne;.i up fanned out. one on third. one on first . and the a home run by a dari:i.g steal and an Saltz pitcher; two men cau~ht on Inst on a foul fly. outfielde rs error. The next man fann - I flie~. the next one hit the air three OopP on tile inter('}a~s !ieri~s of base· ed. \\'hitlock. .Jahnk e. and "OOC'" time~. Score still 2-~. I ball reC'eived quit<' a jolt F"riday after- Richardson piled up some morr point:;;. Seamans bandied the ball. the tirst noon when the freshm:m tenm easll~~ I the i-:ide wa s retired after batting I tirst ::;core ?·1. roan down ou a pop fly. Snow caught defeated the Hybrids. The "Hibro~·s I through the order. Score 20·f>. Whitlock south-pawed ror the HY· at home. Gatton brought iu a run. and had Jlrodously bPaten the sophomores I Cotner pitched the final Inning. Two bricls Bullock sc<•red; tbe aext man tbe ~ide took the field when a (ly to and the juniors had beaten the Frosh. men reached first. one fa:ined. one

Joth•\ i>it('b~d for the junior~ this uu_=-i~ .. kl·r !Jnughl in a 1un. tv.o

men Hrt1C'k out and one pul out on

PLANT SEEDS THAT GROW We have a complete line of Northrup. Kin:gj

& Co .. Vegetable and Flower Seeds. A good assortment of Spencer's Variety

Sweet Pea Seed. Onion Sets. per g allon or

17 Different varieties of Feed. Ask for our prices in

four pounds ....... 50~

Sterling Chick sack lots. =

==========================-=-===='' Tbc game was slow and rull or errors I wa!-i killed at second. and t.be last I o:-i bolh sides. flied out to cen te r field. The bugle on I I M S C Thr g:i~:s:;e~1:dv~,. ~:~~:


Frosh nt I the ~: 1 ·11 b1~-=~~~1 ~Pp'~~;>~:n~;my to as- TH OS. H • RB A - CO 1 TO ALL THE STUDENTS OF THE · · · 1.em l ·

f the bal. and Clarkson and Romne) as Juniors vs. Sophomores I Phone 24. l S o ·an batterie~ ior tlH' H~·bridi::. The tirs t The juniors deteated the sopbs ht - -------------------------Ii \Our laundr) a~count amounlS to 2.00 or more y u c..: bl d \ : save rO per cent bt " ·alk ing do·wn to the laundry on or befor~ two men ~tru(·k out but :'\o e ma e the first game staged Saturday by a ============================= : the roth of each nionth and pay~ng- same. \\ 'e have no a~e~l~ lirst on an error Taylor broudll score of 11 LO 6. The game wa s bet· I -' or ... 01tc1tor:; hut .fo business with ~·ou direct . Those des1nng :-.:obll' in ancl thl' next tnan fanned. ier and more hot'y ('Ontes t ed than ,---------------------------~ ', d k men t~ The first miln up tor the Hybrids the score would indicate. Both teams I ledtt·er :ll·cnunt:.-• plt'a::;c call at office an ma ·e arrang-e . l d HQWA ! .

t was put 0111 on .rn rnt1cld fly a nd tle played t!Xcellent ball but Ille s<~phs.ha RD'S , \ ·e can pleJse you. • l:iext l\\O \\alked Tht> next man rn.n· rom:iderable trouble with their tHtch· '--------- -------! f nerl nnd 11am1l1on raugbt Romnev s 1 in~ stnff. most of 1he young hopefu 1s · 6 JI t· La ndry Company foul. b•in~ un•bl• to fin•I the j\all and ., " i a a 10 11 '1 l~:~o;~t; ~:~ ~~~~·l:f~~ ~~l~~~~a~h~at:=~~ ~:nt~~~~\~·~;~~e s~l;~~n~d many free pa~~e~ nnd mnrn~ The ftnn man hit and Thl' upper dassme:i. bad the happy

fELC~lr~~U:IUC:OLC!gjj'!:fj~!:fj~!:fj~!:fj~!:fj~!:fj~!:fj~!!l:ijJ the next man !nought him in. The kna<'k ur btmrhing their hit> at rriti· ;i-J~fl";i'l~:::n == ~~ ;J'l=il -.. !:Ii ltt'e\\ ork!:; contrn11ed throu~hout thl' in- <·al moments and thh• with their a1-



