Lodge Closure Management This form is to be completed and returned to FMV Membership Department for approval and sign off by the Grand Master to close your lodge.

Lodge Closure Management - Freemasons Victoria€¦ · Lodge Closure Management This form is to be completed and returned to FMV Membership Department for approval and sign off by

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Page 1: Lodge Closure Management - Freemasons Victoria€¦ · Lodge Closure Management This form is to be completed and returned to FMV Membership Department for approval and sign off by

Lodge Closure Management

This form is to be completed and returned to FMV Membership Department for

approval and sign off by the Grand Master to close your lodge.

Page 2: Lodge Closure Management - Freemasons Victoria€¦ · Lodge Closure Management This form is to be completed and returned to FMV Membership Department for approval and sign off by


While there are certain Constitutional requirements to be met in relation to closing your lodge (refer

Secretary section), the most important criteria when planning for a Lodge Closure is the successful

transition of your members into other Lodges.

Discussions should take place with all your members at an early stage to ensure they choose the

correct lodge to move to and that this lodge meets the needs of the member. It is therefore

important to have a full list of member’s contact details and their financial status.FMV through the

Membership Department can assist you with the smooth transition of members.

You will find in this booklet an example of a spreadsheet of members and their status that may assist

in the transition. A template of which can also be downloaded from the FMV Website.

Every endeavour should be made to ensure all your members are fully paid up to ensure a clearance

certificate can be supplied to their new lodge.

One on one conversations should occur with all your members to find out what they are looking for

in a new lodge and perhaps invite along the Lodge Engagement Officers of some of the lodges in

your district to inform your members what each lodge in you district has to offer.

This will assist your members to make the correct decision in choosing a new lodge that will meet

their masonic and social needs moving forward.

After three months FMV will assist and follow up those who have transitioned to a new lodge

approx. three months after their transition to ensure they are enjoying their new lodge, that it is

meeting their expectations and that they are still attending regularly.

What a member should look for in choosing a new Lodge

As a Lodge member what is my next step in choosing a new lodge to ensure I do not have to go

through the process of closure again:

1. Take your time in selecting the right lodge for you, and consider your partner in your

decision. If you follow this link https://www.freemasonsvic.net.au/our-lodges/lodge-

directory/ it will take you to a full list of Lodges within Victoria.

2. There are a number of Member Ready Lodges in Victoria who meet minimum standards in

terms of compliance with our Constitution, above average attendance (47%) rates and an

Engagement Officer to enable effective planning

3. Go and visit a number of lodges that may suit you, and see that they meet your expectations

and can provide what you are looking for out of Freemasonry.

4. Go and have a coffee with the Lodge Engagement officer, and discuss with him if this lodge

meets what you are looking for in Freemasonry. For more information on Lodge Engagement

Officers go to https://members.freemasonsvic.net.au/engagement-training

Page 3: Lodge Closure Management - Freemasons Victoria€¦ · Lodge Closure Management This form is to be completed and returned to FMV Membership Department for approval and sign off by

Lodge Secretary

If your Lodge is to Close, there are certain Constitutional requirements to be met in relation to your

Lodge assets (Rule 164)

1. Grand Secretary to be contacted in writing notifying intention to Close your Lodge at least 3 months prior to closure.

2. District Coordinator to be notified in writing at least 3 months prior to closure.

3. Notice of motion must be given at a Regular Meeting of your Lodge that the Lodge is to close.

4. The Summons of your next Lodge Meeting must carry the details of the motion to be voted on.

5. At the Meeting at which your Lodge will vote on the matter, various items will need to be discussed. These would include:

(a) The date of the last Meeting of your Lodge(b) Who will be present at that Meeting to formally accept the Warrant of the Lodge.(c) The disposal of your Lodge’s assets.(d) Member retention and Members transfer to new lodge

6. The motion when voted upon, must be carried by the necessary majority stated in

Your Lodge By-Laws or by simple majority, if no provision is made in such By-Laws.

Ballot shall be by traditional white ball/black ball method. A simple majority will decide the vote.

The Worshipful Master should appoint two scrutineers who will count the vote and report the

outcome of the vote to the Worshipful Master who will report the result to the Lodge.

