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    nMEEKS, Sep 17, 2011 Edit Delete Report #33 Reply

    StrikeitRich, Sep 21, 2011 Report #34 Like Reply

    (holy shit thats high!) and after traveling through the many filters in my RO system it comes out the

    other end at a perfect 0ppm!! will be keeping tabs on this to see if it goes up slowly over time but I am

    just impressed tha t it c an g et it tha t low. The 350+ ppm from my tap might explain why my p lants

    showed signs of nute burn when they were on half strength Canna Start and 1/3 strength roots excel

    before the whole drying out cube fiasco. Now that I ha ve base 0ppm i gotta g o buy some ca lmag a nd I

    can start using the H&G line that I just picked up today also. anyone else run h&g coco with WiFi? how

    much calmag are you needing to use before base nutes (ppm reached)? I am very early in veg if that

    changes your answer for dosage.


    California Prop. 215 and SB 420 Compliant Grower

    Current Grow Logs: White Master Kush Rd.2 + Alien Grenades Rd.2Completed Logs:White Fire Rd.1, White Urkle, White Master Kush, Da WiFi Rd.2, Alien Grenades, Lemon Alien Dawg, Alien Grapevine, White Fire Alien, White Skunk, WFA#6

    Rd.2 + AGV#3 Rd.2

    Wow, yeah that is a bit high for tap. U are g etting Well water n ot city right..?

    Question, Why u gotta get Cal/Mag? Does using RO or DI water cause u to have a lack of those two? I

    run DI water and dont have any issues with either them. Just curious if it is something i should look


    Ur set up is going to be so on point! I would love it if u would come help me do this to a whole

    unfinished basement.

    Peace,S i R

    StrikeitRich said:

    Wow, yeah that is a bit high for tap. U are getting Well water not city right..?

    Question, Why u gotta get Cal/Mag? Does using RO or DI water cause u to have a lack of those

    two? I run DI water and dont have any issues with either them. Just curious if it is something i

    should look into.

    Ur set up is going to be so on point! I would love it if u would come help me do this to a whole

    unfinished basement.


    S i R

    *edit on last post about my tap water quality, ppm from tap after calibration of hanna meter is 210, and

    after RO DI is still 0 (supposed to be calibrated out of the box but i guess not every time is perfect).*

    Just picked up a gallon of "CaliMagic" which is a companies product for a Calcium and Magnesium

    solution. tons of companies have dif names on it. CalMag, CaMg+, CaliMagic. Anyways, after the water

    runs through RO and DI, there isn't much of anything left. The plants require small amounts of a

    bunch of micro nutrients, many of which most nutrient companies put into their fert solution so th at

    your plant looks happy and healthy with their products (obviously). But, they often d on't have muc h

    Calcium or Magnesium in their base or micro solution because they assume you have it already in your

    tap water (Ca and Mg are present in the necessary amount in tap water almost everywhere). So. . .

    when you and I are purifying our tap water to be 100% h2o we need to ad d bac k in th e Ca and Mg so

    the plant can thrive!

    You want to add it first before anything else because as you may ha ve noticed, pH on pure RO DI wateris very touchy, this is because there is not much of anything in the water to stabilize the pH. After bring

    the ppm's up a bit with CalMag you have a more stable pH that can then be adjusted more easily before

    or after adding base nutrients. The owner of the hydro store where I live says that he uses it at 2-3 ml

    per gal in veg and early flower then increases up to 5ml per gal in mid-late flower. Hope this helps and

    isn't just a repeat of the basics you already know.

    -Meeks :cool0041:

    P.S. busy with school but have a day off tomorrow so hopefully I can get a full update with some pics

    online. The veg closet is pretty much up and running. just needs a intake filter, some plants, and an

    irrigation system. Also picked up a few nice toys at the hydro store besides the CalMag. Some 4x4 trays,

    titan co2 equipment and light controller, and a bunch of other stuff like 2 brand new dual arc eye







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    nMEEKS, Sep 21, 2011 Edit Delete Report #35 Reply

    LikemindS, Sep 21, 2011 Report #36 Like Reply

    StrikeitRich, Sep 22, 2011 Report #37 Like Reply

    hortilux bulbs. :bana na1sv6:

    California Prop. 215 and SB 420 Compliant Grower

    Current Grow Logs: White Master Kush Rd.2 + Alien Grenades Rd.2Completed Logs:White Fire Rd.1, White Urkle, White Master Kush, Da WiFi Rd.2, Alien Grenades, Lemon Alien Dawg, Alien Grapevine, White Fire Alien, White Skunk, WFA#6

    Rd.2 + AGV#3 Rd.2

    WOW ! ! !

    Thats some bad-ass work you did there bro !

    L00Ks like its going to be one hell of a grow room - pro from day 1!

    Cant wait to see that up and runnin!

    Happy Growin Man!


    About the C alMag.

    I talked to the hydro store owner guy here, and he told me that it wasn't required, but i did ask him

    about it. I ran my hydro unit and a soil run using pure DeIonized H20 and didnt get any sort of

    deficiancies from either of them.

    Now yes ur water from the tap has all kinds of stuff in it, but that is why we use RO or DI water cause

    we dont want tha t stuff.

    Most Nute companies suggest that u do use RO or DI water with their products due to most tap water

    being improper for feeding a p lant.

    It is sick how much Calcium and junk is in my humidifier after it runs dry. lol.

    The Horti DayLight... Is that the one ur getting? If so it is the one im using with my set up, and it KICKS

    ASS. it runs a bout 5 degrees cooler than the Eye a nd is a beast for the start of flowering.