Electric Iron

:iiug and the 1rrshman sc-ured four most errorless fit'hling nC'co11nts for !l;'ijj!:fj.,Jll runs. the whit' din .. •rgenrP in thP f'cores

Gntn~s o<.·cupiPd the box for the The toss 11 p g-a\"e the sophs their ~ rre~bmen with .lfH:ohy b~hinrl the <hoke of outs c.ir ins :.ind ll\l' out~ !:J; plate. The Hybrid~ failed to !:!et a hit \\t'rt' rnken. the- juniors set·llrt>d three­~ durin~ the innine. 01w man mrute rirst \\alks in slH'<.'t~ssion aml thE'll proc ed­!::fi on hall:-:. !!ti lo hrin~ tlwir t)rring hre1hrc:1 o\·er ~ Jahnke trh~d hii-: lurk at pitch;ng the plale; 1i\"e runs w{•n• s(·on·d br· _ri during tlw first half of tht' third Ill· tor~ ihc sidf> wai-: l'Ptired. !:fi ning ;rnd held tlw frt.:shmcn dO\n\ to In their h;1lf tht> sophs only suc. .. ~ n:-ie run. BobPrg: ~rahhed H thr<'e base <·t-NlNl in ,.t•oring one. Th"' remaining !:fi hi1 and brought Bt:rmun in but 1..lied mnines \\·prt> mainly a repetilion ol ~ on third llnmilton al!'O held the II~'- thb, iHlt:' tht' juniors sc.·onn!-! 111 cvPry PURCHASED FROM US DURING THIRTY DAYS Yi 11rids ~<·on·tes~ \\·hill• tw mTu11ied thP i:inlng: tint tht-> fourth and :-;ix th. while ~ BEGINNING MARCH FIFTEEN. ~ hox during: hi!-; half tlw :-;011hs :;t·ort>d rnw rim in tht> iir~t ;;n !:fj,, \\"hitlo<'k and H11m1w~ wtln· th1.· 1Jat· filth and st:\f'tllh .g~ it.•ries for the..· nt:xt 111nim:. an1l the Tlw offii·i;,tl s<·ort> follow,. !fi See Samples in Our Window ~ffi Fro'h i:lilccl to ~et a hit. H II E ~., Yi ~[.ijor and Gr:\\ I'" wert:' tlw bat "' · .lnnior:-. :! j 11 :? o x 11

'Li; ~!:fj~ it>:s for the Fni~h d11rinu: th...: 1'01: ·1h snphomorf':- 1 n n 11 l ti I :r• Guaranteed not to "wiggle'' under hardest usage.. nnin~ and tilt' ll~brids mad'=' t if'i r ii; PRICE OF IRON $3.50 BOARD "THROWN IN" igffi fir>t ""in' "hen t'ot1w) <lro'e a long ~~ !:Fi ont> paH <·enll.·r tif'lll and bron~ht _ru Cash With Order· ~~ H.om111..•.r in. Th1.. l:itti,.t bullt.'tin issut'd hy the !:fi :O!:fjn ! Ourin:.!: the fifth \\"t>lsh and H.om iey. Expl•r m~nt ~tati.nn 1lPab with the ~ \H~n· tlw hatt1..•riP~ fpr thP Hybrids lffl'\·en'iou ot dam::i~e anct the eradi<'a-


Order your Easter hUit new. \\'e have a tine a~..,ortment of

Call and look them nH•r.

The Hub Ed. and Lou Howard, Proprietors

Walk.Over Shoes Stetson H.


ha 1 e ~1-er had.

\\ 1...· 11\·itc· all ' call ;·nd "e'-' \\hat \\t> ha\t: an1l are ... hin\i

ancl ..!Cl the lrll"e ...

