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Logic Exam 2014-Eng.khaled

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  • Question 1iii)module mux (y, a, b ,c ,d, s0, s1);

    input a,b,c,d,s0,s1;output y;assign y = (s1)? ((s0)? d:c):((s0)? b:a);


    iv)library IEEE;use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all;

    entity mux4 is port(a,b,c,d,s1,s0: in std_logic;y: out std_logic

    );end mux4;

    architecture sequential of mux4 isbegin

    process (a,b,c,d,s1,s0) isbegin

    if(s1 = '1') thenif (s0 = '1') then


  • y: out std_logic); end component;

    signal temp : std_logic_vector (3 downto 0);begin

    stage1_mux1 : mux4 port map (a => x[0], b=> x[1], c => x[2], d=>x[3], s1=>s[1], s0=>s[0], y => temp[0]);

    stage1_mux2 : mux4 port map (a => x[4], b=> x[5], c => x[6], d=>x[7], s1=>s[1], s0=>s[0] y => temp[1]);

    stage1_mux3 : mux4 port map (a => x[8], b=> x[9], c => x[10], d=>x[11], s1=>s[1], s0=>s[0], y => temp[2]);

    stage1_mux4 : mux4 port map (a => x[12], b=> x[13], c => x[14], d=>x[15], s1=>s[1], s0=>s[0], y => temp[3]);

    stage2 : mux4 port map (a => temp[0], b=> temp[1], c => temp[2], d=>temp[3], s1=>s[3], s0=>s[2]);

    end structural;

    Note: Also draw the block digram using 5 4-1 muxes

    b)iii)module decoder2 (x,en,y)

    input en;input [1:0] x;output reg [3:0] y;

    wire [2:0] select;

    assign select = {en,x};always@(*)

    case (select)3'b100: y = 4'b0001;3'b101: y = 4'b0010;3'b110: y = 4'b0100;3'b111: y = 4'b1000;default:y = 4'b0000;


    iv) draw the block diagram following code

    v) module decoder4 (x,en,y)input en;input [3:0] x;output [15:0] y;

  • wire [3:0 ]temp;

    decoder2 stage1_decoder (.x(x[3:2]),.en(en),.y(temp)


    decoder2 stage2_decoder1 (.x(x[1:0]),.en(temp[0]),.y(y[3:0])


    decoder2 stage2_decoder2 (.x(x[1:0]),.en(temp[1]),.y(y[7:4])


    decoder2 stage1_decoder3 (.x(x[1:0]),.en(temp[2]),.y(y[11:8])


    decoder2 stage1_decoder4 (.x(x[1:0]),.en(temp[3]),.y(y[15:12])



    Question 2:b) Any combination circuit can be described using when else. Which can be implemented using multipliers arranged by the priority of the input. Give a code example too with a block diagram of any circuit.

    e)i) 4'b1001 & (5'b10010 | 5'b11010) = 4'b1001 & (5'b11010) = 5'b01000ii) ~(5'b10010) = 5'b01101iii) (4'b1001

  • Question 3

    a) entity dff is port (

    d,clk,reset: in std_logic;q: out std_logic

    );end dff;architecture behavioral of dff isbegin

    process (clk,reset) begin

    if (reset = '1') thenq

  • tcu
  • process(state)begin

    case state iswhen s0 =>


