Localizations at infinity of operators and applications Vladimir Georgescu CNRS / University of Cergy-Pontoise 2010 (CNRS / University of Cergy-Pontoise) Localizations at infinity December 5, 2010 1 / 43

Localizations at infinity of operators and applications · 2012. 10. 15. · Localizations at infinity of operators and applications Vladimir Georgescu CNRS / University of Cergy-Pontoise

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  • Localizations at infinity of operators and applications

    Vladimir Georgescu

    CNRS / University of Cergy-Pontoise


    (CNRS / University of Cergy-Pontoise) Localizations at infinity December 5, 2010 1 / 43

  • Introduction/1

    I H = self-adjoint operator on H⇒ the localization at infinity of H is Ĥ = H/K (H)

    I An ”abstract operator” which describes the behavior at infinity of H.

    I Observable affiliated to the Calkin algebra C(H) := L(H)/K (H) (which is a monster).

    I Operation which does not make sense at a purely Hilbertian level.

    I The simplest thing one can do with it: compute the essential spectrum of H: Spess(H) = Sp(Ĥ )

    I More: prove the Mourre estimate for H w.r.t. a second self-adjoint operator A.

    I The main difficulty is to obtain a convenient (explicit) representation of the ”abstract” object Ĥ

    i.e. to construct a new Hilbert space Ĥ and a realization of Ĥ as a self-adjoint operator on it.

    I The idea is to try to find a C∗-algebra C ⊂ L(H) such that

    (1) H ∈′ C (2) K (H) ⊂ C (3) Ĉ := C /K (H) is explicitly realized on some Hilbert Ĥ

    I Think about representing a region of a complicated topological manifold with the help of a coordinate chart.

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  • Introduction/1

    I H = self-adjoint operator on H⇒ the localization at infinity of H is Ĥ = H/K (H)

    I An ”abstract operator” which describes the behavior at infinity of H.

    I Observable affiliated to the Calkin algebra C(H) := L(H)/K (H) (which is a monster).

    I Operation which does not make sense at a purely Hilbertian level.

    I The simplest thing one can do with it: compute the essential spectrum of H: Spess(H) = Sp(Ĥ )

    I More: prove the Mourre estimate for H w.r.t. a second self-adjoint operator A.

    I The main difficulty is to obtain a convenient (explicit) representation of the ”abstract” object Ĥ

    i.e. to construct a new Hilbert space Ĥ and a realization of Ĥ as a self-adjoint operator on it.

    I The idea is to try to find a C∗-algebra C ⊂ L(H) such that

    (1) H ∈′ C (2) K (H) ⊂ C (3) Ĉ := C /K (H) is explicitly realized on some Hilbert Ĥ

    I Think about representing a region of a complicated topological manifold with the help of a coordinate chart.

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  • Introduction/2

    I What can go wrong if C is not well chosen: Let H without eigenvalues andI C∗(H) = C∗-algebra generated by HI C := K (H) + C∗(H) = smallest C∗-algebra to which H is affiliated and contains the compactsI the sum C = K (H) + C∗(H) is direct hence C/K (H) = C∗(H) hence Ĥ = H and Ĥ = H so

    Spess(H) = Sp(H) which is true but trivial.

    I Example of good choice: in the one dimensional anisotropic case

    I We are interested in H = P2 + V (x) with limx→±∞ V (x) = V±I We take C := C(R) · C∗(R)I We get Ĥ = (P2 + V−)⊕ (P2 + V+), Spess(H) = [min(V−,V+),∞[

    I In general: instead of studying an operator H, study a C∗-algebra C .

    The choice of C is determined by the algebraic structure of H: try to find the smallest algebrato which certain ”elementary Hamiltonians” are affiliated. At the end use various affiliationcriteria to prove that the Hamiltonian which is of interest is affiliated to C .

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  • Introduction/2

    I What can go wrong if C is not well chosen: Let H without eigenvalues andI C∗(H) = C∗-algebra generated by HI C := K (H) + C∗(H) = smallest C∗-algebra to which H is affiliated and contains the compactsI the sum C = K (H) + C∗(H) is direct hence C/K (H) = C∗(H) hence Ĥ = H and Ĥ = H so

    Spess(H) = Sp(H) which is true but trivial.

    I Example of good choice: in the one dimensional anisotropic case

    I We are interested in H = P2 + V (x) with limx→±∞ V (x) = V±I We take C := C(R) · C∗(R)I We get Ĥ = (P2 + V−)⊕ (P2 + V+), Spess(H) = [min(V−,V+),∞[

    I In general: instead of studying an operator H, study a C∗-algebra C .

    The choice of C is determined by the algebraic structure of H: try to find the smallest algebrato which certain ”elementary Hamiltonians” are affiliated. At the end use various affiliationcriteria to prove that the Hamiltonian which is of interest is affiliated to C .

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  • Introduction/2

    I What can go wrong if C is not well chosen: Let H without eigenvalues andI C∗(H) = C∗-algebra generated by HI C := K (H) + C∗(H) = smallest C∗-algebra to which H is affiliated and contains the compactsI the sum C = K (H) + C∗(H) is direct hence C/K (H) = C∗(H) hence Ĥ = H and Ĥ = H so

    Spess(H) = Sp(H) which is true but trivial.

    I Example of good choice: in the one dimensional anisotropic case

    I We are interested in H = P2 + V (x) with limx→±∞ V (x) = V±I We take C := C(R) · C∗(R)I We get Ĥ = (P2 + V−)⊕ (P2 + V+), Spess(H) = [min(V−,V+),∞[

    I In general: instead of studying an operator H, study a C∗-algebra C .

    The choice of C is determined by the algebraic structure of H: try to find the smallest algebrato which certain ”elementary Hamiltonians” are affiliated. At the end use various affiliationcriteria to prove that the Hamiltonian which is of interest is affiliated to C .

