Arch. Math., Vol. 44, 488-492 (1985) 0003-889 X/85/4406-0488 $'2.50/0 1985 Birkh~iuser Verlag, Basel Locally nilpotent groups with an intersection property By C. J. B. BROOKES*) and H. HEINEKEN 1. Introduction. Recent attempts [1, 2, 3] to characterise the group algebras k G that are primitive have established the importance of group properties of the type: given a subgroup B of G, all abelian subgroups of G of infinite rank intersect B non-trivially. For example, Theorem D of Brookes-Brown [2] says that for a non-trivial countable nilpotent group G with centre Z, and a field k, the algebra k G is primitive if and only if k is countable, G is torsion-free and there exists an abelian subgroup A of infinite rank with A n Z = 1. In this paper we let B be a subgroup of a term of the upper central series of G and consider the effect of the imposition of the above property. Note that if B is trivial we are just saying that all abelian subgroups are of finite rank, a property already well-documented (see [4]). We shall denote the upper and lower central series of G by (, (G) (i --- 0) and 7, (G) (t >-- 1) respectively. G is said to have finite upper central height if its hypercentre is (s (G) for some natural number s. The groups considered by Brookes in [1] had no non-trivial periodic normal subgroups and thus had torsion-free hypercentres. Theorem A. Let G be a group with torsion-free hypercentre and B be a subgroup of (r (G) for some r ~ N. Suppose all abelian subgroups of G having trivial intersection with B are offinite rank. Then G hasfinite upper central height. This has the immediate consequence. Corollary A 1. The only torsion~,ee hypercentral groups G with subgroups B as in the theorem, are nilpotent. Let H be a subgroup of G. Then B n H_-< (r(H) if B _-__ (r(G). Also, if A is a subgroup of H with A~(Bc~H)=I then Ac~B=I. Thus the theorem can be applied to all subgroups of a torsion-free group to give Corollary A2. With G and B as in the theorem, suppose further that G is torsion-free. Then all subgroups of G have finite upper central height. We can indeed do better than Corollary A 1. *) The first author would like to thank the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the University of Wiirzburg for their support and hospitality.

Locally nilpotent groups with an intersection property

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Page 1: Locally nilpotent groups with an intersection property

Arch. Math., Vol. 44, 488-492 (1985) 0003-889 X/85/4406-0488 $'2.50/0 �9 1985 Birkh~iuser Verlag, Basel

Locally nilpotent groups with an intersection property



1. Introduction. Recent attempts [1, 2, 3] to characterise the group algebras k G that are primitive have established the importance of group propert ies of the type: given a subgroup B of G, all abelian subgroups of G of infinite rank intersect B non-trivially. For example, Theorem D of Brookes-Brown [2] says that for a non-trivial countable nilpotent group G with centre Z, and a field k, the algebra k G is pr imit ive if and only if k is countable, G is torsion-free and there exists an abel ian subgroup A of infinite rank with A n Z = 1. In this paper we let B be a subgroup of a term of the upper central series of G and consider the effect of the imposi t ion of the above property. Note that if B is trivial we are just saying that all abel ian subgroups are of finite rank, a property already well-documented (see [4]).

We shall denote the upper and lower central series of G by (, (G) (i --- 0) and 7, (G) (t >-- 1) respectively. G is said to have finite upper central height if its hypercentre is (s (G) for some natural number s.

The groups considered by Brookes in [1] had no non-trivial per iodic normal subgroups and thus had torsion-free hypercentres.

Theorem A. Let G be a group with torsion-free hypercentre and B be a subgroup of (r (G) for some r ~ N. Suppose all abelian subgroups of G having trivial intersection with B are offinite rank. Then G hasfinite upper central height.

This has the immediate consequence.

Corollary A 1. The only torsion~,ee hypercentral groups G with subgroups B as in the theorem, are nilpotent.

Let H be a subgroup of G. Then B n H_-< ( r ( H ) if B _-__ (r(G). Also, if A is a subgroup of H with A ~ ( B c ~ H ) = I then A c ~ B = I . Thus the theorem can be applied to all subgroups of a torsion-free group to give

Corollary A2. With G and B as in the theorem, suppose further that G is torsion-free. Then all subgroups of G have finite upper central height.

We can indeed do better than Corollary A 1.

*) The first author would like to thank the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation and the University of Wiirzburg for their support and hospitality.

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Theorem B. Let G be a torsion-free locally nilpotent group. Suppose B <-(r(G)for some natural number r and all abelian subgroups having trivial intersection with B are of ]inite rank. Then G is nilpotent.

