RANZCOG Version 3.0, December 2017 Logbook User Manual Trainee Guide

Logbook – User Manual - RANZCOG€¦ · Logbook – User Manual 3 | P a g e 1 Overview The RANZCOG online Logbook provides a facility to record a Trainee’s experience in performing

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RANZCOG Version 3.0, December 2017

Logbook User Manual

Trainee Guide

Table of Contents 1 Overview ........................................................................................................................................................ 3

2 Access ............................................................................................................................................................. 3

2.1 How do I get access? .............................................................................................................................. 3

3 Browser Compatibility .................................................................................................................................... 3

4 Logbooks ........................................................................................................................................................ 4

4.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................................... 4

4.2 Record a Procedure for a Case ............................................................................................................... 5

4.3 Record Multiple Procedures for a Case at Once ..................................................................................... 10

4.4 Add Another Procedure to a Case Saved Previously ............................................................................ 12

4.5 Add a Clinic to the FRANZCOG Logbook ............................................................................................... 14

4.6 Add an Ultrasound Scan to the FRANZCOG Logbook ........................................................................... 22

4.7 Track your Progress .............................................................................................................................. 30

4.8 Search for Logbook Entries .................................................................................................................. 31

4.9 Export Logbook Entries ........................................................................................................................ 33

5 Change Password ......................................................................................................................................... 35

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1 Overview The RANZCOG online Logbook provides a facility to record a Trainee’s experience in performing procedures,

scans and clinics. This historical record has several benefits:

Provides Trainees with a mechanism to monitor their progress.

Provides Trainees information for reflection.

Assists Supervisors in determining whether the Trainee is being given sufficient opportunities to

enable them to reach the level of expertise expected for their stage of training.

Enables Trainees and their Supervisors to reflect on experiences gained during a training period.

Allows the College House to gain valuable insights on the performance of accredited sites in the

volume and variety of training experience provided.

2 Access

2.1 How do I get access? The link to the online Logbook will be https://my.ranzcog.edu.au


Click on the ‘Forgotten Password?’ link beneath the green ‘Login’ button if you don’t remember your username and/or password. The system will send your username and/or temporary password to your preferred email address.

3 Browser Compatibility The Logbook system will function as expected in latest versions of:




Safari; and

Internet Explorer.

Note: The Logbook is not compatible with versions of Internet Explorer preceding IE10. It is recommended that you update Internet Explorer on your Windows computer or device if you are using an earlier version than IE10.

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4 Logbooks

4.1 Introduction As soon as you log into the Logbook system, you will land on the Logbook page with the ‘Add Procedure’ function enabled by default. It is expected that adding a procedure will be the most common action performed, therefore reducing unnecessary navigation upon login. You will notice two tabs on the Logbook page:

1. List – displays all your logbook entries in a list view; and

2. Add New – enables selection of the type of logbook entry that you wish to add:

a. Case (Procedure) – select this option if you want to record a procedure performed on a new patient (case) on a given day.

b. Clinic – select this option to record a clinic. Please note this option is only available in the FRANZCOG logbook.

c. Ultrasound Scan – select this option to record an ultrasound scan. Please note this option is only available in the FRANZCOG logbook.

For Trainees who are enrolled in more than one RANZCOG training program, you will have additional Logbook

tabs for each training program you are enrolled in, as per the below image.

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4.2 Record a Procedure for a Case

Trigger Performed a procedure on a patient on a given day.


Sign in to the Logbook system

User name will be your five digit Member ID.

Password will be your current password.

Enter the date The default date will be for the current day.

To select a date, you can launch the calendar by clicking on the calendar icon.

Select the hospital where you performed the procedure on that patient

The ‘Hospital’ field is a pre-emptive input field. You can type the first few characters and a list of hospitals matching the input will be displayed:

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Set a default hospital (if required)

After you select a hospital, you can make it the default. It is not mandatory to select a default hospital. For subsequent procedures, the default hospital will be pre-populated.

Select a procedure The Procedure field is also a pre-emptive input field. Type the first few characters and a list of matching options will be displayed:

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Select the level of supervision

Click in the ‘Supervision’ field for a drop down list of options.

Supervision to be ‘Direct Supervisor’ when a more advanced Trainee is acting as surgical assistant supervising a more junior Trainee who is acting as primary operator.

Please note the supervision options will be different for the Subspecialty Logbook, as per the below image.

Enter any comments

Any comments that you enter will only be visible to you and staff with administrative access. Supervisors will not have access to your comments. Your comment should not include any patient identification information i.e. name, hospital record number, etc.