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  • Notations, DefinitionsI H = Hilbert space⇒ L(H) = bounded operators, K (H) = compact operators

    I H ∈ L(H)⇒ Ĥ = its image in C(H) = L(H)/K (H)

    I C ⊂ L(H) C∗-subalgebra with K (H) ⊂ C then Ĉ := C /K (H) = abstract C∗-algebra

    I An unbounded self-adjoint operator is identifed with its C0 functional calculus. More generally:

    I An observable affiliated to a C∗-algebra C is a morphism H : Co(R)→ C . Write H ∈′ C .

    Thus for a usual self-adjoint operator we have to set H(θ) ≡ θ(H) for θ ∈ Co(R).

    I P : C → C ′ morphism⇒ P(H) := P ◦ H observable affiliated to C ′.

    I A self-adjoint operator H on H is affiliated to C if it satisfies

    (H − z)−1 ∈ C for some z(⇐⇒ θ(H) ∈ C ∀θ ∈ C0(R)

    )I H self-adjoint onH⇒ C∗(H) = smallest C∗-algebra which contains all ϕ(H), ϕ ∈ Co(R).

    I X = f.d.r. vector space: C(X) ≡ Cub (X) = C∗-algebra of bounded uniformly continuous functions

    I Co(X) = continuous functions which tend to zero at infinity⊂ C(X)I C∞(X) = continuous functions which have a limit at infinity = Co(X) + C ⊂ C(X)

    I Y ⊂ X subspace⇒ Co(X/Y ) ⊂ C(X)(ϕ 7→ ϕ ◦ πY where πY : X → X/Y projection

    )I C∗(X) = group C∗-algebra = algebra generated by translations∼= Co(X∗) = {ϕ(P) | ϕ ∈ Co(X∗)}

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  • Hamiltonian and conjugate operator

    I H,A = self-adjoint operators on H with H of class1 C1u (A). ThenI A(H) := [H, iA] continuous sesquilinear form on D(H)

    I θ ∈ Cc(R), ψ ∈ C∞c (R) and ψ(x)θ(x) = xθ(x)⇒

    θ(H)∗[H, iA]θ(H) = ∂τ |τ=0θ(H)∗e−iτAψ(H)eiτAθ(H)

    I ρAH : R→]−∞,+∞] lower semicontinuous, Sp(H) = {ρ

  • A C*-algebra framework for the Mourre estimate

    I C a C∗-algebra of operators on H such that K (H) ⊂ C

    I Ĉ = C /K (H) “abstract” C∗-algebra; P : C → Ĉ natural morphism

    I Uτ [S] = eτA[S] = e−iτASeiτA is a norm continuous group of automorphisms of C

    I Û τ = eτ induced group of automorphisms of Ĉ

    I H observable affiliated to C of class C1u (A) =⇒ ρ̂ H is well defined

    I Ĥ = P(H) affiliated to Ĉ of class C1u (Â ) =⇒ ρĤ is well defined

    I We have ρ̂ H = ρĤ

    Remark: When Ĉ is represented on Ĥ the group of automorphisms Û τ is usually implemented bya unitary group Û τ = eiτ Â which is simpler than the initial Uτ = eiτA.

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  • Exceptional eigenvalues, critical points, thresholds

    Theorem: (ρ and ρ̂ coincide except at A-exceptional eigenvalues)

    I λ = eigenvalue of H, ρ̂ AH (λ) > 0⇒ λ has finite multiplicity and H has no other eigenvaluesin [λ− ε, λ+ ε] for ε small

    I let �A(H) = {λ = eigenvalue of H | ρ̂ AH (λ) > 0}, then

    ρAH (λ) =

    {0 if λ ∈ �A(H),

    ρ̂ AH (λ) if λ /∈ �A(H).

    I Define

    κA(H) = {ρAH ≤ 0} = (closed) set of A-critical points of H

    τA(H) = {ρ̂ AH ≤ 0} = (closed) set of A-thresholds of H

    ThenκA(H) = τA(H) t �A(H) = τA(H) ∪ { eigenvalues of H}

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  • Computing ρ and ρ̂ : elementary facts

    I Theorem (stability under compact perturbation):

    H1,H2 ∈ C1u (A) and (H1 − i)−1 − (H2 − i)−1 ∈ K (H) =⇒ ρ̂ AH1 = ρ̂AH2

    I This solves the problem in the ”two-body” case: then, given H, there are compactperturbations H0 of H which are very simple, in particular ρ̂ AH0 is explicit.

    I Theorem (direct sums): H = H1 ⊕H2

    H = H1 ⊕ H2 and A = A1 ⊕ A2 ⇒ ρ = inf(ρ1, ρ2)

    I Theorem (tensor products): H = H1 ⊗H2

    If H = H1 ⊗ 1 + 1⊗ H2 and A = A1 ⊗ 1 + 1⊗ A2 then

    ρ(λ) = infλ=λ1+λ2

    (ρ1(λ1) + ρ2(λ2)


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  • C*-algebras of quantum Hamiltonians

    I We shall consider four examplesI One dimensional anisotropic systems (toy model)

    I N-body systems

    I Many-body systems

    I Quantum fields

    I In each case we construct C as the C∗-algebra generated by the operators which are naturalHamiltonians in the respective physical situation.

    I We shall see that these algebras are remarkable mathematical objects:

    I Theorem: X = f.d.r. vector space (configuration space).

    Let h : X∗ → R (kinetic energy) be continuous and divergent at infinity.Let v : X → R (potential energy) be bounded and uniformly continuous.Let C∗(v) be the C∗-algebra generated by the translates of v .

    Let Wξ = ei(kQ+xP), ξ = (x, k).