D. D. SMITH ~ ~!:fin •1·111n3d

11 t 11,11~11 ,1_;-e',·o1 ~1h11 1~ .• ",s'·l)l' n11'~; 1,'1 _n1.•0n1~ th~~~~\-~ ti on nt' th1· army cnt worm The bulle· 2rll

- ~ r.. 1in is marnl~ a ronrle:l\oiation of ~-he I -==-y; Th M t ~ brids and they sC'Ol'l.'d three runs. iwo hnlle-1in:-<. is~ut>d las1 year \\Ith 1 ~----------------------------~ e on ana !:Fi \\'oc1fl 0('(.'11Jii(•cl tllP box for th(' Hy- " t'(\l\Sillt:rah1~ amount 01 new mater· LC ME hrid~ during: tllf· sh.th an1l hE>ld tht? HI•. Tht• bnllt'lill was \\l'itten by RA. The Gallatin Lumber Co-~r! ffi fre~hnwn to mw sl·Ort3. <'nol ... y ind .l .• R. Parkt:>r of the Entomo-

~ Power Co. ~1 '"'~r~~~:,~·:"/·;~ .~:;~,g :~~::11,'e .. ~~:.~~:~ ~·:,;'r·~"~'«::;~::::·;t h~: ~:,;·~1::~".::~:,~ ~ ~ 1hat Jlitching was too strenuous and larg~ numher of thh; edi tion lrn ti been q;; ~ F'itzgera ld wen1 in in his pin.tr The iiublislwd and will bf> issued to all

~ y; Hvhrid~ ~<01ed twH·e. but Jahnh;. got who aJiply. ~I <.aught stt'ahn~ tlnnl and mad1. the

1uc: 60 East Main Street !:fi thml out. 2111 rut=I Tlw F'10>.;.h go1 .1 hit and .t ~ore IMPROVED FLAX ~ Uc ~nl f1 om C"otnrr. the !:.'Uu tHt<. ht~r ol the ;;lffi~~!:fiMiij !:fj~!:Riffi!:fiMiij!:Riffi!:fiMiij!:RiiiJ!:fiMiij !:fj~!:fi!!l:ijJ !:f1~ H) b• id rnam. during the l°'t urning




I Taylor and GraYes were the bat· Onring the spring of Hll:i eightY

I teriei-- for th e F'-ro:-::.h during tlw la~t bushels or pedigreed flax of tb~ vers

F h i:-inin~. Althoiu~h th<.· llybri1ls ~01 t wo he~t \llriety that has l>een grown i:i. rans am Coal Co. hit• they failed l•l S('Or<' Xonh llakoto was j\Ul'C'ha>e<I and dis·

A•d dollars make ricbea,-lt'a all tn a sy:;teruatic saving ot a certain sum weeklJ'.

52 weeks or saYing at our bank 1,1;1.ll give you a better staadtng than &a ..... -ek..;; or sy~nd!ug

THE THREE BEST COALS. Ii n.H.E. 1ributei1 ilmong:st growers in nol'lh· Freshnw11 1 I 1 '' Z 1 1 1P " "Pstt·rn :Xlontana This tlax wa:-:; re-Get a County Scale Ticket wtth l-fybri1b 11 1.1 u l ~ :! 11 ,; -\ «l:'ived under the ~eat ot' the ~orth every order. Dakota ~ef'<l Growers' a,.~ociation and

I HYBRID VS. SOPHOMORES llw work in '.\font~rna wa:. under the PHONE 2M.. I '"'howing rare torm. the Hyhrlds 1lire<·tion ot the extension service a.id

st<'PPf>d on the Sophs Thur:-:;day \'en· tlw ac:rnnomy deparlmt>nt \\'Orkin!! c.'O-l I ing to lh P 1111lt• Of 20 to :l. The ;.;arne operati\·ely rpwnrcls of -1.0nO hush•"'l! , Try 1t and see. Gallatin Trust& Sav ings Ba nk.

