Logistics and Wholesaling

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  • 8/8/2019 Logistics and Wholesaling


    Logistics and WholesalingLogistics and Wholesaling

  • 8/8/2019 Logistics and Wholesaling


    Logistics is the process of getting products andLogistics is the process of getting products and

    services where they are required and when theyservices where they are required and when they

    are desired.are desired.ItIt involvesinvolves planning,planning, implementingimplementing andand

    controllingcontrolling thethe physicalphysical flowflow ofof goods,goods, servicesservices

    andand relatedrelated informationinformation fromfrom pointpoint ofof originorigin toto

    pointpoint ofof consumptionconsumption toto meetmeet customercustomer inin thetherightright placeplace atat thethe rightright timetime..

  • 8/8/2019 Logistics and Wholesaling


    Reasons for emphasis onReasons for emphasis on

    logisticslogisticsCompanies can gain a powerful competitive advantageCompanies can gain a powerful competitive advantageimproved logistics can yield tremendous cost saving toimproved logistics can yield tremendous cost saving to

    both company and its customer.both company and its customer.

    Quickly and efficiently manage the flow of goods,Quickly and efficiently manage the flow of goods,information and finance.information and finance.

  • 8/8/2019 Logistics and Wholesaling


    Delivering customers servicesDelivering customers services

    Customer must be given more importance than goods and services.Customer must be given more importance than goods and services.

    Product and services are of significance to the customers only whenProduct and services are of significance to the customers only when

    they are available to them exactly when customers need them.they are available to them exactly when customers need them.

    Availability in terms of form, possession , time and place.Availability in terms of form, possession , time and place.

  • 8/8/2019 Logistics and Wholesaling


    Objectives of market logisticsObjectives of market logistics

    Serving the customer in an efficientServing the customer in an efficientmanner/delivering customer service. (providemanner/delivering customer service. (provideTargeted level of customer services at the leastTargeted level of customer services at the least

    cost)cost)Delivering products on time.Delivering products on time.

    Least cost.Least cost.

    Without damage.Without damage.

    Reducing cycle time.Reducing cycle time.

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    Reducing total distribution costsReducing total distribution costs

    Improved logistics can yield tremendousImproved logistics can yield tremendous

    cost saving to both the company and itscost saving to both the company and its


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    Reducing cycle timeReducing cycle time

    It refers to the time from which theIt refers to the time from which the

    requisition is placed with the vendor to therequisition is placed with the vendor to the

    time the product reaches to the finaltime the product reaches to the finalcustomercustomer

  • 8/8/2019 Logistics and Wholesaling


    Market logistic decisionMarket logistic decision

    Order Processing: it is the processOrder Processing: it is the processwherein inventory is allocated to meetwherein inventory is allocated to meet

    the replenishment orders of thethe replenishment orders of the

    manufactures. Two methods formanufactures. Two methods for

    inventory allocation:inventory allocation:

    Real time replenishmentReal time replenishment

    Batch methodBatch method

  • 8/8/2019 Logistics and Wholesaling


    Real time replenishmentReal time replenishment

    It involves an immediate processing of theIt involves an immediate processing of the


    It has a quick response time.It has a quick response time.

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    Batch methodBatch method

    The orders are processed at periodic intervals such as atThe orders are processed at periodic intervals such as at

    the end of the day, or shift and on on.the end of the day, or shift and on on.

    It helps the company to control the inventory in criticalIt helps the company to control the inventory in critical

    situations of low inventory because in this method thesituations of low inventory because in this method theorders can be processed to allocate the material fromorders can be processed to allocate the material from

    the current stock.the current stock.

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    Inventory managementInventory management

    It is an effort to integrate the firms value chainIt is an effort to integrate the firms value chain

    and its inventory policy.and its inventory policy.

    Inventory is effectively managed by using certainInventory is effectively managed by using certain

    inventory control tools like: reorder point, orderinventory control tools like: reorder point, orderlead time, usage rate, safety stock, EOQ, JITlead time, usage rate, safety stock, EOQ, JIT

    and fixed order interval systemand fixed order interval system

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    Reorder pointReorder point

    It is used to identify the stock purchase requirement of anIt is used to identify the stock purchase requirement of an


    It uses information on the quantum of order and demand forecast.It uses information on the quantum of order and demand forecast.

    all the components in the inventory of an organization areall the components in the inventory of an organization are

    computerized and have a preset reorder point and reorder quantity.computerized and have a preset reorder point and reorder quantity.When the inventory reaches a certain predetermined minimum level,When the inventory reaches a certain predetermined minimum level,

    the reorder point system notifies the purchase department throughthe reorder point system notifies the purchase department through

    various procedures such as emails,etc. to issue an order to thevarious procedures such as emails,etc. to issue an order to the

    supplier for replenishment of stock.supplier for replenishment of stock.

    This system is useful because it automatically alert the purchaseThis system is useful because it automatically alert the purchasedepartment about required quantity.department about required quantity.

  • 8/8/2019 Logistics and Wholesaling


    Order lead timeOrder lead time

    It is the period between the date an order is placed to theIt is the period between the date an order is placed to thedate the raw material are available for production.date the raw material are available for production.

    Supplier need time to manufacture and deliver theSupplier need time to manufacture and deliver thematerialmaterial

    So organisation order material before they are actuallySo organisation order material before they are actuallyrequired depending on the time suppliers will take torequired depending on the time suppliers will take tomake delivery.make delivery.

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    Usage rateUsage rate

    It is the average rate at which the rawIt is the average rate at which the raw

    materials are used in the productionmaterials are used in the production

    process of an organisation.process of an organisation.

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    Safety stockSafety stock

    It is the extra stock that is maintained in the inventory at any givenIt is the extra stock that is maintained in the inventory at any given

    point of time as a buffer against out of stock conditions,which maypoint of time as a buffer against out of stock conditions,which may

    arise due to unexpected customer demands or delays in suppliersarise due to unexpected customer demands or delays in suppliers


    This level can be reduced by:This level can be reduced by:Maintaining accurate inventory recordsMaintaining accurate inventory records

    Ensuring the vendors supplies the materials within few days ofEnsuring the vendors supplies the materials within few days of


    A higher frequency in planning the inventoryA higher frequency in planning the inventory

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    Economic order quantityEconomic order quantity

    EOQ is the replenishment order quantityEOQ is the replenishment order quantity

    that minimizes the overall cost ofthat minimizes the overall cost of

    inventory i.e. the sum of ordering andinventory i.e. the sum of ordering and


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    Just in timeJust in time

    Japanese developed a time based logistics management system i.eJapanese developed a time based logistics management system i.e


    This implies that raw material are delivered in required quantities toThis implies that raw material are delivered in required quantities to

    the production plants as and when they are needed without anythe production plants as and when they are needed without any

    delay.delay.JIT focuses on the reduction or elimination of inventory in plant.JIT focuses on the reduction or elimination of inventory in plant.

    This is based on assumption that whatever inventory is not usedThis is based on assumption that whatever inventory is not used

    immediately is a waste.immediately is a waste.

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    Fixed order interval systemFixed order interval system

    In this system the order period is fixed butIn this system the order period is fixed but

    order quantity varies with requirement.order quantity varies with requirement.

    The quantity requirement each timeThe quantity requirement each timedepends on the current inventory level ordepends on the current inventory level or

    inventory in hand and future inventoryinventory in hand and future inventory


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    The process o moving the goods from oneThe process o moving the goods from one

    physical location to another.physical location to another.

    This involves space and time dimensionThis involves space and time dimensionthat enhance the value of the logistics.that enhance the value of the logistics.