By putting B = 1 here we can retrieve that torsion-free locally nilpotent groups of finite abelian subgroup rank are nilpotent, a theorem of Mal'cev [5].

As observed in [2], in the free nilpotent group of class 2 on an infinite generating set every abelian subgroup having trivial intersection with the centre is cyclic. On the other hand for any class greater than 2 such a free nilpotent group contains an abelian subgroup of infinite rank which meets the centre in 1. In general if A is an abelian group of infinite rank intersecting trivially with (r(G) where G is a free nilpotent group of class n, then for some s<=(n- r) it contains an infinite subset of ys(G), linearly independent modulo Y~+l (G). But Moran [6, Theorem 1.3] says that such a subset freely generates a subgroup of G nilpotency class [n/s]. So A can only exist if s > �89 n and thus only if n > 2 r. In particular, any free nilpotent group of class 2 r has the property that all abelian subgroups intersecting trivially with (r (G) are of finite rank. On the other hand we prove

Theorem C. Let G be a torsion-free nilpotent group with subgroup B <-~r(G). Suppose that all abelian subgroups of infinite rank intersect non-trivially with B. Then there is a normal subgroup GI of G of nilpotency class at most 2 r, with G/G1 torsion-free of finite rank.

Theorem B can be used to tidy up Theorem C of [2]. As noted in [2], to deal with the implication still requiring proof it may now be claimed that the group is nilpotent and Theorem D of [2] can be appealed to. We say a subgroup H of G is dense if some positive power of every element of G lies in H. Let ~3 denote the class of torsion-free locally nilpotent groups whose finite rank subgroups are finitely generated. Countable locally nilpotent groups contain dense ~-subgroups [2, Lemma 5.1 (ii)]. Our primitiv- ity result now reads

Theorem D. Let G be a countable torsion-free hyperabelian locally nilpotent group and let k be a field. Let Z be the centre of G. (i) Suppose k is countable. Let H be a dense ~3-subgroup of G and Zo = H ~ Z. Then the following statements are equivalent.

(a) kG is primitive. (b) There exists an abelian subgroup A of G of infinite rank with A c~ Z = 1. (c) kH(kZo) -l is not Noetherian.

(ii) Suppose k is uncountable. Then k G is primitive !land only (f Z = 1.

2. Proof of Theorem A. We shall need

Lemma 1. Let G be a group with torsion-free hypereentre K. Then K/~r(G) is torsion- free for all r ~ IN.

P r o o f. It is enough to show that K/~I (G) is torsion-free to provide the basis of a simple inductive argument. Suppose g ~ K with 9 n central in G. Certainly 9 is central an K, as in a torsion-free hypercentral group the centre is isolated. Consider the action

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a n a n of G on the torsion-free abelian group A = (1 (K). If a ~ A then [ , gl] = [ , gl] for g~ ~ G. So [g, gl] ~ = 1 for all gl E G. The torsion-freeness of A shows [g, gl] = 1 and so g is central.

In proving Theorem A we may suppose B = (~(G). Because [ _ ~ t ( G ) , y t ( G ) ] = 1 the subgroup At = ~t(G) ~ 7t(G) is abelian. Moreover At centralises every A~, u => t, since A~ <= ?t(G) and At <= ~t(G). Let A = ~--~ At. The supposit ion on abelian subgroups with


trivial intersection with B ensures AB/B is of finite torsion-free rank. Let K be the hypercentre of G. By Lemma 1 K/(r(G) is torsion-free and so its subgroup AB/B is too. AB is a product of normal subgroups of G and therefore is also normal. It lies in K. Thus AB/B is G-hypercentral and torsion-free of finite rank. Hence it is G-nil- potent [7, Lemma6.37]. In other words A B = A ~ ( G ) < = (~(G) for some v. Hence At --- A =< ~'~ (G) for all t. In particular A~ + l = 7~ + 1 (G) c~ ~ + 1 (G) is in ~'~ (G). So the G- hypercentre of ?~+1 (G) is ?~+1 (G) ca (~(G) and is G-nilpotent. That is, K m ?~+1 (G) is G-nilpotent (of at most class v). But K/(K m ),~+~ (G)) is G-nilpotent (of at most class v). So K is also G-nilpotent. Hence the hypercentre of G is (s (G) for some s -< 2 v.

3. Proof of Theorem B. Suppose G is non-nilpotent. Taking a countable non- nilpotent subgroup H of G we know B c~ H ~ ( r (H) and all abelian subgroups of H having trivial intersection with B c~ H are of finite rank. Thus by renaming H as G we may assume G to be countable.