    The C∗-algebra of operators on L2(X) generated by the self-adjoint operators

    W∗ξ [h(P) + λv(Q)]Wξ ≡ h(P − k) + λv(Q + x) with k ∈ X∗, x ∈ X , λ ∈ R

    is the crossed product C∗(v) o X = C∗(v) · C∗(X)

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  • C*-algebras of quantum Hamiltonians

    I We shall consider four examplesI One dimensional anisotropic systems (toy model)

    I N-body systems

    I Many-body systems

    I Quantum fields

    I In each case we construct C as the C∗-algebra generated by the operators which are naturalHamiltonians in the respective physical situation.

    I We shall see that these algebras are remarkable mathematical objects:

    I Theorem: X = f.d.r. vector space (configuration space).

    Let h : X∗ → R (kinetic energy) be continuous and divergent at infinity.Let v : X → R (potential energy) be bounded and uniformly continuous.Let C∗(v) be the C∗-algebra generated by the translates of v .

    Let Wξ = ei(kQ+xP), ξ = (x, k).

    The C∗-algebra of operators on L2(X) generated by the self-adjoint operators

    W∗ξ [h(P) + λv(Q)]Wξ ≡ h(P − k) + λv(Q + x) with k ∈ X∗, x ∈ X , λ ∈ R

    is the crossed product C∗(v) o X = C∗(v) · C∗(X)

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  • 2-body systemsI 2-body algebra: algebra which is naturally represented on the same Hilbert space H as C .

    More precisely: C = D + K (H) where D ⊂ L(H) is a C∗-algebra with D ∩ K (H) = 0;then the sum is topologically direct, C is a C∗-algebra, and Ĉ ∼= D .

    I As explained before, this is not a good notion.

    I 2-body algebra of a vector space

    I X = f.d.r. vector space,H = L2(X), K (X) = K (L2(X))I C∞(X) = continuous functions which have a limit at infinity = Co(X) + C ⊂ C(X)I The associated 2-body algebra:

    C := C∞(X) o X = C∞(X) · C∗(X) = C · C∗(X) + Co(X) · C∗(X)

    = C∗(X) + K (X)

    I 2-body Hamiltonian: H = self-adjoint operator on L2(X) such that

    ∃h : X∗ → R continuous divergent at infinity with (H + i)−1 − (h(P) + i)−1 = compact

    I (1) C = C∗(X) + K (X) onH = L2(X) ; (2) Ĉ = C∗(X) on Ĥ = H ; (3) Ĥ = h(P)

    I ρ̂ AH = ρ̂Ah(P) = ρ

    Ah(P) because h(P) has no eigenvalues of finite multiplicity.

    I Note: H ∈ C1u (A)⇔ [A, (H + i)−1] ∈ C

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  • 2-body systemsI 2-body algebra: algebra which is naturally represented on the same Hilbert space H as C .

    More precisely: C = D + K (H) where D ⊂ L(H) is a C∗-algebra with D ∩ K (H) = 0;then the sum is topologically direct, C is a C∗-algebra, and Ĉ ∼= D .

    I As explained before, this is not a good notion.

    I 2-body algebra of a vector space

    I X = f.d.r. vector space,H = L2(X), K (X) = K (L2(X))I C∞(X) = continuous functions which have a limit at infinity = Co(X) + C ⊂ C(X)I The associated 2-body algebra:

    C := C∞(X) o X = C∞(X) · C∗(X) = C · C∗(X) + Co(X) · C∗(X)

    = C∗(X) + K (X)

    I 2-body Hamiltonian: H = self-adjoint operator on L2(X) such that

    ∃h : X∗ → R continuous divergent at infinity with (H + i)−1 − (h(P) + i)−1 = compact

    I (1) C = C∗(X) + K (X) onH = L2(X) ; (2) Ĉ = C∗(X) on Ĥ = H ; (3) Ĥ = h(P)

    I ρ̂ AH = ρ̂Ah(P) = ρ

    Ah(P) because h(P) has no eigenvalues of finite multiplicity.

    I Note: H ∈ C1u (A)⇔ [A, (H + i)−1] ∈ C

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  • One dimensional anisotropic systems

    I ¯ = [−∞,+∞], C(R̄) = set of continuous functions which have finite limits at ±∞.

    I Compute C(R̄)/Co(R): if L±(v) := limx→±∞ v(x) then L± : C(R̄)→ C are morphisms, hence

    L := (L−, L+) : C(R̄)→ C⊕ C is a morphism, and clearly ker L = Co(R). Thus

    C(R̄)/Co(R) ∼= C⊕ C isomorphism implemented by the morphism L : C(R)→ C⊕ C

    I Hamiltonian algebra: C = C(R̄) o R = C(R̄) · C∗(R) realized on H = L2(R)I C ⊃ K = K (L2(R)) = Co(R) · C∗(R)I L± induce morphisms P± : C → C∗(R) by the rule P±[ϕ(Q)ψ(P)] = L±(ϕ)ψ(P)

    I Ĉ = C/K ⊂ C∗(R)⊕ C∗(R) implemented by the morphism P = (P−,P+)

    I Ĉ is realized on Ĥ = H⊕H

    I H ∈′ C ⇒ P[H] = H− ⊕ H+ with H± = P±[H] ∈′ C∗(R).

    I Spess(H) = Sp(H−) ∪ Sp(H+).

    I For ”reasonable” A we get ρ̂ AH = inf(ρA−H−, ρ


    ) which is quite explicit because H± arefunctions of momentum

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  • One dimensional anisotropic systems

    I ¯ = [−∞,+∞], C(R̄) = set of continuous functions which have finite limits at ±∞.