Phone 253 howen:•r wa." not emireh devoid oI of flnx wa~: prodU«:ed from the !'leed 11 intt>rest. ·nor.. \\'elrh . and 'flo<.·' sown nnJ reports which f\nve just ,------------------------------ Hif'harchmn arP regular "go-J?:etlP.rs"

1 t·onw in :::;how that all bnt :~;->O bu~hels 1 whl'll it t·nmes tu strl•akin~ it aro•md or this superior ~eec.l has been !'lold Ceretana Means Quality


f the bal:ie~ Jahnk<:> ha~ a sy~tem all 1 to l!rower~ for l~H+,; planting lt is 11 of his own !'or ren<·hing first 111111 ht' thP plan to 11urrhase approximately I gets ;iway with 11 ton, Christy and C' :loo L>nsheb this spring and ~ell thi~ l Bort~n played stellar ball for the to i?;rowi>r,. in rlifferi.:>nl parts of the Company t Sophs. The Hyhrid <'Ombination. Sea· state \\ith the idea oi getlin~ this high '------------------------------1~ I mans, Clarkson. and Romney, ~cared ~nHlf> flax introduced i:l ditferent =======::::::::::::::::::::=:==::::::================~,,; t~vt'r~ tim~ up. Play was fast and JH\rls or '.\tontana :\lontana ts 01w ot ______________ J snappy but the sophomores chal ked th~ important !ln..x growing state:-:1 ot

The Bozeman Milling

I do the bellt HDatlng .1.nd Plumb- I up the most errors. the union and the C'xperiment sta· ing joba In town. ,f you want the beat. ..ee

O. H . 3 U DD CO .

I ELASTIC IN ARM BANDS I The Hybrids won the toss <.HH.11.:hose lion and extension scr\'iN• are de,·ol· • AND GARTERS. th'! field . Heagney opened the ~ame ing tl good deal of study to the crop.

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in the box. and fanned the first man up. .\kCabe. Dixon. C' Il-Orton. and '.\llnar, t>Bl'h ~cored. the team batted ODC'~ around a:1d wen." retirl"'d

~Ir Leroy .\foomaw. re11resenta.tive or the office or ~'"'orage b.\·estigntions of the Fnited Srntcs Department of I Agriculture, h:n-lng direcr charg-c or Glass pitched for the Sophs :-;ea· thP fora~e investigation~ at the F'er-

mam;, Clarkson, Romney, und \\~elch gus ('ounty experiment station in co· crossed the home plate. the team bat· operation with the 'Montana expcri- \ ted once around aud tlw last man ment station, was in Bozema:i this was fanned. Score :i·I. past Wt)t"k in con ierente with the J _,.Jahnke twirled for the I[) brids. The I a!?;-l'onomy department. .\(r. ~roomaw's 1 ~irst man. ~uuted m~t. to ~iri-;t.' Bor~on \ work inC'ludes studies with ail kinds 1 ea<'h~d hr:-;t on R:l m1ury 1 h1:1 tlnrrl of nlfi"tlfas. dO\·ers, pea!-1. sorghutT f

man tanned and th1• roul'th rn~ct 10 nnd other types of rornge C'rops. ln I se<.·ond addition to the work nt F'ergus ('OUntY

)tinar took Jlossession of lhe mound ratlwr exten~h-c forage work is this Seanwns, Clarkson Romney, and, year being started at the Fort .:\ssinni· \\·ekh erwh Sl'ored in SUC't·ession Two boni.:> i'tA.tio:i. at Havre nndl~r the ,L!en· men fell on lin~t a:HI the tH!Yettth man eral direNion of George ~lonmn. su~ uri tamwd lpaving the ~l'ore ~-t


erintendent of the experiment station Parkc-r pitched for lhe I lybrids , and therf' .

fannl><I the fin:t two men that rared _____ _ him. the third man 1w1 as far rus rirst I NOTIC~ on a mufl but llw fourth ruan wa~ Lust-StiC'k pin, deslgn c·rab al le c·u1~ght out on n fly to right field. a.nd leaf Fi:tder please n•tnn: pto

c ollett lrn.ndled 1he -tphen.!. C"otner.1 re:istrar·s office. •

Headquaners for the famous 0\YI. CREEK and PEERLES BEAR CREEr< COALS.- Your trndp will b~ a1lpreciated. Oppo~ite Court House Phone 2

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