    S i R

    StrikeitRich said:

    About the CalMag.

    I talked to the hydro store owner guy here , and he told me that it wasn't req uired, b ut i di d ask

    him about it. I ran my hydro unit and a soil run using pure DeIonized H20 and didnt get any

    sort of deficiancies from either of them.

    Now yes ur water from the tap has all kinds of stuff in it, but that i s why we use RO or DI water

    cause we dont want that stuff.

    Most Nute companies suggest that u do use RO or DI water wi th their products due to most tap

    water being improper for feeding a plant.

    It is si ck how much Calcium and junk is in m y humi difier after it r uns dry. lol.

    The Horti DayLight... Is that the one ur getting? If so it is the one im using with my set up, and it

    KICKS ASS. it runs about 5 degrees cooler than the Eye and i s a beast for the start of flowering.


    S i R

    Very interesting personal exp erience by you and your hydro store contact. I have always u sed tap and

    like i said my tap is such a high ppm that I have never used CaMg but assumed I would when i made

    the switch to RO DI. I have the ability to do side by side tests in this new set up so I guess thats just one

    more thing to add to the list of product to run with and without for testing. This setup should allow for

    at least 4 side by sides to take place at a time. being that I will have 8 flowering plants at any one time.

    All in the same environment. Wont be doing any these first few runs as I get a mother stock going.

    obviously results from a side by side when growing from seeds aren't of much help to the community

    due to natural genetic variation.

    here is the link to the bulbs I have:








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    nMEEKS, Sep 22, 2011 Edit Delete Report #38 Reply

    nMEEKS, Sep 22, 2011 Edit Delete Report #39 Reply

    Thanks for your interest.

    -Meeks :smiley_joint:

    California Prop. 215 and SB 420 Compliant Grower

    Current Grow Logs: White Master Kush Rd.2 + Alien Grenades Rd.2Completed Logs:White Fire Rd.1, White Urkle, White Master Kush, Da WiFi Rd.2, Alien Grenades, Lemon Alien Dawg, Alien Grapevine, White Fire Alien, White Skunk, WFA#6

    Rd.2 + AGV#3 Rd.2

    LikemindS said:

    WOW ! ! !Thats some bad-ass work you did there bro !

    L00Ks like its going to be one hell of a grow room - pro from day 1!

    Cant wait to see that up and runnin!

    Happy Growin Man!


    Thanks LM! I learned a lot last year spending more money fixing a problem once I had it, rather than

    just doing the simple preventative measures with environmental control before the room gets f illed with

    valuable plants. I also luckily have a very trusting investor for th is project that has g iven me a budget for

    everything I could dream up. The project would have been about 1/4 the cost/quality/size if I was

    paying for everything myself upfront. The room should be up and running soon. The girls are gonna go

    under the MH as soon as I transplant them in 2 gal pots. and it won't be long after that before they

    need some room and a flip to 12/12, so the room needs to be set-up and functional within the month at

    the latest, crossing my fingers I find the time to get it done over the next 10 days.

    -Meeks :rasta2:

    California Prop. 215 and SB 420 Compliant Grower

    Current Grow Logs: White Master Kush Rd.2 + Alien Grenades Rd.2Completed Logs:White Fire Rd.1, White Urkle, White Master Kush, Da WiFi Rd.2, Alien Grenades, Lemon Alien Dawg, Alien Grapevine, White Fire Alien, White Skunk, WFA#6

    Rd.2 + AGV#3 Rd.2

    First week back in classes done. Amazing how just sitting can be so draining sometimes. Got some

    things done in the veg closet (no pics tonight) and then got pretty far into the flowering area tables.

    Also picked up some new toys at th e hydro store a few days ag o. Heres some shots of tha t process and

    some of the bigger things I got. Don't really know how I managed not to take any pics of the veg closet

    after it was all primed and painted but that did happen over last weekend as planned. The 2x8 tray

    table was also painted and I have the veg closet about 80% set up. Still no pics of that process. Will post

    some when I can get in and take some shots without wet paint tables in my way.

    Here comes the pics update :movie

    4x4 tray tables and 20 gal reservoir platform below:





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    Window blocked with plywood and then cu t for ducting system. 8" in and out for a/c hoods, and 8" out

    for exhaust (both out vents have backdraft dampers). then there is a rectangle duct fitting for a

    louvered air vent that came with a magnetic cover piece so that I can completely close off or open up

    the ventilation of the room for the exhaust system when I need to vent after a sulfur burn or to lower

    CO2 ppm at night:

    Now here are some quick shots of some of the bigger ticket items I picked up at the hydro store this


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    nMEEKS, Sep 23, 2011 Edit Delete Report #40 Reply

    Page 2 of 15 < Prev 1 15 Next > 241 more messages...

    Lastly, I would be posting pics of the plants but the light just went off as I was typing this update so I

    will have to ta ke some new shots tomorrow or sunda y. They a re at about 5- 6 nodes and may or may not

    put out their first 5 blade leaf on this next node, they are still warming up from their desert experience a

    few weeks back. Transplant into 2 gal pots will happen tomorrow or sunday most likely also.

    Be on the lookout for a new thread popping up in the next week or 2 some White Urkle will be popped



    California Prop. 215 and SB 420 Compliant Grower

    Current Grow Logs: White Master Kush Rd.2 + Alien Grenades Rd.2Completed Logs:White Fire Rd.1, White Urkle, White Master Kush, Da WiFi Rd.2, Alien Grenades, Lemon Alien Dawg, Alien Grapevine, White Fire Alien, White Skunk, WFA#6

    Rd.2 + AGV#3 Rd.2

    3 4 5 62

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