    I Compute C(R̄)/Co(R): if L±(v) := limx→±∞ v(x) then L± : C(R̄)→ C are morphisms, hence

    L := (L−, L+) : C(R̄)→ C⊕ C is a morphism, and clearly ker L = Co(R). Thus

    C(R̄)/Co(R) ∼= C⊕ C isomorphism implemented by the morphism L : C(R)→ C⊕ C

    I Hamiltonian algebra: C = C(R̄) o R = C(R̄) · C∗(R) realized on H = L2(R)I C ⊃ K = K (L2(R)) = Co(R) · C∗(R)I L± induce morphisms P± : C → C∗(R) by the rule P±[ϕ(Q)ψ(P)] = L±(ϕ)ψ(P)

    I Ĉ = C/K ⊂ C∗(R)⊕ C∗(R) implemented by the morphism P = (P−,P+)

    I Ĉ is realized on Ĥ = H⊕H

    I H ∈′ C ⇒ P[H] = H− ⊕ H+ with H± = P±[H] ∈′ C∗(R).

    I Spess(H) = Sp(H−) ∪ Sp(H+).

    I For ”reasonable” A we get ρ̂ AH = inf(ρA−H−, ρ


    ) which is quite explicit because H± arefunctions of momentum

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  • N-body systems (ABM+VG 1991+1993)

    I X = real finite dimensional vector space

    I Y ⊂ X linear subspace⇒ natural embedding Co(X/Y ) ⊂ Cub (X) (ϕ 7→ ϕ ◦ πY )

    I T = set of subspaces of X

    I S = set of finite intersections of elements of T

    I CX (S) :=∑c

    Y∈S C0(X/Y ) = C∗-algebra generated by⋃

    Y∈T C0(X/Y )

    I The C∗-algebra of operators on L2(X) generated by the operators

    h(P − k) + v(Q) with k ∈ X∗, v ∈∑

    Y∈T C∞c (X/Y )

    is the crossed product CX = CX (S) := CX (S) o X = CX (S) · C∗(X)

    I CX (S) =∑c

    Y∈S Co(X/Y ) o X ≡∑c

    Y∈S CX (Y )

    I If we set CX (Y ) := Co(X/Y ) o X = Co(X/Y ) · C∗(X) then we haveI∑

    Y∈S CX (Y ) is a direct linear sumI CX (Y )CX (Z ) ⊂ CX (Y ∩ Z )

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  • Lattice of partitions of a 4-body system

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  • C∗-algebras graded by semilattices

    I Semilattice: ordered set (S,≤) such that σ ∧ τ exists ∀σ, τ

    I C = S-graded C∗-algebra if a linearly independent family of C∗-subalgebras {C (σ)}σ∈S ofC is given such that

    I∑cσ∈S C (σ) = C

    I C (σ)C (τ) ⊂ C (σ ∧ τ) ∀σ, τ

    I C≥σ :=∑cτ≥σ C (τ) (graded) C


    I C 6≥σ :=∑cτ 6≥σ C (τ) (graded) ideal

    I C = C≥σ + C6≥σ linear direct sum

    I P≥σ : C → C≥σ projection determined by this direct sum decomposition

    I P≥σ is a morphism

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  • C∗-algebras graded by semilattices

    I Semilattice: ordered set (S,≤) such that σ ∧ τ exists ∀σ, τ

    I C = S-graded C∗-algebra if a linearly independent family of C∗-subalgebras {C (σ)}σ∈S ofC is given such that

    I∑cσ∈S C (σ) = C

    I C (σ)C (τ) ⊂ C (σ ∧ τ) ∀σ, τ

    I C≥σ :=∑cτ≥σ C (τ) (graded) C


    I C 6≥σ :=∑cτ 6≥σ C (τ) (graded) ideal

    I C = C≥σ + C6≥σ linear direct sum

    I P≥σ : C → C≥σ projection determined by this direct sum decomposition

    I P≥σ is a morphism

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  • Abstract HVZ Theorem

    S is atomic if ∃ o ≡ minS and each σ 6= o is minorated by an atom; P(S) = set of atoms of S.

    TheoremIf S is atomic then PT = (P≥αT )α∈P(S) defines a morphism

    P : C →∏α∈P(S)C≥α such that ker P = C (o)

    This gives us a canonical embedding

    C /C (o) ⊂∏α∈P(S)C≥α

    Corollary (Abstract HVZ Theorem)

    Assume that C ⊂ L(H) and C (o) = K (H). If H ∈′ C and if we set Hα = Pα(H) then

    Spess(H) =⋃α∈P(S)Sp(Hα)

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  • Many-body systems (M.Damak, VG: Spectral analysis of many-body systems JFA 259 (2010) 618–689)

    I S = set of finite dimensional compatible real vector spaces equipped with translation invariantmeasures and such that: X ,Y ∈ S =⇒ X ∩ Y ∈ S (compatible⇔ subspaces of a real vector space)

    I X ∈ S is the configuration spaces of an N-body system: SX = {Y ∈ S | Y ⊂ X}

    I If O = {0} ∈ S then H(O) = C = vacuum state space

    I The formalism will provide a mathematical framework for the description of the systemobtained by coupling these subsystems

    I The Hilbert space of the X system is: H(X) ≡ L2(X)

    I Hilbert space of the total system: H ≡ HS = ⊕XH(X)

    I LXY = L(H(Y ),H(X)), KXY = K (H(Y ),H(X))I LX = LXX , KX = KXXI T ∈ L(H)⇒ T ∼= (TXY )X ,Y∈S with TXY ∈ LXY

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  • Man-body Hamiltonian algebra

    I Let X ,Y ∈ S. If Z is a space with X ∪ Y ⊂ Z and ϕ ∈ Cc(Z ) then

    (TXY (ϕ)u)(x) =∫

    Yϕ(x − y)u(y)dy

    defines a continuous operator TXY (ϕ) : H(Y )→H(X).

    I TXY = closure in LXY of the set of operators TXY (ϕ)

    This space is independent of the choice of Z and

    TXX ≡ C∗(X) = group C∗-algebra of X .

    I T = (TXY )X ,Y∈S ⊂ L(H) closed self-adjoint subspace (closure of finite submatrices).

    I Theorem: C = T 2 is a C∗-algebra

    I Definition: C is the Hamiltonian algebra of the system.