By Theorem A the hypercentre K of G is (s (G) for some s ~ N. Because K => B all subgroups of G having trivial intersection with K are of finite rank. Note that G/K is torsion-free, because G is. We shall show that G/K, which is non-trivial because G is supposed not to be nilpotent, has a non-trivial centre. This is a contradiction of the definition of K and so G must be nilpotent after all.

Since G is countable G = U N, where N, =< N I if i < j and K =< N~ and Nz/K is !

finitely generated (i ~ N). Local nilpotence of G implies that each Ni is nilpo- tent, remembering K = (s(G). Let A, = ?s+J (N~) c~ (s+l (N,). It is abelian because [Ts+l (N,), ~s+l (N,)] = 1. Also [A, AI]= 1 ( i < j ) because Ai <= ?~+l (Ni) ~ );s+l (Nj) and Aj_-<(,.+I (N/). So A = ~ A , is abelian. Because all subgroups having trivial intersec-

t tion with K are of finite rank, AK/K is of finite torsion-free rank. But as already noted G/K is torsion-free and so AK/K is torsion-free of finite rank. Let F be a subgroup of AK containing K such that F/K is free abelian of finite rank and A K / F is periodic. Because F/K satisfies the maximum condition on subgroups the ascending sequence { 1-[ [(A~mF) K]} s t o p s a t j = t , say. l < t ~ /

Write -'s for images in G/K. Because K =< F we have (A, c~ F ) = A, m P for each i. So we know

(1) ~c~F<= ~ (3,•F) l<=t<_t

for all j. Note that Fc~?~+l(G)=U(Fc~?s+l(N,)) where {Fc~?~+I(N,)} is an I

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ascending sequence of subgroups of ft. This sequence must become stationary and so E = F c~ 7s+1 (G) = F • 7s+ i (Nk) for some k that may be taken as at least t, and

(2) F c~ ~+ 1 (AT,) = /~ (i -->_ k) .

Let j>k>=t . Then ~+jc~F=)~s+~(N/+l)C~(s+l(Nj+l)C~ff. This by (2) is E c5 ~s+l (NI+I)- So

(3) Aj+I ~ F = F ~ Ys+l(Nj) 0 ( s + l ( N l + l ) .

But also from (1) we know (Aj+I c~ F) =< Nt -< 37j. So

Aj+I c~ ff _-< F c~ Ys+I (Nj) n (Nj c~ (s+l (Nj+I)).

But Ni~(~+l(N/+i)<=(s+l(Nfl and so A/+Ic~F<=F~AI. So ,4kc~ff>Ak+l~P>-- . . . is a decreasing sequence inside F, a group of finite torsion-free rank.

Next we show each factor ( ~ c~ F)/(AI+ 1 c~ if) is torsion-free. This is because from

(3) it is (F c~ ~s+~ (Nil ~ ~+~ (Nj))/(F c~ 7~+~ (Nil c~ (s+l (N~+l)). This is isomorphic to

(F c~ ~.+~ (N~) c~ ~s+l (Nil) ~s+~ (Ns+l)/~+~ (Ns+l), a subgroup of Ns+~/~s+~ (Ns+i). The latter is isomorphic to Nj+i/(s+~(Ni+i) because K=(s(G)<=(~+I(Ns+~). Since Nj+l is torsion-free Nj+~/(~+~ (Ns+~) is.

So Am ~ F=Am+l ~ / ~ = : . . for some m ~ N. Let ~2=A m c~ ft. We claim it is non- trivial. To see this note that if At is trivial then Ys+* (Ni) --< (~ (N,) and so N, is of class at most 2 s + 1. If N~ is of class at most 2 s + 1 for all i > m then G is nilpotent of class at most 2 s + 1, a contradiction. So A, is non-trivial for some n => m. It is torsion-free because (~ is. But A,/(A, c~ if) is periodic and so A, c~ ff is non-trivial. But A , ~ F = C .

Finally we observe that C ~ A/ (i _-> m) and so C -< (,+ I (N,) (i_->m). Hence C = < (~+l (G). Thus ~'~+~ (G) >- C > K - (s(G), a contradiction o f K being the hyper- centre of G.

4. Proof of Theorem C. We shall need

Lemma 2. Let H be a torsion-free nilpotent group of class r + t + 1, with r, t ~ N, such that 7r+l (H) (t (H)/(t (H) is torsion-free of finite rank. Then H has a characteristic subgroup C of class at most r + t with H / C torsion-free of finite rank.

