Last Updated: 8/22/2015 Logility – RO Startup/Shutdown Version 8.6

Logility – RO Startup/Shutdown Version 8 Portal Technical Documents/MID... · 603 East Washington Street, ... The Logility - RO Startup/Shutdown enhancement allows for better administrative

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Last Updated: 8/22/2015

Logility – RO Startup/Shutdown

Version 8.6

Last Updated: 8/22/2015

Logility, Inc. 603 East Washington Street, Suite 400 Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, USA Telephone: 317-222-3100 FAX: 317-222-3101 Web Page: http://www.Logility.com/

Copyright © Logility 2015. All rights reserved

No part of this document may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means—electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise—without the prior written permission of Logility, Inc.

L o g i l i t y – R O S t a r t u p a n d S h u t d o w n

Table of Contents 1.  Overview ................................................................................................................................. 1 

2.  Global Options - System Tab ................................................................................................. 2 

3.  Single Instance Option .......................................................................................................... 4 

4.  Single User Login Option ...................................................................................................... 5 

5.  Batch Only Mode ................................................................................................................... 6 

5.1  Enabling Remote System Options ............................................................................................... 6 

5.2  Control Service Startup Default .................................................................................................. 6 

5.3  Turning Batch Only Mode On and Off ...................................................................................... 8 

5.4  Sending Messages ....................................................................................................................... 10 

5.5  Current Users ............................................................................................................................. 11 

6.  Scheduler Job Manager ....................................................................................................... 12 

6.1  Scheduler Job Manager Window .............................................................................................. 12 

6.2  Scheduler Job Manager API ..................................................................................................... 13 

7.  Installation and Configuration ............................................................................................ 15 

7.1  RemoteOptions_ServerName .................................................................................................... 15 

7.2  RemoteOptions_ServerPort ....................................................................................................... 15 

7.3  RemoteOptions_ClientInterval ................................................................................................. 15 

7.4  RemoteOptions_ServerInterval ................................................................................................ 15 

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1. Overview The Logility - RO Startup/Shutdown enhancement allows for better administrative control of the Logility - RO Software. The Single Instance option will only allow one instance of the application running per PC, and the Single User Login option will not allow the same user to login from multiple PCs at the same time. Batch Only Mode is intended for nightly processing, and will only allow administrators to login to the application. Administrators will no longer have to cycle the control service in order log out users when API (batch) processing needs to be performed. With Remote System Options enabled, administrators will also be able to view active users, as well as remotely log off specific users.

Note: This version of the software will continue to functions as previous versions of the software unless the client makes modifications using the new Administration – Global Options System tab.

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2. Global Options - System Tab The setup for the Logility - RO Startup/Shutdown is performed on the System tab under Global Options. There are several startup and shutdown options available under Login Options. By default, none of the new options are active, however, we strongly recommend that administrators enable the new features to provide better control of the system.

Figure 2-1 System Tab

The “Use Standard Authentication” radio button has been added. Logility – RO will display the Login screen for the User ID and password. This is the installed default setting.

The “Use Windows Authentication” check box has been relocated from the Company Information tab. It performs the same way as in previous versions of the software.

The “Use Active Directory Authentication” radio button has been added. Logility – RO will bypass the Login screen and use the users network ID to log in with. No password should be used when setting up the user ID.

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The “Use A.D. Authentication w/Domain” radio button has been added. Logility – RO will bypass the Login screen and use the users domain ID\network ID to log in with. No password should be used when setting up the user ID.

If either Active Directory options are used and the user ID is part of the administrators security group they have the option to log into the sytem with administrator log in. This is accomplished by selecting the “Login as Administrator” from the File dropdown.

The user will be logged out and the standard login screen will be returned, requiring the password for the administrator. Only the password can be entered. The User ID can not be entered.

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3. Single Instance Option The “Enforce Single Instance” check box allows administrators to enforce that only one copy (instance) of the Logility - RO application software can be opened and active on a client PC at a time. The message below will be displayed if any user tries to sign on to the same PC.

Figure 3-1 Single Instance Login Message

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4. Single User Login Option The “Enforce Single User Login” check box allows administrators to enforce that a user can only be logged into Logility – RO application only once. The message below will be displayed if a user tries to sign on to the system a second time.

Figure 4-1 Single User Login Message

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5. Batch Only Mode

5.1 Enabling Remote System Options The “Enable Remote System Options” check box allows administrators to activate new functionality to restrict access to the Logility – RO application. It also allows administrators the ability to view and log off current users.