7. Outcome of the ballot will be reported to the brethren on the next summons.

Disposal of Assets Rule 164 requires “the Warrant, Seal, Books, Papers, Jewels, Regalia, Funds and all the real and personal property of the Lodge” to be transferred to Grand Lodge “to be dealt with in such a matter and for the such purposes as the Board of General Purposes shall determine”.

Your Lodge can make recommendations as to the final disposition of its assets, and the Board makes every endeavour to comply with your wishes, providing the necessary legalities are observed. The reasons that the assets must be returned to Grand Lodge is based on the laws relating to Trusteeship and Taxation, and therefore must be adhered to as a matter of Civil Law.

Procedures you will need to follow:

1. Ensure the Lodge is Financial with Grand Lodge.2. Prepare an inventory of all assets, furniture, Regalia, funds etc of the Lodge, for the

information of the Grand Secretary. List attached on this document.3. Compile a list of members of your Lodge (form attached), as at the date of returning your

Warrant, showing the following:

(a) Whether they are financial or not – if not, how much is owed to your Lodge.(b) The Lodge they intend to join.

Page 4: Lodge Closure Management - Freemasons Victoria€¦ · Lodge Closure Management This form is to be completed and returned to FMV Membership Department for approval and sign off by

4. Prepare and issue Clearance Certificates (Schedule 8 of the Book of Constitutions) to all those who are financial. Do not issue Clearances to Members who owe Dues to your Lodge. Every endeavor should be made to bring these members to a financial status so they can be transferred to a new lodge.

5. Arrange for all outstanding accounts to be paid, and then have your Lodge Auditors complete a final audit. Any Bank, Building Society or other accounts must be closed, with final balances being withdrawn. These balances should be paid by cheque made payable to Grand Lodge.

6. Should any funds be left over in your lodge then consideration should be given towards elderly brethren to subsidise their transfer to another Lodge other than Transition so that the total amount payable is equivalent to Lodge Transition. This then gives the member an opportunity to meet with the Almoner and have Lodge contact.

7. Once the audit is completed, forward this document to the Grand Secretary for final approval.

8. Upon approval of this form from the Grand Secretary notification will be given tothe lodge so arrangements can be made to set a date and arrange for collection ofthe Lodge Warrant.

Disposal of the Volume of the Sacred Law The Volume of the Sacred Law may be returned to Grand Lodge, or it may be presented to a worthy Brother in your Lodge. If a Brother of your Lodge originally presented the Volume, and he or a descendant is still a member, then it would be acceptable to return the Volume to them; or perhaps to the family of such a Brother.

Disposal of Masonic Centre Buildings, Land &/or Other Real Estate The conditions of disposal of Real Estate and the disposal of the proceeds from the sale are set out in the Book of Constitution. All proceeds must be deposited in the Grand Lodge Masonic Building Fund.

The policies of both the Board of General Purposes and the Grand Superintendent of Works allow for appropriate input from those who have deposited the proceeds of a sale in the building fund. The effect of these policies is that the deposited funds are used, if required for the provision or improvement of Masonic facilities in the area of the State, from which they were derived, with the exclusion of the Grand Lodge Masonic Centre of Victoria.

Proceeds will be applied initially in settlement of any outstanding loans from the Masonic Building Fund. Enquiries concerning sale of real estate assets etc. should be referred to the Grand Superintendent of Works in his capacity as Chairman of the Masonic Buildings & Premises Committee.

Return of the Lodge Warrant The Lodge warrant is required to be returned to the Grand Secretary for cancellation; it is common practise that the representative of the Grand Master will return this on the Lodges behalf. Under special circumstances the warrant can be returned to the Masonic Centre for display.

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Lodge Details

Name of Lodge

Lodge Number

Meeting Place

Normal Meeting Night

Worshipful Master



Lodge Secretary



Lodge Treasurer



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Please list your Lodge Assets and what is to happen to them




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Date at which vote was taken

Copy of the Lodge Meeting Report attached Yes

Inventory of Lodge Assets Yes

List of Lodge members and where they are moving to Yes

Clearance Certificates have been raised for all members Yes

All Outstanding accounts have been paid Yes

After Closure

Have all bank accounts been closed Yes

Auditors Report Submitted Yes

Date Submitted

Page 9: Lodge Closure Management - Freemasons Victoria€¦ · Lodge Closure Management This form is to be completed and returned to FMV Membership Department for approval and sign off by