P r o o f. There is a free subgroup U (t (H)/(t (H) of ~r+ 1 (H) (t (H)/(t (H) of the same finite rank, freely generated by a finite set of elements of the form [[sl,s2] . . . . . Sr+l] ( t(H). The set J of elements s, obtained in this way is certainly finite. Let h be any element of H and v i s J ( 1 _-__ i - r ) . The mapping h [[h, Vl], ..., vr] ( t (H) is a homomorphism of H into )~r+l (H) ( t (H)/ ( t (H) . Let K be its kernel. Thus H/K is abelian of finite rank.

Consider L =(h ~ H:[[h, vl] . . . . . v~] s ( l (H) for all choices of v~ . . . . . vr from J > . Since there are only finitely many elements in J , there are only finitely many collec- tions Vl, ..., v~ and L is the intersection of finitely many groups with the same method of construction as K. So L is the intersection of finitely many normal subgroups with quotient group abelian of finite rank. So H / L is also abelian of finite rank. We shall now show that [Yr+ l (H), L] =< ~t- t (H).

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Clearly [7,.+1 (H), L] -< 7r+2 (H) - ~t(H). Let u~ (t(H) = [[Sl, $2] . . . . . Sr+l] (t(H), one of the generators of U (t (H)/(t (H). Choose any element x of L. Then

(4) [x, u,] - [x, [[sl, s2] . . . . . S~+l]] = 1-~ [Ix, Sn(l)] . . . . . s~(~+1)] ~ mod ( t - i (H) 7[~ Sr+ 1

where S,.+~ is the symmetr ic group on (1 . . . . . r + 1} and e ~ the signature of an ele- ment ~. The latter equivalence in (4) is produced by repeated use o f Hall 's com- mutator formula. Because x is in L the commuta tor [Ix, s~l)] . . . . , S~ ) ] is in ( t ( H ) and hence from (4) [x, u,] ~ ( t - t (H). So [U, L] < ( t - i (H). But H is torsion-free and so H/(t- i (H) is, and in the latter centralisers are isolated. Hence [7,.+ i (H), L] -< ( t - 1 (H).

Let C= CH(7,.+1 (H) (t-1 (H)/(t-I (H)). Thus C is character is t ic in H and contains L. So H/C is abel ian of finite rank. It is torsion-free since central isers in the torsion- free group H/(r- 1 (H) are isolated. The class of C is at most r + t.

To prove Theorem C we may assume B = (r (G). Let A be a ma x ima l abe l i an normal subgroup of G. Because G is torsion-free, G/B is too. The suppos i t ion ensures that AB/B is of finite rank. In a ni lpotent group a max ima l abe l ian normal subgroup A satisfies A = Ca(A). Since G is torsion-free the central iser of any subgroup is isolated and so our A is.

Let Go = C6(AB/B). Then G/Go is a unipotent a u t o m o r p h i s m group of the finite dimensional Q-vector space (AB/B)| So G/Go is tors ion-free of finite rank. Because A is contained in (,.+ 1 (Go) it follows that 7~+ i (Go) -<- Ca (A). But the lat ter is A. So the chain 1 <- B <- AB <- Go demonstra tes the n i lpotency class of Go to be at most 2 r + l . But B<(,.(Go) and so ?~+l(Go)(~(Go)/(~(Go) is an image of 7~+1 (Go) B/B, a subgroup of AB/B. So ~+1 (Go) (r(Go)/(~(Go) is o f finite rank. It inherits torsion-freeness from Go. So L e m m a 2 may be app l i ed and so Go has a characteristic subgroup G 1 of class at most 2 r, with Go~G1 tors ion-free of finite rank. Thus Gl is normal in G and G/GI is torsion-free of f inite rank.


[1] C. J. B. BROOKES, The primitivity of group rings of soluble groups with trivial periodic radical. To appear in J. London Math. Soc,

[2] C. J. B. BROOKES and F,L A. BROWN, Primitive group rings and Noetherian rings of quotients. Preprint.

[3] K. A. BROWN, Primitive group rings of soluble groups. Arch. Math. 36,404- 413 (1981). [4] P. HALL, The Edmonton notes on nilpotent groups. London 1969. [5] A. I. MAL'CEV, On certain classes of infinite soluble groups. Mat. Sb. 28, 567-588 (1951) -

Amer. Math. Soc. Transl. (2) 2, 1-21 (1956). [6] S. MORAN, A subgroup theorem for free nilpotent groups. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 103,

495-515 (1962). [7] D.J.S. ROBINSON, Finiteness conditions and generahsed soluble groups, Vol. II. Berlin 1972.

Anschrift der Autoren: C. J. B. Brookes Corpus Christi College Cambridge Great Britain

Emgegangen am21.7.1984

H. Hemeken Mathematisches Institut der Universit~it Wtirzburg Am Hubland D-8700 Wfirzburg