Note: When Remote System Options are enabled for the first time, the control service must be restarted before the Remote System Options will be in effect. Batch Only Mode requires Remote System Options to be enabled.

5.2 Control Service Startup Default The “Start with Batch Mode On” check box allow the client to allows bring up the Logility - RO software and have all non-administartor users unable to use the interactive system. This allows the administrator to bring up the Logility - RO software and do any work necessary before allowing users to access data in the system.

If the Logility - RO control service is not up and running the user will receive the following screen when they try to login:

Figure 5-1 Services Not Available Login Message

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5.3 Turning Batch Only Mode On and Off When Batch Only Mode is turned on, only administrators will be allowed to log in, and any other user attempting to log in will receive the message below:

Figure 5-2 Batch Only Mode Login Message

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When Batch Only Mode is turned on, any existing user on the system will be immediately logged out, without warning. All client applications will shutdown, and display a message as shown below:

Figure 5-3 Client Shutdown Message

Batch Only Mode may also be turned on and off thru the Batch Only Mode API. The API is a separate executable, “BatchOnlyMode.exe”, and is located in the Batch folder. For convenience, two command files also ship with the application: “BatchOnlyModeOn.cmd” and “BatchOnlyModeOff.cmd”.

To turn Batch Only Mode on via the API:

Run “BatchOnlyModeOn.cmd” or “BatchOnlyMode.exe TurnOn”

To turn Batch Only Mode off via the API:

Run “BatchOnlyModeOff.cmd” or “BatchOnlyMode.exe TurnOff”

Figure 5-4 Example API Calls

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5.4 Sending Messages The “Send Msg” button on the System tab is used to broadcast a message to all Logility - RO users that are on the system.

To send a message via the API: (enclose the message with double quotes)

Run: BatchOnlyMode.exe SendMsg "Your message"

Figure 5-5 - Example API Message Call

Figure 5-6 Example Client Message

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5.5 Current Users When Remote System Options are enabled, administrators can view the users that are currently logged into the system at that point in time. Administrators may also select one or more to log out remotely. The list will display the users login, their machine name, and their IP address.

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6. Scheduler Job Manager The Scheduler Job Manager provides a convenient way, both inside and outside of the application, to place jobs on hold and to release them.

6.1 Scheduler Job Manager Window Within the Logility – RO application you can find the Scheduler Job Manager under the Tools menu option. The Scheduler Job Manager is only available when signing into the application as administrator.

When selected, the following window appears:

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Only jobs waiting to run or currently on hold are displayed. From the Scheduler Job Manager, jobs can be placed on hold or released. This can be done for all jobs, for all jobs for a specific user, or the jobs can be individually selected. Changes do not affect the jobs until the “Apply” button is pressed.

6.2 Scheduler Job Manager API The Scheduler Job Manager API allows jobs to be released or placed on hold from outside the application. The API is a separate executable, “SchedulerJobManager.exe”, and is located in the Batch folder.

The API accepts several different parameters.

Parameter  Description  Value 

func  Indicates whether to release or hold is requested. (Required)             "rlse" to release jobs. "hold" to hold jobs. 

sched  Indicates the schedule that will be released or held. A valid schedule name. 


Indicates the job that will be released or held.  Note: A job can appear in more than one schedule. Using the job name affects all schedules the job is included in. 

A valid job name. 

user  Releases or holds all job owned by the selected user.  A valid user name 

/?  Displays a list of valid command parameters  n/a 

The asterisk (*) can be used as a wildcard in both the schedule name and the job name. Ex: To hold all jobs that begin with “Daily” the paramenters would look like this “func=hold job=Daily*”.

Output from the “/?” command:

Examples of executing the API:

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7. Installation and Configuration Remote System Options are configured through four new keys in the installer.

7.1 RemoteOptions_ServerName This should match the server name where the control services is hosted.

7.2 RemoteOptions_ServerPort Defaults to port 8090. This port must be different than the port the control service uses.

7.3 RemoteOptions_ClientInterval Defaults to 3000 (3 seconds). The time (in milliseconds) to wait between receiving and repsonding to commands from the control server.

7.4 RemoteOptions_ServerInterval Defaults to 3000 (3 seconds). The time (in milliseconds) to wait between receiving and responding to commands from client applications.

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