    I TheoremI Assume that the ambient space is a real Hilbert spaceI Denote X/Y = X (X ∩ Y ) and KX/Z,Y/Z = K (H(Y/Z ),H(X/Z ))I Then CXY = CX∩Y ⊗KX/Y ,Y/X

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  • N-body → Many-body

    I For each X we have an N-body algebra on H(X):

    CX := CX · C∗(X) =∑c

    Y⊂X CX (Y ) with CX (Y ) = Co(X/Y ) · C∗(X)

    I These algebras are on the diagonal of C i.e. CXX = CX

    I The non-diagonal spaces CXY = CX · TXY are Hilbert (CX ,CY )-bimodules

    I If S has a largest element X : C = imprimitivity algebra of a graded full Hilbert CX -module

    I The components of the quotient CX/CX (O) live and are non-degenerate algebras on H(X);this is why you do not see a change of Hilbert space in the N-body case

    I Not for the many-body system: C≥X lives (non-degenerate) on H≥X = ⊕Y⊃XH(Y ) ( H

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  • Elementary many-body Hamiltonians: Pauli-Fierz

    I Here assume that S is finite and for each Y ⊂ X choose a complement X/Y in X

    I X = X/Y ⊕ Y ⇒H(X) = H(X/Y )⊗H(Y )

    I θ ∈ H(X/Y )⇒ a∗(θ) : H(Y )→H(X) defined by u 7→ θ ⊗ u

    I ΦXY ⊂ LXY the set of such operators

    I ΦXY := Φ∗YX if Y ⊃ X and ΦXY := 0 if X ,Y not comparable

    I ΦXY · C∗(Y ) = C∗(X) · ΦXY = CXY if X ,Y are comparable

    I Φ = (ΦXY )X ,Y∈S ⊂ L(H) closed self-adjoint subspace

    I Pauli-Fierz Hamiltonian: H = K + φ with K ∈ ⊕X hX (P) pure kinetic energy and φ ∈ Φsymmetric ”field operator”

    Theorem: The C∗-algebra generated by the Pauli-Fierz operators coincides with C

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  • Non-relativistic many-body Hamiltonians

    I Tensor factorizations:

    I The ambient space is Hilbert, i.e. the X are equipped with compatible Euclidean structures

    I X ∈ S ⇒ S/X = {Y/X | Y ⊃ X} is a semilattice of subspaces of the same Hilbert space

    I So CS/X may be constructed and is similar to C but it lives on the smaller Hilbert spaceH≥XI H≥X = H(X)⊗HS/X and C≥X = C∗(X)⊗ CS/X

    I Non-relativistic many-body Hamiltonian of type S: (S finite)

    I self-adjoint bounded from below operator onH (strictly) affiliated to C = CSI ∀X ∃HS/X onH≥X s.t. H≥X ≡P≥X (H) = ∆X ⊗ 1 + 1⊗ HS/XI X = maxS ⇒ HS/X = 0 (Remark: HS/maxS = H(O) = C)

    I Example: K = ⊕X ∆X and IXY (Z ) = 1⊗ IZXY

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  • Non-relativistic many-body: Mourre estimateI Conjugate operator:

    I D = ⊕X DX , DX = (QX · PX + PX · QX )/4

    I Uτ = eıτD (the dilation group)⇒ U∗τCUτ = C

    I H = non-relativistic⇒ τ(H) :=⋃

    X 6=Oev(HS/X ) threshold set

    I A ⊂ R⇒ NA(λ) := sup{x ∈ A | x ≤ λ}. Thus NA : R→ [−∞,+∞[

    Theorem: H = non-relativistic many-body Hamiltonian with [D, (H + i)−1] ∈ C . Then:

    τ(H) is a closed countable set and ρ̂ (λ) = λ−Nτ(H)(λ). Hence ρ̂ (λ) > 0 outside τ(H).

    Sketch of proof: Write X = σ, H≥X = Hσ , ρσ = ρHσ , P = set of atoms of S

    I Ĉ ⊂⊕σ∈P Cσ Ĥ =

    ⊕σ∈P Hσ ρ̂ H = infσ∈P ρσ

    I Hσ = ∆X ⊗ 1 + 1⊗ HS/σ ρσ(λ) = infµ(ρ∆X (µ) + ρS/σ(λ− µ)

    I ρ∆X (µ) = +∞ if µ < 0 and ρ∆X (µ) = µ if µ ≥ 0

    I ρ = l.s.c. Hence for σ > o: ρσ(λ) = 0⇔ ρS/σ(λ)⇔ λ ∈ τHS/σ (induction hypothesis)

    I Thus ρ̂ H (λ) = 0⇔ ∃σ ∈ P such that λ ∈ τHS/σ

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  • Quantum fields (VG: Spectral analysis of quantum field Hamiltonians JFA 245 (2007) 89–143)

    I H = complex Hilbert space (one particle space)

    I Γ(H) = symmetric or antisymmetric Fock space

    I O ⊂ L(H) abelian C∗-algebra with Os∩ K (H)={0}(h = h∗ ∈′ O one-particle kinetic energy operators; dΓ(h) kinetic energy operators of the field)

    I The algebra of QFH determined by O:

    F (O)=C∗(eiφ(u)Γ(A) |u∈H,A∈O, ‖A‖

  • Quantum fields: Elementary and Standard Hamiltonians

    I Kinetic energy of the field: dΓ(h) if the one-particle kinetic energy is h = h∗ ∈′ O

    I Elementary QFI: V = V∗ =∫H e

    iφ(u)dµ(u), µ = bounded measure

    I Elementary QFH: H = dΓ(h) + V with h ≥ m > 0, h−1 ∈ O; V = elementary QFI

    Proposition: If O is non-degenerate on H then F (O) is the C∗-algebragenerated by the elementary QFH and the “canonical morphism” P ischaracterized by:

    H = dΓ(h) + V elementary ⇒ P(H) = h ⊗ 1 + 1⊗ H

    Or, equivalently: P(e−H ) = e−h ⊗ e−H .