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Patient Identifier The ‘Patient Identifier’ field is optional. In order to enter the patient’s identifier number, you will need to firstly tick the box next to ‘I accept terms and conditions’.

Once you have ticked the terms and conditions box, the Patient Identifier field will allow you to type text into the field.

Click on the ‘Save & Finish’ button

When you click on the Save & Finish button, the procedure will be saved and a ‘Record added successfully!’ message will be displayed for confirmation. A new ‘Case Number’ will be generated for you to start adding a procedure for another patient for a given day. All fields will be cleared except the ‘Date’ field (defaulted with current date) and the default hospital (if a default has been set).

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You can select only one procedure in this field. If you have performed multiple procedures on the same patient on a given day, then you will need to add procedures to the same case via the ‘Add Procedure (same case)’ button.

When logging a caesarean section or vaginal birth, select only one procedure name - the most complex (as listed in the dropdown box in the entry field from least complex to most complex). Please do not log more than one caesarean section or birth for the one case.

For example, when performing a caesarean section multiple pregnancy with abnormal presentation, select only ‘Caesarean section multiple pregnancy’. For a multiple vaginal birth with assisted breech, select only Vaginal birth – multiple.

For trainees enrolled in more than one training program, please only log one entry per case in the relevant logbook. Please do not log the same case in multiple logbooks.

To view the Procedure that you have just entered, click on the ‘List’ tab.

On some devices, drop-down fields such as the ‘Supervision’ field may not function as expected. A device may not let you select an option from the drop-down list. If this happens, expand the drop-down list, type in characters to search for an option and then select the option.

If you cannot find a hospital, clinic or other institution, type other in the Hospital field and select the appropriate institution.

You can edit and/or delete Procedures from the ‘List’ view while the status is “Unreviewed”. Once your supervisor completes your Six-Monthly Summative Assessment, the system will change the status of the relevant logbook entries to “Reviewed” after which updates and deletions will not be permitted.

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4.3 Record Multiple Procedures for a Case at Once

Trigger You have entered details of a procedure that you will save and then record another procedure for the same case.


Details of current procedure have been entered

Click on the ‘Add Procedure’ (same case) button

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You will be presented with a new Add Procedure form

When you click on the ‘Add Procedure (same case)’ button, the procedure will be saved and a ‘Record added successfully!’ message will be displayed for confirmation. The ‘Date’ field will be pre-populated with the date previously entered for the same case. The hospital will be pre-populated if a default has been set. The case number, the level of supervision, patient identifier, and any comments that you entered will be pre-populated from the previous entry. You will be able to update the level of supervision and comments. Start adding another procedure performed on the same patient for that day.


If you update the fields with details of one procedure and there is another procedure that you would like to record after the current one, then click on the ‘Add Procedure (same case)’ button. To finish recording the final procedure, click on the ‘Save & Finish’ button after you update the fields with details of your final procedure.

If you see the same patient another day, you should record the procedures against a new case for that day.

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4.4 Add Another Procedure to a Case Saved Previously

Trigger You have saved procedures for a case and want to add one or more procedures to a case number previously used.


Click on the ‘List’ tab

Open any procedure with the same case number

In this instance, I want to add a procedure to Case 1955. Two procedures exist for this case but I need to open only one. To open a procedure, click on the pencil icon on the far right.

Click on the ‘Add Procedure (same case)’ button

Without updating any of the fields, click on the ‘Add Procedure (same case)’ button at the bottom.

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Select a procedure The ‘Date’, ‘Hospital’, ‘Supervision’ and Comments fields will be pre-populated from the previous procedure that was opened.

Click on the ‘Save & Finish’ button

A ‘Record added successfully’ message will be displayed


The functionality on mobile devices has been optimised, hence you will notice a slightly different view compared to desktop computers. For example, not all table columns in the ‘List’ tab will be initially visible. Scroll right to view additional columns.

To update an entry that you have saved, open the entry from the ‘List’ view, make the required updates and click on the ‘Update Record’ button.

If you want to add multiple procedures to a previous case, open a procedure for the relevant case and add procedures using the ‘Add Procedure (same case)’ button and click ‘Save & Finish’ after logging the final procedure for that case.

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4.5 Add a Clinic to the FRANZCOG Logbook

Trigger You have attended a clinic.


