Loco Motion Games – Modifications for Preschool – 5 th grade Group (2 or more) activities Monday – Alpaca My Bags (outside or inside) Materials needed Large suitcases or dufflebags – 1 per child Various sizes of balls (10 per suitcase) Timer 1. Set up bags and have them spread out with each child standing at a bag. Be sure the bags have about 10 balls (or the same amount) in each bag. 2. Each child, only taking one ball at a time, takes balls from the other person’s bag and puts it in their own bag. You can have this continue until one bag is completely full, or you can set a timer and count balls to determine the winner. 3. Another way to play is for the goal to have the empty bag. Each child, only taking one ball at a time, takes balls from their own bag and moves it to another person’s bag trying to leave their bag empty. 4. No one can block anyone else from placing balls in a bag. a. (For younger kiddos) place bags closer together. b. (For older kiddos) place bags farther apart.

Loco Motion Games Modifications for Preschool 5 grade Group (2 … · 2020. 5. 15. · Loco Motion Games – Modifications for Preschool – 5th grade Group (2 or more) activities

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Page 1: Loco Motion Games Modifications for Preschool 5 grade Group (2 … · 2020. 5. 15. · Loco Motion Games – Modifications for Preschool – 5th grade Group (2 or more) activities

Loco Motion Games – Modifications for

Preschool – 5th grade

Group (2 or more) activities

Monday – Alpaca My Bags (outside or inside)

Materials needed

Large suitcases or dufflebags – 1 per child

Various sizes of balls (10 per suitcase)


1. Set up bags and have them spread out with each child standing at a bag. Be sure the bags

have about 10 balls (or the same amount) in each bag.

2. Each child, only taking one ball at a time, takes balls from the other person’s bag and puts it

in their own bag. You can have this continue until one bag is completely full, or you can set

a timer and count balls to determine the winner.

3. Another way to play is for the goal to have the empty bag. Each child, only taking one ball at

a time, takes balls from their own bag and moves it to another person’s bag trying to leave

their bag empty.

4. No one can block anyone else from placing balls in a bag.

a. (For younger kiddos) place bags closer together.

b. (For older kiddos) place bags farther apart.

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Tuesday – Boxcar Bolt (ideal for outside but can be done inside)

Materials needed

A blown up balloon per child

Something to mark a start and a finish

A few chairs


1. Have a start and a finish marked in the grass.

2. At the start, have kids stand in a single file line with a balloon between each person. The person

at the front of the line will not have a balloon. Have them hold the shoulder of the person in

front of them so that balloons are suspended between their chests and they are not touching

the balloons with their hands.

3. Set up obstacles with chairs around the yard or basement area. You can make the obstacles as

many or as few as you wish. Instruct the children that you wish for them to make a full circle

around the first chair and at the second chair, each person must step up and over it.

4. The “train” runs the course trying not to drop the balloons between them. If balloons are

dropped, the team must start back at the starting line.

5. Play a few times and use the timer to have the group try to beat their time.

a. (For younger kids) Set up only 2 obstacles and have the start and finish lines closer


b. (For older kids) Set up more obstacles and have the start and finish lines farther apart.

Wednesday – Noodle Track (outside)

Materials needed

A pool noodle

Something to mark a start and a finish


1. Have a start and a finish marked in the grass.

2. At the start, have kids lay down on the ground in a line where one child’s head rests just a few

inches away from the next child’s feet. Put a pool noodle near the feet of the person at the end

of the line.

3. The person near the pool noodle picks it up using only his or her feet, pinching the noodle

between feet.

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4. Then the person lifts his or her legs towards his or her head to pass the noodle to the feet of the

person lying above them.

5. Once a person passes the noodle, have them get up and lay down at the head of the first person

in line.

6. Have kids continue passing the noodle with only their feet and moving / laying back down to

pass until the noodle reaches the finish line.

a. (For younger kids) Have the starting line and finish line closer together and don’t set

a time limit.

b. (For older kids) Have the starting line and finish line farther apart and set a time

limit so they are racing to get the noodle to the end.

Thursday – Multiplying the Loaves (ideal for outside but can be done


Materials needed

Small baskets, one for each pair or individual

Something to mark a start and a finish

“bread” (or anything that you can pretend is bread)

10 pieces total (or 10 items)

Hoola Hoop


1. Have a start and a finish marked in the grass.

2. If there are more than 3 children, have them pair up. If not, have them work individually. Give a

basket to each pair or individual. Have a pile of “bread” at the starting line as well.

3. Have a Hoola Hoop placed somewhere to mark the finish line. Explain that the hoola hoop is a

spot where there are many hungry people and you are going to act like Jesus and feed them as

quickly as possible by running a piece of bread in your basket to the hoola hoop.

4. Only moving one piece of “bread” at a time, children take turns running to the hoola hoop with

their basket to put a piece of bread inside. This is a cooperative game, so they are not racing

one another, but trying to work together to beat their time.

6. Play a few times and use the timer to have the group try to beat their time.

a. (For younger kids) Have fewer pieces of bread and have the start and finish closer


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b. (For older kids) Have more pieces of bread than 10 and have the start and finish closer

together. You can even through obstacles (Pharisees and Sadducees) in the way of the

path to the hoola hoop.

Friday – Drip-Drip-Drop (outside)

Materials needed

Bucket of water

Sponge or rag


1. This game is a variation of Duck, Duck, Goose. Have kids sit in a circle knee to knee.

2. One child will take a turn with the wet sponge. As they walk around the circle, they let the

sponge drip on each of the other players and say “drip.” When they are ready to tag another

player, they let the sponge drop on that child’s head and say “drop.”

3. Once the sponge has been dropped, they must run around the outside of the circle and return

to the tagged player’s former spot. The player who was tagged gives chase and then takes their

turn saying drip, drip, drop.

Individual activities For each day, you will find 2 attached worksheets: a coloring page for the younger kids and a fun puzzle

for the older ones.

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Monday – Preschool -2nd grade

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Monday – 3rd grade and up

Train of Thought Word Puzzle

For each numbered puzzle below, there’s one word that can go in front of the other three to

make words with a common beginning. What word links the others in the puzzle?

1. __________lash ___________lid ____________brow

2. __________side ___________to ____________door

3. __________brush ___________paste ___________ache

4. _________ground ___________weight ___________water

5. __________saver ___________line ____________less

6. __________off ___________print ____________shake

7. __________cut ___________bread ____________stop

8. __________dog ___________head ____________spot

9. __________beat ___________burn ____________broken

10. _________cake ___________handle ____________icky

Answers: 1. Eye 2. In 3. Touch 4. Under 5. Time or Life 6. Hand 7. Short 8. Hot 9. Heart

10. Pan

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Tuesday – Preschool-2nd grade

After you color this train picture, practice drawing it below!

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Tuesday – 3rd grade and up

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Wednesday – Preschool-2nd grade

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Wednesday – 3rd grade and up

Do you know the 9 Fruits of the Holy Spirit? See if you can find each of them and color them

in on this puzzle!

Answers: Love, Joy, Peace, Patience, Kindness, Goodness, Faithfulness, Gentleness and Self-


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Thursday – Preschool-2nd grade

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Thursday – 3rd grade and up

Color the shapes according to the number:

1 = yellow 2 = red 3 = aqua blue 4 = light blue

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Friday – Preschool-2nd grade

May God lead you through any dark moments ☺

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Friday – 3rd grade and up

Find the following words: Mountain Peak / Spruce / Pine / Fishing / Rabbit / Rainbow Trout /

Cabin / Colorado / Cold / Lake / Hiking Trail / Hawk / Stream / Fir / Snow / Aspens / Brook