    I Standard QF Hamiltonian: H = H∗ on Γ(H) is a SQFH if:

    I H is bounded from below and affiliated to F (O)

    I ∃ h ∈′ O self-adjoint onH with inf h = m > 0 such that P(H) = h ⊗ 1 + 1⊗ H

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  • Quantum fields: essential spectrum of QFH

    I QFH of type O := observable H affiliated to F (O) =⇒

    I Ĥ := P(H) observable affiliated to O ⊗F (O) ∼= C0(Sp(O); F (O)) =⇒

    I Ĥ ∼= {Ĥ (k)}k∈Sp(O) with Ĥ (k) sadj ops on Γ(H)

    I Proposition: Then Spess(H) = Sp(P(H)) =⋃

    k Sp(Ĥ (k))

    I Proposition: If H is a SQFH with one particle kinetic energy h:

    (i) Spess(H) = Sp(h) + Sp(H)(

    Hence Spess(H) = [m + inf H,∞[ if Sp(h) = [m,∞[)

    (ii) inf H is an eigenvalue of H of finite multiplicity and isolated from the rest of the spectrum.

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  • Quantum fields: Mourre estimate, framework

    One particle conjugate operator: a = a∗ on H such that:I e−iτaOeiτa = O ∀τ

    I τ 7→ e−iτaSeiτa is norm continuous ∀S ∈ O

    Field conjugate operator: A = dΓ(a) so eiτA = Γ(eiτa). Then:

    I e−iτAF (O)eiτA = F (O)

    I τ 7→ e−iτAT eiτA is norm continuous for all T ∈ F (O).

    I if  ≡ a⊗ 1 + 1⊗ A on H⊗ Γ(H) then for all T ∈ F (O)

    P(e−iτAT eiτA) = e−iτ ÂP(T )eiτ Â

    I Thus in the general formalism we have:

    C = F (O), Uτ is implemented by eiτA, Û τ is implemented by eiτ Â

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  • Quantum fields: Mourre estimate, sketch of proof

    I H ∈′ F (O), H ≥ 0, Ĥ = h ⊗ 1 + 1⊗ H, h ≥ m > 0

    I ρ̂ H = ρĤ and ρh(x)=∞ if x

  • Quantum fields: Mourre estimate for Standard QFH

    Theorem: H = SQFH of type O with one particle kinetic energy h such that

    I h is of class C1u (a) and [h, ia] ≥ 0

    I H is of class C1u (A)

    Denote τn(h) = τ(h) + · · ·+ τ(h). Then: τ(H) =[⋃∞


    ]+ σp(H)


    I H0 = dΓ(h)⇒ τ(H0) =⋃∞


    I τ(H) = τ(H0) + σp(H)

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  • Graded Weyl algebra (ABM+VG 1993 and VG+AI 2001)I This covers N-body systems (with magnetic fields) and quantum fields.

    I Introduced in

    ABM+VG ”Graded C∗-algebras associated to symplectic spaces and spectral analysis of many channelHamiltonians” (1993)

    VG+AI ”C∗-algebras of energy observables: II. Graded symplectic algebras and magnetic Hamiltonians”(2001)

    I Independently considered (for different reasons) in

    Buchholz+Grundlingen ”The resolvent algebra: new approach to canonical quantum systems” (JFA 2008)

    I (Ξ, σ) finite dimensional symplectic space (the passage to infinite dimensions is trivial for thisalgebra). Let (W ,H) be a representation of the CCR: W (ξ)W (η) = eiσ(ξ,η)/2W (ξ + η)

    I For each integrable Borel measure on Ξ set W (µ) =∫

    Ξ W (ξ)µ(dξ)

    I For each subspace E ⊂ Ξ let C (E) be the norm closure of the space of W (µ) such thatsuppµ ⊂ E and µ is E-absolutely continuous. Then

    I C (E) is a C∗-algebraI C (E)C (F ) ⊂ C (E + F )I {C (E)}E⊂Ξ is linearly independent

    I Thus the graded Weyl algebra CΞ =∑c

    E⊂Ξ C (E) is a C∗-algebra graded by the set of all

    subspaces of Ξ equipped with the order relation E ≤ F ⇔ E ⊃ F .

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  • References

    I A.Boutet de Monvel, VG: Graded C*-algebras in the N-body problem JMP 32 (1991)3101–3110

    I A.Boutet de Monvel, VG: Graded C*-algebras associated to symplectic spaces andspectral analysis of many channel Hamiltonians (1993)

    I A.Iftimovici, VG: C∗-algebras of energy observables: II. Graded symplectic algebrasand magnetic Hamiltonians (2001)

    I A.Iftimovici, VG: Crossed products of C∗-algebras and spectral analysis of quantumHamiltonians CMP 228 (2002) 519–560

    I VG: Spectral analysis of quantum field Hamiltonians JFA 245 (2007) 89–143

    I M.Damak, VG: Spectral analysis of many-body systems JFA 259 (2010) 618–689

    I VG: On the structure of the essential spectrum of elliptic operators on metric spaces (2010)

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  • Complements

    Examples of operators affiliated to the Hamiltonian algebras:

    (1) N-body systems

    (2) Many-body systems

    (3) Quantum fields

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  • Affiliattion criteria

    I C ⊂ L(H) C∗-subalgebra

    I A self-adjoint operator H on H is affiliated to C if it satisfies

    (H − z)−1 ∈ C for some z(⇐⇒ θ(H) ∈ C ∀θ ∈ C0(R)

    )I Affiliation criteria: Let H0 ≥ 1 self-adjoint affiliated to C

    I V quadratic form with −aH0 − b ≤ V ≤ bH0 for some a < 1 and b > 0

    I H = H0 + V (form sum) is a self-adjoint operator and

    I ∃α > 1/2 such that H−α0 VH−1/20 ∈ C =⇒ H affiliated to C .

    I V self-adjoint bounded from below such that H = H0 + V is self-adjoint on D(H0) ∩ D(V )

    e−tH0 e−2tV e−tH0 ∈ C ∀t > 0 =⇒ H is affiliated to C .

    I A norm resolvent limit of self-adjoint operators affiliated to C is affiliated to C .

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  • N-body system - physical setting

    I N “elementary particles” with masses m1, . . . ,mN

    I Configuration space (center of mass ref. system, no external forces)

    X = {x = (x1, . . . , xN ) ∈ (Rd )N |∑

    k mk xk = 0}

    I 〈x |y〉 =∑N

    k=1 2mk xk yk such that ∆X ∼∑



    I Hamiltonian: H = ∆X +∑


  • N-body subsystems

    I Configuration space of the σ system:

    Xσ = {x = (xa)a∈σ ∈ (Rd )|σ| |∑

    amaxa = 0}∼= {x ∈ X | xi = xj if i, j belong to the same cluster of σ}

    gives an embedding Xσ ↪→ X

    I Equip Xσ with the scalar product induced by X :

    〈x |y〉 =∑

    a∈σ 2maxaya then ∆Xσ ∼∑



    I The set S of partitions is ordered and lower bounds exist:I σ ≤ τ ⇐⇒ τ is finer than σ

    I σ ≤ τ ⇐⇒ Xσ ⊂ XτI Xσ ∩ Xτ = Xσ∧τI S ∼= S = {Xσ | σ ∈ S} semilattice of subspaces of X

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  • The N-body C∗-algebra: physical translation invariant case

    I H = ∆X +∑


  • N-body Hamiltonians: examples

    I h : X → R continuous with c′|x |2s ≤ h(x) ≤ c′′|x |2s (some s > 0 and |x | large)

    I H(maxS) = h(P) self-adjoint on H and D(|H(X)|1/2) = Hs (Sobolev space)

    I If σ 6= maxS let H(σ) : Hs →H−s symmetric, H(σ) ≥ −µσh(P)− ν, µσ ≥ 0,∑µσ < 1

    I Then H =∑τ H(τ) and H≥σ =

    ∑τ≥σ H(τ) are self-adjoint operators on H.

    I Let t > s and ‖ · ‖s,t the norm in L(Hs,H−t ). Assume:

    (1) U∗x H(σ)Ux = H(σ) if x ∈ Xσ ;(

    Ux = translation by x)

    (2) ‖V∗k H(σ)Vk − H(σ)‖s,t → 0 if k → 0 in Xσ ;(

    Vk (x) = ei〈k,x〉)

    (3) ‖(Vk − 1)H(σ)‖s,t → 0 if k → 0 in X⊥σ .

    I Then H is affiliated to CX and H≥σ = P≥σ(H)

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  • Unfolding an N-body system

    Want to allow an N-body system to make transitions to one of its subsystems in finite time and toallow transitions between different subsystem by creation-annihilation processes as in field theory.

    I Hilbert state space of the system H := ⊕σH(Xσ).

    I State u ∈ H(Xσ)⇒ we have |σ| particles of masses ma.

    I σ = minS = {{1, . . . ,N}} ⇒ get one particle with mass M = m1 + · · ·+ mN .There are no external fields⇒ we are in the vacuum state: H(Xmin S) = C.

    I Would like to treat usual inter-cluster interactions associated e.g. to potentials defined onXσ = X/Xσ but also interactions which force the system to make a transition from a “phase”σ to a “phase” τ

    I a system of |σ| particles with masses (ma)a∈σ is tranformed into a system of |τ | particles withmasses (mb)b∈τ

    I thus the number of particles varies from 1 to N but the total mass existing in the “universe” is constantand equal to M.

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  • Many-body Hamiltonian: formal structure

    I H = (HXY )X ,Y∈S where HXY : D(HXY ) ⊂ H(Y )→H(X) and H∗XY = HYX

    I H = K + I ⇒ HXY = KXY + IXY (K = kinetic energy and I = interaction)

    I K diagonal: KXY = 0 if X 6= Y and KXX ≡ KX (kinetic energy of system X )

    I KX = hX (P) with hX : X∗ → R continuous and |hX (k)| → ∞ if k →∞

    I If S is infinite we need limX infk |hX (k)| =∞ (non-zero mass in QFT)

    I IXY =∑

    Z⊂X∩Y IXY (Z ) will reflect the N-body structures of X ,Y

    I HXX = KX + IXX Hamiltonian of system X , N-body type (N depends on X )

    I HXY = IXY for X 6= Y is the interaction between the systems X and Y

    I Simplest interaction: I ∈ M(C ). Then H = K + I is strictly affiliated to C andP≥X (H) = K≥X + P≥X (I) where K≥X = ⊕Y≥X KY

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  • Many-body Hamiltonian: example

    I Hs(X) usual Sobolev spaces

    I Assume: D(|KX |1/2) = Hs(X) and D(|KY |1/2) = Ht (Y )

    I Define IXY (Z ) by the relation

    FZ IXY (Z )F−1Z ≡∫ ⊕

    ZIZXY (k)dk

    where IZXY : Z → L(Ht (Y/Z ),H−s(X/Z )) is continuous and

    supk ‖(1 + |k |+ |PX/Z |)−s IZXY (k)(1 + |k |+ |PY/Z |)

    −t‖ 0

    IZXY (k) : Ht (Y/Z )→H−s−ε(X/Z ) is compact

    I Particular case: IXY (Z ) = 1Z ⊗ IZXY with IZXY : H

    t (Y/Z )→H−s(X/Z ) compact

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  • Many-body Hamiltonian: more on the definition of H

    I K = ⊕X KX total kinetic energy⇒ G = D(|K |1/2) its form domain

    I The matrix I(Z ) = (IXY (Z ))X ,Y∈S can be realized as a linear operator Go → G∗o where Go isthe algebraic direct sum of the spaces G(X). We require that this extend to a continuous mapI(Z ) : G → G∗

    I I(Z ) is norm limit in L(G,G∗) of its finite sub-matrices (IXY (Z ))X ,Y∈T

    I There are µZ ≥ 0 and a ≥ 0 with∑

    Z µZ < 1 such that I(Z ) ≥ −µZ |K + ia| ∀Z

    I The series∑

    Z I(Z ) ≡ I is norm summable in L(G,G∗).

    Then the Hamiltonian defined as a form sum H = K + I is a self-adjoint operator strictly affiliatedto C , we have H≥X = K≥X +

    ∑Z≥X I(Z ), and the essential spectrum of H is given by

    Spess(H) =⋃

    X∈P(S)Sp(H≥X )

    Remark:The set of self-adjoint operators affiliated to C is stable under norm resolvent limits. Theformula is valid for all such operators (H≥X less explicit).

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  • Many-body: short range many-body forces

    I H = ⊕X ∆X + (IXY )X ,Y∈S and IXY =∑

    Z⊂X∩Y IXY (Z )

    I Z ⊂ X ∩ Y ⇒ X = Z ⊕ (X/Z ) and Y = Z ⊕ (Y/Z ) hence

    H(X) = H(Z )⊗H(X/Z ) and H(Y ) = H(Z )⊗H(Y/Z )

    I IXY (Z ) = 1Z ⊗ IZXY with IZXY : H

    2(Y/Z )→H(X/Z )

    I E = (X ∩ Y )/Z =⇒ Y/Z = E ⊕ (Y/X) and X/Z = E ⊕ (X/Y )

    I (IZXY u)(x′) =

    ∫Y/X I

    ZXY (x

    ′, y ′)u(y ′)dy ′

    I X � Y = X/Y × Y/X ⇒ IZXY : X � Y → K (H2(E),H(E)) ≡ K 2(E)

    I Suffices to have IZXY ∈ L2(X � Y ; K 2(E)) for the affiliation to C

    I Short-range assumption which implies everything:(〈x ′〉r + 〈y ′〉r

    )‖IZXY (x

    ′, y ′)‖K 2(E) + ‖〈QE 〉r IZXY (x

    ′, y ′)‖K 2(E)

    is integrable for some r > 1.

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  • Quantum fields: P(ϕ)2 models

    I Here we consider only the bosonic case.I E ⊂ H is isotropic if it is a real linear subspace and =(u, v) = 0 for all u, v ∈ E . A maximal

    isotropic subspace is called Lagrangian. Fix such a space.I W (E) = Von Neumann algebra generated by the φ(u) with u ∈ EI W (E) is maximal abelian and Ω is a cyclic and separating vector. So 〈T 〉 = 〈Ω|T Ω〉 defines a

    faithful state on WI Lp(E) associated to the couple W , 〈·〉. These are spaces of unbounded operators on Γ(H)

    such that W (E) = L∞(E) ⊂ L2(E) = Γ(H) ⊂ L1(E)

    Theorem: Assume

    I H0 = dΓ(h) where h ∈′ O with inf h > 0 and h−1E ⊂ EI V ∈


  • Coupled systems

    I C1,C2 nuclear on H1,H2 and K (Hk ) ⊂ Ck

    I H = H1 ⊗H2 =⇒ C = C1 ⊗ C2 ⊂ L(H) and K (H) = K (H1)⊗ K (H2)

    I Pk : Ck → Ĉk ≡ Ck/K (Hk ) the canonical surjection

    I P ′1 = P1 ⊗ idC2 : C → Ĉ1 ⊗ C2 P′2 = idC1 ⊗ P2 : C → C1 ⊗ Ĉ2

    I Then the kernel of the next morphism is equal to K (H):

    P := P ′1 ⊕ P′2 : C →

    (Ĉ1 ⊗ C2

    )⊕(C1 ⊗ Ĉ2

    )I H ∈′ C =⇒ Ĥ 1 = P ′1(H) ∈

    ′ Ĉ1 ⊗ C2 and Ĥ 2 = P ′2(H) ∈′ C1 ⊗ Ĉ2

    I Spess(H) = Sp(Ĥ 1) ∪ Sp(Ĥ 2)

    I Example: Field coupled with a “confined system” (e.g. Pauli-Fierz model):

    n = 2, C2 = K (H2), P ′2 = 0 =⇒ Spess(H) = Sp(Ĥ 1)

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  • Quantum fields: Positive mass Pauli-Fierz model

    I L = Hilbert space of the confined system, K (L ) = its Hamiltonian algebraI H = Γ(H)⊗L = Hilbert space of the total systemI F (O,L ) = F (O)⊗ K (L ) = Hamiltonian algebra of the coupled system:

    F (O,L )/K (H) ↪→ O⊗F (O,L )

    I H = dΓ(h)⊗ 1 + 1⊗ L + φ(v) ≡ H0 + φ(v) total Hamiltonian such that:

    (1) h ∈′ O with inf h > 0 (2) L positive with purely discrete spectrum

    (3) v : D(L1/2)→ D(h1/2)∗ ⊗L with limr→∞ ‖(h−1/2 ⊗ 1)v(L + r)−1/2‖ < 1.

    (4) (h + L)−αv(L + 1)−1/2 and (h + L)−1/2v(L + 1)−α are compact if α > 1/2.

    (1) H ∈′ F (O,L ) and is a standard QFH with h as one particle kinetic energy(2) σess(H) = σ(h) + σ(H)(3) A = dΓ(a)⊗ 1; H of class C1u (A) and h of class C1u (a) with [h, ia] ≥ 0 =⇒

    τ(H) =[⋃∞


    ]+ σp(H)

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