Click on the ‘Add New’ drop-down

Click on ‘Clinic’

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Enter the date

Select the hospital where you attended the clinic

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Set a default hospital (if required)

Select the type of clinic

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Select the relevant clinic type; gynaecology or antenatal

If you select ‘Gynaecology Clinic’ in the ‘Clinic Type’ field, you will be provided with a ‘Gynaecology Clinic Type’ field to select from. If you select ‘Antenatal Clinic’ in ‘Clinic Type’ field, you will be provided with an ‘Antenatal Clinic Type’ field to select from.


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Select supervision

Indicate the number of patients seen

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Enter any comments

Click on the ‘Save and Finish’ button

At this point, your logbook entry will be saved in the system.

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Click on the ‘List’ tab to view the saved entry

Click on the pencil icon to view or edit the entry


You can edit and/or delete logbook entries for Clinics from the ‘List’ view while the status is “Unreviewed”. Once your supervisor completes your Six-Monthly Summative Assessment, the system will change the status of the relevant logbook entries to “Reviewed” after which updates and deletions will not be permitted.

Due to space restrictions, not all logbook fields are displayed as columns in the ‘List’ view. An export function is available from the ‘List’ view to enable you to export all logbook entries with all the relevant fields. The exported file will be compatible with Excel.

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4.6 Add an Ultrasound Scan to the FRANZCOG Logbook

Trigger You have performed an Ultrasound Scan.


Click on the ‘Add New’ drop-down

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Click on ‘Ultrasound Scan’

Enter the date

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Select the hospital at which the scan was performed

Set a default hospital (if required)

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Select the type of scan

Depending on the type of scan, the next set of fields will vary.

For some scans, you will be presented with a ‘Fetus Present?’ field, for other scans you will be presented with a ‘Scan Checklist’ field, and for some you will be presented with both the ‘Fetus Present?’ and the ‘Scan Checklist’ fields. For the ‘Gynaecological’ scan, the Fetus Present? and Scan Checklist fields are not relevant.

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Select if a fetus was present (if field is displayed)

Select the relevant options in the scan checklists (if field is displayed)

You can select one or more options for this field. Ideally, all checklist items should be performed and selected.

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Select the level of supervision that you received

Enter any comments

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Click on the ‘Save and Finish’ button

Check confirmation message

The following message should be displayed confirming that your entry has been saved:

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Navigate to ‘List’ view to view/edit/delete the scan


You can edit and/or delete logbook entries for Ultrasound Scans from the ‘List’ view while the status is “Unreviewed”. Once your supervisor completes your Six-Monthly Summative Assessment, the system will change the status of the relevant logbook entries to “Reviewed” after which updates and deletions will not be permitted.

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4.7 Track your Progress

Trigger You want to see a summary of your progress.

Please note this functionality will be available for Subspecialty Logbooks next year.


Click on the ‘Progress’ drop-down menu

Click on ‘Progress Summary’

Click on the ‘Expand All’ to expand all the categories

The Progress Summary reflects the number of logbook entries that you have recorded. Please refer to Appendices A, B and C for the list of procedures, clinics and scans that have been loaded in the Logbook system.

Click on the ‘Collapse All’ to collapse all the categories


You can also click on the ‘+’ and ‘-‘ to expand and collapse each category individually

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4.8 Search for Logbook Entries

Trigger You cannot find a logbook entry that you entered.


Click on the ‘List’ tab

Click on the ‘Search’ button

Use the search filters available to search for specific entries

For example, you can select ‘Procedure’ in the ‘Logbook’ field to view all procedures that you have entered. You can also specify a date range to view logbook entries that have the specified date recorded in the Date field.

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Click on the ‘Search’ button

Search results will be displayed in the List view

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4.9 Export Logbook Entries

Trigger You want to view all logbook entries with all relevant fields


Click on the ‘List’ tab

Click on the ‘Menu’ button

Select from the export menu

For example, you can select ‘Export to Excel’ to export all entries displayed on your screen to an excel spreadsheet.

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Click on ‘Advanced export’ to select all entries, or specific columns for export

Select ‘Current page only’ to export entries currently displayed on your screen

Deselect ‘Current page only’ to export entries on all pages

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5 Change Password

Trigger You know your current password and want to change it.


Click on your name to access the profile menu

Desktop view:

Mobile View:

1. Click on highlighted icon

2. Click on your name

Click on ‘Change Password’

Enter your existing password

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Enter your new password

Enter your new password again

Click on the ‘Change password’ button

Check for confirmation message

The following message should be displayed as a confirmation for the password change: